Games that were ahead of their time and hold up better than most modern games today

>games that were ahead of their time and hold up better than most modern games today

Attached: xbox-360-Halo3.jpg (800x1143, 217K)

halo 3 was a disappointment.

Go back to quake, gramps. Halo 3 is fucking flawless.

xbot shill.

I hate how 90 percent of the weapons are useless in Halo 2-3 even if I love the games.

This happens in all shooters. Lots of guns just aren't part of the meta game. Its like the AK and the M4 in CS

It only really happens in shooters with a weapon limit. There needs to be an all-purpose weapon to make up for the fact that you can't carry around a bunch of niche options.

On their own, maybe, but they aren't useless if you dual wield.

I'm on a Legendary run in the MCC Halo 2 right now, can't wait to get to Halo 3.

the darkness and fear.

no it wasn't, and I was a huge fan of the series at the time.

nice argument. what about it was a let down?

the weapon balance, the story, the multiplayer maps.

So you have shit taste? Got it.

Only reason why Halo 3 is still great is because everything sucks now a days


Why is it so hard? It's been over ten years and no single player fps shooter campaign has even come close to beating Halo 3.

Name one level from any modern shooter as thrilling as The Covenant in Halo 3. You literally can't. And it's a last gen game.

Attached: TheCovenant.jpg (1920x1080, 904K)



not sure what this is supposed to mean. The whole game is built around trying to get certain power weapons. At least it isn't like the later games where everyone can just spawn in with rocket launchers

The story was good

The maps were good


>Halo 3 is fucking flawless.
>He says this as Heretic exists in its map pool


Every year is a step backwards for Madden

Attached: 220px-NFL_2K5_Cover.png (220x278, 99K)

What? What's wrong with Heretic?

nice argument.
for one thin dual wielding is fucking useless now, and some weapons were nerfed to hell and back like the needler and plasma pistol. their response to everything was to make it useless if it could kill people in a few seconds.

Heretic is Halo 3's best map. Coincidentally, it's also the only remake map in their entire history that they didn't fuck up in some way.


Madden madden madden!
Madden 91'

Why did they need another small circular Covenant themed map when Assembly exists? For the MLG crowd, Citadel was perfect from Mythic II but it went completely ignored because everyone immediately jumped on the Midship nostalgia.

>Heretic is Halo 3's best map.

The Pit is Halo 3's best map.

Best football game

The Pit works for a single mode, and isn't even great at that compared to other maps in the series.

Attached: chaos theory SC.jpg (490x337, 57K)

Assembly was cramped garbage with one-way windows, and Citadel was too open and basic of a design without enough movement options.

>ahead of time

Attached: X Doubt.png (492x280, 89K)

Halo 3 absolutely holds up mostly anyways even compared to other halo games it feels fucking glacialnd shooting feels unimpactful/imprecise due to all the random spread; Reach';s bloom was unironically less awful but I wouldn't call it ahead of it's time, aside from maybe theater mode.

Nah, see above.
It's also a step down from 2 in almost every way but I wouldn't call that a "flaw" since it still does most of those things well even if not as good of 2.

Nah, he's right. The story was a huge step down in 2, with only a single narrative thread, no complex chaefziation compared to 2 with the arbiter, way more generic writting, truth redcued to a generic villain, etc. Map design was worse with less verticality, etc.

I wouldn't call it a dissapointment, it lived up to my expectations mostly, but it was still a step down from 2

m8 I think midship and it's remakes are overrated as fuck but assembly was awful

Did you know that if you ride the helicopter on the side / passenger seat, the npc pilots will fly you to the Scarabs and hover over them so you can drop onto them?

Also, did you know that when playing split-screen co-op if you look down over the peaks of the mountains surrounding the Scarab fight, or down past the huge metal plank over the abyss, you will see the other player's screen as the skybox below the horizon?

Fucking this. Still THE best 3D stealth game out there, Mark of the Ninja is second but its in 2D.

Attached: tray guy.png (406x476, 242K)

Is this supposed to be how much better than Pandora Tomorrow?
What's the best platform?

hoo boy no.

>Cold Storage

All of them suck. Heretic is worse than midship but still good.

