ITT: old games that Yea Forums would bitch about for "forced politics" if they came out today

ITT: old games that Yea Forums would bitch about for "forced politics" if they came out today

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Only if it was used as a massive argument to market the game.

San Andreas

epic constructive thread

don’t reply to this thread


I agree, but it's not a Yea Forums thing, it's a universal autism right wing thing

Wrong. An ending like this was clearly made for men or boys to enjoy. That simply wouldn't happen today.

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Oh, I can still imagine the outrage if Samus never said a thing, took off the helmet at the ending and then revealed to be a woman.

>FEMALE composer

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she wouldn't strip into a bikini then.
Try harder tranny


>Only if it was used as a massive argument to market the game.
Yea Forums is already frothing in anger over the mere possibility that Mordhau might reluctantly add female characters at some point, even with a client side toggle to hide them.


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How did Vendetta even come out when it had this shit

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Will shitposting be allowed in the ethnostate? I wouldnt mind OP being gassed

>the ethnostate

>japanese game
i dont think so

>Vendetta was censored in some countries when released outside of the Asian market (specially in the United States, while the uncensored version was released in some countries, like Argentina),

>sjws fail to realize Yea Forums can spot the difference between forced diversity censorship bullshit and actual good character/plot writing.
Pic related.

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This. It’s a good thing that there are still characters that are free from ideologies like Pyra, Marie Rose and 2B.

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Yuki-chan's Papa was female?

Well it did stay in the arcades.

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Metal Gear Solid 3, people would argue that The Boss is not historically accurate or that they are forcibly changing history despite the numerous other sci fi bullshit in Metal Gear. Even more so if MGS3 was a Western game.

Well, did Allied special forces have any women soldiers in them? DID THEY?

What's the politics of getting to see a scantily-clad space amazon?

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This. Instead of taking it as a cool trip to the gang life of 90’s, it would just be seen as ”idolizing nigger culture and killing white people”.

SJWs are like any other politicsfags, they cannot comprehend anything other than their worldview. To them, there is no difference between natural diversity and forced diversity. To anyone with a brain, it's extremely obvious when it's the latter. Soldier 76, for example, it's his private life, he's a professional, so why should it ever be brought up. However, what made it forced was that Blizzard made a big deal over announcing it. So ultimately it was forced diversity because of that.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided did it better, where you never find out your commander is gay unless you choose to break into his apartment, look at his photos, and dig through his personal emails. That's how you do it right. Unless it's made into a plot point, it's something that should not be brought up in conversation in most cases.

except you guys also think its forced when it’s made into a plot point. so the only real way to please you is to hide it im a corner somewhere

Unless if they like the character, then they'll get livid even if it's subtle.

>first mission: steal a bike.
nah, it would be based, it represents the nigga life perfectly.

I've never been bothered by it. It's the joy of having my own opinion on an anonymous board.

Only if it portrayed her as a hero. The bikini ending would get utmost praise (and a few autists debating if her ass is too fat)

>bike left unattended in an empty alleyway
>not locked to anything
>no one guarding it or taking interest in it
Is it really theft, then? Besides, Rockstar left it there because they wanted players to get impressed by the inclusion of bicycles.

>implying Yea Forums are actually smart enough to recognize good writing

Pic not related?

Mother 3 I guess.
It's 12 years old now.

>pic related

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You don't need a genius level IQ to tell when a developer or marketing team is trying to shove acceptance down your throat. Usually because the former is quite open about them doing it.

Nobody complains if the character is good and doesn't have a 'the devs added a minority to get asspats on Twitter' stink. Bonus points for not being fuckugly. Which is why Yea Forums doesn't complain when Japan does it.

A black Scotsman is far out and doesn't make much sense, but everyone loves Demoman because he's funny and likeable.

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>Only if it was used as a massive argument to market the game.
Not at all. Two years ago blizzard merely included a panel of tracer with her girlfriend in a supplementary christmas comic and Yea Forums was enraged as if they put a press release out saying "tracer is gay now and that's a good thing!" and forced you to read it when you logged in.

Black scottish cyclops works so well because it's so absurd that it ties in with the humor of TF2.

yeah, so long as it’s just an incidental easter egg there’s no way Yea Forums would care haha

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>implying that people here even possess average or even genius IQ
99% of this board is dumb as fuck.

