Sony & Microsoft

>literally paying billions to another company to have your games

What made Sony suddenly concede?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_extend,_and_extinguish

>its real


now that microsoft is going third party, is it finally time for them to come back?

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I said this years ago that Sony would pull out of the hardware market. Sony wouldn't pay their biggest and richest competitors top dollar for the industry leading cloud service if that wasn't the case. They would have stuck to the shitty Amazon servers like psnow.

>I said this years ago that Sony would pull out of the hardware market
>PS5 is basically announced

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Nintengroids on suicide watch

What did they mean by this?


>I said this years ago that Sony would pull out of the hardware market.
sony already announced a bunch of info on the ps5. they're staying, microsoft is going third party and sega is coming home. cope.

>they're pulling out this gen

upcoming gen will be the last from sony because all media is transitioning to cloud based like movies, music and now gaming. by them using azure cloud now it will prepare them for next gen as they can build up their cloud library from now. the reality is the hardware market is a drain on resources. sony made more money than nintendo as a whole just from PSN last year. imagine they can still do that but without having to take a hit on hardware manufacturing. from what i've read this deal would allow microsoft to take full profits for the cloud subscription being used but sony takes full profits from psnow revenue and all psnow purchases.

>content streaming

Why would they ?

>microsoft is going third party
it's not like they have games
are they going to have windows10 on ps5

Nah man it's just shit like sharing the Azure cloud infrastructure with Sony or whatever

>you now realize that if gaming ever goes full cloud or if cloud gaming becomes a substation percentage of the market, Sony will literally be at Microsoft's mercy
>all whilst paying Microsoft to have Sony's games

Sony are the dumbest company in gaming right now. This is the DUMBEST move they could have pulled. They had Amazon, IBM or hell even fucking Google would have been a better option than their literal arch rivals these last few gens. Think about it if cloud gaming gets popular and Microsoft and Sony are both offering the same multiplat game on their service e.g. a new assassin's creed or something, the Sony version would be more expensive because they're literally hiring server space from Microsoft all whilst trying to make a profit themselves.

Its beginning to dawn on Sony how completely fucked they are. The industry is radically shifting in a direction which makes their current business model obsolete. They have to adapt or die.


sony are paying microsoft to use their servers for psnow. microsoft is the major winner here

Here we go with everyone's head canons again

"sony is doomed for real now!"
-Yea Forums, 2006-present

everyone is selling out to china. letting china own your shit and you rent it from them makes the censorship process much smoother. basically give all control to china and then act surprised when they kike your middle man poo in the loo kike ass out as they attempt world domination via 3 kingdoms backstabbing as is tradition.

So Xbox characters and PlayStation characters meet. What happens next?

Meanwhile console wars are still a thing.. We should focus in having fun above all else just like companies focus in making money above all else.

What? Where the fuck do you see China here?

except this time it's literally different. they're not doomed but their bread and butter which is hardware is becoming less and less important in the modern era. sony thrives off selling ps4 consoles and it's a massive source of income for them. as the next 10 years progress console hardware will become less and less important compared to advances in streaming service. look at the sony walkman as a good example. it doesn't even exist anymore because the market has no need for that kind of device and hasn't for ages because alternates exist as well as the rise in popularity of streaming

"onlive, the future of gaming!"
-marketer, 2009

Will we get the fabled Gran Forza crossover? KillHalo? Little Big Spark?

Both. Sony are using Xcloud to stream and Azure to power servers. There are already games on PS4 using Azure like R6 Siege, For Honor and PUBG. This is purely a shot against Google and a pre-Emptive against Amazon.

Fanboys dont play video games. They "fight" against those of the other side.

ps5 to use microsoft servers

"except this time it's literally different."
-Yea Forums, 2006-present

god you all are retards
It's sony renting azure servers.
Its a move against google stadia to keep google out of the console race

it has 0 to do with either companies exclusive games

it's going to be like how the dreamcast was "powered by windows ce," except this time microsoft will be riding an actually successful console's coattails.

They're scared of Google

user don't try to help the retards including me

scared of what she's just a little girl

>streaming technology now is the same as streaming technology in 2019

are you pretending to be retarded or what

Stadia will flop since American ISP have garbage bandwidth and it's already being strained by basic video streaming services like Netflix.

ZOG sure push hard for digital only gaming and subscription shit.

This. It must be pretty bad if these guys are teaming up.

ITT faggots think they are allying against nintendo and not against the consumers with a cloud deal

Sony will still have a presence at E3 even if they're not there.



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Expected. Despite Google's current attempt being mediocre, they have the resources to make it work in time.

>cloud solutions
>content streaming
Please god make them stop.

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Still trending on twitter. Ugh.

US internet blows ass, no one is gonna want a streaming only console. That sounds like shit.

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It is 2019 retard.

think he mean 2009

Cool. Can't wait for my Master Chief skin in Killzone 5.

I love that simps see all this type of news as Microsoft losing.

WTF, Yea Forums said that Nintendo and Microsoft were partnering together!

>Sony would pull out of the hardware market.
>PS5 confirmed

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It's amazing how these corporations keep trying to push for cloud gaming, when the reality is America's telecommunications networks are the bottom of the barrel.

Without 100+ year old copper wire lines being replaced, we'll never have the speeds required.

That would imply Nintendo does something for Microsoft in return in which they haven't done any...

>people on Yea Forums are retarded
What a shocker!

We getting Halo guns in Ratchet now? Sticky grenade when?

>Sega is coming home
>Sony was the reason why they died along with their own incompetence.

I dont think so.

im not

Xbox and PlayStation have such bad overlap. Can you name one unique scenario in which any of their franchises can collide without force?

How many times do you think Phil will say PlayStation during the Xbox conference? Do you think he'll resist the urge?

>finally Sony and Microsoft have found something they can work together on
>killing video games by streaming them instead of selling them so you never actually own a video game ever again

Ever since Google came out of the closet i kept saying console name don't matter anymore.
Console will be like a phone or a TV. Everything will be played on every console and will do everything other console can do.
Who's the faggot now.

God dammit, we were supposed to be having a crash and a new industry rising from its ashes. Not mega-corporate conglomerates that have >50% market share.

How is western gaming still even alive at this point?

Because you're a retarded Yea Forumseddit shit head and you believe the autistic memes on this shit board, you're fucking stupid.

