Seriously, aren't they supposed to doing pretty well with KH3, XIV, DQ and XV?

Why are they cancelling games and closing studios?

Attached: Project-Prelude-Rune.jpg (674x547, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Square enix last good game was FF XII



15 had their dlcs cancelled you think thats good?

How back would you go?

They know they will get btfo by Atlus on their own field, so they might aswell not

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Nier Automata, unless you don't want to make it count due to it being outsourced to Platinum.

This is a good thing. Baba would've fucked it up anyways. SE saved time, money, and effort by canning it early.

not him but I would go to IX

hopefully they give us more info on this soon

this game was almost guaranteed to not sell

I’d also say IX was their last objectively good game. I loved the Sphere Grid in FFX but everything else was stupid. It’s all been downhill from there. Last FF I bought was FF13 and I didn’t even beat it. Last FF I played was FF15 I got for Xmas from my mom-in-law and I traded it in after maybe 12 hours. What a pile of shit.

Because their mobile and arcade divison make more money

>Doesn't play dragon quest
>Doesn't like The world ends with you
Turbo fag

Dragon Quest is the ultimate hyper-generic JRPG.

TWEWY is fucking excellent, though. Can’t argue.

>Daily SQUENIX IS FINISHED thread#30930

There were still some decent to good games in the pile, if anything the only game that was objectively bad was FFXIII for reasons everyone already knows 500 times over.

>FFXV was alright if you liked the bros and the comfiness of the atmosphere, nothing perfect but alright
>KH3 was fun as fuck, but story is dogshit
>Nier is the shit
>TWEWY is good af
>DQ still kicking
>FF7R on its way to be one of the biggest games of the year

idk user, I think Square is living, granted their games are never perfect, they just have shit business practices though.

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square has been doing this for decades
its a miracle they havent went under

>FFXV was alright
You can't ever lead with something like this. always put it at the end. FFXV is dogshit.

Baba is a hack. He deserves having his game cancelled

>FF7R on its way to be one of the biggest games of the year

It's on its way to being the biggest game of whatever year it releases which could be 2025 for all we know

FF7R will be the test. If they don't get the characters right, they are dead

>Cancelling Baba's game and closing his studio
Square Enix is saving jrpgs

The only people know like DQ are mexicans and niggers obsesed with DBZ. Its the DSP of JRPGs.

I wish they were going bankrupt and had to sell off all their IPs so somebody with competence could work on them, but that won't happen.

You can be generic and still very high quality, if anything because every JRPG is trying to be FF/Tales now, DQ is more unique than ever.

Yes, we know about how much you think FFXIII is amazing, no need to let us know.

Everything about this is glorious. The staff in interviews comment how they want to take everything positive about persona development without making yet another persona game. Meanwhile shitting on generic fantasy concepts and projects that drag at Tolkiens coattails.

gotta put that money into FF7 remake

TWEWY exists, user.

Do you retards know that Squeenix do more than Vidya?

There's way more cutesy DQ-like games than there are FF clones though, and DQ hasn't been good since VIII.

Up until recently 8 was the only one i ever enjoyed, but now 11 exists and is also pretty good.

I don't think people realize just what a trainwreck XV was. Not just critically or objectively, it's shaky there too, but for Squeenix themselves.
The dev costs were insane because it was in development hell forever and was basically 3 games frankensteined together. It would have had to been a ridiculous smash hit to even break even.

So they half ass everything?

Wtf i was looking forward to that. The trailer gave me good feels.


square knows baba is a complete hack and told him to fuck off after they saw how good neir, a new IP, sold. Instead of using up resources to let baba fuck around with some low budget crap like he usually does with tales they are devoting a much larger pool of resources to something worth making.

This. As soon as he left the very next tales game was actually good.

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FFXV literally killed Square Enix.

>Square management has no fucking clue what they are doing
So what else is new?

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I'm saying that they don't going disappear overnight just because they are dumping money again on FF.

They publish to of manga for example.

>Studio Istolia
>Project Prelude Rune
Literally who and literally what?

