Country rooaadds
Take me hooommee
To the place
Mountain mamaaaaa
Take me hoooommee
Country roads...
Country rooaadds
Other urls found in this thread:
Let's go home, lads.
Retail weenies so upset their server pops are going to tank
My brother tried to get me to watch this SNOREFEST
Needless to say I watched something else instead.
more like people who actually care about vanilla know it's going to kill the soul of a persistent world
>oh boy I sure can't wait to go back to being called a Retardadin again!
Almost heaven... back in vanilla
Redridge mountains, old southfury river
Leveling was hard there, harder than retail--
On your feet till 40, red mobs on your tail
Oh take me home
Dark Portal
To the place
I belong
Eastern Kingdoms
Get rid of Worgens
Take me home
Dark Portal
All my mem'ries, poop still in my socks--
Night elf lady, he's dancin on the mailbox
Rogues are tryhards, griefing in Lakeshire--
That guy has his epic mount
Teardrop in my eye
Oh take me home
Dark Portal
To the place
I belong
Eastern Kingdoms
Get rid of Pandas
Take me home
Dark Portal
>The faces of Classic are people who didn't even play Vanilla or at best only downed a few bosses in MC
What went wrong?
Who cares about server pops when zones are always lively thanks to sharding? Retailchads cannot be stopped.
Get this through your thick skulls. You are senile old men. The world has outpaced you.
they're just some losers
>implying me and all my friends haven't leveled to 60 together on 4 private servers since 2013 and love it every time
Zoomer detected. Don't worry bro you'll always be at /home/ on retail, it's there for you.
Whats the big deal about this game. I watched asmongold play it and heres what I saw
>barren landscapes
>the most barebones/basic class system I have ever seen
>an annoying and lengthy leveling process
>no interesting storyline or compelling characters/npcs
I get that this is a game that people grew up with and can appreciate its attraction for them. But once nostalgia wears off, what will keep people playing?
As someone who likes mmos but never touched WoW, I feel like this game offers nothing that any other modern title accomplishes 10 times more effectively.
>I watched asmongold
my condolences, user
so what mmos do you like then?
better not be fucking söywars 2
Why do people still post the nostalgiafag perspective on classic when a multi billion dollar game company's marketing department has deemed it profitable to rerelease a game thats 15 years old--as though the incredible success of private server after private server, and blizzards legal actions taken against the haven't put this stupid idea to bed yet? Vanilla WoW was a brilliant, timeless game and people will keep playing it just like people keep popping in their other favorite games to replay and replay so long as the lights are on and there's enough other people to support it
Admit it. Vanilla is timeless.
Based, what was your favorite set up while leveling?
country roooooads
Wew now just remove layering and classic WoW tokens
Layer 3...home
Mage is my spirit class, my girlfriend always goes resto Druid and my other buddy likes tanking, which lets us support the fourth guy's love for enhance shammy. We roll around scooping up a fifth dps and steamroll dungeons whenever the lads are all online. Normally we trade off between horde and alliance but for classic we're all feeling like going alliance because aesthetics. What's your plan bro?
Imagine going home, only to find that it's wrecked beyond recognition and the neighborhood is now full of niggers
Sounds like Classic in a nutshell
this artstyle looks familiar. Source?
ffxiv is what i play now. Sometimes I play BDO
before that I played a lot of blade and soul
ill be honest I considered trying WoW when I was in school but desu the only reason I didnt is because I didnt want to be associated with the ppl there who did play it. Maybe the wow players at my school were particularly weird but yeah.
>tfw you'll never get paid by a video game company to shitpost and make the same fucking thread every three minutes on
its fucking dogshit
Based tinfoil hat retard
Just move to a shard without niggers, duh.
Gonna be duo leveling with an old bro on ally side, still not 100% on what classes were goin. We did a pal/war and a druid/mage in the past and that shit went over great both times. Have fun lad
Ok I hear people talking about paid shills or whatever all the time. I want more information. Are you telling me that someone will pay me to lie about video games online?
Where do I sign up please.
Putting aside the asmongold bit, classic wow is the perfect balance of difficulty and grind for a MMO. It's one of those things that's hard to quantify, but it's just... perfect.
Or as near to perfection an MMO can be. The right set of classes, the right set of races, enough content and zones, the right amount of cooldown between fights.
I'm old, I had just finished with uni when WOW came out. I had already played several mmos previously (EQ, AO, AC), have played probably 3/4ths of all MMOs since WOW and I still want to play original WOW the most.
Either tailoring/enchanting or herbalism/alchemy, I'm not sure yet.
what race and professions should i pick for my alliance warlock?
What's the quality of ERP I can expect as a new player looking to try this game?
Sign up with Blizzard. Duh
You’re a boomer trying to recapture the old days when the old days are still there through private servers
Save it for the next Yea Forums musical
Not him but I'm curious how was your experience duo leveling Warrior and Paladin? I'm considering this combo myself
>tfw beta invite
>Reminder that the rested "bonus" was originally called an fatigue penalty, handled exactly the same way.
>he lets his girlfriend be the healslut of another man
>paying blizzard to test their game for them
>Paying blizzard to test layering
Take your cringe general back to /vg/ please.
If you are a healer you will not be allowed in my guild
>Being involved with Blizzard at all
>dropping this the same day classic beta storms the front page
what did they mean by this
>tfw no beta despite playing since Jan 06
That song was already done
>unironically using a song that's associated with one of gamings biggest flops in recent history that single-handedly broke a multi-billion corporations reputation in one go
How ironic.
>subbed literally whole vanilla
>some random streamer that started during cata or mop get the beta instead
It was pretty comfy, let me list a few key things I remember, all of this was on Lights hope so classic might change some shit.
Use ret aura, we often did massive aoe pulls just to piss mages off and the reflect damage was usually about 15% of our total damage
Level 20 is a big power spike, use the warriors charge to judge SoCommand for the bonus damage to stunned targets. For single target pulls you could in theory do this till 60 but the mana cost starts getting retarded by 40+.
At level 40 keep blessing of light on the warrior and wisdom on the pal and you will never have downtime. Down rank holy light/flash of light as needed and they get the full +healing bonus of BoL. ~270 healing at level 40 for 35 mana.
If you can sang some 40+ greens with MP5 for cheap its real nice on the paladin.
