What do normalfags consider the best game ever?

What do normalfags consider the best game ever?

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>why do normalfags do this thing they don't actually do?
[insert reply that just makes shit up]

If you were on the internet for more than 5 minutes you'd know what it is
Lurk for 20 more years before posting again

They were told to

Only people over 25 care about it

Most normalfags never played it.
t.someone who spends a lot of time around epic gamer dudes who started gaming during Gen 7

half life 1 is better
t. Zoomer

nice bait

Because it looks pretty and it's really good at massaging the player's ego.

valve fanboys pretended that it is the best game in the world for years

You probably think some retarded Japanese game is the best shit ever

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>WRPGkun is this obsessed

>max Payne and thief 2


Whatever is the most popular game at the moment.

Fortnite, LoL, CoD.

Not an argument, Barry.

Doesn't lol get properly shat on these days

cool tech demo when they were kids

Since when did Barry give a fuck about western games?

Sports shit. My normalfag friends play shit like hockey and fifa. GTA V and RDR2 are the most vidya things they play.

Actual normalfags? Fortnite, CoD, and especially GTA5

His favorite game is an open world action game. Put two and two together.

I was too used to playing Taiko.

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VaIvedrones are probably the single most fanatic fanbase there is.

Normalfags today don't even know what Half Life is.

Counter strike or portal

This. What normalfag plays games that are over a decade old?

They don't anymore, they stopped caring about it after a year
This, normalfags don't care about Half-Life
> IGN 2005
Half-Life 2 (4th) (Top 6: RE4 > OOT > C.Trigger > HL2 > God of War > MGS3)
> IGN 2006
Half-Life 2 (13th) (Top 6: OOT > C.Trigger > RE4 > S.Metroid > ALTTP > SoulCalibur)
> IGN 2008
Half-Life 2 (34th) (Top 6: OOT > C.Trigger > SoulCalibur > ALTTP > MGS3 > S.Metroid)
> GameFaqs 2009
Half-Life 2 (50th) (Top 6: OOT > FF7 > ALTTP > FF10 > Mario World > Brawl)
> GameFaqs GoTD
Half-Life 2 (16th) (Top 6: Majora > Brawl > FFX > MGS3 > Metroid Prime > RE4)
> IGN 2013
Half-Life 2 (N/A) (Top 6: OOT > SMB3 > Mario World > SOTN > SoTC > Mario 64)
> GameFaqs 2015
Half-Life 2 (40th) (Top 6: Undertale > OOT > Melee > MGS3 > ALTTP > Mario 64)
> Ranker 2017
Half-Life 2 (22nd) (Top 6: OOT > Skyrim > SMB3 > Mario World > Mario 64 > GTA: SA)
> Yea Forums 2019
Half-Life 2 (76th) (Top 6: OOT > Mario 64 > N.Automata > C.Trigger > ALTTP > Mario World)
> GameFaqs 2019
Half-Life 2 (107th) (Top 6: OOT > C.Trigger > BOTW > Prime Trilogy > SOTN > MGS3)

> Brawl that high in 2009

the witcher 3

>God of War top 5th in '05

Casual fag here
The first game was dope
This then sits in the goldilocks zone, not too easy not too hard
Plus sci fi, cool tech and its fun

Because it truly was one of the best game of all time at the time it dropped. However so many games have aped it over the years though that the groundbreaking stuff or even the stuff it did well is nothing but clichés and bad design choices of today.

Still a great fun game to play.

This is so stupid it's unbelievable, all games on that list are stellar, (Except RE4, fight me nerds) but the comparisons are so strange.
Fallout and FFVII are so different I'd hardly even call it the same genre.
Thief II vs MGS is absurd, again the games are so vastly different they can hardly be compared. The disappearing bodies in MGS was a limitation of the hardware I'm sure, since MGS2 doesn't have that.
And Thief levels do not take hours are you on crack?
Hollow Knight vs Okami is probably the worst comparison, they are so far apart in when they came out and are again, vastly different, you could have easily picked a Castelvania instead of Okami.
Max Payne vs RE4 you just picked a game that is the opposite of Max Payne to point out the differences, there's not even a negative point there. But I think RE4 is shit anyways.
You really need to try harder with this.

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>Fallout and FFVII
Both are RPG

>Thief II vs MGS
Both stealth

>Max Payne vs RE4
Both third person shooters

You're dumb

How did RE4 top OOT in 2005? Was it really THAT good?

