Other urls found in this thread:
i understand its not great artistically. but i still think it has a look of "good graphics" that you don't see very often. what makes this effect, exactly?
Good god that's ugly
Why has nobody tried remaking galaxy?
Can't you just do that in Odyssey?
Those trees are horrendous. The sand texture looks like a raw pizza crust. Mario has three bits of hair hanging off the back instead of two. Did they even try?
retarded amounts of ambient occlusion
Odnetnin erih sith nam.
>those trees
How the fuck did he manage to make them worse than the N64 version?
We did it.
Nintendo for the love of GOD PLEASE DON'T HIRE THIS MAN!!!!!!
>Someone literally put in stock assets.
Are most people this stupid?
By having zero artistic sense
>Original trees are are bunch of egg shapes clipping into other egg shapes
>Done intelligently so it looks like a puffy tree
>He just made a giant green egg with a bunch of tumors
Haha it's only okay when nintendo makes eyesore unity memepoly shit or unreal pseudorealism, right nintengoys?
No, the correct answer is no artistic sense and being lazy.
>Make an egg shape.
>Just attach more shapes to it, fuck it.
Yes. Yes they are. It's a hard pill to swallow, but most people are stupid, easily impressed, and uncritical thinkers. NPCs in a word.
Jesus Ive seen better designs in that Dreams game.
>No argument
Who the fucks calls the groundpound a jump attack
Why does this guy not have a job at Nintendo again?
This is so bad i actually want it
the sonic adventure 2 one looks pretty damn good
Still looks better than whatever nuRare shits out
Hope you’re enjoying a tranny in time, snoy.
Mario 64 & OOT look and play amazing for a game from their generation, they hold up so well. I genuinely don't understand how some people can say they aged bad. I'm convinced it's just assmad PC & Sony gamers
Galaxy isn't retro
You can just upscale it and it would look like a current gen nintendo game
No, that's wrong!
How can anyone defend this travesty? It looks like a high schooler's first attempt at unity 3D. Memepoly shit disgusts me.
jesus banjo put a shirt on please
pretty good user
Because by doing nothing other than increasing the res on Dolphin it holds up better than OP's pic
You’ll be able to emulate it soon enough, lard ass.
>i know it's shit art style
>b..but dem pixels dou
>how do
you are a faggot. And just basic bitch unreal 4 lighting settings. 3/10 learn what matters to video games.
I own a switch though I just have functioning eyes that respond negatively to low effort video game art styles
>pseudo realism
???what? No. Not at all. Plus the fucking trees in the mushroom kingdom in odyssey look 100x better than whatever the faggot in op's pic made.
>Ambient Occlusion set to fucking MAX
Like fucking clockwork, it never fails
They always do that
Good lighting goes a loooooooong way. That's why Raytracing is the next big thing.
>constantly jiggling camera right off the bat
>Dude mario walking next to realistic humans with real world cars and people!!
if some faggot made this in unreal you'd be seething
Nintendo fears this guy
Mario looks like a drowning child when hes swimming
someone please webm him swimming
How is that wrong?
>put in a lot of detail using stock assets
>wow, that's a lot of detail!
Yea, doesn't matter where it came from you dumbass. He gets less credit for making the assets but still gets credit for putting everything together and making it function.
Are you a retard that thinks a developer is bad if he reuses minor assets that still hold up, instead of wasting time and resources making something new for the sake of calling it new?
Yes Nintendo?
You see this man? This man right here?
A job, Nintendo. That's what this man needs, and YOU have to give it to him.
Hire him. Yes him. This man in front of you.
I DEMAND that you pay him for his services
Do his autis- I mean artistic skills know no boundaries?
This has to be a parody, right?
>"Nintendo doesn't put this level of detail" while showing Mario's face
Difference is Nintendo is actually capable of pulling something like that off. Jumping on the car hoods flings you into the air. Mario comically bounces off the people's heads. They feel like part of a Mario game.
Now do Tooty.
lol Jesus Christ get a load of this fucking sperg. Are you 12 or something? That anons post did not warrant such a vulgar response, he had a genuine point and question.
>How is that wrong
Aside from being lazy and clashing with the other assets it clearly wasn't designed to be placed right next to?
Jeez, I don't fucking know.
>fans who think designs need to look exactly like concept art
I bet you he is also complaining about Aerith.
>We're-a not-a making shit!
>that fucking Mega Man
That Peach looks like a dude cosplaying.
I think the point is to show off the possibility of high fidelity and not necessarily design or art direction. Which is exactly why these threads are so stupid.
The mentality the people in these threads display gives comfort to the fact this place holds very little merit in the world. You people have but one singular goal and it's to figure out how to scrutinize something, even if it means going as far as taking it out of context.
Like a bizarro far left for video games.
i hate this pic
nvm i like the pic now
>I think the point is to show off the possibility of high fidelity
>if you make Mario look realistic he looks realistic
Wow, I'll bet Nintendo never considered that. They should really hire this man.
>that DK
>I think the point is to show off the possibility of high fidelity and not necessarily design or art direction.
That would be fine and all if the demos did a good job at doing so, but with their generally poor performance they aren't even great for that.
All that aside, this threads are less to mock the people who make these, and more to mock the braindead masses who look at these half assed tech demos and think "WOW NINTENDO SHOULD HIRE THIS GUY HE'S SO TALENTED XDXDXD"
Hello! We've been getting a lot of requests to possibly employ a content creator.
We have decided due to the nature of the content offered to us we will in fact not be hiring this man.
We apologize for many of the creators fans, but he doesn't meet our qualification. Thank you!
Sincerely; Nintendo Of America And Japan
>people make hyper realistic versions of cartoons for fun
>the older internet would have just found these amusing or cool. The stuff you'd spread around and show your friends and as a joke you'd ponder how ridiculous these games would be if they were made with such an art style
>modern day Yea Forums
Can't believe it's come to this, this shit would have been a "lol that's cool" and then you move on. Now it sparks controversy, contrarian reactionaries flood the board.
The hell is wrong with you people? Are you that bored?
>Difference is Nintendo is actually capable of pulling something like that off
Translation: it has a nintendo logo on the box so i can forgive how fucking dogshit odyssey was, even compared to sunshine. bing bing wahoo!
