What other Japanese franchises work better in the hands of westerners?
What other Japanese franchises work better in the hands of westerners?
Donkey Kong
Their women.
>work better in the hands of westerners
Silent Hill
me: are you Japanese by chance, OP?
OP: Yes, why do you ask?
me: your mom
all of Yea Forums: BASED KEKARONI LULZ
whats up with that anyway? did Nintendo just assume DK would work better in the hands of westerners since Rare did so well, so they gave it to RETRO?
Japan never really got a shake with DK last spin offs and the original arcade game. Don’t know what it would even be like unless it’s a global production like mario
Westerners are far better at 2D platforming games.
such as
Super Tranny Ball
So not many, but mostly Nintendo
i'd argue it's less "better" and more like they made the IP with a different genre.
Axiom Verge, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Sonic Mania
is there a list of japanese IPs with titles developed by westerners? I can't even think of many. also what about vice versa?
Doing better than Sonic Team is a low bar
When is Cream coming back?
you didnt even try
super metroid is a better metroidvania than axiom
and super mario world is a better platformer than both of dk tropical freeze and sonic mania
>super metroid is a better metroidvania than axiom
True, but Axiom Verge is better than any Metroid before or since.
>and super mario world is a better platformer than both of dk tropical freeze and sonic mania
I love the game but I'll have to disagree with you there.
Hollow Knight is a better metroidvania than Super Metroid.
Metroid games aren't Metroidvanias, they're Metroids. There's no vania aspect to them.
> Detective Pikachu movie changes the main white character from the game for a black one.
> Sonic movie adds a black girl companion to the already annoying cop character.
Why they do this?
>Western:6 foot+ Badass stoic bounty hunter
>japan: Screaming 5 foot tall womanlet who breaks down crying
Because blacks exist in America and they see movies so a lot of them have token blacks.
Lies, Black people HATE seeing black people on a screen.
I’d say shin megami tensei but then it would basically be Bethesda fallout but with demons and turn based mechanics. Persona would probably be a disaster so I think I’ll say Devil Survivor.
Look at black panther's success. If you depict blacks in a positive light you're going to get the media utterly masturbating over you for being "progessive", while if you have an all white cast you're going to be accused of being racist.
Why are there so many white people in Japanese games? Whites barely exist in Japan.
Axiom verge is garbage and its ost is headache inducing. You got shit taste. Kys fag
What about the other way around?
>Believing Bias Reviews
Maniafags are the lowest of the low
Devil May Cry
Japanese people view themselves as white user.
Literally in the Tokyo Olympics
So westerners can make a better version of games released 20+ years ago...brilliant.
Whats the vania aspect in axiom?
honarary aryans
Mania Team hasn't made a single good game, while Sonic Team made good games from 1991-2005 (including Unleashed)
Explain black panther's success. And no, the answer isn't white people seeing it out of guilt or some shit like that.
Because japanese game transcends borders. Ever notice all black directors can make movies about is being black or race politics?
While Japan tries to do the same thing but can't live up to the games of their past at all.
There isn't one, it's a platformer like Metroid.
It's a fucking Marvel movie, of course it was going to be successful you troglodyte
This is Manga is so weird, why does Samus keep her power suit on all the time .
Not him but Marvel could release a movie where the casts point the fingers to the cameras and laugh for 2 hours straight and it would still be a massive success.
Such as...?
Western developers are better at the following:
>Stealth games
>2D Platformers
Hey 25th Hour is kino
>Explain black panther's success.
Literally "WE WUZ KINGS!" in media form.
If you tell blacks they actually had a civilization on par with other civilizations they'll fall to your feet in gratitude.
Not trying to be /pol here, but they have a bit of a inferiority complex in that they fail to grasp that its not what your people did in the PAST that should be what defines you, but what you're doing NOW for self esteem, hence them latching onto things like "Egyptian dynastiers were built by blacks!" and things like that.
the native americans don't obsess over stuff like that and they're better off for it, just focusing on the now.
Shooters year, everything else no. Especially platformers lmao
it's comfy
Sonic 4, Yoshi's New Island, Metroid Other M
Sonic 4 is Western devs paid by Japan.
Those games are all originally japanese and done by completely different studios then the original devs.
Western developers are the only ones who have made notable 2D platformers this decade, and I can't think of any good Japanese stealth games.
Because the manga understood her character. She's on guard at all times. That's what makes her so mysterious. Seeing Samus let her guard down was not an ordinary occurrence, it was something, rare, brief, and beautiful. When you show her outside of the suit regularly it ruins her mystique of the character and the wonder of those moments. When she has her guard up outside of the suit anyway like she does with it on, it loses the entire point of her shedding her armor in the first place.
Dimps is Japanese.
West still has isometric games and metroidvanias down better than nips.
It was done by Dimps, the dudes behind Advance and Rush. It even uses Rush's physics (you just never noticed how shit they were in Rush because the Boost meant you didn't have to rely on them).
What would a Japanese developed Donkey Kong be like?
Inferior to DKC2 and Tropical Freeze. Nintendo are much better at 3D platformers than they are 2D platformers.
Those are great games but I'm talking about of all time, not just recently.
>West still has isometric games and metroidvanias down better than nips.
Yet they still haven't produced one more memorable then metroid or castlevania. Why is that?
That's what Jungle Beat was, it was made by the Mario Galaxy team. The King of Swing games (which had a ton of DKC fanservice, in terms of characters and enemies featured) were also done by a Japanese team, Paon.
It might be interesting to see a 3D DK platformer developed by Nintendo's Japanese teams.
And something different than DK64.
DKC was heavily supervised by miyamoto and Nintendo so probably about the same.
Hollow Knight says hi.
Hollow Knight is a good game but it's not gonna leave any lasting impact on the industry in any way like they did.
>the gimmicky DK platformers were Japanese developed
They would star Mario and DK would be the villain. See: Donkey Kong '94, Mario vs Donkey Kong. They're good games for sure but they don't stack up with the Country series.
But then when they do try to make a game like Country they come out with stuff like Jungle Beat.
>rayman legends
my thingamanigga
So you think you're a fortune teller?
Why Do people like you complain about Wakanda now? The place was created in 1966 and nobody had a problem with it wakanda until Black panther was getting released and now apparently it’s some “we wuz” shit or whatever.
No, I enjoyed it and it's a great tribute to the classics but thats all it is. Doesn't take a fortune teller to see that.
When is based Ancel giving us another Rayman game?
There's no way black viewers alone made that movie a success though
In the past wakanda's entire point was that it was a horrible dystopia and not to be admired or beloved.
Now its literally viewed as this incredible mythically great secret black civilization due to the movie, missing its entire original point.
Yes, you're now aware that there are significantly more self-affected white SJW types who feel they need to protect blacks from the world than there are actual black WEWUZZers.
After BGE2 and Wild, unless Ubisoft decides to do another 2D ubiart game. Here's hoping we get something at E3 this year.
Isn't Wild vaporware?
No idea, I haven't really dug too much into Wild other than it being open world and in the way of us getting Rayman 4.
and Metroid. Really anything by Retro Studios
Wakanda has never been a horrible dystopia what are you taking about? The man catch about the entire place is that it was afro-futurism. Something nobody had a problem with until recently
Or maybe people just enjoyed a sonic game cause it actually played like sonic and without the stupid boost attached to it, back off.
t.adventure fan
Just about every single nintendo property
Has this guy done anything else besides Samus and Joey?