VRchat is just a m-

VRchat is just a m-

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IMVU: VR Edition is not a game

The fuck is IMVU?

vrchat platelets

Had a good evenings worth of fun with this. Joked with some genuinely funny people but mostly just swam through a sea of unbridled autism.

The "pancake" version of VRchat from 2004

Was it any good?

It was basically a 3D chatroom full of snowflakes and with no gameplay whatsoever, just like VRchat

no, it's more like Second Life with less exploration and more micro transactions than VR Chat, a free and based game,

Have you seen games from 2004?
Now imagine how something that probably wasn't even created by professional would have looked.

>implying there's any exploration in Second Life or VRchat

Usually the ones that are off spouting Yea Forums memes are the ones with unbridled autism. Everyone else is a decent person in this game.

Chatrooms aren't fucking games.


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I want to upload my consciousness to the virtual world so I can escape this miserable reality

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Fukken kek

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Fuck I remember VrChat being so much fun before it got flooded with snowflakes and twitch shills

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>petting catgirls is now illegal
Is it fucking 1984?
Fucking britain

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everyone is boring as fuck in vrchat though, you either get the streamers and their posse, people drinking/getting high in lobbies doing jack shit or people erping in corners

ano ne ano ne ariagtou

VR chat is an inferior secondlife without vr and alcohol

I suck at talking to people online because I'm not good at idle patter and am not charming in the least.

>implies VRchat isn't a meme
>when the webm is just an FBI/undercover meme

I miss when Second life was the biggest thing ever and even companies bought advertisement and shit in the game because it was so popular.
Then furries came and ruined everything.

Will there ever be a game like Second life again?

>He thinks furries "Came"
>He thinks secondlife isn't like it was because of furries

Want to know how I can tell you joined in 2010

The problem is that they took over the game with other degenerates, there was always degenerate stuff in the game that is true. But later on that was nearly the ONLY thing you found and furries were everywhere.

how many orgies happened in VRchat already?

>want to play online games or chatrooms but don't like talking online much

That's not always true. I dressed up as the default business guy last night and did my "regular guy" skit and had some random guy copy me and we ran around the bar doing "regular" activities such as "drinking", " socialising with strangers" and "urination in a bathroom".

>petting catgirls is now illegal

No what "killed" secondlife (aside from it just being very old and dated at this point with a lot of questionable choices namely regarding land prices) is the same shit that's going to kill vrchat

Children started playing, going to adult sims and the media picked that up and ran with it creating a moral panic of pedos luring kids

Literally last night I was playing drunk vrchat and a 7 year old popped up into the room we were in which currently had a stark naked loli avatar

But how often do you ewven see that nowadays. If you go to any world usually its just a bunch of people staring a mirrors and talking with their posse. Even the games section of vrchat is a ghost town with people only ever filling lobbies of never have I ever

>implying vrchat isn't a dead game already

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Fair point, I'm late to the vr chat game so what happened to sl may have already happened

>New virtual world created with all sorts of possibilities
>Advertised as great for business, socializing, etc
>picks up media attention and normies flock to try it out
>game balloons and is massively popular for a time
>normies get bored and leave because they are normies
>all that is left are the degenerate weaboos, furries, etc.

I don't want to pat degenerate neckbeards or worse furries masquerading as waifus and lolis.

OP's webm

Second Life was always degenerate.



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Do you know the way

As was vrchat, but it wasn't predominately degenerate

It was filled with house wives and boomers who saw the articles about anshe chung making a million dollars selling virtual land.

You know that thought experiment where you can upload yourself into a perfect world, but you’d know it’s fake? I’d like to do that now, please.

so much this
Yea Forums is one of the most degenerate sites and people unironically think the place is pure

i hate how vrchat is still as broken as it was back when i used to play it, the only difference being my glitched flying avatars were patched so half the fun was gone

Yea Forums is a shithole but at least it's a self aware shithole.