How long till he's DMCA'd?
>link's smash ultimate design
>fox's smash ultimate design
>k.rool, dark samus, and ridley, all smash ultimate characters
>uses ganondorfs brawl/smash 4 design for some reason
>simply autism
It stopped being cool or amusing when Hollywood studios are making AAA movies with those designs
You forgot
>Sonic's movie design
So you're just another shitposter.
>b-but I own a Switch!
And I own a Saturn. Doesn't fucking matter. I can own things and still shitpost. Shitposters aren't homeless people with no stuff, are they? That isn't a requirement.
>interprets fluffy trees as corn on the cob
fucking every time
Ganondorf looks like a Mortal Kombat character
>Mario twisting deformed while running
>"I cant believe they got the animation right"
At least someone is making an actual starfox game that isn't just a rehash of 64. What are you waiting for, Nintendo to make one?
K. Rool looks okay but that's just because crocodiles look bitchin already
>not liking mediocre games is shitposting
It's because Nintendo fans know these look much better graphically and created this meme to make it seem like Nintendo has better graphics to cope for the fact their corporation is completely bankrupt on soul. Yet these faggots will suck Nintendo's cock and continue to give them money.
Come on nintendo, hire it before sonychad hire him first
But we're not talking about your favorite game.
"Mario Odyssey is my favorite game"
Who the fuck has ever said this? Besides paid basedlent guzzling game journos. Sure you are free to think it's good but it's not even close to being the best in its own series.
>le clown world!
Go die faggot
You are stupid and need to re-read and understand what I said, because you responded as if you have no idea what fidelity means or what my point was.
High fidelity, as in BOTW before the downgrade. A shit ton of blades of grass, responding to light and casting shadows, responding to collision etc. Not whether the grass looks realistic or cell shaded you moron.
Hence why i said NOT design or art direction.
>That would be fine and all if the demos did a good job at doing so, but with their generally poor performance they aren't even great for that.
Optimizing aside, I believe the point was to crank it up to unreasonable measures, ones that would make performance poor. The whole reason for Nintendo's successful design has a lot to do with optimization.
>All that aside, this threads are less to mock the people who make these, and more to mock the braindead masses who look at these half assed tech demos and think "WOW NINTENDO SHOULD HIRE THIS GUY HE'S SO TALENTED XDXDXD"
Fair enough. I guess what speaks more volume is that this means people want higher fidelity in Nintendo games and Nintendo needs to stop being scared of that. With THEIR design and art direction, they can make worlds filled with beauty that could bring you to tears, but their entire philosophy on graphics and keeping hardware cheaper holds them back.
I'm amazed at how people pay for iphones every year, Ps3 was $600 at launch, the economy back then means older games were actually WAY MORE expensive than they are now, people buy consoles often MULTIPLE times when newer versions come out, and Nintendo still thinks if they make a super powered home console that it'll cost too much and people wont buy it.
Even the fucking OST sounds bland af
Soul is a meme zoomers made up to describe their nostalgia for big bro's N64 and PlayStation games. Whereas most rational adults would tell you nowadays that shitty looking games without z buffer aren't "soulful", but just shitty looking. 4th generation was peak aesthetics.
It's called an original sound track type it out
>"It's people like this that deserve jobs at Nintendo"
Lmao there it is.
You mean like how they've been fucking up video game stuff since the 80s? NOW it's making everyone mad enough to attack ANY alternative adaptation of video games/cartoons?
Yes, PS3 was $600, and it sunk like a fucking rock for the first 3 or 4 years of its life. If you're going to use an example of a successful game system at sky high prices, don't choose PS3.
It is called "it is", type it out
How come Mario has individual hairs, but he doesn't have pores?
yeah because fuck using a commonly understood abbreviation, I don't know what letters mean I'm a dumb dumb stupid baby brain what OST? why they all capital I don't FUCKING GET IT AAAAAAA
why are you so upset about this?
One is proper the other is being lazy
It's obvious I know what it meant YOU are just lazy
Ok, we'll just use every console before that if you adjust for inflation. And then lets not forget the prices of the games, with some cartridges going up to $70.00
We're talking almost $500 for an NES at launch, and games that were almost $100 (after inflation adjustment).
To a certain degree, price is NOT a limiting factor.
My little sisters have iphones and ipads, Nintendo can make a $400 super console and its price would not have a significant effect on its success.
HIRE THIS (non specific gender) NINTENDO -resetera
Of all the things a person could choose to be retarded about, this is particularly baffling. How do you function as a human being?
it worked for the Detective Pikachu artist.
see this one again
it's pretty autistic to think this so it could've been bait, you sneaky old devil
>people think this looks good
Look at that fucking mouth. It's the kind of shit that will haunt my dreams
Don't be lazy you have an entire keyboard fucking use It
I'm literally asking YOU that very thing. I'm upset because i find these outcries and criticism completely unfounded and almost certainly a result of stupid board culture and not people actually using their brains.
Again, in the older days of the internet, none of this shit would have gotten more than a "oh that's neat".
"Do not", you lazy piece of shit. Stop wasting my time with your lazy garbage, you have an entire fucking keyboard.
So why not make a new game that has realistic cartoon animals and everything shiny to flex the lighting system? Seems to be a popular look.
Don't and do not contain the same number of characters
That space is an extra keystroke, do not be lazy and skimp out on spaces user.
>D o n ' t
>D o space n o t
this will be graphics in the future... I can't wait
Stop being autistic
How do you make a post involving counting and not expect to draw autists to it?
Acronyms are just as "proper" as contractions. Stop being a fag.
Odds are your parents would not be willing to spend $600 on a new Nintendo for your little sisters. Phones are a priority in this day and age, not the next Nintendo box. Nintendo tried this bid for power with the Gamecube and no one was buying it. Not to mention the fact that Sony and Microsoft own the psuedo closed source PC box market lock stock and barrel.
Nintendo was in a very unique position when the NES came out. They had no competition so of course people were willng to pay a premium for their hardware and software. There was nothing else worth buying in the American market, as it was in shambles. It had a virtual monopoly. You can make consumers pay just about anything when you're the only game in town.
