Post Megaman, talk Megaman

Post Megaman, talk Megaman

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bn3 best megaman game

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You made me horny

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Reminder it's not a bodysuit, that's nanoenhanced skin according to the devs.

I like Megaman.

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devs are fucking retarded

began playing rokkuman ekkusu OPARATE SHUUTING STAAA recently. I am now at the dungeon with the invisible tiles and the limited battery. I can already see what a gigantic pain in the ass the next hour of play would be, so I am asking:

is there any reason for me to go on? the boss fights can be a bit entertaining, but the rest of the game is such a boring, tedious piece of shit, christ. running through the most lifeless environments imaginable while escaping from incessant random encounters, and often randomly not even succeeding at escaping, left me extremely frustrated with this game. unlike in the role model game of pokemon, theres not even a good reason to fight these random encounters, neither money nor the monster chips seem necessary for progressing in the game. on a positive note, I like the bratty attitude of the protagonist, but you dont see very much of it

also, what the actual fuck was up with that scene in which coloured man nonchalantly fucking raped roll? jesus

Even better.

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If 10 year old me could make it through Elec Man's scenario then you can too user. I believe in you.

I just bought the X collection (haven't played any of them before), and I love the atmosphere of X1 so far. Everything about it is just Mega Man but cooler. Storm Eagle. Armored Armadillo. Spark Mandrill. I hope the series keeps this up going forward. Most of what I've seen of Zero and BN look way more anime and aimed at a younger audience.

They're so fuckin cool

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I mean if you haven't liked the game up until this point then there isnt much reason to continue except story.

The Power plant level isn't as bad as it first seems and since you're playing shooting star they toned it down even further.

The later games are more challenging, have more chips and more mechanics, so I would at least try the next game, even if you dont finish this one.

Are Legacy Collection 1/2 worth it on Switch? They're on sale atm.
Heard there were aspect ratio issues or something with 9 and 10, did they fix them?

I know I can kill, thats not the question. what I am wondering is whether the game will redeem itself somehow in the final stretch, to make continuing it actually worthwhile.

are the other games in the series improvements? can I at the very least consistently escape from these goddamned random encounters? iirc battle network 2 and 3 are held in highest regard among fans of the series

I only see the X legacy games on sale.

Zero is the edgiest Mega Man series, don't let the artwork fool you.

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Not as good as based Battle Network 4.

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He killed millions.

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Nothing more BASED and REDPILLED than having to do 3 playthroughs to get all the chips

Yeah, but so is Shadow the Hedgehog. It still seemed like it was aimed at younger teens compared to classic/x, even if the gameplay is tougher. Maybe it gets more mature in Z2 onwards though, admittedly I only finished Z1.

Z1 had reploids being lined up for execution like a literal concentration camp dude.

I want to fuck them all so bad

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MMX is pretty stylish, but MMX1 is one of the highlights of the series. X2 and X3 don't really do all that much different, and certainly aren't as well designed. X4 offers a ton of new stuff to do in the game, but it goes downhill after that.

BN2 is an improvement over BN1, and BN3 an improvement over that. However, a lot of the games are just going to be the same thing. Perhaps not as frustrating as that point, but it's still a Saturday morning cartoon story for an excuse to go kill the next classic Mega Man NetNavi of the day.

BN2 is when they started adding different styles, meaning you could end up with a play style very different from the base Mega Man. BN4 is when they started adapting the souls mechanic, although that also has the tournament story where you're expected to play through three times to see it all.

They didn't fix them, but it's not a big deal. The image is slightly less wide than it should be.

dang it bobbeh

the boy aint right

Well the powerplant is the by far the worst part of the game, so while the rest of it isn't exactly amazing it's nowhere near as bad as that part.

This game's a gold mine.

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Might be a region thing.
I'm US, they're both about half-off

Unironically one of my favorite video game quotes.

Damn, Only X legacy part 1/2 are on sale in EU. Makes no sense.

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seriously, fuck this level. worst music and worst stage.

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Replaying through MMZ, this cunt took me a couple hours to beat. How do I get gud?

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For all the overdone Raimiposting, it really is surprising they got away with this.

Vaaile, are you here?

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To save 15% or more on his car insurance!

at least he fucking stays dead

It still hurts.

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more importantly, leviathan doesn't

he's very different from every other boss up until then, I don't blame you

In reality, deciding to 100% BN4 despite knowing what it requires is the ultimate blackpill.

Yeah, before souls, this was the btfoat series. That gcn side story one was pretty rough too battle network NT, Ex whatever out was called had Heatman/Flameman as the first boss and his life bar was Capcom-purple. And you had to tag him like 15 times to turn it blue, then another 15 for white, etcetc before he'd get mad and slide tackle and missing to his attacks.

Learn your weapons. The spear is the best weapon against him, since it stops him from moving and you can thrust at him three times. Also, I'd recommend learning to use R as the second weapon button so you can use it as the gun/charge with it while still attacking with the spear. L should remain as the dash button, though.

