2019... Don't forget me...
2019... Don't forget me
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I didn't. I'm playing you right now.
why is the poison challenge so fucking bullshit
even with the swimsuits it's kicking my ass
I wish I could, but faggots keep posting the same three shitty cutscene webms from your shitty game.
people never post the actual worst one
We have multiple XBC2 threads per day, I don't know if I've ever seen a single JRPG get this consistently spammed on Yea Forums for this long after release.
It's the unironically the best JRPG this gen.
Gameplay: X>2>1
Story: 2>1>X
Side Content: X>2>1
Difficulty and Balance and Endgame: 2>X>1
Music: X=1=2 (They all have great music you fucks, but the music comes in different styles for each, and everyone has a preference for music)
Voice Acting English: 1>X>2
Voice Acting Japanese: 2>X>1
I wish I could but the constant waifufagging threads don't let me. Fucking terrible game.
We've had multiple persona threads every day for a decade now.
>Story: 2
Stopped reading there.
based on this, and giving each ranking a point value, 1st being 3 points, 2nd being 2, and 3rd being 1 point, the best game overall breaks down like this:
2 = 17 points
X = 13 points
1 = 9 points
I don't think we can.
Long as people are still salty about that one dancing scene, they'll keep posting it.
>at death
1 suffers from serious story issues in the second half. Shulk's entire motivations are thrown out the window, the pacing goes to shit (the second half of the game has less than half the cutscenes of the first half- leading to long, boring sections like climbing up the mechonis, where you spend hours of grindy gameplay without any noticable story events, and the story events that do happen are somewhat bland and very typical of JRPG stories, also, very few of the characters stay relevant in any way after their designated arc. The story seems only interested in Shulk. Combine this with the villains being laughably evil god complex super beings via a contrived plot twist, and you have some serious dumb shit in the second half.
Compare to Xenoblade 2. The villains are awesome, with one of them being a straight up deconstruction of the same type of dumb ass villain featured in the first game. All of the characters stay relevant throughout the story- and while Rex gets less of a focus as a result, I feel the story is stronger overall when done in a way that doesn't make it's MC a literal god. Unlike the first game, the story only gets better as it continues, and while some parts of the plot in the first half of the game are weak, they are at least used for meaningful character and relationship development- which the 1st game did not have at all in it's lacking parts during the 2nd half. 2 is also more thematically consistant, and has better cut scenes and facial animations/expressions. More advanced camera angles and composition are used to set the scene, and many cutscenes feature background details that add to the characters and the scene, such as when Zeke is trying to cover his face and not laugh as hard as he can when Mikhail is trying to flirt with Nia.
Still the best switch game
true, but that’s not saying much
Here is how you know haters have never played it when they post that scene
>completely optional
>hard to find and activate without a guide
>requires very specific multiple characters to be acquired via the gatcha, and requires them all to be equipped to the party at once, in a specific spot, to activate the quest
Anyone who hates on the game like that wouldn't have bothered with an optional, hidden, side thing that takes at least half a dozen hours to activate if you are lucky and happen to fulfill the parameters, unless they are using a guide- in which case, are they even really playing the game if they are just using a guide and checking off a list of content to get through?
Because your wife was finished with Jamal?
>Replying to baiters
Couldn't forget even if I wanted to
Gameplay (combat): X>2>1
Gameplay (world design): X>1>2
Story: 1>2>X
Characters: 2>1>X
Side Content: X>2>1
Difficulty and Balance and Endgame: 2>X>1
Music: 1=2>X (1 has better peak tracks but 2 is more consistent)
Voice Acting English: 1>X>2
Voice Acting Japanese: 2>X>1
SOUL: 1>2>X
I mostly agree with you user, but I think a lot of people overlook how XB1 tried to keep characters like Sharla relevant in its second half.
The whole Gadolt/Jade Face plotline honestly didn't interest me at all and probably hurt my opinion of the plot more than it helped, but the game at least made a good effort to give Sharla more attention when she had been mostly ignored since the whole Colony 6 plotline earlier in the game. It deserves some credit for that, at least.
This meme that the second half of XB1 is bad needs to die.
honestly that bit of the story was so forgettable that I completely forgot about it, but you are right.
X's combat is weakened by skell combat being less interesting, less complex, and less fun than ground combat, and also by the fact that once you get potential up, the game is basically fucking over as everything dies in one hit. That is, if you are still fighting on foot and not using a G-buster or superweapon to finish everything off. Despite this, X's combat is still a very close second to 2, which is why I gave X the lead in gameplay overall because combined with X's exploration (which I think is the best exploration in video games) and strong progression loop, X is stronger overall in gameplay.
I have my issues with 1's story, which I already explained earlier. It's not just characters, the previously excellent plotting absolutely falls apart in the second half, and the villains themselves, while intimidating and charismatic at first, reveal themselves to be shallow and uninteresting.
I'd say X has the most soul overall, followed in close second by 2. But let's be honest, all of these games have massive soul, which is why this is my favorite game series.
Unironically the best JRPG ever made.
Name a game with better exploration and world building - you can't. Now add to that the best video game soundtrack ever composed, god-tier art direction, a compelling story and an exciting battle system that, even if it gets repetitive later on, always makes you feel amazing when you finish all combos.
XC2 is the peak of gaming. Nia is the cutest character ever created too.
Story != writing
Persona isn't a single JRPG
please don't insult the genre like that. XB2 is trash in all aspects.
I'm thinking about playing the first one since it's often recommended on Yea Forums, but on the other hand so is Paper Mario and I really didn't care about that. Will I like it if I alreadyplayed FFX for 200 hours?
>shit voice acting
>shit graphics
>shit story
>shit world
Just fucking die already.
Let's hear your defence, then
It's not bad, it's just weak compared to the first half.
>Better exploration and world building
Xenoblade X
I agree with everything else though.
I've been playing through the Torna DLC and really enjoying it but now the game halts me from beating Malos until I get Community to Level 4?
I get what they're trying to do but who thought it was a good idea?
>Name a game with better exploration and world building
Xenoblade X
I'm still rolling for kos-mos you fucker
I never said it's bad. Xenoblade 1 is one of my favorite games of all time. But the second half is much weaker than the 1st half in nearly all aspects- exploration falls apart, the story is weaker and paced much more poorly, the gameplay stops evolving and adding new elements so the extended gameplay elements become more of a slog compared to the first half, ect.
Even the japs know of this meme, not many but they know.
Everyone loves the Ardainian soldiers, as it should be.
As soon as this works with the emulator, they'll be more interest.
>Story: 2>1>X
I don't know why people continue to say this. XC2 has a weak first half, and doesn't kick into gear until around Chapter 6 which is hours deep into the game. XC1 has an amazing first half, and doesn't start to lose steam until you enter the Mechonis as a whole. If anything it should be
>1=2 > X
has there been any progress on that at all, or still nothing
Since there's a Xeno thread up, I've been meaning to ask.. does it feel like they're trying to steadily abandoning the JRPG formula in favor of ARPG mechanics?
i wonder if they will reference it in later games
>Hello, I am that guy that automatically assumes any and all criticism of XC2 is bait, allow me to post my same thoughts that nobody cares about into this thread once more.
>better exploration
lol fucking WHAT exploration?
By the time you get high enough field skills to see some of the cooler parts of a map, it just leads to chests that are full of useless shit to you by that point.
Last three dungeons were a straight file line.
The fact that you keep making these threads shows that it wasn’t forgotten.
I like how you refer to him as "you" like he isn't a XC2fag trying to make a thinly veiled thread, but someone that hates it.
I love XC2fags act like they're so victimized on Yea Forums, but let clear bait posts like this go by just because it fits their narrative.
>Last three dungeons were a straight file line.
Not him, but I think it's pretty clear that Takahashi is abandoning dungeons in favor of open environments to explore instead. I wouldn't mind if we got properly detailed dungeons though in future games since they are kind of still present in XC2.
Morag is so beautiful!
Fuck off Persoyboy. Don't you have a Persona 5 thread to be in right now?
That's because have a group here who hate Nintendo but think the best way to get rid of them is to spam.
It's usually waifu shit more do than talk about the game
>muh field skills
You mean the mechanics that, along with higher level enemies and difficult quests, always make you keep returning to the first areas even late in the game and therefore add to the world bulding since all maps matter?
>Add to the world building
>Small group of enemies or irrelevant items that don't lead to much
Wow.. epic world building. Can you just admit that the world is inferior to the first two entries and call it a day? Even the most hardened XC2 fanboy realizes this.
Hot bait
I like XB2 a ton, it’s my favorite of the trilogy.
But it’s not even close to my favorite RPGs
>first playthrough on release I got barely any special blades due to shit luck
>replay the game
>lvl 21
>just pass merc village
>get fucking KOS-MOS
Feels good man
That's not world building.
And there are ways to encourage players to return to early areas that don't involve gating off areas behind obnoxious skill checks that force you to rearrange your party and are heavily reliant on the gacha. Additionally - since the checks are often reliant on the gacha - the stuff you come back for lategame often isn't even worth it, since it's usually balanced for the possibility that you might've gotten lucky and received the blades necessary to pass the check 20 hours earlier.
It's just a terribly handled system all around.
>Can you just admit that the world is inferior to the first two entries and call it a day? Even the most hardened XC2 fanboy realizes this.
The exploration and sense of scale were worse than 1, but for everything else I liked 2's world more. How about you don't speak for everyone?
You're right. I don't speak for everyone, however I do speak for the majority.
have fun with her user
I want to fuck a robot.
The world is better, the exploration is weaker than in XBX
In general, I feel like XB2’s world got a lot more fleshing out, from its history and the events that made each country and land mass to the way the people in each country live and thrive
It also did a better job of outlining how the social structure and organizations of alrest interact with each other and laying out the attitudes of the various peoples.
XBX is close to XB2 In that regard though. XB1’s world building is arguably the weakest of the three. It skims over a lot of details about the history and various entities so that the story can stay focused on Shulk’s progress
You are fools, the whole damn lot o' ya.