Halo 3 is the best FPS ever made and only contrarians disagree

This is by far my biggest issue with the Halo games. 99% of non-power weapons are fucking worthless in most of the halo games due to being weak as fuck, sometimes not even being effective in their own role, and due to how domiaiant precision weapons are

the worst part is the halo community defend it, and have been memed into thinking that Halo SHOULD have a single dominant precsion/utility weapon that makes the rest of the non power weapon sandbox useless, and that autos SHOULD be shit guns for casual players without rewarding skill, etc

There needs to be a utility weapon insomuch as it's a weapon you spawn with that needs to be able to reward skill and be good enough that even if the other team has all the pickups, a skilled enough player can use it to turn the tide, to avoid Halo 2 SMG starts shit where the moment 1 team picks up other guns they win, but it doesn't need to be uniservally domiant and other guns can be good too

Halo 5 actually has pretty decent weapon balance on launch but people whined the autos were actually worth using for once and were in competitive play and then the TU fucked everything up. Granted, the storm rifle WAS busted, and the AR was a bit better then it should be at low skuill levels, but niether was more btro was even close to as busted as the CE magnum or 2 BR. Even after the TU the weapon balance is still better then any other halo game since at least most guns are effective in their own role and are decently versatile even if the magnum is like the best gun oijn 99% of situations

>not sure what this is supposed to mean. The whole game is built around trying to get certain power weapons

See above. That being said, 3's weapon balance wasn't nearly as bad as 2's, one of the few thgings 3 did better rather then worse then 2.

>At least it isn't like the later games where everyone can just spawn in with rocket launchers
Even in 4 which has loadouts, you can't do this, and 5 returns back to even starts.

>Snow bound sucks

Want to know how I can tell that you're a shitter?

>forge mode
>file sharing
>theatre mode
>custom games
>physics system that still puts modern games to shame
>campaign that still puts modern games to shame
>mlg, big esports scene before esports even exploded

>Halo SHOULD have a single dominant precsion/utility weapon
It should. A single dominant weapon is the only thing that makes the 2-weapon limit bearable.
Get rid of the useless guns, no FPS should have more guns than you have fingers.

All of those existed before Halo 3. That is not what "ahead of its time" meant.

Snowbound isn't even in the rotation for competitive playlists, what the fuck are you on?

Halo 3 customs were top tier though

>shitters who can't adapt and need to remove 90% of the game
It's the same deal as Smash autists.

>recreation of lockout
you have no place to judge anyone

Its a fucking garbage recreation.

>block the window on library
>add a sightline across all of bottom mid
>stretch everything out
>on top of this, make every gun worse
It's shit. Heretic, Warlock, and Battle Creek are Bungie's only good remakes, and solid proof that any good they have ever done was an accident.

For console peasants it was like a glimpse of glory

It was on console. That's the biggest flaw.

I was going to say that the Reach Anniversary maps were all pretty good, but then I realized that they were made by 343 and CA

I will never understand this newfound love for Halo 3 and I will especially never understand the love for 2007 for gaming. Halo 3 was quickly forgotten when a real-life shooter, COD4 came out, and all the casuals quickly jumped ship to that.

And Halo was always mediocre.

The Anniversary maps were okay, but didn't suit Reach's gameplay very well at all. CEA didn't change enough either, it just made the pistol stronger.

Look at what year it is. Halo 3 was released in 2007, the literal children we joked about who would scream into the mics are old enough to have found this place and post their age without fear of being banned.

This, TTK was almost SWAT levels in CEA in basic ass gameplay with that pistol

I cannot think of a statement more based

Those features never existed in a unified package or were ever executed in such a polished, robust way. It's why the game lasted years after release and was still big when Halo Reach and 4 came along. Halo 4 and 5 didn't even have file sharing at launch and many shooters after Halo 3 still didn't have a theatre mode, forge mode or robust custom games. Halo 3 was the ultimate package and cut no corners.

Reach's pistol had a ton of base spread as well.

based and redpilled

>Those features never existed in a unified package
Mod tools and demo playback absolutely existed in unified packages, and were hugely successful. You just weren't aware of it because you only had console games.

based and zoomer pilled