It's that time again, post your knights.
Other urls found in this thread:
does Gallowglass have additional mods you can use on it like the Claymore skin for GS?
What do I need on my "fuck cavniggers" class?
Will you create a female merc when they're added?
Guys help, I am ADDICTED to getting horsemen to charge directly at me so I can knock them off with a well timed stab and then finish them off on the ground. I do it at least once a match and it's such a high.
billhook is essential
Why? And what else
after 100+ hours and getting to level 40, I've just realised I'm sick and tired of this game. So good but cavalry, spawn camping etc....
Just bored of the same shit over and over, especially as play frontline and it's just the same 4 maps.
Tiaga = 9 times out of 10 red wins
Camp = 9 times out of 10 red wins
Mountain = 7-8 times out of 10 blue wins
castle map (Whatever it's called) = 9 times out of 10 red wins
it'll just be a spam fuck fest 90% of the time wherever you are, just hope your team isn't on the last objective as then it is just a shit show spawn kill fuck fest.
2h are best choice in game by a mile as well. Anyone who says other things are OP talks shit.
Bring me messer shits to smash
what is this art based off of
Oops posted the outdated version. Still, cometh ye messer shits, ye shall have cracked skulls.
>That endorphin rush when you hear the crack
Does dodge have i-frames?
Tis Gods will. Gods will!
Based, fuck knights and fuck nobles
Back of the line, swine. Obey your God King!
For Honor
thanks, don't care about any of these games but thats a nice drawing
Only now we can appreciate the full extent of monumental screw up that was making Mirage instead of Chiv 2. TB pretty much invented the swing-manipulation medieval slasher genre and had the market cornered until they pretty much invited someone else to take it. The concept was theirs.
Literally all Mordhau devs did was take this concept, slap on a few fixes (backswings and first hit flinch) and add a ton of historical cosmetics. They even replaced the best part of Chivalry (Team Objective) with bland and boring Frontline, but people don't mind, because all the really care is that Middle Ages are cool and wearing armor while swinging swords and axes is fucking awesome. 52,000 players right now, about 51,990 more than Mirage used to have on daily basis.
>when you sneak up behind an archer and wack him in the back of the head, killing him in a single blow
>when you kick a shield fag and bust him in the head, killing him instantly
>when you cave in the chest of a rapier faggot
if the the chivalry devs are making a chivalry 2, they may as well stop right now. they look so embarrassing right now. pathetic.
Billhook dismounts on hit, you just tag them when they charge at you and you've got years to finish them off while they're getting back up
Based, my favorite weapon and my favorite head on it too
I could've sworn there was a lance in the game but I can't find it. What's the best weapon for my cavalry then?
Is it better than chivlary?
OH the SJW bullshit is also strong in Mordhau. It was the same with Chiv with all the PC bullshit. How many times did I get banned from games for calling for the day of the rope and cleansing the Earth in atomic fire. And then today I was kicked for having a pepe avatar.
Games like this attract do nothing, low IQ redditors. Low IQ redditors like political thought and theory that supports degeneracy and handouts. It’s just a self evident fact, and you can see it clear as day if you pay attention to the news for 5 seconds. Big games bring out more of these types. The basedboy/bugman meme really isn’t a meme, it’s real and documentable.
Just looking here and at their official forums, there is several threads about adding wamen knights models in combat. totally cringe by literally a handful of pussies and wannabe contrarians. Hopefully most the kids that were in Chiv have actually had their balls drop, taken the red pill, and grew up and matured a bit and will roll over to Mordhau and make it ourspace.
Currently the dev team is too small to handle mass censorship via mod teams to protect archers from being called faggots. The real threat would be 10 hour noobs demanding idiotic changes, but the devs are ex comp boys so there’s no threat there. They can spot shitter opinions a mile away.
Yes, infinitely.
Lances only spawn on certain maps near horses. Pick them up and once on the horse hit F (or maybe R?) to lower the lance.
>Thanking any game of this kind that wont allow players to create new maps could be good.
Pro fact: Playing with armor and a 2 hander is the faggot meta now.
Email the devs for a nerf.
If any of you are looking for a new brand of fuckery, allow me to deliver one to you.
The peasant sledgehammer deals massive amounts of stamina damage even when parried. It is also very stamina efficient when parrying other weapons. This thing is secretly broken.
You can disarm people very easily if you manage to read their feints and morphs and parry-riposte everything they throw. This is like the "stone wall" build. The only downside is you have to go peasant to get it, so you can't have armor. (If you're running armor and you see a sledgehammer, fucking grab it.)
It also has an absolutely insane drag range. You need to play in third person to get the full potential of just how far it can drag. It also has huge psychological potential for dragging, because normally when you use it, you're just accelling strikes into people's parries to destroy their stamina - so eventually they will be conditioned for accels and you can loop in a drag that brains them for -35 stamina.
any fun meme shit to do like x3 firebombs?
They aren't. Would kill for an actual objective mode with interesting maps in Mordhau though. The Frontline maps are boring as fuck and only hold up due to the chaotic mess of its combat encounters. Ironically, the death match maps are all visually very interesting, but they're definitely not where the majority of players are.
Here's a nice punch I hit on some guy I disarmed by the way
No, you get out of the way or you get hit.
How do I hit them without getting lanced first
If you instantly 180 and *teleports behind u* with Dodge, they rarely can turn fast enough to hit you
Cute copypasta. Saved.
if i can adjust ass and breast size, absolutely.
How does the scythe not hit people behind shields? Like when it comes down at them it can still slap them in the cranium. Makes me peasant angry
You can't. Really the best way to dismount a horse guy is traps. They are near invisible and kill the horse. Just lay them where his path of escape or entry is and stand nearby to protect the trap from enemies and bait the horse guy in.
nice tits call me
might be pasta but all official videogame forums are resetera tier bullshit.
Just to follow up on this: the #1 stamina-damaging weapon in the game is the peasant sledgehammer. at 35 stamina damage. The #2 is the maul, at 24 stamina damage. The longsword deals 18.
>the frontlines experiance
I’m right there with you. I’m so tired of Spears and zweilhander and messer. It’s the only three weapons I ever see when I play and it gets old. It’s hard to fight when everyone just spam attacks you with spear from every direction. I got beside a dude thinking hah not he can’t attack me but he stabs me with the shaft and I’m dead.
>you looked like a red player covered in all that blood, I swear
>No armorless guy trying to punch everyone
>No lute bot user
>No short spear and shield user stabbing another short spear and shield user
>No rapier user on a horse
Inaccurate at best.
What they need are multi capture points. As it is now, everyone just gets funneled into one area.
That doesn't sound like a good idea at all
That's certainly happened to me.
>tfw did this couple times first two days of playing
At least I didn't actually kill anyone though. This one guy was covered in so much blood the only blue thing on him were the very bottom inches from his skirt.
A sure way to piss off the most calm of players.
Is it fresh?
I agree, tenacious, bloodlust, scavanger, all heavy armor and a zweihander is fucking nasty
what do you think? swag and epic win, I know.
