What is it about this game that has everyone so enamored with it?
Is it the story, the characters, or the combat gameplay?
or the ass
What is it about this game that has everyone so enamored with it?
Is it the story, the characters, or the combat gameplay?
or the ass
The story, the characters, the ass, the music
It’s a clmbination
the ass, its a typical platinum action game outside that. characters, music and story don't comapre to the actial Nier.
It's definitely not the gameplay.
>buy nier thinking it will be a fun Platinum game since I didn't play the old Nier
>get some babby's first philosophy lesson with dodges that don't punish you and no combos
>quit midway through route C
I tried to give it a shot to see if it got better, never did.
for me, it's the ass
I really loved the first Nier, and Automata is about as good of a sequel as I could have expected to get out of it.
The combat's fun, if a little simple, the character callbacks to the first game are emotional, and the plot has some wacky twists and turns as you progress throughout the endings.
>its a typical platinum action game
Only if you are speaking of platinum's recent lackluster releases. It's literally just ass, forced """sad""" scenes and some philosophy references that grants the game rave reviews.
You didn't miss anything.
The music's very nice.
You forgot the ridiculously good music and the delicious tone of suffering.
It's the whole package that people like though - especially when you get to ending E and all the themes converge and get turned upside down in one mind blowing meta moment that isn't going to be topped for another decade.
mainly ass because the game is pretty shit and far worse than nier
Character development, gameplay mechanics, enemy designs and nihilistic philosophical questions. The ass is nice too.
>Automata thread on Yea Forums
>it's rightfully trashing the game instead of praising it like Polygon and Kotaku
Glad to see Resetera hasn't taken over this site completely, they love this shit game on there.
>iconic well designed main character
>with sex appeal
I don't hate Bayonetta or Lightning; but, most female leads are either generic or over-designed. The closest I can think of to 2B is og Lara Croft, who was still just a generic girl with gun holsters.
>great soundtrack
mainly these factors^^^; but also,
>good gameplay
>reputable studio
>the appeal of auteur vision
Its basically the story (which is loldeep), music, bosses, characters, and variation in gameplay.
The combat is absolute ass. The shooting sections are braindead easy, too long, and have zero variety. The actual combat is braindead easy, hold shift the entire game, and barely any variety to weapons/combo moves.
The setting is devoid of life and feels lazy. The cool levels last only a few mins (amusement park and the ?? white area.
Its a culmination of multiple games stories. You'll need to play draken 1 and 3. Nier 1 and FFXIV in a few month from now just in order to understand
It couldn't have been done in any other medium than a video game. It wouldn't work as a film or a book or an anime or a tv show.
The finale uses the both the interactive and the globally connected nature of videogames to a level that no other game has done so before.
it is definitely the story and ideas it plays with. the characters get kind of annoying and while the gameplay and boss fights are fun, it is nothing special
hot girls and internet-assembled philosophy for idiots
People in the UK and Europe are out of work and school so you'll mostly see people who didn't like it.
I think it has some really good set up and pay off in it's story, good theming, wonderful music, an interesting character in 9s and a2 and 2b are good support characters. 9s and 2b are text book dynamic and static characters but that serves the theme well. I think the the visual design is subtle and very intentional, I like the strange humor, the combat is fun as a more complex rpg rather than an out right action hacknslash despite my love for that genre.
I think the first and third act are paced well, and the second act makes up for it with the new perspectives and I like the use of an interactive to tell a story in an interesting way.
I DO think the english acting is lacking here and there. 2B is pretty subtle with her motivation before a certain story point and kira buckland is too one note. I also think it's a shame the pc version seemed to be so janky.
I see a lot of people talk about it being babies first philosophy but the reference to philosophy is meant to frame the point that humanity and any form of it shouldn't be bound to the direction previously established norms and cultures have set for them. I think it works in service of that theme.
I think there's a lot to like about it, and when there's a Yea Forums poll it does very well and it sold and reviewed well in the over all community so I'm just looking at disdain as a vocal minority.
