Ain't wrong
Ain't wrong
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why are liberals the puritans now?
COPE more, weebs
>another twitter screencap thread
Because appealing to the male gaze encourages that treatment of women as sexual objects. I'm not kidding.
I wonder if butts are just gonna become the director’s signature. Anything he proposes will start with
>you play as a lady with a nice ass
but that is woman purpose
>Twitter screencap threads will never be banned
Just take me back to old Yea Forums
there's no data for this. you can't draw a straight line between anime tiddies and violence against women. fucking obviously since fat weebs aren't capable of hurting a woman except with their body odor
i know you're trying to bait, but at the same time that's unirronically true
this is why men should be even more sexualized. MK11 did a great job with toning down the women but cranking up the men in the fuckability factor to 11
great job, now you'll get swarmed by new Yea Forums users claiming that Yea Forums has always been like this
Because they're not liberal, they're left wing conservatives aka commies. You mutts just decided to use it as a label for ppl who didn't vote Trump.
Clearly the solution is to make everyone as fuckable as possible.
They traded in free love for suburbia on 31st of December 1969
But women ARE sexual objects
and so are men
Meanwhile on the PS4
2B would be censored if released today on the PS4.
Please show the face behind this account
Showing female hair is haram, user
You could get arrested in multiple sandpeople lands with that
I want that ass on my face.
Funny how it's Nintedofags crying over Sony's censorship
Guys I have exciting news! Astral Chain is coming to PS4!
That honestly wouldn't be far off if it were to happen.
Dont. Post. This. Loli
Of course not, Yea Forums was created before twitter.
Came out before the Californication of Sony. It would be censored today. Whenever Vanillaware's next game comes out it will 100 percent be altered.
The underlying moral justifications for feminism and abrahamic religions both disliking overly-sexual depictions of women likely stem from the same root idea: they seem to encourage a trend toward activities not conducive for long term social cohesion and societal health.
When weren't American liberals puritan? When weren't Americans, as a whole, puritan?
I dont think you ever met a real commie bro.
that's because even thousands of years ago, it was obvious that 2D > 3D
>The era of Yea Forums before twitter screencap threads is now about ten years old
>appealing to the male gaze encourages that treatment of women as sexual objects
>normal behavior that any man or woman does when appraising reproductive fitness of possible sexual partner is encouraging people to view others as possible sexual partners
The left has gone insane in pathologizing anything and everything normal.
The girls ass is nice, sure, but the male’s suit design is much better
I’ve been to Cuba, Cuba is very conservative. Also the Soviet Union didn’t allow for homosexuality. Communists are very conservative.
Why are nintendo fans so obsessed with sony?
I fucking love Masakazu Katsura and I know he can draw amazing shit, but the girl in that picture looks weird as shit. Like a woman with the ass and legs of a little girl.
Flat perky tits are better though
Women encourage the treatment of women as sexual objects. Source: literally every page on instagram
*weebs are
but anyways it appears that Sony is culturally eating itself with their Western publisher, I mean literally the bad kimd of west, ever since they move to faggafornia they have literally been the worst, being too incompatible with japanese culture which is making increasing incompitable with Sony itself being a japanese company
Aren’t there lesbians out there that play vidya?
But for real, if these people get so upset about sexually appealing characters, why don’t they just go play vidya that those mentally ill people make?
Both males and females are sexual objects, the purpose of life is to reproduce. This objective is complete via sexual intercourse. So why this is so taboo in our society is an extreme oddity.
The worst part is the characters in videogames cannot be sexually exploited in any way. Censoring the subject in a videogame is ridiculous. It really comes down to this. The people who are upset by a sexually appealing character are people who are not sexually appealing. They feel that they now have to compete against a creation that they could never live up to. How stupid is it to get jealous of a piece of art? These are the same people back in the 90s that got upset over bikini models and playboy. Its really about the reproductive selectors in humanity and in most cases the selector of reproduction is the female. Females attract males and then choose the one they deem suitable. But if there is more competition that capture the attention of males this lowers the value that their appearance has, and this is why women do not like cute or sexually attractive creations. They think it reduces the selection population of males.