Combat: X > 2 > 1
Exploration and areas: X > 1 > 2
Story: 2 > 1 > X
Side Content: X > 2 > 1
Difficulty Balance and Endgame: 2 = X > 1
Music: X > 2 = 1
Voice acting: 1 > X > 2
Voice acting JAP: 2 > X > 1
Based onXB1 = 12
XBX = 20
XB2 = 18
Xenoblade Chronicles X is simply the best.
Xenoblade is trash
Crap story
Decent gameplay
Meh characters except for Jin and Nia
Weeb trash bait (I love it)
Xenoblade 1 that was a good game
2 is trash
>except for Jin and Nia
>not “except for Malos and Mythra”
It kind of sucks but honestly Torna's sidequests are good enough that it's not as bad as it sounds and you can get them all done fairly quickly.
t. Negresco.
Make more doujins
Mythra's kind of generic if you don't play Torna. Malos is good either way though.
Malos felt bland
Jin had a better villan role
Nia has welsh accent
Mythra is just tsundere trash (which I do enjoy very much)
>Malos felt bland
>not using the Japanese dub
I'm making a video about it as we speak
About to trade this in for Dark Souls Remastered. Haven't even finished it. Still waiting on XCX
>story: 2
the game doesn't really spell out his whole deal as clearly as it does for Jin, not too surprising that people tend to write him off as either evil for the sake of evil or evil because Amalthus
>or evil because Amalthus
They clearly didn't play the fucking game or at least to the world tree/orbital station
Let's do our hopes for XC3.
>What do you want the gameplay to be like?
>Do you want the story to focus on darker tones, or be lighthearted?
>What do you want the world to be like?
>What would you do to enhance the Blade System
Let's go.
Thanks, I guess I'll try and get myself to finish it this week.
If it weren't for the forced Community leveling though then Torna would easily be one of my favorite DLCs. The cast is great and I love Addam more than Rex.
Sorry but hearing generic high pitch anime voices
is not my cup of tea
>Persona > Nier/Drakengard > Xenoblade > Dragon Quest > Pokemon
This is true.
The only way fix xeno is to get ride of the stupid waifu shit and bring back Mechas and faster combat, none of this broken elemental combo shit that can one shot kill bosses.
But fucking Hackashi ruined xeno beyond repair and now its doomed to even pander more to waifufags.
Yeah Malos is bland character with a cool sword
>Malos is bland character
When hasn't Xeno appealed to waifufags? The only difference is that Blade has worse plot than its predecessors.
I want it to lean more into actual action gameplay
I’d like a darker story. Maybe something that mixes a dark view of sex and sexuality to create that “erotic like my American sitcoms” like Takahashi wants
As for the world? I’d like something that keeps the idea of titans but puts another spin on them
>The only way fix xeno is to get ride of the stupid waifu
>sexy women bad
t. ResetERA
>mixes a dark view of sex and sexuality
Not really a lot of sexuality discussed by von Leibniz not sure how that would fit in the Monadology theme
Is she the cutest blade?
Persona is already on its way to replace Final Fantasy as the next big JRPG series. Why people can't cope with this fact is beyond me. It has everything needed to overtake the genre.
>Highschool nostalgia
>Relatable and relatively realistic story and characters with actual themes
>Cute males and females to appease to both spectrums
>Fun and simplistic turn based gameplay
The only thing it needs to do is work on its gameplay more alongside it's dungeons, and we're good.
>What do you want the gameplay to be like?
Something similar to XC2 would be nice, with different attacks mapped to different buttons, but the orb nonsense needs to go, it's way too tedious.
>Do you want the story to focus on darker tones, or be lighthearted?
Darker, Xeno by default is weebshit, but it doesn't have to be sparkly, moe weebshit
>What do you want the world to be like?
In general, I would lean towards faster battles and more open world to explore, with some dungeons for balance. I could go either way, with either realistic landscapes or sci-fi/fantasy ones
>What would you do to enhance the Blade System
Remove all gachashit, focus on more fleshed-out and involved blade characters like in TGC
Hell ya
>faster combat
But XB2 is the fastest the series has been
I agree though, more mecha and maybe more weirder ones too
Something distinctive to xenoblade
>Persona is already on its way to replace Final Fantasy as the next big JRPG series
>Seven deadly sins are the villains
>bland mc who is loved by everyone
>next Final Fantasy
This is the last thing most enemies see before they die.
I really liked the combat in Torna and how everything felt fast-paced and dynamic, and pulling off Break Topple Launch Smash combos while switching between driver and blade was fun as hell. I guess keeping something like that where you can actively control your blades and refining it would be fine by me.
>What do you want the gameplay to be like?
2's combat, but make the party members' playstyles more diverse, like they were in XB1. Make the walking speed in fights faster too, that kind of sucks in 2. Also, playable mechs please. No more of this 'only in cutscenes' crap for mainline XB.
>Do you want the story to focus on darker tones, or be lighthearted?
Darker, I guess.
>What do you want the world to be like?
I don't really know, but if they're going to keep using Titans I think less is more - I'd prefer a few titans that you explore from top to bottom over a bunch of titans that you only briefly stop by (like XB2).
>What would you do to enhance the Blade System
Get rid of it completely. It was fun enough for one game, no more.
>sexy nude lady blowing me away
I'm ok with this
She's very cute, yes.
I want XCX2 or a new IP before that
But on the gameplay department
>Expand on Torna's system by making Switch Arts have different effects that aren't just Reactions, do stuff like parrying enemy arts for a small duration of time or damage + applying a buff/debuff
>Bring back Secondary Cooldowns and Jumping midcombat, almost every other choice in combat in 2 and Torna was an improvement but these two aspects had no business being removed
>for the love of god change the Mech Combat, it's so fucking dull as it is, I don't know what can be done currently since they don't want to compromise by having the mech be useable in only a few situations (which is respectable) but please do something
>Don't let MC take the unique skills of his party members, while it gives more custom options it makes party members worthless in Endgame and Postgame
>Expand on FrontierNav by letting party management be done there, call your idling party members to go join you and find out if they're in a H2H like that too
Maybe something psychosexual that tries to reinterpret Monadology through a different lens
Honestly a lot of games that deal with existing philosophies feel more like they’re just presenting existing ideas rather than adding their own ideas or interpretation to a school of thought
I’d really like to see how a Japanese game creator adjusts and changes and adds to western philosophical schools
I can see you aren't even knowledgable on the rest of the series, so I won't even bother arguing with you after this.
>Seven Deadly Sins
Yes, and? How is that inherently a bad thing? As opposed to reusing Gnosticism in every entry? Okay.
>Loved by all
Yep, you definitely did not play the game. The MC is an outcast for a good majority of the story and has to retain a low profile. This doesn't even begin to cover the fact that he's a blank insert character. You're a mouth breather dude. The fact is, Persona is rising in popularity and success, and has definitely beaten XC2 in many categories except for its world honestly. Persona 6 is definitely going to be the highlight of the next generation.
is that what he actually says? I've seen a bunch of attempts people have made to lip-read what Pyra and Mythra said at the end of the game, but nothing for that scene
>Yes, and?
The villains being so basic, flat and 1 note is pathetic.
>The MC is an outcast
To the villains. All the other main cast fall for him in a second.
I think the big thing with Orbs (and I mostly blame the lack of Monolith Soft staff on XB2’s dev team) is that the entirety of XB2’s hierarchy is really under utilized in terms of enemy and encounter make up
It has the potential to be really amazing but it never gets that far
Imagine if there were dedicated Adds that were designed to handle specific responsibilities covered by the Seal effects of Orbs? Adds that were too difficult to kill immediately so mitigation (at least in Boss fights) would be paramount
We saw a bit of this potential with the challenge mode but I feel like it could have been much more engrossing if the enemy design was better.
The other issue is that the arts were largely pretty weak due to their lackluster damage output compared to Blade specials or Blade combos
She's adorable.
One of the few dub voices I like
I just want them to bring back Gears/Blades and put an interesting spin on it. I miss Mechs, but I want something new.. Maybe something like Blades fusing with their owner and giving them enhanced, super powered armor that enhances their abilities. Just imagine how that would work in conjunction with the world.
>Still getting top tier art and love from the fanartists every single day of every single week there is.
2 progressively gets better until the game ends. The final 10 or 15 hours are so damn good. From the minute you get the third sword, shit just gets great. Wasting torna with Nia and Penumbra is so good and then it gets better.
Since playing it I’ve found that the game is very memorable too. By no means perfect but it’s great.
>bring back Mechas
>none of this broken elemental combo shit that can one shot kill bosses
How can you write these two things in the same sentence?
Persona 6 is almost certainly going to be a disaster. But a Persona 3 remake would be incredible.
That’d be cool for /fa/shion too.
The Blades basically become god robes from KLK
I just want core opening, mercs and rage strikes gone.
But Enraged mechanics have been there forever, just under a different name
And yeah, no more fauz gasha please
mercs were nice for bypassing affinity chart grinding at least
if they made it so you could queue up a shittton of missions and basically have the whole thing going on automatic in the background I don't think it would be too bad
>Persona 6 is almost certainly going to be a disaster. But a Persona 3 remake would be incredible.
Is there anything more pathetic than a storyfag?
Other than the grafixfag that is.
It's unironically the best Xeno story in over a decade.
About rage strikes what bothers me specifically is how much of your party gauge they take. In early BoC you just die occasionally and there's nothing that can be done about it and that's just lame.
Persona 3 is the worst game in the Persona series and doesn't even have a cohesive story until the 2/3rd mark of the game. You deluded P3 babies are fucking up our fandom. Take your seething ass out of here dude.
>Is there anything more pathetic than a storyfag
Quite ironic when people almost always call out Xenoblade titles for their story. As opposed to having no plot at all and being on the rails? Yeah.. No.
What. P3 is my favorite game, and a remake to make Tartarus more like mementos and the monthly shadows more like palaces would be a lot of fun. In all seriousness, I do not understand what you mean.
In a second play through and got my first rare blade, Azami on Nia.
