P-please come back to our game

>P-please come back to our game.
>L-l-l-look, w-w-we even brought back Thrall!

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god he's so sexy.

Who cares about Green Jesus? He's one of the worst part of WoW. The self insert is so cringe.

This, I want him to pound my sissy human ass

can baine or lorthemar or spooky voljin get a turn do something

Seems pretty obvious they are gonna kill him off.

I mean he was planned from the start according to 2017's blizzcon, dood. Probably just unfortunate timing. Funny though.

I can not wait another 3 months.

Was the baby born during the invasion supposed to be Thrall?

Saurfang could cleave this fag alive.

so is he just going to leave his family in outland or

Fuck I mean little Go'el

hopefully he dies pretty quick like varian in legion, the thrall wank has to end

Real question - why would you ever care about the lore of a literal Warhammer ripoff? It's about eight stages removed from literally anything resembling originality. I guarantee I could open some random sword-and-sorcery schlock pulp novel and it would still have more creative integrity than the entire """lore""" of Warcraft combined. Is there a reason you people do this or have you just spent so much of your lives on it that it's an obligation at this point?

Unless you are a super cute trap, no Orc will bother fucking a generic twink human.

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Jaina literally helped the Horde to slaughter her Dad and her people so she could suck that green cock.

>Garrosh gets an entire expansion to prove himself before becoming the victim of shit writing and being turned into a cartoonish super villain.
>Sylvanas gets turned into one almost immediately.

Jaina is a futa though.

Wasn't the movie based off the original Warcraft game's story and not the shitty MMORPG?

The one outlier, fucking dumb thot I'm still mad about that.

It was based off post-retcon lore


Draenei briefly appear as Eredar and not stocky guys and most Orcs are brown and are not corrupted aside from a small handful.

>Game is called World of Warcraft
>It's actually about fighting for peace.

Bravo Blizzard

God I'm so glad I bailed on this turd after coming back for two weeks of MoP.
I can't even imagine the levels of Stockholm Syndrome people who've been paying for this since vanilla must feel.

Post proof!

>giving shit about wow
wow is not canon.
Still waiting for wc4.

But the green-skins were the Orcs who were corrupted by the Fel?


Nice, post more

But thrall is a reason to STOP playing wow, not to come back
Also hasnt he lost his power and his hammer?

You can do the rest, user.

I know. But I want to see what other people like.

Sylvanas has proven time and time again to be a bad person ever since WC3, this is perfectly in character for her.

Nigga be flat as fuck with those tiny pecs

Just searching futa and warcraft tags should give you the idea, my friend.

Does Jaina become his concubine!?
This is important.

If they ever make Warcraft IV they should pretend that WoW never happened.
But seeing how they're retconning WC3 to add WoW shit, I'm not hopeful.

Bring back Arthas and Illidan and call it Warcraft 3 and I'll think about it.

>Lor'themar appears to confront Jaina over wantonly exploding belf civilians in Dalaran during a PMS spree
>"I forgive you" - Jaina
>"oh ok" - Lor'themar
>slaughters his own elite task force
>sides with the Alliance to topple the Horde

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Most WoW players probably remember Arthas as a scooby doo villain looting a nice mount
But i agree with you. I would give anything to see them in CGI instead of Metzen.

Post moar Jania Proudmoore, and not OP's boyfriend.

I'll take Slyvannis, too.

Obviously, but I want what you like, user.

>almost immediately
user, BfA is almost an year old.
By that time, Legion already had: Kharazan, Nighthold and Tomb of Sargeras
BfA is a horrible slog

Sylvanas has been a petty bitch since TFT.

I don't think you'd be able to keep up, user.

Why do you think that?

This. But thats not enough to get me to come back

My tastes are nothing special, I just like lots of futa x futa stuff.

I love futa on futa the most too.

Would an orc fuck any human? They're so often put on fetish/gay but they'd sooner murder the person they're fucking than actually have sex with em.

No she hasnt

For me it was when they retconned orcs to being literal niggers, that I finally stopped playing their trash game.

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Thrall was the worst thing to happen to the Horde.

>literal Warhammer ripoff
name one (1) that warhammer invented that warcraft copied

>not wanting to rim his sweaty Orc ass

They are just gonna enjoy the first month or 2 of everyone trying classic and then when the normies leave they will just keep the virgins to play classic and the retards to play current wow. They won... Fuck.

I'll think about it if they will stop assfucking night elves for at least a moment. Those poor fuckers still have to live on the streets of Stormwind after all this time and don't do anything, even dark fantasy elves are not treated this fucking badly.

P-please don't get too deep into my fetishes right now I don't wanna fap.

Somehow, yes, according to new lore.

>Boo Hoo Sylvanas is evil
GOOD. The Horde should be evil.

Warhammerfag here, he won't be able to. Anyone who acts like even the old GW was wholly original is deluded. People like Rick Priestly, Ansell, and the rest of original guys were always quite open about what influenced them when they made Warhammer Fantasy. That said, what they did with it was fantastic had a distinct style and tone to it.

>Thrall is going to be Warchief again because we don't have any ideas on what to do
If only Cairne had become warchief in Cata.

if they're carebears like thrall, maybe. some of the more traditionalist loktar zugzuggers would probably take rape captives before murdering them.

