Name one vidya character, JUST ONE, that could possibly defeat dark Donald.
Name one vidya character, JUST ONE, that could possibly defeat dark Donald
Rainbow Donald
His mirror-world nemesis, Donald Duck
Dark Donald
El Kemonito Blanco
>needing mods
Dark Colonel Sanders>any one of your gay clowns
I don't know, seems like he is getting beat up by demon akuma in your pic.
ultimate rainbow donald shits on excellent dark donald
Is Mugen fun?
Say no more
Rare Akuma always loses to Dark Donald. I'm convinced that there's anticode.
For fucking around for about an hour sure, beyond that it requires about several times the patience and autism of Garrysmod.
Crazy Catastrophe
Goku Negro
Weren't there mugen characters that were just straight up malware that fucked the program? I think those would probably win.
Excellent dark ronald
Wriggle Nightbug.
Code Holder
>That MUGEN character that shut off the power of a whole university
>an actual energy beam struggle like dbz
holy shit
Mathrus, chaosor, dsrugal, all guayins, most of Okihaito's characters, ONI-MIKO-X, nearly every donald edit from the last two years (MP1 and Sadist ZERO Final for sample). Any character made by Legend of Sebas except Kratos, and so on...
I once saw a match on SaltyBet where two characters were extremely fast and aggressive dodge-spammers.
It was literally the most DBZ shit I've seen in my life.
Uhh, Dark RARE Ronald, you fucking dummy?
what's the name of the plague doctor mask wearing guy that insta wins and flashes horror images on the screen?
I've never seen a character like this in Mugen, but by your description, it's based off SCP-049.
I know it is very similar but this is more of a deviantart OC, this character also wears a top hat and is floating if I recall correctly. jesus christ every time I see a lobotomy corporation thread and someone starts talking about whitenight it reminds me of that mugen character
>all of these newfriends that don't know about dragon tier characters
what the fuck
Tell me more, user
I thought this was a fighting game not a touhou fanmade.
Keep in mind we're talking dark Donald, with the McRib and nine patents BigMac sauce (Thousand Mile Unlocked version) with the ketchup, bbq and sweet 'n sour sauce, a perfect breakfast menu and its 10:30 so he has the ability to use day too.
Nigga, half of the Mugen community is composed of 2hu fans.
Didn't Sonic beat Dark Donald in Salty once?