And no one on Yea Forums cares about minorities right?
>Baby’s first
Nigga you’ve never read philosophy in your life you dunno shit
post more 2b ass
This. It really takes full advantage of being a video game and has fun with it and the payoff works really well. Have other games had branching stories before? Of course. Multiple endings. Yes. Meta 4th wall breaking? Sure. But Automata has all those things and does them well and the result is very satisfying.
Also the music is great, the character designs are great, and the combat is fun.
Lol this, it's the exact same thing when people who have never played an arena shooter complain that Quake Champions isn't a pure arena shooter.
especially when yoko Taro spends his time jabbing at the philosophies that come up.
I think a lot of people don't know how to theme.
100% this
Everyone like “oh it’s just Nihilism” when it’s a total rejection of nihilism if anything
But it is? I mean I enjoyed Nier but you can't say it doesn't liberally use references and namedrops to figures such as Hegel and doesn't actually incorporate any of their ideas into it. The plot does primarily base itself on more entry level existentialism
>Is it the story, the characters, or the combat gameplay?
All of the above, and also none of them exactly.
It's an experience unlike any other. A true modern classic that cannot be fully experienced without playing it yourself.
>or the ass?
I actually really dislike the ass.
It is, however, the easiest way to spot the plebs who didn't play the game, at least not further than the A route.
Same goes with all two of the plebs falseflagging about "bad gameplay".
I’m legit getting sick of people dumping on the game all of the time on Yea Forums. Not saying it’s flawless, because it’s definitely not, but it really doesn’t deserve this much crap.
The shit Taro pulled with the concert should be taught in literary analysis classes
I think anyone who doesn't go into a study that involves story telling or or interpretation focuses more on plot. and as such they don't much consider what moving from a to z means in a story.
So if a game or movie or book is character or theme driven they check out.
but it specifically presents an antithetical position. And the Jean Paul Sarte character shows that he doesn't feel the rigid perceptions of humanity have as much weight as a simple value in life it itself and being free to figure it out without being peg-holed.
Yea Forums loves it though
It's easy to play, has a god-tier soundtrack, memorable setpieces and captivating atmosphere/worldbuilding. Much like Twin Peaks the plot is cheesy in itself, but you're going to love it if you're hooked by the "vibe". I love this game but I can't argue that the combat is inconsequential, some areas are lazy, and route b is rehash.
But again, Sartrean and Camus type existentialism is very entry level, you have numerous works featuring their conceptions of human volition and purpose because it is relatively easy to convey and understand, which doesn't necessarily make it bad but is very much a more introductory level.
there's a very vocal group who don't. I think a part of it comes down to people not liking "weeb games."
I very rarely see negative feedback on the game that's particularly objective and thought out.
it's all "Uh it'a actually very bad because it sucks please tell me in detail why I would be wrong thanks"
No it fucking doesn’t m8, Nier’s themes partially deal with existentialism but it’s at least like three “layers” deep from base existentialism at the most shallow analysis. I’m not saying Automata is a new classic that deserves a place on the shelf next to Camus or whatever, but it’s a far cry from the Sparknotes shit people claim it is.
I’m sick of this fucking argument about Hegel or which ever other philosopher because it’s a shallow as fuck analysis. “Taro didn’t use this name in the specific way I wanted so it’s irrelevant”. It’s grasping for a straw, choosing to look away from the actual themes of the game to say “Aha! See this? I find this piece of information irrelevant, and thus I can ignore everything that -is- being said”. And this is assuming the name dropping -is- irrelevant, which it might be, but you could make a strong argument that actively slaying well known philosophers—individuals who are known for their suggestions on how one should live their life and find meaning—ties in pretty heavily to ideas of a lost raison detre, to the death of god, and death of the author that are prevalent in Nier.
I’ll allow that if this game were a text or an essay, irrelevant information would be to it’s detriment. But it’s not, it’s a video game. It’s intended purpose is not the same.
