I... what?

I... what?

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Other urls found in this thread:


games 60 dollars each
buy vouchers and get 2 games for 100 dollars
save 20 dollars

You pay for two tickets, the tickets are 99 dollars together. Within the next year if theres two games that come out that you want, you can trade the tickets for them.

Since the new game will potentially be 60usd, (59.99) and you can get two of them, that'd have costed 120 dollars for both games, but you got it for 99.

I have no idea why you would do this it seems like some exceptionally dumb gimmick they are trying out because they didn't make a system for pre-orders.

but why the need for "vouchers"
that seems like an unnecessary step

>some exceptionally dumb gimmick they are trying out because they didn't make a system for pre-orders.
...but you can pre-order on the eshop. do you even know what you're talking about?

>gambling on them releasing two worthwhile games within a year
only a retard would do this

Buying the vouchers is literally the same as buying two games.

Then honestly I really don't know why, when I was watching the direct they specifically said this was their answer to preorders. If you can just preorder anyway, that I have absolutely no fucking idea what they were thinking.

I would gladly pay you tomorrow for a cheeseburger today.

Why would they just let Switch Online members pay only $50 for two games a year?

>Within the next year if theres two games that come out that you want, you can trade the tickets for them.
Or you could use it on games that are already out you fucking retard


Something isn't right about this.There's a catch. Why the fuck would they make you pay less for a roundabout way to get games?

Within the next year refers to the fact that after a year they expire. Within the year includes this very second... Are you ok user? Do you feel ok?

When do the vouchers expire? Seems like a good way to pick up new games cheap on release.
That's the only reason I can think of using a voucher system over doing

>costs 132.99 in Canadian

Is there tax too?

Isn't it obvious? They don't have to put individual games on a sale this way. Instead of letting you pay 40 dollars for a game you want, you're forced to pay 100 if you do want the "deal"
Nintendo has always been maximum goyim.

Attached: Jill.png (205x190, 6K)

It's so you can gift it to someone, and also to make sure it goes to a game and not in game DLC or something

:^) They know they don't have two games worth 60 dollars coming out within the next year, they phrased it as if this was a GREAAAT deal, but then people will find out that super mario maker is like 40 dollars, and then it'll be a drought.

because they want to keep it as a "special offer" because they haven't announced any upcoming games until e3. Also by purchasing the vouchers early Nintendo can use the money for other stuff like ""online dedicated server for splatoon :^)"" or use the money to fund more gacha games.

Guess I'll be getting Astral Chain and Pokemon. Anything good on the Eshop for like $20? Already have Okami.

>user wants to buy a game
>Option A: pay $60 for it
>Option B: buy two games for $100 instead of $120 and doesn't have to choose second one right now
>user goes with Option B because it's an eventual savings
>Nintendo has locked in a second purchase from user

So you are a retard then. Gotcha

It costs nothing to "stock" digital games. There's no difference between paying 100 dollars for 2 games or 100 dollars for 1 game to them. You're still giving them 100 dollars. That's the whole "point" of this.

One year after you pay for them. They can only be bought until the end of July.

Nuh uh nigga
cant gift them
what you think this is? NOT nintendo?

Attached: 1537523767999.png (678x135, 17K)

>Since the new game will potentially be 60usd,

Attached: 1524559737611.jpg (1200x1175, 186K)

This. Literally every business does this. They'll give you a discount if they can guarantee you'll spend more.

Attached: 1544851343504.png (862x636, 440K)

>wanted to get super mario maker 2 digitally
>wanted to buy botw digitally because I'm sick of swapping out the cartridge
>gamestop will give me $20 for botw

I guess it all works out

I can see three possibilities:
>It's easier for the store than applying the discount at check-out (knowing how nintendo is bad at this things I wouldn't check it out)
>It's a marketing thing, they love to create secondary currencies so that the consumer lose the ability to percieve value
>They expect people to hold those so it's a way to get the money to use it now without the necessity of paying interest

Same reason stores sell gift cards. You're now obligated to buy the stuff they have decided for you, and they got paid whether you use them or not.

for a board that claims to understand the ins and outs of the video game industry there sure are a lot of people on here that can't even understand a simple "buy 2 get $20 off" promotion

It's literally a bulk purchase discount. It's easy to see. I'm thinking about doing it for super mario maker when it comes out and then saving a voucher for Pokemon Sword/Shield because I know I'm going to be getting that.

