(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
Fuck off reddit
Bend over.
i want playstation to die at this point
you wish
What does this mean? Seen it going around lately
Good choice. Injecting sex into everything is for animals.
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
nigger we can read the tweet, you don't have to go the extra step to shill him
Why did they announce the PS4 version when it was supposed to be Switch exclusive?
Leave here now. Never come back, you're still pure. Run before it's too late
That person should dilate
Sony what has happened to you?
Retards that cut off their dicks and get a "vagina" have to keep it propped up open daily so it doesn't heal.
when trannies get surgery to carve out a fake vagina, the body tries to heal the gaping wound. they use a dilator (essentially a dildo) a few times a day to force it open.
Actually improved. The anime girl is tacky.
Here's what I really don't get. Why? It's a gaping hole. Nothing will change that and there's no going back from it either. Why don't trannies just stick with cross dressing.
>Twitter screencap thread
Unoriginal as always Yea Forums
Totally okay with this. Going forward, I hope more devs do this for PC/PS4 multiplats rather than just one neutered version for all.
Only the PS4 should have the desexed version while others get the regular version.
This kind of crowd have Sony for all I care.
Zanki Zero was the worst case to come out of this.
Tranny identity politics revolves around being "cute" and "pure" because the general public, no matter how progressive, is generally uncomfortable to disgusted with the prospect of the castration of testicles and inversion of the penis into a pseudo-vagina, which must be sprawled open by a plug in order to prevent the body from closing up what it sees as a wound (This all goes into the obfcuscating term "bottom surgery" trannies use to attempt to infantilize this disgusting procedure. The term "dilate" succinctly brings everybody in the room back to the undeniable reality - that Hitler was right.
And as we all know anyone who disagrees with a Yea Forumsirgin or doesn't follow the hivemind of Yea Forums is a tranny, our most mortal enemy.
I miss when girls could be cute and funny in video games.
You really think people like that will be satisfied that only Sony bows to them? Notice the person said Japan, not sony.
>mad journalist still mad about the honeypot that BTFO’d journalists
It’s a response to “have sex” implying that the poster they are responding to is trans just like how have sex implies the person is an incel
Is this thread for real? I can never tell with these Yea Forumsintendo retards
Fuck off
Im a fucking satan worshiper now cause this shit turned out to be real
>USA colleges sending intersectionalists in training to Japan to ruin their country like they have ours
America should have nuked itself.
oww trannie want to eat ass
What's with the extra Sony bashing today? A few Sony bashing threads are expected (Yea Forums seething over Sony being #1) but there seems to be more than usual today, what gives? Something I miss?
You a mineral or a vegetable? With a post like that, I'm guessing vegetable.
It’s Yea Forums being Yea Forums, nothing new
Anal sex is too mainstream.
Because they're retarded
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
>being #1
not in Japan, aka the country that actually matters since they actually make games and not movies/walking simulators.
America sure is the cancer of the world
Some real disgusting shit nigga not gonna lie
>Sony gets BTFO in Japan
>still gets every single major release from there whereas the Shitch gets cucked
Based Sony and their continued monopoly over gaming
I love how Yea Forumsirgins can never actually discuss the actual news and instead spend 500+ posts screeching and crying about the source of the information or their own made-up demons.
>Japan don't make walking simulators
>what is Dragon Quest
>What is Yakuza
>What is Persona
>what is literally every weeb shit turn based cinematic moeshit JRPG
Stay seething over AmeriCHADS nuking your country into irrelevance
>it was the Americans
It was the Russians dipshit. They have people who have admitted they would shift the universities as hard left as possible to destroy America from within.
I've seen reddit so many times am starting to wonder if existing is "reddit" what the fuck do some of you guys mean when you just say something is reddit? Can you explain?
nintendies just having sperging out that the snitch managed to achive something. gotta ride that wave as long as it's up.
Not for long. Enjoy your last days sonybro.
>Win in global sales
>lose in 1 country that still brings every major game to your system
Sony literally always wins
If I don't like it, it's reddit.
>implying it's not (((they))) knowingly throwing shit for (you)s
Shit like that happens in every thread that can be abused for consolwarring or identiy politics. And since Yea Forums was one of the few places where one could discuss that hsit without being auto-banned for having the wrong opinion, there's no other real place left.
