>western gaming
Western gaming thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Pokemon and FF
God I wish that everyone playing westshit would just die off.
The absolute best era for western gaming was the 90s. It was the best era for gaming in general really.
playing only western games or eastern games is cancer
Imagine thinking EA and Sony are the entire game industry.
The only good game on that list is cod 4
They are the forefront of singleplayer and multiplayer respectively
Why do amerisharts insert politics in literally everything every single time?
Pretty anyone in the above portion of the pic visited reddit.
they have no culture so they substitute it with their political affiliation
lol autism. I played smash at a friends house with 4 others friends and the pizza guy literally blogged outside to my friend when he went to pay the guy.
You just have friends lelel
its fun
"the personal is the political"
Everything is political. You just don't notice it whenever the politics agree with you.
How the fuck is Super Mario Bros political?
mario is italian and therefore mussolini
super mario bros supports nazis
It isn't, but Deus Ex, MGS, Fallout, Mother, System Shock 2, and many other games that Yea Forums drinks the semen of does have political messages, but since they tend to align with Yea Forums's opinions, they get passes.
though you just stated a bunch of objectively good games
name one game with a good story/chracters/gameplay/ANYTHING that contains a political message from the predominately progressive ideology in the industry today.
delete your shitty image
This but unironically.
Stop posting this dumb meme. Western gaming is in a better state now than it was in 2007.
Prey is a vastly superior System Shock successor than the dumbed down trash that is Bioshock.
We actually have some fun retro FPS like Dusk and Ion Maiden now, instead of everything being a boring CoD Clone.
We actually have a thriving indie scene of RPGs and heck, even first-person RPGs like Kingdom Come that is vastly better than Oblivion.
You forgot Mario Galaxy.
>kingdom come
>vastly better than oblivion
who in their right mind would compare these 2 games?
the only similarity is open world rpg
story, setting, gameplay, nothing else is even remotely the same thing or even trying to be the same thing
Why would you ever play westshit? Are you retarded?
Dunno man, early 00s were fucking great imo.
It's not all us, the most cancerous shit always comes out of Canada.
The two best Legacy of Kain games are the first Blood Omen and the first Soul Reaver, both of which came out in the 90's.
Hitman 2
Max Payne
>wojak cancer
The point is that western gaming is in a much better state now than it was in 2007, especially if your frame of reference is fucking Oblivion.
Prey flopped and now you're getting always-online pozzery and faggoty moviegames until you die of AIDS from your wife's boyfriends dicking. And Kingdom Come is clunky fucking downgraded kikestarter trash that's already been forgotten.
Fuck off westacuck,
>Prey flopped and now you're getting always-online pozzery and faggoty moviegames until you die of AIDS from your wife's boyfriends dicking.
So? At least we got one decent System Shock clone out of it. Whereas the Bioshock series was garbage from day one.
I'm still playing and modding Oblivion. I haven't replayed KCD once.
yeah that flew over my head
Well man, that's like your opinion. I'll give you Soul Reaver but Defiance >>>>>>>> Blood Omen.
Also, best console FPS game ever made came out back in 05.
“The first task of the revolutionary proletariat in the abolition of class society is to make sure there are no hot girls in stripper outfits in video games”
-Karl Marx
That is some absolutely garbage taste for 2007 my man.
White man, come home
>lol imagine if marxist commies ran gaming haha
Haha I remember saying that
t. retard
Yeah, you would have been the laughingstock of 2007 Yea Forums if you thought Halo 3, MW2, Oblivion or Guitar Hero we’re good.
>your ancestors read the works of great european philosophers
>you analyze the themes of the latest cawadooty release
The pic says Western GamER, not gaming. OP's a retard and named his thread wrong.
But every Western gamer plays at least one Ninty or Square shit.
>this conjecture
good shit, tard. Back to quoting Aristotle.
>Everything is political.
oh please explain to me the politics behind teletubies and the sun baby
You, and everyone else, also wouldn't notice it if you didn't tie your identity to your personal opinions.
i don't get it
I wonder if the pizza delivery man is doing okay
Bunch of dumb pigskins took bay area bait(Spook Ops hotbed), and now they think they are the only ones who ever played videogames and that "communists" are real. Commies are make believe, especially in 2019, though even the accused Soviets weren't down with the fruity bay area shit, that's a modern Intelligence revision, for Malthusian ends.
The only real ism is fruity Freemasonism, which is White as snow.
>Western gaming is in a better state now than it was in 2007.
that realy doesnt mean anything since 2007 was the start of the dark ages
some would argue 2006 but atleast 2006 had a FEW good games.