Now, this is legit interesting, MS is in bed with both Sony and Nintendo, and their primary focus is cloud gaming. I might be completely wrong here, but to me it seems like they're getting tired of the console market (since their first party titles sell just as well on Windows PCs, and Microsoft is the software company first and foremost), so they want to use their Xbox resources to establish a network between all gaming platforms and focus their capabilities on cloud gaming just to rain on Google's parade.

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Console wars are over? Wtf it just started getting good after 30 years

Video gaming is never going to die again. Do you really think that all the nutjobs that want to force their politics into every inch of gaming came out of nowhere all at the same time with the same exact opinions out of sheer coincidence? If you actually think that you're legitimately a retard. Video gaming is now officially another arm of the state religion alongside TV and movies and music and just like with television programs and music CDs and movie DVDs the powers that be want to ensure that their propaganda gets into the minds of as many tax cattle as possible.

Truly a great post. I like all the points you brought up. Here's a (You), don't spend it all in one place.


Literally as loony as nintendoomed threads.
There's a saying in my language that goes 'a bad vase does not break'. You're stuck with those shitty companies for life. Maybe your grandchildren might see a day without them, if you manage to be one of the few of us who will reproduce.


"This will be the end of Sony" says increasingly nervous man for the 4th straight gen

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>retards think this means Xbox games on PlayStation
You guys really are stupid, you know that, right?

>Industry-leading cloud service
That’s AWS bro

>Nintendo and Sony both outsell Sega
>people only blame Sony for 'killing' them
Sure they were huge and changed the market but its so weird to see this doublethink where only one rival company gets blamed for it. Sega killed itself first and foremost, the competition just naturally beat them after that.
I'm guessing this is the gamecube/xbox gen speaking? They did get some old Dreamcast exclusives and Sega-Sammy did seemingly avoid the PS2.

Remember that article not too long ago about Microsoft doing a deal with Nintendo about some kind of Xbox Live services? People actually thought Xbox games will be on the Switch. So yes, people are fucking dumb as shit.

Why would these successful multi million dollar companys make these choices?
Even I, a drop out shithead who spends all my time on Yea Forums know this is a bad business descion! Yea Forumseddit told me, why would these intellegent, wealthy and expereince business men make this choice?? How are they still in business??

>Nintendo and Microsoft used Blu-ray tech on the Xbox and WiiU

>Sony version would be more expensive

That's not how games work retard

it means playstation games on xbox. they're literally going to be using xcloud xbox's to stream ps5 games. any ps5 game that will be streamed is just a reskinned xbox version with different button prompts.

same goes for PS5 exclusives if they end up on this service at any point.

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This user all ready explained

pic related perfectly encapsulates Yea Forumseddit, giving business advice to actually intelligent and successful people, shits hilarious

They’re all going to do it and retards will pay for it.

no that post says those games are using azure servers for online matchmaking. i'm telling you that actual PS5 games will be ported to the xbox's in the xcloud servers, and then streamed to the end user from there.

Azure is not xbox. The Xbox is not going to have PSNow.

Because the force of Nintendo's might was too strong for them.

Fun fact: Japanese gamers call Sonyfags roaches.

Japanese gamers have long called Sony a self-hating Japanese company. Literally traitor company

One step closer to Halo being on PlayStation.

Nah Nintendo has nothing to do with this. They're collaborating in order to face Google.

xcloud is xbox and xcloud is azure. i'm not saying ps5 games will come to xbox at retail but since sony will be utilizing xcloud gaming servers for psnow ps5 streaming, any psnow stream of ps5 games will literally be running on an xbox in the cloud with a different skin and button prompts.

to use a shit analogy it's like the new toyota supra. it's a toyota in name but everything under the hood to all the actual components within the car are from bmw. it's a reskinned bmw with a toyota badge.

>American ISP have garbage bandwidth and it's already being strained by basic video streaming services like Netflix.

That's more or less the symptom of the much bigger issue that US ISPs don't want to actually upgrade their infrastructure at all but want to create newer and ever more draconian services so that you can get your sweet 20down/10up and 1tb monthly caps.


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microsoft is going third party. everyone already knew this would happen

>streaming games
Well, I guess it's time I quit vidya

As far as I can tell its Sony going third party by giving Microsoft their games to put in the cloud. Do you have any sources of xbox 1st party going to playstation?

How much do they have Google?

>B-but my 5g

If anything, this is a bad decision from Microsoft. Sony obviously just went with whatever was the cheapest and best cloud solution. Microsoft probably made them a good offer because they didn't want Sony going to Microsoft's biggest rival in cloud computing, Amazon. But surely that would have been better than literally facilitating the cloud gaming platform of the company that is beating you in the video gaming space and may even ELIMINATE you from it?

All according to plan

Why the fuck not?
Can't we just play together?

The only actual places where Stadia could have any success are Japan and Korea or something. Everywhere else in the world the average internet connection is too shit to function in a widespread way. Ignoring the full extent of South America, lots of Europe, Russia and shit isn't the way to full success.

SEGA would have survived after the dreamcast if they didn't kill themselves with SEGA CD and Saturn Video games would have been better for it now. That is all

The future is basically going to be Nintendo, with hybrid console handhelds, and Sony/MS with cloud bullshit. Jesus H Christ

Sony literally cannot "eliminate" microsoft from the gaming space, retard. They have so much money they're going to stay as long as they want. For Sony, all it would take is one or two bad generations for them to go under completely. Don't give a shit about either console, just saying.

op. its what microsoft want to do. its why all their games are going to switch. only xbox fanboys care about console wars. microsoft doesnt, they just want to make money, and putting your games on the biggest platform is the best way to make money. its just smart business

So further confirmation that Gamepass and other Xbox services are coming to PlayStation and Nintendo. Good to know.

>Sony going third party
Why do people think this

maybe not gaming space but theyre irrevelant now in the console space sadly

>putting your game in a stream

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wishful thinking. same people thought xbonex would turn things around in terms of sales

one bad generation is not going to make Microsoft irrelevant, and the turnaround on Xbox One is impressive if you aren't wearing fanboy goggles (not saying you are). It's pretty clear to me, at least, that after the Xbox One failed they decided to use it as a sandbox for next gen so they're gonna be far more prepared than Sony with hardware I think.

