Forget it, boss... It's VTMB Thread

Forget it, boss... It's VTMB Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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so ventrue and gangrel next?

I'll suffer any mental issues if I can be embraced by her.

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I hate that faggot so fucking much. Tick tock.

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How many bloodlines were there at launch?

Imagine if tremeres finally gave up on their denial of being discount tzimisce and decided to add vicissitude to their discipline set

This man did nothing wrong, whether you like it or not

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>Jeanette wouldn't be allowed in Bloodlines if the first game was being made today

I'm going to keep posting this until somebody but me finds it funny

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yo i heard someone in this thread say you cant be a vampire a muslim and a gay explain yourselves

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ahh whats wrong "boss", little old gary getting you down?


I chuckled

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daily reminder that tzimisce are the best everything

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The only non-cringe clans are nosferatu and tremere.

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I actually do fellow nosbro for few threads now

The fact this actually points out Islam hates gay people so him being both is a contradiction gives me hope this isn't as bad as people think it is.

y tho. manic pixie is still in vogue.

>implying they can
>implying they want to become Tzimisce flesh puppets anyway

Her outfit is in the deluxe editions of 2, tard

>not even a Bloodlines related one

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>ugly people pick the pretty clan
Its just like elf fans

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Tzimsce bros ww@

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Cause she was raped as a kid, and you know how those types feel about having rape in media.
Ok? Doesn't contradict what I said, retard.

why are all the hardcore VTM fans such megaspergs?

>Implying they aren't by now

>state mental illness will be taken soft approach
>brujah revealed first

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ok retard

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>watch the brujah trailer
>physically cringe
holy crap


>tfw Gangrel
>tfw part of the same clan as this faggot
At least we got based Beckett.

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Madness network sounds fun anyway

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Is there a [laughing girls] vtmb edit? Maybe Jeanette and Therese?

Anything with vampires tends to have an autistic fanbase.
Not only does this have that but it openly indulges in its edgy aspects as well unlike something like Twilight.

This is basically the video game version of Invader Zim

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>this was developed alongside the game

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this is when it helps to be lone wolf archetypes.


and whats your point? That's character dialogue.

He's no longer canon, you fucking shithead. Delete this!

Because it's a fucking tabletop, what do you expect?

People say that as if it's bad but maybe it means all the retards were distracted with 5V and non-retards did the game

tzimisce more like SHITmisce
imagine having the shittiest clan weakness

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imagine being embraced while looking like this

Imagine being a tremerefag

On that note, how does weight/muscle growth work as a Kindred?
Are you basically stuck with whatever body you had when embraced?

Better make friends with a tzimisce and hope he doesn't give you a giant futa horse cock for shits and giggles


I like Tzimisce but I think Andre's been givng them a bad rep. I mean, I can stomach them looking like 1950s B-movie aliens since muh beauty standards and all, but that house in Hollywood (you know, with the tape and geodudes) was just in bad taste.

Just because you can fleshcraft shit into a chair doesn't mean you should, right? I mean for fucks sake, that house had fucking ceiling tumors.


>On that note, how does weight/muscle growth work as a Kindred?
It doesn't. Part of the curse is looking exactly the same as when you were embraced forever. You could still shave or something when you wake up but the next night you'll be right back where you were.

Andrei isn't the only Tzimisce to do that.

nosferatu better be playable, all other VTMB1 clans are shit.

Best clan

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So before I get embraced I should hit the gym a few months? Or does that not play any role regarding my physical strength later?

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Will they have all types of brujah or only left leaning ones?

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what the fuck is this

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Don't worry that faggots in Copenhagen.

A terrible character

Someone posted a skin head brujah
I wonder what the ratio is though

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We're going home bros...

How's your blood bonds treating you?
At least based Rik will give us a god-tier soundtrack

Wait, holy shit, is this a mod?

The Danes have enough problems already.

>So before I get embraced I should hit the gym a few months?
If you don't want to be a fat blob for the rest of eternity, then yes.
>does that not play any role regarding my physical strength later?
Yes, embrace just freezes your appearance.

>collect a coffee can of dirt from your special place
wow that was hard

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I hope they'll include at least one Hellene

From the game or just the lore?

I mean the biker dude on their website kind of looks like an asshole.

Yeah it's in the Clan Quest Mod, not sure if it's in any others

>Just because you can fleshcraft shit into a chair doesn't mean you should, right?
I'm sure there are some bro-tier Tzimsce out there. I might have to pick up some of the PnP books to see if there's anything on how higher gen Tzimsce act since Andrei seemed like he was a bit older and full on Slav-Dracula.

Still might be fun to fleshcraft a guy who's been a huge dick to you into a living chair though.

Should have picked Toreador, eh?

How bad are they going to fuck with Gangrel in Bloodlines 2?