Stop being an anti vaxxer
>Unironically believing vaccines cause autism
Soccer mom detected
Is this game made as a mod of freelancer?
You might as well give him elongated nipples at this point
>movie sonic but not movie pikachu
missed opportunity desu
you started the autism by nitpicking the use of "OST"
I said. STOP being an anti vaxxer that means I know they don't the anti vaxxers are the ones who thinks no it causes autism
Didn't the US government give mental patients STDs through vaccines in the past?
Mental patients are not children and your local pediatrician is not the government
NINTEN- shit he was actually involved in detective pikachu
They also distributed various drugs and lowered the requirements to get opioids. It seems they are trying to kill us.
the kind of shit you read on these videos is hilarious
The point is that governments have and could be inserting small amounts of dangerous vaccines to a population group.
>local pediatrician is not the government
Surely you are not claiming there is no vaccine or medical authority ensuring that standards of vaccines are met or not. That would be an instant win for anti-vaxxers
I prefer pic related realistic megaman
If there's one thing that breaks my fucking balls it's the misuse of that word. If anything it's a remake, and not how you'd actually go and do one. Remastering something is taking the original and polishing it up, giving it a new coat of paint, hosing the shit its shoes.
Obviously but the government isn't doing anything like let that you people are worse then the flat Earth nutters
Remaster isn't a real word.
>the government isn't doing anything like
Oh no no no
>U.S. government medical researchers intentionally infected hundreds of people in Guatemala, including institutionalized mental patients, with gonorrhea and syphilis without their knowledge or permission
K.rool unironically looks gr8
Fox is also decent
So not actual people ok
Do you have anything more contemporary than fucking 1948 when "informed consent" wasn't even a term that had been coined yet?
>Do you have anything more contemporary than fucking 1948
We'll have to wait for more stuff to be declassified :)
Are his red bits made of plastic?
Is he in latex?
>the government has the right to decide you aren't a person whenever its convenient for them
what are you, communist?
Let's be real here for a second, this looks stellar
Its a good thing Hilary Clinton didn't consider you a human while she was secretary of state :)
Hope you feel better
all the soul
>15 minutes
>this is amazing
>breath taking
>I can't believe
Holy fuck, does he get paid for this? Yeah it's neat, but these are basic demo levels that re-create one area each of the old games in an ok-ish quality. This guy acts like it's full feature games.
>Some guy uses the unreal editor to -re-create some old stuff without any features
Fucking what.
The lighting and weather effects are beautiful. The textures are an ugly mix of original assets and misfit high-res replacements. The animations are horrendous.
We're being too hard on it, though. It's (presumably) intended as a technical demonstration and a curiosity. It accomplishes that, and makes me think what a Mario game would look like if it were developed for a platform with far more grunt than the Switch.
I feel like this guy was being ironic, but it's still kinda funny.
>superhero landing
are you fucking serious?
I think the closest these fan games have got was the Tomb Raider 2 remake:
It's only one level, and I doubt there'll ever be any more of it, but it feels seriously polished and professional (especially the last puzzle room).
>put store bought assets into UE4
>get praise from normalfags
What the fuck? I need to do this and set up a patreon.
>Ignoring the clear stylization of not only the humans but also the vehicles and environment
0/10 bait
get fucked, faggot
try harder next time
>Odds are your parents would not be willing to spend $600 on a new Nintendo for your little sisters
But they were willing to spend as such for me for an SNES all the way up to a Ps3 (last console my parents bought for me before I started buying shit on my own)? And not to mention every other kid in the first world that were far better off.
Consoles were unique because parents only had to worry about buying a new one every FEW years, where as phones and the like are upgraded every year or 2 (not because of a want, but because of how often the kids break them, warranting a new one). Buying one Nintendo for the house as the generations console is not by any means out of the question, and never has been. History has proven that and we can go further up OR down from NES and if you adjust for inflation it's still ridiculous. I'd put money on a poll that if Nintendo asked "Hey, do you guys want our next hardware to be a dedicated super powered home console, or a more affordable one that'll be far behind the competition graphically, but makes up for it with a new gimmick" I'm more than sure you'd know the answer. It's essentially what people have wanted since the Wii. We just want to be able to play Nintendo games on a console that keeps up with the competition, so playing OTHER games can also be viable when you're not playing the first party Nintendo games. And we want the first party games to blow us out of the water, like you ALMOST did every time, but couldn't because you severely fucking limit your hardware and thus limit developers!
I understand your point about Gamecube (and Nintendo 64 respectively...not to mention dreamcast), but you cannot compare the times. What people both expected and wanted back then are FAR different.
This isn't even new and you know it to be true. If Nintendo announces the successor to the switch will be severely under powered compared to PS5, you're gonna roll your eyes and say "here we go again".
>far more grunt
Jesus fucking Christ, you just PERFECTLY demonstrated why we make fun of these faggots.
Nintendo could damn well make a remake of 64. They could also make it look 1000X better than he can, even with the Switch's power.
It's always the "ugh I wish Nintendo would just make a power console" faggots that don't know shit about optimization, lighting, and artstyle that say stuff like this. They're not making it because they don't want to, not because one faggot using unreal can somehow make a better looking game than they can.
Thank you for being the only other person here with rational fucking thought.
>We're being too hard on it, though. It's (presumably) intended as a technical demonstration and a curiosity. It accomplishes that, and makes me think what a Mario game would look like if it were developed for a platform with far more grunt than the Switch.
Like holy god damn fuck, how did ALL of you miss this fucking point? It's that fucking simple.
Because galaxy looks really fucking good with just a resolution bump
based and redfield
Your argument would be sound if you hadn't over exaggerated the supposed poll to an unrealistic degree and also assumed that most on Nintedno's current playerbase would want a power console. The Switch is a success for a reason, in that it's a decently powered machine that can go anywhere with you. Art Direction matter much more than raw graphical power, and I think Odyssey looked gorgeous with its water effects, lighting, stylization, and little details like Mario's nose being full of needles after hitting a cactus. People need to realize that bigger numbers doesn't always correlate to a better looking game.
