literally Yea Forums
Literally Yea Forums
jojo is so fucking overrated jesus
fuck out of here
and is mature
fuck jojo and fuck jojofags
will literally eat any shit given to them just because of le funneh meemz!!!
>Literal Persona ripoff
Not to mention jojo was already a Hokuto No Ken ripoff to begin with, nothing about jojo is original at all, so fuck off back to Yea Forums nigger.
Please don't soil JoJo by using it to push your feminist politics, cuck.
It is but more the first two arcs. Everything afterwards is at least tolerable. First two are TRASH
Spot the contrarian newfags
>persona ripoff
IS THIS MAN FOR REAL!!!???? Check the fucking release date on part 3 and persona 1 jackass.
Redpill on jojo user and maybe I'll change my mind
The jojobronies already soiled the series.
the first one is fine but I agree it wouldn't be worth watching by itself, it's mediocre
the second one is kino though
What are some games that are carried by 2 characters?
Fair enough
Oh look, another strawman.
Your mom is overrated.
This. Probably the most overrated manga/anime on the planet.
>Not Narancia, Mista, and Bruno
men fight other men in what quickly becomes a MOTW format
there is a plot tying it togetether that's weird but fun
each encounter is incredibly creative as the writer has a seemlessly endless amout of ideas for unique superpowers
he's terrible at keeping track of details though so expect some minor plotholes
there's also comedy sometimes and it's funny
tldr it's fun
pic unrelated
>Boss Fight ends with a QTE
Imagine throwing your life away over a bitch you just met a few days ago
>When Jojo knocks out Kira in Part 4 they literally play the Stardust Crusaders theme
They know they'll never top Part 3
jojo and anime is fucking garbage
abbachio dies
Is this the gamers rise up thread or the jojo thread?
Imagine having to literally write out a "main" character out of your story because his stand is so absurdly broken?
Araki is such a hack.
Stupid frogfucker
forreal. after the first fight i knew he'd either die in two episodes or get put on a bus.
he's not supposed to be "the jojo™" by that point though
that episode already happened a week ago retard. at least say Narancia dies or something.
>zoombers still fall for this ancient bait
i don't give a fuck, retard. i don't keep up with this garbage
people post adachi dies literally every day here, sit
Purple Haze isn't even THAT busted.
And yet he's still chosen to defeat the bad guy
I'd say Okayasu's stand was better, and that notherfucker just forgot how to use it.
Araki originally wanted to make Fugo into a traintor but didn't had the balls to do it later on so he just wrote him off.
I actually LOVE this, never seen such an exemple of a literal coward that straight up gives up on his mission. The second OP of the anime compels that so much.
By the way, he had a later on novelisation called purple haze feedback where he is the protagonist during events after part 5, it's actually a pretty good read with art made by Araki himself
Why not at least attempt to appeal to everyone? The whole "it's HER TURN" excuse doesn't work because entertainment is in the now. Everything's new and people want new.
neither did jotaro
the ambulance driver did
Fugo was broken because he was supposed to come back as a villain. Araki's not a hack because Fugo was broken. Araki's a hack because he never came back.
the manga is truly great
he was supposed to betray the gang and fight them as an enemy, but that depressed Araki too much so he just took him out.
stop making shit up about his stand being broken.
i have no idea what youre talkin about lad
wrong thread?
That's not what happened though... He was originally supposed to betray Bruno's gang and get defeated by Giorno, but Araki decided that he didn't want to do that because he was going through emotional problems at the time. So he just had Fugo leave the group on his own
Fuck off, jojobronies.
imagine invoking Christ's name while not knowing JoJo is his favourite manga
This, it probably has the ugliest character designs I have ever seen in my life.
We need some kind of copypasta to clear misconceptions like this and MIH
He was written out because he was going to betray the group and be killed but Araki decided not to and wrote him out instead
>Literally bows to Giorno at the end of PHF
The major theme of part 4 were the golden hearts of the little country town with soul(major theme in many jap productions). That was the true killer of Kira, kinda of having their revenge on the serial killer.
He gets even more OP on purple haze feedback where he becomes invunerable to the poison himself
But part 4 is the best part, you faggot.
Wow, so Araki's an even bigger hack than I assumed.
>I-I was just pretending
Fuck off
g-d this isn't the thread i wanted this to be but i'm still happy
Bruh, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is an actual stand user in part 7
>Non canon light novel shit
>implying i ever want women anywhere
persona is animeshit pretending to be games
jojo is westernshit pretending to be anime
>Bait thread is actually working
Part 4 is dragged down by a bad intro. It's mediocre until Kira.
Then please enlight me, on the contrary of the novel which was both blessed by and had art made by Araki, on your OTP of what this double face that rather sucks his boss' balls over helping his true companions did after Giorno killed him and became the next mafia boss? He was right behind Mista in line to kiss his hand faggot
>200 IQ
Can anyone else even compete?
probably. it's still great though
>has big titties
>Yea Forums
DFC or piss off.
I know; where did you think I got the pic from lmao
Pleb, consider yourself FILTERED.
>n-no sir I'm not a retarded newfag
>can't even properly control his stand, being lower than rats, birds on a stand user scale
>BARELY above Holly because his stand isn't trying to """"prupositally"""" kill him
>anime only
I don't care about tiddies that much but I do like a nice butt.
Not really, most of Part 5 stands would either counter or out range Purple Haze
Why did Jotaro turn into such a shitty fighter in the later parts? He could literally beat a time stopping immortal vampire as a teenager but a speedy priest fucks him up with one move?