Dumbest post in this thread by far. This is only a win for Microsoft, not Sony. Sony will be at Microsoft's mercy from how on in the cloud space because they hold all the cards. Amazon doesn't have a gaming infrastructure so they weren't ever in the equation. Microsoft at the current time are the only company who has a cloud gaming infrastructure of this scope that is going into beta later this year. Sony has psnow but its just a bunch of ps3s in a server. Sony does have the tech Microsoft has like AI content production and other services they mentioned in the press release. Literally every insider on Twitter and YouTube are saying Sony specially picked MS because they were the only option. Brad Sam's in his video actually said if Sony believe MS are the right choice for the foreseeable future of their cloud division then imagine how much better Microsoft's own offerings will be.


That's not what's happening.

Nintendo: I thought we had something special...

>all their games are going to switch.
Nigga what? Which xbox first party games are on the switch?

They're literally handing over ps5 specs and games to Microsoft to put in their servers. Microsoft can completely fuck it up for Sony if they wanted to. Sony gave literally no control over their own cloud gaming now because they're at the mercy of MS not to fuck them over.

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>Sony doesn't have an E3 presentation
>outside of gaming, Sony is doing terrible and getting bigger and bigger losses
>partners with Microsoft for cloud gaming
I think it just became 100x more likely that this Playstation 5 Cerny has been talking about is going to be a collaberation between Sony and Microsoft. That would be CRAZY

This, Microsoft and Nintendo have next gen in the bag, Sony will drop out and become third party like Saga and Atari.

There's Cuphead on Switch.

Are you People actually retarded to think either company is bending the Knee?


But there is no turnaround. xbox is still getting outsold by ps4 and switch even with the xbonex. Having more powerful hardware didnt change anything and that worries microsoft.

cuphead and eventually ori. gamepass is also coming to switch

more games than xbox none

the original xbox got stomped too, that literally means nothing. Microsoft has never made a profit on Xbox

Uh huh

yeah and now they realise its pointless to keep fighting. no matter what they do theyre always losing. microsoft want gamepass to be the netflix of gaming and for that to happen it needs to be platform agnostic. same with mixer. sony and nintendo on the other hand are obssessed with exclusivity, they think its their secret sauce.

gears 5 will be next

>Playstation hq moves to california
>sony suddenly starts censoring japanese devs
>sony suddenly sells out to Microshaft
hmm i wonder what could have caused all this

Despite not having a conference Sony will undoubtedly have the biggest presence at E3. It's like when Marvel skipped Hall-H last year, yet dominated 85% of the news.

Microsoft mad 2bn less revenue in 2018 compared to Sony, whilst Sony had 100% more consoles sold. Microsoft doesn't care about console sales their whole hardware division has transitioned to using revenue figures not sales since 2012 and that includes surface, xbox, mobile etc. Microsoft are still making a killing off xbox and Sony are obviously fearing them hence why they went running to them. Everyone knows cloud gaming is the future and out of Google, Microsoft and Sony, Sony are the only ones who don't have a global cloud gaming infrastructure and Microsoft happen to have the best tools for this even better than Google because Microsoft are an actual gaming company.

Not him but Microsoft has a new policy for their first party games "Xbox console exclusive", Xbox games will only show up on Xbox consoles and PCs, never the Switch or PS5.

You're on crack, see .

Ori isn't a first party game it's also on steam. Microsoft doesn't own moon studios. As for gamepass that rumour was debunked by Nintendo insiders months ago. It would be easy domination for MS if the switch got gamepass but it has no benefits for Nintendo.

I should clarify this is gaming revenue only

I miss back when Microsoft had games, and every Xbox fan wasn’t so thirsty for Sony to whore out their exclusives.

MS games on playsation now but not the other way around. Are any of them good?

I'm pretty sure hallucinations are a sign of mental illness, user. Have you seen a doctor recently?

Microsoft will change their policy soon and include switch,pc and xbox. Nintendo will allow banjo and other xbox characters in smash in exchange for cuphead, ori, gears halo and forza. They both win.

This could be the beginning of the end of Xbox. Not from Sony putting them under but Microsoft caring less for console gaming. Just let everyone in the Azure.

no theyre all trash. i wish xbox kept them because they make the ps store look like the steam indie page.

"Xbox Console Exclusive" is a new policy that just started because people kept believing Xbox games were going to be on other consoles. You're never getting Xbox games on Switch and PC is not a console so I don't even know why you mentioned it. You're either very naive or very stupid.

Make the Switch™

what the fuck is with all the retarded ideas being said in this thread. absolute legitimate brainlets who think that Sony wins everything. It's fucking weird how much some people on here suck their cock. It's been explained pretty well in this thread from what I've read that despite Sony's dominance this gen, they are not in a good position financially or infastructure wise for the next one. No one knows the terms of this deal but if you unironically think that Microsoft isn't a powerhouse that can do whatever they want just because one console flopped, you're delusional. Drop in the bucket for them

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God, you guys are stupid.

Fun fact, you're a nigger who are taking shitposting nintendork otaku as all of japan.

What the fuck is Sony doing. Now they're working with the enemy?


I fucking knew it. Sony would be leaving console gaming. There's literally 0 (ZERO) reasons for them to sucker up to their arch nemesis for fucking cloud gaming unless they were putting all their eggs into that basket. Its common knowledge Microsoft will have the best cloud gaming service.

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Can't wait to play Halo Infinite on my PS5.

If Sony allows gamepass on playstation they're finished. That's basically free money for Microsoft at that point. Sony would be paying MS to have cloud gaming for PS5 and at the same time allowing their customers to pay MS to stream xcloud games instead of PS5 streams. It would be the dumbest decision ever if they allowed gamepas streaming on PS.

Imagine being so retarded to post a twitter screencap that directly contradicts the big exclamation you're making.

This, I knew they would be the next to go after Atari and Sega, only Nintendo and Microsoft are needed in console gaming.

>retards still believe this shit when Game Pass isn't even on Switch
You want Game Pass so badly get an Xbox, PC, or phone.

>still believe this
>literally from MS's mouth

Nice. What's the point of Xbox now?

xbox games are coming to switch. its going to be a new policy just like the put all the games on pc policy. cuphead is just a teaser for all microsoft games. you gotta be stupid if you dont think this is a huge win for microsoft since theyre gonna make a shit ton of money.

gamepass is the only reason im buying an xbox. when that comes to ps4 everybody will own a ps4. complete console dominance.

What MS games will you be playing on your playstations? For me, I'll play Halo because it would make Xbox owners mad I could.

Cuphead on PS4? I think so.

im gonna play gears 5 day one on my ps4 pro.

