Why don't Smash players shower?
Why don't Smash players shower?
Because they are white.
Post yfw a Smashfag walks by
Because you're smelling your mama's ass, that's why.
Cuz they are all Wicked Witches of The West
Imagine the smell
too busy theory crafting which character will be in smash dlc
Too busy carrying crabs on them.
A guy was able to carry around a dead crab for hours at a melee tournament and nobody was able to smell it since it already smelt so bad from the players not showering lol
>manchildren playing "competetive" children's party games don't have good personal hygiene
Imagine my shock
It comes with the tisms and spergers. Before we all moved to fb, we had our own forum set up for our local scene, and we certainly tried to shame a few people into taking better care of themselves with our 'List of BO offendors' section of the forum.
If someone stank, you put them on the list, preferably detailing the issue. I think only one person on that list made an effort to not stink, and he had the excuse of walking and riding the bus on 90f+ days in the summer.
We also had one kid who I'm almost certain was shitting his pants and/or not wiping on the regular. I'm familiar with BO, bad breath, and dirty clothes. This was feces, and it's now permanently associated with Lucario for me.
WTF I thought you were joking. Fucking degenerates
but all smash players are white
>Not having access to a shower
Expecting toddlers to shower
>can buy a console and video game to train on
>can't pay the water bill
okay retard
Nigger video games are dirt cheap. You can buy a gamecube and a copy of melee for like 70-80 bucks
crab? I assume you mean the sea beast and not the pants horror.
>Play smash in college a long time ago
>Furry, Naruto, otaku guy comes in
>He hasn't bathed in a week
>Didn't put on any deodorant
>It's fucking 90 outside
>His roomie finally confronted him after we all complained
>He then bathed in fabreeze afterwards
>I'm can still fucking smell him to this day
Crabs don't actually smell bad if they're very fresh like just caught that day.
Because only dirty chinks and backstabbing commies do that. Real Americans don't even bother.
That's why they smell.
>hungrybox screaming "I WORKED HARD FOR THIS"
spamming up throw -> rest must so fucking hard, right?
Why are you posting a fucking Kotaku article?
>go to local smash tournament
>enter because i feel im okay
>get shit on hard by a twig that has an odor
>"its okay, theres still the losers bracket"
>the same thing happens but its also a twig man
>try another 3 weeks of this
>the odor gets worse with each time
>so much so i exit the building between each round
>i never got past the first match
and that was when i realized im not only a shitter, but im also surrounded by a foul odor
One more for you fags
>Go-to the smelly guy's place because his roomie invited us
>Roomie reassured us that the smelly furfag keeps to his own area
>We go over and have drinks and play smash
>Girls (5/10 ones) start getting drunk and hot, begin slowly taking off layers
>We all knew this would happen and expected it
>We do the same
>Shit is going great until the smelly furfag leaves his room to hang out
>He strips down too
>The smell was incredible. The swass and cum stank erupted
>Girls leave
>We had to help the roomie open every single window
>Turns out the furfag and the roomie are cousins, and he can't just kick him out
You see, your first mistake was showering before entering the tournament. A player's smell is his power level. The smelliest player is the strongest, that's the secret.
Legend says, the strongest Smash player lives alone high in a mountain peak, and his foul stench is so severe, not even birds are flying near it.
By that logic my water bill being $120 a month is a fucking steal.
boy you haven't looked at the prices of Gamecubes, GC Controllers, or Melee recently.
i like how high quality the content on Yea Forums is
Imagine prioritizing children games over personal hygiene
How is this article worthy?
Smash is for children and children smell bad. Really fucking bad. Why do children have such an intense smell? I thought that South Park was kidding when a coroner thought he smelled children -it's no joke how pungent they are.
People don the spectrum don't understand how basic hygene works or why it's needed.
Wear a mask
Ain't got nobody time for that when you have to train.
Because it's a really prevalent phenomenon/problem. There's literally congress halls and such that had to include (and enforce) basic hygiene rules when smash tournaments were held or even entirely forbade smash tournements to be hosted because the body odor was so fucking nasty and they didn't wanna deal with the stank anymore because they had to ventilate the entire building before it was usable again.
every time
Melee alone costs like 70-80 bucks nowadays
have sex
lies, smash players are all wetbacks and nogs
someone should shoot up a smash tourney
get a wii or wii u if gamecubes are expensive
>gamecube controllers
dirt cheap?
get a modchip
>dirt cheap
found the person who lives with their parents and doesn't know the value of a dollar