As for the warrior, just level as you would normally. If you are aoeing pulls, which you should be since the paladin has borderline infinite mana, sweeping strikes cleave and whirlwind get retarded.
getting corpse camped? no worries just go to another layer. Banding together with allies to defeat enemies is sooooo last decade.
quest npc dead? just go to another layer!
want to escalate a skirmish or save a zone getting pillaged? Don't even try to bring a couple of raids in to help they'll just get stuffed on another layer
someone kited a dangerously strong mob to your area or let an infernal loose? just hop on over to another layer!
Enough of this shit.
Comfy Tauran Druid Alchemist
Going to casually enjoy kino questing with new graphics and weather effects.
Then rip off the autists raiding by selling overpriced flasks. Considering buying a summer house at Booty Bay as retirement plant.
My account that was in the actual '04 beta wasn't picked either.
stop, it's already dead
>joana didn't get in the fucking beta
>soiboi streamer #69 got in
really makes you think
I'm a shutin loner neet and I live more comfortably and happier than 99% of people including you :)
take me home to a game without third world shitskins
this song is ruined for me now. also, fuck WoW, it was never as good as the first warcraft games
Boomer meme aside, I am Gen X, so yes, probably old enough to be 90% of Yea Forums's father. I've played the private servers. They suck. They're run by shady russians and overrun with chinks.
What are you playing for a MMO these days that's better? I'm genuinely curious.
no wonder they're shilling classic that blatantly
>Hey guys it seems like the players don't like the sharding things we are adding to the game, any suggestion how to fix it
>Easy just rename it to layering and pay off streamer to say that they love it
>There's no way a fanbase can be that there?
Mining / Skinning so I can afford kino white sabre tiger mount at lvl 40 and look stylish as I get chased by 100 horde players for rolling gnome
>be horde
>see low level alliance player at low HP struggling to fight a quest mob
>help him kill it and then /pat him
>he /bows at me and we go our separate ways
what even is sharding and layering?
fuck off retail cuck
>he comes back with two others and ganks you
kings honor friend
>But once nostalgia wears off, what will keep people playing?
Either they have nothing else to play, or they will keep pretending to have fun because they don't want to admit that Allen Brack was right.
Excuses to half ass their “authentic experience.” Think CRZ but localized on one server.
seethe more nigger
>be alliance
>see low level hordes doing last part of long escort quest in Shimmering Flats
>Mind control the undead rogue and make him jump off the cliff. Dying and having to redo the entire escort quest
>Leave everyone else alone and go my way
I just knew he had scummy intentions rolling undead rogue.
Allen Brack is an asshole that stirred up this shitstorm.
>the most barebones/basic class system I have ever seen
>As someone who likes mmos but never touched WoW
What MMO have you played with a better class system?
I too pick and choose who I gank based on their race/class/gender.
Dwarves in general are okay, fem humans and night elfs get killed on sight.
You’d get banned for doing that nowadays
I was looking forward to this until they decided to do a fucking 3 month open beta.
So a bunch of faggot streamers like sodapoppin can play the game for three months establish guilds, and get sick of it again all before any of us get to play.
The hype is dead, the decision to do this beta is the nail in the coffin. Any other opinion is delusional.
>she doesn't have beta
What are the most laid-back dps classes for Classic?
Would guessing hunter be right? They're easy to farm gold with, have little competition with drops and don't scale very well anyway meaning they have somewhat low gear dependance, and on most bosses they supposedly go AFK and auto-shoot?
I don't mind kiting so it has no impact on the laidbackness.
Just hit level 70 in standard WoW in Outland. Leveling is taking ages..
>white sabre tiger mount
Stick to your mechano ostrich gnome fag
Pretty interesting isn’t it. I wonder if anyone besides streamers or community VIPs has actually gotten the beta
They will be doing three stress tests before launch. As long as you are opted in for the beta you will probably get an invite.
Gnome engineering
What would they need to stress test if they’re doing layering/sharding?
I'll be doing nothing else. Rolling Night Elf Priest for shadowmeld + Mind Control.
Mind controlling people off the shimmering flats
Mind controlling people off the Zeppeline
Mind controlling people off the BB boat
Mind controlling people into the BRM lava
Mind controlling people inside Xroads making the high lvl NPC's attack them on sight
Mind controlling the low level melee hordies making the DPS kill his healer friend
Mind controlling all fucking day and you'll never see me coming in shadowmeld and invisibility trinket + potions
>beta for a 15 year old game that you can play for free at multiple private server
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
??? by standard you mean retail? just buy a level boost
it already came out. shut up already.
Rogue bros
Are YOU READY???????
Each one of you has to collect a shitty paladin scalp from STV.
That and whoever the "classic personalities" put on the list of people they wanted to play with at the media summit
I’ll never see you coming because you’d get banned.
>entangling roots
>mind control cap
>teleport moonglade
lmao, they do it for free
That's almost the same as me Tauren Druid with Skinning and Alchemy.
I'm going to name my undead rogue Boogerbones in honor of you
the worst part is that horde has nothing to show for quest hub locations in contested areas. Alliance gets all the best pickings by default.
It's classic. Not retail.
just subscribed for 1% chance to get into beta
>mfw trapped a retard that couldn't find the non-druid subhuman flight path
>A druid is proud he has something like the paladins bubblehearth.
If it’s officially run by blizzard, you’ll get banned for even looking at someone the wrong way.
you'll never see me coming because I'll teleport behind you from another layer
Yes, but you're not going back to 2005 when this shit could fly, when the community was filled with wonder and adventure. It's 2019, the community will use guides and tunnel vision, and hurt fee-fees will get punished by omnipresent mods who got nothing better to do
I just like wasting peoples time
No one ever remembers that lol, the best part.
Imagine being hyped about buying the same thing twice.
if they even do such a thing as banning people for using game mechanics im out
I’ll never see you coming because I won’t play Classic. Game set AND match
Playing the beta I can safely say that classic aged like shit.
How long do you think Barrens chat will last before Blizzjannies crack down on it and replying to "Where is Mankrik's wife?" disingenuously automatically nets you a ban?
I give it two days.
>Alliance gets all the best pickings by default.
Well yea they have to keep the training wheels on for alliance faggots.