I was excited until I saw that nearly every ability only works when the character is almost dead.
Dunno how I feel now.
On one hand the multipliers are pretty nuts when you meet the requirements, on the other I have to put the healer one foot in the grave for it.
The second half of XB1 is paced and written in such a way that you're too busy lost in the HYPE and stakes being raised to notice all of the inconsistencies and plotholes.
People really overreact how bad the second half of Xenoblade 1 is. Only the final quarter (starting when Zanza reveals himself) is bad.
>and doesn't start to lose steam until you enter Sword Valley
In my opinion the story already started showing its cracks once Seven showed up on screen, but Sword Valley is where it undoubtedly tripped up and didn't stop save a select few moments.
You dont remember p4 adachi threads? Fatlus? EO3 era F O E and loliguro spam?
You seem like a mad teenager my dude. P3 is still the best persona. And calling something “our” fandom made me laugh out loud. This is very embarrassing for all of us but mostly you.
>I do not understand what you mean.
Of course you don't. You're retarded.
>P3 is the best Persona
It needs to remake with heavy edits to the entire game to even remotely stand on the level of P5.
Can someone explain the constant mention of Persona in Xeno threads as of lately? Are we getting raided or something? I know there's probably a lot of people that play both series, but damn.
>What do you want the gameplay to be like?
Bring back Xenoblade X's mech piloting, but with super robots (like the artifices) instead of real robots (skells)
>Do you want the story to focus on darker tones, or be lighthearted?
Something akin to Xenoblade X or Xenoblade 2 where the story gets really dark, but a lot of the side content and filler is humorous.
>What do you want the world to be like
Open world like Xenoblade X, but fantasy designs like Xenoblade 1/2
>What would you do to enhance the Blade System
It shouldn't come back. Xenoblade 1 has its visions. Xenoblade 2 has its blades system. Let Xenoblade 3 do something new.
Pic VERY related.
Literally one guy.
I’d like to read your explanation on why do you think X’s exploration is that good compared to others
This artist is honestly so fucking good. Why does she need to spend 90% of her time drawing twink Rex and Zeke doujins.
I'd be really pleased if Monolith's fantasy title ended up becoming Escaflowne.
5 wasn’t that good. It fell to pieces at the end. Social links were kinda boring. I guess it looks nice if you like flashy stuff. I liked it though. Good music. But it’s probably the worst out of the trilogy.
>Zeke doujins
Double based and infraredpilled
>It shouldn't come back. Xenoblade 1 has its visions. Xenoblade 2 has its blades system. Let Xenoblade 3 do something new.
This 100%.
Nah man, you’re a weird autist and you made a bad post. I was trying to be polite. You should probably get out more. You can do that and play games.
>one of them being a straight up deconstruction
You're a literal mouthbreathing retard who can't even read at a middle school level. Your analysis of the story is worthless.
>It fell to pieces at the end.
Really? The end was one of my favorite parts, that shit felt more SMT than mainline near the end.
Social links have never been anything but boring.
If you value gameplay 5 is hands down the best, if you don't value gameplay I don't think your opinion has any value.
Shitposting aside its always funny to me when people complain about Xeno being anime and then talk about how much they love Persona. I don't really see how you get more anime then a high school harem simulator with a isekai-esque dungeon crawling game attached to it. I say this as someone who does actually like Persona a lot.
Cutscene direction seemed the same in quality in 1 and 2.
>muh accent
Eh. Midgame onward it's fast, but before that it's the slowest in the franchise.
I like how you have no visible argument to my post outside of the standard aggressiveness you see from shitposters. Have a nice day though baby girl.
Some tips bro : Shadow blades have 90% chance of preventing the instant death skill
Use Corvin, heal with his lvl 1 special and drag out the fight, launch a lv 4 special or chain combo when it casts insta death on you. This is the method I used in my first playthrough, so I didn't even have third accessory and the fight dragged for very long, but it did work
You are a retarded storyfag. It does not get any more simple. Please try to understand.
If you took the first half of 1, the second half of 2, the world of Mira, the characters and character rendering style of 2, the combat of Torna and mixed some of the salvageable tracks of X into 2's OST you'd probably have the greatest JRPG ever made. All of their games are like this though, all very flawed but also very memorable.
can I skip the cutscenes and is the game good
I have to agree Mitsuda delivered one of his best work, maybe his best. Ace tracks were nice too
The difference is that Persona actually takes itself seriously and retains a relative sense of grounded realism in its titles. Xenoblade is more of a fantasy series and focuses on entirely different aspects. I think the only thing Xeno does excel at is its world and settings.
asking for a friend
>tfw generating so much special bar that once Lv3 hits, the bar is restored back to Lv2 already and the only way I can use a Lv1 is through a chain attack
I wish there was a way you could select which Special you want to use, even if it drains your entire bar regardless of level.
1. yes 2. maybe
Argument against what? You're a literal retard who's trying to analyze the characterization of villains by using a word incorrectly that only retards on the internet is incorrectly. You talk about how Rex isn't a literal God, but leave out that constantly throughout the entire game everyone sucks his dick and follows him because they like the look in his eyes, despite him being an idiot with no plan. I don't even need to get into specific scenes, your overview of the story is completely wrong. The entire game is just bad battle shounen writing.
Headpats for Crossette!
Tell your friend yes to both
>Persona actually takes itself seriously
>villains are shallow, literally just the seven deadly sins
Persona 5 was legit shit, even the music became super repetitive and I was sick of it, especially since they only use one vocalist for all tracks. I can't stand the random battle theme anymore. Also curious about your statement, did you even play a single of the Drakengard games? Because they all had massive problems
People follow Rex because he's the Aegis Driver and has hope in the dream that Elysium can save humanity from collapse. They could have easily abandoned him after he fell into depression in Chapter 7, so no he isn't a literal God. You honestly sound overly upset so again, peace out. Ironic how you call out my post when you reek of ESL yourself, filthy larper.
you are a massive newfag if you managed to not notice a full decade of Personafags spamming their garbage
You already made this post and it meant as much back then as it does now. Nothing.
Also I don't think you understand what "takes itself seriously" means as it has nothing to do with the content of the storyline itself. Tard.
>You already made this post
Something being right does not have its accuracy diminish if reposted.
How does Rex not have a plan? He's going to climb the World Tree and go to Elysium, after getting a confirmation that yes, Elysium will be a solution to Alrest's slow death. I don't think that's too crazy.
Now read the rest of the post. Go on little buddy I believe in you.
I miss him bros
They literally say that they're just attracted to his personality and the look in his eyes makes them want to adventure with him. Dress it up all you want, he's a shitty shounen MC. The point is that even if he's not a god, him being a young, aimless idiot that all of the more level headed characters still follow around is not good writing.
You're the fucking retard who doesn't know what deconstruction means. There has never been a single instance of someone using it to mean "This Japanese thing subverted my expectations based on my limited experience with genre cliches" where the poster wasn't a retard offering up a worthless analysis. You're the ESL retard using words incorrectly, not me.
(You). I don't know why you keep bringing up the 7 Deadly Sins as if that's an issue. Each of the characters are relatively realistic. Especially Kamoshida and Futaba. You didn't even explain how they were shallow either.
>why you keep bringing up the shitty villains and story as if that's an issue
>If I follow Homura's boobs to this place I know nothing about, the world will be saved
Not really a plan.
Whatever you say ESL, keep on sperging though buddy. Imagine getting this hurt over a vidya analysis. Maybe Reddit is more your speed.
The worst thing in P5 was close to the end when Joker is fucking shot dead, but then he wasn't dead because of KEIKAKKU DOORI that was hidden from you for reason
Damn it was garbage, the writers were so incompetent they had to pull that in order to add shock value to their shit story, I can't take anyone saying P5 is great seriously
>If I help the Aegis meet her creator, maybe I'll learn answers about the world to verify my journey and hopefully save it from ruin.
Play the game slower this time. You seem to be incapable of basic reading comprehension, you cave painting.
>Use words objectively wrong while defending shit writing because you're a pseudo-intellectual retard
>Y-You're the ESLfag!
Open a book sometime, dumb ESLfag.
>muh story
Just go be disgusting somewhere else and let people interested in videogames to talk about videogames without having to read about how you were dissappointed in your waifu selection or whatever the fuck.
Ok so the cast sucks, the villains suck, the twist sucks but yeah its 'the next FF'
>Harping this hard over one little instance towards the end of the game
I can't take anyone saying they enjoy XC2's story seriously.
I'm just amazed that Nintendo of America had to be goaded into releasing the original in the States. And now its sequel was one of Nintendo's big tentpole 2017 releases..
That's a lot of lovely extrapolation you did there. Please show me where in the game Rex shows forethought about his journey's destination beyond "Homura said to follow to the magic tree."
I'm sure you wouldn't attempt to sound rational and intellectual without actually being able to cite the game. That would just make your a fucking idiot.
I can't take anyone seriously when they pretend that Persona was some amazing work of literature at any point in the franchise. You are so pathetic.
I mean, its actually not that terrible of a plan if you consider the circumstances. This Aegis bitch tells you she comes from a land of plenty and that god lives there and asks you to take her there. The alternate is to sit around as all the titans just die out. This bitch is literally the chosen one passed down by god. And she has huge tits. Do you really say no?
Open a book yourself ESL. You've already conceded the moment you started sperging like an autist. Are you a disciple of Eric?
>retarded weebs insisting that one JRPG has a superior story thus making it superior to another JRPG
They're all just a bunch of dumb cliches, your favorite in particular is absolute shite, now shut the fuck up already holy shit.
How is that not a plan? The world's problem is a lack of land.
Rex is familiar with the legends of a 'land of plenty' on top of the world tree, then he meets a legendary figure who shows it to him, revives him after he dies, and confirms that Elysium is not only real, but a place where the people of Alrest can take refuge, just like he'd hoped.
Look what we have here, it'd Xfag once again seething over an objectively better game.
