Vita thread?

Vita thread.
Just picked up one of these bad boys, originally for remote play, but I want to get into the native games for it. World of Final Fantasy looks pretty nice, as does Gravity Rush.

All recommendations and general vita talk are welcome

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Love my vita but it honestly has nogames. Basically just use it for remote play, esp moonlight on CFW

But I remember back in 2016 Yea Forums would have daily vita threads, always talking about the best games for the system.

I've been using mine a lot lately too. Currently playing through Ys 8: Lacrimosa of Dana and Muramasa Rebirth. Muramasa looks gorgeous and play very well. Ys 8 however it's plain the handheld struggles to run the game. Constant fps and resolution drops.

You know, when it came out 8 years ago I was mad that it didn't have a trigger and bumpers, only having one.
8 years later, I'm still mad.

I installed wizardry 1 on it but it's not really practical to play this way

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I just got one yesterday and hacked it. I followed the vita hacks guide. Is it safe to update games like how you would normally do it, from their live screen?

Install pkgji

Don’t pay any attention to xir

Thanks never heard of that.

The only good games are killzone mercenaries and teraway

other than that the thing is useless

Try a vita thread after 11pm edt. Muricans hate the vita, we had amswitch and vita idort thread hit 500 posts last night with everyone giving suggestion and praise to both systems

So adrenaline helps PSP games run better? Is there a plugin to let vita games run better?

Stop projecting, third-worlder

Just run vita at 333mhz and it will help in a few games

Games that NEED to be played and take full advantage of the Vita system:

Persona 4 Golden
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Gravity Rush
Killzone Mercenaries
Rayman Legends
Dragon's Crown

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I bought one recently
Just playing PSP and rythm games
It looks like you can count the worth games with the fingers in your hands it doesn't take too long to look at the entire catalogue

But I already player 4 of those games

Does the latest hack for 3.70 Vita's still allow the system to be used regularly, or does it completely change the OS?

New 3ds has double shoulder buttons... Name a single game that actually uses them

What's the best shmup I can play on vita?

The difference between the two is that the 3DS wasn't designed for being able to play PS3 games on the go, which were designed with the two shoulder buttons in mind. For example, dragon's crown means you can't shortcut your weapon to a shoulder button, which matters a lot, although that's the least of DC Vita port's problems when the ungodly performance issues exist.

I do that with LOLIcon?

the last handheld with a true handheld library was the DS

In addition, the 3DS had games where it would have been really helpful to have those extra buttons (and stick for that matter), so they made the CPP for the O3DS, allowing you to have 4 shoulder buttons for games like the MGS3 port, RE Revelations, pitch/yaw for Assault Horizon Legacy, and monster hunter.

I really need to hack mine. Ever since my PSP died I been craving to beat Digimon World again

Seriously don't get this.

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Just started playing Odin Sphere a couple of days ago
Pretty damn good game so far

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I just hacked mine and discovered PKGj.
It feels so illegal to literally steal any game directly from Sony's servers.

Darius burst chronicle savior

I can't tell if I'm enjoying tearaway or not. I'm about two hours in and it seems alright but I'm not excited to keep playing

Hack it and install emulators

Pretty much only thing vita and PSP are good for.

Just found out about refood
What 3.65+ games have I missed out on

>finger lick

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At some point you just have to concede. The thing was a commercial failure and Sony did nothing to support it. Go play a PSP

the Persona dancing games?

Buying a 400+ GB micro sd card. Which is a good one to get for vita?

Only buy sandisk or samsung

I think sd2vita only supports up to 256

feel free to include ports and indie

Does anyone know if there's a way to use a legit save with a pirated game. I lost my copy of Muramasa The Demonblade.

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Seriously get pkgj and go insanely wild.

Why did FF3 never get the HD sprite treatment. I fucking hate the low poly chibi shit

I've got a 512 in my psvsd and a 400GB sd2vita, both work fine.

Anyone ever have a memory card completely die? I have. 16gb one.

Just use PKGj and download the save off PSN, I guess?

64gb are known for that as well

is upgrading an sd2vita card as simple as just copying everything over? is there something I should be aware of

Try out Death Mark, it's an under the radar title that's part horror VN and part puzzle solving. The DLC is where it hits it's stride.

P4G and P3P are on it so if you haven’t played persona this is a good way to start

Yeah when I got from my 32GB mircosd to 400GB can I just drag and drop it over?

Watch a youtube tutorial, there are some steps involved

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Rayman Origins is far Superior, I really hate the touchscreen gimick

Using a Vita is more trouble than a PSP, in spite of objectively being more versatile.

It just let you run unsigned content, like a file explorer, no block screen plugin, pirated game, but OS sitll function as always.

How so? I never owned a PSP, but installing new games is braindead easy on the Vita

Dino dini football??
Musynx and Shakedown Hawaii.

Been playing Rabi Rabi (which is excellent) and MGS1 (which is awful). What should I play after?

Rec me some games as well.
I like video games.

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Yes you can, I did that with my Persona 4G, didn't lost it but SD2Vita takes the gamecard slot...
>Hack your shit
>Go to ux0:User...
>Find Saves folder and look for the code or you game
>Copy that folder to a secure location
>Delete the bubble of your game
>Download/Pirate the game
>Open it/Close it
>Paste the backup of the save on the same location
>Open your game again and cotinue

Didn't want to hack? Pay PS Plus and backup your save on the cloud, bought the digital game, download the backup.

my standards aren't bad enough to recommend you something, sorry. you might try "generic weebshit #3,012"

>MGS1 (which is awful)
Try eating shit next, you might like it.

TBQH I'm only saying that because I don't really understand how Adrenaline interacts with the top-level UI and core Vita firmware.