Mental illness
>-a-a-a-any day now!
>s-s-s-sony is finished t-t-this time!
It's a God damn job. They voluntarily took it.
>I don't like the news but can't say anything about it
>lkets attack the source instead of the article by it's own merits since it's easier
>FORCED to dress in demeaning outfits
Who is forcing them? Are they slaves there?
They're employees who are willingly working there and dressing up in said clothes because they so wanted to.
Good lord why are Americans so fucking retarded?
Nah, commie leadership was almost all Jews. Once Jews were dealt with there was no more internationalism.
Pretty sure the recent Nintendo financials that confirmed the PS4 sold 3 million more units within the same time period sent them over the edge into a frenzy. 3 attempts to dethrone the PS4 with the 3DS, Wii U and then Switch and all 3 got BTFO combined.
Gotta be a hard pill to swallow
DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea Forums is as much of an echo chamber as any other place. Fishing for (You)s is the only thing left to do when actual discussions gets 404 after 15 replies
Soineagro trannies only play western shit so they won’t care.
Sony rightfully deserves ridicule for censorship, stop the dumbhead tribalism
Nice going, you manage to make both Sony and Nintendo fans to look like retards.
Literally none of those are walking simulators retard
Weak bait, tranny.
>it's only ever the people who are shills or want attention who make threads about anything!
So Yea Forums is just one giant shilling echo chamber for SJWs?
These people don't understand the universal rule
There is no forcing. There is only cute.
Why do the Nintendo fans look retarded?
If it was a dick they would have left it
Because they're Nintendo fans
nuke america
If anything, shouldn't you be calling Mombot a tranny, since their whole thing is roleplaying as Japanese housewife?
Clown world
literally all of them are retard, have sex
>where women are forced to dress in demeaning outfits
Based Abe literally kidnapping women and forcing them to dress up as maids and work in maid cafes
>Sony gets BTFO in best region
>"s-s-s-s-switch cucked!"
Jesus, you're fucking pathetic.
It's the same shit as it ever was.
ebaums, gaia, facebook, tumblr, reddit, twitter, take your pick
the funny part is that the people who have started to spam it more recently are almost certainly migrants from reddit itself, site traffic has tripled since the "fappening"
>best region
>sub human ugly gooks
Pick one Achmed
Should we send letters to cancel out theirs?
>best selling machine in Japan doesn't get FFXV, FF7, Persona 5, Yakuza, Kingdom Hearts 3, Monster Hunter Worlds
>Worst selling machine in Japan does
Pretty sure that's the definition of cucked amigo
Sony ALWAYS wins
That's a letter?
That is a thing that is supposed to be a letter?
Are you telling me with a straight fucking face whoever made this looked at it and thought: that doesnt looks like boobs and it isnt going to trigger Sony at all.
Not excusing Sony retardation though, but still, that is incredibly disingenuous.
Can threads not always devolve into dilate tranny have sex cope 40% snoy shitposting?
>where women are forced to dress in demeaning outfits
Are we talking Japan or the middle east here?
>all the snoy cope ITT
California, America.
>That's a letter?
>That is a thing that is supposed to be a letter?
What level of zoomer are you on to think that the omega is not a letter and not an incredibly common symbol?
>Censorship is ok when Sony does it
>Boobs trigger Sony
Wew lad the gaystation memes are real
Cope and have sex you dilating snoy tranny shill.
>it isn't going to trigger sony at all
Non issue now. Switch exist, it absorbed the Vita's target audience and serves as a platform with a larger installbase now
>this is abe's grand plan to raise birth rates
>too bad shut-in neets hardly leave the house
lmao, why are the elevens retarded
>Switch is the target audience
>still gets cucked out of every major gook release by the PS4
>thinks 3 yo projects with good graphics can be switched at the last moment
top kek
what do you mean by major gook release? most of the weeb shit is also put on the switch nowadays
the only big thing i can think of is judge eyes and i also have a ps4 so i can play that
>>too bad shut-in neets hardly leave the house
Unless it's to go to Maid Cafes. They gotta eat bro.
Think of doughy, inoffensive dad jokes and dumb unoriginal memes repeated ad infinum("and my axe!", "still a better love story than twilight"). That's Reddit. The guy who claims to be an intellectual but never gains more than a pop culture knowledge of jis interests, the guy who prides himself in being contrarian but is too scared to step out of line. Reddit isn't concrete it just a feel, like you just KNOW what's Reddit and what isn't.