>easy to play
>combat is inconsequential
I have no idea what kind of games people who say this kind of stuff play.
Yea but it's not at it's core about philosophy as much as societal pressure and inherited conflict. Philosophy, religion, economics, government ect all get touched on a little bit in service of supporting freedom from it. I think it's just the most obvious and people figure Taro wants to seem bright for mentioning it.
But yoko taro spends all his time trying to delegitimize himself so I don't buy that.
For me, I like Ninja gaiden black and DMC and bayo and MGR and all that, and I actually tend to tire of turn-based combat if it's not engaging enough.
So nier has a sytsem where you can do some complex stuff with it at your leisure, the story is more important but they want he combat to feel somewhat engaging at the very least.
The usual suspects: bloodborne, hollow knight, spelunky. Hell, I can recognize it's not even as deep as Devil May Cry/Bayonetta, which I don't much care for. Nier:A doesn't demand that you care that much about strategy, positioning, parrying, etc. You can stick to one weapon type, one subweapon, load up on healing chips and go to town. "Inconsequential" combat isn't always a bad thing, because you can choose to not care about the challenge.
Yo where have you been every other nier thread, I appreciate the input!
fair enough, but I take it as a huge offensive that when people mention Nier:A's "gameplay", they only focus on the *combat* and nothing else.
I feel like people go in with false expectations, assuming it to be yet another linear "cool hack & slash game", being taken off guard by what's practically a mix of Zelda-like adventuran', RPG shenanigans, and tons of retro throwback sections.
Entry level and base level aren’t the same thing. Camus is only “entry level” because he’s well known. Myth of Sisyphus only make any sense as a response to preexisting works and assumes the reader is well read in the area. Absurdism isn’t a philosophy that springs fully-formed from anyone’s forehead, it only exists as a response and refutation.
I think this is part of what confuses the less well-read about Automata (not necessarily you); it starts out with ideas similar to Nihilism (already, I should mention, not ‘base’ existentialism), setting those dominos up in 9S’s frustration with the death of his “god” and loss of his reasons for living, so it can knock them down at the end. People are more familiar with Nietzsche because of the massive overexposure to his ideas in popular culture, so they recognize that bit and latch onto it, mentally.
At any rate, there’s room to call Automata’s ideas clumsy, or bad, or misinformed if you like, but calling them “base” is just inaccurate.
Again, it is not necessary that Nier has to elaborate on the details of every reference it makes, nor is it required to make a good game or convey its themes, but there are points where it is clear that it does not really go beyond a basic level of philosophy, such as the Kierkegaard character and the chapter dealing with him, which provides almost an opposite strawman caricature of the actual's ideas.
Are you trying to say that people on Yea Forums have rigid definitions for things with little room for a nuanced opinion?
I want to mean this in the least elitist way possible but I honestly got sick of arguing with plebs who wanted to pretend to be intellectuals by dunking on the game with no actual analysis and started avoiding Nier threads altogether
I don’t really disagree with your point, some of it is very surface level when it turns to look at a particular individual for a certain questline etc., but I would disagree with the conclusion that it makes the game shallow as a whole, when it does a lot of work exploring it’s long-run themes like memory and identity, raison detre, death of the author and it’s rejection of nihilism.
I think it's worth poking in to see if people are having a nice time talking to each other about the game. But, I do understand why you'd do that and I think that's a healthy choice.
I agree with you on that subject, that the core of Automata is more than just the philosophy it expounds upon, I don't think that just because it only lightly touches upon the subject that it is in any ways bad or can't convey a great deal.
I don't think I called anything base or at a base level. In my opinion, I think Automata's strength isn't in its philosophical roots, where how entry level it is is rather irrelevant and the anti-nihilistic ideas of Nietzche, Sartre, and Camus have been well trodden, but rather how it actually conveys it, especially with regards to its medium as a video game.
