What do you think of the intro to Kingdom Hearts 2?
What do you think of the intro to Kingdom Hearts 2?
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Personally I think it's a great introduction to the game. Only complaint I've heard is the length. Cut some of the filler like searching for the wonders on sunset isle and it's fine.
Best part of that game's story
Best writing in Kingdom Hearts as a franchise overall, though 358/2 days is close
Story wise it's great, probably one of the better arcs KH has ever done.
Gameplay wise it's complete shit, just like destiny islands in 1
Best intro ever done in vidya
Also KH2 was peak KH
fuckin great
When I replayed it, it felt too short :(
I'm still mad Days didn't get a remake.
Pure kino.
That's the fault of the shitty sequels. When looking at 1, CoM, and 2 in a bubble the writing still holds up for the most part. Also kids were edgier in 2005, you may not but lots of people feel for characters like Roxas and Axel.
It's terrible, bloated, and mostly pointless. KH1's intro did a lot more in a much shorter time.
KH3's story had a lot of issues but I did appreciate how no-nonsense the intro was. Was refreshing to get into the core gameplay loop so quickly.
This was the only KH game I played and I never beat it, but this whole beginning part always stuck with me.
you should pick up The Story So Far if you ever feel like trying the series again. $30 for six whole games.
Legitimately too good for Kingdom Hearts
>KH1's intro did a lot more in a much shorter time.
I like Sora's tight little shorts!
They're big and poofy though
1's intro was only 3 days as opposed to 7. And managed to set up everything you really needed to know about Riku and Sora. Whereas 2's focused on a bunch of pointless nobodies like HPO and Setzer's gang, it took a whole week of fluff to go into DiZ/"Ansem"/Namine and Roxas' motivations when it could have done all that in half the time.
They're tight around his butt and groin, lose around his thighs.
Perfect combo tbqh
Cemented Roxas as my favorite character of all time, I find him very relatable, always have
Sora is a lewd guy...!
Scared me when I was younger in the part where everyone disappears, there's no music and nobodies appear everywhere. KH2 was my first KH so I have a special attachment to Roxas.
Opening was even better when you know about Days and other little things. Any media that has blatant relations to things but we don't realize it until a replaying/rewatching are the best.
Attack on titan has been better than I remember it, while rewatching.
Do not lewd Sora please.
Why is he wearing a diaper?
Kill yourself faggot
Probably a fujo.
I love the kh fujos
Me too
Too bad that you're a 3d piggu, right?
It was kino. Nomura was too weak and caved in just because he wanted some cheesy perfect ending for Roxas. Nobodies like him and Namine should have stayed gone.
Imagine not calling it pizza slice.
>Nobodies like Namine should have stayed gone.
Let's not get too hasty.
A Days remake with KH2 combat would be the best Kingdom Hearts game.
Only if they rewrite it to focus on the Org members and Roxas like it should have been.
What was the fucking deal with the Kingdom Hearts 3 ending? Why write tragedy if you're just going to bullshit everybody into a happy ending in the end?
Terra should have died, Roxas should have stayed in Sora, Xehanort shouldn't have abandoned all his evil schemes just to have some kind of sympathetic ending, Xion should have stayed dead and I fucking guarantee Sora isn't going to stay dead or whatever the fuck he is.
At least the death narratives for the Organization members were good. But god damn.
>death narratives
>Thinking they're actually dead
>Why write tragedy if you're just going to bullshit everybody into a happy ending in the end?
Because nothing was planned in advance? Nomura just made this shit up as he went along, and as he went along he decided to shit all over his previous work.
Fuck off DiZ
>At least the death narratives for the Organization members were good.
Even those were fucked thanks to making every one of their deaths appear back to back.
They should've spaced them a fuckton apart from each other.
>Roxas should have stayed in Sora,
I actually dont mind this.
Roxas was fully willing to reintegrate into sora and 'die'
It's sora himself who said "Nah fuck that." which is completely in character for the guy.
>Xehanort shouldn't have abandoned all his evil schemes just to have some kind of sympathetic ending
Sora had to beat him an inch away from death, everyone else had to come through the portal afterwards ready to fight and his old best friend had to return as a ghost to convince him to give up.
He still thought he was doing the right thing, but literally no one but eraqus actually sympathised with the old asshole.
It felt like they wanted to make the whole game about Roxas like how the Mother series changes protagonists, but bitched out to avoid alienating fans.
It's nothing?
Having played through the entire series for the first time recently, I can say that while the KH2 intro made me love Roxas, the whole thing felt very alien and out of place, like it belonged to an entirely different series. I guess it's because there's no real Disney presence throughout the whole sequence. While CoM was an adequate bridge from KH1 to the darker, more serious tone of KH2, it still managed to keep a reasonable blend of Square and Disney throughout. Despite the Roxas intro being excellent kino, I almost want to say it shouldn't have been in the game.
It's a cold open, but does the lack of disney stuff really matter? By KH2 you should like the OCs and know that all the Disney shit is pure filler.
The lack of Disney stuff isn't a complaint, just an explanation for why it feels weird. Keep in mind I played everything back to back for the first time ever, so I had just gone through KH1 and then CoM, so my experience was colored differently from most people who played them years apart.
I feel like it could have been fixed by having Disney toons like the Nephews in Traverse Town. Disney seems okay with them interacting with FFs and OCs. Holy fuck why didn't we get skateboarding with Max?
Imagine not calling it the bugle button
It's one of my favorite parts of the game and I play it once a year on summer. Comfy as fuck.
And it's unironically too short.
fuck dude i love bugles
you can put them on the tips of your fingers and pretend you're a wight knight from kh1
>Best writing in Kingdom Hearts as a franchise overall
That's not much of an accomplishment, but yeah, you're not wrong.
Fun but I loved MC Chris's rant on it back in the day
...Excuse me?
Also imagine not stunlocking Amber into a corner with the disney attraction for the easiest win of your life.
>killing the CHAD that is Terra
What games did you play? It was always RIKU RIKU RIKU. He even cried for him.
has anyone noticed how rapunzel does not wear shoes? i dont have any pictures on hand but im sure you guys do. please post some for me as im away from my ps4.