No FF cruise core

>Why are they cancelling games and closing studios?

>was FF X


they assumed their big name games would make money regardless and have no clue how to make videogames anymore

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XIV already made all that money back and then some. It's a huge cash cow.

>what is DQXI
*adjusts glasses*
"Hwell ackshually its a very plain and generi-"

Stfu faggot.

XV made profit. Left Alive on the other hand, that flop cost them millions.

The grid system was amazing too bad the game is linear

WoFF was literally the best game SE has put out in ages and it was made on a shoestring budget. It had no right being better than FF XV but WoFF was a passion project and XV was a soulless cash grab and it showed. Guess which one sold better?

It's sad knowing that WoFF2 is literally written and ready to go at any time but will never get the green light

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>Seriously, aren't they supposed to doing pretty well with KH3, XIV, DQ and XV?

They're constantly pulling funding and revenue from the only thing making any profits in their game divisions, FFXIV and FFXI.

That's why all the current directors are being canned and the next big title from SE which may be FFXVI is being worked on by FFXIV's director.


Making profit is very relative.

We don't know the specifics of the whole thing. They wasted 10 years fucking around with development.

>supposed to doing pretty well
the ff7 announcement was because they are not doing well

Square Enix didn't get where they are by not closing down studioa and canceling projects.
Better to shut something down early and cut your loses before spending unnecessary money in something you no longer believe will be profitable.

No one got it because chibi.

Baba is gone

They released DLC so there were obviously enough people interested.

>Meanwhile shitting on generic fantasy concepts and projects that drag at Tolkiens coattails.
Pretty bold considering Persona drags on shitty anime and SMT's coattails



lol you listed four shit games and are asking why things are going bad

They figure they may as well just go back to what they know will sell and stop taking risks.
If it doesn't have a Final Fantasy title on it they're probably not going to bother anymore.

>new ip
Automata is the fifth game in the franchise and second to bare the Nier brand.

Turns out that two decades of mismanagement and prolonged development times aren't actually good for a company.

>mfw anons keeps thinking square enix is back

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X-II was the last good one and there is nothing you contrarian tranny faggots can do about it

shit game=/=poorly selling

i'm sure they're also making good money with their gacha games

>SMT's coattails
how so

This is the reason here. Non-stop executive meddling lead to all the shit that went down over the past decade.

Yeah, I wouldn't count it for exactly that reason you said

>WoFF was literally the best game SE has put out in ages

Absolutely agreed.
>It's sad knowing that WoFF2 is literally written and ready to go at any time but will never get the green light
A damn shame that is. But I still have hope that one day it'll be given the go ahead.

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wrong, ffxiv 1.0 was great

OP, they spent money on a feature movie that starred Sean Bean, Aaron Paul, Lena Headey, an anime ova, a VR fishing simulator, two mobile games, an exclusive, limited time prequel, and a promotional beat 'em up all for Final Fantasy XV.

No fucking shit they're doing bad financially, they have no fucking idea what they're doing. Square is run by insane people.

Do you know how much money it takes to actively develop a game for 12 years? And I don't mean we got 12 years of quality in the end, most of the work went straight into the trash.
Most development cycles take 2-3 years. Hell, some shit can be churned out yearly. 12 years means they spent the development cost of 4+ fucking games on XV. It didn't sell 4 times better than other FF games.

why would they make another movie after spirits within? At least AC had the FF7 to rely on, by FF15 was still new and without a fanbase. Anyways, the other mobile game ended up doing pretty good. it made over $300 million last i heard

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If square enix were to close and sell off its' stuff, who would you hope got which of their IPs?
Basically the same question I asked when Capcom was in trouble, if I remember right I think the general consensus on that (not absolute, people have different opinions of course) was Megaman and Ace Attorney to Nintendo, everything else to sony

>outright declaring herself as the top bitch, while declaring the other to be side bitch

Wakie wakie squeenix

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They are fucking up hard and they know it. They need to restructure and rethink their development philosophy to survive

Cygames is unironically the most based dev in the entire industry. They never lost their soul despite being a mobile game dev and is doing the exact opposite of most companies- taking mobile money and putting it into console games.

