Playing both Portal games. so far I vastly prefer 2. What do you think of them?

Playing both Portal games. so far I vastly prefer 2. What do you think of them?

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2 is way better in all aspects but Yea Forums is too contrarian to admit it

1 has a better atmosphere overall, personally, but the modding scene for 2 and the tighter gameplay and game mechanics make it better in the long run.

2 has a problem where puzzles later in the game don't feel very open-ended
I've never completed co-op so I don't know if it has the same problem

2 is fantastic, exploring the failing science facility with mitch johnson or whatever is hilarious

what mods do you recommend?

It takes you a second to look up his name.

I like them. Both games are quite easy for the most part but they are still fun. For me the ambient is the best part of Portal games, like walking sims with puzzles.

I didn't like that Valve linked Half-Life and Portal as the same universe tho. The Borealis as an Aperture Science experiment was silly.

I disagree, Portal 1 has really minimal atmosphere. Its not bad, but it shows its age and doesn't have a lot of variety. Portal 2 lays it on a little thick with the humor, but overall it has a much better journey with different locations that're all teeming with atmosphere and memorable moments.

The absolute madmen...

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portal 1 writing
>Why do I hate you so much? You ever wonder that? I'm brilliant. I’m not bragging. It's an objective fact. I'm the most massive collection of wisdom and raw computational power that’s ever existed. And I hate you. It can't be for no reason. You must deserve it.
portal 2 writing
>Go on. Get a big fat eyeful. With your big fat eyes. That's right. A potato just called your eyes fat. Now your fat eyes have seen everything.

Attached: dead inside.jpg (601x327, 53K)

You were going to find Cave Johnson had also uploaded himself in Old Aperture but had somehow gotten left on a single hard drive sitting in a corner for decades, where he'd ask you to shut his power off so he could finally die

This idea later showed up in Lego Dimensions.

>a computer running on a potato has dumber insults than a computer running on an entire facility's worth of power

that's unironically good writing though.

what the fuck

>b-but it's SUPPOSED to be bad
cool cool except how absolutely none of the rest of potato glados' dialogue is impaired and how non-potato glados also has tons of shitty writing as well
here's 2 more quotes
guess which one is from which game
>That jumpsuit you're wearing looks stupid. That's not me talking, it's right here in your file. On other people it looks fine, but right here a scientist has noted that on you it looks 'stupid'. Well, what does a neck-bearded old engineer know about fashion? He probably — Oh, wait. It's a she. Still, what does she know? Oh wait, it says she has a medical degree. In fashion! From France!
>I'd just like to point out that you were given every opportunity to succeed. There was even going to be a party for you. A big party that all your friends were invited to. I invited your best friend the companion cube. Of course, he couldn't come because you murdered him. All your other friends couldn't come either because you don't have any other friends. Because of how unlikable you are. It says so right here in your personnel file: Unlikable. Liked by no one. A bitter, unlikable loner who's passing shall not be mourned. 'Shall not be mourned.' That's exactly what it says. Very formal. Very official.

doesn't cherrypicking get tiring?

>>Why do I hate you so much? You ever wonder that? I'm brilliant. I’m not bragging. It's an objective fact. I'm the most massive collection of wisdom and raw computational power that’s ever existed. And I hate you. It can't be for no reason. You must deserve it.
That's not good writing though.

cave johnson's lines get tiring as fuck after 30 minutes of literally nothing except silent testing while being bombarded by the exact same humor in the exact same tone of voice at every corner with none of it being plot important or character development
but people really lapped THAT up for some reason

2nd one reminds me of trump

>the female AI is being a catty bitch to the other female that killed her
Sounds on par to me

Both of those lines were cut and never actually play in either Portal game. Nice try, though.

- establishes glados' god complex
- establishes glados as possibly the most powerful AI in the world, pre-whatever destroyed black mesa?
- brings chell's lack of backstory into spotlight
- cold, calculated, and seething

and in the other hand
- lol potato!