Booth babes and grid girls are no longer a thing because of these kinds of people, even when those girls are perfectly fine with making money just by looking good.
But twitch thots are okay though according to them.
Wonder when they're going after the fashion and porn industry.
We can send fanmail in support but remember this
These people antagonize these companies regularly. Now they're going to send them letters demanding they changes. Think carefully about these people and the Jap companies.
>They have ZERO idea how many women work at these companies
>They have ZERO idea that the games these companies make are WHAT THEY REALLY WANT TO MAKE
>They will absolutely fill the letter with things like "Pedo, racist, sexist, incel, etc."
The companies will receive the letters(which will all be copy-pasted) and proceed to laugh and delete them all.
Well, if they send a letter to say Compile Heart about Neptune and how they need to reel in the fat, sweaty neckbeard that's drawing such sickening depictions of little girls. Well, there's no way in hell it's from a concerned fan, because a fan would know that THIS is what Tsunako looks like(left). The person she reports to, is the lady next to her.
They will of course appreciate fan mail supporting and encouraging them though.
Shouldn't you be off somewhere getting dogs flashbanged you faggot?
Such as? The major weeb only title I can think of is Persona 5, because that is clearly under exclusivity contract, not to mention Switch will be getting SMT V from the same series.
i honestly don't think this post is genuine, could be someone from here masquerading a bit too well.
Gonna throw out Poe's Law for this and call plausible deniability.
>Booth babes and grid girls are no longer a thing because of these kinds of people
EXCEPT in Japan
based and neppilled
>porn industry
About that
>RE 2
those maids make more money than what any American tipslaves will ever hope to get.
based tranny
those jap maids are cringe af
>I hope this kills the industry
>Another 30+ Fate doujins have been drawn this month
Cute NEPU!
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
It's weird how you stole nintendo's meymey even to defend yourself, quoting something that literally never happened before you went full castrated by daddy California
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
Imagine when Ubisoft has to release a new Assassin's Creed under the new Sony "guidelines".
>Posted from Hooters
They say that every fucking time what problem are tits in a videogame where half of its selling point is fanservice and lewdness? That post probably isn't directed to labyrinth in particular but I am fairly convinced that she judges any fanservice game just the same
>what are you? poor?
>what are you? nintendo?
bonus point for forcing your newfound poverty on other people who can actually buy their shit.
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
holy fuck please go back immediately
This dude is hilarious.
1: If you speak a single word of Japanese to someone in Japan, they'll gush at you about how amazing your Japanese is. They're just being overly polite, and everyone knows it. If you were to outright ask someone "do I have an accent," there is no way that anyone short of your language instructor would say yes. The fact that this guy doesn't understand that says alot about his grasp on the society that he's speaking about.
2: The fact that he repeatedly uses the word "icky" and shakes with despair at the thought of anime tiddies, outright calling anime "pure evil," gives you a real good indicator that this guy stopped developing mentally at about 8.
3: "We can only hope that they'll tire of these sexist types of anime and move on to what anime used to be." - NativeGaijin92 on the topic of not knowing a single fucking thing of what he's talking about, 2019. Not only has anime always had anime tiddies, but please see pic related.
"Now this is a topic I can speak about," my ass.
prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, based on sex.
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.
Looking at, appreciating, or liking the tiddy doesn't make you either of those. The only reason why we have to deal with this censorship garbage now is that women look at fictional imaginary, not real people that are made up and see them as competition for attention.
Which is fucking hilarious just how stupid they are.
t. Actual misogynist.
While true that Japs (and society in general) have always been pervs, there were way more "good" anime in the 90s than there have been in the past decade, that is undeniable.
Its the curse of every popular medium of entertainment, I'm not familar enough with cinema to know what the last decade that had plenty of "good" works was but I'm sure its not this one.
There was a boatload of shit for every ounce of good anime in the 90s, just like today. People only talk about the good ones because they're the only ones worth talking about. In 20 years, people will only talk about the decent anime of today, and all the moeshit flotsam will be a lost memory. As it has been, as it will be.