>Battle Network 4 Blue Moon
>decide I want to get Roll Soul with the Roll chips for a silly deck
>get to the 3rd playthrough
>find out that her soul is only available on Red Sun
>well, whatever
>still get the Roll cards
>get all the souls
>put the game down before beating it a 3rd time

>years later
>pick up Red Sun
>two full playthroughs
>get 5 souls
>every one except Roll
>too bored at this point to even bother with a third playthrough
>would need a link cable and a complete Blue Moon cart to even transfer the Roll chips over to the Red Sun game anyways

I mean, I didn't mind the tournament all that much, it's just that fights got very, very boring when doing them for the third time in a row. Plus, by the end of the 3rd playthrough, it was just Mole, the flamethrower lamp chips, the hockey puck to take advantage of MetalMan Soul, and an exceptionally hard JunkMan.EXE in the final area. It was honestly rather boring at that point.

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I’m so sorry, user.

The chip quality in MMBN4 is so awful. Jumping from MMBN3 to 4 and expecting a quality game was the most disappointing experience I've had in some time. For the sake of experiencing the whole saga though, I am going to finish the game. I managed to buy a copy of Double Team DS recently though so I'm excited.

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x4 is the best x game. only nintendies would disagree

>played BN1-4 many years ago
>Want to play BN5
>Watching playthroughs of BN1-4 on Youtube
Hopefully I still want to play BN5 by the time it's finished.
I'd just play it now but my autism won't let me until I remember everything from BN1-4

No kidding.

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>What a polite young man she was

Don't worry then, 5 is a much better game if you're good at FE and 6 is pure Q U A L I T Y

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Which ACDC theme is best?
My favorite town theme :)


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Reminder that Battle Network 1,2 &3 are the only real Battle Network games.
Once the artstyle changed the series died.

I really didn't like BN5. I mean, the FFT/Shining Force grid style was at least something new, but you were asked to start playing as these completely unfamiliar characters immediately and start winning fights, sometimes against boss characters, with your first use. Given that 2-4 were all about customizing your deck and playstyle, it wasn't all that fun to start being forced to use an awkward moving KingMan.EXE all of the sudden.

I've heard that BN6 is back to form and much better, although I'll admit that I didn't play them.

Why not just play them yourself? I did that last year and was surprised by how enjoyable every game (except 4) was

how the fuck did they get away with this?

I don't have the patience to 100% them again.

Wily invented the Maverick virus. Pretty sure you can pin all that shit on him.

It was a niche title that few people actually played. They were probably willing to try a few risque things since it was aimed more towards teens anyways.

How is X9 going to be?

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All you missed out on was fighting Bass and possibly the lamest post-game content in the series. Black Earth sucks ass
4 actually introduced some really great chips, like AirHoc and Vulcan, but a lot of them were complete garbage too. The shitty variety for certain elements also meant some Souls got screwed over really bad in terms of folder building.

unreal, because it's never coming out

Deader than Iris, but before even being born.

Wily was the one who kept fucking things up

Cute and funny?

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>Dr.Light tells Dr.Wily to fuck off with the Double Gear project
>Wily becomes an asshole because of this
Yeah no, Dr.Light caused so much destruction over telling Wily to fuck off.

The irony is that that giving robots sapience was way worse than just making them work harder

I'm about to play Megaman Legends for the first time. Is there a specific version I should play, mods for it, anything I should know going into it?

Big fat Mega tats.

>Let's put these gears giving robots untold power into every single machine
>And not give them minds of their own to know how to use them properly without hurting somebody
>Who cares if we don't have enough maintance staff to constantly repair the robots who break down much faster from using this?

Light had a good point, you know.

i am going through the x games for the first time ever...
>mfw megaman x 7 is next on the docket

what the fuck were they thinking

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Dr. Light was right and Wily was a snowflake cunt

Give me a reason to pick up and finish MMBN4.


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You get to fight Bass (eventually), and this time he has no auras so it's not annoying.

Just read it, my dude. No one will laugh at you for doing that instead of actually playing it.

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Just play it and don't be a faggot.
Shademan.exe is laughing at you

>Lan goes to Netopia
>Instantly mugged by minorities
This game taught me so much as a child

Who is the best evil robutt?

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that bitch ass nigga that got oneshot by a 2spoopy chip? that nigga?

>tfw I'm older than Mega Man

Alia gave me one of the best nuts back in the day

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I used to want to be Aile as a kid (until I found out she was a girl). Why does the MMZ(X) series make everyone look so androgynous?

>No Ciel
>No Mayl


literally who

I want to be Aile regardless

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You're just a little feminine its ok dude

Why did you think the game let you select two different characters?

Obscure maverick cutie from one of the spinoff games. Acts as the second in command (kinda like Vile to Sigma). Gets killed by the end. One of the few female baddies who's evil without a sympathetic backstory.

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So was Zero in MMZ actually a copy of his original self? What the fuck happened to his original body?

X series is done, Sigma is not a threat anymore

Nah Zero was still original zero

There's Berkana, as far as nonsympathetic hot robutts.

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Zero had to change bodies to get rid of the virus for good, the original body is stolen in MMZ3 or 4


I played Megaman & Bass as a kid and I'm sure both of them were dudes.

She wanted to corrupt/fuck X so bad in that game.

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Played but not finished
>Legends 2

I'm ashamed of myself but these games are legit too difficult for me. Closest I got to finishing was MM9 but one of those Wily bosses was just too much for me.

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Play X4.
It's not that hard but it's an awesome game. Probably the best Mega Man game

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What about an X game with time traveling

Elec Man scenario is the most complicated, and frustrating as a result, in BN1. The games to follow are huge improvements, and don't require the Escape chip to flee.