Just makes me want to use all that then grab a halberd or maul and hunt the fuckers
Oppai knight soon.
yeah it does suck because i like doing stupid builds and just have a bit of fun experimenting and then i get cleaved by a fucking zwei or executioner bloodlust armor build and its like welp, guess ill just sick back and throw axes and firebombs
Notch arrows!
i had no idea you could fight with the lute
Why is team blue so fucking incompetent?
It works pretty damn well in UT2K4's Onslaught.
The odds are stacked against them. As soon as they start doing well, they're covered in blood, the red making them teamkill one another.
So there's a "secret" map called HorseField that's basically a cavalry map:
Is this a good idea?
It'll be a spear/zwei/halberd spam fest (more so than usual).
Haven't tried it with a halberd. Only got to try it at the end of one match before I had to leave
I used it for a portrait in Pathfinder: Kingmaker when I played an apathetic chaotic neutral fighter.
>not on console
into the trash it goes
Don't throw your console in the trash, user. I'm sure there's something worthwhile for it.
it's 2019. you were supposed to get a gaming pc in 2012. what happened?
That sounds like EXACTLY what I want as a player that uses billhook to knock off cavfags and murder them on the ground as much as possible.
someone post romans and hoplites
i have yet to see a hoplite
the game goes in the trash cause it was literally made for console but is stuck on pc
this is a game about precision. in no way are games about precision made for consoles.
Probably can't even handle the player size
Top bait
>can hit people who arent even on your screen
stop this meme
>Stab spears or billhooks
>messer and shield
>zweihander or executioner spam
>Spam the same shit over and over
>50% of time will be killed by spamming team mate trying to get quick kills.
>Literally the game
And whoever thought buffing engineers so there's mass amounts of scorpion / ballista spam is a fucking retard.
Was the case for teamkills that bad for you? I'm level 15 or something and only got teamkilled a couple times, maybe 6 times overall at the very most.
Not sure how much of a buff the engineer shit is. I was breaking someone's spikes earlier faster than he could repair them using a sword, and I didn't even have the wrecker talent
Level 32, it was pretty bad in the beginning but I can tell when a retard is going to take a swing now.
Become Friendly.
>Smack a shield user from around the right side with long weapon
>They spin around thinking they got hit from behind
I'm fuckin dying, not nearly as scared of shields anymore since patch.
What map is this? I only really use the matchmaking thing for frontline, so how much am i missing out on?
Also, how do i git gud with poleaxe? Billhook just seems better in every way.
Full Shiny metal or full rough metal?
Basically just make something like the battlefield series conquest maps. Multiple points, and each team starts near 1.
They already use an identical ticket/point system as to it anyway.
I always go a little bit duller than full shine. Still pretty kept looking but obviously been used.
Full shiny with #10 metal.
Depends on the armor pieces. Post a picture.
Where can I watch this with sound?
Genuine question, is there any reason to use an evening star over the maul?
The extra range it gives is at reduced damage than what's displayed, and it's really not like it's beating out much anything in range anyway,
and if you press [R] to get its full power, it's still less powerful than maul, with the same range as a maul.
All this while costing +1 in weight than the maul.
To me all it has going for it is the cool factor.
No, and I'm gonna turn them off so I'll never see or hear a female in-game
PS remember to wear a helmet so you aren't an easy kill
>implying a map called HorseField wouldn't come with a horse-only mode
Silly little retard you'll be a cavfag on that map too
cool factor makes it stronger
maul is ugly and therefore a terrible weapon despite its 1shot capabilities
There are moments when I'm afraid to get into a fight,because I know there's some ''friendly'' retard behind me ready to swing his Executioner sword
It's fucking ridiculous, swinging from the same side you circlestrafe them from will guarantee a free hit unless the guy is smart enough to turn towards the blow, and apparently most shieldfags missed the nerf memo
Why is it that I never see Executioner swords in duels but all the time on Frontline?
What will it take for retards to stop swinging wildly during teamfights and just poke. Like bruh just fucking poke the blue menace and you (probably) won't cleave my head off along with his
Longer range, it swings faster, it does a fuck ton more thrust damage and it looks way cooler.. lots of reasons to use it
basic circling hits 99% of player anyway
>Executioner's blade
the frontline meta.
>its another "guy wearing full plate and zweihander with as little cloth as possible to hide his team color" episode
It's a predictable weapon. Stabs are literally useless on it.
So you already have reduced the number of viable attacks you will/can make.
>only good damage is non combo swing
yeah it's a mystery
It's a terrible dueling weapon but OP in Frontline because people run in like idiots and you just swang n bang
just hit H you double retard
I've been around the top of the team every game i've played using the bardiche. I thought the mechanics were going to be annoying but all the chambering and drag/accels shit came fucking naturally and i'm just going crazy out there.
This is my main anus destroyer
i am the prettiest
>doppelganger in the back
>Play the weakest looking ugliest peasant with three pans
>Dome some knight in all plate armor somehow and kill him
>Other two enemy knights back away
Dumb Knights. The peasant shall rise.
>trust no one
>not even your armet
How can anyone unironically defend this game when the balance is so fucked stupid it's not funny?
inb4 someone says git gud
Yeah, I made like 50 dudes, I could stand to make maybe five girls.
in after someone said git gud
>Cry bitch tears about shields since release
>Devs nerf them
>Drastic decrease in defensive builds
>"wtf everyone's picking big weapons please nerf"
Bloodlust shouldn't exist since this game already a clusterfuck in melee and rewarding going full retard just makes people want to do it more, but for fuck's sake, stop calling for a nerf every time bad players gravitate towards a build. Matchmaking frontline will never be a fully enjoyable experience because 90% of the people playing this game are scroll spamming morons that don't know what the objective is. As long as the vast majority of the server is sticking their hand in the blender or spinning and stabbing constantly, you're just not going to have fun. Play on a private server with a manageable player count, because if you thnk nerfing yet another low-skillcap build is going to make you enjoy the game more, you're sorely fucking mistaken.
>3/3/3 build with bloodlust, fireproof and friendly
>grab a fallen weapon on the way to the frontline and start swinging like a madman
>top the scoreboard
Cry more, bitch
Use a toolbox and build a wall in front of a horse dude charging at you. He'll come to a dead stop- then you pull him off with the billhook.
I make sure to focus on every plume fag I find and shit on them
I want this game so bad but won’t get a new pc that can play it till Monday
i would shit on you, you wouldnt be able to touch me
Don't know about him but I thrash 99% of frontline players so come at me bro.
>focuses plumes
extremely based
Saw this posted in another thread, what the fuck is it
I want a weapon like this in Mordhau so my ninja build won't look bad
>accidentally hit someone once
>they follow me the rest of the game and try to kill me
God damn it was an accident,
Whats best weapon for horde mode?
it's a messer skin
Big Knife is Big Knife.
It's a knoife
Fuck, I didn't even notice that weapons had skins
A ladder
most of them do. don't forget your smoke bombs, ninja.
I'm running a 3/3/3 build with dodge and a medic bag, is it worth dropping the bag for 3/3/1 with dodge and bloodlust? Or maybe 2/3/2?