Please don't talk like you know anything either. I can guarantee you've only been watching and maybe reading for less than a decade. Because that is absolutely not fact and "undeniable".
Naw bruh didn't you hear? 5 years = native for a resetera user.
What are you gonna do? Write to their politicians? What, in English?? They won’t even read it you dumb fuck.
Japan already politely told you idiots to fuck off with the UN. They’re not gonna listen to you morons. And I’ll be here to make sure they don’t.
God I hate these fucking idiots.
No, I'm telling you fuckers that regardless of ANY anime you can name, I can come up with more shit from the 90s that was better and more plentiful.
Also for point 3
Do these people not realize how big the doujin industry is yet alone how old. Fuck, Rance is 30 years running come August 15.
It means the poster can't stop thinking about trannies even though he hates them.
Whatever lets you sleep at night, bud.
>Write to their politicians? What, in English?? They won’t even read it you dumb fuck.
Which is why they were asking if anyone knows JAPANESE, you illiterate ESL retard. This has to be some Era falseflag or something to make them not look as dumb by comparison.
>Sony censoring a letter because of how sexual it looks
Damn double you, you so sexy and fine.. I wanna be lewd with you all night.
The following characters will henceforth be banned from all Sony online activity:
8, =, D, ~
Thank you for understanding.
Don't forget (, ), and .
I just realized something we should have been doing from the start
Why haven't we been mocking Sony in traditional Japanese style?
>PS4 going to hit 100 million units sold in months
>Playstation dying any time soon
Sony and Resetera will save gaming!
You shit eating Yea Forumstards never learn.
Call me what you like, but you're the only one getting mad about people not arguing with you.
>lets infiltrate something i have nothing to do with and change it by my own shit standards
How do I get a cute Japanese gf that draws moeshit
are you implying that the goblins on the pic are cute?
I've heard that the "Oh your Japanese is so good" is partly an insult in that you, a dirty gaijin faggot, have managed to string together a five year old's sentence, good for you.
tsunako is cute and the obaa-san next to her is cute too
>Not thinking Tsunako is top cute
I am diagnosing you with a severe case of faggotry.
Man of excellent taste. Tsunako and Mizuno are cute.
yellow fever is one hell of a drug
This, it's also that gaijin can't form a sentence in casual Japanese. It's always the most polite form which comes across super stiff in non-office settings
It'd be the english equivalent of saying
>How do you do my dear sir
instead of saying
>Hey man, sup
>Muh sales
The absolute state of snoy
>(credits to @mombot for the tweet)
This is really good bait desu
>Bragging about XV and KH3
Fuck off Barry
That can also be very true - it depends on context, really; who's saying it, and under what circumstances. It's no different than sarcasm in any other place, and if it's warranted or not.
Take France, for example: If you go up to anyone and ask them how to find the Louvre in English, you can most likely expect them to be dicks toward you. If you put in some effort to use French, they are often much more accommodating. It's the show of effort to speak the language of the country that you're in, but if you're arrogant about it, or just get it completely ass-backwards, I can see the response being sarcastic.
There is also the chance of sounding like a fag because you learned from a gaijin woman who only knows how to speak in the feminine and doesn't realize she's teaching you wrong.
>t. took Japanese in college from a shit mormon missionary and had to use the internet to learn to sound like a man in Japan
>yellow fever
Dude, what's your issue?
Yeah, some women are just extremely insecure and jealous. A good example are the anti-porn ones that forbid their bfs to look at porn, be it real or drawn while in a relationship. The arguments are usually in the vein of "I have regular tits while he looks at pornstars with big tits, that must mean he doesn't actually like me and is only with me because he can't have her". Well, if the only thing you have going for you is that you have tits, don't be surprised that someone with bigger tits has higher value than you do. Everyone else that actually has a proper relationship doesn't have to worry about such things.
It's just /pol/ making up stuff again. This time about trannies
SEETHING white roastie single mother of three mutt babies
Snoygoys literally biowaste
>go to Japan
>ask directions to the nearest bar
>you sound like a fag since you spoke like a woman
>get sent to a transvestite bar
But no, you're totally right, if you don't learn from a man you'll speak like a woman and it'll make you sound like a pansy. Thank fuck my teacher was a guy.