Xbox one costs Microsoft around $150 to make. A year gamepass is like $120 I think ($9.99 a month) so by you subscribing as well as many other millions of other people it's free money for Microsoft. It would boost their market share massively. Theres a reason why Sony didn't want cross-play on fortnite because they didn't want people who bought items on xbox playing on playstation because its free money for Microsoft and Sony doesn't gain anything from it.

I can't wait until 2040 where you can't own anything.

Based ive been looking for a reason to drop vidya

>Sony LITERALLY giving their games to Microsoft and paying them for it

Holy shit Sony are fucking finished LMAO

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>every device now means every console

No, they're not, you delusional monkey.

Gaming can't go cloud-based as long as latency is an issue. Other forms of media don't have this problem.

>>every device now means every console
Um. Yes.

Not how it works, snoygroid

PCfags already live in this dystopia and even defend it

PC can easily pirate whatever they want to own

So if Sonyfans have been saying Nintendo & MS were partnering up because they were scared of Sony, what does this mean?

yes they are. i already bought a switch for the new halo since its portable

if your complaining about Yea Forumseddit then why the fuck are you even on Yea Forums?

What's the point of PSN now?

If that means less plastic in the world then good. See you there.

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Why the fuck would I buy a PS5 if they're handing all their games over to Microsoft? This is fucking retarded jesus christ

I'm a bit confused about this working together deal. People are saying Microsoft won and Sony sold out but to what exactly? Xbox server have always been better and now song wants to make use of them as well instead of their shitty servers. Isn't this a dumb move from MS since now the ps5 will be better than what it would have been without MS's help.

This roach is upset. need to go back to turkey

It's classic sony backstabbing strategy. They'll partner up like with nintendo, then stab them in the back and make their own console based on it.

Or maybe your fictional war doesn't fucking exist and it's all just civil business choices.

it was all sega's own stupidity, sony had nothing to do with it. even if sony never existed, the saturn and the dreamcast still would have flopped.

>finally Sony and Microsoft have found something they can work together on
>killing video games

cant wait for the shills to promote this

Building a game streaming network is insanely expensive

there's no such thing as "xbox games" because there won't be an xbox anymore. halo, gears, forza will now be playstation games.

sonykikes btfo again

>there are people delusional enough to think that this is Microsoft fucking to Sony and not visa versa

You both are stupid.

It's actually the other way around but I'll let you believe that the PS5 won't be Sony's final generation.

I fail to see how because Sony seems to want THEIR help. Not the other way around.

Yes Sony is cucking to Microsoft that's exactly what I said you the no Microsoft is providing this for free? Sony is going to pay out of the nose for this

It's probably Sony borrowing some engineers (B/C? I know that the Xbone's BC is considered something of a piece of technical wizardry) in return for a consultant's fee and easing up on Xbone crossplay.

you mean like how the ps3 was going to be sony's final generation?

Attached: sony wont release the ps4.jpg (3024x3984, 1.5M)

God I fucking hate twitter and everything it stands for

I can already visualize the headlines.
>incels and the alt-right hate streaming games
>support streaming games if you're not an incel and alt-right

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This is pretty scary for the consumers.

You've got it wrong, it's actually MS ending the Xbox brand and pulling out of the hardware market, not Sony.

Sony is buying azure servers from Microsoft that's what this is why they didn't pick Amazon is beyond me but that's what is going on they will pay Microsoft for this monthly if you buy a PlayStation you are now supporting Microsoft

This is them agreeing to fuck us.

Microsoft and Nintendo fucking up this gen is the ONLY reason Sony haven't went third party yet, they won't recover this time since they're not in Japan anymore.

it gives MS the control they want. they know sony don't want to be left behind in the cloud gaming race and microsoft are the only company who can offer this service to them and it happens to be an industry leading service anyway. xbox aside, microsoft accepts contracts like these all the time and sony is just another customer. however naturally there will be advantages for MS for hiring out there service to sony, such as for example if sony and microsoft both have a game listed on their respective cloud stores, chances are it'll be more expensive on the PS platform seeing as they will both seek the same profit margins per sale but sony have the added cost of the servers they're hiring whereas MS own the servers so any added cost will be much less than the added cost for sony which will be the cost of MS running these servers + a profit on top of that.

im gonna be playing halo on my new switch. sounds like a smart choice to me

I thought Japanese people had pride

Microsoft want to be the Netflix of games, they are trying to get Nintendo and Sony to adopt their gamepass.

>building up first party studios
>making multiple new ips and bringing back old ones
>doing crossplay
>making billions in gaming
>making two home consoles
Meanwhile at Sony
>realizes that Nintendo are better than them
>bends over backward for Microsoft
>gives Microsoft their games
>talks about cloud gaming being the future
>publishing on the Nintendo Switch
Yeah Microsoft is leaving the hardware business not Sony even though it seems more like the opposite is happening and Sony is leaving.

This wouldn't be the first time. Microsoft helped develop the PS3's Cell processor.

playstation is an american company now, officially

microsoft bringing their games to playstation is a huge win for microsoft, theyre gonna make a lot of money from all those sales.

I doubt MCC could even run on Switch.

i don't know about that but i know the reverse was true. sony helped develop the 360 xenon processor because it was developed for sony but they opted to go for the spe's or whatever they're called but ms took this processor and made it into a tri-core

You guys are stuuupid.

Oh maybe that's what it was. thanks



Man it seems like sony is crumbling slowly but surely and its like they want it to happen.

Based Microsoft securing another win for PlayStation

do any xbox fans have any recommendations for which xbox games i should play first on my ps4? i was thinking halo 5 but i might try out sunset overdrive instead.

yeah from what i remember ibm developed that processor and sony took it and added all these extra branches (which was what made it so hard to develop for) so it was like 1 main core and a bunch of smaller core things called spe's or something. most devs didn't bother to optimize for those smaller core things they just let the 1 main core do all the work. MS took that design and instead of adding those smaller branches they just took the 1 main core and stuck 2 extra ones next to it so it was a tri-core and it was much easier to develop for.

that's the gist of it anyway i was probably wrong with some terminology there though.

More like ISPs were given billions in subsidies to build out the infrastructure and pocketed all of it instead

no reason in owning a ps5 now that ps5 games are gonna be on xbox

Theres no way cloud gaming becomes a real thing, GPU time is just too expensive

I mean it could.

why would you wanna own things, goy?

>MS/Sony game partnership
The Apocalypse is finally here.

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>thirsty Xbots begging for PlayStation exclusives

you retards really can't go 5 minutes without using wojaks can't you.