Don't skip leg day, user. People are actively aiming for unarmored legs
>triggered sissy plume fags
this plume chad just got done pooping on non-plume noobs, you one of them?
Wrong century m8
We work with what we get ya know?
Yea Forums make me a build so you think I am pro at the game. Something that's not OP cause everything is called OP.
Stop playing as knights
3/3/3 longsword with tenacious
3/3/3 with bloodlust and friendly, and a quarterstaff. pick up the first big weapon you find.
if youre playing duels just go 3/3/3 with whatever weapon you like and ignore perks.
970 here. Good way to improve performance? My game doesn't run.
scythe until you get ranged or the mobs get armor and then eveningstar
get 6 of the same bow, stock up on full 50/50 ammo for each and then find a tower and shoot. Sometimes having 3 bows and 3 firebombs works better though. AI can't climb ladders.
Fellow 970 poorfag here, runs fine for me with everything except View Distance on Medium, View Distance on Ultra. Get good you retard
I thought AoE turds 'fixed' turtling in towers. Is it still viable?
Rate budget goalie for cheesy 3/3/3 bloodlust, tenacious and fireproof. Not completed just yet, need to save and level up a bit for more. Would it be better to change fireproof to friendly?
Just put down a shield and use 1 spot
change fireproof to a cleaver so you can fight a zwei nerd and steal his weapon.
>visored barbute
How? I'm running this shit on my garbage 760 and get constant 60fps on high.
get better puter
Something must really be wrong with my pc I guess? I run pretty much anything else just fine but this game just refuses to run well on most of the maps.
Also on a 970; turning off cloth physics helped a lot for me. Still occasionally stutters briefly, getting me killed.
Didn't really have much gold and was going between greathelm and barbute. Barbute feels like it fits more when the whole "goalie" thing popped into my head as I put on the Walking Tree.
Here's my firebomber.
It’s nock. Not Notch.
A nock is a notch.
This. Friendly is the best perk because inevitably when my teammates wail on me (despite wearing a nordic skirt, the fucking biggest god damn one) or they run right beside me during a fight, it'll never really hurt that much.
are there any differences in 1H/2H bastard sword? from what I've tested damage and speed are the same
nigger you can look in the armory
I know you’re reading this devs
That is all,
Thank you
You don't
You need flesh wound and a level three helmet to really top off your horsefucker class
Radiant Blade > Walking Tree
Stupid fucking question, but how do you re-name your builds? I click on where it says, "Unnamed", but it doesn't let me input text. Can't find anything in settings either.
What am I missing?
Fireproof is one point crybab
>not appreciating a good Shakespeare reference when you see one
Read more
Do you not see the quill next to the name?
Apparently not. Next time I'm in-game I'll look for it.
>Read more
I'm not a fucking nerd, no way loser
Your horse shit on them, fag. You didn’t do jack shit.
tfw just streamsniped MrBTFO aka Britbong
and made him rage quit and yell at his chat :^)
>server is literally called a Duel Server
>b-b-but horse
bruhhhhhh look at this dood
varg pilled
>morphing a thrust into an overhead swing by just scroll wheeling forward then backward
This is my new favorite thing
Do that after chambering anything and 99.9% of the retards that play this will crumble. No one seems to expect a morph after a chamber
If only I could reliably chamber
3x shields
just move your mouse to match their swing lol
For real though it's pretty easy to do, practice on duel servers and become and unkillable god on Frontline with what you've learned
unless youre into skirmish or duel, not much. people in TDM are just as retarded and have more freedom to be. The Pit map is pretty cool though
Getting 30 hours out of this for ~$30 is a good deal right? I feel like I'm burnt out.
Oh fuggg is Malena Morgan back!?!?
>Finally whittle down a shieldfag's stamina
>He pulls out another shield
based stronghold user
-$30 dollars for 30 hours of time wasted. You could have gotten a $10 an hour job and made $300 dollars instead. Pathetic.
>you can't have a job and also buy games
Autistic or retarded?
try $40/hr + pension fag. There's nothing wrong with getting value out of your purchases.
It's a messer
Messer=knife in German
>beheading the waifu faggots
I can't wait.
Fucking christ I hate Rapier faggots. They are able to spam that stab so easy it pretty much always wins against a slow weapon because of the wind up on your slow weapon takes too long.
Learn to kick lmao
The hitbox is fucking tiny, just don't get hit scrub
>know they'll always be stabbing
>not chambering his pokes
Retards like you deserve it desu
Yet another game is going to die because of pants on head retarded single point tug of war.
But ripostes have hyper armor
>people still bitch about rapiers
Shits been gutted. All it can do is stab and stab is noticibly slower now. You have all the time in the world to see it coming and it's all they are ever going to do because it's all it can do. you can beat a rapiers stab with most weapons with a leaned in slice now.
>Weapon that was literally invented to deal with plate armor has no advantage against armor at all
Why does the crossbow even exist? Even the thrown weapons are a better ranged choice than it.
Only against attacks that come from someone else than the one you riposted. It's a mechanic designed to give you a slight edge in 1vX situations.
>Chamber the stab
>Due to the ridiculously short recovery of the rapier, they can chamber your chamber so quickly that unless you are using a rapier or dagger as well, your recovery literally does not allow you to chamber the counter chamber and you either eat the counter chamber or parry it, which leaves you at stamina disadvantage
evens and I buy it
By the way. Decided to play Mountain Blade: Warband.
Playing solo with saves, maximum difficulty but minimum crowd size. Won a tournament after a couple hours of trying. It's fun. Frustrating, but fun.
Welcome, user.
Fucking christ
can't wait to get destroyed in lobbies for a few days
That's not true at all, you have hyper armor against everyone
Go try it out. If you riposte into a swing and the player you riposted stabs you before your swing connects, your swing is interrupted. If you are stabbed by someone else, then it is not. It is the main reason I fucking hate having teammates fight with me, because them hitting their parry means that I cannot interrupt their next attack.
how do i counter rapiers
all i can do against them is delay til my bros arrive or get a hit in through sheer luck
Alright anons, post your stereotypes about the wearers of each sigil.
nah fuck you
Chamber the poke morph into a swing and drag your weapon across their face.
He's right, it's what they replaced active parry with.
Just now getting the hang of the game. Question though because I never played Chiv/am retarded, is "dragging" when you start a swing but angle your body away from the enemy for a sec so your swing doesn't actually hit when they expect? Because I see a lot of that happening from the dudes that top the scoreboards
Yeah, that's dragging. It also works the other way around and you can accelerate swings so they hit earlier.
Posting my edgelord.
Nah, it'd be all black.
Oh cool I didn't know about that. Thanks for the tip
>He pulls out his third shield
now you've gone too far
Default sensitivity feels so slow but max feels too fast for me to reliably chamber. What sensitivity do you kniggers play with?
As a bowfag I just shoot these guys in the legs with no difficulty
Haven't played the game, what's the deal with the Executioner's Sword?
It chops heads off real good.
Wonky swings that are easy to drag for maximum confusion. Also twoshots tier 3 armor into the body, so everyone and their mother uses it.
Also, one-shots naked legs which is a nice perk.
Top tier shit, gotcha.