>I just like wasting peoples time
It is your cooldown m8
I'll just mindcontrol the Blizz employee
Well aint that dandy
Source on your classic WoW toke- oh wait you're pulling that out of your asshole. Ion literally said in a interview a day ago that there wont be any tokens OR shop. MAYBE for realm transfers because that was a thing in vanilla.
seething retailbab
you don't need to buy the game again, you stupid fuck
Imagine wanting to play genuinely good games again.
I have to wonder if they will still ban you if you go to Hijal to see Achimonds skull.
t. layering apologist
>Trusting a blizzard employee
>Fucking ever
Still waiting on that dance studio
Why didn't the mobs on chingchong servers have all these spells?
It's worth taking someone elses hearthstone or just completely fucking them over in my opinion.
t. shill
human or undead warlock?
>there will be no ingame shop!
>there will be one though ... for things that dont matter i swear!
imagine being this cucked holy fuck
you wont be able to do anything of the sort because wall jumping isn't going to be possible
enjoy your castrated 'classic'
>implying they won't make hybrids viable
There are plenty of out of bounds jumps that can be done without the classic walljumping exploit.
Wouldn't expect a zoomer to know
cry more retailtranny
Difference here is that Ion legit cares about Classic, unlike BFA. Cry more.
Imagine crying about them adding something for server transfers (again, they were a thing in vanilla) Zoom zoom
>shitpost with lies
>get called out on stupidity
Not on the Legion client
wrong again bucko
basically just asking what faction
you don't need to buy that, you nigger
>because wall jumping isn't going to be possible
Somebody will figure it out. It is not like the Cata revamp. The vanilla map was quite buggy as fuck.
You could get under stormwind from the mage tower for instance.
There is no difference. Especially when the classic sub is tied to retail. I look forward to the classic cash shop and free 1 time lvl60 boosts to hook retards like you.
you're the one actually laying down and taking blizzards cock in your ass m8
>robes on a big ass orc
Prove it.
The cope is real.
Mana infinitely regenerates in the beta, so its likely that Blizzard is making changes to make hybrid dps competitive.
Look forward to every raid being full of ret paladins and boomkins.
seething shill
Good thing all those private servers aren't classic! Otherwise they would have aged like shit too!
Reminds me of Turbotauren but i don't know
>Otherwise they would have aged like shit too!
They di
AND free!
Is there a class that could join later tier raids in preraid BiS?
I mean, what are the least geardependant classes?
Maybe hunter since their dps only marginally increases with gear, and they mainly do gimmicky things like Tranq and kiting?
>classic wow is the perfect balance of difficulty and grind for a MMO. It's one of those things that's hard to quantify, but it's just... perfect.
true, people might complain about the simple combat but it's just perfect when you have to grind a billion mobs and need to worry only about efficiency while being still engaging and challenging in pvp
cope hard retard
>Falling for Blizzards scam of the century
>No weather effects
>No night time
>Battlenet buddy system literally add friends and talk with opposing faction directly ingame
>BFA tier health and mana regen. No need to eat or drink.
>Elite mobs 9 lvls higher than you do 1-3 dmg and you do 50-100 dmg
>16 debuff slots from start
>Crossrealm BGs
>Zergrush AV version
>In game customer cash store
>15$ per month to play
what is up with the retarded zoomer posts like this? Retail is there still if you want it. Nobody does, which is why it's doing even poorer than WoD (fucking HOW).
Don't be mad nobody wants your casual ass game with MOBA characters. the place where i belong
asmongold's shard
yeah take me home
thank you blizzard
>that projection
kek, my career is going great. I'll have plenty of time for classic, maybe even take off a week or two; we'll see.
Does Classic remind you of before you became a massive fuckup and that's why you are mad?
Nearly all of these are false, so wut
>list of things that are lies or were things that were in 1.12
what else could one expect from a frogposter
Who else /eleshaman/ here?
>big dick burst damage and huge caster dps
>no mana management issues now that Blizzard has changed the way mana regen works
>literally btfoing magelets and warlocucks in every tier
its going to be amazing, bros
come home
join BIG GUYS today!
>retail niggers are already coping this hard
>Retailtrannies so scared of Classic hype they now have lie filled propaganda copypasta
So fucking mad, go lose some weight you delusional failure.
I am literally only;
going to grey kill in redridge
mindcontrol teleport lowbies
chain cc from stealth
zap dumb kikes with my gnomish death ray
>Doing graduate degree
>Internship at Schlomo Inc.
>Drivers license and kino car
>Own apartment
>Still can't fucking wait for classic
with chinks!
>doubledown on the projection
sorry about your life, my man. MS paint comics won't fill the void, though. See you in Classic, except I own a house LOL
telling your mom she needs to bring your tendies down the next two weeks is not "taking off a week or two"
and writing furry fanfiction isn't a "career"
Mindcontrol teleport? Elaborate.
And thankfully zero pesky mob abilities.
just ignore this guy
he's a retarded shill
he's also a germanfaggot, since he puts the currency AFTER the amount
here in America is $15, not 15$ krautnigger
funnily, thats the ONLY thing on the whole list he got right, that you have to pay a sub to play
because classic isnt for 3rdies and trannies who cant afford to play
it's for respectable humans who have more than $200 income a year
>I am a failure and can't play Classic because I collect cans to keep my lights on so everyone else must be
you can't talk to these people as equals because they are not. Congrats on your internship and see you at /home/, bro
You are trying too hard, it’s just coming off as overcompensating
Orc Warlock
>more projection
Just stop, it's embarrassing. You can't use food stamps for a sub to Classic, so I understand your fury.
>you have to pay a sub to play
They actually make you buy a subscription? That's not real is it? No one's actually gonna do that, right?
Since you didn't respond i guess i'll just elaborate.
the loss of walljumping didn't kill Hyjal exploration, what did it in was whenever they added No-Man's Land in TBC which ported you out.
I would know since i was completely obsessed with the zone back in the day and went there very often.
>There's a chance classic will become more popular than retail
MC people off cliffs and airships
the beta literally has no content, can't even go above lv 30
What are your complaints after seeing the beta? Mine are:
>aoe looting
>regeneration rates way too high
>greens seem to drop way more, as do chests
>no old menu
absolute state of the bankrupt thirdie cope
Dwarf priest with alchemy/herbalism. I ain't afraid of shit.
> someone was mad enough to do this
Rent free
>aoe looting
I'm pretty sure you can't do that?