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Phil already said he wants Gamepass on PS4. All the Xbox games will be on PlayStation whether you like it or not.

How tf is this not kino. Microsoft is reinforcing nintendo and sony so they can all band together against google. Sony makes a little money on each Xbox One (and next Xbox) sold because of the blu ray drive. Now microsoft is letting sony use their azure servers for data and content for more money. It would be ludo if the two presidents came on stage this or next E3 and said all multiplats will now be cross play with PS5 and XB Infinity. Microsofts actions are strengthening everyone and yall niggas still hate on em

>solutions to streaming in america
THERE IS FUCKING NONE. The ISPs are fucking raking us across coals by the minute. They have too much power and are propped up by the government. They do not care about making their infrastructure better (as seen by the time they were lent a huge amount of money to fix shit only to pocket all of it). There is no way around this problem. These shitheads even told Google to fuck off with their fiber and they listened. Some of the most evil corporate fucks you could imagine.

>Microsoft putting games like Cuphead on Switch without getting anything in return
>Microsoft is now letting Sony use their Azure servers without getting anything in return
Why haven't you gone over the fact that Microsoft is now basically a infrastructure provider more than a gaming company ?


cope harder, nigga

sony pays more to microsoft relating to microsoft owned patents on android phones like sony experia than ms pays sony for blu ray. sony doesn't even own most of the blu ray patents that's panasonic and then there's a further 18 companies who have to split the share. in reality sony gets like 20 cents per xbox sold.

Because Microsoft fan boys don't want to admit it. They're gonna be the Netflix of gaming, dumping large sums of dosh left and right to secure content on their platform (i,e. studios), while advertising their services on other company's platforms.

"s-sony didn't win, t-the other guys just fucked up!"
-bingtendies, 1995-present

Jesus, when did Microsoft become the whore of the gaming world? First Nintendo, now Sony?


Yea Forums is truly full of fucking retards and fanboys. Going completely digital is the future of gaming and Sony realized that. People leave in nostalgia and that's what they fucking want, play old games all over again and streaming services can offer them that.

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EA just announced that EA Access will come to Playstation 4 this summer. There is a shift in Sony, now that they have dominance over hardware, they want to bring as many services as possible. The very day they open up towards Gamepass or xCloud Phil Spencer will jump in

>>Microsoft putting games like Cuphead on Switch without getting anything in return
microsoft doesn't own cuphead nor the developer. they only ok'd the devs request for a switch version because MS owned the marketing rights. unless you can find me direct evidence from MS or a developer themselves saying otherwise.

in fact you must have heard of detroit: become human coming to windows and epic store. sony owns that IP and all the rights to it.

>>Microsoft is now letting Sony use their Azure servers without getting anything in return
nigga what? microsoft gets money, influence, marketshare and revenue from any future psnow users. they will make bank off this. not only that but xcloud is only xbox in servers so ANY psnow game that's using azure xcloud is running off an xbox. sony 1st party devs will literally have to make xbox ports for their games to be played on the xbox's in azure servers.

Times like this I'm honestly fucking glad buzzwords like bing bing wahoo and son*gger and whatever the fuck microsoft is called never caught on to the outside social medias. Because god almighty these insults just feel like they're made by 9 year olds.

>Forza Horizon 4
Oops! Cope harder LOL!

>microsoft: chad bull spreading his seed in all corners of his community
>sony: the manlet cuckold sucking up to the alpha chad microsoft for help


Microsoft has to be the shittiest company I know of. Their flagship console the xbox 360 having a 54.2% fail rate, their flagship OS Windows 10 being riddled with spyware and forcing users to downgrade to it.

They have no presence on the mobile market and they somehow managed to scare away Bungie, makers of their golden goose and the only reason to even think about the xbox.

They need to go up against Google & realised it'd be much cheaper & easier to join together on it then loss out to Google.

They probably realised it'd be more profitable to do it themselves then pay Google for the service.

Smart decision in my opinion.

>yay, less competition is bad!!!

Another gaming crash. Nintendo has been relegated as a kiddie, shit home console for Mario games. If Microsoft goes, then that means Sony has no competition in the console gaming market. That also means Japan has no competition.

>Sony : worldwide gaming company with 30 years of undisputed dominance
>Microsoft : data-center renting and Halo Dave & Buster arcade provider

Yikes, this delusion.

And now have their Azure cloud system on the PS4. Imagine how shit the PS4 will become now

I am not a clever man, user.
I really just wanted an excuse to dredge up that old meme.

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More like
>Xcloud technology = Wife
>Microsoft = cuck
>Sony = bull
>The cuck (MS) is lending his wife (technology) to the bull (Sony) who will give her a much better dicking (use the technology in a better way by putting better games on it)

i just hope that this means that they will be more open to cross platform games (maybe even for current gen) and i can play with my friends who have ps4's

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literally makes no sense.

>That also means Japan has no competition.
japan never had competition. the west fucking sucks at making consoles and (with very few exceptions) games.

This. This so much. No one in this thread has mentioned the obvious. Crossplay being a standard across all games will push gaming forward.

Why are people making such a big deal out of this? From what I gather, its simply Sony paying Microsoft for their cloud infrastructure which they themselves don't have and can't set up cheaply. Its not like companies don't sell services to their competitors, ie. Google paying Apple to be the default search engine or MS porting Office to Mac

Console gamng itself is in competition with PC, mobile and streaming, and they are losing
The reason why Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are buddy-buddy right now is because they need it to survive. There is a glass ceiling of roughly 200M people in the world who might be into of the console market, PC and mobile ans streaming have much more reach

more like
>microsoft: alpha chad bull
>azure: microsoft penis
>sony: cuckold
>playstation: wife

the cuckold (sony) begging microsoft (alpha chad bull) to give his penis (azure) to his wife (playstation) because sony's micropenis wasn't satisfying her enough.

Console NTR doujin when ?

I don't like this. I want to go back to PS2 days with physical media, hardware, and first & third party exclusives.

Yea Forums is so riddled with Asperger they fail to understand the concept of sharing
or the fact that Sony is benefiting on the gaming side, while Microsoft will benefit elsewhere

That's it. Sony is paying Microsoft to use their servers for its cloud gaming service because the only other companies with similar cloud infrastructure are Google and Amazon. But the Yea Forums kids are making such a big fuss out of this, Jesus.

You are retarded and dont understand basics of business

PlayStation now has a solid infrastructure, and Microsoft is making money off of Sony. Commies BTFO yet again.