It's a terrible sequel.
As a standalone game it's decent.
But nothing revolutionary.

>But nothing revolutionary
This is some good bait

obvious answer is GTAV

Please provide a lengthy list of what it revolutionizes so that I can debunk it and make you look like a fool user.
And you better give it your A game.

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>Witcher 3
>Red Dead Redemption 2
The trinity of normiecore


>HL2 isn't normie as fuck
farcry 1 says hi

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>half-life? oh yeah, i heard about it. it's a pretty old game, right?

far cry 1 was fucking shit, crytek is only capable of making tech demos

zoom zoom


I'm a pretty big normal fag and it's a toss up between Ocarina of Time and Silent Hill 2 for me. Ocarina of Time being heavily influenced by nostalgia and Silent Hill 2 being heavily influenced by the fact that it's fucking incredible.

Normalfags barely know silent hill exists though and that’s for the movie. The games are essentially unknown

This, they either started playing games around gen 7, or they couldn't afford a PC and just played Gaylo when they were younger.

>Even knowing that Silent Hill exists
You're not a normalfag. Other normalfags secretly think you're weird, but they don't want to set you off because they think you'll shoot up a school or something.

It was a game that was coming out right after I had learned and gone back to all the golden age PC games. I was excited. I was riding the hype train. I had just built my first gaming PC and this was the first game I got to play on it. This game holds a special place in my heart even if its not the objective best game ever.

Ocarina of Time is not that fucking good. God I hate the gamefaqs/reddit/ign crowd. There are much better games than anything in this post

I find normie lists of FIFA, GTA, CoD to be less vile than these. They aren't trying to be deep, but these kids and dumb adults actually are and are coming up very short

Ocarina of Time.

GTA V, Red Dead Redemption 2, COD Zombies, Halo 3, Fifa whateverthefuck, NBA 2kwhocares.

I have never met a normie who knows what that is. 2k or Fifa finito, even CoD or Halo is rarely mentioned in their circles.

Nice bait

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probably this
basically the last thing they played at their firend's

I guess, replace LoL with CSGO or DOTA

This proves nothing

Normies aren't on this site. Redditfags aren't normal, they are just numerous and faggoty so they spend time voting up the exact same overrated games

They do it here as well. How many times have you seen some cunt say "woah i love ff6 and Halflife 2 and TF2 and OOT". It's the reddit crowd

> 46,000 Voters
> 844,000 Votes
> Not being an indicator of popular opinion

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Daily reminder that if you’re a zoomer you’re on the same tier as a normalfag

46k isn't an indicator at all. That's about the total pop of gamefaqs these days. Yea Forums has MILLIONS of unique users

Lmao normies. HL2 came out before the normie invasion of 2007. This is just more of the ongoing effort to besmirch HL2. I'm starting to think epic shills are joining in so they can shit on valve.

Compared to 8 billion normies that's nothing, GTAV sold over 10x more

I don't disagree with any of the points in your picture, but FF7 is an objectively better game than the first Fallout. Greater depth does not always translate to greater quality.

Coting bloodborne

Bloodborne seems to be what reddit loves these days

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Normalfags probably don't even remember this or know of it.
Probably some movie game like TLOU or something.

A significant portion of Yea Forums fucking loves a lot of those games

Yup it’s Bloodborne

Yeah, but I was going back in time with my examples.
In 4 years Fortnite will be shat upon.

>Fallout v FFVII
more of a preference really, but valid points
>Theif v MGS
very different, even though they are both stealth based. MGS is more of an adventure game with stealth elements, having to find key items and use them in specific ways to advance the game is the design focus.
>Hollow Knight v Okami
comparing a Metroidvania to an open world adventure more like a zelda game doesn't make much sense to begin with
>Max Payne v RE4
A pure action game versus an action horror game also doesn't make sense. A better comparison would be Max Payne and Vanquish or something similar.

ocarina of time or whatever western AAA game just released

Well, it is the best game ever made. That's probably why.

normies don't even know half life exists you stupid fuck

nintendies have less games to vote for, if their system is even alive.

what's your point


GOAT atmosphere.

Because they only played the game once

Seething, every US Region had 12 Nintendo games in their top 16

>us of fagtron
there's your problem.

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>Being something that normalfags even know about
Most normalfags jumped on during the 360/PS3 era, they are far more likely to list something like MW2 or GTA5 as their GOAT. You have to keep in mind that most normalfag "gamers" WERE those 12 year olds on Xbox live when MW was hot

Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 were gaming's turning point.


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