>However, what made it forced was that Blizzard made a big deal over announcing it.
source. all i saw were third party news outlets

But I know good titties when I see them. And that’s all that matters.

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Don’t understand why Yea Forums hates lesbians and gays if they constantly watch lesbian and gay porn.
Insecure vermin.

>Yea Forums is one person

I never played this and I’m fine with tits and ass in a game, in fact, I absolutely love tits and ass in vidya, but people on Yea Forums only ever talk about this game’s tits and ass and I hear some people say xenoblade 2 is shit so I feel like the tits and ass are just there to hide a shitty game. Now to be fair, I’ve never played the game, I’m just going off assumptions.

is this you?

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No cuz Samus is not saying look at me I am so big a strong look at me girl power hey guys girls can fight too

She stead is treated like a person who is a badass hunter who happens to be a woman with heroic personally.

The problem with Yea Forums is that it views games through the lens of hordes of literallywho twitter users and journalists whose dumbass agenda pushing messages are screencapped and posted to Yea Forums for (you)'s, without knowing how forced things would really feel without already seeing all the "and that's a good thing" posts. For all the legitimately agenda pushing shit I've seen, there's equally as much generally innocuous shit that Yea Forums cries over because of "THIS IS SO IMPORTANT" bitches on twitter.

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In what world would Yea Forums bitch about a scantily clad woman in a videogame? Half of what they complain about is those being taken out of videogames.
Further Metroid is just a huge Alien reference the main character being a woman is a given.
Jesus Christ you're dumb.

>good writing and characters
>Posts Xenoblade 2

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>woke lefty niggers are losing the battle and resorting to "S-SEE? THIS OLD GAME HAD A WOMAN!!! WE NEED MORE TRANNIES AND SOCIAL ISSUES IN GAMING!!"

you are not a woman and your communist revolution will be crushed by based porky and a well paid army of mercenaries

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How are you supposed to fight against cultural marxism if you don’t know what the enemy is up to?

Didn’t porky be a pussy and get himself stuck in a fucking capsule for all eternity by trying to hide from Lucas and the rest of them?

Were my assumptions correct?

I do wonder what people thought of "Samus is a girl!?" when they got that ending. Any articles from that time or something?

The FOOL, if only he knew at the time.


Don't frame shitposting as some noble battle you sperg, you know people just post that shit for (you)'s, and people give (you)'s because it feels good to feel smarter than other people. Unfortunately it's just a pointless circlejerk session that ultimately leads to everyone just satisfied being right when compared to noname stupid roasties.

>>Vendetta was censored in some countries when released outside of the Asian market (specially in the United States, while the uncensored version was released in some countries, like Argentina),
Argenigger here, can confirm.

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>all cars doors are open
>they turn on instantly without keys
if we can pretend he is stealing cars, then we can pretend the bike was locked too.

Not really an old game by metroid standards, but Yea Forums would be crying for months/years over how a black paladin isn't historically accurate.

Attached: paladinDiablo2.jpg (307x350, 15K)

Samus is a great example of a non forced female protagonist and people have always argued that. It's the obnoxious current year feminist leads that people hate.

The problem with SJW is that they’re attention whores. You want to create a gay character? Cool, knock yourself out. But they go out of their way to say “this character is gay! Woe is Me!”

>a great example of a non forced female protagonist
So anything more than "literally hide her gender until you get a special win condition" is forced to you?

Lesbian / gay shipping is not even remotely the same thing as simply having a character in your game that's female.

Different argument entirely.

Nice bait, faggot.

Nice strawman faggot. He just said it was a great example, not the only way it should be done.

Wrong. Nier Automata had a female protagonist and Yea Forums absolutely loved it

>being this bigoted
you make my skin crawl. i don't even know how people like you still exist.

Final Fantasy VI featuring Terra and Celes as the titular characters.
StarCraft Brood War cause Kerrigan is OP.
DoA5 "I'm a Fighter" marketing
FFX-2 trying to be FF's version of Charlie's Angels.
San Andreas cause niggers
Prototype 2 with the black guy
Mass Effect 2 having a black guy
Tifa's breasts aren't as big in Dissidia as they are in that one FMV sequence.
The Boss being able as strong as she is in MGS3.

He's clearly a silly gay stereotype. Resetera are the only ones who would be offended by that.

Go dilate.