While I certainly don't think it wouldn't look any better with a significant power upgrade, it certainly doesn't look anywhere near as outdated as you make it seem.
ridley, ganon, krool, wario, samus are good here
Of course an actual Nintendo remake would look /better/- but that would be because it would have a strong and consistent aesthetic and heaps of polish. In terms of sheer rendering fidelity though... I'd be very surprised if was possible on the Switch. At least without dropping the resolution to unacceptable levels.
And that's enough to make me wonder what would happen if we had both... what if we had Nintendo-tier design /and/ more powerful hardware?
>Remake an intro
>Overdo the most obnoxious shit
Every single time.
So, what games do you like then?
>not posting the final model
look, user, i know you're trying to be nice to the others, but we've gotta show everyone the true horrors of reality some times.
the true horror is that ground texture
>ground texture
oh come on it can't be that ba...
>assumed that most on Nintedno's current playerbase would want a power console
But they literally do! That's the whole point of those videos and why they're well received! This whole thread wouldn't even exist if that wasn't the case. The console being underpowered does nothing except make a major amount of 3rd party games inaccessible to the console. Nintendo console is always SECOND to the other "main" consoles (or PC), never first because of this. I assure you, no Nintendo fan would oppose the idea of a more powerful NINTENDO console that means NINTENDO games with gwuaphix that are finally up to fucking standard. Even more so would they deliberately choose a new gimmick over the more power. Because every new Nintendo gimmick has proven to have been such an overwhelmingly necessary new feature, that people wouldn't have their vidya without it right?
>The Switch is a success for a reason, in that it's a decently powered machine that can go anywhere with you
Right, and it being underpowered does not add to that success, at all. In fact I promise that it takes away from it. The speculation of a more powerful switch existing is proof. I remember people thinking the dock was supposed to add a significant power increase, and being severely disappointed when they found it was more just that taking it out of the dock just makes it worse. Yes i believe people would trade the luxury of having a hybrid portable console, to have one stationary super powered one, and a secondary device for portability like they had been doing before.
>Art Direction matter much more than raw graphical power,
Irrelevant. More graphical power just means more freedom and less limitation with art direction. Less power only serves to limit your vision, it doesn't make room for an Art direction that was otherwise not possible you fool.
>Odyssey looked gorgeous with its water effects, lighting, stylization, and little details like Mario's nose being full of needles after hitting a cactus
Right, having more power would have meant room for MORE nuances like these. Having less power, literally means you will have less of those beautiful things. In every way, you appreciation for those things in Odyssey shows just how much Nintendo is holding themselves back. Just imagine what they could do without running into that "oh no, we have to sacrifice this new awesome thing because the poor little switch just can't handle it, oh well...maybe next console".
>People need to realize that bigger numbers doesn't always correlate to a better looking game.
No but less numbers definitely correlates to a worse looking game.
>While I certainly don't think it wouldn't look any better with a significant power upgrade
What? So all these years of games looking better is just coincidence and art direction, not thanks to having more power? Yea, Odyssey was totally possible on the Wii, they just didn't have the direction at the time you know.
>it certainly doesn't look anywhere near as outdated as you make it seem.
The implication is not that their games look outdated. It's the opposite, it's that their games could be breaking even more ground. They're always held back, always. There's always that thought that "if only the console wasn't so weak, imagine what they COULD have done, how much more beautiful it COULD have looked". I'm thinking about the POTENTIAL. And the potential is fucking immense.
God damn it if only they just fucking gave it a try.
And not to mention, something all of you ignore, is that more power doesn't just mean a better LOOKING game, it means a better PERFORMING game with MORE CONTENT. It's not just about looking better, it's also about being bigger, and more detailed.
what the fuck did they do to mario's ass?
>all those effects
>missing the point of the artstyle that fucking badly
I swear genuine autists did this.
Genuine autists would get it right.
I'm not copying all of that, i'd hit word limit too quick
> Point 1
What? These videos aren't a proper representation of Nintendo's fanbase at all. If we're going by that logic, I've seen many more fans saying that they don't mind the lower power due to it being portable on channels like GameXPlain (usually on their graphic comparison videos) and ReviewTechUSA (especially on his videos talking about the Switch's specs pre-release), so they represent the majority. Also, seriously, stop fucking talking like portability wasn't one of the major reasons for success, this addresses point 2 as well. Most of the reviews and thought I've seen for the console make a big fucking point of its portability, so it is a major selling point, much more than how powerful it is. Stop talking like the Switch can be simultaneously more powerful and portable, because it can't (unless it can, but to my knowledge the Switch is already really pushing it in battery life and power). Once again, I'm not saying that a more powerful Nintendo console is a strictly bad thing, but by YOUR own metrics, it is not what most Switch fans want.
>Point 3
You saying irrelevant doesn't make it irrelevant. More graphical power doesn't mean shit if you can;t direct you modelers and artists correctly. A perfect recent example is Rage 2, it was made for objectively stronger hardware, but you would have to pay me Nintendo's entire reserve funds to say it looks better than SMO or Smash Ultimate. Once again, bigger numbers doesn't equal better looking games, and while you can say it limits options, limited options have made some of the most memorable games, graphically speaking, of all time. I'd like to point to the influx of gritty realistic games that flood the PS4 and PC scene that look better than Switch games from a technical standpoint, but sure as hell not from a direction one.
>I think the point is to show off the possibility of high fidelity
Using literal unity store assets and making terrible 3D assets to chunk beside them (like that awful fucking tree) does not show off possibilities at all.
looks like a tessellation issue
>Nintendo console is always SECOND to the other "main" consoles (or PC)
isn't that the point? nintendo is successful in the modern market because they have a niche. the have exclusives in the form of long running series that people care about and those are the biggest bulk of their software sales. if they upped their specs and price point to match sony and microsoft then they'd be in a position where, since all three would presumably be getting the same multiplats, most consumers would be deciding one one console between the three instead of a sony/microsoft console + nintendo. there's nobody out there that has a ps4 and an xbone and nintendo would be fools to drop their niche and jump into that rivalry.
Will the wonders never cease?
>point 4
>point fucking 4
I swear to god if you meant selling better when you said PERFORMING I will flip the fuck out, but if you meant FPS its still a stupid point because optimizing to fit hardware is very possible, Smash Ultimate runs at 60fps, and, once again, looks great.