Oh shit, she’s a gang weeder! Either that or swat.
it's because women and women(male) on social media feel powerful bullying ugly and socially retarded men, feminists used to accurately target the "bro" male archetype as the main perpetrator of sexual violence. this targetting weebs is just gaymergate BS
>Post endless pictures of attacking Nintendo
>Nintendo get excited for a new game and begin spamming so-y pictures to make fun of them
>"wHY iS Nintendo fAnS OBseeSed?
Have you look in a mirror?
because they think that this tactics wins elections
if liberals suffered a huge election lose they would change their tone faster then you can jerk off to anime tities
liberals hate beauty
there are almost zero real communists left, what you are seeing is two groups that support the same thing (censor women) for different reasons. right-wing censorship of women is about purity and male dominance, left-wing censorship of women is about "male gaze"
Anything for votes, it's insane. They used to be very racist, but they lost elections so they did a 180 and sucked up to blacks and thanks to the Clintons it stuck.
But women also like sexy women.
The Democratic party split because the Republican party became synonymous with support for big business and money around 1870-1930. Left-wing Republicans (inheritors of the abolitionist tradition) around the depression era decided to just flop to the other party despite that party being the Southern racist states rights party
>anime girl avatar
>anime username
>talking about anime "game"
We are all objects.
Temporary objects in a universal calculation.
Let's hope the result of that calculation is something more helpful than 7*8=42.
>why are liberals the puritans now?
I love that so many here were originally saying we should just ignore them, "back to /pol", and anything else to dismiss the problem.
Now snoy literally bows to them and calls them master.
Still think they're harmless?
It's always people with anime avatars. Always.
I'll admit to being one of those people, I never thought multibillion dollar companies like Sony would be retarded enough to pander to outrage mobs on Twitter instead of just telling them to fuck off and keep making fat stacks of cash instead. I'm still perplexed by what they think they stand to gain with this sort of virtue signaling.
Because they declare themselves "liberal", while they are anything but.
To be fair, it's not only the "liberals". Practically any political movement has the problem of not standing for what it originally set out to be.
Astral Chain? More like Asstral Chain
They were harmless at first. Ignoring them is what caused this issue.You need to nip them at the roots.
Everyone views another person as a object until they form some kind of relationship with the individual.
This is natural in the humans why do you think we all fall victim to it? If anything after we reach a certain threshold in our lives we are sexual objects considering are main objective in nature is too breed.
Too discourage this would be too discourage birds from flying. Females gaze all the time too. Go outside and have sex incel.
Selective liberalism
Anyone who actually plays video games finds censorship disgusting
So according to this guy maid cafes are literally abducting women off of the street and forcing them into indentured servitude but the real problem is that they are made to wear demeaning outfits?
Seriously, you could eat out of that ass. Using a plate of course, eating de poopoo is gross. The point is, that ass could balance a plate and be stable enough to relaxedly dine.
Puritans and witchhunts. Sexuality is accepted everywhere else in the planet.
Blatantly untrue.
I’m lib as fuck but I don’t get this and I never have.
I can find no study of base of information of any kind for these claims which are stated as outright fact on a daily basis. I can even except the idea that it doesn’t work the same for men—men and women have different positions in society, and women are overwhelmingly more likely to be victims of sex crimes. But it just seems like something someone decided might be true and it became the foundation of a movement. People perform internet-lynchings over this shit, going after people’s jobs or family relations because of anime tiddy. Not commonly, thank god.
And if there was some basis in the idea that it causes assaults, I’d consider restrictions on that content. Like the recent spike in teen suicides after that Netflix show that glorified it. I’m willing to have that conversation, because there’s data. But near as I can tell, there’s no data for this and you’ll get shunned just for pointing that out, and this is the only place I cam discuss it without putting my wellbeing and personal relationships at risk. Freedom of expression and sexuality are important issues to me and part of why I leaned left in the first place, my stances on this won’t change unless I get some kind of real data. It better be pretty damn dramatic for me to support “stop people from making the art they want.” And there are times when I think you can put your foot down there, but it should be doing real, grievous harm. And even still, if the person’s intent isn’t harm, they shouldn’t be publicly condemned for it.
Untrue or not it's what leftyniggers actually believe.
Social political pendulum.
I'll still never understand why he wrote that big breasts are a lolicon fetish.