Sony is paying Microsoft to use their superior services. That's all it is.

Sonys tech just sucks

They've had 13 years to make playstation network not shit, and yet its still shit

>paying your direct rivals
>inb4 other companies doing the same

you simply don't pay your rivals if you don't have to. people are quoting samsung and apple for example but apple for years have been trying to move away from samsung manufacturing their stuff. e.g. the apple processors used to be produced at samsung foundries but as soon as tsmc showed their node was good and can produce at the capacity needed they went with tsmc completely.

sony doing this is going to basically fund all future xbox 1st party games, those same games sony as a company are competing against. it's not like they didn't have other options.

No, he did not.

That's not delusion, that's reality.

Those other options were probably more dangerous to Sony so they went with Microsoft.

Microsofts data centers will bolster PlayStation Vue as well as PSNow in their streaming capability. Sony made this partnership with Microsoft because they have the infrastructure in place already and the PS5 will make use of it, not to mention it's a preemptive move against the Stadia. .

>more dangerous than microsoft


it's true. microsoft is literally their competitor and it's a threat to their marketshare. they use amazon web services right now for psn and psnow so why they didn't stick with it is baffling.

No, it's cursed forever.

Eventually, streaming will get to the point where it's "good enough" for typical casual gamers. It's bound to happen. Games will be designed around the latency, just like FPS games gradually came to be designed around a console controller. I don't like it, but it's going to happen. As soon they can do away with the cost of physical manufacturing and streaming is accepted as normal by the majority of consumers, they will do so without hesitation. This is the end goal, to get you locked into an ongoing service instead of a one-time product purchase, to achieve an endless and consistent steam of revenue for a monthly or yearly commitment. These corporations would rent you air until you decided to stop breathing if it were legal.

Is Microsoft the Avatar of gaming?

*A wild Cerny pops up at the Microsoft stage*

>>realizes that Nintendo are better than them
Sony's PlayStation division posted over twice the net profit of the whole Nintendo corporate last year.

Microsoft is pulling out of the console market, they're rebranding Xbox as an internet gaming service (Game Pass). That's why this is happening, why there are few Xbox exclusives, and why Live is coming to Switch/mobile devices. There's a lot of overhead in the production and shipping of physical items, in Microsoft's mind it's far more profitable to run a gaming Netflix service.

Probably just using MS's Azure blockchain solution. Not apart of the Xbox division, but expect tradeable digital games and other assets.

You mean like buying Gaikai years ago and having a streaming service before any of these other companies

You mean Sony is pulling out of the console market.

microsoft have publicly said they're going to be releasing hardware in the future. they said this just a few months ago on inside xbox

Exactly, Sony is pulling out, that was the whole purpose of the Cerny interview at Wired last month, teasing a nonexistent product

They'll shift to streaming-only devices in a flat second if the profit/cost ratio is high enough, though.

No, they will not.

These “Survive Together” memes need to be updated. Nintendo was the beast that Snoy and M$ need to survive against.

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microsoft have a vested interest in the console market doing well including their own consoles. the xbox was made originally so devs make directx versions of games so they're incentivized to port them to pc because bill gates didn't want sony having a monopoly, which was a legitimate concern because as we all know 20 years ago sony had the most gaming machines in houses and there were loads of 3rd party devs who made ps2 games exclusively not because they had deals with sony but because the ps2 was easy target hardware as opposed to pc's back then (which is why directx api was even made to make this easier for devs).

MS will always want a console so they have some influence. if the xbox didn't exist this gen for example, games like RDR2 would be ps4 exclusive.

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>for streaming shit
For all the things they could be partnering for they are going for the Worst Timeline path, need to find a new hobby.

God I hope not, I want bayoneta to stay on Nintendo.

You do have a point.

Because psn is shit.

Remember when the ps3 started to use directx 9 also meant that all Sony Exclusives were going on Xbox?
This is how stupid you all sound.

Hey check it out I just released FF14 on Xbox

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If that happens, I'd buy it day one.

>Cancersoft getting their tendrils on Sony after Nintendo

Looks like they're intent on crashing the entire industry with them.

>muh game pass

Fuck off, shills.

>Microsoft is helping Sony with they online infrastructure
>this is bad
Fucking kill yourself.

>XBL's been more unreliable than PSN since 2014

Wow thanks for the help Xbros




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-video game media

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Are you fucking retarded? Not only is PSN down more often, objectively XBL is faster.

I work in tech, in a vendor relations sort of role. The reason this is a opening have cause the current tech trend is "partnerships." Companies work with one another to integrate certain aspects of their technology stack together, the idea being that instead of competing against each other, like Google/Facebook/Amazon did, they can make a relatively seamless environment where they all thrive.



-video game media

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Not at all. They go your games go too.

The long nosed tribesman is crafty.

>can make a relatively seamless environment where they all thrive
yeah, and let people suffer with shit streaming

>As part of the memorandum of understanding, Sony and Microsoft will also explore collaboration in the areas of semiconductors and AI. For semiconductors, this includes potential joint development of new intelligent image sensor solutions. By integrating Sony’s cutting-edge image sensors with Microsoft’s Azure AI technology in a hybrid manner across cloud and edge, as well as solutions that leverage Sony’s semiconductors and Microsoft cloud technology, the companies aim to provide enhanced capabilities for enterprise customers.
So not only they are going to ruin gaming they are also going to develop high grade NSA spy cams.
Big Brother is watching you.

>muh three year old survey commissioned by MS

Oh, mate.

Didnt Sony buy up Gakai and whatever what was left over from On Live and their patents? why would they need content streaming shit?

I have no reason to buy a ps5 now that Sony are selling out to Microsoft and giving them all their games. Sony are finished.

Realistically? Probably because the PSN infrastructure and servers are such a mess.

Now kiss!

Microsoft now profiting off Sony.
Seems like things keep shaping up for a Microsoft win next gen

No, it'll work. Everyone with shit internet will be left behind and all of those people, especially rural areas, will finally, truly enter the technological second-world.

buying up patents means jack shit if you don't have the infrastructure to take advantage of them. sony obviously believe cloud gaming will be a big thing next gen hence why they're paying a premium to their biggest rival to rent their cloud servers which are said to be some of the best in the whole industry.

>More leeching

Don't worry.
Murican isps will make them stop.
Murica's internet is shit and it is the largest market in the world.
The amerifats' own monopolies of internet will protect us from content streaming be a big thing.