He’s right, though.
dude i love the game black but the later stages are bullshit
>5 headshots with a ak47 to kill someone
2007 was already into the downfall into shit because Web 2.0 started, Facebook was made public, Cartoon network had gotten rid of all the good shows, and the Gen Z/Zoomer kid culture was in full swing.
The left and right side of American politics are slowly taking out the "middle man" and just turn everything into extremist political views.
People in America now associate their personality with their own political views more than ever. Kinda sucks.
We are what we repeatedly do. Shitposting, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Modded Oblivion is top tier user, good taste
reinforcing the status-quo is also political.
>some would argue 2006 but atleast 2006 had a FEW good games.
Such as? The only good stuff from the Xbox360 era consisted primarily of PC games like F.E.A.R. and Dark Messiah, and those quickly died out.
Also, why are you using that image to make your point? FPS were even more oversatured in the 2007 and onwards, and worse, they were all boring 'realistic' miliitary garbage.
Why do faggots like you cry in every thread if there's even so much as 5 words in the OP of a political nature?
>lol imagine if marcist commies ran gaming
Le wojak shit
Fuck yourself back to Facebook
>wojak is a facebook meme
Summer is coming early this year I see
>western games are ba-
It's hugely exploded in popularity with reddit and facebook in recent years. Boomer, zoomer, doomer, bloomer, npc, etc.
here user
>It isn't
>Everything is political
Pick one.
What was the last good era here?
1999s was one of the last kino years before gaming started to go down hill
>OG Smash
>Freespace 2
>Wipeout 3
>Rayman 2
The ghost of memeage past
>Such as?
okami, nes carbon, metal gear solid 3 the good version, the godfather, kingdon hearts 2, mother 3,urban chaos riot response. god hand, gun
thats from the top of my head.
Is Ace Combat worth giving a try?
So has pepe.
Are you going to tell me that no one uses pepe anymore on this site?
Unreal and RE2 came out in 1998.
Speaking of which, 1998 is better.
Can you fucking faggots try to communicate like human beings?
This. When was game design made available as an actual qualification? I'd bet money it ties pretty close to the beginning of the downward spiral of game quality
>zoomer nostalgia for 2007
90s was peak for western vidya, and western games are better now then they were in 2007
>Nostalgia over XBL
>Wojack poster
I'm starting to notice a pattern.
I thought we were talking about western games.
>half those games you listed
>console fps
>braindead jrpgs like mother 3
>kingdom hearts
>"quality" releases of 2007
>most of them are mediocre at best
exactly, the year was trash
yep, its fucking amazing and its realy well optimized.
Holy shit, you boomer's had talking pizzas 12 years ago!?!?
kingdom hearts is fun, plot is bullshit insane but the gameplay is fun
>hating on urban chaos
shame on you
>subcultured millenials will never know the joy of talking pizza's
reminder that threads actually about vidya discussion get culled by cross redditors starting shitposting threads with the hip, new wojak/pepe each week
It was a simpler time when our pizzas had thoughts and feelings and relationships with eachother. Millennials ruined pizzas
>The left and right side of American politics
nice try.
The right is simply not extreme at all right now, unless you're specifically out looking for crazies on /pol/. there's no need to be because the left will treat anything the right does as extreme no matter how innocuous. The left in America (and worse, Canada) is fucking batshit insane right now.
At least in America, the right stayed where they were while the left kept going further and further left to the point where Democrats from the 80s and 90s would now be considered far-right
Dumb straw man. no one claims the whole world is "controlled" by cultural marxist leftists. But:
decades of professors at universities brainwashing entire generations of gentry class with cultural marxist bullshit. This has led to progressive shit show companies like Google (to name just one)
When I started getting grief from lefties over Bill Hicks and George Carlin, that was when I knew they had lost the fucking plot. It's literally one twitter fuelled moral crusade after another. The most worrying thing is no thought given to the backlash, the opposite reaction, the more the left waste their energy on petty shit the less meaningful ground they're going to hold on to when the inevitable right wing backlash hits critical mass.
She looks like she has sex with 2D Japanese men.
>not making the lazer bigger on the second one
You should put Anno 1800, pretty fucking good.
>No frostpunk
>No Obra Dinn
>No 40k Mechanicus.
>No Lost in Vivo
>No Hitman 2
>tfw you have to keep telling normalfags at work that you don't play western games because of your superior taste in entertainment
>Not a SJW kike lover
>generic, anti-intellectual /pol/ talking point
Cant afford post-secondary education, user?
Anyone else remember how that pizza delivery guy was spammed on Yea Forums back in 2012?
Either you have either not read any postmodern-style academic papers, or you are too brainwashed to recognize them. But go ahead and keep posting your outdated memes to fight the good fight against the evil polnazis right?
>postmodern-style academic papers
user, we can tell when you're pretending.