They just did

Because these idiots can't manage a budget and overspend on everything from marketing to their own games production costs. It's the reason they'll gladly take in-game sponsorships

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Been waiting to hear more news about this and SMT V yet all Atlus news are Persona V related.

This is more of an issue with Baba and not SE, but I guess it's their fault for hiring him to begin with.

>the only game that was objectively bad was FFXIII for reasons everyone already knows 500 times over.

I actually missed that whole shitstorm somehow, anybody wanna fill me in

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Why does game development at Squeenix ALWAYS end up with massive fuckups, delays and problems in general? XV and KH3 should have come out a fucking decade ago.
I’m seriously starting to think they hire hamsters as managers and their producers don’t communicate at all with the rest of the staff.

>Lightning was a dogshit protagonist
>Square kept giving us more games with her because one of the team members wants to fuck her
>Gameplay was weird, most just spammed with no strategy
>Each game changed the gameplay so if you liked one you were fucked if they changed it and didn't like it
>Party memebers were awful
>Lightning's loud heels
>Hallway simulator

Attached: yBXeuyd.jpg (3120x4208, 843K)

>Man in charge sets the company towards making spirits within
>Worst idea of the century, nearly kills Squaresoft
>Forced to merge with Enix
>Enix doesn't want to run the Square side of things so they need to put someone in charge
>Put the same man who caused the problem to begin with in charge
>Proceeds to fuck things up over and over again

It's pretty weird to think Squaresoft used to put out 3-5+ literal gold games per year.

>final fantasy with social links


How do we save SE?

XIII was hyped up to be the next biggest FF for the ps3.
Then it became multi-plat which pissed off people.
Then the game launched and it was another linear FF like FFX, but was far more restrictive in where you could go and had no towns. Adding on to this the story wasn't told very well and the main protagonist was an unlikable bitch. Made worst by the fact that they continued promoting her for the next 5 years.
Behind the scenes production was a mess. After scrapping the first version for ps2, the ps3 version needed to wait for the engine to be finished before work could be started. When it was, they were severely behind schedule and lacked a lot of focus on what to do. They brought in other teams to help notoriously the versus xiii team but didn't have an actual idea about what direction they wanted to go in until they released the demo. Which was around 6-7 months before launch. There was so much cut content and ideas that they were able to make another 2 games out of it.

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The sad thing about it all is that Versus/XV had all the potential in the world and very well could have been the greatest game they ever would have made. Instead as every other project failed one by one they slowly eroded it's foundation away by scavenging it's team or delaying it in one way or another.

A real shame, XV is a bad game but you can see at times a little glimmer under the surface teasing you with what never will be.

this but unironically

Do you think that SE will rescue this game?

>Why are they cancelling games and closing studios?
Because they're greedy with their Geno. No one wanted that fucking plant. Everyone wanted Geno but Squenix be like no, I'm taking my ball and going home.

Attached: it had to be done geno.jpg (800x832, 77K)

They are just a publisher at this point.


You misspelled FFIX

They are doing too good. It's all about brand recognition nowadays. 4-5 IPs that cost 60 million to produce and must profit 180 million.

They need to start small again. Divide huge teams into smaller chunks, have them work on smaller low-budget projects, train the fresh blood in fundamental skills and let the old guard work in a lower pressure environment. They clearly do not have the management skill to deal with these huge projects right now, so they should work their way back up instead of hoping the next huge franchise will save them/their reputation.

>put all resources into a remake with a 10 year dev cycle while cancelling new IPs and closing down studios

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>60 fucking dollary doos for a year old port
Square going out of business WHEN? The Squre of the SNES and PS1 days is long dead, and SE is a mere pretender to the throne.

>SE gives Tabata his own studio, only to have Tabata leave and have his new studio closed down and their projects cancelled within a year
>SE gives Baba his own studio, only to have Baba leave and have his new studio closed down and their projects cancelled within a year
What the fuck is going on at Square Enix?