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Lol newfags won't get this

Wily could just not become a terrorist. Dr. Light isn't obligated to support his creation and can't be help responsible for what someone else does out of fucking spite.

Living long enough to upload my consciousness into a cute female sexbot body is my dream.

Naked butts weren't that uncommon in games back then. There were full moon sightings in Lunar and Xenogears, too.

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Who had more bitches lusting for him:
X or Zero

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She has a lot of art for a villain from a side game.

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Zero was too autistic to have lots of bitches

That's not Mega Man. That's a Mega Girl.

Dude just learn to use your saber lmao. I never used the rod against him, just the saber/shield boomerang at worst.

X8 had massive flaws, and X7 was a dumpster fire, but if they go the MM9 route with it and remove the tag system to have X as the only playable character I'm gonna be pissed. They were starting to really shake things up by the end there and we never got to see the full potential of the changes.

I think Zero takes it.

The irony is that neither of them want bitches because they're gay for each other

Tag system just overcomplicates things for no reason, and cinematic screen clear super moves have always been fucking cancer in mega man

Even the author gets in on it.

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Guessing they just shat it out without the proper time or budget. They had already made three Legends games before that- they knew how to design Mega Man in a 3D environment. So it wasn't entirely the fault of the new perspective.

Stop thrusting your agenda on to mega man.
It's a childrens series you pedo

>Oh so sexy! Alia

Does X even have hair? I don't think I've ever canonically seen him without his helmet.

Legends games are totally different from X in terms of control, were kind of clunky to begin with, probably not by the same team, and X7 controlled like shit in 2D as well.

>I want her to say this to me

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I miss this artstyle for Megaman.

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Ok I'm willing to admit Zero might still like bitches because of Iris, but that nigga X definitely a queer. Dude had contact with Alia and Layer but never gave them the time of day yet he always bonded with Zero, not to mention the Four Guardians who are also gay for Zero and are basically X.

I will not stop shilling for how amazing this PET is and if you didn't grow up with it being Gen Y/Zoomer you've been cheated.

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Is it like having an identical twin brother you carry around with you at all times?

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perhaps all of us would realize girls aren't worth the trouble after a century of ethical testing

Yeah, but those characters are grown women or at least look it. Legends characters are like, tweens.

Sera's big brown blocky feet.

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can x grab me and crush me with his bare hands?

he can, but he won't

I am currently playing Megaman 7 is that considered easier than the NES games or does it get harder? I can't save scum my way through it, playing it on the Megaman Collection it just has checkpoints.

Generally easier but it hits a severe difficulty spike at the final boss

The last battle is the most harder and annoying battle in all the Megaman games

So yeah it gets worse

Then just go for the girls everyone confuses for boys

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Yes, and he's always stupidly loud like one too.

I forget, was Azimov's laws a thing in that universe or was it just frowned upon for robutts to harm humans?

Cain is even worse. He dug up X in Light's lab and immediately starts making clones of him, with little regard for the ramifications, leaving reploids basically as second-class citizens. He didn't even have a fucking robotics degree, he was just an archeologist.

Hopefully you aren't already gone.

N64 version has awful controls. PS1 controls take some time to get used to but eventually click. 64 controls really don't.

Some fights are better with lock on and some are better with auto aim. Know when to use each and you'll have a much better time.

Have fun.

Robot Masters in the classic series follow the three laws, but Wily's reprogramming must remove them, despite that never being stated outright. The entire point of X and all of the reploids in the X series (also Zero) is that they don't need to follow the laws, they have true free will.

If I'm recording some BN3 webms, is 720x540 a good resolution or did I fuck up the aspect ratio somehow?

Did you translate MMBN4?

They were a thing in Classic, but X's programming was so advanced that he was deliberately designed without them and then subjected to years of morality testing to make sure he could tell right from wrong.
Reploids are based off X, sans the morality testing, so the the laws were effectively erased.

Got it, so it really was the Jews’ fault, not Hitler’s.

You want 720x480

i'll be adding this thread to my collection
it will go in my favorite folder
the recycle bin

Is that canon even in the original Japanese? It sure doesn't seem like classic series stories have robots bound by the three laws.

I too miss the ridiculously gigantic feet era of CAPCOM.

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Don't ever go any higher than 2x (480x320)

It makes sense because they're bulky combat Reploids. I think PxZ2 mentioned X's weight as 290 lbs.

The giant feet worked well because of sprites. New reploids just don't have as much charm.

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You could give MM6 a try. I honestly thought it was a really good game, fun to play, and didn't have the bullshit Wily bosses that some of the other classic games did. The main reason I don't recommend it more is because playing it with the slide/charge shot and then going back to an earlier game without just feels rough.

I'd also recommend playing Legends 1. The second game was a bit of a slog, plus a lot of what was going on assumed you were familiar with the first game. The first game spends more time introducing things as opposed to Teisel just showing up out of nowhere since you already know him.

I'd also recommend MMX4, as the other user did, if you liked the original MMX. It's a solid game and you have the choice of playing either as X or as Zero. Plus, there are lots of hidden power-ups which can make the harder parts more tolerable.

>these games are legit too difficult for me
That's fine. They are difficult. Don't feel too bad if some just turned out to be too hard; some do have fairly bullshit moments in them. Especially the classic series, which really requires you to get familiar with the controls or just die repeatedly in some fights.

