Why are traditionally attractive feminine girls with feminine personalities borderline non-existent in modern western...

Why are traditionally attractive feminine girls with feminine personalities borderline non-existent in modern western games?

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Why are traditionally attractive masculine men with masculine personalities borderline non-existent in modern Japanese games?

>Why are traditionally attractive feminine girls with feminine personalities
You answered your own question

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>What is sekiro

Modern women are basically men in makeup and with shitty hobbies.
They hate being reminded of how cute women could be.

Because every girl in western games has to be "MUH STRONK AND INDEPENDENT" so they don't piss SJWs and the like off
Because every boy in eastern games has to be "uguu i'm so mysterious and scrawny" so they don't piss fujoshi and otaku and the like off

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Gender stereotypes are sexist

I remember I was watching an anime movie my brother got me for Christmas, and my mom was watching part of it, and said, "I don't like how the girls are so girly."

There's your answer. Western culture tells girls to be brutish beasts. Our females no longer possess any of the feminine grace or dignity that makes the gender so attractive in the first place. They replace it with fat asses and cow tits created by frankenstein processed fatty foods, but it's no replacement for real feminine beauty and charm.

Fuck traditionally feminine girls. Gayest shit imaginable. Give me more tomboys.

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because of audience which those games are made for

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because nips prefer cute slim boys over buff beard beasts, its just how beauty works over there, meanwhile in the west...

Because nobody likes being told how to live their lives here

Yes they do especially girls. That's why female depression and suicide has been skyrocketing.

they dont exist in western society

I used to like tomboys but the people who go around proclaiming how great they are made me switch. Shut the fuck up once in a while.

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>I like men

because japs arent gay

Holy shit these threads are so stale.

now that's a head scratcher

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The point of tomboys is that they're cute though. Cute is feminine.

I like men with pussies and a working womb.

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Thank god my Yea Forums ban is finally gone so I can actually post on an entertaining board. Later fags

Yakuza is mostly about this though?

Because these type of people are the ones who make western games now.

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I dont get the last two panels.

does this mean male suicide rate has been skyrocketing because men long for the days where they had no 2D porn?

> "people"


Cultural marxists believe that the best way to destroy the white race is to destroy the ideational foundation of our society. To do this, they use media to send messages that lead to weakening or twisting of traditional values: women aren’t allowed to be women anymore, men aren’t allowed to be men anymore, beautiful is now ugly and ugly is now beautiful, etc.

Basically, it’s all part of one ideological crusade against the white society, and we’re going to lose it if we can’t raise awareness to fight against the push.

>And That's a Good Thing!
Wow, Kotaku took a really redpilled turn?

>men aren’t allowed to be men anymore
Nigga Japan has more feminine boys then the entirety of the western civilization

I hope you're not implying the typical animu submissive, screams-and-cries-all-the-time, incompetent, 4'10", dumb-as-rocks, annoying girl archetype is attractive

More attractive than the typical fat, obnoxious blue haired bulldykes that western media is pushing down our throats. Kill yourself, libcuck.

I think the chicken killed itself

Jesus is it 2013 again? Fuck Yea Forums is retarded.

trannies will never be beautiful you delusional tranny

>I can't hate both
Why do you retards always go for this black and white mentality?

fuckin weebs, man

>Fuck Yea Forums is retarded.
It is and it always have been.
Cesspool right on bar with Yea Forums and never let yourself think otherwise.

>formerly male
>can get pregnant

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I said pussies with a working womb. Both things trannies lack.

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That's not a tranny retard, those stories usually involve magic or something like that and the men are turned into girls against their will

Those articles about marriage being a one-sided trap was quite shocking from Kotaku.

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toastring in ebin bread

>another /pol/itics thread

have they ever existed? only japs do that

No wonder people choose actual feminine waifus over 3DPD

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Aqua is not the typical animu girl.

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>because Western countries are cucked
True; but also, Western games are less character driven. Compare the overabundance of party-less first person RPGs, and first person games in general to JRPGs. Additionally, the Western industry produces lots of stuff that's driven by maps and menus, i.e. Europa Universalis, Factorio, or FTL, which is very rare in Japan

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Is this what kids watch these days?


Settle down and let us men post, sugar tits.

