Why do these two fanbases hate each other when they were conceived by the same person?

Why do these two fanbases hate each other when they were conceived by the same person?

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They don't. Most people want a DMC x Bayo crossover game. You're probably just listening to obvious shitposters/falseflaggers

because they're on different consoles, and those consoles just so happened to be the 2 consoles that hate each other the most

DMC Fags are jealous that Bayonetta gets more praise & attention then DMC ever will. And by the fact that Dante will never be in Smash

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wasn't bayo multiplat?

Beehive Bayo > short hair Bayo

How many of you guys even know Kamiya posted here out of appreciation for his fans.

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>caring about smash
I like both btw

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Ocarina, Chrono Cross, SoulCalibur & Mario Galaxy are the only ones on here that deserve 10/10s

Yes, Bayonetta 1 (the best one) is multiplatform. It was originally going to be 360 exclusive but SEGA did a last minute port to PS3. That's why the PS3 port is so infamous for being garbage.

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that was pretty cool, way better than thanking his "australian fans" lol

Bayonetta 1 is the one that deserves the 10/10. Bayo 2 is better for one playthrough because no QTEs then it falls behind drastically because the actual gameplay is fucked.

You think these two would get along? They'd probably do pretty well as tag-team partners given both go in for over-the-top combat styles but would they enjoy each other's company when they aren't in a fight? I mean Bayonetta's got pretty high-class tastes while Dante's kind of a grungy, cheap guy. Would Bayonetta approve of wacky woohoo pizza time?

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She's like Dante just for his power level alone

it's falseflaggers.

>play bayo 1
>it looks great
>move on to bayo 2 on switch
>jaggies out the ass, not even 1080p

That left a pretty bad taste in my mouth for the series overall, I couldn't even finish 2 on account of how terrible it looks.

That's why Bayo is so bittersweet for me. I'm glad Nintendo saved it but also mad it's forever stuck on their dogshit hardware.

Glad I'm not alone on that one. I'm not even a huge graphics whore but holy fuck does 2 look like absolute shit.

They don't you're just a moron who pays too much attention to shitposting on Yea Forums where any retard can pretend they played any game.

>Why do these two fanbases hate each other when they were conceived by the same person?
They don't. It's Nintenbros and consolefags, not actual fans.

I dunno, why are you making up lies about fanbases when you were conceived by a cankerous whore?

because Bayonetta isn't a handsome Sparda-boy who probably has a huge cock

She probably doesn't even have a cock