No, Azimov's laws were not a thing. X just went through years of testing, basically morals-tests, to verify that he'd be a decent person before waking up. Cain just went and copied X without putting the reploids through the same tests, which were a big part of the problem.

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We still have them though

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Watching Casshern Sins made me purchase the Megaman Zero Collection

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Wily telling Mega Man that robots can't harm humans is in both the Japanese and English versions. In the english version, Mega Man says he doesn't care, but in the japanese version, he complies. They may not be exactly the same laws that are usually used in robot fiction, but there's something similar at least. X's purpose being that he can make his own decisions, that being a dangerous concept, and having him tested to ensure he's morally sound are also canonical.

It is, but Classic's always been written in a weird way like that. They technically have the laws, but the way they act is really no different from Reploids.

Sorry, I meant the japanese and english versions of 7's ending specifically.

He doesn't comply in the Japanese version, he just doesn't say anything. He keeps his buster charged and aimed at Wily until Bass drops in.

Alright here's a test
I'll try to make them smaller if this works

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Sera's soft brown delicious tummy

You wouldn't fuck a Reploid, right?

looks good bro


>just fucking yeets it

Capcom will never be this good ever again

Aile is fully human user.

Would but couldn't because they don't have holes

Frame rate seems a bit iffy with how the Invis flickers but I could work with it

MegaMan Zero Collection for PC when.
Mod to remove the retarded rank requirements to unlock power ups for the PC version when.
Also, mod to add back gore and voice acting.

Cool chick.

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You can probably do all of that and more on an emulator.

Ultra rare Mayl picture, donut steel.

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They have a mouth

Why does Mayl have such a big butt?

so cute

what a fucking good show

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Blowjob gets boring pretty fast


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Why didn't X hit that?

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Emulators are a pain, I have three main computers that I use a lot and is a pain setting each one, having the game in a launcher makes it really easy and painless

He's gay apparently

All the other guardians die in the explosion at the end of Zero 3

That's what happens when you sit down and browse the internet all day

That would explain why he blasted her to death.

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I thought he blasted her to death because she was doing Maverick things.
Was I misinformed?

Berkana dindu nuffin, she a good reploid who harvested souls out of reploids that even Sigma thought she went too far

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I looked her up because I thought you were meming me (hero/villainess relationships are usually overhyped) but holy shit is she thirsty. Her dialogue with Zero is just insults and threats, but to X, she keeps trying to suck his cock.

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I can't believe I missed this when I was younger.

I raged more at the cooking competition minigame more than anything else in the game
Don’t feel bad user

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That was the most BS plot point Capcom concocted. By no means was there any clear indicator that they perished but somehow they died offscreen.

It's normal to want to bang your smoking hot father.

But the interview you linked to literally doesn't say that. He says they're alive and just doing their own thing.


reploids don't have souls tho

Yeah my bad I stopped reading once the text stopped being attention grabbing colors.

On a slightly related note megaman should always change colors when he switches powers, that shouldn't just be a classic thing.

They do, actually.
"It is eventually revealed in the series that Reploids have a form of DNA; Iris even mentions that a Reploid's DNA is similar to a human's soul, calling it a DNA Soul. "

>pitch black synthetic skin
My dick

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How do people keep falling for this meme? Aile is fully human with her other mother, Reploids in the ZX era have a red triangle on their foreheads.

Maybe she should move her fatass then.

>t. guy who didn't pay attention while playing the game

>I have legs under this dress, you know
What did she mean by this?

I picked Zero, so ended up fighting Gareth. I didn't feel like resetting my save file or replaying the game (because FUCK Xtreme Sigma), so I always just imagined that X and Berkana had sex and that she overheated and malfunctioned from the incredible orgasm.

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This series really needs the bondage and the ryona.

Read up on more ZX lore, humans have robotic/synthetic parts in that era.

>fully human
the point of the ZX setting is that this doesn't exist, or it's very rare. Humans and reploids have become more like one another, with reploids given artificial lifespans and humans getting artificial augments. Basically the same idea as carbons in Legends basically being humans, but inexplicably being modular and able to replace parts of their body with technology like it's nothing. ZX was trying to move closer to that.

Berkana got her head blown off by X. Also, Oro-S got killed by MC. Iris got sliced by Zero. Leviathan got battered around by Zero then killed by Weil. SplashWoman got beat up. Sera and Tron got beat up by Trigger. Is that good enough for you?

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>playing Legends and Legends 2 for the first time and finding out that all of humanity is already dead and everyone is just a new artificially created species
Fucking blew my mind. I never expected Megaman of all things to give me such existential stress.

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And then you fight him for real and he's got a puzzle for you. And if you don't have the solution on your folder you're just fucked. Be thankful he's optional.

he already has best blonde robot tits with him

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Now get me fanart. I can only fap to the exe anime so much before it gets boring.

>Gate's sloppy seconds
No thanks

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>X only fights one techno-magic villain in the whole series
>in a GB game that's mostly a port of the first two SNES games

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The bigger thing is the fact that they chronologically link the damn games all together in the first place.