"A simple buy 2 get 20 off"

>Buy 2 mystery tickets good for 2 things right this moment user!
>Perhaps it'll be worth while, but if it's not too bad because they expire!!!

'member when ol ninty said digital games would be cheaper
than retail copies because they wouldn't have to pay admin fees and such?


The catch is that they sell two games to customers, who may only buy one switch game a year. Like someone who might only be looking forward to mario maker 2 now has incentive to try another game like animal crossing. The real question is are these games even worth their full price tag? Games like star allies, yoshi, super mario party, and tennis aces should be $40 so really you're not getting any deal and losing money.

>Digital only

No thank you

Nintendo hates sales, so this is the next best thing for discounted games.

No. That was literally Sony with the Vita.

No, do you have a source?

Thinking of getting one for Mario Maker and then spend the voucher on either MUA3 or Astral Chain

>paying full price for DIGITAL games
>paying 99 dollars for two digital games
>not paying like 30 bucks for each game on the used market, getting a PHYSICAL copy with actual resale value instead of digital nothing

Attached: 1555149609931.png (960x720, 756K)

>paying anything for something that you can't hold in your hands

You're giving nintendo to much credit. You do realize all of there games never will go on sale as digital download or at brick and mortar stores as well.

>Want to get Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
>60 american dollars
>Well, i might try this offer but you need to buy 2 games first

Fuck em

Why not just give free games every month like everybody else?

marketers often try to make deals look better by saying it in a convoluted or roundabout way
except this doesn't even sound like a good deal at first glance

>requires NSO subscription to get them in the first place
>which costs $20

>Pay $100 so you can buy two extremely overpriced Nintendo games like Pokemon or Mario
>Your vouchers are "LIMITED TIME" only During the slowest months of Nintendo games in years
>Forced to buy some kiddie crap because no real games have released

Bravo. A masterstroke by Nintendo.

>Get two vouchers
>End up only using one
It's like BJ's selling you a shitload of meat in "bulk" for "less per pound" while knowing full well the vast majority of people will let it spoil and throw a good chunk of it out.

Nintendo has more vouchers than games at this point

>Preorder 2 games for 10 bucks out

>Maybe cut some tards out of preordering on amazon if they were going to go for digital anyway

Pretty much about it. Dumb system though.

nintendo's jewness knows no bounds

That's what a vacuum sealer is for, user. You buy meat at sale price, always, and then remove the air before freezing so it keeps in the freezer well.

It's to appease Nintendo autism. Funny little brightly-colored ticket with happy Mario star on them appeals to autists. Makes them more likely to buy shit games.

Nintendo believes the NES roms they let you rent (yes, rent, not own) are equivalent to giving away current or last gen games

>buy two sets of vouchers
>have now made up that money spent

>spend $120 on two games without online for a year
>or spend $120 on two games with online for a year

Gee whiz what a scam!

this desu and sous vide, season and vacuum seal some meat, then all you have to do is throw in the water for a few hours and it's ready to eat

Attached: meat the gaben.webm (1920x1080, 2.78M)

You’re buying MM2, right? There you go.

to make sure you spend money on nintendo games
even if you dont want them

One thing about this, are the coupons tradeable?

I wanted to split with a friend so we could both buy Mario Maker 2, but i don't really know how they give away the coupon, is it something like only your account has it or is it something else like a gift code?

Or people who actually follow when games are coming out
>Astral chain
Oh look, I find 2 games already!

whats that bottle with the sphere cap of?

>Nintendo fans are awful with money
>Water is wet

Or don't spend $60 on games in the first place.

