Why won't more people stand up to big video game companies like he did?

Why won't more people stand up to big video game companies like he did?

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What the fuck are those things on his hands/wrists?

Power level inhibitors.

A God must have limiters on my dude. Can't be at full power all the time

>looking for alternatives to Diablo
>played the fuck out of TQ and Grim Dawn
>PoE is shit
>Chaosbane in two weeks, with 50, 55 and 70 bucks editions
Is the genre dead?

Imagine having the balls to ACTUALLY say this.

It's an old game, but Divine Divinity is good if you haven't played it. The game is basically what would happen if Diablo 1 and Baldur's Gate had a love child.

Divine Divinity is quite good shit, nice taste right there. Also been replaying the first Sacred not too long ago. Guess I just long for something along those lines, but new

I bet Blizzard is going vet their questioners this year.

Maybe you guys just need to grow some balls and stand up for yourselves rather then apologize for every fucking thing like pic related. Nothing is more thin skinned then apologizing for somebody you have no responsibility over.

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>ask them what question they want to ask
>person holding the mic asks the question instead of the fan

if you don't mind older stuff the release of D2:LoD completely overshadowed Throne of Darkness which is basically D2 but in old Japan with fantasy shit like Kappas and you can run around with 4 dudes instead of 1

Restraining mechanisms he imposed on himself after the accident. He promised to never take them off again lest he loses control of the beast.
In that picture you can see he's itching to take them off. It's written in his face "just this once I should go all out... They're tainting Diablo and I just cleanse it with blood". Thankfully his master appears in a vision before him and convinces him to let it go, for they shall pay for their mistake in due time, and suffering slowly, over the years.

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Do you think he'll be at blizzcon this year to keep them in line, or has he been banned forever?

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cause I'm not an entitled little incel

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whats this guys name i want to google his "speech"

No idea but it was the day after the red shirt question

Maybe not but being a tranny is no better

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say that to my face

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chad gauntlets

>Forgive me, Master... I must use that.

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Id like to see xer without the corset.

Man, that conference really got out of hand fast.


>left click smasher is dead
My mouse is glad.

They’re going to court him and come next blizzcon he’s going to be a guest of honour, probably shilling Diablo Immortal.

This guy legit got Blizzard to change their Q&A structure through screening.

One guy made a mega corporation shake in fear.
He'll be a legend until the end of gaming. I wish Bethesda had fans that weren't shills and did what this guy did.

they did screen his question and he gave them a fake one

Diablo 3 is still very, very active. The genre isn't dead--it just sucks now.

>too dumb to hold down click and tap shift
Brainlet detected

He didn’t even know the uproar it would cause. He was just being himself and it’s the funniest thing ever

Look at this oily slopmeat

da fuck

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Steam reviews

He was talking about a Blizzard joke in 2015, they made a fake diablo website for a mobile game back then... and he was there to talk about it to the dev team.

Post more of her pls.
