Would've ended better if Joker stayed in jail

Would've ended better if Joker stayed in jail.

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>akechi magically becomes a girl

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pancake boys "popularity" just goes to show you how much of a cancer fujos are

>fem akechi snm joker scene

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Imagine being Akechi and believing Shido was going to acknowledge you

>Akechi will be returning as a party member after his "death" in P5R according to official footage.
Gorobros, rise

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I work for Atlus
Akechi and the new fem character hook up

is it groo's time?

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But muh tragic backstory!
He's so damaged and my rank fujo pussy is the only thing that can heal him.

Imagine having the power to change the world and going after a guy who plagiarizes paintings.

>Joker stays in jail
>Akechi lives and is in jail with him
>they become prison gay
>Akechi starts dressing like a girl and getting fucked by all the inmates

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discount adachi, even revolver jesus was better then daddy issues

Would have been better if the game let me romance Sae, or she commented on me banging her sister in retaliation for not being able to.

Akechi is a character that had a lot of potential initially but in the end turns into a completely iredeemable psycho.

If i could change him, i would have him join the Phantom Thieves earlier, if not give him some Death Note investigation shit with him and the PT before he does, like that thing with Makoto at the stage.

Give him a better backstory and have him not, you know, be directly responsible for the deaths of TWO of your party's character's parents.

I just hope they do him justice in P5R.

It may be a bit of a stretch but i wish they'd give him an Ultimate Persona like the other PTs. I guess Loki fits that role but he's actually his Starter Persona like Arsene, which is why Akechi can solo all the Palaces while the PTs need to work together. It's implied Robin Hood is just some Persona he caught since he's also a Wild Card like Ren.

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Why is he such a slut?

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I would only accept Akechi becoming a girl if they gave him HUGE boobs.

To be fair, while his characterization is garbage, he's a really stylish party member. I would bring him into dungeons.

I actually wanted an actual discussion over the ending and if the suggestion would make a better good end.

I made a mistake in picking this OP image.

i wish adachi got killed earlier than he actually did
haha get fucked

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Alright, here's your ending
>joker sent to prison
>friends needs to find a way to get him out, but just because yaldy's gone doesn't mean humanity suddenly changes their minds about shido
>with mementos gone, a new dungeon appears to fill the void, a la Abyss of Time
>"shadow" groo, kind of like Metis, appears and acts as the new leader because he still has his wild card ability
>get to the end, beat another manifestation that opens humanity's hearts and makes them receptive to Mashima's petition


No my suggestion for the ending was to keep him in jail as it adds to the thematic and it's a perfect book end. Joker ends up being a matyr for change.

>Akechi dies how he did
>but he wakes up at his place feeling different
>He sees OP's pic in the mirror
Yes please

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