Be 29

>Be 29.
>Still playing vidya
>Have well paying job and everything.
>Single and don't give a fuck. I don't want to give some bitch my money.
>See all the threads on Yea Forums
>More and more shit thats for new players
>Feel like crotchety old man that just hates video games in general.
>When I talk to people what I think of video games I just say: "I Hate all video games."
>Modern games play like shit and listening to some 15 year old talk to me over mic has steered me away from most online games
>Enjoy the quiet silence of older single player games and emulators

Anyone else like this? Anyone there feel like a crotchety old man when your not even 40?

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I wish I was a girl

>actually wants to have 0 self-awareness, no capacity for deeper thought, and remain mentally 12 years old forever.

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Im 30 and still enjoy new games, and get genuinely excited for some future AAA games. You're just a bitter fag lol



he already has 0 self-awareness, no capacity for deeper thought, and will remain mentally 12 years old forever (like most of Yea Forums).

I dunno man.

I guess I could list some games that never gathered my attention:

>Any Battle Royale Anything
>Mass Effect all of it
>Bioware anything made past 2004.
>EA anything
>Anuses Creed: Anything
>Fallout 4 and especially 76.

I dunno I can name a bunch. Most games fucking suck. So therefore I just say all games suck.

To be fair 99% of games have always sucked.

No man. I remember when games kicked fucking ass. It was just like... game after game, so good. Not like today where it's like... 5 games for the year. No. Game after game produced making some bad ass games in SNES era, my opinion the best time to have grown up around games.

Heck, even PS1, PS2 era was good. Even xbox was good. Even 360 was good! and then....

death to all games.

You were basically toddler when snes was popular. Of course you liked anything where something happens on tv after pushing a button.

I mean I was born in 89. So I was fully cognitive during that time. But that being said, shit was fun. I go back to the games of childhood and nostalgia goggles or not, the games are fun. Really fun. It's unfortunate games nowadays seem so shitty in comparison. Games back then were just that. Games. Not a marketing strategy. Just the game.

quiet ambience started becoming a thing around the ps2 era though

post your top 5

I'm around the same age. Just more jaded i guess. And also mostly play older games. I think the fun factor comes from what you were used to. Like sure I think some snes games for example are much more fun than whatever is the newest hit game. but i'm not gonna pretend that there were shitload of kickass best games ever.

Its more that you no longer fall into the main target demographic.

>Half Life 2
>Chrono Trigger
>Super Metroid
>Castlevania 1

I'm 30 and still play the occasional new title. Last one I really enjoyed was RE2 remake. I do find myself gravitating towards older games though for sure.

>all the same instead of playing only indie + japanese games + obscure rpgmaker stuff and actually enjoying them

That's how you enjoy your maturity, bro.

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Have sex.

Games like Witcher 3 get a pass.
The newest Zelda gets a pass.
These are games for gaming sake.
GTA series. Games for gaming sake.

It's all this new shit that I've noticed. Microtransactions, skins, etc all this bullshit that I just hate. I just shut down as soon as I see that shit.

There are still plenty of great single player games coming out every year. I'm 30 and finished Sekiro, RDR2, and Nier Automata so far this year. It takes me a long time due to work and other obligations, but I still enjoy it. Ive gravitated more towards difficult games and roguelikes. Completely ignore multiplayer games.

I'm closer to 40 than 30 OP. I use to play MP shooters like Q3, TFC and even Jedi Knight (on The Zone!). Now I mainly play games like ONI, Rimworld, and Factorio. Terraria is my go to game when I want to play something with a friend, who typically have less time to play than I.
I just play what I enjoy, and it's a great break from work and family life.

I've had plenty of fucking sex and I'm tired of shelling out money for bullshit or dealing with the inane dribblings of a girl just to have sex with her. I'm done with that bullshit. If I don't connect, I won't seek anything from them.

All of the modern games you've referenced are devoid of bullshit. Just the game. You validate what I mean without intending to.

Honestly i am 28, have a kid from having so much sex, still play vidya in all my alone time, but i agree with these posts for the most part.

sex is only for procreation.

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well I try to have some level of piety, it is what it is.

Get off Yea Forums and stop playing vidya for a week or two, then you'll start liking vidya again

I mean sometimes I will go some time without playing a game. Really my tastes don't change to now liking EA garbage. But people around me seem to like it just fine. Shit like battle royales and stuff.

Maybe stop only paying attention to western AAA trash? There is so much more out there. You're like a boomer who whines about music today being trash because he doesnt actually seek out new music, he just hears what ever trash the radio is playing and assumes all new music is like that. Stop being a retard.


Got it. You like that loli pedophile shit. Well that's you bro I don't see children as sexually attractive.

Whats the point in having any of that if I'm stuck here conversing with faggots like you?

What? I do agree tastes and preferences change. But I'm not bitter about it, you seem to be. I'm saying embrace the change.

I'm a prime zoom zoom and I hate all of those. Some of my friends also love bashing Fortnite.

to me it's not a concept of changes. It's good vs. bad. You have broccoli you bought for a long time and then you show up one day and all the brocolli is brown. You exclaim: "The broccoli is bad now!" and people come at you and say: "No it's not you just need to embrace change."

It's shit.

Get off Yea Forums. You are constantly immersing yourself in a board which thinks every single videogame ever made is shit. Human beings are social creatures and we mirror the people we spend time with to some degree.

I don't need Yea Forums to tell me a game is shit. You can feel it. You can see it. You can see others around you. You can even hear it when some 14 year old kid saying the word: yeet

>unlike all other human beings I am not influenced by the people around me and my thoughts, feelings and actions are all entirely my own
Enjoy hating videogames then

That isn't what I said at all.

>Modern games play like shit
There are good games coming out every year. Yes, it might be literally 1-2 games a year, but that's still something. You just want to hate and be miserable. I literally haven't heard someone talk in the multiplayer games I play in like 5 years now, back in the L4D2 days. I still play online a bit and have fun. If you hear literal kids in the voice chat you must be playing FIFA or Fortnite or Call of Duty, in which case fuck off.

Read the thread.

>be 26
>home owner
>teaching English
>have an engineer wife, planning on having kids
>absolutely love videogames, play them every day
>love Yea Forums, have fun every time I post & talking with my fellow anons
>love modern games

I'm so young, I love it Yea Forums.

>Single and don't give a fuck
Incel cope, have fun dying alone

You think you won't die alone? You think anyone will give a shit about you when you are decrepit and falling apart?

Yes, just like we cared about my grandparents until they died, just like I cared about my mother until she died.
There is a drastic difference between healthy pessimism and nihilism, user.

Have sex incels

Not him, but how do I look for a good new music without listening to radio/spotify/streams?

you and me