I don't disagree with you on Nier being shallow, I think it is shallow on much of its philosophic aspects but not in terms of the game as a whole.
I hated everything about it. Bad combat and boring, wasted character design, wasted boss battles, uninspired world, shitty replaying of part of the game
Oh and sometimes the music is too much for no reason. And I hated the 2D parts, this isn't how shmups works Taro.
*not being shallow
game is kind of bad though
Can you elaborate?
Whoop, my bade, you said “base itself in entry level existentialism” and my brain fucked it up as “base existentialism” somewhere, and I’ve heard the phrase thrown around before.
Like I said above, I don’t think the ideas are revolutionary to the philosophical world by any stretch. I think we probably agree here more than I thought, because I do think there’s some genius in it’s execution. Also, I do think that the ideas it explores are much more complicated than 99.9% of everything else in the medium.
I will say that it -does- have some value as a philosophical work in my eyes, regardless of medium, because it can approach things in a way that text can’t. Nier: A presents a lot of different ideas about memory and identity before forcing you to make a choice about Pascal before you can continue. A book is unable to ask the reader to take a stand before he can continue reading, and so I think it has some significant value by forcing it’s audience to actively engage with the ideas.
I also think that tying together “god is dead” and “death of the author” in the way Taro did is very interesting and—as far as I’m aware—unique. The culmination of this idea with the concert is unfortunately not something that can be properly experienced now that it’s over and I worry that such a great execution of that idea will fade into obscurity even if the game stays in the zeitgeist.
I never even noticed the ass desu. It was the music for me. And the boss fights ,especially the dancer.
I have to admit I was heavily disappointed by the game too
It's pretty tame for a Yoko Taro game, the gameplay is boring for a Platinum game, the best music tracks in the game were from the first Nier, 2B was barely a character, 9S was stupid as fuck, A2 barely have time to develop (she literally become friend with the machine village in like 3 days despite having killed and tracked machine for years)
Also it runs like shit on every platform, and the DLC is like 1 hour of gameplay, 3 if you do all three arenas
unironically the credits. It gets good when you hit the D credits
Dropped it when I started playing as 9S, found it too boring
Nier is the only game I believe Yea Forums on because if you go anywhere else they praise the shit outta this game as if it has no flaws. I seriously dont feel like buying another bad game so I read the opinions here on it.
its not the gameplay, its the plot, characters, and music.
Yea Forums as a whole likes this game m8, tops polls on the regular
As a VGM soundtrack connoisseur, the soundtrack shouldn't be praised as much as it is. Kingdom Hearts, Persona, and Final Fantasy XIV have majorly better soundtracks than this game. City Ruins - Shade and Wretched Weaponry: Medium/Dynamic, are like the only two tracks that really stood out for me as something incredible.
>Kingdom Hearts
>Final Fantasy XIV
Maybe if only through sheer volume of good tracks
Really now? I dunno I guess I just want someone to point out the flaws via a vid cause on youtube all you get is praising reviews and that doesn't help for shit in deciding whether I wanna pick this up.
Flaws are the combat’s kinda shallow the world construction is low budget, easy is too easy and hard’s too hard unless you break it. B route can be tedious.
No, Kingdom Hearts certainly annihilates this game's soundtrack. So does Persona to a lesser degree. Of course, most tracks in Final Fantasy XIV are phenomenal. Nier Automata's soundtrack isn't that special.
>Is it the story, the characters, or the combat gameplay?
For most people it was their first portentous game.
It's definitely not the gameplay.
Now attack it after every dodge.
This buzzword’s wearing thin
I liked the story, but the gameplay and combat are GODDAMN AWFUL and it's not fun at all. I ended up speedrunning the game with easy difficulty and watch all joke endings on youtube.
It's fucking shit, just like the original Nier, except original Nier's story is miles better. The OST is better as well. the "remix" OST in Automata are fucking shit.