They're cancelling less profitable projects and risks to focus on their money makers like XIV, DQ, and their publisher titles.

lumionus's project is still going

I grew up playing IX, thought X was not good, but really enjoyed XI.

Mismanagement obviously. Rats flee a sinking ship, guys. If being unable to produce games within reasonable 2-3 year time limits and sinking sales aren't a clue as to how badly the company is being pillaged by morons from the inside, I don't know what is.

It made the series mainstream, not a new ip but suddenly an ip worth a lot of fucking money.

Hard to believe they at one point pushed out three mainline Final Fantasies + Tictacs in about a 4 year span.

who's the real claimant?

Attached: ff-tictacs.jpg (459x700, 38K)

it also isn't the 90's anymore and they aren't working on ps1s

They better be orange flavour, mint sucks.

>mint sucks
fucking psychopath

Square hasn't been good since they merged/got bought by Enix.

>give Konami a boatload of money and order them to port ZoE to new consoles
>shit talk 2016 Capcom and tell them too hurry up and make Dragon's Dogma 2
Absolutely based.

pretty much

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their last good game was rad racer

Hey now, they know exactly what they're doing thanks to very capable fortune tellers.

They can't make a god damn AAA game in less than 10 fucking years.

That's because it didn't give a fuck about following trends or changing the game. They just tried to make a good ff game

They were going to shit before the merger
The only reason it actually happened was because they got lucky with their PS2 releases

>doing well
>with XV
>doing well with a game that cost them gorillions of dollars and only hit acceptable sales after several rereleases and dozens of DLCs that sapped manpower and profits from other projects

Remember when Square was the good guy?

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>planned dlc was canceled and released as a book and anime

Based and TWEWYpilled

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Because the FFXIV devs that were working on the DLCs had to go back to work on the expansion so they didn't have the manpower for them probably. Or at least couldn't justify leeching off other departments anymore for DLC that was likely not selling very well

XV didn't sell a billion copies so they had to cut something to fund the 15 years of VII remake episode 1 development

Just goes to show what an utter clusterfuck the development of FFXV was. FFXIV 1.0 tier.

Just release 7R before dying, please.

How hard can a remake be? I didn't even realise they were remaking all the Spyro games and from what I've seen they look absolutely beautiful and stayed true.

I just know they're going to fuck it up and turn Cloud into an emo like Squall when in FFVII he was a pretty optimistic leader with thoughtful dialogue who only went edgy for a small part when he figured out his past.

DQ will live no matter what

>small part
Anyways you're already excited that it's turning into another bland XV tier action game so what the fuck do you care

>top tier gameplay
>retarded plot
>spawned the X-verse which devolved into tidus fucking dying from a blitzball bomb

Gameplay can't make up for the other 2 points

Attached: tidus_bomb.gif (402x200, 502K)

FFXIV is also legitimately good if you just play it like a JRPG and pretend your party members are AI controlled.

This here is why AAA sucks dick. Since publishers put so much money into dev and marketing, they meddle in every fucking aspect of the game, making it soulless. Devs can't do what they want and have to follow exactly what higher-ups want. Shit also gets casualized to fuck to make sure every mouthbreather can play it and win easily.

>Party members were awful
Hey man, Sazh is great.

KH3 bombed because it cost more than it sold

they were only doing good in fy2017 when XV came out

after that kh3 ate all their money

they didnt even start making them
like their scripts weren't even written yet when they were cancelled and they only got cancelled 5 months after being first announced

xv is objectively better than 9

fuck off kh shill

stop making it so obvious badonkadonk

that all made money and most of that side stuff wasnt even funded by SE but by Sony

Oh great, he’s here.