Google will make the cable companies fall in line.

>memorandum of understanding
So it's not even a concrete thing, it's just a "eh maybe we'll do it, I dunno"

Microsoft was gonna have a successful gen regardless of whether or not Sony chose to work with Microsoft.
The goal now is to delete Amazon and Googles attempts at video games

What does that have to do with anything?

No it's a confirmed deal relating to AI and cloud gaming technologies among other things.

>What Yea Forums think it is
Microsoft is going full third party and giving up on the console market
>What it probably is
Probably a deal regarding Azure/Microsoft cloud computing

This is the only good, accurate post in this entire thread.

>collaborating with Sony to explore new cloud solutions
More like the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They are factually looking for ways to fuck us harder every gen.,_extend,_and_extinguish
Microsoft want to put a lockdown on cloudgaming, once Sony and Nintendo are dependent on their cloud services they will be the ones controlling the market

kek yeah like this one was gonna be.
Now Stadia's gonna crush both of them in streaming regardless.

Playstation All Stars Battle Royale 2 (with Xbox characters as well)

>they literally passed a bill that will allow you to buy a premium package to get "high speed" internet
yall fucking doomed.

So can someone explain to me why exactly this is being treated like a bad thing?

>the villian waits years under a false reform and infiltrates their enemies until they're corrupted
That's pretty ludo

The Helghast would wreck Spartans.

>Sonyfags actually believe this

Because console war faggots would gladly fuck over all consumers and deny themselves games just so that they can win online arguments.

Its amusing seeing xfags trying to spin this into ms owning Sony and not ms providing yet another third party move.

Lot of good that did when the connection was ass and they ended up renting servers from their competitor.


lmao Sony cucking the retarded Xniggers and PCooks

I don't give a rats dirty fucking asshole about Sony & Microsoft collaborating if it doesn't mean cross-play with multiplayer games between the systems. Cloud solutions for gaming? Nigga what the fuck nobody cares about that shit shut up.

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Based Albert.

its not a 3rd party move for either company.
Sony is offering their hardware patents to improve azure servers while Microsoft is offering Azure to give Sony a platform to host their game streaming service. its likely not zero sum, but Sony probably isnt paying too much for it.

That's two entirely different things
The reason why crossplay is not happening is because those companies (including devs and publishers) would rather have you buy the same thing twice or thrice rather than letting you use what you already own on another platform

>Sony paying Microsoft and giving them their games to put into servers which MS will profit from the most is Microsoft moving 3rd party

Sony had Amazon Web Services at its disposal yet they still decided to let their biggest competitor have an opportunity to stranglehold them. Microsoft will have Sony's cloud gaming services on lock and they can ruin Sony in the cloud gaming space if they wanted to. It's like pushing a Jew trying to do business with a bunch of Nazis and expecting the Nazis to play nice. It won't happen and Sony are retarded for allowing MS to hold this much influence over a major component of their gaming division.

MS probably offered them a sweetheart deal and Sony took the bait.

I don't think Microsoft had a shortage of potential clients to rent their Azure servers
If they accepted to partner with Sony there is probably a trade-off, but I don't see what Sony can offer to Microsoft that they don't already have

I can't wait for this story to be spammed for the next few weeks when it's just the equivalent of a dev licensing Unreal to use for their game

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Didn't read past your first sentence. Look at ms buying havok, buying minecraft, going PC multiplat, digital only console, porting games to other consoles, providing a service to Sony infrastructure. These are all actions of a third party company. Ms clearly would rather make money through investments than a product.

>cloud gaming
This is where I leave
I can deal with physical and digital/install onto a harddrive but Stadia and all this other cloud bullshit needs to go and I hope consumers universally shit on this

>Sony puts all their eggs into cloudshit and goes bankrupt
>Microsoft goes back to PC
>Bing Bing wahoo hybrid handheld shit from Nintendo for eternity

The only thing I'm happy about this whole scenario is M$ going back to PC. Fuck consoles! It's 1983 all over again with a twist.

>Sony are retarded for allowing MS to hold this much influence over a major component of their gaming division.
Cloud gaming is not "a major component of their gaming division"
Playstation Now is 700,000 users currently. That's pitful. Most of SIE revenue comes from the 30% they get from anything purchased on the PS Store, and that's not going away to Microsoft or anyone
Also Microsoft won't fuck over a customer as big as Sony just for brownie points in an imaginary corporate war, they are not stupid

Sony has patents on a bunch of innovative hardware upgrades. If Mark Cerny is to be believed, they have custom SSD patents which load 18x faster than SATA (standard SSD loads 2-4x faster).

This is a move that it seems Sony needed. Microsoft doesn't need Sony's patents they're not a small company they will have many hundreds of patents in the cloud space because they've been one of the top 3 biggest players in that market for years now. Microsoft's streaming patents relating to gaming is second to none at the current time so Sony obviously sees this and realised if they want to compete with Google at the highest level they need to make a deal with Microsoft for Azure (like many thousands of other companies both small and big do the world over) so they're always in contention. It will benefit Microsoft way more than Sony as companies as a whole but it was probably a necessary step for Sony.

>He thinks people still use SATA
laffin @ u

never reply to me again

Will MS drones celebrate the day they announce xbox console exclusives will also be ported to ps4? I can see them saying "ms is making money off Sony haha!"

The fact Sony are moving away from the neutral Amazon Web Services cloud provider they used before to get into bed with their biggest rival says to me (and everyone else who has done analysis on this including pro analysts) that they feel cloud gaming will be a major part of their gaming plan next gen. Google have already said cloud gaming is their next big thing and Microsoft have also been talking about xcloud and the importance it will be to them.

And I'm not saying brownie points I'm saying Microsoft will always know how Sony's service is performing and easily allow them to undercut Sony because they'll have all the data. Microsoft will always make sure their streaming service is bigger than their competitors it doesn't matter if they're a customer. I'm not saying they'll sabotage them but they'll do what is within their capability and within fair trade laws do undercut Sony at every opportunity. If Sony went with Amazon they wouldn't have any data and it would be a blind war based on trends as it is now.