MORE CONTENT? Are you shitting me? graphical limitations have JACK SHIT to do with a game's content. A game like Persona 4 Golden has more content than Xenoblade Chronicles 2, despite being on much worse hardware and both being open-ended, large JRPGs. Shut the fuck up. If anything being pressed to a higher graphical standard limits time for content, and it has been documented to do so multiple times
>These videos aren't a proper representation of Nintendo's fanbase at all
So it's NON nintendo fans that appreciate these fanmade nintendo videos, that's what you're saying? A bunch of Sonybros are the ones going to those videos I bet, it's a false flag lol.
>stop fucking talking like portability wasn't one of the major reasons for success
Except I wasn't. In fact, your entire first retort is stupid because I never said portability was not a reason for success or that It was a bad feature. Just that underpowering the console was not a good thing, and that losing portability for the much higher power (which again, means more than just looks), is actually a worthwhile trade if I get to have my Nintendo games come in bigger and better, AND not be barred from the potential 3rd party games.
>Stop talking like the Switch can be simultaneously more powerful and portable, because it can't (unless it can, but to my knowledge the Switch is already really pushing it in battery life and power)
It can, it would just be more expensive. That is the trade off that I'm criticizing Nintendo for. Increase power and battery life = more expensive console. So they think if more expensive = people don't buy. So they sacrifice power to keep battery life up and the hardware more affordable. If making the console an extra $100 would have meant standard graphics while keeping a relatively similar battery life, you bet your ass that would have been a better deal.
>More graphical power doesn't mean shit if you can;t direct you modelers and artists correctly.
No fucking duh, nintendo most certainly CAN direct you fucking moron. And that in no way justifies NOT having the extra power there you idiot. 100% every game dev has to SACRIFICE things in order for everything to fit, more power = less sacrifice = more POTENTIAL content in our games and better quality. I never implied more power = better game, but less power definitely equals a worse game than what it COULD have been.
only based posted in this entire thread
>So it's NON nintendo fans that appreciate these fanmade nintendo videos, that's what you're saying?
I mean OP's video has the guy saying he was a Sega dude and he doesn't actually know what the fuck a ground pound is yeah?
To be honest I'm afraid too.
>that Megaman
>that Link
>that kirby
what the fuck, this was meant to go to and I had written an entire fucking paragraph before this, I don't want to write all of that again, fuck.
here's a TL;DR
1, no it wouldn't. Effort made those things possible, not graphical limitations. I don't even see this level of detail on games on PS4 like God of War or game on XBox like [insert FPS with disappearing jelly blood here]
2, once again, no it doesn't, not strictly at least
3. it was a miswording, I meant that it would look better on better hardware, but it doesn't even look worse than its competition in several areas
>that can go anywhere with you.
Why do people say this? It's fucking huge. It's bigger than the already big wii u tablet.
Except it does, because its more about how many trees and leaves and how high can the texture res be, rather than how pretty the tree is you dumbass.
>wow, this demo shows we can have 1 million ugly ass trees at once, this shows how nintendo can have a million PRETTY trees if they used this engine
Why is this very simple concept so hard for you all to understand. It's meant to show potential, none of these guys are implying this is how the games SHOULD be.
How do you people figure this? yea, the niche Nintendo market would suddenly not play Nintendo anymore if they upped their power to be among the competition.
That's horseshit, if Nintendo fans are die hard and play Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games (which are EXCLUSIVE), then how does that change by just having more power? It'll be the same fucking thing, just that the Nintendo console would be slightly more expensive, but the idea still stands that you buy either a PS4 or Xbox AND a Nintendo for the Nintendo only experience.
Except the Nintendo experience can be an even bigger better and more fulfilling one.
Yes, that is my point, what's wrong with it? Realistically, money is the absolute factor here because they're a business. If they just stopped thinking "more expensive = less sales" then Nintendo would be all for it themselves.
nailed it
>Except it does, because its more about how many trees and leaves and how high can the texture res be, rather than how pretty the tree is you dumbass.
At that rate what's even the point? Just point at at the UE4 demo Epic themselves made and say "imagine Mario made with that, on good hardware." If the entire point is that "BETTER HARDWARE EQUAL MORE GOOD GRAPHIC" and the quality of the demo is completely pointless, why fucking bother?
>Yes, that is my point, what's wrong with it?
That a fucking four year old understands this and this video does not help prove that point. It's just what some tool made using unity assets. If you need a visual aid for understanding this basic ass concept, you're a fucking idiot.
Ah, I see why arguing with you is so difficult. You have no idea how games work and what goes into them. When I say performance you only think about sales, or FPS.
user, more power also means more features and possibilities for GAMEPLAY features and mechanics.
You don't just get higher FPS, you can have more objects on the screen at once, more interactions with those objects, more commands can be executed at once etc etc.
Yes, amount of content does have to do with hardware you dumbass. How much can happen at once, how much can be stored on one medium, RAM memory etc. Dude, games have gotten more complex and have been jampacked with much more content (more music, more sounds, more characters, more environments and details in all these things). Every single MODEL can be more fucking complex, down to the skeleton. The variables are fucking insane to count. And the reason for why is because of the increase in power. You don't notice it because we're at a point where we have so much it doesn't make much difference....except for Nintendo.
Holy fuck you're actually retarded
>effort made those things possible
Yea, and graphical limitations, literally makes certain efforts IMPOSSIBLE. God damn how dumb are you? This concept is not hard to get, more power = more potential and vice versa. Done, you literally cannot argue this. After that, you criticize the dev based on how they chose to use the power they had.
shut up Yoda
>point 1
you completely fucking cherrypicked the first part, while dumping the part where I twisted your own ideology against you, I wonder why?
>point 2 and 3
Just because you don't mind mean shit when the overall install base, by YOUR metric once again, does care. The Switch was already being criticized for its price at launch, imagine it being $50 more expensive, let alone $100.
But it has been proven that more expensive console at launch can seriously fucking hurt performance, look at the 3DS, the PS3, even the fucking PS4 was underperforming at launch due to its steep price and few games, which is where I'll segway into the point that the Switch was pretty fucking barren at launch, Choosing to lower power and such to lower the price was a conscious decision due to the lack of games and extremely thin ice they were on after the WiiU's nuclear fallout. You need to consider the context of why the Switch was made like it was as well.