Do I say no to a magical titty monster who wants to go on an adventure? Of course not. The problem is that Rex is surrounded by a lot of people dealing with the sombering reality of war and the juxtaposition of him next to those other characters makes him look like a simple idiot. Shulk was a lot more pragmatic and grounded. If they wanted to make Rex like he was, they shouldn't have made the story reach so hard with the more serious themes.
Persona 5 is objectively better and it's not even close.
You've used English words incorrectly. I have not. You're an ESL retard trying (and failing) to argue in English. Your analysis of the story is objectively worthless.
X was trash as well but for different reasons, you dumb thirdworlder.
Fuck off already autist. Thread's derailed already what the fuck else do you want?
>spamm flooding for a jrpg that even is not one of the best in its own gen
xc2/nintendo niggers are legit worse the persona spammers
You seem incredibly obsessed yourself you illiterate bong.
Initially i reacted the same way as you, hated the idea. Then not only did the sidequests start to feel enjoyed, but also some characters felt compelling too. Also, the sidequests begin to conect between each other and you get really invested.
By the time i reached level 4, i wanted to keep leveling it. It just felt right to do as much sidequests as possible before the final battle
>t. ESL
Isn't it time for you to go to bed now?
2019... I am immortal
Except for the part where he was going based on her word alone, and what she said was there wasn't actually there. It's a dumb jrpg so it worked out in the end, but their plan simply did not come to fruition, and the promises Homura made weren't fulfilled. The plan was dumb, Paradise was a wasteland, and things only worked out because of some Deus ex asspulls later.
>1 thread
>spamm flooding
Learn how commas work, dumb ESLfag.
I hope you guys realize that this is an organized raid by discord.
I'll never forget my biggest regret, nobody will ever convince me this isnt the worst piece of hot shit that has ever existed. It's all the worst aspects of a shitty asian mmo and an ambien combined.
I had a lot of fun playing you early this year. Torna's music is quite nice.
Post the Discord, then, faggot. I want to talk to fellow X-fags.
>shilling for a low effort anime tiddy game where the creators of it cant speak english
>"hur dur fuck off esl !"
Or people were just disappointed with the game, and making nonstop threads is an easy way to attract people who didn't like the game.
>Or people were just disappointed with the game, and making nonstop threads is an easy way to attract people who didn't like the game.
This is the opposite of logic and sense. If you believe this you belong in an institution, no joke.
Over the past couple of weeks, someone from the Persona discord has been trying to pit it against other JRPG series to incite wars between said fandom groups. The recent target has been Xeno for now since there's always daily threads, and furthermore the people doing it outted themselves in the Persona General on /vg/.
When's the people you know coming? The people i know had to go home and i was left with too many uneaten snacks.
Do you have brain damage?
>Please show me where in the game Rex shows forethought about his journey's destination beyond "Homura said to follow to the magic tree."
>Chapter 2 is about getting a boat to get to the tree and dealing with Nia
>Chapter 3 is about gathering info to deal with the snake that is blocking people from getting to the tree
>Chapter 4 is mostly filler before getting to Indoline so they can deal with the snake much like Makna Forest in the original
>Chapter 5 is making a stop at Rex's village then finally getting to the place with the best music in the game
>Chapter 6 is finally dealing with the snake blocking the path but then Torna
>7 and 8 they already have every info needed to get to the tree so they do
I fail to see the point you're trying to make here.
A huge chunk of the game is about dealing with the thing that literally doesn't allow anything to get close to the World Tree.
It's not like they could just go there after Pyra was with them because when they did, Ophion destroyed their boat.
So Rex went on a quest around the world trying to get means to go to the World Tree.
I don't, but you absolutely do. Get checked man, I'm not kidding at all, might get disability bux too out of it.
Hes not really a simple idiot though and the contrast is intentional. Rex's whole role in the story is to develop other characters. He's the vessel for the games main theme which is to be hopeful and keep living through tough times as well as finding your "role" in the world (its aimed at the directionless youth in japan). He goes to a bunch of broken characters who are directionless and is like "look, there's still hope for you. You have a place in this world and we can find it together". He's like a self-help cult leader in the making. And all these broken characters bought into it, except Malos.
Malos bought into it too, he just died immediately afterwards.
>I fail to see the point you're trying to make here.
All of the extrapolation you made here
where does he say that? He just follows Homura because she promised a magic world full of infinite resources, and we know that she was objectively wrong about that. I'm not arguing that he wanted to climb the tree with her, but you painting it as him thinking about meeting the creator and learning about the cause of the world's problems so they can solve them is bullshit.
>inconsistencies and plotholes.
such as?
>Zanza final arc is bad
Gay taste alert, gay taste alert.
>Hes not really a simple idiot though
This level of delusion shouldn't be possible.
>He goes to a bunch of broken characters who are directionless
Zeek and Melef weren't broken and directionless at all. Stop pulling things out of your ass. Rex is written like a generic shounen hero, and they did a poor job of it.
>There is this legend in the folklore of your people
>a historical artifact confirms to you that said legend is no mere sailor talk and is actually real
Why the fuck would you not believe in the historical artifact
Elysium being in the state that it was is only obvious thanks to hindsight, because Klaus stopped giving two shits about everything and let fate take its course.
Until they actually got to Elysium, it could have looked exactly how Pyra remembered.
>Why wouldn't you believe her?
>Sure, she was wrong, but you have to ignore that so I can pretend to have a point
>tfw you will never unlock Elma due to refusing to play below normal mode
what fucking madman designed Challenge Mode
>geography and points of interest all match up
>but had zero maintenance between the image in her memory and when they got there so it decayed into a wasteland
You're trying to tell me that the Grand Canyon has looked like it does since the Earth became a planet.
the zanza arc almost felt like satire because there's no way that the same guy who wrote xenogears and xenosaga could write something so retarded unironically
Bring AoE
KOS-MOS' Lv2 helps a fuckton
I want to see her and Newt play a guitar and bass together.
But nothing she promised came to fruition. She was objectively wrong about paradise.
>such as?
>"Okay Shulk"
>5min later they're killing generic faces in Galahad Fortress
>enemies that drop Bloodied Face Masks
Im not talking about them, I'm talking about Nia, Pneuma, Jin, Klaus and Malos. Morag spent the early part of the game chasing Rex before coming to respect him which I think is fair. Its not like she and Bridghid blindly follow him. They put Rex in his place when hes out of it and leave occasionally to do their own thing. Also Nia saved her brothers life. As for Zeke, hes actually pretty broken but he follows Rex more because he has the same philosophy deep down and wants to mentor him a bit. And I'm not really pulling this out of my ass, Takahashi talked about the themes in an interview with the Persona director ironically and its not exactly subtle in the japanese script.
xenobkade games don't have focused direction, seems like if somebody makes an asset it stays in no matter what
>Okay ignore these two main characters
Oh okay.
>Takahashi talked about the themes in an interview
I know what he was going for and I played the game in Japanese. That's why I've repeatedly said "it's just shitty shounen writing". The entire thing screams shitty shounen. That anyone would pretend that's good writing or interesting characterization is mind blowing.
>Elma dabbing on shitters
After dabbing on RetardEra, Treehouse, and now scrubs, is Elma, dare I say, /ourgirl/?
2015... X is forgotten...
Holy shit you're an ironic weeb.
It's been almost half a decade. XC2 discussion will die down just as much when the next Monolith game gets revealed which I hope it does at E3
>People enjoying a story for what it is happens to be mind blowing
Are you an actual mongoloid?
>Actually learned Japanese to play video games
Holy shit, you're a fucking retard.
She and everyone else had no way of knowing that until they got there.
They were all going off her memories, in which Elysium looked evergreen.
That is what called to adventure to begin with.
Elysium looking like it did is irrelevant because the entire point of the game is getting there to begin with, because its existence is not a myth.
This is like showing you a photo of a river when this is the entirety of the information we have and once we get there it turns out the river had dried out.
And you're telling me the river does not exist despite the fact there's a crevasse in there and the round sediments found within the crevasse and the eroded soil clearly show that huge amounts of water once flowed through that crevasse.
Once they got there and looked at the state in which it was left, then they went to get some explanation from the Architect himself.
>People are praising shitty shounen writing
Next, you're going to tell me that One Piece is an enjoyable story and that Luffy is a good character.
I can do all this other shit but unlocking fucking nodes by tracking down the same UM for the 4th time is pretty goddamn insane. I have combat tactics down well but you really need to readjust for her.
It's only technically been a year since XC2 released, since the base game released in December 2017. If anything, we should be receiving some information for their next title around next year or so. 2019 still feels a bit early.
Zeke's entire reason of fighting with Rex is because, in exchange for literally saving his life by turning him into a Blade Eater, he promised Amalthus he'd take the Aegis to the Indol.
Zeke realizes Rex isn't a fucking villain after their clashes and ultimately leads them there on friendly terms.
After that debt to Amalthus is paid, he is free to go back to being a vagabond. He follows Rex because he figures there's no better way of finding out about the wold outside Tantal than following the mad lad taking the Aegis up the World Tree to meet the Architect.
>Yes, they were objectively wrong and made false promises and following them without thinking was stupid, but
No but.
>What is localization
Holy shit, you're retarded.
The point of Elysium was that it would be a place where people "wouldn't have to worry about their homes sinking away". It might not have been as perfect as Pyra remembered it, but it was still an area of land big enough to fit Alrest's entire population that had no risk of sinking into the Cloud Sea like the Titans did.
If you think its discovery would've meant nothing for Alrest, you're an idiot.
I've never read One Piece, but I'm not about to act like people enjoying it is somehow a mind blowing phenomenon. For how conceited you come off as, it's impressive how you're unable to fathom that everyone has different tastes and interests. If you think the story of XC2 is shit, then more power to you. Do like everyone else is doing and wait for the next entry. Maybe then, it'll appease to your tastes.
>We're all gonna make it, brah.
I never said Rex was a super interesting character, but I see no issues with his writing in the greater context of the story. What I actually said was that hes not retarded and it makes sense why the other characters follow him.
They weren't even objectively wrong, they were objectively correct.
