>joins your guild
Joins your guild
>betafags start behaving like bunch of retards, she uses them, guild goes to shit
>Leads your guild
>starts orbiting and whiteknighting to the point where it causes drama
>blames the girl
She has a weird gaze
I don't play any games that have a "guild" or something even remotely fucking similar.
>*starts new guild*
>show her muh dick
Emily rudd
GOD I hate chicks like this.
I once was in a World of Warcraft Mythic raiding guild. We were easily the best on our server. We were top 10 in North America. We were hotshots, and people knew who we were. And one day, SHE joined. This bitch was every stereotype in the book. All of the beta no-lives starting fawning over her, and she caused drama, and eventually, our guild fell apart. She was a Bear Druid tank, but was ultra-shit. She stood in everything and had no idea how to play. My guild refused to bench her, and we couldn't make any progress through the raid. So people just left to join other Mythic guilds that actually wanted to progress. I loved raiding with those guys.
thanks for reading my vent.
Sounds like you were all a bunch of weak man babies if one girl was all it took to take your entire group down, strong men wouldn't have let her affect them like that
What kind of guy do you think does Mythic WoW raiding, lmao. I have to admit, I was no better, but that was a long time ago.
those were probably thristy basedboy unironically back in the days
This. Fuck OP and fuck thirsty losers which is pretty much most of the anglos on Yea Forums
Beta orbiter detected
Is this video real? These people are uh, not people. I was watching Alex Jones the other day about how if you wonder wh some people don't look like people it's because they aren't anymore, the stuff in the water and air makes them into some other thing
>still watching Alex Jones after 2016
And you have the gall to talk about other people not being people
>becomes the guild's mother figure
blacked edit when?
Can I join?
I won't argue that most of these people's IQs are probably sub 85, but it's probably not because of gay frog conspiracies.
The truth is morons have existed all throughout history, it's just that the internet makes them easier to find.
Imagine taking an MMO that seriously
every fucking time.
it's always the fucking turbovirgins that give the bitch special treatment and end up destroying your guild.
This is no better than donating money to e-whores on twitch so they can do push ups and say your name out loud. If you have done this at least once then you are beyond redemption and should just put an end to your life posthaste
Treat her like the same garbage you treat all the other people in guild. She'll either get butthurt and leave or just accept it and get the flow of the guild.
>quits and stops raiding cause she cant handle the banter and all the dick talk.
based & guildpilled
There is a culture that these people are a part of that not only encourages this behaviour but they can make money off of it. They're not lizards just because they have a different set of values than you.
I would make a remark about their values being trash compared to yours but you're watching Alex Jones so I don't think that's actually true.
>running away
Not very chadlike, only a retard would think otherwise
Chad would bring her in line, fuck her and get nudes, then kick her out
Only a beta would run away and make a no girls allowed club
>guild destroyed
You would think by the law of averages at least one of you wouldn't go to pieces when dealing with a woman
>always makes good call outs and announcements during the raid
>has a cute voice
*walks up to the stage*
oh hi :3 a female member i see?
allow me to introduce myself
*twirls arm to my chest and bows*
my name is Shade Cygnus Moonpaw and i can be your guide to the game from here on! =w=
oh and dont worry about having tits, we WON'T ask to see them XD (im joking btw)
pm me if u have any questions or need someone to talk to ;) im just a message away
>call a girl a bitch
>white knight orbiters rush to her defense
There's a reason my old guild did not invite any girls. Top 20 EU guild btw
>There's a reason my old guild did not invite any girls.
Not man enough to handle them huh
Being a member of a guild in the first place is just as pathetic as being a white knight beta orbiter
>pierced tail