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>hunter finds your dirt
oh no!

not at all
because they ain't in

wtf is wrong with her back

>back status = all fucked up

What the actual fuck... it's so creepy.

If a hunter knows enough about your clan to know your clan weakness, and how to get into your lair to fuck with your dirt in order to exploit your weakness, then I think you've got a lot bigger problems than just needing more dirt.

They are dlc so nosferatu can be playable

Joke's on him, that was a bait can filled with actual coffee. I keep the real dirt in the mayonnaise jar.

Hey, fuck you, asshole. I've had that pic on my HDD for like six years waiting for a good occasion and then I get a duplicate image error because of you.

jesus christ stop


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Sew it into a buckwheat pillow or something. I treat it like a surreptitious phylactery.
It helps if you put a bunch of irrelevant dirt everywhere, I find.

They use it or they don't, who cares? The Eldest will collect what is owed regardless.

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all clan weakness are in a tome somewhere in the Vatican library, neonate

How is a kindred clan and Garou are even related?

'ate pretties
'ate torries
'ate NSA
love me rats
love me sewahs
love me computa
simple as

Before Rudi we had Fatima, who is also gay and muslim so

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damn, bozo the clown looks like that

grimy aesthetic games based in the early 00's were truly, truly the best

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Dumb ratsucker

as a fellow ant I have to agree

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Ennoia it's a myth, they're not


to this day, i use Sunrise as a password
but smashthestate also

wtf why are these gangrels breaking the masquerade


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Why is she risking the masquerade??

I seriously hope none of you are doing a social run for your first playthrough.

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Here is a less goofy picture.

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Toreador clan got JUSTed, any hope for the new game at all now?

vampires aren't gay or straight. old writers understood this

Of course I am

sry image fucked up


VTM and Deus Ex are the only games that got the grimy ~2002-2004 aesthetic properly. Postal also rang a bell but it's a comedy game

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Vlad in old clan Tzimisce, not a reddit meme tzimisce.


pic related

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>literally the pajeet of vampire clans
>imagine your clan weakness is literally made up of decompose shit
what an embarrassment to vampires in every medium. Lie on the floor and turns to shit since its the only thing you're good at, you discounted cenobite

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>that spoiler
fite me fggt

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Just the lore.
Though I do wonder if they'll have the balls to include any skin heads

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you seem to be playing mindtricks on yourself faggot
noone cares, keep grasping at straws

There's literally nothing wrong with opening it

Fatima is pretty cool in all honesty.

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>a-aah, hunter-chan, hands off my dirt!
>W-what are you doing?

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if you like to be fucked in the ass then sure

>you discounted cenobite
why you gotta do 'em like that

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>>literally the pajeet of vampire clans
ravnos tho

someone source me the article/tweet where Cara Ellison says VTMB was a male power fantasy. i can't find it

So comfy

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>risking the masquerade
In what way?

excuse you? that is not allowed anymore

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By filming footage of her feeding. I.E. Creating video evidence.


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every discipline has social elements/use apparently

or you could just stay in your hometown

Recording the moment in which she's drinking another person's blood through their neck?


Next week who's it gonna be lads?

Brujah or Ventrue?

About to play a run where I actually finish the game.

fun fact, did you know this was added after the v5 preview was accused of having fascist undertones, such as a 1-4-8-8 example dice roll

the daddy clan

Brujah to power through combat sections


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Because it's fucking ART, god why don't you understand how I'm a deep and brooding artist?
t. every toreafag

They could do old school skinheads that aren't just about racist stuff.

L-L-Lasombros, i-i-i-it's us, right? R-right?

No. There will be social, combat and exploration uses for disciplines, and they aim for every discipline to cover two of those. Combat/exploration is a thing, in fact, all the thin blood disciplines seem to have no social component to them.

>ywn cuddle with a fellow Yea Forumsampire on a rainy night while bitching about the Prince being a retard and fondly reminiscing about telling Patty to go to the blood bank and the madwoman actually doing it

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What is it with skinny, pale, long limbed creatures that lope around innawoods that is so unsettling?

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The game has best atmosphere. I'm hoping 2 has urban environments just as good

There is no way they won't include nosferatu on launch when they're the stealth clan.

vampires don't have sex nor do they feel sexual arousal. what they feel is physical attraction based on the person's blood, and vampires can have lovers with whom they share blood erotically, but none of them ever end up preferring one gender or the other as their gender is just a meaningless bit of vestigial anatomy that can no longer create life

therefore you can say fatima shared blood erotically with her lover who was once a human female but she is by no means a "lesbian" by even the most stipulative definition of the term

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>tfw 2 won't have a quest where commies bujah and nazi brujah are about to have some big street brawl and you can choose either side or try to take them all on alone

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Attached: ventrue daddy.webm (1920x1080, 2.34M)

don't kid yourselves, the concept art clearly indicates it's going to be Ventrue


so all clans will be good at stealth or is it part of exploration?