Elysium exists.
They got there.
But you're trying to turn three questions into a single one.
This is how it went.
>Does Elysium exist?
>Does Elysium match up with Pyra's Memories?
>Is Elysium currently capable of supporting life?
And you're trying to say
>Does Elysium exist?
>No, it's a lie
The logic used by Zeek in defending Pneuma's duplicity was laughably retarded. Apart from that, I honest would have rather had Adam be the main character instead of Rex. If this was still the 90s, he would have been. Don't fucking understand Japan's latest obession with beta protagonists.
Sorry, I don't like playing butchered games. You still haven't told me what part of that is ironic.
>It might not have been as perfect as Pyra remembered it
Nice fucking reach.
X was revealed in January of 2013, and 1 was released (in Japan) in June of 2010, so about 2 and a half year gap between reveals. Then, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was revealed 2 years after X's release. This E3 would mark 1 and a half year since 2's release, and with Monolith hiring on far more people, it is plausible, though not likely, that they'd have something to reveal at this E3.
Though if they do reveal something, it'd probably just be a title, a la Metroid Prime 4 or Smash Ultimate, or they'd save the whole reveal for a Fall/Holiday Season direct.
>Whatever dude, it's all subjective
Then what's the point in arguing about the stories to begin with?
>What I actually said was that hes not retarded and it makes sense why the other characters follow him.
But he is, and it doesn't. He doesn't think anything through or make any smart decisions, and they only follow him because of his MC aura.
HB > alternate universe evil HB with an annoying bat/moth thing with a hilarious death
Hmm, interesting. Well thanks for the information. I guess I'll keep my eyes peeled during this year's E3, although I probably shouldn't expect much. My only wonder is, will they unveil the fantasy title, or another Xenoblade game? Then again, Takahashi did say that the series could take a 3rd path in one of his more recent interviews. That might just be where the fantasy ARPG comes into play.
rex was the protag so we could have 4 chapters of mostly pointless buildup to when the plot gets good
>Disagree with the XC2 cult's hivemind
What did they mean by this?
Actually considering a second playthrough, haven't played the base game since launch.
>the church is there like in the memory
>debris shows that the buildings were there like in the memory
>Tree is in the exact same spot as in the memory
I'm sorry to break this to you, but the house you currently live in didn't exist there since the dawn of time.
I have tried three times already to get this through you but you somehow don't understand that passage of time is a thing.
You're telling me that the 1929 and the 2019 skyline photos of New York don't match up, that means 1929 New York never existed.
Please stop acting retarded, you're better than this.
Newt can play both at once
>Disagree with Xfag's hive mind cult
What did he mean by this?
>Was such a beta bitch that Pneuma rejected him and tried to kill him when Mythra went nuclear
Yes, but I prefer her playing bass. Left handed preferably. Their jp VA's are the same as Mio and Azusa in K-on! if you didn't get it.
Plot never gets good, but the last chapter is a really enjoyable anime.
They prefer their protags to either be mute or herbivorous, to better self insert. I can't remember the last time I actually enjoyed a Japanese protagonist, in video games at least, other than maybe Adol.
As someone who reads a lot of LNs/manga, and plays 90% Japanese video games, the last truly CHAD protagonist I've seen was Saitama.
>She promised them a bountiful land of infinite resources, so it's not that far off
You're one dumb motherfucker.
I never once criticized Persona (outside of 4) so I don't know why you're now claiming I'm against it, P5 is a step in the right direction for the series in terms of gameplay.
>She promised them a bountiful land of infinite resources
She showed Rex that Elysium exists, proof being that simulation she had based on her memory of Elysium.
That's it.
Why do you keep pretending that she wasn't wrong because it wasn't the land of magical resources she promised it was?
Wasn't it, though? It has the Conduit, and all the tech that allowed Klaus to create Alrest. Those resources seem pretty magical to me.
I hope they make the RPG mechanics and combat good again for the next Xenoblade game.
Because the info she had did not match up.
Elysium exists, but due to untold years of lack of care, it became a wasteland.
Her memories have Elysium in its prime.
The one thing that was wrong is that Elysium was not evergreen, but it still exists.
The only scenario in which she would have been outright lying is if instead of having Elysium between the Low Orbit Station's entrance and the Architect's room, they just went straight to his room from the entrance and it turned out it was a fake memory he placed there to get her to return.
Addam only did what he did because he had to, not because he wanted to. He is super flawed and would have doomed alrest. He couldnt even handle Mythra, he even admits that Rex is the better driver.
Agreed, but I see Saitama as less of a chad and more of a spokesperson for the degradation of current-day anime. His character is tired of the boredom, cynical of the environment and people around him, and can't be arsed to do much because he's so powerful. The anime he stars in is equally cynical, with subversion and blase vibes everywhere. I Wish I could call him Chad, but OPM is more of a symptom of what current state of anime methnks.
But he doesn't dress like a fetishist for retro diving equipment. He's normal height, and bares the pecs like a chad.
Why is Yea Forums the only place on the entire internet that has a cabal of autists pushing this game daily?
I haven't seen a level of autism this severe since MGSV dropped, the threads are just one group yelling at an imaginary boogeyman, and another trolling the first group by pretending to be that boogeyman.
It's all so sad, if I actually cared about this game, I wouldn't like how these threads make it's fanbase look.
Why do you keep pretending that Elysium doesn't exist?
Saitama is a chad because he literally killed himself to get as powerful as he is today. Him breaking his limiter through (near)-death experiences is what caused him to go from being weak to being above all others. And even when he was a child, he was a Chad.
It's not about power, it's about attitude, and Saitama has it down to a T. ONE's other protagonist (Ossan and Shigeo) are also Chads.
>Yeah dude, I have an awesome garden with a stream and great soil
>Oh shit, it's a desert!
My bad
The paradise she promised does not exist.
If by 'MC aura', you mean the nuke with tits that he's carrying around then sure you can make that argument. But if you look at whose actually following him, you got a broken, lonely blade who wants his dick, a shut-in nerd who wants to go on an adventure, the previously mentioned two and then their blades. This isn't exactly the fellowship of the ring. Again, there's not really an issue here no matter how much you try to invent one.
>because he literally killed himself
Then how come he's still alive?
The xenoblade 2 fanbase is the most based and hip fanbase in the history of Yea Forums.
are those people even the real fanbase?
I have the feeling with games like xc2 are pushed by based console warrior retards more then the fans desu. Like i seriously doubt this game would have so much traction to justifyy that level of autism
>>Yeah dude, I have an awesome garden with a stream and great soil
>>Oh shit, it's a desert!
>My bad
So what? It's still a solution. Why is that a problem?
I miss him.
explain, i am this guy and i apparently slept on the development on Yea Forums. Why is the fanbase like this? I remember XC on the wii having a nice fanbase
The place she promised exists.
Morag even mentions "yeah this place can easily house all of Alrest".
Thing is, it changed over time.
XC2, and by extension the Xenoblade fandom is despised/memed on here because of Eric. "Japanese humor" absolutely tarnished our reputation. I hope the future titles can fix that.
>Xenoblade 2 follows the xeno-structure the closest
>people say Xenoblade 2 has no story or bad story
>the previously mentioned two and then their blades.
Nice handwave of the top ranking military commander of one nation and the prince of another.
The threads died down hard, but came back out of nowhere a few days ago.
The insane branch of Nintendo onlies that console war must have gone back to pushing it as the Switch's greatest JRPG after they realized P5 on Switch wasn't happening.
>The place she promised exists
The bountiful garden she promised does not exist.
>Then how come he's alive
Sheer willpower and determination.
It's a pretty hefty part of the current arc, with several beings having removed their limiter through various means. Basically, you have to have near-death experiences to break your limiter, and that's exactly what the current villain keeps doing. His heart restarts like 20 goddamned times over the course of 50 chapters.
I didn't handwave them, I already talked about them here . Nice handwave of everything else I said!
>implying following some arbitary plotstructure every game is good
>implying xeno games had good story
>implying something cant be varying degrees of quality while following the same structure
there is alot of brain damage and implying going on with you on user
Xenosaga's story wasn't good either. Xenogears, Xenoblade 1, and Xenoblade X are the only good Xeno games. Fight me.
It all started with XCX "competing" with other big JRPGs that would launch around the same time, then came the controversy that was the censorship which attracted even more shitposters, and as the games in the series got more popular with big shifts between the games, with XCX taking a bigger focus on exploration and XC2 having an approach akin to the first game but the plot takes a more light hearted tone for a big chunk of it, the fanbase became more and more polarized.
Now it's in a state of me vs. you, your game sucks and my game is the best, the polar fans being the most vocal and the people who like the whole series avoiding these threads because the polar fans and shitposters have taken over.
xenosaga is what you get when you throw highschool philisophy class and fetish anime tiddy suits in your avarage jrpg
The bountiful garden she promised existed.
That's the info she had and that's the info that got the gears of the plot turning.
>I already talked about them here
No, you attempted to mitigate their important (handwaved) and went back to pretending everyone following Rex was fine.
>Nice handwave of everything else I said!
What else did you actually say? I was arguing about those two and then you brought up characters that weren't points of contention? Only idiots try to defend points no one argued against to begin with so they can pretend their stance has more weight behind it. Are you an idiot?
Do people who ask this not even play the game? The entire setting of the game is literally dying and this kid has a legendary blade who assures all of them that they can save their people by bringing them to a paradise atop the world tree. It's not like they have any other option so of course they follow Rex.
>It's good because it ripped off the old games
Xenoblade 2 is a very flawed game. But that doesnt mean it isnt an amazing experience despite those MANY flaws. The other side of Yea Forums destroyed this game for its flaws during the launch. The fans of it started post-ironic posting about their love of said flaws, even going so far as to flood the entire board with intentionally cringy threads regarding the game, spiraling the fanbase into based and redpilled status. This game is simply beyond criticism on this board at this point. It all turns to shitposting by the end and that's the way the fans wanted it. It's the ultimate barrier to protect their flawed game that they enjoy so much.