Big nah, KH ain’t got shit on it. Persona is going a whole different route so harder to compare, but definitely doesn’t achieve the emotional spikes Nier A gets. FFFXIV breaks that barrier with Answers.
>Being this dumb
The issue is that requires zero timing for it's i-frames.
If this is awful what do you consider middling
And what do you call DoD1
all yoko taro's games have godawful gameplay. it's no secret.
you bought automata without playing the first nier, expecting bayonetta, and you got nier instead
you played yourself faggot
Nope. Kingdom Hearts fucking destroys Nier's soundtrack. Any game from the series.
>but definitely doesn’t achieve the emotional spikes Nier A gets
Big nope. Persona gets the mood perfect with every track. Nier only had a sense of beauty going for it's tracks. There were no 'emotional spikes'.
>KH soundtrack
>destati repeated 120498120931 times
Nier Automata does not have awful gameplay. You have either played a very small number of games in your life, which you can count in single digits, or you've somehow managed to avoid all the bad ones while only playing the best games which seems hard to believe. Nier Automata gameplay is nowhere near the bottom half.
So you don't know shit about video game soundtracks. Gotcha.
Nah, it's awful. you just have shit taste in combat and gameplay.
You're right. Just ignore the shitposters.
>the characters
excuse me? Do you mean the characters are so well written that it makes Stephen King's characters all look like flat boring unlikeable pieces of fucking shit that I would never read about? Because you can't be talking about their tasteless weebtrash lowest common denominator soulless faggot anime cookie cutter designs
Worth it?
That isn't an issue you moron. You are supposed to attack in between dodges. What good is that even showcasing if you aren't attacking you fucking idiot? You have this retarded idea that games must play a certain way or this mechanic should be that way. Nier's dodge system is perfectly good.
>Kingdom Hearts certainly annihilates this game's soundtrack.
Fuck no it doesn't.
N:A's OST is absolutely exceptional.
>tasteless weebtrash lowest common denominator designs
Found the pleb b8.
Brah really you don’t get emotional at Redemption Song?
Automata is the most overrated pile of mediocrity ever made. I used to think The Last of Us could not be topped but here we are. Taro is the luckiest hack that has ever existed in video games.
>Yoshida creates the character design
>the character design does all the marketing it needs because people love TnA or everything
>millions of people buy your game soley because of TnA
>these same millions now think you are the hottest shit since sliced bread because they have no frame of reference for your other work
>these same millions now think your game is super deep because it has some high school tier dealing with existentialism
Let's not forget Automata is inferior to the first NieR in every way except gameplay which was handled by a 3rd party. Let's also not forget that even though this company is known for making face paced action, the gameplay ended up being derivative of one of their previous hit games for the 10th time and some how had worse bosses than the original game.
tl:dr Automata is a mediocre Taro game that gets propped up because millions of newfags bought it for some ass and got caught off guard by the themes the game dealt.
imo yeah, I put up with tedium better than most though
>which provides almost an opposite strawman caricature of the actual's ideas.
Remember Keirkegaard's entire philosophy requires humans being an element. Remember that the entire crux of the machines' problems stem from a fundamental lack of understanding (but overpowering need to understand).
Given both those facts it is no surprise the Keirkegaard machine would form an almost 180 of the real philosophy. By design from Taro.
It thematically makes sense. Instantly so. You are being too autistic about what you think philosophy is. You might think you are well read, but you took entirely wrong meaning from the reading if you couldn't see this.
That’s a lot of words with no actual analysis
This would imply Automata started the Taro cult which is hilariously wrong
It's a question, not an analysis
Sorry it's too many words for you
Wow you really thought this was a zinger, huh?
I wasn't very enamored with it. 7/10 for me
Yes it does you fucking moron. Get out.
There is no track called 'redemption' in the official soundtrack. Depending on what you're talking about, I might have felt something.
He probably means Song of Atonement (Ancients). It might have a different translated name in non-english languages. I dunno.