They both sound the exact fucking same to me.
Don't you get tired of being a contrarian?

how in the absolute FUCK does "catty bitch" fit glados

>exact humor

oh yeah, because portal 1's humor was super varied

2 is good to play with a friend, but only if that friend is on the same level of inteligence as you, otherwise you'll just end up carying them. It is really nice when you figure out half of the puzzle and your friend figures the other half.

Lego Dimensions has this also

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Maybe Caroline was a complete cunt before she got thrown into a computer

Are you fucking retarded? Acting overly petty is half her entire character.

>none of it being plot important or character development

This reads like someone who doesn't know what writing 101 even is. You can find the jokes lacking, but every single line absolutely serves to characterize Cave and Aperture's fall from a promising upstart hiring olympians to a barely running facility using hobos run by a senile old man that refuses everything sensible out of pride up until the tail end of his life, only to double down on the mad science and set up the events of the last game.

>>That jumpsuit you're wearing looks stupid. That's not me talking, it's right here in your file. On other people it looks fine, but right here a scientist has noted that on you it looks 'stupid'. Well, what does a neck-bearded old engineer know about fashion? He probably — Oh, wait. It's a she. Still, what does she know? Oh wait, it says she has a medical degree. In fashion! From France!

>>Why do I hate you so much? You ever wonder that? I'm brilliant. I’m not bragging. It's an objective fact. I'm the most massive collection of wisdom and raw computational power that’s ever existed. And I hate you. It can't be for no reason. You must deserve it.

Both of these are both saying the exact same thing except the one from the first game is on the nose and meant to be dramatic, while the one from the second is supposed to be catty and over the top to add to the atmosphere that glados is basically playing with you like a cat before she does something very bad to you.

2 would have been amazing if it wasn't for Valve's fucking playtesters.

2 gave me I have no mouth and I must scream vibes, much more than the first one.


1 was good but overrated.

2 Would've been better if they had kept it as F-Stop and hadn't made it a portal game

Less freedom in later chambers, puzzles removed for being "too hard", simplified puzzles in single and mluti, features cut due to motion sickness and disorientation, no multiple endings, the moon part being a cutscene because people didn't know they had shot the moon. The usual shit.

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Remember when Aperture Robot Repair was a thing and we thought Source 2 was right around the corner?

yeah in portal 2
because they decided to make her a massively catty bitch for no fucking reason in portal 2 all of a sudden
>Both of these are both saying the exact same thing
this is so mind-bogglingly stupid I can't even figure out where to start
i wrote about the first line here: the second line is literally just "glados talks catty bitch to you 4nr that's it get in the elevator"

>all of a sudden
She was a massively catty bitch in Portal 1 when you fought her as well. Did you not play it?

>This reads like someone who doesn't know what writing 101 even is. You can find the jokes lacking, but every single line absolutely serves to characterize Cave and Aperture's fall from a promising upstart hiring olympians to a barely running facility using hobos run by a senile old man that refuses everything sensible out of pride up until the tail end of his life, only to double down on the mad science and set up the events of the last game.
i agree that this is genuinely good writing, but it comes after 30 fucking minutes of the same shit before it starts going anywhere

in portal 1 she's cold, corporate, and AI-like attempting to insult fundamental qualities like just "you are unlikable" or guilt trip you
the absolute closest she comes to catty is calling you adopted, once, and that one voiceline that you have to intentionally wait 5 minutes toying around with the first core to even hear

portal 2 is literally nonstop "LOL FAT LOL ADOPTED HAHA BITCH"

She is only doing petty insults for like a 6th of the game.

That's been a thing for years, far longer than that meme was a thing

She's understandably pissed after you killed her

>1 had better atmosphere
what are you smoking
>first in a room
>then portal out of said room
>ooo "alternate path, the cake is a lie xD"

1 is a tech demo but it has soul. 2 is still way better though.

Literally why would you when everyone will know who you mean anyway.