>The bountiful garden she promised existed.
Except for the part where it was a barren desert, sure.
basiacly this
and this
combination of nintendo fans and games being vastly different the polarization and splintering that happened because of that
I Will never forget Mythra.
How much snake oil do you own?
God I love her so much
>I'll never forgot a shitty bitch whose only notable character treat is being tsundere
Ironic weebs, I swear, how many "waifus" do you have?
But it existed.
Then it became a barren wasteland.
There's evidence within Elysium that it did look exactly how Pyra/Homura/whatever your version of the script calls her with environmental storytelling, bits of dialogue scattered throughout the location and the very logical thought of "why the fuck would people go out of their way to build a wasteland in an orbital station instead of a place they can live in" that apparently never crossed your mind.
>they do not have other option that follow the comic relief shota
i rather rape pyra and other girls in dying desperate world that are so morale down that they are following rex. Economy must be pretty down too i imagine. But u are free to follow the shota
i mean u kinda right, but at the same time this poisons the well for any fan or discussion on Yea Forums ever from that point on
>why the fuck would people go out of their way to build a wasteland in an orbital station instead of a place they can live in
>Yo Jeff the construction of the Orbital Station's inner structure is going great but you know what would really sell it?
>if in this massive empty room we have, we just made a scene straight out of Mad Max, like, we build houses then we break them, then we build roads and we break those too, and we scatter sand everywhere, but we'll make a church that grants access to other places in our facility
>okay, I'll bring some dried trees, a rusty water tank and a broken see-saw we have in our garden back home
The discussion has been poisoned since X's release. People shitposted X for not being enough like a traditional JRPG, so much so that when the next Xenoblade came out that was as bog standard of a JRPG you could get from Monolith, the revenge shitposting started.
>it existed
What she promised them wasn't there. She was wrong. Period. You are an idiot.
ITT: retards who don't realize that Gramps intentionally turned Rex into a retarded, idealistic shota boy in order to make him more appealing to Pyra
Is she /our/ simpleton?
What she promised was once there.
You are trying to discredit her memory which is proven, even after it became a wasteland, to be real.
The real idiot here is you.
No, I really did talk about them there. I gave valid reasons why they followed him. Someone else even added another reaosn here . You want me to repeat the same points so you can ignore them again?
About a month ago there was an ad at Target claiming the game was $20. It ended up being a misprint, but many people got it honored, including myself. People who nabbed it then are finishing up the game and wanting to discuss it now.
Hate and shitposting are also explained because the people who waited for a $20 sale are the people who were unsure about the game's anime bullshit.
we can at least agree that Torna was based, right? Its only flaw is that there isn’t more of it.
Maybe gramps killed Rex's patents so he would want a big breasted mommy gf
What main character of a JRPG is not a beta bitch? Rex was a damn retard for over several chapters and amounted to nothing at the end.
One of the few I liked was Denam from TO LUCT where if you went chaos path you killed every bitch that stood in your way sparing not even old hags.
>was once there
Irrelevant. She didn't promise them it was there in the past, she promised them it was still there. You're a retard.
Ok you fucking Nippers, Imma fucking say it right now!
gramps only chose him after his parents are dead, but he did canonically isolate him from everyone else on the island and constantly go out of his way to reinforce his childish hero dreams. anyone on leftheria could have been pyra's driver, but azurda went out of his way to choose the dumbest cutest boy and deck him out in clothes that expose his soft thighs
i mean arent most jrpg protganist silent? Which btw. means they are particullary not existent btw. unless they are dying in a cutscene like in chrono and are even less a character afterwards. Based yuji hori and "real jrpg protags never speak"
Im playan a game that did all that 13 years ago on the switch right now
takahashi is such a genius writer
>chaos path
chaos path is being nice in TO. Law is being an asshole.
She Is just a nice girl with some problems.
Her boyfriend Is cute.
Fuck you.
He became the epitome of a beta bitch once it was revealed that Fiora was still alive
Rex may be a retard but he's definitely not a beta bitch. He only really whined once, when he was up against some asshole who could literally move at the speed of light.
I got about 30 hours into the game before giving up. The gacha shit was annoying and I didnt find the combat very fun.
Also the anime tropes were really dumb I didnt care about any of the characters. I do want to fuck Pyras english voice though
12 is fantastic, but its combat system suffers severely from how boring the combat is. It's great for a mainline FF, but shit like oil -> fire -> oil -> fire is just brain-numbing in its lack of complexity. the game has so much potential but ultimately falls short due to trying too hard to limit itself to FF combat tropes.
FFXII is trash though
New Mythra doujin in sadpanda.
Its vanilla.
you playing a better jrpg alreadyy, and imo also the best mainline ff
Adol Christin. He's an absolute Chad that will get his job done, make a blue-haired bitch fall in love with him, and then leave her in search of the next blue-haired slut to lust after him.
He crushed all his enemies and reset the world so he could settle down with his childhood love interest. We need more MCs like him.
Is Ys VIII supposed to be good? I couldn't stomach more than 8 hours of its boring gameplay and general cheapness.
I wish he crushed all his enemies. Metal Face's death was really fucking unsatisfying.
Ys VIII is a low budget vita game
Shhhhh, Rex is sleeping
>she promised them it was still there
First, I want evidence of that.
Second, even assuming that is true, when all the info you have about the place is a single piece of evidence, that's literally all she could tell given the info she had at hand.
Third, Alrest's main problem was that the ground beneath their feet was falling to the bottom of the sea.
Elysium is a place that can house the entirety of Alrest.
Elysium is a place that would not sink beneath the sea.
Elysium's existence can effectively solve Alrest's problem, even if we didn't get an explanation from Klaus that the old world was undergoing restoration and it was almost finished.
>Better exploration and world building
>Best video game soundtrack ever composed
It's good, but not that good.
>Art Direction
X had amazing art direction, too. It's just the implementation that sucked.
>A compelling story
X had that, too
>exciting battle system
It was easily the worst of the 3 Xenoblades in terms of combat and RPG mechanics
it speaks volumes that i would legit belive if someone told me this from some canon/official media. Thats how pandering this game is
She's so cute
>First, I want evidence of that
Holy shit, you didn't play the game.
it gets even better when you realize that rex is just the 2.0 model of adam's catboy manservant
I got hooked like 2 hours in. Dunno what you're doing wrong, worked on my machine
On the other hand, I put 14 hours into Trails in the Sky, and I couldn't handle it anymore. It put me to sleep faster than sleeping gas.
>He crushed all his enemies
Oh yeah, I remember when he killed Metal Face for all the destruction he had wrought upon the Bionis and its people and I remember him killing Egil for waging war against Bionis, killing innocents and performing body horror on survivors.
Yup, I totally remember this happening.
>that panel where she's sniffing it
Except despite all the pandering and teasing, there's literally no romantic payoff whatsoever at the end. You get them holding hands on the title screen.
Huh? Rex is just Addel with silver hair.
except what you nigger? Except what? Did i say they were having a orgie? Whats your point? I said this low quality doujin fapbait is a scene that legit could happen in this game. I dont care about your romantic pay off or why you even bring it up. Just kys
i was being sarcastic about how everyone makes shit up and pretends it's intentional
For you
>nintendo didnt put kids having literal sex in their game
>that makes the whole weeb shit pandering good
what kind of goy logic is this, i have a difficult time to understand
/r/NintendoSwitch loves XC2 and has threads about it all the time. I-i-it isn't like I browse there, though.
So happy you posted this, because you're getting banned.
Did someone every make high quality scans of the new art book?
This is great.
I'm totally gonna add Malos, three Jins, Vandham, hooded Zeke, and alternate Rex into my party.
I think you misinterpreted his post, retard. I think he's implying that all the teasing and pandering is shit, you retarded nigger.
We all know you browse there, son.
>reads this
>goes on /r/NintendoSwitch
>not one XC2 under top 20
ok, cope harder
You are like a month late.
Yeah, it's on sad panda
Forgot pic
Anyway, I have my save and Switch backed up, so just in case anything crashes...
I hope I can give Malos and Jin their favorites
>This sex scene could totally be in the game that doesn't even have a kiss
I don't even know what the fuck you're trying to say.
>sniffing underwear is a bannable offense
Yea Forums would be a barren wasteland if this were true, there wouldn't be anyone left
2 was significantly better than 1 on combat what the fuck are you on? also X's story is mediocre
Yeah I've been away
Nothing wrong with sniffing somebody's under garments
Getting banned has never stopped anyone, you of all people would know.
>complaining about fanbase autism
>haven't seen a level of autism this severe since MGSV
>danganronpa image
its impressive you got this many replies
lol i skimmed and didn't even catch that
You said this same thing to me last time.
Get some new material, number 1 fan.
You can put hooded Zeke in the party with save editors? Shit, why did they never make that a costume for him?
Yeah, I liked gacha based techniques where everyone played the same and you couldn't fight high level enemies by being quick and smart and stacking topple.
>Only 4 arts per blade
>Of which only 3 can be used at a time
>There is next to no variety in the arts
>No actual thought goes into fighting, it's just mashing arts until you can match colors to stack orbs
XC2's combat was shit.
>also X's story is mediocre
So is 2's, but X has way better sidequests. Hell, X's sidequests are better than most games' stories.
Pyra and Rex are what happen when you take Fei and Elly's relationship, and instead of them taking time to bond and former a proper relationship, they start dating the first time they meet in the forest.
Come on, give it to me.
Transcripts, the name of the cutscene so I can look it up on the event theather, anything, should be easy given how adamant you are.
I can totally be wrong on that, I'm not taking that away from you, I don't remember the minute details of the plot or one or two lines.
And you also did not address my other points, it would be really nice if you did so we can reach a conclusion on this discussion that arguably started because the plot summary of the game is "girl goes with boy on a quest to a paradise that turned out to not be like she remembered".
I'd highly advise you replay XG. The series has good writing in many forms, but they have never had well-written relationship building.