Always did love those things, they just look neat as fuck.
the only time in the game firebombs are a problem is Red's last point on Peak when they get spammed, and that's because of the easily accessible ammo chest.
They should have a cap of only being able to make 3 fire patches at once (when you throw a new firebomb it puts out one of the old ones).
otherwise firebombs aren't very strong or hard to counter even if you don't take Fireproof.
I miss slinging
>walk up to heathen
>knock his skull in
>floss on his body
pew pew
compare this game to another so I know what to expect
It's kinda like that one but really different from another one.
Chivalry, but with less bugs and better balanced with more features.
Or: A modern, upgraded implementation of Mount and Blade's combat system as a full game.
>Make a better combat system than Chivalry
>Forget to make good maps and fun gamemodes
Damn. Almost there.
What if battlefield was medieval combat. And also only had four maps.
Chivalry without autistic beyblading
>mordhau threads turned into Soul Calibur tier "LOOK AT MY CHARACTER XD" posting
dead game
fuck pebbleniggers
>See some faggot trying to ballerina in frontline
>Misses every attack
>Brain him 12 fucking times
>He leaves
Pure catharsis
>100+ hours
>yawn so bored
Well, shit, maybe don't play so much?
>9 times out of 10 Red wins
I've never seen Blue win on Tiaga.
Post the exact moment you knew this game was for you.
It's like Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast without the force powers.
Sorry, let's talk about how we hate shields again.
A game doesn't have to have people bitching instead of just enjoying themselves posting builds to not be dead you know.
>better balanced
lmao no it fucking isn't
>he's never seen a red team do so bad they not only lose but they lose because blue burned the lumber
It's a magical kind of retarded.
Don't forget to thank your engineers after every match.
>be shit in game
>join a duel server
>set up traps everywhere
>lure my opponents into traps
>many guys who pass by also get killed because no leg armor
>never get kicked
>i get lots of kills despite not being Able to block for longer than 5 second with that longsword
just press H
>Camp = 9 times out of 10 red wins
>Mountain = 7-8 times out of 10 blue wins
>castle map (Whatever it's called) = 9 times out of 10 red wins
This isn't true. People are just circlejerking and exaggerating the small level of imbalance in the non-Taiga maps.
Mountain used to seem imbalanced in favour of Blue but not anymore now people learned to play it. I have seen Red win Mountain 6 fucking times in a row the last times I played it.
Both Red and Blue win Camp and Grad ALL THE TIME.
you have to be precise with horizontal swings still even if your weapon is large enough to hit people slightly off screen in first person, if anything it only proves the point since otherwise you may whiff an attack due to smacking a teammate and take a maul to the dome
I really need a better mouse
Why is it so easy to make retards fly into a fucking sperg-out in this game? All I have to do is tell them to calm down and they call me a fag for the rest of the match.
Running out of griefing ideas
>Smoke/firebomb ballistas and engineer setups
>Bear trap stunlock in spawn
>Engi spike trap spawn
>Intentional catapult when team is pushing cart on camp, got a huge teamkill before getting kicked
>waiting and Kicking people walking past off bridges
Im pretty sure theres more to do but i dont care. I got my moneys worth
All i do is just stare at them while laughing and dodging back, then when my team comes in to fight them i start getting close and walking up to them. I dont swing, i simply walk in their face. Sometimes i get hit by my teammate, thats fine. The point is is that i am laughing at them.
It pisses people off to extreme degrees, especially the RPers.
I hope they never add female characters you fucking trannies
You could try pretending to join fights and then running away from actual threats leaving your teammates 1vX, that's what real griefers do to get salt from me
Nigger if you played a hundred plus hours you literally played it everyday since release. You got your moneys worth. Stop trying to live in the game.
I guess that is a higher level of griefing, which makes my style just seem like pranks. Thanks, ill give it a shot.
now that the seven day ban is up, what are some videos I can post that you faggots won't shit your fucking pants over?
>stop trying to live in the game
Tch, filthy casual.
we get it, you like to swing the sword and get the kills, good job
>Rush to help teammate in 1v3
>He's so fucking ineffectual and cowardly they ignore him as he keeps his shield up
>Forced to fight all three
>Manage to kill two before he makes his first attack, killing me and being promptly beheaded by the last enemy
>we get it, you like to play the game
You should try it sometime, it's pretty fun
>See teammate swing at unseen enemy in the fallen tower on Camp
>Must be an enemy
>Turn corner, see guy covered in blood
>Throw Maul
>It was a friendly
Will there really be female soldiers? I hope not
based iron company
I personally dont care, but I can see why people would
r8 don't h8.
>the jagged knight of polygondor: ser minimus detali
I did like Mirage it just didn't appeal to anybody
I slit a man's throat and he fell to his knees, not alive but not dead. He was gurgling his death rattle through a mouthful of blood, nearly decapitated. I kicked him in the face, neatly separating his head from his torso and finally toppling the now lifeless corpse to the ground. I laughed mainiacly with a Scottish accent and sprinted to my next victim.
Don't forget slow as shit with a longer windup duration than every one handed weapons' entire attack animation.
My handsome knight.
Of course
Sir Aliased of Pixeland
>use superior range
>stop panicking
>Mohammad Ali tier footwork
>stop panicking
>use a shield
>tank a hit and kill the wiry shit with a single blow of a heavier weapon
And it's dogshit stab. But both of those are barely downsides in frontline where swinging like a madman is going to hit someone and likely kill them instantly or on the second hit.
Just don't try and duel with it.
Even after the nerf fighting more than one shield fag at the same is nearly impossible, unless they suffer from severe retardation
Kill explorer.exe in task manager. Went from stutters and 10 second hangs to buttery smooth.
>it's my favorite duel weapon for these reasons alone
It's hilarious fun the morph chambers and cut everything in half. Great weapon to use if you have solid footwork and you're confident in dodging attacks rather than relying on a party or chamber.
>can't stab worth dick
>your favorite duel weapon
You mad lad, more power to you I guess.
Battlebard is a fun class
big dick scavenger class, i run bloodlust and friendly with a cleaver. wack some cocksuckers and take their babydick spears
The underhand for the executioner is downright nasty. You can swing it under most shields or drag out of it to turn it into a head level horizontal. Couple that with solid footsies and it can be devastating in a stand up fight. The solid stamina damage also means if you're squaring off with someone competent and start trading parries you will take advantage and disarm them very quickly.
What are some git gud tips? I'm fucking horrible, I'm level 4 though.
Don't get hit
Don't panic parry
Use your eyes and chamber everything. It looks like a more intimidating mechanic than it actually is
Those are two things I'm really bad with so I'm going to focus on improving on these then.
>Always point towards the direction you're moving, strafing and backpedaling are slower than sprinting forward.
>Turn off mouse selected swing angles.
>Bind mouse keys to left swing, right swing, right stab, overhead, and underhand (if you don't have a five button mouse get one).
>Turn up your FOV as high as you can without affecting your depth perception.
>use feints sparingly and never use it on the first attack in a fight
>Turn off mouse selected swing angles.