>regen is too high
Is that so? It's less than 50% of private vanila servers
>more common greens and chests
>no old menu
Who cares
Dwarf Hunter or Dwarf Warrior? Please help.
Does 'Layering' work as follows?
>Each layer holds 100 people (Number pulled from my ass for simplicity sake.)
>If person 101 tries to join the server, they instead join layer #2
>The only way to join a different layer is to join a group that are in a different layer or relog with a space available in the 'lower' layer.
>You wont change layers just moving through areas.
If there is no group finder, either in-game or addons, i dont really see how this can be exploited in the same way sharding is.
I would appreciate clarification on this.
Ele/resto hybrid shaman
>aoe looting
retail is two blocks down fuckface.
>>aoe looting
>>regeneration rates way too high
>>greens seem to drop way more, as do chests
these are all part of the game-structure changes theyre making in the coming weeks/months before release, theyre not going to be a thing on release
>>no old menu
old menu was shit and bad to navigate, couldnt even move with it open
it's a good thing its gone
only change I dont care with them not keeping vanilla-like
you wanna layer my world blizzard? How about i layer my hand to yer fuckken face bitch!!!
>Ivy League grad degree
>just started brand new job, moved to comfy all American city
>move into shitty little historic house in a month
>buy a car next month
>get settled in, just in time for classic to come out
>hype as fuck to hunker down for a lovely fall and a cozy winter playing classic with all my childhood friends
Nice meme though
Why do you have a problem with that?
Busy work is not fun. It was not fun back in 2005 and it is still not fun in 2019.
>If there is no group finder, either in-game or addons, i dont really see how this can be exploited in the same way sharding is.
If only there was some way for two people to communicate with eachother...
3000, not 100.
Layering is LITERALLY merged realms except everyone has the same realm.
Gnomish MC hat turns person into a pet
Then you just cast teleport moonglade, you and your new pet then teleport to moonglade. Then they are screwed unless they hearth or enjoy that disgustingly long flight path on the edge of the zone for non-druid players.
>get ready for a classic summer
>Game comes out at the end of summer
Blizzard is fucking retarded. Every day that passes I consider playing less because I don't want to waste $15 a month on a decade old game
the basic jist of layering is that its going to fragment the server hypothetically.
theyre tricking the server to allow more people to be capable of logging in at once to the server, then once either A. hype simmers down or B. server pop becomes stable, they'll redirect XYZ resources to the servers that do/dont need it and remove layering
it's just a very rudimentary gauging system for player count in the first 30-60 days
You are correct. However, it's unclear how layers will be filled and in what order. For example, to prevent the 101th person from being alone in his own layer, it is more likely that it works like this:
>player 1 joins layer 1
>player 2 joins layer 2
>player 3 joins layer 3
>player 4 joins layer 1
>player 5 joins layer 2
So that each layer's population stays the same. However, this presents a problem of how many layers they should use, because they would need to have that number pre-determined.
Either way, it's much better than sharding.
Only if you're currently subscribed to retail.
Because you aren't killing no more than three mobs at a time and even then its a unnecessary feature that shouldn't be brought up in classic.
>having retail sub
Why do you think that people who still play BFA would want to touch classic? No transmogs, mount collecting, mythic+, void elves or anything really.
Lmao really?
Can you do it as a mage? For capital cities
>aoe looting
I fucking wish.
>regeneration rates way too high
I wouldn't mind it but it's a bug and gonna be patched out.
>greens seem to drop way more, as do chests
Again. I fucking wish. Watched these streamers go 10 fucking levels without a single pouch drop. Lights Hope I always had full pouches by level 8.
>no old menu
I'm glad. The old menu was trash. And now I don't have to get addons to keep my map from covering the whole screen.
PvE servers are going to have 3 layers, PvP will have 2
it's already been talked about
Until those get added to classic after “community outcry”
Source nigger
>no more than three mobs at a time
Says the hybrid class. Do us a favor and stfu the real damage dealers are talking.
Anything that separates a community is a bad thing user. Even the stupid faction war
>mining ore as a Shaman
Probably, I just do it on druid since it's easy to stealth up on someone, NS roots them, and then MC them..
>Fag that didn't get a beta invite
So are we all in agreement that we should collectivly ban Discord?
We all know the community wont come back if people wall themselves off in a discord chat.
If we do not ban Discord all /g and /s will say is GO GO GO GO!!!!!
Just like retail.
shut the fuck up you retarded assnigger
it's not dividing the community, it's letting the fucking community play the goddamn game without having to wait 4 hours in a fucking joining queue
mmo champ
asmon stream
soda stream
esfand stream
>maybe even take off a week or two; we'll see.
Oh goodie so it’s nothing but corporate shilling with 3rd party support
>been playing since launch
>some zoomer faggot that started playing in panda gets a invite before me because he streams his faggot retarded pathetic life inside his bedroom
kek, i never even though about that.
Can't we pretend i'm communicating with the earth using a pickaxe?
Already am op FF14 is my home
Though glad to hear you will be heading back home soon
>won't actually provide a source
lmao nice one, you got a couple (You)s from me faggot
>it's letting the fucking community play the goddamn game without having to wait 4 hours in a fucking joining queue
It’s not 2005 anymore user. Servers can support thousands upon thousands of people now.
Relatively easy to setup as well
I wanna get multiple classes to 60 and not rush things, but I have serious anxiety over not getting to raid if I don't rush and rush prebis and raid hard on ONE main right away.
Sounds good, but I think even dwarves are not trustworthy if you see them in blackrock spire.
Probably some dark iron conspirators, so you best chuck them in the lava.
It’s people like this that hate on influencers vehemently yet continue to shitpost incorrect information. It’s been confirmed multiple times that there’s no tokens you fucking moron.
You idiots are hurting the game more than your subjective dislike for a streamer.
Just relax, most players aren't about that anyway. You're thinking of a small minority of players
>Can't we pretend i'm communicating with the earth using a pickaxe?
we'll go with that this time since you are playing best class
>It’s not 2005 anymore user
the servers were last updated in WoTLK
the server tech is 9 years old
blizzard refuse to use amazon servers, instead they use their own because >muh profit
when you understand this, then you will begin to understand why sharding is a thing
instead of actually improving the servers, blizzard have just been putting bandaids on the problem for 5-7 years now
>5 sources
>haha no source lol!
fuck off retard
You are not the audience anymore. It took you this long to find that out?