>point 4 already tackled this in my other post
Yoda, up the shut fuck, you will
What even is this game anyways, is it actually fun? I remember playing this guy's total war hyrule shit and barring the absolute edge it was pretty entertaining at least
actually like samus, ganon, bowser, ridley, fox and k.rool.
dedede will surely huant my nightmares.
Very based
Because the fidelity is a quality in itself you fool. Have none of you ever heard of a fucking tech demo?
>I wanna see how hard we can push the console, lets throw a shit ton of assets and test limits
>wow, we can have all this and that
>ok now we know, lets make a game that goes to this limit, using assets that actually look good and not these shitty PLACEHOLDER ones that we used, only to see the POTENTIAL of what we could do
It's practically a fucking experiment for fucks sake.
So every game developer is a fucking idiot because every game developer does this. They just call them stress tests, or other funny names. It proves the point that Nintendo games could be much more amazing visually if they decided to increase a focus on graphical fidelity. That's it. Nintendo literally shows us this very thing with every new Mario game that uses the new console to it's limit. Every single time it's beautiful and better than the last, which means they for sure have ideas that go beyond the limit of the console. The EXACT opposite example is the NEW SUPER MARIO BROS games, which are essentially stagnant. If everything you were all saying is true, then every new mario game would be like the New Super Mario Bros games. Essentially offering nothing new or impressive in graphics or the magnitude of content. Yet every new generation Mario game improves on Both the Graphics and Magnitude of content. Gee I wonder why that is...certainly has nothing to do with new power granted by a more powerful console every generation...hmmm
Because its the worst Mario game by a wide margin
So NintendoHireThis Man has some decent art, and he does well with lighting...
But he's seriously bad at everything else.
Those animations are next level awful, and the physics of what he's doing doesn't carry any weight at all.
If he's serious about remaking these games, NintendoHireThis Man needs to get a team of people who can fill his gaps.
Why is Nintendo so fucking bad at what they do? It's 2019, there should be an *official* way to play Wii games at 4K, yet the Switch itself can't even handle 1080p in most games and 4K is outright unsupported. It's furthermore too weak to emulate Wii games
>you completely fucking cherrypicked the first part, while dumping the part where I twisted your own ideology against you, I wonder why?
do explain yourself
>The Switch was already being criticized for its price at launch,
Yea because the POWER AND CONTENT didn't justify it. It's too weak and had too little games to justify the price. When there were cheaper and more powerful alternatives with more fucking games/content. That was the narrative idiot.
Lack of games? Gee I wonder if 3rd party constantly going "oops, switch can't handle my game, guess this game isn't coming to the switch" has ANYTHING to do with it. Nintendo's horrible 3rd party bureaucratic relationship aside.
An expensive console at launch is definitely not a good thing I agree, except every expensive console at launch picks up significantly later in its lifespan as more content backs it up. This has been the case over and over in history. Nintendo consoles aren't successful because they're cheap, they're successful because of their games. If you're severely lacking in games then no surprise that your console wont be considered worth the penny. So making 3rd party constantly dismiss your console as too weak for their game IS GOING TO HURT YOU VERY BADLY. How many fucking devs have to apologize for a game not coming to the Switch or Wii or Wii U before people finally get "ooooh, maybe outdated hardware isn't a good thing in a world of exponentially growing technology".
>the niche Nintendo market would suddenly not play Nintendo anymore if they upped their power to be among the competition.
everyone other than the nintendo fans will stop buying nintendo's consoles because suddenly they're competing with their preferred console.
> point 1
OH. Holy Shit, you are a brainlet. If I had saved any of those infernal pictures called wojacks, this is one of the few times I'd deem it appropriate to post.
MY ENTIRE point is that Power DOES NOT strictly dictate what content a game could get. It is more things like optimization, like, did you know RDR2 has a smaller world, more closed off and narrow areas, and much less events than fucking BoTW? and it takes up MORE space on MUCH BETTER hardware. limits on those things can be mostly contributed to incompetence or design choice in this day and age.
Way to completely ignore my example on how a game on much worse hardware has more content than one on better hardware, for one.
That last point, you made, only reinforces you as a moron. If you even go for a second thinking Nintendo games are less content packed than games of their competitor I'd think you'd have been living under a rock for literal decades. Nintendo is the PERFECT example on how more power doesn't equal more content. Even ignoring my previous BoTW and RDR2 comparison. Splatoon 2 has muh more to offer compared to Overwatch in variety with it's, story mode in game and expansion wise weapons, effects, supers, etc. And it was made for much worse hardware. So why is that? If SPlatoon 2 was made on worse hardware, SUREL it should have had less content. correct? Another Example. XBC2 had more content than P5, despite being on much worse harware. Shouldn't it have had less?
It almost like
STRICTLY DICTATE CONTENT. You seem to imply that these sorts off things are purely graphical limitations, when it is mre often than not the fault of bumfuck devs who don't know how to optimize worth shit. Pokemon Gold and Silver were made over TWICE as big after Game Freak got help from someone actually good a coding.
>all this autistic argumentation in this thread
>all this autistic argumentation in this thread
>how dare people talk about things they enjoy
>they must be autistic
>they are just jealous of everyone else who is trying to be funny and awesome
>the internet is awash in people that love comedy but are actually dumb because people like them make it funny
>it's like they have one autistic sister that isn't happy she's a "cool" bitch
>the parents of autistic people are the internet
>when people criticize us they are always told it's because we're different and then they are met with silence or ridicule
>the internet does not need autistic people telling us what to say
>It always feels like they need me to tell them what makes us funny
>and to me being in a relationship with someone in my life is like being inside a movie
>it is important to know we do not need to accept everything the internet tells us, that we aren't weird, ugly, and don't have to conform to a set of ideals
>if you're not being taken seriously in your job you will always be the weird
>OH. Holy Shit, you are a brainlet
Oh holy shit, YOU'RE a brainlet because everything you said STILL HELPS MY POINT. I know about optimization you fucking dumbass, optimization is MY FUCKING POINT PROVEN. Why do you think optimization exists? Because it MAKES MORE ROOM FOR MORE STUFF YOU FUCKING RETARD. Nintendo are kings of optimization, that means every unit of power for them has much more value, this still fucking scales, this still means = more power = more potential. Even more potential than every other dev because WITH the power of optimization, they have EVEN MORE ROOM AVAILABLE YOU FUCKING MORON.
