I fucking hate competitive videogames

I lost 3 frineds just to this pile of crap.

Story goes like this: there are a few people i hang out with. One of them is trying to get others to play dota (competitive moba) and we all enjoy it.

One day while in chat they don't respond to me and i leave.
Next day all of them ignore me exept one guy, and then he goes
"Hey, you were a cunt and talking about some shit not related to the game, why the fuck would you do that?"

It was a casual game and i just tried to talk normaly while playing okay too. So i didn't make us lose the game, in fact, we didn't lose a single time.

I fucking hate all of the games with highly competitive envoirment. Those games turn semi-normal human beings into a lazy shit who developes a superiority complex and an addiction to feed it.

Knobody will support me and i don't fucking care. I just want this shit to be out of me.

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Thanks for the blogpost dude, great read. Do you have twitter so we don't miss any future updates?

I hate dota cause you start to play again after not playing for 1.5 years and just lose 6 games in a row and remember why I quit

Shitters stay out

I just had nobody to talk to.
Getting shit from random people by posting my life problems sounds like fun

As much as I hate Dota, that's not the game's fault. That's the people who play it who have nothing better to their lives and push all their autism into the game, pretending it's the most important thing ever.
Your friends suck, get new ones.

It sucks since the same was with overwatch, and there is only some much people i can lose to a shitty game


You won't belive it but i lost my reddit account.
Also people here are more deverse and getting supported here feels like it is fucking miracle and makes you happy whatever the situation.


pick less autistic friends to play with op

So actually thanks, i didn't think ao much people would relate to me, i actually came here to get completly shitfaced and told how much i suck but you guys actually make me belive in humanity.
Thanks a lot.

ITT aspergers syndrome

you have to go back

Maybe they just want to play the game instead of hearing you talk about whatever faggot anime you're watching. Grow up.

I ran out of them. This happened about two times before already.

Maybe you just really invested into a bunch of strings of code beating up each other so you don't need to socialize. Grow up.

Stay away from the competitive scene. It just brings out the worst humanity has to offer. Being able to abide by arbitrary rules set by arbitrary numbers in silly meaningless competitions should not be something people take so damn seriously. Ever.

It is sad since so many people get sucked into it and i lose them.
I understand how shit competitive videogaming is. People around me don't.

Lol what

Says the person who's own friends don't want to deal with him. Don't talk to me, kid.

Sounds more like you had shitty "friends"

have sex

what exactly were you talking about because I get the sense you're not giving us the full picture, I find it hard to believe all your friends all of a sudden ditched you just because you talked about random shit in chat

Gain height

Stop playing these shitty games and play fighters. You will make friends that last WAY longer if they aren't scrubs. They can take the trash talk and love it. Just don't play with brasils exclusively.

have sex incel

We are playing a casual game. Our dialouge:
Me: Hey guys.. so what have you been up to lately?
1: hmm.. nothing
2: uhm.
Me: did you read any literachure in the recent times?
2: not really
1: /silences his mic, i didn't notice/
Me: do you guys did anything other then you know, playing dota?
2: i can't remeber anything actually
Me: okay..
Then we sit for the rest of the game and next time i see them log in the same time we usually play one of them won't reply.

>Me: do you guys did anything other then you know, playing dota?

wow, you sound like a faggot. i don't blame them.

gain height manlet

I sometimes wonder how people pull such exact facts about me from the text

OP based on what they said it sounds like you were in the wrong.
>"Hey, you were a cunt and talking about some shit not related to the game, why the fuck would you do that?"
what did you say to drive them away?

you're THAT guy. You're that one person that your friends know but wish they didn't. Every time you get online they audibly sigh and get mad because they didn't pretend to go offline in time to dodge you. You're just going to have to accept this role as annoying kid, or change your personality, or get new friends

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I can't repeat it word-to-word.
I just rember asking a forced qustion at the end because i was really annoyed by silence for about 6 mins straight.

It was something like "Did you do anything at all?" Or some shit with the same idea.

I sometimes wonder how people can be so completely and wholly lacking in self awareness.

>make shit friends
>they act like shit
>wooooow fuck
You just fucking suck at choosing who to hang out with. How the fuck is Dota or any other game at fault?

We played deep rock galactic and had a blast. Everyone.
It happened since they started activly playing dota.

Also i have some friends who don't play video games at all, and they are okay.

Sounds like you had a passive aggressive attitude about the whole thing, sometimes people just wanna play a game and not talk to your autistic ass. For real though you're probably really awkward and they just don't want to talk to you period. Don't feel bad or blame them, just try to notice what you were doing when people start to avoid talking to you.

It is not exatly dota. It is any competitive videogame, since it makes people turn into potatoes and take a bunch of scripted interactions seriously.
Dota is a great game as long as you don't dive deep into being a cybersport pro.