>Bind mouse keys to left swing, blah blah blah
You're a subhuman for doing these 2 things desu
I guess if all you do is walk forwards and stab it's not a big deal. You telegraph your swings because I can watch your head bob in the direction fo your swing before you even click. Meanwhile I'm throwing right side underhands while turning left and slicing your toes out from under you and you can't even party because because you were too busy chambering the wrong damn direction.
You shilling is actually working on me and I'm on the verge of getting the game. Any sites where I can get it for cheaper?
Make a habit of looking directly at their weapon before swinging
Game has been worth it for the couple hours i've been playing it for. Been slowly improving and now landing kills pretty often. Feels good.
T. user who just bought it because of this thread
do it faggot
>catapult coming from the blue's side
Only red gets catapults.
Is using a Frontline merc that spawns with no weapons considered bad form or is it considered balanced to trade points needed for a weapon loadout in return for not being able to select what weapon you end up with?
If they got a lance or spear billhook is too short, every other weapon you can do it safely, i think.
What perks are you stacking that you can't even spawn with at least an arming sword? It's not bad form, it's just completely unnecesary.
never seen malena without brown hair
Whoever recommended battle axe because of the shorthand grip, may Odin smile on you. I was 0-7 as a medic and I decided to stop fucking around and threw it on my berserker. Catapulted up to 22 kills. I already knew the hand axe was my favorite weapon but the battle axe is just a two handed version with the ace swing and turns.
I need to get the footman legs but I always have something new to spend on.
I can't see a hoplite working. I really wish they had a anglo-saxon round shield for people going viking style too.
I have a merc i dubbed "Mooch" with 3/3/3 bloodlust fireproof and tenacious
>not stealing a catapult to friendly fire with it.
play with less players and a different gamemode with people who are focused on improving their combat skills
If you attack pretty much simultaneous to block (block first, obviously, but attack while the block is activated) you will get a quick attack. You know this happens if you get a O hollow dot in the center where it's normally filled. It's still blockable, but it's a faster attack than normal.
I had a better experience off third person mode. Like the other user said, binding off mouse direction can work for you (or suck) but experiment with it. My mouse buttons are LMB attack, Right Block, Mouse forward stab, mouse back overhead right chop (Close quarters), mouse scroll I just have as interrupt attack because I am trying to learn how to feint attack more often.
Try weapons out of your comfort zone and usual taste. As a principle I love spears in theory (aesthetic, other games). I didn't like spears though they are idiot proof. I like swords, but I am not great at them. I am fucking amazing at axes and I usually don't really like axes all that much.
Stab with the halberd more than swing. It can do good swinging, but the halberd is a 'spear that swings' not 'an axe that stabs' if you know what I mean.
Don't be afraid to back up. Don't get greedy because that's how they gang up and kill you.
Give me the hard truth. Will racists scream at me in random games? I just want to play medieval battle royale even though im black.
There's no VOIP. I haven't seen any racism besides one booty blasted scrub spamming niggerniggernigger in chat and being promptly vote kicked.
Everyone is called a nigger, regardless of skin color.
Don't have screenshot but going 5-0 against a faggot horsedude as a hookbill on Camp. He kept trying to kill me with executionner. It also revealed my waif, the hookbill. I used to be a spearfag until i tried it.
Daily reminder that all archers are self hating lovers of scandanavian cock.
I wish i could be an archer
The only way i passed the Hans test was by luck
"You and that guy aegon fought me 2v1 while aegon insisted it was a duel and I bodied both of you when you would actually fight solo" out of 10
There's the usual saltiness and four mouthed faggotry. Anyone getting autistic about it can be shit on since I saw someone going niggerfaggots this fuck you that whining and getting kicked for it. Not for the profanity, just because he was a little cunt. Everyone gets mad at weapon use, not anything else. The darkest you can be is a spaniard looking guy besides, not black.
How do you do bill vs cav? I like the bill but the range is so short you really have to catch the cavalryman withhis pants down, I felt like. I figured you were obligated to go spear with anti-cav since it can outrange their lance.
When on horseback if you turn a couched weapon across the horse's head it will disable the couch. While on foot, stand to one side of the horse. Wait until the last possible moment and move to the other side. The cavalry an will either have to lift his spear up and turn across then lower it back down OR stop couching entirely. Use a horizontal swing and jump as the horse passes you.
I swear, lute players are the biggest salt golems in this game. Make it clear to them that their reddit-tier gimmick isn't clever or funny and they'll hunt you and try to vote kick you. Won't stop me from teamkilling them, it's worth it.
>got 1,000 gold in one game
Should I go for the wedge armet?
why? they only make up 1/6th of my kills
I watched one random video about chambering and from that alone i learned the timing very well
Is there any lore for this game? Aren't both sides just mercs? I guess red mercs are employed by savage nations like Britain and blues are employed by France and such.
Have you guys having issues with the game running lately?
Until yesterday the game was running smoothly and now for me at least everything seems to be laggy, sometimes the game freezes and come back like if my PC is some POS (it isn't).
>get caught in a 4v1
Only if it's the only armor you wear. 10/10 for gladiator builds.
>having a EPIC 1v1
>bownigger kills me
If you're a bow main i hope god inflicts every type of cancer on you and your family.
>chamber rapier
>he chambers back
>can't chamber his chamber
What the fuck
>chambering a rapier
it's LITERALLY week fucking THREE and you dumb niggers are STILL trying to chamber rapiers
jesus christ grow a braincell or two
But you CAN chamber chambers. You even know exactly what attack they're throwing. Work on your timing, you're probably attacking too soon
Why would you not chamber a rapier?
2/2/2 Longsword, friendly, 2 medkits
Be the doctor that every team needs, and fuck up kniggas with a nice, well rounded weapon
how fucking stupid are you
You can morph chambers, retard.
What does Chad look like
>>you looked like a red player covered in all that blood, I swear
>Keep parrying "teammate"
>"NO" "NO" "NO"
>A flood of other teammates run by our "duel" while ignoring me
>Have to put down the fucker just to survive
Had he cried about teamkilling I'd have flipped.
What will you do once you run into a adult Bam-bam?
Did you really max out fatness here? Fred is a big guy.
I think archers are worse. I ran back to heal up, and these three dinguses were taking shots at me. Two of them stopped when they realized what was going on, but the third one kept taking shots and finally killed me.
I think team icons ("H") should be on by default.
>first game
>get into a clusterfuck on frontline
>see some dude pull out a bandage and start to heal
>poke him, he drops the bandage
>pick it up and heal in his face
>"I was healing, you savage"
10/10 game
>asked a question
>can't give an answer
You don't actually own the game, do you?
>He complains about rapier being OP.
>He complains about horses being a problem.
>He complains about Shields.
>He complains about arrows.
>Meanwhile, there are videos of people going 4 v 1 with longswords and killing everyone, deflecting arrows, deleting horse children on foot, deflecting blows like they're nothing, regardless of how fast they are and following up with "Welcome to mordhau if you're better you win."
Why are people just plain bad at vidya and blame it on the game, instead of them not being good enough, is it because it's easier to complain instead of get good?