That's true, but it's still more cohesive and developed than Pyra and Rex were honestly. The hints don't really go anywhere.
i can replay XG all day long bro, the half finished game still has better dialogue and Relationship then XC2
Do it user. Sugar is a very important component for the proper function of an Aegis.
At least Danganronpa got kicked off the board.
I don't follow game, what happened
I got to chapter 5 or something and I just couldn't take it anymore. Utter tripe
It's important, when looking at XB2, to remember that a ton of content was removed between chapter 7 and chapter 8. The story elements that made it into torna DLC plus some extra stuff was meant to be a chapter's worth of flashback content that took place between the crew falling into the cloud sea and them waking up in morytha, and it was all cut from the final game. Chapter 7 was supposed to go through rex's development from his chapter 1 state, and the flashback section would serve to highlight how much mythra/pyra had changed from before the game started and give more meaning to the events you had already seen. Think about how much the mythra/pyra name decision, for example, would have meant, with you having just seen an entire chapter of Mythra content. Would rex accept who she was, or who she became? A lot of that meaning, and therefore the foundation of their real relationship that builds from that point, is lost due to the cuts.
I don't even know, the mods have started deleting the threads, a few years ago they even moved a few of them to /trash/.
>I don't remember the minute details of the plot or one or two lines.
>minute details
This is what she says to him talking about what she thinks paradise is while standing inside the memory. When they actually get there, their reaction is "Oh shit, it wasn't supposed to be like this."
I also have a list of the time it took me to get each Blade.
000:00:00 - Utsuro (Rex's Broadsword)
003:18:44 - Dromarch
003:18:44 - Utsuro (Jin's Nodachi in Chapter 1)
003:18:44 - Sever (with Malos)
004:01:15 - Pyra
009:57:18 - Kyoka (Female Wind Knuckle Claws)
013:09:25 - Poppi α
019:29:02 - Kora
023:40:19 - Dahlia
024:37:32 - Roc
030:35:54 - Finch
034:23:59 - Boreas
035:53:03 - Mythra
036:33:33 - Nim
049:13:03 - Wulfric
050:40:21 - Perceval
061:35:36 - Azami
066:29:05 - Poppi QT
066:50:38 - Brighid
085:50:07 - Vess
085:57:04 - Praxis
103:02:05 - Pandoria
103:18:06 - Perun
103:21:30 - Godfrey
127:57:18 - Aegaeon
129:00:23 - Newt
129:01:43 - Dagas (weak)
129:55:33 - Kasandra
137:43:37 - Sheba
142:53:12 - Herald
167:41:43 - Nia
172:14:38 - Gorg
192:10:38 - Theory
192:44:13 - Vale
196:48:44 - Pneuma
200:22:55 - Utsuro (Jin's Nodachi in Chapter 8)
205:39:22 - Poppi QTπ
215:54:47 - Adenine
270:24:34 - Ursula
287:20:21 - Zenobia
305:24:54 - Dagas (strong)
317:36:19 - KOS-MOS
319:29:20 - Electra
334:17:33 - Floren
387:54:51 - Agate
551:07:45 - T-elos
552:23:04 - Poppibuster
575:03:27 - Shulk
575:03:27 - Fiora
580:31:57 - Crossette
598:15:32 - Utsuro (Jin's Nodachi in Challenge Mode)
622:53:46 - Corvin
623:48:03 - Elma
the fanbase wanted one thread up for each character and plot twist, and vehemently refused to stick to the one thread per board rule. even when they were told to move to /vg/ they were convinced that the mods meant /vg/ was for game discussion and Yea Forums was for four separate meme permathreads.
Egil did nothing wrong
>It's a "Xenoblade 2 shitposting becomes a successful Xenoblade 2 discussion thread" episode
See you boys tomorrow for the next one
Am I reading this wrong or did you spend 4 hours in chapter 8 before Jin joined the party?
Xenoblade fanboys have really low standards (obviously)
>>No actual thought goes into fighting, it's just mashing arts until you can [use the big damage mechanic of the game]
That's how usual fights go in any Xeno game.
The fights that usually require more thought are saved for postgame, with X being the sole exception where you find a singular harder than usual roadblock that is the Thundercats when by that point most people would have been relying on their mechs to do shit since they kill everything easy and ended up not practicing ground combat despite it having bigger damage potential in the long run due to how easily overdrive can be abused.
But to get through any Xeno game, you just mash your arts until the enemy dies or you build up enough meter to use a chain attack or use Overdrive.
But I'd never say that this tactic works against Gonzales or whatshisname from that Secret Area in Valak Mountain.
I'd never say that this works against Gradivus or that queen insect in Sylvalum.
I'd never say that this works against Ophinion or Sheev in the Old Factory.
To beat those in XB, you gotta have a good grasp of whatever your team is built for, either stacking on DoTs or carefully topple locking.
To beat those in XBX, you gotta have a good rotation going so you won't die to their retarded damage, and also master how to infinite overdrive, either by having enough green arts or having the right equipment to built TP.
To beat those in XB2, you need to build a team specifically to survive, either by using evasion arts at the right time, managing aggro to build up specials or chain attack and use those i-frames.
On in all cases, having the correct team composition to avoid most of the shit the enemies throw.
All of these require thought, you can't just go there with the same setup that carried you through the game and expect to win.
Hell, in Torna they have Tlaloc, and he literally wiped off all his orbs, I can't recall any other boss that went "well fuck your main damage mechanic" in the series.
You're reading it right. I spent over 3 hours in Argentum before meeting Bana
What were you even doing?
not him, but I spent a few hours doing hardcore platforming across argentum for chests I wasn't supposed to get yet.
That's a really good question and I'm trying to remember myself. I THINK you can fast travel when you first wake up in Morytha, so maybe I started messing around without my party to see what had changed.
Same, I found every NPC across different times of the day, learned the menus inside and out, grinded Krabbles and Arts, etc. I also accidentally skipped the cutscene when I first met Torna.
Well my Japanese ain't very good but let's see
>By getting here you'll be free from Alrest's fate, escaping the curse of the ground crumbling beneath
So she promised them a land where the ground wouldn't crumble.
I don't see anything about bountiful lands and infinite resources.
Not him but once I got control of Jin in Chapter 8, I spent like 6h travelling Alrest and doing dumb shit
I can understand that (I fucked around with him for a while too), it's the fact that it was before he got Jin that's surprising.
What's the easiest spot to grind Rare Cores? Fuck this Gacha System man.
>stands in the middle of a verdant garden and says "come here"
>gets there
>"This is wrong"
But persona is a series, people only post XB2 90% of the time
What chapter are you in? Do you have access to the Dragon's Stomach in Uraya yet?
That's because of the XC2 cabal.
And to make sure, let's break that sentence down grammatically
>ここに - koko ni - here, individually, separately
>来れば - kitareba - to come, to arrive
>アルスト - Arusuto - Alrest's JP name
>の運命 - no unmei - 's fate
>ここに来ればアルストの運命 - koko ni kitareba arusuto no unmei - to come here, Alrest's fate
>死に - shini - to die
>ゆく- yuku - to go, to continue
>大地の呪縛 - daichi no jyubaku - curse of the earth(ground)
>から - from
>死にゆく大地の呪縛から - shini yuku daichi no jyubaku kara - from the curse of the earth's continuous death
>解き放たれる - tokihanatareru - to be released, to be free from
>死にゆく大地の呪縛から解き放たれる - shini yuku daichi no jyubaku kara tokihanatareru - to be released from the curse of the earth's continuous death
in this context, Alrests's fate is the equivalent of the ground's continuous death
Therefore, the full sentence reads
>To come here is to be free from Alrest's fate, to be free from the course of the ground beneath your feet's continuous death
Still nothing about plentiful or resources.
Only about the ground not sinking beneath the sea in this context.
If I were doing a 100% playthrough on NG+, I would probably get through everything significantly faster using the datamine's list of flags as a way of seeing what changes after every event. The only Blades I don't have are the Torna ones, and all my Arts are maxed out too. With this save editor, I'm going to max out as much as I can on the player characters and Blades I don't always have access to in as fair a way as possible. Not even I have the patience to grind Chapter 1 Jin and Malos to level 99. I want to see if NoponGro can be altered and applied to other characters too.
>X, good rotation going and master overdrive
Nah, you just get Potential up from farming the easy level 1 boars for fleecy fur, and then you oneshot most things in one hit.
>proven wrong
>b-but it was actually this!
And you've finally reached this stage.
She promised them an earth that wouldn't sink beneath the sea, and Elysium was just that.
You yourself posted evidence of it.
Glad to have a discussion with you, see you next time.
That also requires thought, or at least it did to reach that conclusion.
Don't discredit the workings behind a mechanism just because once you do it, it's pretty simple.
And can you even oneshot Gradivus with 999 Potential?
I wanna see a video of that, sounds fun.
Chapter 5 my man. I'm not too far into the game, but I'm around the midpoint. I don't want to wait until late in the game to grind rares because I want to have a variety of rare blades now.
I just wanna bury my face in that puss
I want a Nia gf so damn bad.
>Proven wrong
>The fucking character themself says the place they've arrived at isn't the place she thought was there
How can you be this stupid? Seriously.
>大地 in this context refers to solid ground only and not the land and the life it supports
Why do people who don't know Japanese pretend to know Japanese? Looking words up in a dictionary doesn't mean you know the language.
Let's break it down.
You said >>She promised them a bountiful land of infinite resources, so it's not that far off
She said
Translating it, she says >To come here is to be free from Alrest's fate, to be free from the course of the ground beneath your feet's continuous death
There's absolutely zero (0) mention of a bountiful land of infinite resources.
This contradicts your statement.
Therefore, you have been proven wrong.
tfw cat but no cat
you were forgotten in 2017
Yeah, that's what I meant to say.
I mean, that only reinforces what I said.
That she promised them a land where people could live that would not continuously die, which in this context, is the equivalent of sinking below the sea.
Thanks for correcting me though, I didn't know what the kanji next to 大 meant so I had to look it up.