Brujah if you want easier combat, Ventrue for easier social. Or you could play non-shitter clans like the gangrel and malks.

oh boy here we go

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Ventrue, obviously. Start off as LaCroix's lapdog but slowly overpower him and then open it. It's literally the canon choice.

It's as simple as the fact the movement is more animal like, not to mention on a deep level you know it's not normal for humans to move in such way, so if they're doing it they must have something wrong with them.

Natural fear of the Wendigo.

>hard copy video from a camcorder
you'd have to be a real cock up to let that break the Masquerade
Its not like she's streaming it to twitch or something

>4th option to bring them together against the big brother
They could easily pull off having the punk kind of skinhead in the game without triggering people.

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Because it's familiar but inherently wrong, and the human brain automatically locks on to things that it deems out of the ordinary.

you'll be good at stealth if you put points in stealth

he's so dreamy

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Yes, every clan will be perfect stealth archers.
Jokes aside, it eventually depends on your thinblood discipline choice I guess. If you were to choose Mentalism and Brujah, I doubt you would have much "stealth" use.

Based bald black man not following the faggotry

wow that makes me so hype :)


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>Bottom left

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There is some creepypasta that goes along the lines how fear of certain thing in an inherited trait from a primordial time, and how things we universally find unsettling, like pale lanky creatures roaming around in the dark woods, is the product of things that hunted our ancestors before the advent of society, when everyone huddled around the fire in the dark of the night.

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I want a ventrue daddy to finance my weapons

The tremere powers honestly look super boring.
Hopefully the brujah fist of caine ability breaks down walls similar to deus ex.

>huge legs
>runs on all fours and fucks up the back
I bet the garou are behind this.
That 4 limbs agility on the dude though, holy shit.

Do vampires suck each others' vitae for fun?

fuck bros youre making me consider ventrue

It's generally seen as taboo

I keep seeing big floating eye balls in the reflection at the end.

I want to rub my dick on Ventrue daddy's $8000 artisanal Italian suit

>2. The only good Communist is a dead one, and you're undead, 'comrade'
>4.Let me tell you about the (((Antediluvians)))

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Eww, you are doing the devil may cry thread thing.

>do vampires diablerize each other for fun

Ventrue are for punching and kicking.

what about the ventrue cursed with drinking only other ventrue

Speak for yourself.

based & daddypilled

no thats toreador

Why not both?

>tourists in my VtMB thread

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youre onto something

Are you new here?

Probably gets put down or kills himself.

will this game have a boob slider

I'll suck you dry, newfriend.

>discounted cenobite
So, in order to summon him you solve a crossword instead of a puzzle box?

>tfw ventrue cursed with only liking blood from meth heads
>tfw king of the trailer park
fuck all y'all posh niggers

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Are the Gangrel confirmed for DLC?

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Diablerie isn't the same thing as just drinking blood from another vampire.


>Not being Toreador chad
>Not banging chicks

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What's this bitch doing outside in daylight?


Since that clan in particular can morph their bodies however they please, couldn't you just construct your own personal organic bladder inside your body just to contain some of your special dirt in your innards?

>being a vampire so shit you stop being a vampire

Barbecuing for the forth

>tfw Ventrue cursed with needing blood from someone who's my gf
>frenzy and collapse into torpor

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Is he /ourguy/?

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toreador and some others do bang mortals but this is largely utility and otherwise considered perverse.

it's like fucking your cat to keep it from running away

>being an impotent Nosferatu
End your no-life


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Just dominate

Why couldn't I just made him my bitch as i ruled over LA

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Will this game have any fucking humor at all?

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>fucking your cat to keep it from running away
that's hot

thats some hardcore mental gymnastics bro, why dont you go suck some more cock

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Toreador can fall in love with humans and other vampires plus they fuck
Best Clan to play as classic Dracula

>implying any of the fatasses here would survive a tzimisce embrace

why wouldnt it, Mitsoda is writing

you shills really don't know the source material huh


>The tranny Tzimisce

fucking gary is such a cunt
least ugly of the nosferatu acts like he's a scary sumbitch
what a smug bastard

A big part of writing jokes is making them with your friends/the people around you. Ellison and co. don't seem the most open to humor.


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>final death from embrace
>unlive from embrace and become a tzimisce
it's a win/win in my opinion

Best Bloodlines girl coming thru.

Don't thin so. Are the old VAs coming back? I want to see DiMaggio as Jack one more time.

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Reminder to NOT preorder.
If you have, cancel it.

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Fat Larry would unironically be the best choice to bring over to 2. Traveling salesmen.

Gary's voice doesnt fit him. The David Beckham of vampires.

