Let's Be Honest Here Yea Forums

Halo was never good. It was basically Medal Of Honor/Call Of Duty in SPACE. The only reason it was adored was because of Cortana. It can't compete with recent Call Of Duty games and you know it.

Attached: Halo_-_Combat_Evolved_(XBox_version_-_box_art).jpg (220x284, 19K)

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suck a peepee cum licker

Attached: i made borderlands 5.jpg (1200x900, 194K)

> It was basically Medal Of Honor/Call Of Duty in SPACE.
No problem there. They used tropes from older Sci Fi and made it work.
>The only reason it was adored was because of Cortana.
Johnson, Chief, and Arby too?
>It can't compete with recent Call Of Duty games and you know it.
It had issues in the past, but the games lasted much longer because of its customs.

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user be honest,
Johnson was the face of Halo,
Not Master Chief,
When he died the franchise fell.
Dude had more popularity than Commander Shepard himself back then.

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Borderlands is trash

>It can't compete with recent Call Of Duty games and you know it.
Nigga what year is it, call of duty ain't even relevant anymore

They're remaking modern warfare. You and I both know that going sale like hotcakes user.

why do you think it wants to compete with cod

Halo from the ground up starting from Halo 2-3 has always had a massive online multiplayer competition. COD rivals that, most people would rather play COD than Halo. I garunteed you if the remake Modern Warfare was released beside Halo Infinite it will be destroyed by sales of COD due to the generation era.

Because he's only familiar with 4/5 and didn't actually play the original trilogy at release.


It was always good. Even now, replaying it, I have fun. It's much more replayable than half life.

I honestly never really cared about Cortana.

Halo 2 was goat. Pc cucks I knew back then that played CS all bought an xbox for it but zooms here have no clue.

>It's much more replayable than half life.
Woah there.....thats teaching there user.

Don't tell me what I like or shouldn't like faggot

Do you not like fun?

This game has one of the games with the best levels and aesthetic, it's great even today user.

>Halo 2 was goat.
This, Halo 3 was trash

Everything about Halo was iconic, even the sound effects


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Fun fact: if you're playing the game with headphones at full volume when you're at low health master chief's heartbeat sfx will fuck your ears up

Halo 1 and 2 had iconic soundtrack

Ironic you're using that meme when you were the exact same sort of kid.

they already remade that one

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Modern Warfare 2 is being remade. You know the moment Ghost shows up it's selling.


Halo CE was kino
Halo Reach was kino
OP is a faggot

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I lost all interest in Bungie the day they fired Martin O'Donnell

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who wants to pay full price for that short ass campaign and no multiplayer? shit's gonna flop hard

>not losing interest post-Halo 3


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Nostalgia dude.
The Zoomers will be all over it.

Halo CE is unplayable trash. Halo 2 is the greatest FPS ever made, and by an extreme margin. Halo 3 is somewhere in between. Halo CE is a meme.

>likes halo 2
>claims any other game is unplayable

It's the truth

t. couldn't lead his shots