It's just really clunky. Going to play the whole series on the recommendation of a friend.

pspemu has its own fw that you boot into to play psp or psx games. you can think of it like an emulator even though it's native

if i have a psp is it better for homebrew support because thats basically all i use my psp for these days

What can you emulate on it? GameCube/Dreamcast/ps2 games?

I'm finna boutta update Adrenaline to 6.9, haven't updated it since September of 2017

Does it still have input lag?

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nothing above snes

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oh and native psp and on top ps1

disable filters if you're getting lag

it's nice to look at but not great to play. Pretty much a typical launch game just showing off the system's hardware but doesn't have much value other than that. The back touch shit has got to be one of the worst gimmicks in vidya history too

Tried that, I still get input lag in Einhander, Pandemonium and gpSPkai.

How do you use nopaystation

Too bad, I bought the physical version already

Are you loading PSP content through Adrenaline? Or do they get their own Vita UI bubbles?

Already had a Vita but the last week hacked a PSTV on 3.69 I've boughted a few months ago.
The PSVita games looks well, and for PSX, Retroarch was a better option than the native emulator from Adrenaline, besides the resolution GTA Plugin there's another one or a global one?
Imagine than being connected I can oberclock the shit of it without worry for the battery.
And the ethernet remote play (after use relink) works 1:1

wait, I can turn OFF graphics filtering? I only have options for Original, Bilinear, Sharp Bilinear, Advanced aa and LCD3x. wat?

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Through adrenaline, like it's an emulator
I guess you can do it the other way too but eh

You’re retarded, I’ve heard of people emulating GameCube games on their hacked vita. The PSP can emulate N64 somewhat decently so it wouldn’t be out of the question that a vita could emulate GameCube games

>FO4 on Vita
Fuck off

>You’re retarded, I’ve heard of people emulating GameCube games on their hacked vita.
you're >that kid

Once again, the psp which is considerably weaker than the vita can emulate N64 games.

>I’ve heard of people emulating GameCube games on their hacked vita.

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hate to be that guy but you have no idea how emulation works and need to stop embarassing yourself

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rayman legends with its touchscreen gimmick sucks massive dick though

Well, technically you can stream it to your Vita with moonlight, but...
>playing FO4 to begin with

That’s gay, I’m not going to bother picking one of these things up then. May as well just use my psp

Yes PSP can, but Vita isn'y nearly as poweful as GCube, and even if it can, nobody cares about Vita there's not a dev interested enough to port Dolphin to it, because it just can't run.
I really expect this is bait and you aren't that stupid.

In other hand using Moonlight you can RemotePlay even Wii U games on your Vita.

>tfw lost my Rayman Legends cart and am too much of a brainlet to install actual vita games on my hacked system

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please remove yourself from Yea Forums

I'm removing myself from life on the 1st

The Vita is probably a little more powerful than a GC but the thing is, you need massive performance overheads. People see ports and assume that's basically the same thing, for some unholy reason. Natively executing code is far easier than trying to run code for another system through an emulator.

Don't do it man

You'll never do it, you'll pussy out.

This seems obvious to me.

Thanks man, I'll try this.

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Dreamcast - 1.4 gigaFlops
PS2 - 6.2 gigaFlops
Gamecube - 9.4 gigaFlops
Wii - 12 gigaFlops
Xbox - 20 gigaFlops
Vita - 35 gigaFlops
PS3 - 230.4 gigaFlops
360 - 240 gigaFlops

is this bait?

Please don't

It's hard to say, there's some real fucking retards hanging around the Vita community at the moment.

My source was bad. Vita is 14,2

This was a good game. Weird as shit at first but once you get used to it very engrossing. The way the game makes you struggle not just against enemies and dungeons but against the constant aging and death of your team reminds me of that recent game Zanki Zero.

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GPU performance has very little to do with emulation

I was only responding to "Vita is probably a bit more powerful than GC." Has nothing to do with emulation.

Gigaflops are a terrible metric for performance, by the way. It's very hard to do an apples to apples comparison between platforms and architectures at the best of times and gflops are not the best of times.

Yeah the Vita would wipe the floor with the GC
But its CPU isn't good enough to emulate it

>Gigaflops are a terrible metric for performance
Suggest a better one. It's pretty much all we have for comparing two different hardwares. Everything else is worse.

not that dude but i believe so

adrenaline just recreates a CFW psp within your vita (the pspemu folder in your root acts as the memory stick)

that said, i'm guessing you might be able to use VSH/recovery within adrenaline to overlock for psp games, which might have been what that other user was talking about instead of LOLIcon

>Muh gigaflippers

There is no such thing as a good all in one metric for performance since consoles are mostly custom built specialized machines that have unorthodox ways of accomplishing the same things.

Nice argument, retard.

Anyone using Lolicon know how to stop that green text from showing up?
Play some PSN demos, m8.
Yes, but you need nonpdrm installed.

>have endless time to play games
>play 20 minutes, put vita down, stare at a wall, refresh catalog
Give me something that will hold my interest despite crippling depression

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can i have your vita?

emulate Gunstar Super Heroes

fair warning World of Final Fantasy is a fun game but it shits the bed hard 50 hours in

You mean gunstar heroes? Played it. It was pretty good.

Tempted to buy a Vita purely so that I can play Tactics Ogre: LuCT while lying down.

Soul scarification delta does not disappoint.

The motor storm Rc game is fun too but a shame it didn’t get a real motorstorm.

Sonic racing and need for speed most wanted is great racers.

Indies are great in it for portability. It’s an indie beast.

Best grip?

To the user that was gonna upgrade his sd2vita microsd:

If you're getting 200gb or larger, you need to select 64kb allocation, otherwise your free space won't be reported right

Also you need to flash the blankzz.img before formatting

Why? Pour out your soul

Plan on checking out soon though

>Why? Pour out your soul