>Toreador so often fall in love with mortals and other vampires.
Read something about VTM lore you faggot

i smell seething virgin projection, so thats why you like toreador huh
makes sense

lurk more newfag

Ellison and co? isn't it only three people (Mitsoda, Ellison, Avellone)
also Ellison seems fine desu

>implying you would ever catch the attention of a tzimisce

>Will this game have any fucking humor at all?
Humor? Yes
Jokes about traps and fatsos? Nope

B-b-but the hype threads told me its going to be EXACTLY like BL1 and even better!

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>Voerman Family Portrait
Wait, I fucking want that

you should have got a marketing package that explained all this, s m h m8

>implying I'm not making flesh furniture right now out of children skin as a gift
cum on step it up

What sort of a fucking retard would pre-order in this day and age, let alone when Parashit is publishing?

a hunter is on his way right now

n-nothing to see here sir I'm just a traveling taxidermist

Wait for modders to bring it to you. If the haven really is costumizable I suppose there will be plenty of furnishing mods.

Doubt it, how do you make fun of people in 2020 without triggering someone?

he's definitely not bad.

I found the streams surprisingly enjoyable because of him. He seems to really like and understand the vtm universe, as far as I can tell as a lorelet at least.

Oh I'm definitely pirating, so I'm sure I'll get all that preorder shit regardless.
I actually thought that was REAL stuff, not in-game, I'm a dummy.

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It's okay if they're White, straight and biologically and emotionally male.

who is he?
whats he do?

one of the game's producers
just check out the stream vods for vtmb2

I got an itch anons
anyone got any good reading material I can have fun with to pass the time

Do you not watch the clan reveal streams user?

I can hook you up with some Sonichu if you want

I'm scared it'll depress me

basically what said, but I think I read somewhere maybe in one of the guidebooks that you get slightly skinnier after being embraced, but don't quote me on that. Even if it is true it's only a little bit, you wouldn't go from being a hambeast to skelly after being turned.
>You could still shave or something when you wake up but the next night you'll be right back where you were.
If you're technically "dead", wouldn't it be more like if you shave/cut your hair it would just never grow back again?

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>all these lesser clans getting mad at the superior Tzimisce Chads in this thread dabbing on Camarilla sissy's and virgin Anarchs

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Would a stealthy brujah be dumb?

>If you're technically "dead", wouldn't it be more like if you shave/cut your hair it would just never grow back again?
Undead with extreme regeneration dude. If you can heal cuts and lost limbs, you can grow back hair.

>If you're technically "dead", wouldn't it be more like if you shave/cut your hair it would just never grow back again?
It's magic son. Your hair only grows to make you look like you did at your embrace every day while you sleep. There's no science behind, it's just how it works.

They're built more for direct combat but Celerity can still be useful for sneaking

>*gets eaten by Antediluvian*

>Starting to bald
Please god embrace me RIGHT NOW

There's absolutely nothing wrong with them. The one dude has a weird haircut, which is probably reason enough for 50% of Yea Forumstards to turn of the stream and scream SJW!!! but they are both actually just two guys who like vtmb and talk about the different clans. They also answer some questions every stream, though most of the time not the ones that are actually interesting.

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>all these washed up Nosferatus LARPing as Tzimisce

If you're not

>waiting at least two weeks
>reading several reviews
>at most buying the base game
>pirating all the DLC

You are simply doing it wrong and don't know how Paradox works.

>gets embraced by nosferatu

The breaking down wall thing looks like it would be great for creating more paths for sneaking too.



Well I guess I have superpowers at least

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>she's probably lactating

Well the thing is Tzimisce aren't like that automatically like Nosferatu, most of them choose to JUST themselves because they get obsessed with fleshcrafting and pushing their abilities. Also Tzimisce are largely Sabbat and Andrei in particular is a fanatic, so it makes sense for him to do fucked up depraved shit like that. But I think the stereotype of lots of Tzimisce doing that fucked up stuff is because it's the most popular/interesting, same with lots of people automatically going for fishmalk Malkavians. I dunno if there are Camarilla Tzimisce but I think there are Independent ones, those ones are probably less fucked up.

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With Vicissitude couldn't you just always have five dots in appearance if you wanted?

I usually like small boobs/flat chest but that seems like too much, top of her chest is kinda weirdly shaped. Like she has a negative chest or something

>brujah have an ability that is totally not typhoon from DE:HR

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Possible that they're not a woman, user

>vampires don't have sex nor do they feel sexual arousal.
Is this pasta? I feel like I've read this all before.

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Sasha Vykos has Appearance 7

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Only if you're really skilled in it. Otherwise you just look inhuman.

>I'll take thirty, staked for the sun and placed on the ramparts.
Maybe those pajeets are alright.

Sure, but Tzimische get bored of just looking beautiful, they want to leave humanity behind.

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Would vamps just be another type of demon in DMC?