They didnt close his studio down, he left to start his own company while the 2nd in charge of the studio is now in charge and confirmed to still be making a new AAA IP for next gen which is the same game they started making when tabata started the studio in 2018

tabata even said he would hand the reigns of the new IP project to the younger stuff after a certain point like 1 month before he internally resigned and 3 montha before it was made public

it broke even on day 1
the dlc were all made from profits the game made

how is getting rid fo Baba a bad thing

see and the canceled dlc were never originally planned
they were only the bonus non canon dlc that only started being planned in 2018 then were canceled in 2018, all the actual initial planned dlc came out already before they even decided to do more

Cygames is made of ex squeenix staff. They aren't just another mobage dev.

FY2017 was SEs best year as SE financially mainly because of how well XV did.


The company is dead is XV is any indication of their game making abilities

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what are you talking about 11 is fine

their most successful single player FF ever?

just so you know FF7 cost more than XV did, and XV is selling at a better pace than 7 did, with 7 doing 6.57m in 2 years while XV did over 8.4m in under 2 years

It was officially stated XVs budget was nowhere near as high as GTAV or Destiny, GTAV budget is $265m and Destiny budget is $140m, meaning XV including marketing cost less than $140m, FF7 meanwhile cost $145m and would be $226 with inflation.

All of those numbers and the game is still shit. Color me impressed.

Nope its ranked top 5 best FF

RPGsite best FF poll with over 10k votes, XV in top 5
1: Final Fantasy VII
2: Final Fantasy IX
3: Final Fantasy VI
4: Final Fantasy X
5: Final Fantasy XV
6: Final Fantasy VIII
7: Final Fantasy XIV
8: Final Fantasy XII
9: Final Fantasy IV
10: Final Fantasy XIII
11: Final Fantasy V
12: Final Fantasy XI
13: Final Fantasy III
14: Final Fantasy II
15: Final Fantasy


Gameinformers top 300 games poll with XV in the top 5 FF games listed
270. Final Fantasy XIII (#12 ranked FF)
244. Final Fantasy III (#11 ranked FF)
235. Final Fantasy XII (#10 ranked FF)
164. Final Fantasy XIV (#9th ranked FF)
146. Final Fantasy IV (#8th ranked FF)
128. Final Fantasy XI (#7th ranked FF)
97. Final Fantasy VIII (#6th ranked FF)
51. Final Fantasy XV (#5th ranked FF)
49. Final Fantasy IX (#4th ranked FF)
33. Final Fantasy X (#3rd ranked FF)
13. Final Fantasy VI (#2nd ranked FF)
7. Final Fantasy VII (#1st ranked FF)

Game informer top 5 best games in series, XV in top 5.
>Final Fantasy
>1. Final Fantasy X
>2. Final Fantasy VII
>3. Final Fantasy VI
>4. Final Fantasy VIII
>5. Final Fantasy XV


Shirrako FF poll with 21k+ votes had XV in 1st place and top 5

Famitsu best games of Heisei era, XV again in top 5 for the FFs listed
1. Chrono Trigger
2. The Legend of Zelda: BOTW
3. NieR: Automata
4. Final Fantasy VII
5. Okami
6. The Legend of Zelda: OoT
7. Final Fantasy X
8. Pokémon R/G/B/Y
9. Dragon Quest V
10. Xenogears
11. Vainglory
12. Suikoden II
13. Mother 2
14. Splatoon 2
15. Tactics Ogre
16. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G
17. Kingdom Hearts
17. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
19. Final Fantasy XV
20. Final Fantasy XI
20. Pokémon D/P

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I really doubt that this include the whole fuckery on that 10 years.

The actual development was like 2 years and mostly to savage that shitfest that game become.

Not a SquareEnix game

>muh popularity contest
Barry, the game was a fucking mess on release and is still unfinished to this day.

Can we expect Kingdom Hearts 3 on PC?

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damn how's this nigga gonna get blown out so hard

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Ask disney not squeenix.

Who's Barry?