>humanity spends the entirety of X1 to Zero 4 slowly going extinct offscreen
pretty weird that they stopped having human characters in X games right around the same time they tried to make you care about them getting wiped out by various catastrophes

Wonder what those hips feel like

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At least Zero 4 tried to make you care about them more. And ZX/ZX Advent followed up somewhat. They probably realized "oh shit, maybe we should have humans in these games if we keep making them such a central plot point."

>caring about humans when a superior sentient race has taken their place

>superior sentient race
FUCK CARBONS. I want to be the last living human and make all those carbon sluts worship my big fleshy human cock.

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Cooking competition wasn't that hard desu. my problem with the chip is so especific and not that cheap even.

is like farming chips for library competion. and you only do that when you're fucking bored and/or want to go autistic in your folder

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Way too much Roll tummy

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I'd rather be a post-humanity reploid capable of fucking 24/7 with no cooldown, and swapping bodies with female models whenever I'm in the mood.

She's fucking dying mate, she needs a fucking pork chop!

>the cooking competition minigame
>not the football one

How do the devils function as mechanical beings?

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Megaman X2 is the best megaman from the first 3 X series games.

>your face when

Rainbow Devil functionally acts like any Pantheon variant but with a different body.

Nanomachines, son. Or maybe it's electromagnetic fuckery. Just do like Gradius and shoot the eye.

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I never noticed it either.

>Okay it's just a devil and I can climb this wal...
>Damage outline and random ass pattern.

Not mention that it deals fuckload of damage.

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First time palythrough and I gotta say

hubba hubba

This series is gonna give Legends a run for its money with cute girl npcs isn't it?

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Why do reploids even have gender when they can just effortlessly swap back and forth just by changing their chassis?

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I didn't remember Legends' graphics being so shitty.

At the end of the day they apparently have souls and sentience, thus are probably confined in terms of consciousness towards masculinity or femininity.

Even in X's time, reploids were disturbingly human.

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Which reminds me: How did this somehow slip past the ESRB with an E rating with all this gore? The X Legacy collection revises this into a T rating.

Did Reploid did nothing wrong.

Prove me wrong.

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Is that why there's so much Mega Man genderswap?

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Cute, but it took me a moment to notice that's Metal Man.

Don't mind me, I'm just going to leave this here.

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His greatest sin wasn't resurrecting Reploids, but his stage hosting a massive trash compactor.

There is? I know the vast majority of the Protoman Rule 63 is by that one artist so that partially explains it.

They bleed like crazy in the Jap version of MM Zero, especially when you finish them with a bisection.

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The N64 version has slightly less censorship. I hear people recommend the ps1 version alot though.

Ferham dies too.

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Is the general consensus that Megaman Battlenetwork 1 is pretty meh?

Thinking of just skipping to 3.

I knew about that for years paired with the A rating CERO gave it, it's no secret at all. I always liked making final blows with an uncharged slash since it always looked good.

Relatively speaking

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Same reason trannies obsess over getting gender reassignment, its a mental thing over what they identify with.

Based and redpilled, every last incarnation patrols thots.

which collection should I get from eshop

That's oil user.

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>Robot Chadsters

>caring about people who exist only to die

Whats the point in getting invested in the maverick hunter crew when you know they're only there to die tragically in the interim between Zero and X?

Dumb fox.

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She was nowhere that sexy in the game and you know it, they went full animal with them. Never go full animal.

Call me a fag but I still love my dead mom.

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Dark does not equal mature.

This is true, but that doesn't mean you can't be both dark and mature (see watchmen)

>tfw Zero 3 featured you beating up a tranny

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Yeah, basically everyone agrees that BN1 is pretty archaic
At the very least give BN2 a shot, it fixed a lot of stuff there

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This pic is a lot hotter when you realize she's checking herself out in front of a mirror


That was just a battle form tho.

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1 is still better than 4 and up, but it's a bit of a slog.

Funny how a really broken game fixed so much stuff.


>1 is better than 6
Excuse me?

Never dug the games that focused more on form changes than deckbuilding, and 6's plot was absolutely retarded even by Mega Man standards. I'm not about those nerfed ass PAs either.

I'm convinced half of the BN fans haven't even played BN6. Let them jerk off BN3 forever while we enjoy the actual kino BN user

>6's plot was absolutely retarded even by Mega Man standards
Excuse you?

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>uhhhhh here's a navi that exists in the real world because of robots that can completely replicate the abilities of navis which have never been mentioned before now and also she's Colonel's other half and when they fuse all that happens is he turns gold and it sets off a nuke that Wily was at point blank of and it turns him good
>also Lan had a son named Patch

I'm going to be charitable and assume you played 6 before you played any of the good Battle Networks because nostalgia is the only excuse for thinking the story was anything but pure spacker drivel.

Will we ever get a legends 3 though?


Honestly I thought it was par for the course. Unless you really thought a literal child convincing a princess and a CEO to join a criminal syndicate made sense. Or the radioactive finale from the same game.

>good Battle Networks
Name 3

>which have never been mentioned before now

It's almost like they were a recent development in-universe or something.

I hope she shows up in Mega Man 12!

god I wish that was me

Who is this slut licking Leviathan's boyfriend?

So with Wily Wars on the Genesis Mini, and the product being made by AM2, what do you think: a straight port of the PAL version, or will it be properly NTSC'd? I'm surprised no one ever tried hacking the game to see if they could improve the music or at least fix Mega Man's disproportionate sprites.