Dear /pol/,
Have sex
That is all.
please never stop you mammoth cocked shoop poster
A /pol/ tard actually experiencing pussy must be like some crazy enlightenment moment for them. Being in that close proximity to a woman might actually get them to see women as people.
Here's hoping.
>tfw I miss the early 2010's, when Yea Forums was flooded with Yea Forums 2.0 shitposting instead of political shitposting
I want him to stop being lazy though.
If the mouth is wider it needs a bigger lazor dammit
Still think you're making OC or have you come to your senses in the same way I cum in your mum? Violently.
What is this horribly shooped, low effort image even trying to convey?
>never heard of reddit
Some of the CP spammers came from reddit, back in the day it was a pretty big hangout for pedos. They've done a good job of scrubbing that bit of their history, instead focusing on the "jailbait" boards which were just a front for the invitation-only boards where the hardcore shit was exchanged. I seem to recall more than one reddit admin getting v&ed over the years.
And their threads get nabbed by the jannies and bumped off by shitposting threads....you DO know how Yea Forums works, right, newfag?
Papa John got fired for not being progressive enough.
That everything was better before 2010.
Why waste time actually courting a woman when I can just pay a prostitute for what I really want and go my merry way?
Before 2005. 2010 was already within the web 2.0 era.
>pizza and m dew
>Not hidrating yourself with glorious water
I can already see your fat
Nope. Remnants of Web 1.0 still existed until 2010. But when social media platforms started to boom in '10, Web 2.0 was fully in effect.
What I think is hilarious about this meme is that it's the same guy in both years.
Talk about a change of heart.
Because Katy perry, and minecraft?
>Yea Forums now makes the same meme comic shit that it used to hate Reddit and 9gag for making
The best argument for gamer genocide is Yea Forums
I thought #gamersaredead already
The 90s and 2000s were "retro" decades. They were decades of hacking, embracing new technology while still doing most things the old-fashioned way, and appreciating all the joys and amenities of the eras before. It felt like all of world history was leading up to this era of escapism, but people still knew what was important in their daily lives. A lot of this was aided by the fact that a lot of national tragedies happened in these decades, so escapism was more desirable, so don't think that I'm completely segregating the good from the bad.
All this changed in 2010, when social media platforms started seeing a massive influx of users. This resulted in more people buying smartphones to make access to their social media accounts easier, and within three short years, the world was transformed into a zombified dystopia, a mockery of its former self. Katy Perry and Minecraft are both symbols of this change, but they are by no means the only vices of this decade. Everything about the culture of the 2010s is designed to create a sterile culture which values shitty trends over valuable intellectual and emotional pursuits.
So yes, Katy Perry and Minecraft are definitely symptoms of the illness, but they are by no means the cause. Unrestrained consumerism and corporate greed are two of the biggest culprits.
jesus christ
Nigger if you don't live on the west coast 2007 is still now
I don't even think they had subreddits in 2007.
Goddamn the amount of thirst in this post is unbelievable, how high is the pedestal that you've put pussy on?
Oh so you are those le wrong generation types
No I'm not lying.
>some irrelevant faggot doesn't like the game.
>game is bad
This is not how it works.
Can we please make a distinction between "western" and "american" games?
That's the same as calling pakistani rape gangs "asian". The western world is NOT just america.
>every user is the same person
hello retard
2008, I had to look it up. So I was off by a year, user wouldn't know what reddit was until probably the latter half of 08. Problem with Yea Forums history is that it gets murky, I have problems remembering what happened in what year.
You mean European games like Battlefield Vagina?
Eurocucks are no better than Burgers except maybe CDPR.
u gay, son
EA is an american company, doesn't matter where the studio they are currently ruining comes from
>all shit games that only braindead children and CONSUMErist shill played
>all shit games that only braindead children and CONSUMErist shill played but now it has wimin
i dont see much of a difference, 2007 is the year gaming, the internet and society as a whole died and if you think any of those games in the 2007 category were good youre too young to post here
This is why Yea Forums needs usernames and an upvote system
objective power ranking
1. Late millenial
2. Core millenial
10. Early zoomer
25.early millenial
26. late gen x
50. Early gen x
100. Core gen X
100000. Shit
100001. Core zoomer
black is overrated dog shit. it plays like a generic fps game
I 100% agree with you.
>ace combat 7
Shit game that flopped hard
>resident evil 2
cut content 2
AHAHAHAH even the mlp tier faggots that liked KH shit on this game
>dmc 5
only decent game on this list was only like 4 hours long
>dead or alive
downgraded version of bloodborne to appeal to weeb pedos
lol im a pedo now
Early zoomer belongs lower
try 2007
>downgraded version of bloodborne to appeal to weeb pedos
lmao seethe harder cuckold
>women designed to look like children but they have tits so its not pedo
maybe, it still had some quality games coming out and quality tv thats why i didnt sandbag it to the bottom. As for how it effected the culture and internet? Yeah its probably bottom tier
Nope. Try 2010. Your picture is reductionist and dumb.