Missing the point
If you use the buzzword "degenerate", you're a knuckle-dragging chinlet retard who doesn't know what he's talking about

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Never Have i Ever is one of the best ways to make friends, because it involves socialising, talking and getting to know people.
Games like 'Murder' is also a good option to make friends because you're actively doing something and socialising than standing around looking in the mirror as too many people do.
VRchat is far from dead.
It gains around 11,000 people on the weekend and upwards of 6-7,000 weekdays. Stop talking absolute shit. Granted last year there were around 15,000 on the weekends but the meme fad died down.

Is that 15,000 total?

I know you're trolling like a child but i think it peaked around 30k back in Janurary last year for a couple of weeks before dropping down to 15k.

Vrchat is pretty fucking dead,if most of your player base are in private lobbies for a game focused on socializing then you are no better than second life, which mind you is a dead game purely because of shit like that.

I'm not trolling I just didn't realize SL had a higher pop, though tbf a big chunk of those are bots

>aT lEaSt wE aDmIt tHaT We'Re ShIT LoL!

Sorry "dying" game

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SO what do people do in vr-chat? Hunt for lolies while other people disguise themselves as lolies? Seems pretty idiotic desu

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I thank baby jesus every day for not making me a jawlet

ERP with other trannies, or try to lure underage girls onto discord.

It true though, most people on there think they're funny while Yea Forums people are ironically funny.

Where are you guys going? There's a shit ton to do in VR Chat besides sit in a lobby. Even if you didn't like any of the games IN it you can just make your own.

You can
>Thirst for other girls
>Pretend you are funny
>Pretend you are popular
>Have high school dramas
>Have people treat the game like its a club made for drinking and getting high
>Look in mirrors
>suck a twitch streamer's dick



When I get a VR headset I can see the appeal of hanging out in a virtual bar when drinking in real life.

Attached: i like that jump.webm (352x196, 1011K)

>Yea Forums people
>ironically funny
Please fuck off.

It's hardly a game dying at a quick pace and the line itself is rather consistent and steady.
Grow up and act like your age. VRchat will stick around until something better hopefully comes along. People crying that VR is a gimmick are either too poor to afford it or envious of those who enjoy it.

Is that guy actually flirting with a "girl" in VR, god lord that I've never touched this game.

so basically what normal people would call "socializing". I hear its really popular in that place called the real world, if there is such a thing

Hmm okay you convinced me


There's private rooms with nude models enabled where everything is possible

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Be realistic here, VrChat required people, if most if not all the people do there is just sit in a lobby you are pretty much doing nothing. Look, I was there when VrChat was an actual fun game. Back when there would be pianists in the piano room, artists in the presentation room, actors/improv guys in the theater room and all sorts of zany whacky shit in PUBLIC lobbies. You see none of that anymore. Why? Because the community is shit and the game hasn't changed all that much in over a year except finding more ways to block people. I had a guy I freinded there by literally bumping into him on a stage world where there would be random crowds of people listening to him narrate stories every wednesday with his amazing stanley parable impression, but nowadays fuckers like him get blocked or the lobby would be dead for hours because nobody has the capacity to enjoy or explore in that game. They would rather try to reinvent what they missed in high school and act like "the popular kid".

Drunk vr chat is the best part of vr chat in my experience, this coming from someone who never drinks otherwise.

A bit of fun socializing with friends and getting loud without having to worry about getting home at the end of the night

A bit of gay shows of affection as well if you are into that

Really though I want to know how many people have died in VR chat, on more than one occasion I've left a room with two people blacked out on the floor and a third projectile vomiting with a live mic

>tfw too much of a sperg to talk to people online

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Just go to a club jesus christ

>trips over nothing and doesn't even react to catch himself
really, do these people never practice things like walking or just moving around in general? he has the coordination of a recliner-bound 70 year old

That sounds awful user why would i do that

this. when i see images like this i always get up out of my chair, go to the bathroom, and get a hand mirror just to remind myself that i dont look like that

Who else knows that feel when they'd rather spend the weekend socialising on VRchat drinking with friends and buddies online than in the real world?

>Cost less money than going to bars and clubs
>No chance of being harassed by drunk strangers or drunk people
>Everyone is friendly and in the comfort of their own home so it's easy to come off and head to sleep
>More chances to come across something new or exciting instead of dancing in a dirty building covered in spilt drinks and sweaty people
>Easier to socialise with people who have common interests or enjoy vidya games
>Don't have to dress smart or look sharp. Can wear lounge gear.