What, are you saying that radiation DOESN'T rip holes in reality and merge your computer with the real world?!

But then how the hell am I supposed to make it into a hentai server by stockpiling Plutonium?!

What happened that made everyone hate 4 and 5? They seem universally considered the worst.

The thing is these games aren’t short and I don’t have lots of time for gaming these days.

If I only play one battle network, does 3 work well as a stand alone game?

>Making fun of patch
Gee, it's like a series called Battle Network has main characters named after computer terminology. You're unironically retarded user.

Also Wily is fucking immortal in this series.



Which game is that from?

Actually a pretty good quote.

It came after 3 and was a big letdown in a lot of ways.
Some people really don't like that Liberation Missions are the main gimmick of the game.

Make up your mind, is 6 stupid compared to the rest, or is the entire series stupid? It's not like Capcom was well known for their excelent plots anyway.

It's not from vidya user. It's from music.
get edumakayted.

I really like Zero 2. High difficulty and the forms are cool.

Liberation Missions wouldn't be so bad if 1-turn liberation wasn't a thing. Depending on chip draw RNG just to be able to meet some of the later liberation goals is infuriating.

4 is so shit there's an entire LP about it. 5 has liberation missions and some really fucking obtuse puzzles.

5 is mainly controversial because of the strategy gimmick.

I'm not talking abut the series, I'm upset that my knowlege about how Radiation and computers work is all wrong!

That's the only one I've finished. Autism went to the point where I got every conceivable elf/form/goal, it's a cute game for sure.



I don't mind liberation missions. What pisses me off is that they fucked up the V2 and V3 virus distribution again, arguably even worse than how BN4 did it.

Hey, at least you can take solace in knowing rapping with niggers is an easy way to get free booze.

This is way to kino for the raw original megaman

I still wish that the Classic series diverged from the "normal" timeline at some point, and the X series diverged from the timeline going into the Zero series, ect.

keep a canon timeline going, but allow for each series to continue on its narrative indefinitely past set break off points leading into the zero and legends series path.

That's from Megaman 64, the shitty port.
here's the ps1 jaggy kino

Attached: file.png (600x450, 222K)

It sounds about as edgy as anything from the X-Zero series.

I miss clan wars.

r8, h8, excav8.

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But aside from Command Mission taking place in 22XX the years are vague enough as it is. There's still plenty of ample room before having to commit for the sake of narrative.

I liked the progression of Classic -> X -> Zero -> ZX

It's incredibly unique if you put it into perspective that MMZero is the mentor character coming back to life to defeat the previous protagonist.

X -> Zero is peak megaman, tho.

We can only assume since Rock did have hair under his helmet

Fuck bros why can't Vent, Arle, Grey and Ashe all just exist in the same universe I don't want to pick between twinks and cute girls

why can't I have both ;_;

So if they make a megaman 11 with protoman and bass, how should they differentiate them?

Keep Bass with double jump, dash and 8 dimensional rapid fire?

Should they have different sub weapons?

Let's agree to disagree.

Play & Forte

Yeah, 3 works well as a standalone game

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Implied but unseen.

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I will never not be mad that this got wasted in such a bad MvC game.

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i've never been monkey's pawed harder than sigma in that game.


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I still say the last season of samurai jack was a worse monkey's paw.
the first 3 episodes of that series were the world's juiciest bait on the world's rustiest hook

>What did she mean by this?
cute robo feet

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>Hovering without seeing feet
What did she mean by this?

It's not, genderbent Protoman wears them cause she fucks Metalman. There's even a mango.

Command Mission takes place like 100 years after the start of X though. X1 to X3 take place while X6 takes place like 3 weeks after X5 so unless there's somehow a 100 year fucking gap between X3 and X4 then CM would be set during the same point Zero did.

>8 dimensional rapid fire

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Anyone who says X6,X8, Battle Chip Challenge, or Command Mission is bad is a contrarian faggot.

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The devs were super based for this

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They'll all be brought together in the phone game don't worry

You're probably long gone by now but here's some tips for Legends 2.

Equip armors. They can cut off apercentage of damage (25% - 75%) which makes even the endgame hilariously easy.

Energy stat doesn't seem to do shit in this game. In 1 it made you pause after a few shots if it was low but in 2 it desn't do jack so ignore it.

Subweapons blast off the shields of those Sniper Joe like dickweeds.

The lifter is more useful than you think. When all else fails chuck an enemy at another one and watch them explode.

X6 being bad isn't contrarian. Granted, I don't think that gives the game quite its fair share as it really has a bad first impression more than anything else.

He should also max out the attack stat on Drill Arm.


are there any games that combine megaman's platforming with gunstar heroes' combat?

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Some of the Contra games might be up your alley.

The first on NES is considered a classic but probably not what you’re looking for. 3, Hard Corps and 4 might all be worth a look.

>worst music
The fuck is wrong with you? It's not the best but is not bad at all.

Zero should've been a girl

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I often see people say one of the BN games is dogshit but I can't remember which one it was. Which one was it again? And why is it bad? I'm at BN2 right now, pretty fun games.

4 and 5
See the responses to

Ultra rare roll, also donut steel.

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Is Mega Man part of gay culture?

Why are soi boys so intimidated by Megaman they had to make him a girl?


