Debuted in a spin-off

>Debuted in a spin-off
>Gets to stand side-by-side with the Mario Bros in a mainline game
>Appeared in both RPG series
>Got to be the sidekick in Toad's first solo-outing

What worked for her that didn't work for Waluigi?

Attached: Toadette.png (906x1198, 722K)

Having been created by Nintendo's favored development team.
That's literally it.

It’s called the mushroom kingdom not the Waluigi kingdom

Waluigi sucks.

Being a recolored Toad.

As a Toadettefag, I'm so happy she's getting the attention. She deserves it. Can't wait to play her in SMM2.

That's just another Toad. It takes 0 effort to put more Toads in Mario games. Why whould anyone care? They've been doing this since New Super Mario Bros Wii.
They don't use Wario or Waluigi because it would take some planning and effort to implement them, since they're a lot more unique and have more defined character.

shes cute
waluigi is a ugly boye

>Waluigi memelords lashing out at any character they perceive to be getting "undeserved" attention over their trash WAH WAH WAH reddit character

Imagine my surprise

The fact that the devs for Wario's solo games don't want anything to do with Waluigi is especially odd, though

because it's Pink Toad (Girl) that doesn't detract from Peach's role as Damsel in Distress and that's a good thing.

Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, and Toad are already cute. Give me some variety. I want a hypermasculine asshole like Wario and a lanky creep like Waluigi. All cute all the time is boring.

Not really, those devs didn't like working with other people's creations as much and they didn't create Waluigi. That's why Wario got his own series of platfotmers in the first place, they didn't want to keep making Mario games.

They needed a woman.
They didn't want to use Peach.
End of story.

Being made by EAD. Waluigi isn't even from a game made by Nintendo.

Being a female character that wasn't a princess, and not having an identity based around being the opposite of another character.


>not having an identity based around being the opposite of another character

But shes just rule 63 Toad

Miyamoto hates Waluigi, because he hates Wario. Wario is a mockery of his creation and he’s a sperg so he only acknowledges the character in spinoffs and refuses to add in WW characters or Captain Syrup into spinoffs. Waluigi is forever tied to Wario so until he gets over Wario’s existence (which is unlikely) we won’t see Waluigi in any major role. Also Waluigi’s a shitty character

She's just Toad though.

Very cute. Especially 16 bit Toadette.

>he hates wario
citation needed

Waluigi is the red headed step child of Mario games. Funny given even Daisy is more accepted.

Omg I love Toad and Toadette! They're so funny and kawaii!

Also, as a middle class person not in the 1%, I can relate to them because they're Peach's servants and I'm a servant to the 1%

Seems like more of a calculated business decision than a creative decision and that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. I like her in Mario Kart though.