No, (You) get out, and get some taste
I do have taste. If you think Nier Automata's soundtrack is anything but just 'good', then you don't know shit about video game music.
Go ahead and name 5 other amazing soundtracks and I will judge them.
Sorry, title is Weight of the World I think.
Might be Darude Sandstorm, sorry
Fine fagballs
Nier Gestalt
Xenoblade X
The Messenger
Final Fantasy X
Kid Icarus Uprising
Play the game.
I laughed a bit. You sure you want these to showcase your 'good taste'? I like Xenoblade X's soundtrack as much as the next guy, but get real. There are other Final Fantasies with better soundtracks. Kid faggot Uprising is nothing special.
Ah yes. And you chose this.
Oh my god. I thought you were going to impress me with The Last Story at LEAST. but no. your taste is terrible.
Are games just silly little things?
I enjoyed everything except the hacking minigame.
You can make a reading of the game from a Marxist, Nietzschean, and Kierkegaardean way and the whole thing still makes perfect sense.
Some other philosophers named like Camus, Xunzi and so on would also fit perfectly in the story and themes of the game, and yet I come to Yea Forums to see constant complaints about baby's first philosophy and it's NEVER elaborated on. So many complaints about this game are born out of sheer contrarianism. Yes some names dropped didn't mean a whole lot in context like Kant but this game is light-years ahead of any other vidya that dabbled in philosophy.
But the entire point of the game was the machines attempting to understand and their growing greater humanity, and if you had actually read Kierkegaard, you would know it isn't simply the human element, that in none of the contradictory phases of life, in Either/Or or Fear and Trembling, account for the simple blind faith shown in that chapter of Nier, even when others are posed in dialectic opposition. He himself directly addresses the ideas of those unable to find faith or those who misunderstand, and the resulting oppositions, and to take any portrayal in Nier seriously as indicative of Kierkegaard beyond a surface understanding, even in opposition, strikes me as dishonest.
In the mainstream it did. Taro was a literal who before Automata now you have people thinking he's a messiah.
Explain how the reading is highschool tier and provide examples, also post games that do something similar in a better way.
You couldn't possibly just be spouting hot air now could you?
again, you are bing too autistic about it. You think Taro is solely using known (entry level) philosophy. He's also critiquing it in his own way as he is doing so. There is more to it. You have to take the thing he is riffing on, Keirkegaard in this instance, as the base stone. Not the whole argument. It is just where it starts. Taro is doing his own version of modern philosophy. When Keirkegaard or Sartre or any other philosopher wrote their take they were just people, like Taro. Generations pass until their information becomes "philosophy" proper.
ALL instances of philosophy talk need to have that understanding integrated into it. You can discuss how you think his take is shit or not, there is a discussion there. But for you to keep harping on what I would view as the most basic beginning aspect of the discussion, it just doesn't float with me.
Taro is doing his own take my dude. The machines simply fail at understanding humans on any level, with regard to the machines still connected to the net, and excluding Adam himself because he might have "got it." From that failing of the machines, all aspects are a warped mirror. Its a simple enough theme to suss out. I think all the substories are as close to a 180 flip to some aspect of either the real world philosophy or philosopher. It has to be intentional and by design.
Its even willing to throw a bit of shade at all of them, nothing really fits and I find that quite appreciable.
Literally everything I posted is better than KH. Most if it’s better than Persona. You gonna dunk on it you’d better give reasons my man.
FFX is too 3 FF soundtracks easy.
>Kid faggot Uprising is nothing special.
Fucking lmao just admit you’re a pleb, why don’t you.
It's the ass, and that's enough.
Again, my original argument was never the method in which the philosophy of Nier was expressed, but the conceptual basis. Nier does a fine job in terms of expressing its thematic elements and its primary existential theme, but it fails to provide more than cursory understandings, and subsequent cursory subversions, of many of the figures it takes from.
>Literally everything I posted is better than KH
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Not even fucking close.