You call it misinformation. I see it as a foretelling
I dunno man, I wanna do a ton of wpvp but in just weeks people in raiding gear will oneshot me?
>when you understand this, then you will begin to understand why sharding is a thing
Okay. Then take it out of Classic because it’s emulating a game pre sharding
>You're thinking of a small minority of players
>He thinks this
Oh boy are you in for a shock.
>Follow the class guide and set your talents the right way or you do not raid user.
Min/max faggots make up 80% of the raiding playerbase man.
The hardcore guilds will have formed in and already start raiding in the first month.
No one likes people that spend their time on alts.
>He is going to bat for a twitch streamer.
Now now user i know you gave him $1000 to say your name but you are not real life friends.
it's not emulating anything
are you dense?
god i hate women
Exactly my issue.
However how many guilds aim to be hardcore, and how hard is it for a guild that begins raiding months later to still have a good time and gear up?
camping that rare spawn? sorry, it spawned on another layer
Nobody actually knows how it will work. No point in even acting like you do until we actually see it during the stress tests.
This isnt home bros....
thats not how layers, or spawns, work
This song is awful and you should feed bad.
It’s emulating 2005 World of Warcraft. Supposedly
have sex
You copied this from something I posted the other day.
Shame it wont emulate the 2005 desktops.
>No faggot discords
>No faggot twitters
Just good old vent.
Dude trust me
t. blizzard
not believing blizzards lies
i know better than that in current year
>Streamer retard
What a surprise,stick to giving your streamers money so that you might pretend that someone cares about you and stop coming here.
Tauren Hunter
Also will be leveling cooking and fishing in between questing
Me and my friend are going to be duo leveling, its gonna be real chill.
>wanting to play classic when all the wonder is gone and everyone will be a powergaming minmaxing tranny
Remember the outrage about removing flying? And now people think a version without flying is going to be massively popular? Homefags are truly deluded, if only I knew how to escape reality as well as them.
Classic WoW team hasn't lied yet
So with the way layering works, where you essentially have multiple 3k realms within one realm that merge when the population dwindles.
How does this solve the problem of 500 players in one starting zone? are they going to have sharding as well as layering?
>classicfags are saving blizzard by giving them sub money
you people are worse than the retail cucks. now i dont get to see blizzard crash and burn in 2k19
imagine being poor
lmfao @ ur life
>we'll only have it in the starter zones for the first few days at launch
>got a full time job and recently bought my first apartment
>have more time now than ever before to game, preparing for classic
Only my chaos neet acquaintances don't like wow. Try again faggot.
>We won’t be adding flying or LFG either
>How does this solve the problem of 500 players in one starting zone?
It doesn't, it's just something you'll have to deal with
Does it still have retail report system, if so...let autobanns begins! Report all!
Back in the day on my server there were only 2 guilds doing Naxx consistently, about 10 doing BWL and over 40 doing MC, so it depends what your goal is.
People are looking for competent players even if they are undergeared so I don't think starting late will be an issue.
Need a source on that chief. They never explicitly said that.
Havent played since MOP
What the fuck is sharding?
well since you say that how do you expect blizzard not to pull this trump card if things really are that bad? what did you expect? there was always a huge amount of people who have wanted this who don't want to play on a private server.
>tfw just gave up waiting and booted up my own private server and leveled a character on my own
yes they did
>early 30's
>great job, with a promotion on the way in july
>have had my licence since I was 16
>work out 4 times a week, minimum
Keep projecting retail tranny
personally haven't played since first month of wrath, but seems like classic players are gonna try holding classic hostage?
when you fart so hard you leave a shit mark on your underwear
Are we going to have a Yea Forums guild? What server and what faction?
>playing with people from here
fuck no never.
Hunter and Rogue both have to pay attention to their auto attacks to make the most of their dps. Even Warlocks keep an eye out on curses.
Mages just spam Frostbolt and/or Firebolt but there's a lot of them around.
No they didn't. Unless you have a source?
Reposting because I want information and everybody was too busy shitposting to even notice it:
Big part of my fun on MMOs and RPGs is gearing up, even if its just for a couple of levels, or it is a temporal set, I love to equip good pieces of equipment on my characters.
I am planning on rolling a Shaman, and since I think they use either 1H Maces + Shield or 2H axes, I'm gonna be on the lookout for those, but I do not know what particular pieces of equipment I should be looking for.
So far I know a lot of people recommend to get the Corpsemaker and the Scarlet set, since I'm planning on leveling up as an enhancement shaman, is there any other piece of equipment/set/weapon I should look for?
>being proud about being a wageslave
Just work a bit harder and your boss Goldberg might be able to afford yet another Yatch!
MMOs are a dead genre that only appeal to people with no life or people with addictive personalities.
It should be illegal.
I'll show y'all how a Shaman can tank with next to no downtime. When all the Warriors are raidlogging or PvPing, there'll only be me.
actual retard
>a bunch of 40something Boomer burnouts think they're finally going to "recapture their glory days"
Yeah we get it granpa, this your last big shot to "matter."
the artist is fizzz
literally google it theres a blue post right there
Fuck my period is scheduled for aug27, oh fuck it im gonna game until my panties turn brown!
Warrior here, Enchbros make my donger hard.
What music will you guys listen to while playing?
Post your leveling playlists.
This 2bh. If you're past the age of 30 and still play MMO's, you're life is very clearly fundamentally broken. If you haven't yet reached a station in life by that point where you sense there's just isn't enough life left to devote months to MMORPGs, you're a fucking loser.
UD rogues have it cominf
They specifically said they would use sharding during the first zones to avoid having hundreds of people camping one quest mob.
This was said before layering was announced, so i guess it's safe to assume both layering and sharding will be present at launch.
I'm sorry but now that it's pretty much confirmed sharding, excuse me I mean layering, is in the game and there to stay it will be shit.
>my period is scheduled for aug27
Women can schedule their periods?
Bro you're on Yea Forums here posting in a WoW thread, saying other people are pathetic.. just think about that.
>Are we going to have a Yea Forums guild?
Probably yes, but why the fuck would you play with people from this place?