I know that journos are beefing with mombot but what do you mean with honeypot
Last time I checked, Sony was still #1 in Japan.
rent free
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
You need to leave
>Go to japan
>Only ever taught to speak with feminine articles
>Everyone thinks you're a wannabe cocksleeve and takes you up on the offer
>Sony censored
I have a feeling the dev is just fucking with Sony
The PS4 version is explicitly being promoted as the "safe for work version you can play around your mom", sony demanded that it be censored.
And they lose that if they ever think of censoring Fate in Japan.
this dev in particular, yes
>D3 Publisher
>Intentionally doing things of a trollish nature or far the lols
NAH couldn't be
we in deep shit if the PS5 is as successful as the Piss4.
this is a solid idea
Send letters with fanart, even if it's not that great.
My Jap gf says western women only say it's sexist because they're fat and ugly and jealous of skinny Japanese women
>California and new retarded staff will ruin SONY.
piss4 was a decent cosole for most of its life
sony's got their head stuck up their ass again like during the ps3 days and it looks like they're heading that way again too
These are two different versions, they didn't just censor the title
please nuke america
What is "Labyrinth Life" and why should I care?
fuck trannies man.
>this is the state Yea Forums is in
Reddit is the opposite of Yea Forums.
Here, you're anonymous. Say what you really think. If you're a moron, people will call you out on it, but if your next post is thought out and insightful, nobody can hold your first post against you.
On reddit, everything you say or do is both tracked permanently and exposed to actual scorekeeping of public opinion.
As a result, the way you find fulfillment on Yea Forums is to say what you mean and find meaningful discourse. On reddit, you carefully craft your every word to what you think the largest number of people want to hear. It's the perfect machine for polishing homogenous conformity and avoiding any actual original thoughts. Because of this, when people come here from reddit, they bring years of being trained on how to think and how to speak, and it's always the same, because that's how reddit works.
So in essence, reddit may as well be one user, and we've all seen them before.
Did I accidentally sleep in a time machine to the past? This faggot is literally calling for imperialism.
Eh, kinda. They're not insulting you directly more like they're saying "wow I'm surprised you can say that" most Japanese think their language is too complicated for westerners
who else wants them to censor just for anti-sjw outrage? only reason to pop into this horrid site now
based accelerationist
>Resident Evil 2
>FF7 remake
>Shenmue 3
>Soulsshit in general
Need I go on, Nintendy?
Couldn't they have just removed the animu character that was strategically placed to make the letter look more like boobs instead of removing the entire thing?
How is shit a degenerate shithole like California having such a problem with boobs? Deliberately giving people STDs is legal there.
I want absolutely no censorship, no name changes nothing. Keep it as true to the source as possible
Imagine if Alice in Wonderland got changed to Kasumi in Wonderland
Imagine if Oliver Twist got changed to Abdullah Twist
Imagine if Anne of Green Gables got changed to Laquisha of the Straw Hut
California is full of faggots.
I think the PS5 is going to be the last Sony gaming console.
kasumi in wonderlan sounds based
Judging by that avatar, I think it's satire.
Stop talking about something you clearly know nothing about. The quality of TV anime's been consistent for nearly 40 years now. I'd argue that the only time TV anime was objectively better was in the late 70s.
>FF7 remake
Wow I get to miss out on two of the biggest garbage fires ever made, thanks sony!
Gee, it sure would be a bummer if I couldn't play those games. That'd kind of suck, wouldn't it?
What happened to slutwalks and stopping people from shaming women's bodies andremoving the taboo?
Why did sjws do a complete 180?
That only applies to ugly people, they're the only ones allowed to act """""""sexy""""""""""
So I guess forcing other countries to abide by your standards is only a bad thing when it's being done to third-world shitskins
Sony is completely lost
Women who act/dress like sluts on their own accord = Good
Women who are made to act/dress like sluts on the whims of men = Bad
I wish the concept of ugly and fat didn't exist in this reality. Why can't every human be slim and beautiful?
Sony didn't say "remove these titties from the title"
The omega symbol is part of the Switch version's title because it's the definitive version of the game. The censored PS4 version is being sold at budget price.
Why do you cucks focus on this made up narrative instead of the more interesting truth which is D3 Publisher giving Sony a big middle finger for refusing to allow the first Omega Labyrinth Z to release at the last minute?