>popularity contest on youtube which is full of children which have probably literally ONLY played 15
You're not really this dumb, are you?

versus budget was barely anything because it was never in active full development, most shit done was by people in their spare time, and whatever shit was done cost even less than drakengard 3, barely anything from versus existed outside of some character designs and 2D artwork, and whatever assets could be kept like animations, music were kept and still used, that stuff is hardly expensive

it was accumulated that any cost for versus stuff was at most like 7-8 million

>unironically agreeing with Barry
>at all
First time here?

>t-that doesn't count
Sorry you got BTFO by sales and reception

ff7 was a mess on release and still unfinished, so is ff8, so is ff9, so is ff10, so is ff12, so is 1-6 etc

boogeyman kh fags made up

>trying this hard
Not even that big of an FF fan. I just think FF15 in particular is shit.

You know, at first I didn't believe the XVkun meme but after browsing these threads it really is true. Shame that a good series can't be discussed because of a barneyfag-tier autist.

>t-that doesn't count
guess you ignored the rest of the post because you have no argument

>Squeenix give devs nearly unlimited budget and they still can do shit on top of taking 10 years to actually do something.
>Monolithsoft get on proper schedule with lunch money and half of their staff gone.

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Stay in denial because you got btfo

Called it.

Sure thing retard
Zacks death scene wasn't even in the JP launch version of FF7, it was literally unfinished at launch

>XV-kun is STILL at it

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Only autist is the KH shill that spouts barry unironically because he can't deal with XV being successful and KH3 being trash

Again, not even that big into FF. Been trying to get into it, though. What’s the best place to start besides 15?

Fuck you guys are making me want to play it again

Should I play the mobile port?

SE made more than 3x the number of games in the last 13 years than Monolith have and all which sold more than any monolith game too

>i c-called that he would say im btfo so that means im not really btfo
Sure you did and stay BTFO

XV is the best FF since its all downhill in the other games.

I hope the company legitimately goes bankrupt so the chink government - oh, I'm sorry, a "Chinese company" - can scoop up the IP. Based Pooh.

Did you unironically find mashing one button every single fight fun?

your boogeyman doesn't exist

FIFA sells like 10x of most games on market and that still don't make it good.

Also monolithsoft don't sit their ass and keep waiting for next xeno game come, they do ton of shit on meantime since nintendo keep pushing them for something either for smaller projects or important stuff like Octo dlc on splatoon.

>Barry has been at it for 10 years
It's amazing. Even the DmCfags gave up after two months.

you tell me

Attached: 1555748728756.webm (640x360, 2.29M)

isn't this webm missing like the entire first half of the fight though?

that's a little misleading, user.

Attached: hmmmmmmmmmmm.gif (300x300, 892K)

It’s decent but nothing compares to the original DS release imo. It does have updated graphics and music but the gameplay is more downsized due to it just being on one screen.

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We're talking JRPGs not fifa you dumb fuck

also monolith have never made a good game

FF7 was unironically worse than XV though.

What about the switch ver?

When do we find out that Barry is actually Tabata himself? The guy even defended 3rd Birthday and tried to say it was the best PE game.

It's mechanically-fine, but I got about 3/4 of the way through the vanilla story before I gave up, and I never once felt engaged.

Can’t say for sure since I haven’t played it, but I’ve heard that it was based off of the mobile port. It does have new content but it basically amounts to sequel bait yet again.

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If Square Enix ever goes under, I hope another company like Nintendo or something can buy Enix and let them do their own thing like Sega has done with Atlus.

>Never made a good game.
>Have some of excellently received game under their hat.

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>but it basically amounts to sequel bait yet again.
God fucking dammit really? I was hoping for some extra shit.

Fuck guess I'm looking for my DS again fuck

>just so you know FF7 cost more than XV did
Nope, only if you're dumb enough to fall for the rebranding meme.

Why did Marvel give their game rights to them

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A lot of people give up during the shitty 2.X quests, you're not alone on that. That's legitimately the worst part of the game to the point where one of the things highest on the priority list for the devs is condensing all that bullshit into a series of cutscenes and cutting out all the bullshit

Marvel whore licenses around since forever.

How you think that Capcom VS series happened?