I never said power dictates the content of a game, just that it's more fucking potential. Holy absolute shit how is this hard for you to understand? A bigger room means you can have more shit in it, you can't argue that. You can decide to fill it with as little things as you want but the OPTION TO HAVE MORE IS THERE AND CAN BE USED. You have the POTENTIAL to fill the room up, where as before, with smaller rooms, you don't have the fucking option, in fact you might not even be able to bring all your stuff in and you have to leave stuff out because there's no space. I'm annoyed I had to use such a crude analogy but you just don't seem to get the definition of POTENTIAL.
The game was not better because it was on LESS hardware. So your point is fucking retarded, less hardware didn't make the game better. But objectively fucking speaking more power allows for a game to be bigger and better. You can optimize, cool, you have much more power to play with. Don't know how to optimize, well then you better hope you have more power to play with.
In both cases, more power is better. The ONLY LIMITING FACTOR IS MONEY YOU FUCKING IDIOT. Why is Odyssey bigger and better than its predecessors? Because the switch being much more powerful than the fucking Wii, means they had more POTENTIAL!
wow he really has no artistic talent at all.
>point 1
instead of tackling how the much more popular videos got more support for my side of the argument, you went totally ebin Yea Forums strawman and painted me like some moron who thinks those with different opinions than mine fall into "X" group. Tackle how much more popular videos, which by your standard are a proper metric of Nintendo's fanbase, got support for my side instead.
Also, the reply to yours kinda did show that the people who care about these aren't really Nintendo fans, so...
>point 2
No, it was pretty exclusively for he lack of games. I can't find a single trusted review site that criticized the switch for its power at launch actually, its almost like you're taking your own thoughts and projecting it onto others here.
Also, you are fucking exaggerating so hard when it comes to this. Most games that 3rd party devs said couldn't come to switch were in development well before the Switch was even revealed to the public, and third parties aren't really high on the list when it comes to pre-reveal toolkits. I haven't seen many devs say this at all, and most outright ignore the (admittedly pretty retarded and annoying) portbegging. And Ninty's been on a pretty good streak with 3rd party devs recently too
Hear this, the Switch has not only PICKED UP in sales, but it has also has A LOT of games, first and third party, because devs actually got their hands on the Switch's tech. In fact, I remember an article a while stating that a lot of third parties found the switch very easy to develop for. You seem to think that the switch's power is a huge "X" factor, when I've already explained that it not only isn't, as their main install base doesn't care as long as it looks nice and modern, but being a strong handheld has attracted more people not familiar with Nintendo than, and I'm going out on a limb here, care about graphics. People like you are really the minority, and gaming is a much more casual market than it was just 20 years ago.
Based schizoposter
holy shit shut the fuck up you autists
xD!! Why hasn't nintendo hired this guy already??!!!
Lol, shut up retard.
Hire this man, Nintendo should.
I don't tell you how to tell me what to do, so don't tell me how to do what you tell me to do
environment artist here.
that looks like shit.
Rotoscoping isn't good animation.
I bet you think Ralph Bashki is an artistic genius.
Am I the only one who thinks these weird HD Remasters of N64 games look.. Bland and boring? I mean sure the new Nintendo games out right now don't look amazing but I really really like the artstyle especially the Links Awakening remake
WHY ARE STILL ASSUMING THAT MORE POWER MEANS NINTENDO WOULD SUDDENLY USE ALL OF SAID POWER. Odyssey, in of itself, doesn't even scratch the surface of what the switch is capable of, proven with games that have come out after it and what piraters have even been able to do on the console, yet they put a limit on themselves for a number of unforeseen reasons.
Much like how you don't need enough TV's to fill a living room with in the first place, strictly more space isn't always a goof thing. I'd even wager that it's at a detriment to most games. Most PC. XBox, and PS4 devs can't optimize worth shit, and I'd say it's because they have a bunch of fucking space that hey don't use efficiently. Even if Nintendo had the power, of say, a PS4 Pro, WHY in the almighty fuck would they use all of their available space They aren't even doing it for something less than half as powerful. A game doesn't need more power for the devs to feel that it's content complete. Fucking God of War is pretty sparce on content and that game had much more to work with, does that mean they were held back by the primitiveness of the PS4? Did they not reach the full potential of what they wanted? NO, it's more likely that they got everything they deemed acceptable into the game, and decided to not overload the game with shit just to make use of all of that delicious space and power they could have wasted.
A game CAN be better if it's on less hardware, because it forces the devs to adapt to new strategies and make the most of their space.
This is an opinion parroted on Yea Forums to hell and back, I'm surprised you didn't realize. Even though this place is hot shit for most opinions, that one does ring true. Being limited brings out the creativity in people. This applies to almost every medium, Music, Movies, Televison, Comics. Hell, Time Travel plots are like, the best way to show this.
You're the only one dude
So my argument is more power = more potential for devs to make bigger and better games. Your argument is "but nintendo fans are fine without it" "popular youtube videos agree" and you somehow think you've won or are correct?
I've never heard any Nintendo fan say they PREFER their consoles being underpowered, just that they're not bad for being underpowered because they make up for it with x, y and z. Every video acknowledges the switch being underpowered but they don't mind that it is. So your point the videos about the fans being complacent is fucking pointless. The switch is a great console. Would it be better with more power? Yes it would be, hands down, you can't argue against this fact. And that's what you're trying to do, you're actually trying to justify it and even argue it being a better choice when its absolutely not.
More power = less limit. Less power = more limits. More limits = less content can be made, less content made = less things for consumers to enjoy. More power = less limits = more potential = more and better content. Even if you don't use it, the option is there and it's a better thing to have the option than not to for the sake of philosophy (or realistically, money. Because that's what this is about, Nintendo limits hardware for MONEY and MONEY only, not because it's their philosophy to stay behind competition).
Now read it slowly and carefully so your stupid ass can get this in your head.
So this is the power of a degree in game design... woah
Because the can lol? Are you retarded, so now it's that "lol but Nintendo wouldn't even use all the power" come on now. And Nintendo isn't the only dev for their consoles.