We need fake news to fuel outrage
That would kill the point of it.
It isn't Omega Labyrinth anymore. Omega Labyrinth has a whole slew of systems like PTA, oppai appraisal, oppai janken, as well as rubbing minigames and the like.
This PS4 version has none of those so it clearly isn't Omega Labyrinth, it's just Labyrinth.
I fuckin love that sony isnt pandering to retarded waifu fags.
Oh right forgot fictional women can't have the agency to choose to dress sexy
and somehow a fictional person who does something of their own accord actually counts as being forced to against their non-existent will by their oppressive creator
>Why do you cucks focus on this made up narrative instead of the more interesting truth which is D3 Publisher giving Sony a big middle finger for refusing to allow the first Omega Labyrinth Z to release at the last minute?
That's great and all, but this shit shouldn't have happened in the first place and this will not stop Sony from butchering more mature-rated games.
The "narrative" is sony is full of fags now that are allergic to anything that isn't some westernshit ugly as a horse, which is explicitly why they didn't let the first game release.
>sony censored it
I think it's more likely that idea factory did that themselves as a jab at sony
This is getting a lot of attention for some reason. I like the idea behind it with BE but the 3d models are just chibis.
It would be better if was Senran Kagura: Omega Labyrinth
they did sony a favour then if that was the case
>Imperialism is ok when we do it
What is even happening to the left these days lmao
Yeah, but it's not going to help in the long run.
The logic behind it is that it's only good if there's agenda behind being slutty such as smashing patriarchal views on the perception of how women should act. Fictional characters aren't people so the only reason they have to be slutty is to appease the male gaze which is extremely problematic as it makes men sexists who lose respect for actual women. In other words, some people can't separate reality from fiction.
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
How is this not a public ban?
They fear 2D.
>he says, while using an anime profile picture
We have shit mods these days
all the anti-anime trannies have anime profile pictures
>Sexuality BAD
>Violence GOOD
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
>Americans want to wall themselves in to preserve their ideals
>also wants to police the outside to conform to them
Can't have both
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
this should be a bannable offense
It could probably be like you say, that person just put "Down with cis" on her shirt to pass it as a normal avatar for that site.
This is probably another case of this , if you pay attention to their username you will see something suspicious on it.
>Aya Brightwing
>Right wing
And maybe they're the ones who screencap their own posts.
The most reddit post I've seen all month
>Going after the porn industry
>Implying they can live without their nigger porn
Contracts mostly
Most of these small anime game companies signed contracts with Sony before they moved to California and had these rules.
>ugh just gross just ugh gross ugh
That is some super meta shit.
that's fucking scary dude. these people are crazy
Eh, it doesnt have to be a tranny. You could be a dogfucker furfag, diaperboy, chrischan, a game journalist, a tumblrite, or a tranny. Honestly, telling you to dilate gives you the benefit of the doubt and assumes that you are the least possible evil.
its a place where people care more about pretend scores than actually saying whats on their mind
>I uh
>I a right wing
snoy disgusts me. anyone supporting this company, at this point, has no excuse
this could be the perfect opportunity to weed out these people from gaming
>Implying they don’t serve off purely ramen and water from the corner store or express delivery
No one cares faggot
You telling me someone is doing some advance shitposting on that site?
Better people than them have tried to take down porn only to have Hef and Larry Flynt laugh them out of the room.
>Ay = I
>a = a
>B = Yea Forums
>Right wing
I a Yea Forums right wing.
>we must protect the 2D children!
>turns blind eye to sexual exploitation of minors in their own country
Shes talking about actual loli. Not the shit we see in mainstream games.
That's true, but she also treats 2D the same as 3D anyways in earlier parts.
Based and Redfield
Cool list now post the 1st party games the PS4 have
how anyone can defend sony at this point is beyond me
nintendo is based
How's the game? Thinking about getting it.
we don't exactly know, sony censored the predecessor completely even though the localization was already done
it's pokemon mystery dungeon with breast expansion and some flower gardening harvest moon thing
unironically gained respect for nintendo
Decent Mystery Dungeon from what I've heard. Also, My fetish.
They're applying US standards to Japan where everything is take the wage slave job or die.
I was in Japan last week and went to a Maid Cafe in Akiba, Unless our server was really good at lying, she genuinely did enjoy the job and making people who normally don't interact with other people happy.