Where does it say that all the sony games are going to be on microsoft consoles, or that sony gave up their games to microsoft? I need more information. Everyone seems to say it but can anyone actually link me exactly and I mean exactly where it says that. Seems like they are working together now to make a better gaming experience for everyone. :3

>I don't have an xbone
cool story

I think the competition between cloud services will revolve around catalog and pricing, not necessarily the service itself. PSNow has reportedly the biggest market share right now but it's also arguably the worst service, however it's the only one you can play Bloodborne and The Last of Us on
Even if Microsoft has precise data on Sony services and ways to limit their offering, as long as Sony markets it right and gets a great catalog they will be able to thrive
Also they both seem to be afraid of Google so much that the "rivality" is put on ice

Google isn't a threat and never was. That's a lot of shitposting and fear mongering by idiots. Microsoft not only has more servers but much larger market share for their cloud services. Not only that but Microsoft actually has a history in gaming with an established, globally known brand in Xbox. Google doesn't have the games nor the brand recognition in Stadia that can compete. Even Sony using Microsoft's servers will probably decimate Google because they will have literally no games and any multiplat game you could play on Stadia chances are either one or both of MS and Sony will also have access to that game on their services. The added bonus of being able to own physical versions of your games on Xbox and PS5 will also play into the choice people will have to make when considering the ecosystem they want to buy into.

Google will inevitably become a competitive player at some point down the line, probably by the time the 10th gen lands, but by then the Xbox/PS brands will also be much stronger so it evens out. Google isn't going to dominate gaming like people are claiming just because of their meme YouTube click-to-play tech.

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Remember; when the market crashes, you can always play Pac-Man Collection on your Game Boy Advance

>rivals unite
>to kill gaming



>sega is coming home
This much of delusion

Korea Japan and Romenia are the only contries that Stadia can work. And neither will care

Stadia forced them to unite.


>1(uno) racing game
>rereleases soon to be on pc

Business doesn't work this way,and probably a Microsoft-Nintendo deal too

Pity that Hitler failed

This is how dead consoles are

Amazon is IBM not

>before today: reee snoy so greedy and evil. they never team up with their rivals like nintendie and microsoft do.
>today: snoy is so desperate they have to team up with one of their rivals. snoy is confirmed going bankrupt. they're completely fucked.
Yea Forums never changes

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I feel bad for anyone who ever takes advice from you.

>all these people not even realizing that Microsoft announced this same deal with Nintendo months ago

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Console war peace in our time

Is this the secret sauce?

Microsoft rides the coat tails of three successful platforms, whilst creating profit pigs in the process. How can people deny that Microsoft won? Sony, Nintendo, and Steam all make money for Microsoft.

Microsoft wins overall but it hurts the Xbox division imo which is what people are talking about here.

Since when did "content streaming" mean exclusively that?

>fucking aliexpress has more cloud market share than google

Sure thing

Nintendo will go mobile

if realistically this right here ended the console wars, what would Yea Forums shitpost about?

>Sega rides the coat tails of three successful platforms, whilst creating profit pigs in the process. How can people deny that Sega won? Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft all make money for Sega.

Amazon will not be neutral for much

fuck is wrong with you, it's a new Era
we're all in this together now faggots
we can still console war but we're all friends now

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>Sega provides the platform for Nintendo's online, OS for Steam's games and servers for Sony's cloud gaming
ok bruh

Kek. SegaNet died long ago.

Platform wars won't go away
If it's not Sony vs Xbox, it will be Steam vs Epic
If it's not Console vs PC, it will be Cloud Gaming vs Local Gaming

>Cloud gaming
fuck off

Let us all come together to mourn the state of the game industry

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Pretty soon it's just gonna be Nintendo, Playstation, PC, and about a hundred streaming services competing for exclusives like Netflix vs Hulu vs Prime Now vs Disney vs etcetcetc
Oh and I hope you like yearly subscriptions, because Nintendo is already focusing on multiplayer to push their jew tax, like Sony and Microsoft have done for years.
Soon you won't even be able to buy games at all. You'll need Gamepass to stream Halo, and Nintendo online to play Mario, and PS+ to watch whatever Sony even does these days, and Netflixs upcoming gaming sub for their big name exclusives they'll buy, and Stadia when Google starts moneyhatting publishers
Video games died in 2013, nothing good has happened since

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Stop trying to be the gate keeper. You're trying to emptying out the ocean with a spoon.

How does this hurt Xbox when all of Microsoft's first party games will only be played on Xbox, PC, and mobile, nowhere else?

Nintendo already went mobile.

It only took them 25 fucking years
Imagine if they partnered with each other instead of ex Sega and Nintendo

Ratchet weapons in Halo Infinite. Calling it.

Infinite cross play.

>microsoft working with nintendo
>microsoft working with sony
>all first party games also on pc
sounds like microsoft is finally pulling from the console market and trying to make nice with the remaining two.

Will the combine clout of Nintendo and Sony push Xbox in Japan?

That's not what's happening at all and you know it.

>content streaming

what exactly does this mean

What Xbox franchise comes back from the dead with the help of Sony?

why though?


They're teaming up to fight Google and Amazon

they are enemies

They're not. They've collaborated multiple times in the past, and have profited off one another.

Providing cloud and streaming services is a western idea. The Japanese don't want to bother, because it requires them to inflate their service and support staff. I guarantee you this is somehow connected with Playstation moving their HQ to California. Nothing good can come from this.

There's hardly any good games not on PC at this point

>caring about US market when european, japanese and canadian markets will provide more then anough.
heck even bumfuck nothing western european countries like belgium have better internet then US.

Master Chief in Ape Escape 4. I feel it.

next gen is really focusing on this cloud shit. goddamn

Would you play it?

As if it's going to be big in any capacity, these big companies and news outlets just want it to be but it never will.

Yeah when sony goes, The games go straight to a apple or android device near you

Only if you make it kino

then what?

streaming consoles will become a thing

No, they won't

severely underrated post

In glad Microsoft is finally going third party. They will make way more money and use that to invest in more games. Looking forward to playing the new fable on my switch since its on the go playable.

>In glad Microsoft is finally going third party
>he actually thinks this

There's no money to be made with exclusives and Microsoft is smart enough to know this.

They're not putting their games on PS or Switch this is why they just created the Xbox One/Xbox Console Exclusive policy. Microsoft's first party games will only be available on Xbox consoles, PC, and mobile (via XCloud).

And the winner is AMD.

Basically. They're working with Google and Microsoft. Therefore, Nintendo and Sony.

Jewvidia is doomed.

Theyre changing the policy since they know theyre not losing any money by bringing their games to switch and ps4. The move to pc showed them exclusives dont sell consoles. People will still buy xbox even when halo is on switch and gears on ps4. Its just good business for microsoft.