>90% of the game is generic shounen anime tournament arcs, with the actual plot only being relevant in the opening and final dungeon
>Only three actual dungeons and the rest of the game uses the main internet areas with gimmicks.
>Scenarios are absolutely fucking retarded, even by BN's standards.
>Darkchips, while an interesting concept, will make most players go "no way fag" due to the permanent HP loss sideefffect
>Shitty NG+ system forces you play through at least three times.
>also thanks to how enemy distribution works with ng+ your chip folder is goddamn garbage until playthrough 3
>localization team didn't hire a proofreader
and probably a dozen other things people could come up with

No, it's too neck deep in waifu.

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Cause he gets all the girls.

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Megaman’s a Discord tranny now

I love the megaman music.

they prevent themselves from wanting to bang one of his waifus because deep down they know they are betas and the women belong to Megachad and accidentally do a Freudian slip by making a girl, meaning they want to fuck him.

Got it, thanks. That does sound fucking awful but I'll see for myself anyway. I see there's pokemon-like shit going on with a blue version and a white version or whatever, are there specific versions of each game that are outright better?

When it comes to 4 unless you're using original GBA hardware avoid blue moon unless you want to get a gamebreaking glitch with woodman.

BN3 Blue is generally considered better unless you're adamant about not being anywhere within range of the gamebreaking hilarity that is the FolderBack chip. For the other games just look up the list of exclusive Navis and pick whichever versions have the ones that you like the most. also make sure you grab one of the restoration patches for BN6 since Capcom gutted a good chunk of the postgame for the Western release

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Since we're posting shipping all night

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It had a K/A rating at the time, not E

Why do I get the sense the bottom panel is not only changed but not made by the same artist of the first two?

Why does this robot have such sensual eyes?

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I honestly missed that, but it doesn't change that the first X collection still didn't get slapped with a T rating.

If you support any western Mega Man Fan Game made in the 2010s, you're retroactively supporting this furfag and the cancerous clowns of Sprites Inc.
In short, do NOT download western Mega Man Fangames. And yes, that includes Mega Maker as well.

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The second game of every series is the best one. Prove me wrong.

dude got ptsd after he "crashed" got murdered by alia so he became a trap when he got rebuilt

They don't even make a dime off of us downloading their games

Alright, thanks.

Probably still generating ad revenue.

>bn4 is the best selling MMBN game
>it’s the only one in the series to sell more than a million copies

How does this make you feel anons

Ultimately conflicted. Still mad the anime dub got canceled before even concluding the dark protoman arc.

I wish she was in a better game.

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Do you not know how ads work?

Will Mega Man be at E3?

I've never heard of a Mega Man game being announced at E3.

Never got good, huh? (not like you needed to in a game with a zillion easy go earn powerups)

Only faggots go to E3 now. Wouldn't be surprised if it got booed on stage by all the fucking normies.

Because it's a reference to Alternating Current and Direct Current, in addition to the band.

someone say rokkochan?

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Just being a band is enough.

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The Devil's eye is the actual robot and their body is nanomachines or ferrofluids.


Will Mega Man 12 have Proto Man and Bass?

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Protoman's player character concept has no purpose now. So maybe we'll get Duo or King or something.

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I enjoyed her game. It was a bit stale in the level designs, but the bosses were fun.

Ehhh Proto can still work if you interpret him as Powered Up instead of being the late NES Mega Man with a shield in the air. Every shot's a charged shot but takes double damage and can only shoot once or twice at a clip, 11 in particular you could interpret it really easy as always having Power Gear active.

In some aspects.

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What was meant by this?

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>X button is not visible
Someone wasn't paid to do touchups on this.

Like it's a good thing that GBA games aren't super expensive to make.

I think it goes without saying that character would be pretty far from any kind of balance. But hell if I can think of a moveset out of whistling and quickly digging holes.

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Is he capable of sex

They have a sense of male/female companionship and gender differences depending on how they were created, so...

>tfw we were born to early for robutt waifus

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I love my wife Aile!

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I wonder if you can adjust the sensitivity of her skin

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Many things are possible in the future.

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I like Roll's figure

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close, but a bit too unforgiving
one / three hit deaths isn't my cup of tea, compared to MM's and GH's health tanks
at least cuphead allowed you to retry stages after game-overing, and getting hit didn't downgrade your weapons

Robotics isn't a degree, user.

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I've only played MM1-4, give me a quick rundown on what other Mega Man games are worth playing

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Japanese version of hard corpse has healthbars. A restoration hack for the rom is easy to find if you want healthbars and english.

Metal Slug series is also one I’d recommend but those are about as punishing.

hence why i said three-hit deaths
i've seen playthroughs of hard corps and it looks great
its just that its arcade-style continue system really adds stress to the gameplay

9, 10, 11

X2 > X1

Reminder that 9 is still the best classic Mega Man, 11 comes close but unfortunately it did not surpass the genius of IntiCreates

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I would kill for a hack of X2 with X1's soundfont. It's a great game but it's got Rockman World 2 syndrome.

How would a hentai Megaman game work

>mm11 has a dull, generic soundtrack
>even mm1 was better

Legends 1 and 2. They aren't the same, but they're great.

Everyone who can be cared about is going to die. To care is to to care about a dying thing.

How is X6 redeemable? Everything else you mentioned is cool but X6 isn’t fun, Cept for High Max and Gate.