1 is eerie and off-putting, making the player feel like a lab rat observed by an entity shrouded in mystery (which was its intent)
2 is funny and has a lot of lore and mechanics. Chell feels like a god to be honest
basically 2 has a fuckton of replay value and is much more casual, while 1 is strongly vanguard and artistic. I personally prefer 2 because wheatley

t. brainlet

They're both her basically going "I have a negative view of you, and I am a logical and mathematical machine with tons of objective data, therefore this negative view of you must be true"

The one in the second is actually better written because The fact that its more emotional works to foreshadow that she's not actually an AI, but an uploaded consciousness

1 is perfect, 2 is the cash grab.
1 has superior pacing, humor and story.
2 feels like they went "ok what did people like about 1?" and then turned it up by 20. In 1 people were amazed to learn that they were not just in some building, but a big underground complex, so 2 starts of by literally having the walls fall off your room, to reveal endless depths to all sides, and during the game you again and again have puzzles in gigantic rooms and caverns. People liked GLaDOS snarky comments in 1, so in 2 she's constantly insulting you.
2 overall feels like a committee/focus group made game with way worse pacing. For me, it is the definition of "soul vs soulless"

2 has a stronger narrative so i prefer it. also i love the ending.

The portal 2 map editor was easily one of the most fun things ever. All the things I wanted to try doing with the portals and shit I could just throw together in minutes. And of course there were just so many brilliant levels.
Really helped to fix the whole lack of difficulty in the main game.
Also, playing the co-op levels with my little brother was kino.

2 has tons of soul IMO though. It might not have as much as 1, but I think they nailed a lot of the parts where you got to see some really cool stuff. Especially the bits with the internals of the facility in every part of the game.

Valve probably have the dumbest playtesters I have ever heard of.

I like the defective turrets in Portal 2 if anyone cares

More like Yea Forums shits on sequels even when they are clearly superior.

I am surprised no one took advantage of the fact that portal 1 had half-life 2 assets to make a crossover, like having an antlion guard break into the testing track and start chasing you.

>character changes because of the actions at the end of Portal 1
>wow wtf why is she different?!!?!
I realize criticizing something may seem appealing to some, but it should only be done by people who have the mental faculties to properly digest and understand what they have been presented.

1 is absolutely perfect but 2 is a better game

I liked them too, user

Portal 2 is probably one of the funniest games I have played. A lot of games tried to emulate that kind of humor, giving us shit like Borderlands.

The truth is that nobody knows how the portal mechanics work, it's impossible to try and port the Half-Life 2 NPCs into the game.

2 has coop so it will always be the superior game to me. Atlas and P-body are great characters and are fun to play as because of the coop dynamic.
Fuck bros... How do I go back?

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1 was nothing more than a pretentious tech demo for valve to show off their new employees that they nabbed from narbacular drop, 2 feels like they actually tried.

>muh tech demo, or how to give yourself away as a pseud who does nothing but parrot what he reads on Yea Forums all day

Oh yeah I temember now. Portal 2 had you cooperating with GLaDoS as a potato. That shit was kino

But this is the first time I've been on Yea Forums in months, I rarely visit this shithole board so my opinions are ones I've formed myself

I was talking about portal 1 were most hl2 npcs can be still spawned and they still all work, it just that I don't think they can go through portals and the npcs that uses player weapons can attack, the hunter is the only one that is an error. Valve also have HL2 assets in CS:S and TF2 for some reason as well.

>lying on the internet

>Valve also have HL2 assets in CS:S and TF2 for some reason as well.
Probably because those all share the same universe, like Left 4 Dead.

Do you think people like Cave Johnson exist in real life?
>Playtester looked away from the moon because they didnt realize it would take more than one second for the portal to travel the millions and millions of kilometers to the moon, despite the portal gun never being instantenous when you shoot it.
>In case of implosion, look directly at implosion.
I dont know what kind of people would be so bad at logic.

Yes, look up Vince McMahon.

You know what is really said is that valve makes it so easy for their retarded playtesters yet I find a lot of let's players that still have a very hard time solving them.

it has some cool bits like that and the defective turrets and the cores at the end but for the most part it's just not as cohesive as 1. the real issue is you play 2 after 1, everyone does, so 1 will always be the better overall experience. in a vaccuum where a player is only ever exposed to one of these games and has no idea the other exists, i believe 1 will still come out on top but it's not nearly as clean cut as Yea Forums would have you believe.