He can barely control himself, one little thing pisses him of and he probably kills everyone in the room
t. dio
Mista and Bruno carry it, not Narancia. He’s middle tier along with Abbachio, above Giorno and Fugo.
>bait thread
I guess Araki didn't want to give him the win again despite being absent for much like in part 4.
I have this T H E O R Y that a stand user's skills and stats are linked to their youth.
I.E. Jotaro. 17 during part 3 defeated Dio, while just a bit older get BTFO by a rat in part 4.
Gionor, 15 years old, has the most powerful stand that we know of.
Joseph, a master of both body and tactics due to his age gets a pheable stand in part 3.
And many other instances
he's like 40-50 and doesn't keep practicing, of course he's not going to be as strong as he was at 17 when he was fighting daily
4 people point that out to you faggot, go look up the wiki before I give you some George Joestar II
Kind of bizarre how jojofags aren't treated the way narutofags were. They're about as cringy
While Laura is cute she's still not Lara Croft.
is the dog that kars saved the only dog to ever NOT die (aside from age) in jojo?
although I fucking wish Abbachio wasn't killed off first, he had so much potential and could have been one of the greats
DIO is over a hundred years old and he got The World though.
>spoiling a manga that is over 10 years old
LOL you have no power in your pathetic life
He has the most boring stand out of anyone in the main crews
Lol not even close.
Sounds like a shittier version of One Piece from that description.
His death was top tier though
Police didn't die, in the middle of the MIH arc a guy was runed over but his dog was fine, Iwasuke is still alive
Who's ready for Punished Polnareff
Friendly Reminder that 36 Kars on Mars is 100% canon
You're right you jojofags are more cringy. At least narutofags were honest, half of you fags like the show ironically.
I was hoping you pointed that out. Notice that I said youth, not few ages. He is using Jonathan's body which was preserved is his youth due to Dio's vampirism
That was my first post in this thread. I frequently see people make the claims that "Araki meant do to this, what he really wanted was that", but never ever provide any sort of source.
Sounds a lot like trying to virally spread your own headcannon.
I don't know about that, in some respects I feel people don't give it enough credit because even among people who praise it they say things like "It's bad, but it's so ridiculous I can't help but enjoy it" or they may just say that about a specific facet of it, which I don't feel is really fair to it because even at its worst it's not really that bad.
I also really respect how Araki reinvents it with every part, comparing Part 1 to Part 8 and they feel like worlds apart despite being the same series, which I really appreciate, especially in the transition from Part 3 to 4, considering it had reached the heights of popularity at that time and Araki could have easily recycled it or milked it for all its worth, but he went for something very different in setting instead with an almost entirely new cast, and one of the only returning characters being a shadow of his former self, and I really appreciate that he does that even if you can still see him retread old ground every now and then. I also feel like people think little of his intelligence with the whole "Araki forgot" meme, I don't think anyone thinks he's a total retard or anything, but that people sincerely believe he's forgotten entire characters or powers that he spent entire chapters focusing on or building up to instead of coming to the much more logical conclusion that he just dropped a plot point, which still deserves criticism, makes me think people think little of his intelligence whether they realize it or not. It's even more obnoxious with JJL considering it's not even done yet and people constantly think he's forgotten everything and you see people saying he forgot Kyo despite him deliberately excluding her from the family portrait redraw, which clearly means he hasn't forgotten her and is actively keeping her out of the spotlight. How you could think he's so dumb that he forgot an entire character like that and she never crossed his mind for years is beyond me.
How many JoJo related banners does this site have?
I remember at least 2
remind me the title of that non-canon literature please? i need to read it again after i lost my memories
>watch entire season 1
>it's just a generic shonen, but with LULSORANDUM moments
Am I missing something here
I sincerelly am expecting to cry on Bruno's death.
>"I leave the rest to you and your GioGio's Bizarre Adventure: Part. 5 - Golden Wind, Giorno"
Jorge Joestar light novel
>jojo is westernshit pretending to be anime
Yeah, stuff like this happens in Western media all the time.
Yeah and?
Is there an english version of Golden Heart Golden Ring yet?
it's probably happened in family guy or american dad
is this a tiddy thread or no?
and you're supposed to defend the opinion or post tiddy
Will retards ever stop regurgitating this baseless meme?
the rest of the manga/show
>I just saw the top of this iceberg, am I missing something?
In case you are actually not bating, you need to know the time scenario when part. 1 was realesed, the public, the plots, etc
Futher parts get better, but if you can't respect part 1 for what it is in itself, just give up faggot
>it's probably happened in family guy or american dad
>jojo is westernshit pretending to be anime
Don't insult Jojo like that
>mista and bruno
don't act like western media isnt spreading degeneracy too
>persona is animeshit pretending to be games
If that were true then the anime of any given Persona would be more enjoyable than the games but the games are vastly superior each time, even with autist Yu and less bad pacing 3.
let the record show this thread was autosaged
>ummmm it gets good 100 episodes in
Oh fuck off I have better things to do, I'm not a child, I don't watch hundreds of episodes of random shonenshit hoping it gets good
Holy shit you're right
Read the manga
Why do sissy ass mods pull this passive aggressive moderating
2 > 1 > 3 > 4 > 7 > 8 > 5 > Piss > Shit > 6
They are far, far worse than narutofags were at the Naruto's peak
kek go watch the flavor of the month then you fucking casual faggot. Each is part is good on its own, read both posts again.
God, why are every single one of these newbornds have fucking ADHD?
Yup I'm thinking he's cringe and bluepilled