So what happens if you buy 2 $50 games?

Attached: b9a48dee-058d-11e6-94fc-ccdd7d0166f5.jpg (964x3268, 1011K)

Nintendo's online doesn't justify paying for it. It is a scam

I'm gonna wait for E3 and Animal Crossing

MM2 and AC are games I'd prefer to have digitally so it works out.

Can you buy the voucher 2 or 3 times on the same account? Anyone tested this out?

Is it worth getting four of them and getting
Mario maker 2, Splatoon 2, Mariokart 8, and when the pre-order eventually comes animal crossing?

>"Shit game"
2 years. Go dilate, tranny.

They apparently don't do eshop preorders to cut down on credit card info being held in servers, which I don't have a problem with since I think preordering (especially digital preordering) is dumb as fuck.

Then you got your money’s worth.

>buy $20 nintendo switch online membership
>buy two vouchers for $100
>use them to redeem two $60 games
>spend $120 total, online pays for itself
Not that fucking hard to understand, you brainlets.

>trick people who wouldn't have actually bought another game with or near Mario Maker 2 to pay $40 more
>elderly people who get it for Animal Crossing and die before it comes out Q4
>pushes digital
>is a perk for online; so, it pushes their subscription too
>it will work with upcoming Summer games until Astral Chain; but, it is unconfirmed if it will work for Autumn/Holiday games (Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, Link's Awakening, Pokemon)
>some people will ignore this and buy it for Mario Maker and Animal Crossing and than burn it on a different game they wouldn't have bought otherwise
>fights the stigma that Nintendo has no sales, albeit this is small; but, it is still something
>marketing/suits get Varoufakis Valve style research info out it somehow

Arent vouchers and giftcards that expire, illegal?

That steak is fucking raw.

Might be ok. We'll get an Animal Crossing release date at E3 right? Might get it for MM2 and AC.

Do you still earn coins on the voucher purchase? If so this is a pretty big deal. You'd get 2 $60 games for $90 factoring in the gold coin discount. That's 25% off any digital game on release.

That was Sony way back when and they were dead fucking wrong because they themselves sell digital at the same price as retail but without the sale price being slashed as quickly.

>dude just don't buy games xd

Wow user, genius financial expert

You don't know if they'll be good though. Only a dumbass buys a game on release day.

It's worth it solely for the fact that the Switch isn't a region locked machine with games tied to hardware instead of account like the 3DS and Wii U

You can get up to 8

>Nintendo first party games
>Ever dipping in msrp unless they're either complete bombs or player's choice

Attached: ids_diohhhpng.png (471x471, 60K)

you can cook it to medium-rare with sous vide and it will be completely pasteurized see douglasbaldwin.com/sous-vide.html

>up to 8

i keep hearing this but where is the screenshot or fine print that says this? I can't find it.

>All of these people defending this by say "you save money if you buy two sets!"
>Have to give Nintendo $220 for a 15% discount

You all are in "open" relationships too, aren't you?

Yes, you get 500 points, which is $5 off

>buy things for $100
>can use things to get 2 games
>get two $60 games
>total would have been $120
>instead only spent $100
>saved $20

Literally scroll down on the voucher page on the Nintendo eshop, in the terms and conditions.

I'm convinced all of Yea Forums shares one collective brain cell at this point

I don't even know if you can even buy more than the initial pair but I am pretty sure Splatoon 2 is around $50 box copy.

So? They don't offer a good online service that's worth money. If it was as good as Xbox live, then sure, worth paying for. But it's not, Nintendo online sucks

except you dont know if there will be any games you want to get
>give us $100 and maybe you'll save $20 or maybe you'll lose $100
it's a really shitty gamble

>Have to spend $20 to use the service to buy the $100 vouchers to get two $60 games


>as good as Xbox live
So, garbage? Why would anyone spend $60 a year for it?

>implying the switch has 4 games you don't already own

Why would you buy this without having two games that you want to purchase? If you only want to purchase one game, why even be interested in purchasing this voucher?