PogChamp!!! Its gonna be epic to go home with yall
Why do all "early 30's" fags sound the same? catch up with us again in 8 to 10 when 98% of your life didn't go as planned.
true capitalist radio, last podcast on the left, sleepycabin
80 workout playlist, ska sesh punk, 90s workout playlist, shit like that
>actually leveling in Outland in the year our Lord 2019 A.D.
>tfw like singing, but suck at it
Two words: Weaponized autism
Unified, we would rule the server
Is it plausible to get about tier 2 geared/pre-AQ BiS on multiple classes?
If I spend the first two months leveling the classes I want to 60 and farming gold instead of raiding immediately?
It's the opposite actually user.
I was a fuckup NEET high-school drop out teenager when I played vanilla/BC WoW. I now have 2 degrees and a masters, a high paying important job, a trad-thot girlfriend and a swanky apartment in my countries capital city.
I'm looking forward to playing it partly because it will remind me how far I've come.
Yeah that took me all of 20 seconds loser. Unlike you I have loads of other shit to do and the time to do it, enjoy your old man nostalgia trip, faggot.
Yeah people """"greentexting"""", parroting memes and typing everything on all caps sure is a good recipe to dominate a server.
I can't wait to play with my dads sodapoppin and asmongold POGGERS
Hey man, good for you.
What race/class did you play as a neet dropout failure, and what combo are you gonna roll now as an actual successful guy?
You are what you are user, don't hate yourself and be like this cuck
You've never actually played with people from Yea Forums or /vg/ have you? People here are legitimately awful at video games
How about you spoonfeed it to me because nowhere do they flat out state that it's set in stone that sharding will exclusively be early zones
I did find other quotes though. From Lore after the blizzcon demo,
>We’re still looking at how we can best deliver an authentic Classic experience at launch, and in the weeks and months that follow - both in terms of gameplay and community. You won’t see phasing (which is tied to specific quests that don't exist in Classic) or cross-realm zones (which combine multiple realms together) in Classic. However, realm sharding is one of the best tools we have to keep realms stable when hundreds of players are swarming the same initial few zones and killing the same few mobs (like they will be at the launch of Classic). To that end, we do believe that some form of sharding may be helpful, especially in those early days. But we recognize that a cohesive world is critical to WoW Classic and are committed to bringing that to you.
And Ion a during a Q&A before that,
>The first few weeks when everybody is packed into Valley of Trials and everyone is packed into Elwynn, we think we can use sharding there in a limited, time limited, way to solve the initial launch day load problems while, making sure in the long run, as server communities solidify into a healthy population and a single world.
Uh....yeah? you're a virgin aren't you
Go apply to a marketing firm. They literally advertise the positions.
A vidya guild needs a fucking crew of jannies DOING IT FOR FREE as guild leaders
Played a priest back then.
Might do it again since I enjoyed healing so much, thinking about a hunter or warlock but I find DPS so boring.
Ghost is perfect leveling background noise
He didn't say it would ONLY be those early zones.
>you're a virgin aren't you
God i can smell the roast.
Not gonna start. I wanted to max things out this summer but the faggots decided that the game is released in autumn when everyone is busy with their lives.
literally paid actors lol
you were never able to click portals for others, not even when you MC'd them
I'll drop WF when I tank, too.
I'm gonna be new to the game, and I'm rolling a Shaman so I will be healing too I guess.
Hope you enjoy the game bud.
>picture is of a retarded NEET
>"Nice projection, I have a great job. Stay mad"
>lmao wagie
kek you retards are just grasping at any straw
You know it.
>he thinks playing games matters and thus other people must think like that too
fucking Zoomers. Do they all have lead poisoning, or what?
I am actually so jealous of people who never played Vanilla before and are getting a chance of doing it now, you're going to have a lot of fun.
Healing in Vanilla is extremely different than it is in later expansions, even in BC it was drastically different, keep that in mind if you're only exposure to WoW so far has been stuff like Legion.
anyone else playing retail while waiting for classic and enjoying it?
>Retail tranny seethe
What's it like not having a job because most businesses still look at you like a dude in a dress? (Which you are)
you won't be tanking then because 1 wf crit and you lose aggro hahahah
When you gnomish capped them yes it did work, pets always teleport with you
My exposure to WoW is 0.
I do not know anything about it, that's why I make posts like this I played a shitton of FFXI back in the day, so I never got to play WoW, all I know is I'm gonna roll a Shaman, maybe a Tauren or an Orc (probably Tauren) and that's it.
pepe wojak "memes" all day, praising the kek, fuck that. how desperate are you guys to belong?
you couldn’t even pay me to play BfA in its current state
its the literal definition of soulless
>has a retarded opinion about what "life" should or shouldn't be
>is clearly reflective of a person who isn't there, but WANTS to have 13 kids and work 20 hours a day to have no free time
sorry bro, you're on a mongolian basket weaving forum and you SPECIFICALLY came into this thread to talk about your ideas on what life "should" be, but it's the talk of someone who sits at home all day and dreams of being better.
I'm sorry things turned out this way for you, I truly am. The rest of us will enjoy Classic along with millions of other perfectly average human beings.
>angry as fuck 40 year old
hahah, get fucked you retarded screw up
it's priest MC
these lowlevels are alts of their guild members that click the portal as soon as they get MC'd
literal fake news video
I’ve been considering rolling a healer too. Resto druid seems chill in PvE but looks extremely high maintenance in PvP without much payoff to make up for it. Being the best flag carrier ever is neat but I don’t even like WSG that much.
there are no wowtokens on classic
>10 years for a 30 year old
>98% of your life
this argument does not excuse you from playing an mmo for 400+ days
no trannies
no women
What class would be the best fit for a fun loving social guild guy?
>Thread about a specific nerdy video game on the video games board on a website dedicated to anime and video games
>Goes to that website, goes onto that board, goes into that very thread
>Starts ranting about how bad the nerdy video game is.
Never in my life will i understand these people.
Well you can solve the stupid name problem by playing on an RP or RP PVP server, non RP names are force changed
When you get banned from every other guild for being a raging sperglord, you'll wish you had joined the Yea Forums guild
>be private server
>enemies have no abilities
>no armor
>no resistances
>fast respawn
>shitty spellcasting ai
>increased spawn rates of resources
>able to reset your instance position with /camp
>can have both horde and alliance on a pvp server
>wrong regen
but classic is surely a step down
I wouldn't recommend chasing PVP in Vanilla.