The 2007 was most certainly NOT the year of the iPhone. What kind of an idiot thinks that? It was invented in 2007, but no one used them. They were too expensive for most people to afford.
The Big Bang Theory was mocked when it was starting.
Tumblr didn't really take off until the 2010s.
Re: financial crisis, Prism
2001 was the year of 9/11, 2003 was the year of Iraq War, 2006 was the year of Hurricane Katrina. All eras have bad parts. We're talking cultural, not social/political.
The MCU didn't become huge until The Avengers in 2012.
Who the fuck gave half a shit about Jimmy's Head? No one.
CoD was one derided as "mainstream garbage" back then. Most people paid it no mind.
Portal was a great game. What the fuck?
>no one used them
you were obviously born in like 2002 if you actually believe this
>mocked when it started
it had almost 9 million viewers its first episode but ok
>didnt take off
ok so youre retarded and underage
>mcu didnt become huge till 2012
ok so youre retarded and underage
>most people paid it no mind
yeah its only the best selling american franchise of ALL TIME retard zoomer
>portal was a great game
oh you're trolling sorry.portal was the rick and morty of its time
>CoD was one derided as "mainstream garbage" back then. Most people paid it no mind.
Are you serious? The series has sold hundreds of millions of copies throughout the years. It was a cultural phenomenon. Virtually everyone has played a Call of Duty game once in their lives.
This must be the most autistic thread on this shitty board right now. At least post some anime ass you faggots.
This is a board for video games, not porn. Please leave.
>calling people who lived through those times and actually know their shit underage
>calls something autistic
>posts anime
This is the most non-video games video games related thread, the topic sucks ass
who are you quoting? retard zoomer
>Pretending to be retarded
Wrong site, buckaroo!
>ITT: People complaining about an industry literally anyone can join entirely for free (Other than time)
What's the politics behind Devil May Cry?
You're calling ME a zoomer when I actually lived through that time and you're telling me something that simply isn't true.
You're the retard here.
Dude I have some news for you that's gonna blow your fucking mind. When you see a thread that doesn't particularly interest you, there's this nifty little feature called "Hide Thread" where if you click it the thread disappears from your screen and you never see it again. That way, topics that "suck ass" never have to shit up your board again.
>tfw for the past 10+ years when i get together with my brother and cousin we still play through the three rockbands
i want a new rock band
It's funny that NPC's, who largely believe what they're told by their ideological groups and their favorite blogs and twatters, are trying to turn around the meme by emptily asserting that people calling them out are NPC's. I'll never understand the logic behind it besides just saying no u.
They made one called Rock Band 4
I know, it's almost impossible to find the full set at a reasonable price though
Imagine being mentally ill enough to make this image
once again who are you quoting?
I'm convinced 90% of the people who shout "Snoy" are amerishits
ok zoomie calm down and take your adhd meds
i play rather last of us where everyone is lesbian that triggers /pol/ then bioschock.
its a better game, and thats the only thing i care about. As long as it doesnt get in the way of my enjoyment im fine
Read Global Rule #2 and gtfo.
>marxist commies ran gaming,
this would be nice, or are you implying that a bunch of socProg-neolibs who ignore material conditions and realities are in any way marxists?
reddit? never heard of it... sounds pretty gay
>no petticoat
how scandalous
>he reads the rules on Yea Forums
wanna know how i know you didnt join this site before 2015?
We are reacting to the already political shit put in the games, retard
>huge emphasis on plot
it's literally a porn game
>call of duty
>guitar hero
I want zoomers to leave.
japanese games DO suck though, except for MGS.
Fucking weebs will never appreciate the legacy of EVROPA.
What, you're against queerness? Are you some sort of mussie?
If you stay alive for the next 10 years, you will likely outlive the person who made this image. One more reason to not kill yourself.
I'll tell you exactly what happened
Big Bang Theory:
First Episode: September 24, 2007
Last Episode: May 16, 2019
Finally, we may start to heal.
Goddamn are they serious with this?
I'd go with 2010 since 2007-2010 was a decent time for pirating doujin games & Touhou fan games which were pretty nice. Flash games were a decent fix in between this time as well.
The West started dying in 2007. Japan started in 2010 after the death of Infoseek and the earthquake/tsunami of 2011.
>MCU being announced
This is a huge reach. These movies didn't start becoming onions until 2014.
I would rather play blacked shit then your pedo filth, shoo
young adults are a thing
the best of both worlds