Go be retarded elsewhere

Thanks to Atmosphere, I can pick any amount of any digital Switch games for $0.00!

Xbox live is light years better than Nintendo online.

why? what does it do or offer that is sooo worth the $60 a year?

Even the bombs don't drop in price. Star Fox Zero is still $50, and Federation Force is $40.

>Spend $20 on Switch Online to save $20 on games

Attached: 1530642608045.gif (280x280, 1.44M)

>need to pay for the online to get access to deal
>can't even use it for upcoming games
Far worse than even nu-ps+ deals

Attached: 1558033058343.png (1018x767, 534K)

Wait will "future" games like bayonetta 3 and animal crossing be considered "eligible" if it comes out next year? Or will Nintendo refuse the eligibility for future if they feel like it?

Their games have servers.

Nope and those games aren't coming out within a year anyway

the computer isn't region locked hardware and it's managed to be free just fine for all of history fuck ninento don't bow down to them

Dedicated servers
Good matchmaking
Doesn't disconnect with errors randomly
Good free games
Voice chat that's built into the system

You can get the voucher with the family plan online for 35usd for 8 people so basically all you need to do is have family or friends and split it 35/8=4.375usd per person which is good as long as you have 2 people or more.

It's not really a bad deal
I just don't want to spend money on games any more

woah you mean stuff that is free on PC??

So people can decide on what game to get after seeing the E3 direct. People's expectation might change after seeing more in-depth look of the games they want.

>buy two games and save 10 dollars
>literally excuses nintendo keeping games full priced for years and years

how on earth

nintendies need to be gassed


splatoon2 would like a word with you since it's peer2peer

>even free services offer more than nintendo

Ok mr advertiser but how about the deal for the average consumer

None of that is worth $60 a year. Xbox Live is better than Switch Online, but it's still a ripoff.

there are upcoming games listed there, games with official eshop pages already. Why wouldn't they add more to this offer after E3 when games like AC, LM3 or Pokemon are properly revealed?

it's hardly even a gamble too since if you really did give a shit you could buy used and sell used. with these vouchers you literally own nothing

Splatoon has no servers. They wouldn't even change that much because the tickrate is abysmally low.

>"why is Xbox live so much better than Nintendo online"
>here's why
What the fuck does PC matter here it's Nintendo online vs Xbox live

PC can never compete with Switch.
Sorry, but the thunder is all around Nintendo now.
Hell, even Sony, Microsoft have to ally together now. How pathetic... but that's what happens when your the ALPHA OG like Nintendo :)

All those games are out.

Aside from multiplayer, a free Xbox account still offers more than a paid Nintendo account.

why did he make this? his hands are shaking he has hardly had any alcohol that morning

I don't get why Xbros feel the need to compensate by allying with Nintendo. The X brand is fine on its own, and next gen is going to be a juggernaut. Remember this post: Xbox and PC will the definitive brand next gen (early next gen, too).

FE 3H and Astral Chain are out?

wow what a shitty list. I just got fire emblem for like $23, botw was $43, smash used is like $35 same with pokken being like $30. digital truly is for cucks

Anyone here use the paper clip voucher?

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after referrals nintendo ended up paying me!

No reason to own an Xbox if you have a PC already held hostage by Windows 10.

It's not about teaming up, this is just pointing out that Nintendo's online is so horrible compared to the others

It's rare you stupid cunt. Best way to eat steak.

>buy 2 get $20 off
>after spending $20 for the online you need to use them
What a deal!

Wowee! Fuck modern video games.

you can buy the vouchers when you get 2 games you want. You can buy back catalog. Fucking retard

so if you're already paying for online it can be a deal and if you don't pay for online then it isn't worth it

If you already have online, then you fronted them the $20 you are "saving"/

Autists like to collect coupons. Nintendo just carters to their core demographic, as always.

Where do you see those on this list

so its strategically the best to buy voucher on the last day July 30,2019 so that it will last slightly longer til July 30,2020 right?