>Translating it, she says
死にゆく大地はなんでここでbountiful landじゃなくてground beneath your feetに英訳したの?本来の意味は全然伝わらないから違う
If you don't actually know usually but try to pick sentences apart by looking up individual words in a dictionary, you're an idiot. It's very clear you have no comprehension of what she saying.
>which in this context, is the equivalent of sinking below the sea
You don't know Japanese.
And because I know you're the kind of retard who will keep arguing despite not having any grasp of the language
Look up what 豊穣 means and stop making such an idiot out of yourself.
Switch must be the only version without obnoxious water marks when you screencap.
She clearly states that Alrest's fate is for the land to continuously die.
This is shown in game with the Titans sinking below the sea.
This is the main problem of the game and is what makes the plot move to begin with, the earth is dying and there's nowhere to go, but legends speak of Elysium, a place atop the world tree where they could move to, as they once were cast out of that place.
That place fell into legend until Pyra reassured that it wasn't a legend and it exists, and she showed how Elysium looks according to her memory.
After years upon years upon years of no care given to the place, it became a wasteland.
But it still exists.
And is still a place that won't die off in the
Cloud Sea like the titans eventually will (as long as the Conduit supports it).
She didn't promise them any land of infinite resources.
She promised them a place that wouldn't sink below the Cloud Sea and used her memory of the Old Elysium as proof.
You read it wrong. This is not an argument, you literally do not know Japanese.
What's wrong with taking your time?
Rakuen/Elysium is the name of the place, idiot.
A name is just a name.
If I name my room "Heaven" that doesn't mean I'll become god.
Besides, her memory shows that once it truly looked like what she described, now it doesn't match the name anymore.
We're just running in circles here.
Maybe I'm not qualified enough to argue because I ~don't know japanese~, but what does some that website have to do with the quote you originally posted? Am I missing something here? Isn't the argument about what was actually said in the game?
Cause neither XC nor XCX devolved to waifufaggotry weeb bait.
>every XCX thread after release was people posting their cute girl avatars
>clothing in the game includes schoolgirl outfits, bunny suits, swimsuits and whatnot
>quest about a pair of definians falling in love with the MC
Excuse me?
You (or the other idiot) read and interpreted the lines wrong because you don't know Japanese. She was not just referring to "sinking land". I explained what she was saying, and then linked you something written by a native Japanese person that backed up what I said. Are you going to pretend that you know Japanese better than a Japanese person?
What the fuck are you talking about? You don't know Japanese. You're arguing about lines you literally don't understand.
Just fucking ignore the resident autist.
>You (or the other idiot) read and interpreted the lines wrong because you don't know Japanese
You gave me one sentence to go off in a language known for being heavily contextual.
The only context I could use was the context of the game.
In the context of the game, the land is dying.
According to the sentence you posted, she says that to go there is to be free of the land not dying.
When we see the land die, a titan sinks in the intro. Whenever people talk about their worries on that topic, it's about the titans themselves dying and sinking to the sea.
>You gave me one sentence to go off in a language known for being heavily contextual
And yet you tried arguing about its meaning despite not being proficient in the language. Why would you try to argue about a language that you don't know instead of asking for clarification? Why are you so stupid?
>According to the sentence you posted
But the whole point of the argument is that you read the sentence wrong.
You do realize this is an English imageboard, right? If you want to argue with native Japanese speakers about semantics there are plenty of other options.
That's referencing wording used in a completely different part of the game, by a different character. What the fuck are you talking about?
Because you posted a japanese sentence then didn't say anything else.
Knowing you, if I asked for the quote from the localization, you'd just say it's inaccurate.
What else could I do but use my not very good japanese to try and translate it, since that's the "evidence" you had for Pyra/Homura telling them that Rakuen is a land of plenty and resources aplomb?
And why the fuck did you not address the other stuff I brought up like a hundred posts ago?
Why haven't you posted the entire dialogue so we can get the entire context of the scene and what she's saying?
This is the second Pneuma. She's stuck in this pose, didn't appear on any menus, wouldn't let me press ZL to switch Blades, and the game crashed when I tried to draw a weapon
Asserting dominance, I see
Cute. Why not just take a normal screenshot, though?
>Talk about a Japanese game
>Ask for lines
>Get lines and an explanation
Or people could just not argue about things they don't understand because they're upset someone insulted a game they like.
>Knowing you
This isn't Reddit, you dumb fuck. You were wrong. That's all there is to it.
Because you gotta post it to twitter then post here, or remove the SD card, transfer the pic then post. which is a hassle in both cases.
>Why haven't you posted the entire dialogue so we can get the entire context of the scene and what she's saying?
I'm pretty sure it's because you've already shown that you don't know Japanese.
You still have not addressed my other points.
Then post it and translate it yourself if you don't trust my translation.
What the fuck is even going on in this thread right now?
autism overload
What points? Your entire argument was based on a faulty assumption that's objectively wrong. You're an idiot who pretended to understand the dialog despite not understanding it at all. You're clearly willing to argue aimlessly about anything and everything even if you have no grasp of the topic at all.
Someone pretended the writing was fine and demand examples from someone who said it was dumb. Examples were posted, and the person arguing that Homura wasn't wrong misread the examples. Now they're mad that it was pointed out that they misunderstood the examples posted.
>Thief is lazy
As expected
Egil was a good villain, the Ganglion and Torna were not
nah egil was fuckin terrible, and boring as shit to boot
going from metal face to him was a huge downgrade
Tried making a party of Rex with normal Pneuma, Vandham, Malos, Chapter 1 Jin, and Hooded Zeke, but it's stuck on the loading screen after the title screen.
There is an unhealthy amount of people on Yea Forums that, by their own admission, have an obsession with arguing and trying to win arguments; they'll admit to it freely when the subject is brought up since they take pride in it for some reason. When two of those people butt heads, this is what you get, and it's the reason the vast majority of threads get derailed, they are fully aware they're doing it and feel no remorse whatsoever for ruining everyone else's discussion
The other points were
>Pyra's memories of Elysium were all the info she had and therefore all the party had to go by
>Elysium is a place that won't sink to the Cloud Sea
As far as I know, my first point can be or not be wrong, because you have not presented a single evidence to make me believe that what I read is wrong besides calling names.
If you posted the entire dialogue and gave an accurate translation, I see no reason why I'd still feel like what I read was right in the context.
So please, go right ahead and prove me wrong concretely, I always welcome an opportunity to learn.
I was trying to discuss the actual story of the game.
>ywn have Nagito as your rare blade
Guess the game has a hard check for party members.
At a certain point, literally the only one who cares about your constant walls of text is whoever you're arguing with
>So is 2's, but X has way better sidequests. Hell, X's sidequests are better than most games' stories.
this user knows whats up
>Pyra's memories of Elysium were all the info she had and therefore all the party had to go by
That's not a point. She was wrong. They blindly followed her based on her word alone and she was objectively wrong about what she promised them. There is nothing to argue about.
>I always welcome an opportunity to learn
Don't you fucking dare pretend to be open to learning after posting this atrocity here
You have your head so far up your ass and are so willing to argue about nothing, that you tried giving a detailed breakdown of dialog that you literally do not understand. You're a moron, Homura was wrong, and everyone was an idiot for blindly following her empty promises.
There's literally nothing left to discuss about Xenoblade 2, so it's are fans are reduced to autistically analyzing the intentions behind a single piece of dialogue just to keep the daily threads alive.
Xenoblade 2 is mediocrity which success built upon having zero other jRPG on Switch and being good enough for mainstream weeb crowd.
So when people start making claims about how the story is good and the characters are well written, we're just going to go back to ignoring what actually happened because people want to pretend that the writing all made sense because actual discussion of the game doesn't count if it's in a wall of text? Sounds like you just want a circlejerk thread.
Pneuma is probably the main cause. People who managed to load the save reported she stays in T-pose.
>Don't you fucking dare pretend to be open to learning after posting this atrocity here
Hey, I still haven't been corrected besides the daichi part, which is equivalent of changing "ground beneath the feet" to "land", which are basically analogous.
Why don't YOU write what I was supposed to read?
your pause menu is probably beyond fucked. I don't think it can hold that many character slots.
Fuck this, where is my new endless frontier?
I'm not pirating anything. The only reason I'm doing this is to learn more about what I play. I'd love to rip the models myself and see the textures or see the programming of the game. Right now, I just want a way to be able to use temporary characters.
never ever
at least people almost translated exceed
I think the director left MonolithSoft not too long ago
No idea where he went to
Best boy.
I removed Nia, Tora, Mòrag, and Zeke for that reason. I tried adding Malos when I tried the alternate Pneuma, but he didn't show up since the Driver select screen only holds five character slots.
>I'm not wrong except for interpreting the meaning of the sentence objectively incorrectly
You're actually too fucking stupid to argue with. I posted a detailed breakdown of rakuen and the dialog in Japanese. Your assumptions about the meaning are just straight up wrong. Even Google translate will give you the correct answer if you run that second sentence I posted through it. If you're still trying to argue at this point, it's not about the game anymore. You're outright wrong about your claims, and they were in fact following a false promise, which was the original point of contention. No, Homura did not just promise them solid ground. Read the damn explanation I linked.
>Read the damn explanation I linked.
You mean the one written in japanese, which you said I'm bad at?
And I won't deny, I am not that good at it, I said that from the start.
>spent 3 hours finishing up level 4 community
>just as the last one fills in on the community page the game softlocks and won't let me exit the community page
I knew I should have saved more.
>Even Google translate will give you the correct answer if you run that second sentence I posted through it
>not reading the Japanese ones
They're pretty good.
Why don't you have autosave on?
>Can't get most shit from monolithsoft because they Nameco hold the damn thing.
Man they really should crank some new IPs.
This has happened to me in both X and 2 on menus. Also I forgot to save for 17 hours in X and the Wii U's cord got unplugged somehow.
I couldn't bring myself to play again for over two weeks.
xord is, in turn, better than metal face
xord was great, but he wasn't really as intensely hateable as metal face was
I had no idea autosave was a thing. I guess I'd better turn it on then.