Nope. Not even fucking near Shoji Meguro's work either. Not a fucking chance in this world buddy.
Xenoblade X builds the hype. That's all the soundtrack does and it's good at that. Final Fantasy VIII absolutely obliterates X's soundtrack. Kid Icarus Uprising is in the same vein as Nier Automata when it comes to soundtracks. Boss theme is good. It's not enough, sadly.
Also, 'The Messenger' is absolutely terrible. I'll lump Gestalt with Automata, although Gestalt has a better soundtrack. That's for damn sure.
Says the actual fucking pleb who thinks Uprising is any more than good.
This whole argument stems from the idea that Taro’s games don’t have value other than the TnA. Maybe this argument could hold water if the game that launched him into the spotlight was DoD3, but it wasn’t. It was DoD1, a game with very little fanservice that plays like shit, is ugly as sin and has music that drives men mad. People like Taro games for the story and characters. You can say that’s misguided or his stiry or characters are bad, but the argument that it’s all ass doesn’t hold water.
i kinda just wanted to suck off 9S and then fuck him in the ass. Didn't really care about the game, dropped it about 4 hours in. Combat was really boring.
Anyone in here talking about "philosophy" and whether it's a good or bad thing with regard to the plot of Nier is a retard full stop. What does that even mean? The plot utilizes complex themes and the characters have long and subtle arcs that reveal themselves in clever ways. You can talk about the entire plot and everything that happens without being a tryhard and namedropping classical philosophers. It's not that fucking complicated. You fuckers blow my mind. Literally if a game asks you to feel or think about something a little more complex than just pure love or duty you are breaking out the fucking dictionary and arguing about irrelevant shit.
I just bought this yesterday. Played the opening mission, got to the bunker, removed my OS chip to see what would happen.
The game ended. Part of me feels like I should just let it be, I made my choice and maybe thats just how the story goes.
Xenoblade X’s standout tracks are environmental and storybeat ones so you’re mistaken. Not the I don’t enjoy a good Black Tar.
Every track in the Messenger is a fucking bop. I can tell you’re overfocused on variety, which might hold some small value if we were discussing albums and not soundtracks, but we’re not.
I agree Gestalt is better than Automata.
KI:U is far above the normal bar for game music, as it’s level structure allows for more complex and varied themes. The flight songs are like symphonic poems, making great use of leitmotifs and various shifts without falling into melody-free cinematic shit.
The ass drives you to want to play, and it drives you to want to associate with 2B's struggle while identifying with 9S's emotive half. And amidst all of that the soundtrack provides enough backing. The backend menu lore provides enough insight while managing to leave things vague. Overall it's a solid game and was impactful enough to depress me once it was over.
Combat, and all the mechanics that accompany it were shallow, but it wasn't so shallow as to be bad, I just don't see a lot of replay value as opposed to something like a Soul's game. The campy design was endearing, but it wasn't awe inspiring with a handful of exceptions.
Why are you implying Automata should be seen as good because it attempts to deal with these themes? Let's not forget the player needs to be aware of novels and plays to even get the basic backstory of the protagonists (other than that only an absolute moron couldn't see the blatant love story sub plot between 2B/9S from the prologue). Also, regardless of what you or I think of the story and how it was handled, the fact remains Yoshida's design is the #1 reason this game got any attention from the mainstream. If the game was just 9S and A2 it would be another cult game that sold 300k copies at best. If you look at Taro's history he tells interesting stories but is objectively a horrible game director.
If you’d read philosophy you’d recognize that these ideas are very blatantly worked into the fabric of Nier: A. These philosophers are namedropped, even.
Nier: A is good, and as such you can appreciate and analyze it’s ideas without that background (unlike, say, Myth of Sisyphus, fuck you Camus). But they’re there without question.
So you're actively trying to say 2B's ass wasn't the biggest factor in this game's success? Especially when this game sold more than his other games combined multiple times over? Fucking please user. You can say people like his characters all you want, I'm saying saying 2B fanservice was the driving factor in this game's success, and given how much she's whored out in crossover material I think you'd be very silly to argue otherwise.