Attached: 1554832024995.webm (720x720, 1.05M)

Are they really only going to be available until July?

if you were paying for the online regardless of the deal then you would still save $20 if you bought two $60 games with the vouchers

>how did I become so rich you ask?
>well I became a smart consumer of course
>Nintendo had a striking deal. I paid a whopping 25 bucks to gain access to their voucher system
>What is the voucher system? The voucher system allows me to obtain 2 video games for free, after paying 100 dollars for the vouchers
>You can't buy the vouchers unless you pay for Nintendos Online Membership by the way!
>So that's how I saved this nickel.

Attached: 1557809778054.jpg (1496x1496, 117K)

>Nintendo has always been Maximum Goyim
Youre using the word wrong

>eligible games
And you lost me. Btw it wont work on mario maker 2.

Wrong, brainlet.

Its so that the literal children who comprise nintendo's target audience feel engaged when buying their vidya.
I wish I was joking. Nintendo believes it is a toy company.

I got a year free from amazon prime
Keep moving the goalposts

Because a voucher is something you can give to someone and it's easier to understand for an average consumer. You can use them later, what else would you call them?

>he spent $100 for a free year

>had to pay for it

Your idiocy would have sense, but this is a deal for new games too and you can use it on new titles only, or even put cash with a friend and you both use a single voucher each.

It cannot be redeemed for cash, it can be transfered onto someone else. Learn to read.

>eligible now
>Super Mario Maker 2

Attached: eligible.jpg (709x919, 155K)

Is Yea Forums literally out of touch of the concept of "buy 2 items at a discount" promo retailers have been doing?


You can literally see the games that support it.

I am paying for amazon prime's benefits.
The Switch online was a gift from being prime at Amazon

But keep justifying being poor.

So this is basically just a way to scam people into buying on impulse like a gift card, pretend you're definitely saving some cash and then make money even if it goes unused. And this is the "Great deals" we were promised if we got Nintendo Online?

Attached: photo_2018-04-30_13-17-26 (2).jpg (390x340, 16K)

I got star fox zero at 5 below. Stores dont have to charge msrp.

>has to get bundle deals to save any penny he can
>claims to not be poor

>Mario Kart 8, Smash, Odyssey and BotW are the only games worth buying but I already own them
>Only reason why I would buy it is for Mario Maker 2
>Mario Deluxe and DK Tropical Freeze are pretty ok but not worth more than 20€

>can't afford said bundles to begin with
>l-lol you are the poor one

It requires you to have paid for an additional service. Give us traditional deals or fuck right off.

>can't afford shipping and a nintendo subscription
pic related is you

Attached: file.jpg (752x501, 84K)

Nice, so you get free online if you buy any two 60$ games in a year.

20$ for online. 100$ for the vouchers. Wish Sony or MS had a deal that for the end user means free online.

No one who owns a Switch is actually bitching about NSO. Stop false flagging.

>paying full price for nintendo online
Just split the cost of the family plan with your friends. You do have friends, right Yea Forums?

>you're poor if you don't needlessly spend

>no true Scotsman

tendies defends every nintendobulsshit puta que parioooooooooo

Attached: 20190516_184956.jpg (2753x1621, 1.49M)

How is it Nintendo's fault if you put 100$ and forget you put it there? You can probably check it, will get an email that it expires etc. If all this in the end won't make you use it, it's not their fault you're a fucking idiot.

You couldn't be more wrong

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-16 at 6.50.01 PM.png (888x107, 25K)

It's $20. Can you really not afford that? It's only once a year, too. Is the Switch your only console too?

God forbid you wait a few days before reedeming a ticket to see if the game is good.
See, I can shift goalposts too.

UHHHHHH all you Nintendo haters or NIGGERS as I like to call you, listen up.

Nintendo is the greatest video game company in the world ok?! So when they refuse to ever put games on sale for more than 10% off, it's because they're just too high quality compared to basednypony or dudebox crap, got it? Nintendo games like Wind Waker for the Gamecube sell for 30 bucks in 2019 because they're just so high quality and everyone knows it. Do you know what NGC stands for? Never Gonna Cut (prices). Yeah...yeah...thought so.