It's an instant win win.

That dude looks like he's having the time of his life.

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>go to a club and drink with normies
>stay at home and drink with people who are actually like you and share your interests and humor
wow i wonder why he does that

This. Not only that people don't treat vrchat like a game anymore but instead a social platform like facebook. People go on VrChat just to get drunk and talk to people like they're hot shit.

>getting arrested for head pats

What is this, california?

>Drinking beer

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That's some cyberpunk aesthetic

there is an advantage to hanging out with drunk people where you don't have to smell them or worry about hearing loss


You mean the cheapest vodka mixed with tropicana

>grognards don't enjoy a game where social-interaction is the main point

>wear lounge gear
you... wear clothes?

Whats all that shit flying around?

One day I will own this club.

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Just get on a skype or discord call and drink there you maroons. Doing it on vrchat is the reason why people are comparing it to second life now.

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Then meet and play with different people. VR Chat's only a boring chatroom if you only play in chatrooms and with people who do that.

thats the biggest thing, it doesn't matter who you actually are because nobody can know. pretending to be hot shit and being hot shit are one in the same in VR. its all how you present yourself

>It's hardly a game dying at a quick pace and the line itself is rather consistent and steady
Consistently and steadily dying that is

Why would I do that when I can be in a room with my friends and actually play VR games while we drink and hang out?

I just cant imagine playing in my boxers. Though it would make sense....what about when you're dancing?

Clearly you have never used VR. A shitty video window on your laptop is not the same as hanging out with someone who you can see standing right in front of you.

Stupid argument

Which is all public chatrooms nowadays, which is the main issue. The only interesting things happening are in little cliques of closed social circles.

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>Dude you can play it while you drink and get drunk to meet people xD
That's a big YIKES for me

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Just because VRchat has some shit mini games doesn't mean it isn't a glorified 3D chatroom.

the main problem is that what makes vrchat great is meeting new and interesting places and people by bumping into them but if the new people constantly meet are anime avatars with shit personalities then you got yourself a dead game

I bet that faggot doesn't drink his coffee black either.

that's how meeting people works after you get out of high school, kid

>implying people even play those minigames

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Has "my words" disappeared or i'm just retarded?

Is there a way to export models you favorite? Because if the words i saved disappear then i can't get them back.

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woah just like real life

That's genuinely how you socialise with people in the modern world.

Nah fuck you I was one of the lewders in /vrg/ until that place went down the drain

this feel user. i got vr for beat saber and had the time of my life with it. downloaded vr chat and couldnt get myself to talk to anybody even though i can talk normally in real life. dont know why but i find it difficult. maybe i found a group of japanese lolis shooting a rap music video.

Honestly, I can understand how stuff like this happens. If you get really into the game you definitely start to want to move with it.

Most people are not alcoholics anons. I mean this comic is pretty much spot on when it comes to people like you



>that video of the dude having a seizure while in VR chat
>all the fucking characters standing around him and dancing

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Brain matter.

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>people don't treat vrchat like a game anymore but instead a social platform like facebook
Yeah, that's my main gripe with vrchat. It was supposed to be a GAME not some kind of persudo dating/make-a-friend site like what it is now. Vrchat was supposed to be an escape from IRL not reflect it.

I never said getting drunk you numpty.
Alot of people go to a pub or bar after work to relax and let loose and then do other things at the weekend or planned events Do you even have a social life? If so, what do you do after work?

ok. enjoy being not fun and alone then. you won't be missed

Does Elrond know you left Rivendell?

Nigga I can't afford Tropicana and I live in Florida. Give me Walmart Great Value it's all the same shit.

>chatrooms to get drunk in
>rhythm games
>workout games
Why the fuck is VR attracting so many damn casuals?

>Most people are not alcoholics
You'd be surprised.

You're either underaged or an extremely boring and lonely friendless person.
You have my sympathies

>Dude being drunk is awesome and cool xD
I hate normalfags.

I have several friends that share my interests, I'm in the board of a gaming and board/roll-playing club that has over 100 members so after work I'm quite busy being that and socializing most of the day.
If not I can hang around with my buds, playing some vidya or just spend some time at their place or at mine.