Plenty of things you can fill it with that isn't a TV. It's also not about filling it up, it's about having the option to. Maybe YOU wont, but others can find a million reasons to use the extra space. Some people just like setting their FEW objects FAR apart using all that space.
Ahh, the ability to CHOOSE and not be LIMITED feels good.
>Most PC. XBox, and PS4 devs can't optimize worth shit, and I'd say it's because they have a bunch of fucking space that hey don't use efficiently.
That's the devs fault, not the console or the idea of having more power. Shitty and lazy devs shouldn't hold back the progress of the whole.
>WHY in the almighty fuck would they use all of their available space
As ideas grow, so will the demand for the power to realize it. Also, I don't think you know how games work if your only concern is storage space. You can have a game with only 3 assets. Those 3 assets can crash the switch if those 3 assets are so complex they use a ton of CPU and GPU power to render. We're talking the difference between hair being one object, using clever tricks with textures and lighting to look like a lot of hair, to millions of individual strands that can respond to wind physics. What are fluid simulations? You know, NUANCES, that word you used earlier. I'll cut you some slack in that if you knew anything about the potential of games and graphics, you would actually have a scope and idea to what more power can really mean.
It seems like you just have no real idea of how any of that translates and you can't see how games can go further beyond what they are now (pretty amazing so far so I can understand).
>Odyssey, in of itself, doesn't even scratch the surface of what the switch is capable of
Is that why it runs at a dynamic resolution and rarely hits 1080p? Because there's just extra units of "power" lying around? Do you realize how idiotic you sound? Odyssey is using 99% of the Switch's graphical power *most of the time* . Optimization isn't some magic wand where you can just wave it around and create "power" out of nothing. It's simply a fancy way of saying sacrifices. Reduce some poly counts here, reduce some draw distance there. Odyssey even has multi-res shading which is a very advanced technique of rendering different parts of the screen at different resolutions, something only newer Nvidia GPUs can do. Notice how Mario's shadow is grainy looking instead of just dark? That's because they've reduced it to a simple dithering effect instead of actual alpha.
Odyssey is full of "optimizations" and it shows by having reduced overall image quality. It could have been a better looking game if it weren't for the Switch being such a fucking hunk of shit.
>delicious space and power they could have wasted.
Wasted? What happened to it, got dumped in a landfill?
How the hell is it wasted? The only way to "waste" it, is to not even use it you moron.
>A game CAN be better if it's on less hardware, because it forces the devs to adapt to new strategies and make the most of their space.
This is a COMPLETELY different argument that does not apply here. And once again that is the DEVS fault, not the medium. Yes this is true, limitations forces creative solutions. More power doesn't mean this stops, it just means the scale in which creative solutions will come about is bigger. Essentially, the creative solutions will apply to more and more complex and demanding things, while the smaller things that have all the space in the world, will be perfected.
More power =/= less problems. If anything, it means MORE problems and thus MORE solutions.
You think devs were worried about making water behave realistically before? God no. Now that power has led us to raytracing, we can now actually begin to think about that, whereas before it wasn't even a concern.
You don't know what you're talking about kid, you have no idea what's in store for the future. And less power just means Nintendo consoles will not be participating in the future of realistic water physics and light reflections.
Can you imagine that with your puny brain? Mario with realistic fluid simulations?
Don't bother, this guy has no clue how a game even uses power, or what "power" even means.
because nobody knows how to add gravity effects in entry level unity
Dear hire Nintendo. Nintendo? Nintendo fire Nintendo!
>Trying to figure out what I don't like about it
I blame spaghetti hair texture (and hair shirt texture), the eyes that aren't converging to a point, and those weird pufflips.
>Wario still looks good
You just can't fuck up his design, it's too perfect.
cant wait for the austistic sperg out from speedrunners who realize the same glitches won't do shit in UE
this will be graphics in 2013
Beagle is that you? Go back to playing xcom!
Literally laughed out loud at this shit.
>Absolutely beautiful
Holy shit, so cringe.
>This guy also made the RE2 one piece theme parody
>And made a new vid with sony
I wanna see more of this man
Very good, Nintendo should hire this man
I meant about sony
Fukuwara is coming for you nigga.
Is there a source for the
meme? Or did it originate on Yea Forums?
I started it.
@Everyone im going to start a petition legit and we are all going to sign.
Redpill me on these tech demos:
Are they actually impressive and difficult to make? The guy in the video says it takes a lot of knowledge and dedication and skill, but I was always under the impression as long as you have basic programming knowledge everything there is just an asset dump using an existing engine?
Not gonna lie; I've wanted someone to do an animated preflight check of an arwing set to that intro ever since I first heard that remix like 15 fucking years ago
People on YouTube kept saying this unironically to even the shittiest of fangames and someone on Yea Forums turned it into a meme.
They all look same-y.
Even with no programming skills you can tell he used the same base for every one of his demos, which is fine, they are just fan made and free for everyone to use, but his fan base really blows it out of proportion.
Unreal doesn't really help either as well, look at Yooka Laylee and it's the same feel all of them have.
Yea Forums the musical, HIRE THIS MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
every time
every FUCKING time
it runs at an unlocked 60-20fps with motion blur and way overdone bloom. Its like they honestly don't know you can turn that shit down/off.
no, I recognize a lot of stolen assets, anyone with actual skill and previous experience can make this trash in like a day or two if they wanted to
People were seething when it was first revealed even when it wasn't, Don't tell me you forgot about "MARIO GOES SONIC ADVENTURE! MARIO IS FUCKING DEAD!"
oh god why am i subbed to this fucking guy
I can't tell if this video is sarcasm or not.
I like how Mario went the Sonic Adventure route with realistic dragons and dinosaurs and humans and made it somehow not look so out of place in my opinion, but that's probably because I also love Sonic Adventure.
Better than any of the "new" games
Kek the comments
Oh god, that's where they got the sonic movie idea from.
The Deku Tree part is actually pretty decent imo
>that fox
I'm not a furry
I'm not a furry
I'm not a furry
I'm not a furry
You are now a furry
Is Nintendo going to C&D this man now?
l o l.
It's EU box art Mega Man