
The Legend of Grimrock devs knock it out of the park for the third time in a row. How the fuck do they do it? It's probably going to sell like shit like Grimrock 2 and bankrupt the studio, isn't it?

Attached: druidstone.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:


can i fuck the elves?

All enemies will rush at the player immediately. There are no leashes, no groups, and every enemy engages as soon as possible. This is a bad decision.
They need groups, so that engaging one enemy only engages the rest of that group, not everyone in a 10 mile radius.

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It's not even on steam's new and trending list. I wouldn't have known it released if I didn't see the thread yesterday.

Marketing is not a meme.
A bad game with good marketing sells more than a good game with bad marketing.

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A review, not many out there. This game feels like its just being sent out there to die without support.

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I hope it does well enough for us to at least get the editor. I can already think of some pretty cool ideas for scenarios.

I only googled this game because it popped up in gog new releases and the screens looked pretty, only then I learned from some youtube video that it's by the people behind Grimrock.
This is some criminally bad marketing, and they don't even bother to shill the game on social media.

Is the writing any good? I can't stand RPGs with terrible writing

Grimrock was dark, evil and brutal but this just seems childish.

Are you mistaking Grimrock with a different game?

It was darker than this zelda wannabe.

>every game needs to be dark and gritty

want to know how i know you are 12 years old?

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>no character creation
fucking retarded it deserves to fucking flop fucking dumb asses

I'm having a blast.

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>no multiplayer

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This. It can hardly be called an rpg without character creation.

Here we go again.

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dun fucked up not having character creation you know that right

Sorry I don't speak niggerlish.

>They need groups, so that engaging one enemy only engages the rest of that group, not everyone in a 10 mile radius.

Could you explain in a sane manner why this needs to happen, other than making the game easier for your pathetic ass?

It's past your bedtime kiddo.

I followed and wishlisted it and Steam didn't tell me shit when it got released. I had to remember to check. Someone at Valve is actively sabotaging this game.

if you survive this flop grimrock guys add character creation next game lol

>escort mission

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Fuck off dev with your shitty cash grab mobile game. Should of made grimrock 3 instead of this lazy garbage


its embarrassing that shills roam this shithole now

>try to talk about new game
>make overwatch porn thread #353523542

You Redditors are whats embarrassing here.

'ate druidstone
love me grimrock
love me grimrock 2
love me dungeon master.

I'm curious if this game is good on it's own or just merit from their previous titles.