I mean what kind of a sad life do you have to have if you feel like you need to go to a bar and drink to socialize? Do you not have any actual friends? (and no a guy you once drank with and never hang around with is not a friend)

where do i get this

Don't fucking talk about Randell like that you mother fucker. Randell was a sweet dude & I miss him everyday.

I completely forgot about this holy shit

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Maybe if you're retarded. Extending too far if you're in a small space, sure. Not fucking sprinting in a random direction

Imagine being this autistic.

Zima fag

You go on to explain your hobby and that's good for you. Playing board games as part of a group is something i've done a few times and enjoyed quite alot! You then go on to insult people and say they have no real friends because they enjoy drinking and socialising differently to you? Do you realise how many people drink at College, University and after work as a form of socialising? Are you that delusional to believe that those people that go to parties, clubs and raves are doing it with strangers?

Do you also realise how delusional and pathetic you sound? Holy crap i feel sorry for you and your mindset user.


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Who knows I just home Boneworks changes that.
The new age can't come soon enough.

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I'm not the one that has to go to bars and force myself to drink because it's the only way I can socialize. Sorry if I triggered some normalfags in here.

>I'm not the one that has to go to bars and force myself to drink because it's the only way I can socialize.
Your making up statements now. I feel sorry for you clutching at words and comments to make yourself feel justified. Have fun user! You'll make it some day!

what do i even need to buy to play this? i don't understand how vr or full body tacking even works, do i need a lot of space?

That's pretty fucking gross dude.

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2 metre by 2 metre is good for full body though you can play with less space. For a headset without full body you just need enough room to stretch your arms.


VR chat is amazing if you can avoid the anime and fur fags.

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>Doing it on vrchat is the reason why people are comparing it to second life now.
>I was one of the lewders in /vrg/
Really, getting drunk is why? That's the first reason that pops into your head? Not the ERPers who treat it like it's actually Second Life? That's interesting.

>used to lure people and force them to have thanksgiving dinner with my main targets being people infront of mirrors
>people rolled with it and fun times
>all I do is get blocked or muted now
I want to go back

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>great value
Hello, Polk County. How much meth do you have?

Nigga there are walmarts everywhere. I would never live in north/central or inland Florida.


Are those supposed to be knitted wool/something tights or is it just a design on regular tights/leggings?

Ironic weebs garbage full of normalfags.

>That feel when i'm too talkative and sociable and it scares people away
I swear i'm one of the only people that suffer from this problem. It's not like i spurge out or anything, i just want to have a laugh and make friends.

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The only thing wrong with beer is that it's proportionally expensive for how wasted you get. I love drinking stouts, fuck xkcd.

Nah but if its all you do on vrchat you might as well go to a club. /vrg/ was pretty much like that and all it devolved to was high school drama and dudebros sitting around not wanting to do anything. The reason I outed myself as a lewder was to show you I had full body plus its not as if I'm prodjecting my real life and mental illnes into a video game. I just so happen to enjoy slutting out and then playing getting in divorce cases for the hell of it.

So move you dumb shit. You can live anywhere you want.

Look at that fucking chad, dropping redpills and manspreading like a king. It's beautiful.

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That really depends, I have nothing against social and talkative people BUT talkative people that only talks about themselves all the time, their life and everything about them is the worst thing ever.

reminder that secondlife has been around for like 15 years and still manages to have a way bigger playerbase despite being "dead"

I'm more or less stuck here for work, as soon as I get my Class A CDL, I'll be looking for a place and then potentially a transfer with my job.

I actually don't really hate the Davenport/Haines City area that much.

What the fuck was this guy's plan

Walk the plank like a pirate.

This is the cringest shit in this entire thread, and that's saying something.

It's 10x worse when they actually have a decent life and have an infinite supply of stories to tell.

Move to either coast in the meantime. I couldn't imagine how horrible it must be to live in Florida and not be on one of the islands. If you're not on a beach then why be in the state at all?