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Ventrue only.
Rat drinkers not allowed.
Ugly Nosferatu and retarded Malkavians especially not.

How the fuck did the inquisition even kill vampires? Did they just go around at high noon kicking doors down and anyone hanging out in the house would just get staked?

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fuck off, nigger. Keep your daily smash threads

The eye color doesn't match, retard.

Obsessed: Smash trash should also fuck off from this board and pseudo-generals belong to

Ventrue & Nosferatu in 14 days.

>different eye color
>different hair color
>one is ghoul and poster guy is not
>one isn't suit guy while poster guy is suit guy

would simply not survive there.

true faith + fire + daylight
also elders were pretty content to let lower gen vamps die off in order to satisfy the Inquisition and preserve the Masquerade writ large

Alright we give up, go make a thread there and everyone will follow you

We've already agreed that poster guy isn't any old character (or Dale) and that he's antitribu Toreador.
t. end

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That and fire, yeah. Elder vamps tended to sacrifice their childer to the Inquisition so they could go unnoticed, also.

>antitribu Toreador
kinda neat desu

Can a child survive the embrace? Asking for a friend.

>and that he's antitribu Toreador.
Only contrarians and desperate Toreadorfags agreed to that because they can't stand that Malks might be on the cover, again.

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Not having a reflection sounds like such an advantage in the modern day

Attached: Masquerade Violation.webm (638x428, 2.32M)

Antitribu Toreador sounds and is way cooler concept for someone like him than le churazy ebin memes XDDD shit.

Yes, but it's basically always been considered a bad thing to do; if you're non-Sabbat especially, expect to get a blood hunt called and have both you and the child killed.

Is the mirror actually a screen playing pre-recorded footage of the two women?

yes, but most everyone frowns upon it, its not even that common among the Sabbat clans

See, the thing is, you wouldn't be able to capture that black woman on camera either.

>le churazy ebin memes XDDD
Only your Malk was like that in the game. Neither Therese/Jeanette, nor Grout were fish malks.


twins on both sides of mirror

Its actually glass and 2 pairs of twins

I think it's a massive disadvantage in the surveillance era with the SI breathing down vamp necks. Anyone with a camera can out you. I'm pretty sure it's part of the reason Lasombra are joining the Cam.


Is that actually how it works in WoD?

hey it's that guy! i remember cooking his fag ass with the flamethrower. good times

fuck off back to your cheeki breeki hole

Point remains that insanity is overrated concept when it comes to Malkavians.
>Oh, look. Deranged dude that likes to kill people with a cleaver and is grinning about it and happens to be a Malkavian. Such novelty has never been seen before.

Besides, why the hell would Malkavians be on the cover, AGAIN? I have nothing against Malkavians, but it would be retarded to have them on the main cover, twice!

Only for the Lasombra clan

Is that shit preorder exclusive?

knowing paradox theyll let you buy it later

>trying to force on-topic discussion to /vg/hetto when the game isn't even out yet

Fuck you too. Not enough room for eceleb and waifu threads on Yea Forums?

Can't call anyone crackhead if you don't want to offend drug victims
Can't call anyone skin diseased or you'll offend the medically impaired
Can't used test-tube baby as a derogatory term since we have unironic test-tube adults running around now
Can't have a character like Fat Larry for obvious reasons
Can't tell someone to use soap or you'll offend Smash Bros. players

It's all fucked either way.

Attached: fuck.gif (700x526, 104K)

Both of you go and makeout in the corner.
Guy on the cover is thin blood.

I know it's nothing, but I was disappointed of the "poster girl" for Toreadors. Her frame and all. The women in the trailer seemed to be curvy and dressed in a sexy dress. Lou is amazingly curvy and hot looking ALSO in a delicate dress.
I was kind of alienated with the female in the pic that they chose for Toreador.

Attached: toreador.png (678x720, 229K)

I wonder if the game will feature sliders or have a couple of presets that you'll choose from.

Attached: Lou.webm (1920x1080, 2.78M)

Real clans get on covers, only.

>I was kind of alienated
Fuck off whale.

is there a pastebin for first time players and what mods to install? sorry if this gets asked 1000 times

>tfw installed Unofficial Patch+

It will have sliders.
gender sliders

Dale's cute

Attached: 1558039600455m.jpg (1024x577, 39K)

fuck off with your crackhead skin diseased test tube baby looking ass

I honestly can't stop watching the dumb fucking look on the pianist's face. It's great

This would have been funny a few years ago

Did I trigger you or something nigger?

No need for a pastebin, there are no mods required. Just get the unofficial patch (not the unofficial patch +) and you're good to go

someone's making it iirc. and he said he was going to post in on /vg/ when its ready (there's a thread there now)

>creating a general when the game isn't even out yet

>he thinks that Andrei actually died
Andrei played 4D chess with the player by fleshcrafting a decoy that only resembled Andrei. Because he knew that something was wrong when the Fledgling was spiking in power levels constantly.

