What is the worst video game sequel you've played?
What is the worst video game sequel you've played?
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Second season of chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai hands down
TLJ is certainly a flawed movie but retards always pick the dumbest shit to complain about.
Go watch Rashomon.
>2 years later and star wars fags are still seething
let it go already
NiGHTS wii
Soul Calibur 3, 5, 6
Street Fighter V
Movie was good tho
>NiGHTS wii
I only played the wii one, but I have the first on 360/xbone because of free* games. What's bad about it? I enjoyed it.
Definitely Supreme Commander 2.
Bad controls, Sonic ‘06-esque cutscenes
Frogger Beyond before it was a decent first effort for the studio that worked on it after the IP switched owners, but the immediate sequel to that is a total dumpster fire. I was actually depressed by this game. There is zero ambition or creativity. Actually soulless.
It's too hard.
Soldiers of Fortune 3
I've been blessed
its a drastically different game.
the original is about layered level paths and finding the best path like a sonic game, and doing tricks during.
wii version is nothing but gimmicks
We did let it go. No one gives a fuck about SW now
Dark Souls 2.
Deus Ex
Ironically knights of the old republic 2, couldn't care less about the characters or story
For me the game suffered from 2000's Sonic Team-isms of padding out a short fun game with filler up the asshole, like bad missions and cutscenes. The game becomes good when you've already beaten it can just play the good missions for the best rank (and are using the traditional controls).
Parasite Eve 2
Hotline Miami 2
Either this or Dragon Age 2
sticker star
Streets of Rage 3
Tie between Gothic 3 and MGSV
FF X-2
FPBP as usual
Suikoden 3. God it still hurts.
What are you talking about user, there is no SupCom 2.
Hell, next your gonna claim that Command and Conquer 4 exists.
Meeee deeek?
Perfect Dark Zero. It was a prequel but it was total shit.
>TLJ is certainly a flawed movie
that's putting it mildly.
well that's just because you have an extremely low IQ.
i was unironically defending this little faggot and giving him the benefit of the doubt for 2 years. it's now obvious he's a fucking idiot and his movies WILL suck cock
Dragon Age 2
5 and 6 are good. 3 and 4 were ass though.
Is this real?
Devil May Cry 2
Dungeon Siege 2
Summoner 2
The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
Lost Planet 3
Might & Magic 8
Prototype 2
Mass Effect 3
The 3rd Birthday
diablo 3
Assassins creed 2. It is so bad and has its head so far up its own ass.
fucking kek
Yay! More crossposting shit from the board!
It’s about games
>not 4
any particular reason why user
KotOR2's story goes full pants on head retarded because the writers didn't understand Star Wars.
>no one can make fun of my favorite game AAAAAAAAA
6 is pretty bad honestly, with rounds being about a quarter cutscenes and limited content. 5 is atrocious.
gamers and obsession with trannies and women
name a more iconic duo
I'd say trannies and suicide, but I think more than 40% of Yea Forumsirgins have newhalfs in their heads rent free
Chrono Cross.
I said it. Fight me, faggots
good thing this post is ironic
CE length is the one of the only real complaints (The other being bland stages) I have with 6 at the moment as it disrupts game flow. I am liking the gameplay changes for most part beyond that though. The recent patch is cool though and whiff punishing was buffed across the board as well as GIs being stronger (something that helps Astaroth a lot). 5 played well but was horribly mishandled over time through balance and gameplay adjustments.