Horses ARE a problem
I would say they are unbelievably OP if the toolbox didn't hardcounter them
People also complain about the Maul. The weapon with incredibly short range and LONG ass windup times.
Rapier is fine.
Horses should fall over if they get hit in the legs or head.
Shields are fine.
Arrows are fine. Annoying, but fine.
Anyone winning in a 4v1 is because they're fighting noobs.
>horses are a problem
>there's only 1 per team in 75% of maps that even have them
>TWO horses per team in the only exception
>he thinks a single person makes a difference to winning or losing
>he doesn't just hit the horse in the head and kill it instantly
Get gooder
Spear/polearms and proper timing demolishes them, tool box as well. The way you play horse guy from what I've seen is be sneaky or attack when they're busy with some one. If they see you coming and have the ability to time the attack you're probably gonna fly off that horse.
>is allowed to spawnkill with absolutely no repercussions
>stuns by just being near you
>this is somehow okay
Horsefags are pathetic
Maybe one day this will be us bros!
complaining about tk is the only thing acceptable and even then its gay
Definitely not since I'm not a huge faggot, and I'll be one of the majority of players happily opting out of having a bunch of women running around a medieval battle field.
>all of those noobs wearing the first chainmail and the first breastplate
you can even see when he opens up the player list and almost everyone on the enemy team's level is in the single digits
They don't stun just by being near you. You can prevent the horse from moving, you do know that, right?
>not using a billhook to rope off the jockeys
The fact that the windups are long means that you have a longer window to morph. That can seriously fuck with people when they are used to parrying much faster weapons.
Day one to piss off the incels
>Implying a horse dies to a single hit to the head
Even with a maul you have to clobber the thing thrice.
*turns your waifu off from the settings*
Female warriors? All I see are men
>Get on horse with my 1/1/1 spear guy.
>Tap the button untill horse as a decent pace.
>Get to front line, wait for team.
>Start going around so I can swoop in from behind.
>Lance one guy, stun 3 more.
>Slow down to a crawl while going around so I don't stun team mates in the way.
>Some how I still hit a guy near my spawn for 0 damage with the horse.
If the horse isn't at walking speed you'll pretty much always stun people and there's always that awkward moment when the guy looks up at me and all I can do is shrug. MY MISTAKE SIR. So far I've couched one team mate and a large number of enemies, feel like I overall do better than what I've seen of other horse lads, since they don't even seem to know that the horse runs on his own and W/S is to change it's speed.
yea, i hope they are cute
You can't unless you have the toolbox, which is honestly a bug
I just bought this game this afternoon, excited to get in and lose every fight as I attempt to scrounge gold to make a character I like.
Can I still complain about that one dude trying to barricade his own team in spawn?
That's fine user, I'd still be happy with my femknight.
>well it kills noobs good
>thinking this is a benefit of the weapon and not just noobs being garbage
Protip:there's an audio cue that conveniently tells you exactly when to right click.
which rat completely breaks by having the hidden feature of slightly delaying the release scream
> in the name
Hit the horse in the head. This slows the horse to a trot. Stand in front of the horse. The horse slows completely. Charge through is based on momentum. The horse is now trapped and you are out of reach of the rider as he will have to swing through his own horse to hit you. Spam left click and win.
The thing is that when people say that archers are horseshit, they do not mean that they are OP and cannot be killed. What they mean is that they are a constant annoyance that distracts them from actually playing the game.
I know that whenever I see an archer, I have to find cover and attempt to fight opponents behind that cover or else I am going to get shot at all the time. Archers turn the game into an exercise in frustration instead of a fun test of mettle among knightly brethren.
How I got kicked for the first time.
thats what votekick is for
This right here. Archers belong in Frontline only. TDM and DM are for smashing dudes with swords and axes, not for playing ye Olde Cucke de duty
How the fuck do you "stream snipe" mordhau?
>See catapult child spamming at my team.
>Swap to my "Siege" guy. Battle Axe + 2 Firebombs + Wrecker + Fireproof.
>Get on horse, bee line it for him.
>Jump of horse. throw fire at catapult. Guy backs up from fire, while the catapult burns, jump in the fire and start axing the catapult questions, it dies in seconds.
>Swap back to what I was playing.
>Repeat every time a catapult child shows up.
i go after those guys exclusively. they get mad when you tell them to stop bragging about their 4 viewers
why does my game stutter like a crippled kid on frontlines, but never on deathmatch or horde or battle royale?
I have this exact build with a gambeson, riding boots, and a Spanish Conquistador helm. Everything colored red, he looks like a firefighter
It was a bit more complex than just that.
Was playing Camp on frontline as blue and decide to go fuck up reds catapult mong. Go over huntingrounds point when I hear that sound when someone swings into wood, go check that shit out. Its some retard red hitting stuff so ofc I kill the mong and then go kill the catapult fag. And thats how I was a evil evil stream sniper, I cound not have known he was there and blah blah blah.
I just grab shields off the ground to put it on my back, they passively stop projectiles even while on your back.
So I can just turn around and engage turtle mode if I'm fighting a guy.
Ypu do realise that they have the ability to tuen, right?
I hope they go through with the client-side toggle to disable either-or so I can turn everyone into girls.
>Using a Pepe avatar.
Where's the kick from thread feature when you need it?
>back to a wall with a hookbill
>they keep trying to swarm you from a narrow angle
>Just block 1 to riposte another in a marvelous dance of death till they all are dead.
At a full gallop? They don't have a turn radius tight enough to match someone running directly perpindicular to their line of travel. Gitgud.
Us northmen are always underrepresented in these threads, where are you brothers??
You realize it's already being worked on, right?
>I'm gonna turn them off
Keyword: MIGHT be possible
By that same logic, female characters as a whole are not guaranteed either, since the wording says "IF added"
>They don't have a turn radius tight enough to match someone running directly perpindicular to their line of travel.
They actually do unless you are already sprining. They won't lance you, but because the horse hitboxes are ass, it'll still clip and stun you
I want to disable both so there are disembodied floating suits of armor and hovering hollow pants with weapons spinning around them.
Reminder that the Raider voice is the best meme.
who here /blueteam/ on taiga
anyone getting this shit where the audio just sounds like hell and the game freezes for like 10 seconds? is there any fix? my computer is perfectly capable of running it without drops but that happens no matter what i do unless i play without sound. going to have to refund it if there's no fix which is a shame cause i was having some fun.
Then swing earlier, you'll hit the horse before it hits you.
Open task manager and kill explorer.exe
i thought this was a screenshot of oblivion for a second
user where did all our files go!?
ok now click on File in the top left of Task Manager > Run > "explorer.exe" to launch it again
That is the only option really, but it's also incredibly inconsistent because they can turn or change speed
One thing I found out myself recently is that if you just stab someone while on horseback you will instakill them uness you're standing still
No its a bug in windows, what he needs to do is remove the folder called System32. Thats where the sound files are and windows will just remake them after deletion.
All the ax wielders always choose the lowest pitch for it tho.
Lemme know when they can do that with a longsword or a greatsword, rather than babby's spear-executioner hybrid "I don't have to worry about range at all". It's like saying it's skill to be hammering down thrust attacks with a spear.
no user no more computer privileges for you, now its time for your sister to use the laptop
ok now what
I always go for the one that sounds most like their actual voice. It just feels wrong to make them sound like they're going through bullet time at all times.