I can't actually disagree with you. Maybe you are right.

I just could never bring myself to care about competitive stuff anyway, at least not if it's linked to actual work. Of course it's nice playing some VS battle against some friends in a beat 'em up or something, but I get bored quickly doing the same shit again and again and in case of actual MMO stuff people always become fanatics who are busy 99% of their free time playing the same fucking game and considerin everything related with it as ultra serious business.
I guess I am just too antisocial for that. In the end, competing is just another social trait. I rather play 20 different single player games in the meantime.

ergh I dunno, your questions seem oddly formal for a group of friends but not necceseraly weird or anything, they seem quite eager to avoid you though

Not him and I agree with you but not talking with him anymore it also some bitch move some nine year old would do. I hate passive aggressiveness, but I also hate soreheads with a passion.

Learn english.

I am in process. I am good at understanding, not so much at writing.

I just try to rest and look at a problem from a new perspective, i am not goind to give up any of my relationships to a bunch of scripts.

>I have a bunch of faggot friends and its video games fault
Amazing, moba players are even blaming the game for their shitty relationships now

>You won't belive it but i lost my reddit account.
can't you just make another one?

Sure they acted like dicks but I feel like you're in the wrong here.
You tried to force a conversation out of absolutely no subject at all, nobody likes that, specially when they have their mind currently on something else. Had you anything to talk at all I'm sure they wouldn't act like that.
Do you even have anything in common with your friends? Are they actually your friends, like, how long do you know them? Them avoiding you feels like they were never really your friends(and really fucking childish) or this isn't the first or second time you act like that.
I don't know, maybe get checked for aspergers with a professional. From your posts and your story you feel way too awkward for a normal person, even when knowing english isn't your first language.

DOTA is fucking cancer, especially OG DOTA. I played OG DOTA since nearly the beginning and no other community is as vile and autistic as them. It's baffling how bad it gets. Every game that is lost there will always be someone on the team looking for a scapegoat to pin his own poor performance on. There was no voice chat in DOTA but you could still hear people reeeeeeing over text chat.

team-based pvp games are trash
the only good competitive games are the ones where you have full control

>I feel like you're in the wrong here
They ignored him like a group of middle school girls because he tried to start a conversation. On what planet is this an appropriate response. They could have just said "Hey man focus on the game" and not treated it like some middle school drama.

Your friends sound like cunts but I'd like to hear their side of the story

Based. Competitive gaming is cancer. I play purely for fun and fucking clown on these faggots because my mind isn't held back by the desire to win. It's fucking insane how people actually get mad at this shit.

You sound like a little bitch.

Calm down fag.

OP is a fucking retard if he cant tell that he is playing in tryhard party or casual party. Me and my friends allways clown around in games and play whatever we want. But I have friends that take party games very seriously, I simply dont play with them

epic thread

Yeah, but I know a few people with assburgers and OPs posts do give me that kind of vibe. If he has a history of this, like how sure he seems to be that all competitive games make people act like that with him (happened with different group of friends?), could be people being fed up with his social awkwardness. Sure they're being fucking retarded, but even when I'm no tryhard I can't say I don't understand.

But that's just me being an armchair doctor, really, I don't know. Maybe I'm being retarded as well.

Go fucking kill yourself, braindead reddit urchin.

Remember this one guys calling me a casual gamer despite spending more time playing games than any other activity and acualy playing genres and games that most casuals cant handle like Megaman X from games and Stylish action etc usually on hard because unlike him i am not spending half my life playing a single game like him and then pretending i am good enough to go pro and then making excuses as to why i am not going pro.

Unless you acualy want to go pro one day there is literally no reason to be hyper competitive in a game.
In fact only value i see in game ranks is the game matching me whit opponents more of my level.
This is why i stooped at platinum in SFV anything beyond that is just not fun for mee seeing as its mostly try hards and i enjoy playing all the characters even the ones i suck at.

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>"Hey, you were a cunt and talking about some shit not related to the game, why the fuck would you do that?"

I think you're the forth guy people leave out in Apex Legends.

Well they may be video games but they have way more compact designs then real life, this is no different from Mario Party, UNO or Monopoly.

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yikes and cringepilled

>playing genres and games that most casuals cant handle like Megaman

I mean I could say the same thing about most casuals can't handle black cocks in their ass.
No but seriously everyone knows any game with a ranking system represents a learning curve, games use a chess algorithm.

Imagine if Megaman X had leaderboards for how quickly done etc highly ranked Overwatch,Dota, CSGO players at some ranked threshold will beat you every time.

This will always come closer to the truth them most games with any kind of matchmaking system or leader board. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not it's going to be in all games soon, it's inevitable with the technology we have.