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SWTOR x WOW autism bowl crossover when

Ignore him, allyfags have been trying to re-write history for ages. Furfags and allyfags have a huge hate boner for her since she gassed a bunch of dirty mutts. She's been the most interesting Warchief since Garry. It will be gay as fuck once we change back to some pansy cuckchief like Vol'jin and Thrall.

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I'd zugzug all over that Orcess delicious tummy if you catch my meaning.

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>Sylvanes dies
>Goes to Hell
>oh shit Hell is real
>gets resurrected
>well that was scary
>guess I should START A WAR

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Fucking heaven

I never understood why they keep forcing Thrall into every storyline when he has been hated since Cata.
Thank fuck they got rid of his wife, nobody likes her.

>if everyone's dead and going to hell, there won't be enough room for me!

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The early lore has some decent stuff and just because of the scope of the lore there’s some neat little tidbits and factions here and there.
The overarching story was always ok at best and just got more watered down over time

don't forget she was killed AGAIN in cata by some dude who thought she was a scumfuck for raising him against his will, and then garrosh brought up just how shitty she had become with how much she's emulating the lich king by doing that, and then garrosh got golden'd so her entire plotline was conveniently dropped for 8 years.

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>She's been the most interesting Warchief since Garry.
What an incredible achievment, she’s more interesting than one guy who did literally nothing and then died

If you go with the headcannon that her brain is slowly rotting away it makes sense

Sylvanas hates the horde and will kill everyone and raise then as undead if she has the chance.
Garrosh at least was faithful to those who trusted him. He was a ruthless and great horde leader, killed because blizzard is a bunch of incompetent retards

God I want her to sit on my face.

what's the name of the one big dude with the nouveau-doom face and the jiggly pierced tits
why is this new orc not as hot as him

This guy?

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It’s not retconned lore, it’s a separate continuity, think what the MCU is to the comics

Normally I'd think you meant this guy but he doesn't have pierced tits.

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hell yeah
time to get fired

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I want her to shit on my face.

>Would an orc fuck any human?
Yes, to establish dominance

Do undead shit?

He was as much planned as Sheev was as final boss for nuSW.

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I hope so!

She'll become Kerrigan2.0 or sacrifices herself in the end to stop the void. Some shit like that.

Oh god can you imagine how cold and musty her pussy must be
I imagine it smells like wet earth

I liked him in WC3. In WoW he did fuck all then when he DID do something it was godawful.

Not really hard to stand out with that competition.

Wasn't the scond time she died some old god fuckery and not really helas domain?

Because he's the most famous character next to Arthas.

Be honest, Yea Forums, did he really do anything wrong?

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No, he didn't

Didn’t she later try to paint Rexxar as a savage who took delight in killing her father?

>Purged Warcraft 3 bots and made the game great again
I'd say so

During the culling? No

Every moment after? Oh yes.

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>steve posters thinking they are valid

Just lurk bud

all orcs are pussies since christie golden

Not during the culling

No, since before the retcon the plague was not revertable. The only logical choice was to kill everyone to prevent Malganis from getting a massive army that would've overrun Lordaron. His only mistake was maybe not explaining the urgency of the situation to Uther, who wasn't there when Arthas discovered what the grain does.

>Dad picks a fight with a friend (who helped you save the world) because he's a lazy old racist
>Dad gets btfo but your friend leaves the rest of your family alone because they did nothing wrong and also he's your friend
For some reason the autists in this board hate this

So why does everyone keep falling for it? Good writing

>not explaining the urgency of the situation to Uther
But he does explain it to Uther.

>Because of their retarded writing in the past, Thrall pulls out some non-descript axe from his hideyhole under the anvil, instead of the Doomhammer

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there's no arguing with a lawful stupid paladin

Alliance in a nutshell kek.

I play Horde.

"Dude, trust me" doesn't really cut it. He should have gone into detail instead of just telling him that the purge is necessary and after Uther didn't agree, he shouldn't just have defaulted to telling his old friend and mentor to go fuck himself.

Uther was stubborn, but he wasn't dumb. Had Arthas taken the time to really explain the situation and maybe even taken Uther for a little look-see inside the gates, I'm sure he would have agreed with Arthas.

The only fun thing in BFA is levelling to get the heritage mogs

The end game is shit & has been for a while, levelling is the last thing that feels like Vanilla, i just wish they removed LFD, with sharding/scaling, it should be easy to find people in the world to group up with for dungeons

I like questing a lot now. On the downside I've probably exhausted every alliance story in the game.

I’m not sure if he would have agreed, as a paladin it’s kind of his duty to try and save the civilians who hadn’t turned yet. But he would have probably understood that this had to be done

Did they make questing harder again? I remember I was questing through northrend right after the leveling revamp and it was genuinely hard but also fun for the first time. They adjusted stats about two weeks later, which was a shame. And dungeons were actually hard as well, you regularly had to kick shit players who couldn’t deal with the difficulty.
The cata leveling zones were super boring after that...

There were ghouls in Stratholme already at that point. Ghouls are the so-called "final stage" of scourge undeath. Upon seeing them, even Uther would've conceded that the city was lost.

Why is Sylvanas even a character? The original Sylvanas did not even get a unique Banshee model and suddenly she runs the horde...?

>Kind of want to play live to play as edge elves.
>Always hearing about what a shitshow it is.
Shit sucks. I'd probably still give it a try if it weren't for Blizzard's arciac monetization system. I'm not going to pay 60 bucks for a game just to have to pay another 20 to play for a month.