It's got a bunch of endings like that.
just think about all the idiots who dropped this game and never got to become organically and emotionally invested in all the characters, feeling with them and wondering what would happen only to reach one of the most hype points of gaming history
Fucking lmao no dipshit. Of course the ass sold copies. I’m saying there’s obviously more, or Senran Kagura wouldn’t be a dying series and Taro never would have gotten the chance to make Nier A in the first place.
trash compared to the first. Combat is excellent at least. Wish there was more enemy variety though
> standout tracks are environmental and storybeat ones
They're good but they aren't the standout tracks. The 'storybeat' tracks are ass. The whole point of the soundtrack is that it sets the tone for the game, which is an atmosphere that contrasts with the first game. Everyone remembers tracks such as The Way, Uncontrollable, Black Tar. The over world themes are great but the overall soundtrack is subpar compared to most games especially in it's own series.
>every track in the messenger is fucking bop
It's fucking trash you mean. I have nothing to say about that. It's shit. There are plenty of other 8/16 bit soundtracks you could have chosen, but that is garbage.
KI:U is standard for most Japanese video game soundtracks. It's definitely higher on the tier list than most Nintendo soundtracks, but it falls short to the wonder, emotional whirlwind, and intensity of any KH soundtrack.
shockingly delusional post. The biggest factor are you fucking serious? It was probably the platinum games partnership as well as the "weirdness" of a niche game like nier getting a sequel out of the blue that led to huge amounts of media coverage. Once people played it word of mouth really took off.
You’re wrong on all accounts. You’re seeking an arbitrary checklist to tell you an OST is “good” like it’s a point system.
Especially about KI:U lmao. That OST is notably more complex than almost anything while remaining catchy and memorable.
It's amusing to see you flail around whilst having no clue what you're talking about. Just the fact that you're using KI:U as your focal point to your 'good taste' shows simply how much you are unaware of anything having to do with good video game music. You're taste is asinine, and you have shown me nothing but mediocrity. Begone.
>resetera would praise a game that objectifies women
Nay thou faglord
The fact that you refuse to have the conversation past “WHAT I LIKE GOOD WHAT YOU LIKE BAD” is demonstrative of your insecurity in your picks.
For the record, FFVIII is good but nothing in it touches To Zanarkand or Spira Unplugged
FFVIII quite possibly has one of the, if not greatest soundtrack ever composed. That right there outed you. You don't know shit, and those aren't even X's best.
How important is the first Nier to Automata?
I got the point where they jump forward a couple years, but the gameplay is so ass I'm struggling to find the motivation to continue.
kek sure m8 nice assertations
I accept your withdraw.
Now I can get last word and leave this shit thread.
Nah last word is mine bitch, sorry you can’t make actual discussion
It’s important to Nier that you play Nier first
I really loved the story and the combat (on hard). character designs were top notch; i kept on 2B's skirt most of the time - it just looks better. The voice acting was really good in Japanese, and english 9S was surprisingly great. The music was beautiful at times; and some of the levels were really cool (forest, sunken city, tower).
i can easily see why people would dislike it, and its even easier to see why people would write it off as stupid, shitty weeb fanservice, but it just really struck a chord with me. definitely in my top 10 favorite games, and certainly one of the best of the decade (not that that's saying much)
Greatest Love Story Ever Told
How does the game use or incorporate existentialism that makes it highschool level?
Important, Automatafags will tell you differently because they're all newfags.
That's not Tora Dora you sub human zoomer
>and no combos
Why do people insist on talking about things they're not knowledgeable of?
and thats not how you spell "OreImo" either, jackass.
I can't respect anyone who doesn't think Bravely Default is god tier soundtrack.
>it's popular therefore I have to shit on it
why bother asking Yea Forums about anything when every thread ends up being the same thing?