>t. has never watched an anime in his life

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That's my kind of hentai anime!

Its because when you look at human history and believe in patriarchy you're left with the existential threat that men are just better than women, why else would men rule everything for thousands of years across thousands of cultures. So there is a desperate interest in proving to the world that women can be men. Which is why so much energy in contemporary culture is spent denying sex based differences and claiming that sex is a social construct.

Have sex

deleted cause nipple

god I wish we were like Yea Forums

You're right. She's probably 5'2".
>being this insecure in your masculinity
t. doesn't understand stereotypes

I don't get post like these because whenever women or people in general say too much porn and escapism (such as wanting fictional women who'll be your idea women and ask for nothing in return) and lack of interaction with real people tends to destroy your perceptions of realistic people (in this case women) Yea Forums flips their shit but then say stuff like women changed over time because they were given too much freedom and should've stayed adhering to their roles society expected of them.

Would any of you be willing to give up the age of easy porn access and idealistic video game characters everywhere in the form of dating sims etc in the modern age to go back to a time when women took on more traditional roles and the age of "incels" didn't rise up talking about replacing them with cartoon characters as "waifus" and instead work extra hard for your woman?

I just found a wonderful fujo friend. Talking to her is like talking to a guy with the same interests, we just straight up click for some reason. It's weird. I would like to have a relationship with her but at the same time i feel like i enjoy our friendship too much to do that. Made me change my perception a bit.

Sinking /u/boats is the most sublime pleasure a man can feel.


You're making a false dichotomy. Japanese women have very traditional roles yet Japan is the birthplace of all this waifu stuff. It isn't mutually exclusive.

You didnt get all of that from your mom, you fucking idiot

>god I wish we were like Yea Forums
They would've deleted it too, nigger.
t. Yea Forums peruser

Lots of japanese women also work though and men over there who even want a shot at getting laid need to work hard and study hard aswell something Yea Forums probably wouldn't want to do and instead wants a woman who'll just accept their faults whilst wanting a female that is basically flawless, cooks for them all the time, and isnt needy.

not if it was spoilered

That anime was mostly popular with women in the 20-35 age range

>Yea Forums rightfully sees that modern women are shit, other people blame this perception on porn and escapism
>Yea Forums says that women should stop being shit
Yeah really puzzling how Yea Forums could possibly hold both opinions.

they're fucking boring

everything about the west nowadays is about virtue signaling to the loudest whiners. The majority of consumers have proven that they'll put up with almost anything, so trying to score cheap brownie points is considered the "correct" business strategy. Now sometimes they overreach creating huge backlash, but those happen less than the successes. It's sort of like how dlc and microtransctions came about except replace whiners with stockholders

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>Yeah really puzzling how Yea Forums could possibly hold both opinions.
it is because modern men act like shit too which is why women also indulge in escapism for the perfect man. no side seems to really listen to the other. only bitch at each other

I wonder if you'll ever have the introspection to realise what a fucking idiot you sound like when you unironically say shit like "cultural Marxist"

I hope one day you do. I'm rooting for ya. Dog bless.

Being a loser doesn't mean you can't recognize you're a loser and that things could be different; but there is little motivation in improving if the juice isn't worth it. Low value men in the west don't improve themselves because they think western women aren't worth it; low value men in Japan don't improve themselves because they think the standards are too high to be worth aiming for.

who gives 1 fucking shit about western games

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>no side seems to really listen to the other.
This entire societal issue was caused by men listening to women.

Yeah, that's why traps are so popular there.

You really got em there, buster. Good going.

Most games are action oriented. Meek, quiet girls don't really fit the setting.

>girls with feminine personalities
Why would I want to deal with the faggotry of a women and all that gay shit like makeup? Just gibe tomboy gf.

Based newfag retard

>modern men act like shit too which is why women also indulge in escapism for the perfect man
Which is why these charts are exactly the same.

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shit this really says everything.

>*Is also sensitive, submissive and literally no different than any other Japanese anime girl*

watching the wrong shows

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because no one wants to play Kitchen Adventures: There are Deep Ones Behind the Cups!!!
traditional women are boring

Does this account for less care men put into their looks vs the cosmetics and makeup women tend to cake on to look good for men?

