Hates happiness and success

>hates happiness and success
>hates women
>hates children
>hates adults
>hates teenagers
>hates socialising with people
>gets picked on by chad but idolises him
>is a massive asshole to everybody
>all of this is to mask his crippling depression
Literally Yea Forums: The Character.

Attached: Squall.png (448x467, 205K)

Worst game. Emo fantasy ruined the series forever.

Where the FUCK is my Rinoa?

Attached: 67490441_p0.jpg (600x800, 89K)

>worst game
>not Best game
t. Faggot FF9poster who hates anything that isn't Wacky Zany Undertale can't take ourselves seriously pomo shart

Rinoa is the qt pie azn gf Yea Forums secretly longs for

except he gets shit done

Where the fuck is my Selphie?

How is squall not the chad his has a sex teacher and some hot asian girl all on his dick, he beats his rival not once but three times

Right, he's fucking based

Squall is easily one of the best protagonists in the series.


You say that likes it's a bad thing.

Is that why you hate it? You are Squall, but you can't get the same bitches as him?

Wouldn't Yea Forums try to become a cute girl sorceress?

I thought Squall was so cool I modelled my personality after him. Got the bitches, too

I sometimes still like to think Seifer was the actual main hero of the story. He was the one character who had motivations that were actually human.

Attached: 198904-seifer4.jpg (480x334, 14K)

FVIII isn't a story about good and evil.

>Squall, Im dying!

That THOT had no chance against my incel boi, Squall.

That was fake


he became the knight he wanted to be

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