Was this made by the same mangaka that created dagashi Kashi? The outlines and the facial expressions somewhat fits into this sketch.

Hell, where's that pic of that costume swap of Hotaru and saya w/pic related and prairie when you need it...

Yep, Kotoyama drew that and I love them for it.
I also have that exact image and love it as well.
>Best girl dressed as best girl
Now I just need Aile dressed as Saya...

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Yeah, he also drew the OP pic

mm1 was not better

is that the double soul pet toy?

Be honest: would you fuck FemZero?

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In a flash

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What would it take for Capcom to admit they were wrong about Megaman Legends?

wrong about what?the lore?legends 3?gameplay?

Wrong about not making MML3 and thinking that people don't want it.

All new executives because no one in the company wants to admit they're wrong.

i thought it was because Conman was leaving capcom or something,not because the fans didn't want it.

What the hell happened with this?

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The OVA came out. The game never will and probably never even started development.

i wanna dump my baby batter in her nanoenhanced cunny

Is not that hard to understand, BN3 was great so people expected BN4 to be greater and bought it in masses, only after buying and playing it they discover that is absolute shit. This also applies to Fire Emblem Warriors.

It had a kinda demo thing. Maybe they slapped that together in 5 minutes or whatever, but it should count.

Tim Schafer doesn't work for Capcom. We're talking about MML3.

Level5 bought Comcept.

that's the western conman.

The difference between Tim and Inafune is that Tim did it on purpose. Inafune was a man with a dream that was way too fucking big and had no one around to make him think realistically.

>defending this gook in CURRENT YEAR.

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Facts over feelings, my friend.
Facts over feelings.

you must be too blind with all that cum on your face.

You think Inafune ruined his credibility on purpose? You're more retarded than I thought.

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this is super deepthroat isinit ?

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Yes, and hes in every thread.

Now that's the truly flawless graphics I remember!


He immediately attempted to blitz MN9 into a multimedia franchise rather than establish solid ground and wait with his first game. Serves him right now that he got bought out by chinamen.

>Serves him right now that he got bought out by chinamen.
He works at Level5.

Yeah, he does Mobage while under a Chinese company. Comcept essentially sank.

>gook lover calling other's retarded.
sorry to know you crowdfunded MN9,you naive troglodyte.

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>they made this and not the PET controller

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>sorry to know you crowdfunded MN9
I didn't though because I was dead broke at the time.

excuse me?

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Reminder that she can be breed.

They all can. They can breed in MML too despite all being not-androids.

>tfw no robot girl to jack into

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I dodged a bullet via brand loyalty thinking a spiritual successor wouldn't be a good idea, paired with the fact I had no credit card at the time.

It's screwing around with what is gamebreaking and playing as zero. He's cheap and at his most fluid in X6. Bosses aside the actual stages you really learn to warm-up to them later and it's not as bad.

No, it's the advanced PET I. II never came out in the US.

The demo was made in UE3 and was said not to represent the final product. All it did was crudely imitate the can kicking minigame from legends.

Never forget the epic launch that blew more smoke than the challenger.

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She should have been more reoccurring than sigma honestly.

My friend gave me their copy on Steam. I actually like the game. It's fun despite the glaring flaws and has a lot of good gameplay ideas.

>has a lot of good gameplay ideas

Had they not torched all of that goodwill and not squander the money like adding normal transformations it would have been better executed, dampness aside.

Rewarded with powers for playing well, bosses you beat helping you in levels, the teleporting sniper boss, everything about Ray etc etc.

I blame IntiCreates for a lot of what happened and the other people involved for not attempting to reel Inafune's vision in.

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The main producer was some guy with no experience chosen by Inafune only because he knew English well enough, I don't think Inti had that much to say in this regard

>blaming inti creates
Lmao, regarding their track record paired with comcept fudging the whole thing inti only got roped into the mess with little say. The good parts are only there because inti was capable of executing while Inafune was giving them trash to work with. Running on DX9 was criminal on its own.

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>tfw Zero had a furry phase

>We're never gonna see them again but Capcom is more than willing to make DmC2.

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Is that Kino?

No, but now with a shock I can say Aile can pass for Kino. On the offhand however, she's far more feminine than Kino herself.

>she's far more feminine than Kino herself.
That's not saying much, but Kino a cute too.
Also, I knew it was a Kino too.

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>Still no game that bridges OG and X
>Still no game that bridges X and Zero

Brb going maverick

I'm playing through Megaman 11 currently, it's pretty fun so far, and holy hell, do i love all the quality of life additions
>Charged shot stuns shielded enemies
>Slide, rush coil, and rush jet can have dedicated buttons
>Special weapons hotswap on the right stick
The little gameplay details like that make it feel so good to play, plus all the animations and graphics look so fun that I could just sit in the gallery and watch them do their dance for a good while, it almost makes me worry that Id find it hard to go back to older games
game's almost on par with Powered Up to me

There's literally no need to do that

Don't forget letting plahers optionally experiment with new weapons to make you feel comfortable about using them. The utility depended solely on your playstyle and how that would apply with enemies.

>there is a timeline where Zero was introduced in Megaman X as a female, and kept the same plot line and personality all the way up to MM Zero 4

Based Hideki.

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My dick lust for robots

Good thing we don't live in that timeline

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Bye thread

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