>video game review scores


Do you think that really effects it? Attractive men literally don't need makeup to look good, they work out instead. Going to the gym to work out is just as unnatural as makeup (If your're just looking to be aesthetically pleasing). If anything, working out should compensate for this difference.

Tomboyniggers are the most obnoxious faggots around, yeah.

>less care put into their looks
Are women really this braindead?

i like the "women look better without makeup" meme because the men spouting it have likely never seen a woman without makeup and would think she was sick or dead if they did

Does it account for literal bodybuilders who spend their lives in the gym doing actual work to look good? Because one of these things meets the standard while the other one is against a standard that is literally impossible to achieve.

Because the jews are trying to destroy the white race and they know white males are most attracted to the traditionally attractive feminine girls. Who do you think owns all these video game companies?

because western women are all fat, shitty people

>this post

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>Why do men FORCE us to wear makeup, this is oppression!
>Ugh I hate it when men say that women look good without makeup, they must be lying because we obviously look like dead fish without it
Strange how that works

which one of those is supposed to be me, i just think it's funny how clueless they are about what they're talking about


if the average man worked out as much as the average woman put on makeup i don't think we'd be having as big an obesity problem. lots of chubby men are still able to snag wives who are 2 points higher than them.
What way does the average men put in more or equal care?
body builders are far more rare than women who can buy makeup.

Because in the West, women acting feminine is sexist

Yes, I think it does.
I can guarantee that you see less than 10% of women that don't have makeup on their face in big cities.
Men that wear makeup and contour also boost up in the looks department dramatically.

When you're looking at broad studies like this, it's important to factor in the giant illusion that women create to look attractive.

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Sorry I couldn’t hear you over sucking your moms breast nipple milk in my mouth

>breast nipple
As opposed to what, the knee nipple?

Unattractive women know they're unattractive, men live in denial or go full stupid and become incels and just double down on it.

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Stay mad lanklet you’ll never have mommy tuck you in at night

Its because the west has the big gay. They just love cocks so women are irrelevant

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Anime girls are the ideal and this makes western women seethe because they know they will never reach such heights so they lower the bar immensely and the results are the disgusting abominations seen in western female character design.

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The reason the graph looks like this is because of evolution. Men wanna shoot their dna everywhere and are basically non discriminatory but women want a high value mate because the investment required on their part is higher, 9 months vs 5 minutes. So women are more selective. Its sex economics bro

>how clueless they are about what they're talking about
Amazing how you can speak for people you've never met before and still say this. Oh, and you're the second one by the way. Not really surprised you couldn't figure something like that out.

Men shoulder half the blame for gender roles being fucked up in the west. Maybe if most of them weren't sedentary blobs obsessed with childish forms of entertainment (and I say this as one of them), women would be more feminine

but i dont hate it when they say that? i think it's funny because they dont know what they're talking about.
why are you so upset?

Yea Forums has THE most lukewarm takes on the fucking internet. There's not enough brain cells as there are posters. It's like they are to get some fucking farmer from the 1800s to explain women.

I thought we were done with this retarded SJW fear mongering phase in 2012. What the FUCK happened?

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>women become shit
>men check out and play videogames because of this
>"WTF why are men doing this, this is what's to blame!"
The blame that men shoulder rests entirely on the fact that they let the family unit go to shit through feminism. Leaving shit to rot isn't a cause, it's a consequence.

Real women
>Have shit personalities with zero redeeming qualities
>look fucking ugly, many are fat
>but they exist
Anime girls
>Cute personalities and a huge variety so you can get any kind of girl you like
>Perfect bodies
>but they aren't real
Now it's a question of, do you want the thing that's real but shit or the thing that's perfect but fiction?

Oh geez here comes the U MAD??? posting. Well thanks for letting me know you've got nothing left, I guess.

i still have the one and only thing i ever said, it's funny when they say that because they're clueless
you're the one who made things up to try and... something? i don't get what your point is

Because western people have low standards for women and mistakenly think their goblins are "good enough"

Because raditionally attractive feminine girls with feminine personalities are borderline non-existent in the west.

>I thought we were done with this retarded SJW fear mongering phase in 2012.
Are you just unaware of what Sony's been doing in the past few months

Were they ever? Most 90s and early 2000s game barely had female characters, it was all "dude you are so badass lmao". The exploration of femininity really only happened in any depth in Japanese games.