I mean sure, it's fun as fuck to do when you're bored, but you're gonna have a bad time if you make it your main focus.
>World of Chinkcraft
No thanks, I don't have a phone.
I just watched asmongold for like 10 hrs already.
So is duo leveling really the fastest? I thought it was better to fuck off on your own and beat weaker shit up instead?
they are literal NEETS who don't like the thing you do so they falseflag as "people with lives" or whatever
>yeah bro only losers play games you should totally go to the club like me, I'm on my phone right now in line LATER NERD
How does layering work?
Quick rundown?
one man lies down
another man gets on top of him
a third man gets on top of the second
and so on until you can't fit any more
Tauren Shaman
>Water Walking
>Self Res
>Ghost form
>3 modes of play
>Astrall Recall
>Self healing
>blood lust
>Story Quests
Tauren Warrior
>uhhhh you look good in Plate
Why is everything in my body telling me to go Warrior despite having utility?
Wait, you have to be subbed for an invite or...?
>no Token
>gold is worth a lot again
oh man, are we going to have a bugman resurgence?
I'm afraid that you may have hit the nail on the head so to speak.
Literally my sister
Oh shit I just realised they didn't have them. Fuck I'm old.
you get 60% per person 2-man, it's very good
>blood lust
Also, you are nothing but a fucking totem dispenser
>Below average dps
>Shit heals in comparison to priest or paladin
>not mana efficient at all
That class is carried by WF so fucking hard its not even funny; I guess you can play ele shaman on PvP, kill one individual and wait for 3 minutes to do that again.
kek, cuck
Whats the current state of WoW pvp right now lads? Worth jumping back into for a few months?
>not taking troll shaman and frying everyone in pvp with insane chain lightning crits
Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue ridge mountains Shenandoah river.
>Fuck I'm old.
u new
If you have small children, they (should) go to bed early and unless you can pay babysitters night after night to go out, MMO's are a good way to pass the time (provided your wife is into it)
Pretty sure the first no man's land area was only near the instance portal gate at darkwhisper gorge. If you took a slight detour and kept jumping upwards between an invisible wall and the mountain, you could eventually get behind the no man's land area and just run the rest of the way in as usual.
t. also obsessed with exploring.
I miss John Denver and Laura Branigan so much
Sharding but it’s entire continents and they’ll “remove it later when populations stabilize”
>71k people watching Asmon
Was hoping things were halfway decent, might just jump back over to Warmane's Wotlk server. Not terribly interested in current pve especially if theres a huge gear gap I have to grind (1 lvl120 and 10 lvl110s).
What does troll bring to the "insane chain lightning crits" equation that Tauren doesn't? Berserking is at worst just a 10% cast speed, and most of the time that buff is amazingly shitty on PvP situations.
Since it's based off Legion, I'm pretty sure the same tricks will work.
You can probably jump through walls by getting in a good corner, drinking some firewater, and relogging.
Can't wait, really.
Why do people like that faggot.
He's a whiney autistic cunt with an entitlement complex.
Well he gets paid thousand of dollars a hour to just play wow all day so yeah, even more people will watch him once classic is released
Whiny autistic cunts need someone to admire I guess
it's a character
Just here. Jee Whiz.
I'm hype as fuck for the 3 day long Alterac Valleys.
Uh, cringe much?
Asmongchad is based and /ourguy/.
>talking shit about Yea Forums wow idol player
Not gonna end well for ya user
>Bajheera yoked as fuck, having a kid soon
>having a blast playing Classic and hyping it up
everyone is going home
How does subbing work for classic?
Is there a one off purchase option? I already subbed my life away to Classic, BC, WoLtK & Cata before realizing this game was dead.
I just want to play as a sub healer who gets their pony tail yanked.
Maybe a tank daddy would pay my sub for me?
She's hot af.
please don't curse this game with that song
I refuse to believe Yea Forums has gone so bad that they actually get behind that guy unironically.
Read some books on how to be charming and charismatic lads so your guild picks you for hand of rag or thunderfury
tanks get first dibs on Fury, which is probably how it should be.
Imagine not being able to afford $15 a month but still spending your time on video games
I heard warriors aren't super interested in hand of rag anymore, is this true?
t. shaman
imagine paying $15 a month to play a game that was released in 2004
this, the thread generation is insane
unless you're MT/OT you can forget about it
>Assmongo accepting bribes
Based butthurt Alliancuck
It's nice having people that didn't play in Vanilla enjoy Classic.
I don't have to imagine it. It's less than a movie ticket and thus not a concern.
reddit spacing
>blizzard will never pay you 5k every hour just to play / shill wow
Like you wouldnt accept these kind of bribes
You think guilds will go back to using the old DKP system or something else?
specially him as he's not holding himself out as some kind of expert on it or guru. He seems to be genuinely enjoying things in the Barrens.
I've seen legit ench shammies with it in a melee party wrecking faces.
Warriors want it badly for PvP, but if you are raiding with it - should have priority.
He's right though you retarded cuck. Retail servers go to shit with medium scale world PvP, you think they're going to put in extra effort to keep this shit from lagging by removing sharding? You incompetent blizzcuck retard.
that's true, good point. I never go to movies in the big theatres anymore so $15 on wow is better spent.
I’ve been hearing some classes are stronger in the beta than they are on private servers because of Blizzard’s scripting. Is this true, and if so which classes are most different?
>asmongold 75k viewers
>absolute retard, hard to listen to
>esfand 7k viewers
>infinitely superior stream
i don't get it
New tactic: be the last one to log in during launch.
With layers being assigned at character creation, you can have the whole world to yourself.