And if it was all a lie, that just means she's really good at her job because she can successfully keep that facade up.
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
What has Yea Forums become?
People say reddit is like anything else in the past, gaia, YTMND, Ebaumsworlds, but they're an entirely new type of cancer because their way of posting is antithetical to how Yea Forums works.
It all really went to shit in 2015 thanks to /r9k/ and Yea Forums hasn't recovered since.
They have to interact with sweaty incels on daily basis, and even worse, weeb foreigners. Can't imagine the hell that these poor girls have to go through.
Not surprising honestly. Sony pretty much gave Japan to Nintendo in order to dominate the whole world.
You sound mad and are projecting.
Sony literal gets sales just for being Japanese. They fucked up so fucking hard.
>watching Sony fans rush around defending their shit company in the recent year
If they didn't like their job, they'd quit, simple as that.
I really hate that Tyrant is a decent DMC player who has to have the shittiest fucking opinion.
Tyrant sounds like a projecting faggot.
only incels play this kind of perverted, boring, dumb, zero gameplay games anyway
Japan is fine as it is. If anything Americans should take some cues from how the Japanese live.
They have a better quality of life and work less.
>Inb4 /pol/tard says it's race related
It's because they aren't selfish assholes like Americans.
A lot of these aren't even for the Western market. Main point is they are also pulling this shit in Japan user. You don't see the issue in this?
And only ball-less faggots defend censorship. Enjoy being cucked all your life.
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
The absolute state of you, /r/XboxOne
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
She set up a fake identity and faked hints and baited Game Journos to try to dox her which they did and bragged about doxxing her, but it was a ruse, and showed these people who cry about harassment and doxxing are all for doing ti against people they dont like
I see the RetardEra crowd are triggered again.
Wtf I love ResetEra now!
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
>277 replies
Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with this shitty board
Wait was she the one who setup being a trans black woman or something? Then posted a black dude in a wig crying and suddenly everyone backpeddled and apologized?
God the faggots are un-fucking-bearable, they deserve to have their head shoved in a toilet. Its funny how they never go after backwards shitholes were women are treated like shit but oh no the anime tits, fucking cum stains.
ResetEra/Neogaf came and never left. Everything is triggering to them.
>Hey gamers I'm really a japanese housewife teehee please look at how autistically involved with vidya as you are
Serious question: is there an invasion or mass exodus from somewhere? There have been so many bad threads and posts like this tonight clearly from somewhere else.
You have to look for this kinda stuff there for you to find. This guy it's pretty much a pedo.
>Hey guys I'm really a woman even if I was born as a man
>caring about the content of someone's character and not just their argument
If someone has bad character, their side is not worth acknowledging
t. Yea Forums tranny
this thread again?
Any localization news?
First game never came, right?
I feel like punching him already.
I don't know when I'll stop.
You need to be 18 to post on this board
You were never going to sleep with me anyway, so why do you care?
PC port when?
>(credit to @mombot for the tweet)
go back
>tfw want to move to Japan after I'm finished with university
>just want to work, pay taxes, keep my head down, find a qt nip waifu
>these degenerates who hate Japan working 24/7 to fuck everything up
>all the Olympics shit coming up
Snoy didn't let them release the first one here. I hope they try with the Switch version of this one.
>he fell for the asian women meme
i want to get a switch now bros
>he fell for the japan meme
That's what I always say, Sony is pandering to the west for YEARS now
What is sad is that even japanese companies are pandering the west too, like Konami and Capcom and we all know what this brought to us
>slippery slope is bullshit
>but we need to ban fictional porn because of reasons
it's called reaction formation.
People vehemently opposed to loli shit in fact prefer the real thing.
and another
>all on PC except for persona and maybe ff7
Anyone has the webm of the dude cowering at the sight of cleavage?
The first one was OK in the post game. People at Vitagen that played the second say it's a noticeable improvement.
Holy shit the UN one is hilarious. It reminds me of all the male feminists on twitter that got caught being sexual abusers.
Could not verify, why don't you archive shit?
And his cellmate pissed on him iirc
The one where he's playing Yazuza 0? I've seen it before but never saved it.
>If you don't learn from a man you'll speak like a woman
Only if your teacher isn't qualified for their job
This one?