Americans are gay

Kys bara faggot


Blame white people, who constantly punished women for being feminine.

>girl acts cute
>dad: you fucking whore, who are you getting all dressed up for!!!!!

>tfw there's almost zero games where tomboy is the love interest aside from Kiseki

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How is feminism bad? Predominantly, the main losers would be low-tier males who evolution never intended to reproduce in the first place.

As far as I know, japanese women has a male fetishim about them being fragile metrosexual characters, just look at Alucard or Soma from Castlevania series.

Always the best, accept no substitutes.

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Fuck you, let me tell you why.

White women end up liking feminism because their families are opressive as fuck. White people are so fucking anti sex that they created a generation of women that hate being women cauae they see it as a reason of why they ended up oppresed. White dads are autistic as shit.

I used to think blonde white girls were cute (im not white) but no fucking way am i messing with a white women now. White women are fucking obssesed with not being feminine.

>hurrr what you afraid of a strong women
Yeah no thanks, ill just date a latina who doesn't hate herself and her feminine side

both men and women are irrelevant, gimma the women with cocks

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>the butthurt replies
lol got 'em good

Fuck meant for

I thought we were done with this retarded puritan censorship of female bodies in the 1600's. What the FUCK happened?

Feminine, weak-willed, dumb female leads are usually beyond fucking boring, they border the plot device territory and god save your soul if there's a romance involving them because the male lead will be forced to carry it all on himself since she is a walking nobody with barely any personality to speak of.

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>gimma the ... cocks

Why do Japs draw their cartoons with huge eyes when they're all slants, some of whom you can't even tell if they have their eyes open.

It literally doesn't fucking matter. NOBODY buys those fucking games on a PlayStation, those are for PC. Nobody is actually mad, this is all a symbolic forced outrage at the idea of censorship. I literally couldn't give a fuck because I've never spent money to jerk off. The stories are shit, and I couldn't care about the right of cumbrain teenagers.

I'm more concerned that there are people who spend their money on that shit. I jerk off from my PC and phone like a regular fucking human, not edge off from a PS4 game with amateur art for $24. What the fuck s wrong with you.

I'm not talking about puritans or Christians or communists or anything. I'm just talking about using a worthless buzzword towards people who have literally never refered to themselves as SJW or whatever for a decade. I don't even know how this is about me, all I'm saying is that your obsession with trying to explain women is fucking stupid. You sound like incels who haven't spoken to a women in years, not like you'll admit that it's an issue because you think you're "enlightened" or whatever.

evolution never intended for us to form safe, bountiful societies where you don't have to worry about where your next meal is going to be, or whether or not you'll have your skull dashed in with a rock while you sleep. If you don't want to go back to being a monkey, then you need to concede some control of sexuality from desire, and the path of ruin, to society instead.

Everyone loses when the family unit dies. Statistics don't lie, people who aren't raised in a nuclear family live worse lives across the board. The idea of the "stronk independent womyn who don't need know man" is literally antithetical to civilization.

True. Every crazy/dysfunctional human I've met had a bad relationship with one of their parents. Most commonly, it's the lack of a competent father.

No no, I'm fairly sure it's actually cultural marxism and the illuminati trying to turn our hot boys into estrogen-fueled twinks, or something.

That's the opposite of a tranny. Trannies think they are women stuck in a body of a man, that is a man in a body of a woman.

a game for mentally deranged trapfags

Can't there be a compromise? It's not as if feminism encourages women to be single forever. Though more women who are educated/have their own income has led to fewer families, since something in their nature makes them only want to settle with partners who are "better" than them in some way. The appropriate response in my opinion would be for men to pursue higher levels of income and education in response instead of attempting to reverse the freedoms feminism has provided

because video games should be fun, filled with action, and interesting
most women are none of those things

>Maybe if most of them weren't sedentary blobs obsessed with childish forms of entertainment (and I say this as one of them), women would be more feminine
The reason why men are like this today is because most previous forms of hobbies a man had has become expensive as shit, cars being the easiest thing to point to. Meanwhile all of the new forms of entertainment is way cheaper and is more focused on sitting at home doing nothing.
You'd have more men going outside and being active if it didn't cost so much to do so.
But making men be more active wouldn't fix women, the only way to fix them would unironically be to remove their rights to work fulltime jobs. Because I'd say a ton of the bad female attitudes stem from their desire to one up, to compete with men in the workforce.

