Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

i wanted this shit to end quick but now that it ended i am kinda sad
i miss dana..

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>tfw finished the game without finding all persons

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>tfw finished the game but missed two fish
>can't complete bonding events for Shoebill

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Play it again, then.

I played it on the Vita first when it was JP only, then played the PS4 JP version, then played the PC version, and now I'm doing it again for the nightmare achievement.

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i already busted 25 hours in it, expecting it to be a budget 6 hours game
no not another 25 of the shitty gameplay

dana was in another game before?

thx for the help user from the last thread
dana is heavy!

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I love griselda

did you already beat the optional dugeon? On the highest difficulty it's quite the pain in the ass.

>not playing on easy to enjoy hack and slash

Is the PC port trash? It almost never drops below $60 on PS4

>optional dugeon?
which one? this?

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its not trash but its not a 10/10 port
about 10 times in 25 hours it crashed it cutscenes
other than that and that the vita clothes are not included its ok

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He means either that one, or re-visiting that one as Adol after you have defeated the final boss.
Haven't done that last part myself, actually.

YOU WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER SEE ANYBODY AGAIN! Ys treats their characters like shit.


Everyone totally cared about Tera in V and was happy she re-appeared in VI though, right?
And who could forget Geis?

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wow i am so glad i found this dungeon and moreso after the last boss when i thought the game ended
this is like a bonus dungeon for me now and the dungeon itself if fun and not just beat that fucking enemies and now these fucking enemies

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Literally who?

>That melancholic post-game dungeon
>It's the Dana dungeon except now it's all dilapidated and overgrown

Fucking made me sad. youtube.com/watch?v=bIK738WVSqw&list=PLzFTGYa_evXi6iVzAPRg4_kkNphkGXG7c&index=61

also this dungeon made me realise that the game never made usage of the different dana forms
i didnt even realise much difference between them till now
sad the main game shat on them
and orange dana best dana

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which one

The loli dragon boss at the end is so fucking good.

It's the Dana dungeon but in the present day with Adol and crew.

God, imagine her amazon form stomping on your belly.

so this same dungeon? how do i enter it in new era?

>playing nu Ys

big yikes

why cant dana transform in the present day?
>playing 2d pixle shit
big yikes

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You have to beat the dungeon in the old era first.

I can't remember if you need to beat the dungeon Dana's time to get the true ending which pretty much has the true final boss.

when did this game become so deep?

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