Wouldn't it be multiverse seeing how the combine is a multiversal empire and cave johnson has a multiverse device. Speaking of which I how if episode 3/HL3 EVER gets made and we go to the borealis, we get to hear cave johnson's recordings again.

I know people like Cave Johnson. Every middle aged midwestern man is Cave Johnson.

Multiverse is a meaningless word. Why would you want Cave Johnson in Episode 3? There's a reason why the TV section of Half-Life 2 Episode 2 did not contain a hilarious monologue of glados, as it would be glaringly out of place in the tone that Half-Life 2 sets.

Every Source Engine branch up until Left 4 Dead have Half-Life 2 assets in them.

>tfw you'll never get to play co-op

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Why? I'll play co-op with you if you have a copy of the game on Steam.

The thing is, something belonging to aperture NOT being hilarious stupid would be out of character from what we know about the company, Though Cave is probably laughing from the grave about how much black mesa screwed up.

Not really. Portal 1 was very dry with the humor except for what came out of glado's intercom. It was also sometimes scary due to how deserted the facility was. I think the Borealis would be presented in the same tone, with no AI personalities, and only the environmental storytelling and maybe the occasional recording to tell the horrifying story of the crew that slowly died out in the Arctic in the post-Combine world.

Portal felt more like you solved something while 2 feels like you uncovered the solution. Granted it's probably an illusion either way but I like 1 more for that reason.

Though I do at least expect aperture science architecture and some areas being like rattman dens (those thing were really scary) with words on the walls cursing their idiotic boss for damning them to death. Also I think the Borealis teleported way before HL1 happened.

Some rando on Yea Forums who claimed to be a Valve insider that worked on Episode Two said that even the devs were getting lost in the original maze version of the antlion hive. If true, they should have just admitted that instead of blaming one braindead playtester.

It doesn't matter when it happened, but in Laidlaw's Epistle 3 post he says that the ship teleported away as the Combine forces approached it during the 7 Hour War. And personally I think it would have been fairly easy to find the ship before the events of Half-Life 1

I always assume that it teleported away a long time ago seeing how it's drydock is why down in old aperture (why the fuck they decided it was a good idea to build a ship so far underground is anyones idea) and from what we gather from Epistle 3 the ship was everywhere and nowhere at the same time (I person think cave just watched doctor who and wanted his own tardis) and it only appears in the arctic when you put in a code of some kind so that ship is pratically impossible to find without the right equipment.

I'm a (non-Valve) game dev and let me tell you, EVERYONE is fucking stupid, not just play testers. Everyone thinks they're not stupid, and so they don't pay attention to shit and act smug and when they inevitably do stupid shit they handwave it away. I see people complain that games hold you hand too much these days, but that's because people like fuckin DSP are super common.

That dry-dock could have just been where the ship was originally built before it went sea-side.

>ctrl-f white
>0 results

come on lads... portal 2: quest for the white paint was vastly inferior to portal 1.

don't get me wrong, I loved portal 2. but playing the game is like, "hmm. I wonder where I should place the portal. perhaps that one tiny white square of wall surrounded by black?"

might as well build a glowing neon sign indicating where to put the portal.

You're using a modern idea of what "the cake is a lie" meme represents, back when they made the game they didn't anticipate it'd be picked up by 14 year old memers.
It was literally just some dude going nuts writing about how the robot lied about the cake

the atmosphere was great in portal 1 it had some nice dark humor in it and it wasnt the memey-fest you insist it was just because of like 10 years of memes

Portal 1 speedruns were way more fun

Fuck off zoomer.
>quest for the white paint
Back to splatoon where you can guzzle all the cum you want, slut.

kleiner said it disappeared with the drydock and knowing aperture science the thing that teleported the ship (the bootstrap device or what ever it was called) was probably was only made to get the ship onto water, because aperture tend to misuse any world changing technology they make and you would need the biggest crane in the world to lift a ship of that size.

There's more than one drydock in the fucking planet you double nigger.

Wow. What if he doesn't have internet where he is?