>That's legitimately the worst part of the game to the point where one of the things highest on the priority list for the devs is condensing all that bullshit into a series of cutscenes and cutting out all the bullshit
Except they scrapped this and just added jump potions.

The XV team in the last 13 years made XV, Crisis Core, Type0 plus did tech things like agni philosophy all with whatever devs from versus doing that before being moved
The KH3 team in the last 13 years did like 5 KH games plus KH3 and with whatever devs on versus doing that before being moved

you mean where you just hold x against the dogs?

>Except they scrapped this and just added jump potions.
It's literally in the cards for the next expansion.

Stop lying you boogeyman spouting turd

so they never made a good game
they're just code monkeys with no artistic merit

everything people like about xenoblade was by shimomura and Ace+ not fucking monolith
everything people like about XCX was by Kusanagi and Sawano, not fucking monolith
Everything people like about XB2 is by all the guest character designers on it and Mitsuda, not fucking monolith

it was officially confirmed

Versus cost barely 7m before it was cancelled and SE ate those costs in 2012
XV is confirmed to have cost less than $140m
FF7 cost $145m to $226m

Yes, confirmed that Final Fantasy XV cost less than FF7, but not Versus

See Versus was never in active development, also tabata said including versus it cost less than destiny

Not only that but they have several investments in industries outside of games like soccer(not football), acquiring big name staff from other game companies, making partnerships, and being very involved with their fans thus spreading a positive message. And while I take these sorts of things with a grain of salt, their tour of Cygames hq in Japan is pretty comfy af

Nice try Barry

The story is shit though and the pacing is horrible.

2.x might be the worst but that doesn't make the expansions great. They are just better than what the base game consists of but are still mediocre as fuck.

Dude, games get cancelled all the fucking time, you just don't usually hear about them. Maybe they just decided to stop spreading themselves out and this studio was one of the things to go.

Because the "Director" of that game was fired (or left, I don't remember) like last year.

It was just a dude walking.
How did you get good vibes from it?

its so funny how Yea Forums clearly didnt even play FFXV and talks all about this shit, its so goddamn hilarious

It doesn't take much for a simpleton

Who cares what games sell well. That’s a good indication that’s it’s probably dog shit more than anything else

The masses are brain dead

What incomprehensibly terrible lists. If you take the opinion of someone who’s responsible for these lists seriously that’s just mind blowingly sad

Marvel also gave their license to Traveler's Tales, Telltale, and whoever is developing MUA3. They just want money

uhmmm actually it does. because whichever game sells well it would the standard of whatever youre going to make next

Hey Barry.
You stupid and ffxv bad.

Did you know that dmc 2 sold better than the first one? And then dmc 3 sold less than dmc 2 and dmc 4?

you should do your research again because your statistics didnt age well. the fact that you said dmc3 sold less that 2 is laughable

looks like the new CEO is finally cleaning up house

Prove me wrong.

google is your friend my fellow user, im not your wagie that will do your bidding

My point stands then.

That sucks.

Attached: 1547396075431.jpg (850x795, 459K)

all three had the logo stupid

As stupid as it sounds, FFXV had probably the most pretentious development I have ever seen.
Yes, pretentious.

You're absolutely wrong.

Attached: 2018 4.png (1920x4296, 663K)

what the fuck is happening to all publishers?
bethesda making rage 2 what it is(fuck post apoc and fuck avalanche open world) and fo76
blizzard gone bonkers
ubisoft remastering dead game nobody wants
smaller things i'm not remembering now, suits are losing it.

>ubisoft remastering dead game nobody wants
Which one?
Also the answer mostly lies in microtransactions.

You know what? You're right. This new move is clearly an indication of FFXVs influence on Square.
They're cancelling everything, just like FFXVs content.

At least capcom got their shit together, somehow

Square Enix mismanaging their projects is nothing new


All their games are in development for decades and they constantly scrap projects. They are hemorrhaging money on dead end development costs, and when they release something it’s shit. People like to pin this on Enix, but there was literally nothing wrong with the Dragon warrior games

ff15 sunk the company, it's the new Spirits Within.