Attached: 1555019731203.jpg (494x490, 63K)

Dale looks like an absolute bro

FUCK Leeches.

Attached: chuckling garou.gif (250x188, 832K)

No, the most relevant get on the cover.
Redemption had a protagonist who was Brujah on the cover.
Bloodlines had a Jeanette that was the most important character during the first section of the game.
Thin bloods are the most relevant guys during the first section of the 2nd game. It's not a brainer as such. The guy on the poster is thin blood.

If you want to bitch about thin blood being on a cover, then bitch at developers who are forcing said thin bloods plot down our throats in this game.

It's possible they're not female.

How do you even pronounce Tzimisce?

Fat people disgust me.
Make sure to get this. Install its basic version, plus version introduces some cut content but there's a reason why they are cut. You can enable anti-aliasing and anisoptric filtering through your driver settings, which I highly recommend. Aside from that you don't really need anything. Enjoy user.

Attached: ISOLATED3.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

thanks. always wanted to play this game but heard you had to mod it to be stable on modern pc’s

Jeanette was on because she was eyecandy don't try and spin it otherwise.

Pic related is all you're getting, neon8. Wesp's unofficial patch is all you need.

Variety is the spice of unlife. Not everything has to be a tit monster.

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Ay vey goyim, you can totally trust me.

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>having multiple daily threads on Yea Forums when the game isnt even out yet


Attached: VTMB guide.jpg (1680x3175, 3.12M)

Dale doesn't have a jew nose you fucking retard

Well, the guy on the cover isn't an eye-candy. At least not to the straight male.
So, there needs to be a more logical reason for them picking THAT character for their main guy for 2 because his sex appeal certainly isn't.

Exactly this. I loved the first game and am still (as of now) hyped for this but trust no developers. Paradox is very suspect.

t. 1,400 hours in CKII

How have you not killed yourself yet then?


>he didn't take the hand

Click that listen button

zi me sheh


move retards

>not wanting cleaver shoved up your ass

Attached: Faggot.jpg (338x498, 55K)


Edgy fags

Nah, more like chee (ch-sound like in "China") me (english me) seh.

its not comfy there.

How about no

Attached: 1558006336498.jpg (310x400, 20K)

Her Romanian friends apparently pronounce it differently.

make me, cunt

I'm scared to go. Don't push me faggot.

toreador and venture sound cool. rec for a first run?

its time to leave Yea Forums

>WoD weirdos

It isn't

>self moderating jackass thinks anyone will comply
fuck off

I think the idea is that he is the game's jack, although much less powerful, being a hikki thinblood.

Toreador for guns, Ventrue for melee, both have strong social as well so they're good for a first time

Yeah they're both good for a first time.

Attached: 1557956714115.gif (400x300, 152K)

Both are great first picks. Do you want to go VERY fast or be fucking invincible?


See and make up your mind.


Attached: Excuse me.png (868x300, 32K)

Toreadors are the ultimate chads.

I can't wait for my junkie roommate to try and fuck me over.

Oh fuck did you just cast some kind of Gypsy curse on that nigga?

vampires don't do drugs silly

Everyone in the vid besides the Martin Ericcson guy seem okay. That guy seems kinda tryhard.

>we have unironic test-tube adults running around now

Pretty sure that's Malkavian. Or even a Gangrel.

All right hemorrhoid face.

Yeah, good thing he has no authority over the franchise. That'd suck

Will he die brutally a third in the game? Or is he hiding his power level?

Why is there no vampire hunter faction in this fucking game man? What if I want to slaughter vampires like FUCKING PIGS?


Kindred do fall in love, though. And no, that isn't exclusive to Toredors

Then play a different game
>post 1:50

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Here's the real question -

Are they changing the gameplay so the first DLC is Malkavian by giving themselves more time with the writing, or are they changing the gameplay so the first DLC is Nosferatu. Because clearly Venture are going to be announced last and we're either getting Malks or Nossies. I'm going with Nossies first and Malks as the first or second DLC to see how stats impact the game so 4th wall dialogue can be added "Oh like I just rush in like a Brujah!" if the Brujah are the most picked clan, etc. Maybe Gangrel will be first DLC considering it's named after wolf shit.

play hunter then. this is the vampire series.

Attached: hunter reckoning.jpg (316x445, 37K)

All vampires are vitae junkies.

Humans do and it affects their blood. Doesn't seem like too much of a stretch to assume that in turn affects vampires who drink that blood.

If the last clan is Ventrue then I'll go for a classic vanilla run as a Toreador to test the waters and serve Mommy.
If the last clan is something like Lasombra (DOUBT IT) then I'll go with that instead.

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It's a bad guy during the intro. You pick either male or female. Whoever you don't chose gets butchered by him.