If you dont know what windows explorer does, don't close it. This unironically fixes the hangs in mordhau. I know it's dumb as fuck, but I have the same problem. Stuttering sound, hangs, long ass load times. I killed explorer because someone said it worked and lo and behold it worked for me. Try it if you want, don't try it if you're scared. It's how I "fixed" my game while waiting on a hopeful stability patch for lower end rigs.
Oh user, music cant have viruses only games can, dont you know anything?
I do it on my stupid characters. Deep foppish voice is so stupid its endearing.
Update Adobe Reader
Jesus christ you're dumb.
>Game is so bad it kills people.
i was just playing m8 i know you can open it back up in task manager, it actually solves that issue though? thought he was being cheeky
alright we've established that. but what does closing explorer.exe do
Do all sword users act this way?
The skill in spear is constantly keeping up the attack and switching targets, and knowing when to short grip and go for juicy head slashes.
>t. filthy 40-5 spear spammer
it makes ketchup gas dont do it
>soi is so bad it turns anons into NPC's
I would use some boomer equivelant of "yikes" but there isn't one. You managed to sink to new levels of preteen angst all on your own.
did you buy some prebuilt thing? update your bios and sound drivers
its alright i downloaded more ram and it fixed it
oh fuck i cant believe ive been tricked oh god i cant brea
I have no clue why it works, only that it worked for me. I'm assuming it's CPU issues because I was at nearly 100% CPU usage. it's an old trick for squeezing out that last bit of performance, back when "gigabyte" was whispered in hush tones. Try it, maybe it works.
Windows explorer is the process that gives you windows. Its also responsible for some of the automated processes of windows. Killing it can free up some CPU usage and for some reason mordhau doesn't seem to like it.
When I play spear, I just play as a wingman, follow my team around and use my superior range to poke the enemy from behind my team mates without having to worry about friendly fire. Feels like a solid strat since most people don't seem capable of doing anything about it, just gotta time the attack so he can't block more than one or the other.
thank you for the serious answer, there is a place for your soul amongst angels.
Having just one competent shield user (or just someone who could parry) in that group would have shut him down. He wouldn't even have had to attack, just hold it up to stop zweifag from swinging that dick around.
Does the alternate style for the Halberd increase damage against armour?
A lot of people seem to have this misconception from playing chiv. You can riposte into a parry instantly. There is no unblockable timing to multiple attacks, you can spam right click as fast as hits are landing on you.
He's not wrong, Mordhau literally killed someone live on Stream.
read the weapon stats and find out
You can do that, or you can carry the team by killing everyone in 5v1s with a spear.
>play game about medieval mercenaries fighting for booze, women, and gold for women and booze
>scuh a good simulation that you die of alcohol poisoning two hours into your stream
I have more respect for longsword, greatsword, estoc, and even executioner because it's not guts-cosplayers using a cheesy as fuck weapon where you don't have to think about positioning at all. Zwei is a braindead fucking weapon. It should not be a stabbing weapon unless you use the alt mode which is what half-swording it was meant to do (give you more leverage and capacity to thrust).
Instead the half-swording shaves off just 25ms from the windup and combo and adds a paltry +3 or so damage to the light armor head and torso attacks. And cuts down the range by around 30 I think (zwei is around halberd average length, halberd can go to 165cm in alt mode). The Zwei is just plain king in basically everything and costs -1 point less than the Halberd, whose only advantage is being able to go +30cm more in range. The stamina drain and other stats they have are pretty paltry too. An arming sword's stamina drain is 18 - a Zwei's is 20.
this, i can't find anything on this happening
Don't sleep on the stick
That's interesting, guess everyone in this game is just bad then, that being said I still don't like how you can chamber and parry a guy and he more or less instantly throws another attack, it's one of those "Why am I even bothering when he can just keep spamming M1?" seems like the best way to actually win a fight is to faint or kick, but of course a kick is near impossible, because as stated, people just spam left click most of the time. Is there any way to quickly deal with click spammers?
Use the catalogue, dingleberries. Theres a thread on the whole thing. It's just some faggot that drank himself to death live on stream. Poor bastard only had four followers and did drunk streams. He was probably doing some drinking game. Take a shit every time he died and eventually he did.
Third or first person lads
Take a step back and let him miss, Chamber and morph the response, drag to delay, crouch under it if you're brave. You just need to keep your opponent outside of kissing distance unless you're using a dagger. Bob and weave, keep him guessing, force misses and punish them.
im a fucking idiot just link me the thread please
If you missed the three hours he was dead on stream and the magic that ensued you're going to have to wait for the articles tomorrow.
first person with short swords, the messer, or the bastard sword
third person with two handed big ol motherfuckers
The horses have armor tiers as well, armored horse is a fucking tank
First, gives you a wider view and less screen clutter. If you have trouble gaging depth then toy with your FOV. If it looks like things are passing in front of your face but they are hitting you, turn your FOV down a little bit at a time until it feels right.
The mode is fine it's just that the spawn points are fucked on every single map. Where the red team doesn't spawn closest to the 3rd point of 5, it spawns to both the 2nd and 3rd. It's next to impossible to win on points by only holding 2 of the capture points no matter how well your team play.
If you look at taiga the red team spawns closer to points 2 and 3 than blue does. When red inevitably takes point 3 and gets the barriers up, it's basically finished at this point. The 3rd spawn point on any map is usually the only one that makes sense in terms of how close you actually spawn near it so reinforcing and holding that point is easy even if your team has less skill. Basically, pick red and rush point three is a free win in 99% of games.
Do the different models actually have different stats? Christ.
how do they know he was dead and not just passed out? did the cops show up?
The type of crossbow in mordhau wouldn't pierce plate. Any crossbow as small as that which can be easily loaded without using a stirrup, 2 hands to the pull the string, or a windlass mechanism wouldn't pierce plate armor. Get fucked archer cuck
This is why it should have stayed attack/defend like chiv. How the devs expected a 32 player team to effectively split focus between defending ground AND moving out to secure the next point all without fucking VOIP is beyond me.
the fucking chat in this game
>guy kets tk'd constantly by his archers
>"If another friendly archer kills me again i'm going to shove your quiver down your urethra, arrow by arrow."
>how do they know he was dead and not just passed out?
Because he wasn't breathing, because he didn't move an inch in three hours whilst his cat came/went etc
>did the cops show up?
Not before the stream got pulled and no one had his address.
Fire mages are the true counter armor
Xbow+hunter will one shot archers. It's an antifaggot weapon not an anti armor one.
christ how much did he drink?
Yea, the problem with forcing them to miss is that they're pretty much doing W+M1, and chase mechanic kinda prevents you from leaving his range without dodge and even then it's not easy. There must be a way to just put a stop to this spam and smash him, right now I just feel like it's way too rewarding to be a 1IQ W+M1 axe guy, I tried the strat when I saw how hard it was to deal with being trying to be efficient instead of spammy, and I felt ... well I felt dirty, like I was being a no skill spammer and being rewarded for it, because I was getting rewarded for it, I was getting a bunch of kills. Having to like try really hard with like multiple parries reposts, risking your head with ducking vs a guy that spamms feelsl a bit ... unfair in skill distribution? Dragging to delay hasn't worked once for me, neither has accelerating, they always seem to block the thing. Don't recall ever seeing it work on me either.