More VR webms

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>tfw social autistic and never been able to really socialize Online
I don't have too much of a problem talking and socializing in real life, but I can't for my life do it Online.
And it doesn't help I'm European with a crappy Swedish accent that makes me sound like a retard.

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>tfw I can just barely socialize irl because my job demands it but I absolutely cannot online, especially over mic

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Based black knight

Point me to the VR Chat porn.

VR chat ruined VR

You are gonna need to hunt those down there is a witch hunt for stuff like that right now


lmao black people are actually so pathetic

>I envy you

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if cats ears are back instead of up, do not pet

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WHY do people flirt on VR?

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This post makes me sad. It fucking hurts, all the friends either leave, banned, become streamers, orbiters, ERP whores.

>VRchat is just a m-
gimmick fad that is already: over

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What a shame, I just want to fap.

Author is literally a cuckold and unironic Hillary supporter. Makes sense he doesnt enjoy anything or understand that others can

You're the reason it went down the drain, you mongoloid.

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>mfw realizing I might have petraped a cat

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>Everyone just wants to be Nanachi now
>No cool new models, just nanachi recolors all over the place

>drinking ethanol at all

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yeah that happens to a ton of games. it really sucks. i dont even understand why it happens. i always try to do fun things when someone tries to spontaneously engage with me, but it seems like everybody else doesnt want to do anything with strangers anymore

I'm not the one causing high school drama or crying about their irl problems to strangers online just sayin

>going through this shitty existence without intentionally ingesting poison

Why are there so many trannies on vrchat?

They are afraid of the real world because they are sinners in front of God's eyes.

assive waste of time and energy

Fuck user you got me remembering all the RP circles that used to be on there
There aren't even random Cat marches or hoppu raids anymore

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Same reason Yea Forums was so slutty during April Fools last year. When it's "acceptable" and relatively common people are more willing to partake.

can i rub feet in this game? boy or girl is fine

It's a social medium, where you stand around, and talk to people to their face. Well, a digital mask they're wearing, whilst miles away. People flirt on Discord. People flirt in video games. People flirt on Yea Forums. VR is a more acceptable place to flirt with people than some other places on the internet.

>cant be a girl irl
>can be a girl in the virtual world
same thing happens in every mmo

Well then lets throw wine, whiskey and every other alchoholic beverage in there to.
Coffee too.
Weed smells like shit and is a shit drug as well.

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I mean people that get mad when you call him a him.
And trying to have a female voice

>eating walmart brand food

Attached: Bad Grenade.webm (852x480, 2.75M)

>Vrchat was supposed to be an escape from IRL not reflect it
Holy shit yes. Why do people fail to understand this?

Because every wild west inevitably comes to an end.

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Yep, when them ol'' good boys were brought down to the gallows for not being a fancy anime girls while the outlaws still has the escape keys to the hoosegow, it was dark time. One of these days, everyone answers to the mirror

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>Will be dead in the next 5-10 years going by the curve
I mean, I guess it's dying.

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oh shit

>No chance of being harassed by drunk strangers or drunk people
It's almost like an invitation for me to get drunk and belligerent and find out where you're at
You better watch yourself in the coming days user

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nerve gas

Fucking normalfags are the reason why this game is dying

normalfags keep stuff alive though

>tfw you had to be frugal so you made screwdrivers with $10/L vodka and $2/carton "OJ"
>tfw you can appreciate how far you've come with your stolichnaya and not from concentrate OJ

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>I hate normalfags
>proceeds to describe being one

>weirdos can't have a few weirdo friends
I may not be him but you truly need to have one hell of a superficial personality not to form a connection in places that gather people with same interests as you. Which most normalfags have.

god i wish i had a computer that could play this

You're too late user you missed all the fun stuff already

You can get a Quest. It's bound to get modded at some point.

not a clue what that is

downloaded the game today and was able to play at 10fps for maybe 20 minutes before it crashed. loads of fun while i was able to be there


Not sure if by those places you mean here, but I don't actually want to form a connection with most people from here or anywhere else. I have one actual friend though which I got from here and it was pretty nice.

>I don't like something, so that means EVERYONE must dislike it

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>not a clue what that is
uh-huh why would you.

Strangers in vrchat became scary ever since the first fuckboys came around