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the puritans went to america and then kept censoring them

>hobbies a man had has become expensive as shit
so capitalism is to blame, huh

>Metroid is bad because Samus isn't submissive to a man 24/7

Go play Other M then, OP. If you hate the idea of a woman protagonist who isn't dolled up in make-up constantly, then I can't help you.

Capitalism mixed with new government regulations and laws making things more expensive to produce just so you can be safe, live longer and thus also pay your taxes for as long as possible

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>for men to pursue higher levels of income and education in response
Yeah like STEM degrees and careers. Luckily there is no push form more women in STEM as a response to that, or demand that women make the exact same amount of money as men and be hired in all (well paying) fields exactly as much as men are, and luckily neither of those causes is pushed entirely as part of the feminist agenda. If there was, you'd look pretty stupid right about now.

>The appropriate response in my opinion would be for men to pursue higher levels of income and education in response
This obviously doesn't work. As long as the average outcomes for men and women vary, feminism will exert pressure to correct the imbalance, artificially or otherwise. As educational and income achievements reach parity again, we're back where we started.
Yeah, this.

society was invented so those low tier males could reproduce in return for being productive

Shut the fuck up, slave.

As much as I hate gays I think they're better than women

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Because thats such a boring character type

Based truthposter.

>Nobody is actually mad
Holy fucking irony lmao.

Absolutely fucking based

I don't give a fuck about what the rest of the thread is about but Blue Reflection has damn good OST

She ain't the love interest, Josh is.

>He wouldn't rail Kuro like a good servant
Absolute fag.

The feminist agenda has made many gains, but they have accomplished nowhere near gender parity in top paying jobs. Something about women working shorter hours, and generally being less ambitious or risk-taking. Most of the STEM fields today are still predominantly male despite decades of pushing for more girls in science. A lot of countries in the west have been investing to get children (of either sex) interested in STEM, but there's still a shortage of them; those jobs require commitment and passion and aren't something you can be memed into doing. I guess it applies to men too, but the only alternatives will be "work a higj-income job or never reproduce"

>feminine personality
Why would you want girls in western games to act like massive cunts

Why do you guys feel the need to have this SAME FUCKING THREAD EACH DAY FOR YEARS

fuck off westacuck

What about traditional tomboy?

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>Why are traditionally attractive feminine girls with feminine personalities borderline non-existent in modern western games?

It's not just games, it's all media produced in America.
As for why it is happening, there's like ten different conspiracy theories guessing why but they all boil down to feminists not being shamed enough for being feminists.

Because the problem hasn't gone away yet.

We'll stop talking about the problem when the problem stops existing.

Because Japan sucks at writing female characters that don't just fall for MC because of one instance of kindness or simple geographic convenience

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the masculine spirit is expressed in multiple ways within japanese cultural media.

check the tapwater that your mother is drinking and put her on a diet.
once her physiology changes the mentality follows

thats what happens when you allow a small region in california to defacto monopolize the market

shes trans, not a trap

Yakuza is the most manly series tho

if you look closeley you can see that physiological changes came first and then retroactively women and men became more bitter. it is simply the inevitability of market efficiency since we sacrifice evrything for material gain. what we say or how we feel is all lies. only the actions tell the truth.

Most low test post itt, start lifting.

when i rate women in general then my graph looks like the one on the bottom.
wtfi swrong with all you creaturas. women are ugly af why are you getting baited by make up clothes and fancy hair.

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in your fucking dreams you mentally ill faggot

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not that user but if you are actually mad about this you're unironically an incel

>masculine personalities
There are plenty of gigachads

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wait, if some SJW really wanted to get into this -- even though it isn't true -- the existence of slim boys in nip games is NOT just for typical self-insert for males. nip girls like these girly boys. almost all female persona fans in japan wouldn't mind if persona games never had a female counterpart like they did on P3P because they WANT to play as the cute boy

fuming cause it's true, she shows obvious gender dysphoria.

Because you live under a rock