It's carry over from chiv, the trash talk bar was set really high by the in game voices so we had to surpass them.
That doesn't answer the question, though. If it is a type of crossbow that has no advantage against armor, what is it doing in the game?
Fair bit, apparently the drunk streams were a daily thing as well.
This game is severely lacking "come hither"
While swinging your speed is DRASTICALLY reduced. I'm not saying run away from him, I'm saying take one good step back. What's your steam deets? I'll try to show you what I mean when I'm not at work.
TLDR: Spam feels too rewarding, there has to be a easy way to counter it, moving away doesn't seem to work when they're constnatly holding down W+M1.
Killing archers dead.
Lol can you imagine this game having VoIP? It's a Kotaku article waiting to happen.
Honestly tho the mode is fine and the objective is straight forward and easy to understand. The way you have to cap the points in sequence maps the maps into a corridor on FL when you think about it. Like I said the issue is with the spawn and objective placement. It heavily favours red in almost all maps. It's like the devs modeled front lines after the breach mode in For Honor where all the depending team has to do is not lose the last cap point to win. Like blue seems to spawn in a castle/fort most of the time which would actually help if survival was their objective.
But both teams are supposed to be equally aggressive in front lines, but only red team gets the spawn proximity and uncluttered part of that map that let's them rush point 3. I'd say if you looked at the data the red team would have way over 75% win rate on every map except mountain peak.
I'll keep trying I guess. But most time I end up having to block or deflect the blow with my own, and they just end up throwing another right after because as long as it connects with anything they can instantly follow up with another hit.
Step forward past them In the opposite direction of their swing. If the swing is coming from the left you move forward and past them on the right while swinging your sword to your left side. Turn your mouse to the right to accelerate your swing.
You should just square off with someone and trade blows until someone loses their weapon. Move in all directions. Learn your opponent's swing arcs and tactics and maneuver around them. Hit while he is recovering.
>i'm going to shove your quiver down your urethra, arrow by arrow.
the chat is some special kind of comedic hell.
Ripostes are faster than combos. If they are combing off a hit that you parried you should hit them first. Throw an attack before the parry even connects. Right click and IMEDIATELY hit your attack. Ripostes are faster than comboing after being parried every time.
Chambering is in the larger weapon's advantage.
If you're in a chamber fight with a rapierfag or something keep it up, don't miss, and his rapier is gonna go flying well before you run out of stamina.
Ripostes also can't be interrupted so you can just riposte a slash if you have an axe or maul or sword or whatever and slap his face off. Unless you're in light armor rapiers do awful damage to armor so you'll probably outheal the damage from the stab you eat.
It's funny when you are one of those who swarm and feint an attack so you can parry the incoming riposte which almost always means they can't keep a defensive rhythm up after that.
It seems the xp system are making people so ravenously frag horny they throw themselves at anything to get a hit in. Which in turn is their own doom.
It's simple and easy to understand, but there are two objectives at any given time. That means your team requires coordination to be effective. 3 people in an outside VOIP will consistently win against a team with zero voice regardless of map balance. If there were only ever a single objective at a time this problem would be eliminated. That's why the objectives in chiv were so hard fought and why they always came down to the wire. It's also why no one liked the maps that had scattered objectives all over the God damned place.
Rapiers three hit armor 3 on headshots. Bucklers (lmao) make it almost impossible to run out of stamina with a rapier.
It's an anti archer weapon. With the hunter perk it's basically guaranteed to kill enemy archers. It also let's you keep ADS for way longer than a regular bow and has less drop. It has a purpose.
If you add a weapon to the game that invalidates plate armor then you might as well just add guns and remove armor.
The longbow already does that
Is a its funny when you learn someone relies completely on feints to land hits so you just stab them whenever they feint.
Deliberately or accidentally
deliberately ofcourse
When the fuck could you dual wield and punch with shields in Examina? Tell me user.
>Knocking out a full armored/helmet knight barehanded
>If you add a weapon that invalidates plate armor then you might as well just add guns and remove armor
And before you go "well the maul is slow!", consider that the projectile from the crossbow is relatively slow as well, and landing it beyond ten feet or so requires execution.
Guess I'll just try spamming left click after I riposte. But then he might riposte in turn, suppose that's the thing you'll never have a clear answer, if he spams and can also press riposte, could try to faint, but he might also brainlessly keep spamming, suppose the best way is to riposte hit if he parries it faint the next one, if he tries to anticipate the faint, faint in to a kick and so on.
>Still parry the hit
You under the impression feints have recovery equal to parries or something?
meant for
There's two objectives but they're kill every hostile you see and never stop pushing. There is no nuance or skill or strategy involved in the objective part of mordhau. The skill is in the combat and the objective promotes combat. It's very simple. You'll even see on most scoreboards that the red and blue team are evenly matched in terms of k/d but the ease with which red takes point three means they win most games by default.
Honestly you're over thinking the balance of the maps, and the complexity of the objectives. It's a small matter of tweaking distances. The only map red team consistently loses is mountain pass, which is the only one where the map isn't stacked heavily against blue in terms of terrain, obstacles and distance.
Ripostes can be interrupted by the player you riposted, but not by other players. It's a 1vX balancing mechanic.
970m here. 60fps with everything on max except shadows which are put to high. I really did not expect this.
How do I into fashion?
Everything I make just seems somehow ''off'' and I'm not sure how to fix it because if I change the colors from what I was used to, I feel like my character doesn't look the same to what I had in mind anymore.
Not sure, might be a work in progress thing. Maybe we'll hear about it this year ... or next year considering the speed of updates for that game.
The maul is slow and has a range of something like 60cm, and it's not a one hit kill and can be blocked easily, and it requires you to get into melee engagement with whatever enemy you want to kill. Don't even try to compare them.
I dunno man, I normally just use what seems to go together well enough. That seems okay, Peasant cap might be meh, but that's just me in general when it comes to the peasant cap
Highlight the merc and then press the white quill icon at the top of the list. It's next to where the new merc button is.
Overhead from maul gives no shits about the helmet your opponent is wearing. Their head is going to go pop like a waterballoon regardless.
I dare you to land a crossbow headshot on a target that is aware of you and is further away than 20 feet.
Swap the scrum cap for a chain coif, and the padded skirt for a coat of plates skirt or something. The geralt pauldrons look dumb too. They don't fit the archer aesthetic and they don't work with anything really because you can see the attachment points with nothing attached to them on the front.
Xbow has a faster unread to fire time, less drop, faster trajectory, and can be held at the ready with less sway and for longer duration. Xbow beats longbow. That's what it's for.
Raider is my favorite, but I've started to warm up to eager.
And you've just lost 30to 40 stamina in a single maneuver. Do it twice and you lose your weapon.
*spears ur gay torso*