By that logic humans are oxygen junkies


Attached: Home.gif (637x358, 2.48M)

Not in the same way. They don't get secondhand high. Drugged blood just tastes like shit

Shitty Santa Monica apartment


Attached: panic.webm (888x500, 103K)

Ventrue is next, mystery clan is last.

Bullshit, but it's the one I can see happening.

Attached: tumblr_oufoagDi3t1wovakwo1_500.gif (500x245, 1008K)

Well, I tried.
Does that work the same way for thinbloods too?

In V5 lore Asylum is now an international chain brand. Wonder if we'll see one in Seattle.

>Martin Ericsson, lead storyteller at White Wolf

Are the streams themselves worth watching for bits of information or not

Why are these SO comfy lads?

Attached: pier by night.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Atleast it was until La Croix fucked everything up.

>People flipping their absolute shit when this song came on for like 5 seconds before the B L O O D L I N E S 2 announcement

It captures the Bloodlines aesthetic so perfectly, it's like people already knew what was gonna go down at that Tender event.

Attached: 4c1.png (300x300, 135K)

Shit man, I'm playing as we speak and just got the Downtown apartment. Already feels like I fucked up. The place is nice but it's not nearly as cozy. I also did noclip shit here earlier so now all the chairs and trashcans are half stuck in the floor.

Rik is the one person we can rely on to not fuck this up. The jews at Paradox and the literal whos developing this game have me worried.

Nah that's a memory leak. Fully close the game and open it back up

>I also did noclip shit here earlier so now all the chairs and trashcans are half stuck in the floor.
Did you try restarting the game? There's a bug with props if the game has been running for a few hours, but it goes away with a restart.

>enter downtown apartment
>invisible furniture fucking everywhere keeping me from moving
>just trying to get to the computer please game door stuck
>finally get upstairs
>the desk has somehow copied itself and formed some sort of tesseract
>dining room table chairs flying all over the goddamn place

Yes, if you don't want to hear the stuff about the clans just skip to he Q&A parts at the end.

The same lead writer from the first game is working on it you idiot. Avellone too but I know he's not as popular here any more.

It hadn't stopped me from doing anything so I didn't bother troubleshooting or anything yet. Thanks for the heads up tho.

>do the Elizabeth Dane mission flawlessly
>dont join the Anarchs
>Lacroix never gives me the apartment key
What the fuck is up?

>it's like people already knew what was gonna go down at that Tender event.
Well yeah. Everybody did because of how obvious the entire buildup was.

Did you shit talk him? He won't give it to you if you don't suck his cock

Did you ever sass him?

didn't say "Yes sir" enough times, probably, when reporting missions and getting assignments from him.

>tfw trees start growing through the floorboards in your downtown apartment

Attached: 1551850918574.jpg (850x1200, 58K)

>kiss his ass
>dont be a nossie or tremere

You get it even if you join the Anarchs. Just brown nose him and don't be a Tremere or Nos

you can lose the apartment key? then again I was a Ventrue

Attached: 1445732983490.jpg (281x350, 15K)

>tfw in the past three days I've done nothing else than reading and shitposting in these threads

Attached: 1520595312877.png (356x287, 92K)

I was pretty even handed all the way through, but it might be possible I set him off days ago and don't remember it

>notice the lovely new dining set now in my fishtank

You were not worthy, childe.

Attached: 1557883363323.jpg (510x662, 59K)

You don't get it if you talk shit to him a lot. If he ever uses dominate on you you're well past fucked on that front.

who would blood bond themselves for fun?

fuck you too? except for me it was another desk tesseract

fuck off asshole, its going to be real fun when i fuck you up later

He gave me the key after the Museum mission

why is that image so creepy?

really? I wanted to join the anarachs this run. Can I put off turning in the plaguebearer quest until after the museum and see if he gives it to me then?

imagine when the game finaly comes out

Attached: 1545271740596.jpg (499x643, 72K)

You get the apartment even if you're an Anarch since "being an Anarch" in the game is just being a double agent.

How will you cope when they reveal it will take another 2-3 years to finish the game?

>three days
>game was announced months ago
Step up

Fine, as long as the product is quality I won't mind at all

I would probably kill myself

>Q1 2020 is 4 years away

Attached: 1529348157922.png (1280x720, 837K)

I googled it when I didnt get the apartment and it said I cant get it if I sign up with the Anarchs. So I reloaded an old save and still got nothing. I know on other playthroughs I was locked out because I was Tremere or whatever but this tiem I cant think of what I did wrong

She’s pregnant and it only makes me harder

I wanted a boss fight

Attached: q3JCtH1NlS5kuu0OXW2iwoblYBBOD-xSC0qtp83XK-0.png (800x600, 597K)

I just want my escapism with no current day politics
Why is that so hard

I assume you can wait. Just ace the Museum

>that blood meter

Attached: Vomoh shuvuu.png (675x675, 558K)

Eh, wouldn't really be a fight, more like a one-sided beat down.