So all you haters out there I'm putting you on my list of people who don't like Nintendo, and I'm making a note of who you are and you better change your ways in life or this list will be sent to Nintendo and you'll never be allowed to pay $20 PER YEAR to rent NES roms and play online ever in your life. Bet you're fuckin scared, huh?

Attached: 1496320895451.jpg (273x359, 14K)

Why should anyone spend extra money if you don't have to? If NSO is bundled with something you're buying anyways, why would anyone pay for NSO?

Enjoy your amazing $20 discount on the few non ports you can get with the vouchers.

I didn't have to wait 3 months for Amazon to give me their charity.

Why wouldn't I want the Switch to be as good as possible if I own one? It should be the opposite where I would pretend to support the bad features if I don't own a Switch and want to make it look bad.

Nintendo just keeps pissing me off. Theres no reason for this when you can buy most of their games for cheaper than $60 in physical form. And as others have said, you still need to pay 20 bucks for their shitty internet so it evens out. Itd be one thing if their online wasnt utter trash.

Why do you care about this if you don't buy digital games?

NSO has been a really hard sell for Nintendo.
People abuse the family plan to make a year subscription dirt-cheap for a buncha people, and the online service they've provided has actually been subpar.
NES Online is a joke with people preferring to outright buy the games they care about, and Tetris 99, whilst cool, is only one thing.

1) Standard giftcard precommitment reasons.
2) It makes getting a cash refund basically impossible. This is why the Wii shop made you buy points to exchange for games rather than let you just buy games directly.

>switchfags wants this instead of just heavily discounted games
Jewtendo all the way up their ass must feel good

blame rock stop for lobbying to prevent digital games from being cheaper than physical if its available in both

>with people preferring to outright buy the game
Why would anyone prefer spending $4 a pop per NES game?

This isn't about the discount. It's Nintendo's strategy to get people to subscribe to their online system.

The president already said it that they want more people to subscribe. That's why it's dirt cheap, why it's being gifted to amazon prime members, why it comes bundled with Mario Maker 2 at a $10 discount, etc.

You need paid online to get the vouchers, it's just another gimmick to get people subscribing to their online service.

>aunt permanent walmart employee discount and pickup discount on top of it

The vouchers don't save me more than that and I'd get physical for resell value. I hate that no matter how I slice it the vouchers aren't worth it ever.

$5 per NES game.
$7 for Earthbound Beginnings.

Attached: file.png (768x929, 453K)

>played xenoblade 2
>beat botw on wii u
>got bored of smash and need to continue paying for online if I want to go back to it
>dont want bing bing wahoo
Is astral chain here yet

Attached: 1557507463316.png (1000x1000, 345K)

astral chain + pikmin4 bros...

Want to know this too. A friend and I are definitely getting Mario maker digital copies on release, so if this shit is tradable there's no reason to not split it.

And what happens when all those people who are only getting it because it's free with amazon prime cancel their memberships when the free time runs out?

I don't think many people are going to sub just for this offer. This seems more for getting people to buy two games near launch and then telling everyone how much their games sold on the first week or whatever. It's like those limited edition PS4 bundles with the AAA game of that quarter.

Pikmin 4 is going to be shit because they're cowards and won't go back to the layout of 2, or the spooky and time strict vibe of 1
I genuinely think pikmin 1 and 2 lucked out being so good

You could have condensed all of that into a single paragraph.

>gets btfo

not digitally tho


>DK Tropical Freeze [is] pretty ok but not worth more than 20
It's definitely worth the price, it's one of the best platformers of all time

It's a limited time offer pleb.

>Nintendo first party games
>Ever dipping in msrp
Well lucky for me then since they do where I live, like Amazon is selling mario maker 2 for $58 aud which is like $40 usd.

I love 1, but to me 2 feels like a small misstep.
I enjoyed 3 more than it, so I'm looking forward to 4