Notice how the people who tend to shriek the loudest about his sort of shit tend to be found out as sexual predators themselves. They have their own urges stirred when they see sexual content and project those urges onto everyone else, since if they feel that way that means everyone else must too right?
Assuming the right never stopped being puritan, you havent noticed the "free access to porn is ruining society" narrative?
>Censored the "as" from the title
Well played.
>nintentoddler is mentally ill
Imagine my shock
You mean to tell me that human mating is bad?
You should be grateful for sex champ, you wouldn't be here whining about it if I didn't do it with your mom last night
We all wish we were the little girl, user
I'm glad we're getting games where you play as the police again.
Where's my cop buddy game like L.A noire intro?
True Crime died.
He probably wishes to be a bald old man instead.
This image is so stupid, the fact that they also nerfed a MAN's ass means it wasn't because of censorship. You have counter evidence in your own pic.
Dad get off Yea Forums
>Send letters
>Letters are overly long and have all the normal talking points of SJWs
>Letter gets thrown out or laughed at relentlessly THEN thrown out
They don't realize the devs of these games aren't being forced. They aren't being told "REEEEE THIS CHARACTER'S ASS IS TWO PIXELS TOO SMALL MAKE IT BIGGER" The devs choose to make the characters like this, they choose to draw swimsuits, they choose to make them all look sexy because its what they want to do.
She got a cute butt.
I don't get it
Sexualizing literally anything is okay as long the subject isn't a traditionally attractive cisgendered female
Every opinion neoliberals hold begins to make a strange sort of sense once you realize it's all about creating a moral high ground. Supporting women's rights and supporting islam are conflicting views, so why would someone hold both? Because if women are bullied by men and muslims are bullied by the US military, than you can create a moral high ground from those views. Force yourself to see everything as a oppressor:victim dichotomy, choose the side of the victim, and you're morally superior.
Yeah I don't think Sony would publish a game where the police are the good guys
years ago, this post would've been laughed at and out of this thread.
what the fuck happened to the world?
Horseshoe theory. I have to blame Obama for allowing this kind of trend to happen. A decade of snowflakes whining about their lives are so bad and are entitled to their feelings. Spoiled white liberals who feel guilty.
Please dilate
I love reading these kinds of posts because they're people that have no idea what the culture of Japan is like, yet, they're also similarly the types that would be quick to defend other cultures coming into their own country and taking it over.
Literally nothing liberal about sex negativity. There's also nothing liberal about environmentalism. Doesn't some lefties can't espouse either them.
The USA is Bizarro Earth where the conservatives wear red and ramble on about liberty while the liberals wear blue and endorse the censorship of sex and violence.
Why are Snoyboys obsessed with Nintendo?
>Year 2030
>American culture morphs into Japanese culture
>All SJWs refuge into Old Japan
Funny how there is more shitposting these last 6 months about censorship than the last 30 years nintendo has been doing it
Apart from the fact Nintendo got heaps of shit during the wii-u/3ds era everytime they censored things and for those last 30 years nintendo have been ignored predominantly by 3rd parties in Japan only giving them the cheapest of licensed shovelware. The case is different here. Sony aren't just censoring the game in the west, they're censoring the game completely in Japan so there is no uncensored version at all. On top of that, the method as to how the censorship is done is incredibly disturbing as Sony force devs, even if they have 0 desire to release outside of Japan, to send information to the California branch of Sony IN ENGLISH, and should the branch need to communicate with the developers in real time it has to be done in California business hours ONLY. In other words, Jap devs are being forced to stay back even later than normal.
Those cases are far, far more damning than Nintendo's ever were.
> I love that so many here were originally saying we should just ignore them, "back to /pol", and anything else to dismiss the problem.
People weren't dismissing the problem, they were telling you and your ilk to go away.
Here's what you're not understand: It's not conservatism that's under attack, and liberals aren't the villains. What you're seeing is the outgrowth of outrage culture coming to a head.
You can manipulate anyone if you make them angry enough. Do you not notice how angry all your liberal enemies are? Do you think we don't notice how angry your buddies are? What do angry people on the internet do? They mob, and attach themselves to causes they don't care about in pursuit of moral validation.
>opposing the victimization of others is a bad thing