That'd be neat, but let us be realistic here.
If they wanted Toreador on the cover then they would just put Lou on the cover instead, since she seems to be the main character for Toreadors. Ventrue got their guy. Whoever guy on the cover is... he's not a Toreador or Ventrue for sure. Considering that mystery room was featured as the main room in the trailer and how that guy is the main poster boy, it's obvious he's the same clan that "mystery" clan (Malkavian) is.

Can someone explain to me how I killed LaCroix by the elevator but then he's up in the penthouse?

These are the final days before this game is ruined forever by normalfags getting a hold of it en masse.

In many ways, Paracucks opened the Sarcophagus and has caused our own Gehenna.

LaCroyx only has domination and social skills, neonate

Implying Lou wont be another fakeout malkavian

Were't saying that when the original came out tbqh

>having face blindness
It was a security/swat guy that LaCroix was using dominate to speak through

It's not him, he was speaking through a guard with dominate.

Idk why the guard model was so similar to him

She was in the similar room that is now confirmed haven for Toreadors. So, nope. She's Toreador.

>implying Lou's true identity isn't something entirely different

Attached: latest[1].png (555x566, 154K)

>first time playing a ventrue
>put points in fortitude
>become a fucking powerhouse
blew me the fuck away, it's ez mode

What a fag

Attached: 1463905278057.png (500x375, 236K)

>Jeanette was in a club she's a Toreador

>If they wanted Toreador on the cover then they would just put Lou on the cover instead, since she seems to be the main character for Toreadors.
This. Poster guy isn't /ourguy/, sadly.
Malkavians seem to be the most obvious choice for seemingly deranged guy though. I still hope that last haven will have twist clan instead of obvious Malkavians.

Attached: 155402478214782.jpg (1568x1589, 123K)

Whats the deal with his bodyguard? Gangrel?

Right. Fortitude 5 will literally ignore all the final bosses attacks, and scrubs can come at you with a whole gang and won't break through..

I don't know, putting your points into social disciplines and then getting yourself a Tzimisce bodyguard seems pretty smart to me.

Some sort of Tzimice experiment

Jeanette never looked like a Toreador, nor she was in a place that was meant to be Toreador oriented.
Lou was literally in the place that is similar to haven meant for Toreadors.

potentially a Nagloper.

Pretty sure he was just an ancient Gangrel from Africa

yeah. i don't play the tabletop game but Malleable Visage is a 1dot ability. but tzimisce are usually weirdos and like to look like jackasses. there are some that beautify themselves though.


So he talked the sheriff into becoming his guard?


>trashy slut that still sleeps around with kine after being embraced
looks pretty Toreador to me, and you cant honestly tell me that clubs arent a Toreador oriented location

Wtf? I remember playing Antitribu as a Tzimisce about a year ago. Never fought LaCroix directly only his usual goon.

No one knows exactly. But I think that's likely, yeah. Maybe he had some way of blackmailing him too, who knows.

what clan are you?

>you cant honestly tell me that clubs arent a Toreador oriented location
The place is called Asylum and it's ran by twin clown sisters user.

>fictional club has a dumb name
Therese is a businesslike vampire that is heavily invested into the local art scene. The player is clearly not supposed to immediately think that the 2 twins are just 1 nutter malkavian when they first encounter them

Umm... Didn't they say that they'd be more careful with mental illnesses and shit in this game when it comes to malks? Why in the hell would they have main malk character be THIS guy? Isn't this the opposite of what they said?

Attached: image_vampire_the_masquerade_bloodlines_2-40121-4222_0001-min.jpg (6000x6000, 2.32M)

On what the fuck is he sitting on?

Metal girder on the Ferris Wheel?

Ferris Wheel


a ferris wheel

Attached: vampire-the-masquerade-2.987.541.kjva.1[1].jpg (987x540, 207K)

>amusement park
Yup. That's crazy ass malk for sure.

Ferris wheel.

A werris fheel

They said they'd take it more seriously. As in cut down on fish malk crap.

wouldnt he fall off a ferris wheel tho


this one has the hand color fixed

Attached: lac.jpg (356x287, 33K)

they tend to be turned off and bolted in place after dark

Why the fuck is he giving us hand then? Is he expecting of us to kermit suicide or something?

Attached: mfw.jpg (465x461, 13K)

the question is where are we sitting on

It's malk. Don't expect sense to be in the same place as them.

That seems cool as fuck.

He is actually about to form a gun with his indexfinger and shoot you with madness.

The Dark Carnival confirmed! ICP as quest givers confirmed!

He's testing you.
I mean, how else are you gonna become actual malkavian? You have to prove you're retarded enough for it first.

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