>the more buttons i push the better a game is


rent free

>the game didn't sell!?
>yeh it did
>who cares if it sold!?

im sure you think your garbage opinion means more than shit

only the non canon bonus dlc that was never initially planned for xv and hadn't even started actual dev yet was cancelled

xv saved the company
the year xv came out was se best financial year ever

kh3 sunk the company, they literally said kh3 sales couldn't offset costs aka it didnt make its money back at all, meanwhile xv broke even on day 1 and profited since

turbo cringe

>square enix is bad
biggest contrarian meme on earth atm

The FF7 remake is sucking the life out of the company. Square is pulling all it's resources into in in hopes of a big payout.

Attached: D6KGgAlWAAIXIVx-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 80K)

Square got rid of Tabata and Baba so there is some chance things can get better.

I hope they hurry up and die so Monolith can acquire the rights to Xenogears.

Literally only HW is actually good
ARR is 75% trash and StB was two identical expansion ideas hamfisted together horribly

ARR's Titan quests are inexcusable garbage in comparison to any of the post 2.0 content, even Moogle Mog I'd wager far more people give up there or just start skipping everything

SB’s story isn’t that great, but its actual gameplay content is easily better than anything before

From what I read on this thread I was wondering, did nobody liked Bravely Default/Second?

>and XV

What? They basically publicly admitted the game bombed. before release they said they needed something like 10 million sales to break even. They didn't even get close.

They burn money as much as (or more than) they make. That's not what healthy businesses do.

Some gameplay aspects were better, the new classes were fun, but they dumbed down most of the others (especially DRG and I'm still salty about that), and the new raids cannot compare to the old ones.
O3S was the only one I had real fun with, but haven't played O9+.
This, plus the fact that the game is still missing some of the features we were promised at release made me (finally) quit XIV.
The story being dogshit was just the nail in the coffin.

if this happens xenogears 2 comes out and plays like an offline MMO i'll blow my fucking brains out

They had finished to restructure the development divisions to make fucking previous 9 diviisons into 4. having 9 divisions was too much, so I guess even higher-ups could not even know and not have a control over whats going on in the company.

I think there were some events for them consider to restructure the company.

1. big flops that are games recently released: QUIET MAN, and LEFT A LIVE. the last one was a project that was lead by a former fromsoftware guy, the situation that surrounded it was very similar to where studio Istolia is put on.

2. declining of the revenue gained from smartphone gacha games. most of recent SE increasing revenue and operation income has been contributed by these smartphone titles, but the competition in mobile gaming in Japan is getting harder and harder, so the operation income is declining in that department. while SE is still being success compared to companies such as Sega, but not as much as bandai namco or any other successful mobile titles. they need to rethink the strategy, and make a new more competitive smartphone gacha games.

3. nomura and ff15 fiasco. you cant deny that nomura is not being good at keeping a schedule. and he often shows off a pseudo game play that is just a "play demo" actually composed by 3D movies. if you are boss of the company, you must keep to have a control over these "self-absorbed" creators. and you must make these employees to make a game with a more faster and efficient way.

as long as I understand, this restrcuturing, and abandone the projects that you do not expect big profits were done in order to addres these concerns.

Attached: SE_operating_income.png (1328x895, 50K)


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sorry, it was having 11 divisions and these were made into 4 since this april.

What, are you retarded? they literally said 10m for it to be a success. They broke even on day 1 destructoid.com/final-fantasy-xv-broke-even-on-launch-day-actually-417288.phtml


Imagine spending 10 years on a game while shit like tomb raider sells 5m copies while only having a 3 year development phase. They need ffxv to sell 10m so that the time invested paid off, too bad it didnt. But at least we're seeign square enix funding more mini projects like nier,dq,octopath etc etc

>KH3 bomb
>FFXV is profit

An alternate timeline?

As far as their vidya division is concerned their big money makers are xiv and mobile games.

The Last Remnant
Lightning Returns