>Realm 1 Layer 1 3000/3000 pop
>Realm 1 Layer 2 3000/3000 pop
>Realm 1 Layer 3 3000/3000 pop
and this is when you log in
>Realm 1 Layer 4 1/3000 pop and you get everything to yourself for the rest of classic untill they merge / remove layering.
here i'll reformat it just for you hun
How does subbing work for classic? Is there a one off purchase option? I already subbed my life away to Classic, BC, WoLtK & Cata before realizing this game was dead. I just want to play as a sub healer who has their ponytail yanked. Maybe a tank daddy would pay my sub for me? =3
Blizzard broke mana regen so all hybrid dps specs are raid viable now
you are not going to make it by being a normal streamer, gotta be retarded to get views
I hope someone caught that moment, Asmongold legitimately thought charge was usable in defensive stance
Did they really break it or did the private servers just do it wrong?
reddit spacing
>Dont worry they will remove sharding after everyone leaves and classic is dead
Nice, glad to hear it will only be up for a few days
but all his stream is
>hooly shit
>this is amaaaaazing
>oooh my goood
>yeeeeeah duude
Will it be worth it to try Classic if you've never played an MMO before
thats not how it works
r3dD1t sP4cInG
stop spreading this fucking lie already
it is funny how he claims that he was a hardcore vanilla player and always tells stories about how epic he was but while playing the beta / test he shows that he has no idea about what he while asking loads of questions he should already know if he did play vanilla
>Realm 1 Layer 1 100/100 pop
>Realm 1 Layer 2 100/100 pop
>Realm 1 Layer 3 59/100 pop
Fixed your numbers, bro ;)
Nobody gives a shit.
The streamers barely know to play, Asmongold at least has the decency to not claim to be an expert.
Which layer did you guys play on back in vanilla?
For me, it was layer 4.....home....
Yes, that was indeed the joke.
every guild that knows what they are doing will use loot council
Rogues btfo
Its been like 13 years assuming he never played on a private server, plus retail and all that soda probably fried his brain
If you can't go back in time then no. Zoomers ruin everything that MMOs are about.
>wow already recovering JUST from a BETA on twitch
Imagine how hard this game will blow once it's out.
It could be argued the only reason many of us are returning is to simply be apart of that server community. It could also be said that if they keep any long term sharding or layering, the game simply isn't going to work and we wont play it.
You think you do but you really don't. You'll soon be able to weight and realize what nostalgia is and feel.
>will babbys first mmo be a good first mmo?
gee I wonder
Hopefully, if classic is successful, blizz will unfuck retail.
It’ll definitely give you a true MMO experience. It’s very grindy and unforgiving and requires a lot of dedication, but I’d give it a shot and see if you find yourself getting immersed in it. If you’re not feeling it after a month, it’s probably not for you.
Reminder nostalgia is legit reason to like something.
retail is unfuckable no matter what, better to just hope round two goes better
>blizz will unfuck retail.
Don't think so but maybe they will build from classic again. Retail is so fucked there's no way you can fix that.
have sex
Dwarf hunter who uses guns only
Uh, yes, this is Blizzard we're talking about, user. Their BfA servers can't actually handle more than 100 players on the screen, hence why they're introducing static sharding (layering), but as a result, the "layers" will have to accommodate an equally smaller number of players. So don't be surprised when the layers turn out to be implemented on a per-zone basis, or maybe it will only allow you to see a subsection of the larger server's population randomly per-zone.
Regardless, it's going to be about
tauren casting animations look weird. troll and orc are the true chadcasters.
is this based?
Wtf, how is a warhammer pirate server able to handle over 300 people in a massive skirmish with collision on but WoW can't ?
Roleplaying as the dwarf hunter in the opening cinematic is based af
wtf is a mountain mama? so fucking stupid
if you want to play a dwarf play hunter, the human/orc weapon skill racial is by far the biggest one in the game, moreso than fear ward
Dwarf is the superior warrior for pvp
Regardless of how blizzard handles classic I just love to see that the first time in a decade anyone gives a shit about a blizzard game is when they are re-releasing WoW.
WoW COULD actually do that and did during the pre-engine overhaul that they implemented with 2.0. For whatever reason, the developers actually broke the game and caused it to not be able to handle the output of 80+ players on the screen at once, this is why sharding was introduced. Ironically, the Blizzard servers are actually technically handling all the inputs correctly and not crashing under the weight of the many players playing at once, but the players themselves cannot see what's going on, as the server has no way of communicating the information without crapping the bed.
The gun sounds are too annoying
asmongold has 40k more viewers than ninja streaming fortnite right now if that's any indication of the popularity that Classic will have on launch.
if I'm going to tank for my friends, am I boned when it comes time for raids and I'm not one of the chosen 2-3? Did warriors DPS at all in Vanilla? I was a mage.
that would be gnome
As much as I hope for the best, you're comparing a game that launched a beta yesterday to a game that's supposedly dead or dying.
in 1.12 warrior is top dps
Why does Asmon keep pretending he played retail vanilla? He keeps saying shit like "well man i remember westfall and i know how great it is, this is a walk back in time for me man you know what i mean".
Except he wasn't there, it isn't a nostalgic journey for him, he is a wrathbaby. Nothing wrong with that, it isn't like anyone expects people to be 40 and with a wife/kids to be taken seriously regarding vanilla, but why the fuck does he make shit up? Why do so many "vanilla veterans" do that? Tips makes shit up, Alex makes shit up, it goes on and on.
Nice. I assuming with good gear you can tank 5 mans okay as a DPS spec? I don't want to have to swap specs all the time considering the cost but I'll do what I must.
pre-Cata qualifies as classic experience, triggered baby dumbass
I mean the company's creatively bankrupt, easier to remake their old classics than to make something new.
Asmongold averages 20k viewers watch ingredient youtube videos while occasionally saying "true", he's not exactly someone you want to use as aninterest scale.
Warrior dps is great and going off of private servers, many guilds stack the fuck out of them.
Regardless of your role, if you're a warrior you should expect to off-tank at times so bring a shield. And yeah, you should be tanking for your friends so you're already on the right track.
"The chosen 2 or 3" is really about having one "main" tank, and it's usually a GM's real life friend. The reason isn't necessarily pure nepotism (tho im sure that's a factor), it's more that you need someone reliable and consistent in that role and further down the line especially past AQ tank poaching is a very real thing and your real life buddy is far less likely to be poached.
'Mountain mama' ruins this song imo. Why chose such a retarded lyrics filler. Why not chose like 'West virginiaa,' round the cornaa, take me hooome'. But no, he had to chose fucking mountain mama whatever that means.
warrior is the designated tanking class and can do dungeons just fine without a single point in prot, well lvl 60 dungeons might be bit hard with "literally got 60 today" gear but you should have no problem gearing up fast.
>20k viewers watch ingredient youtube videos while occasionally saying "true"
Absolutely based. Turning on his stream now
Any impressions of layering in the beta yet or is the population still way too small?
No, it doesn't. Old zones, sure, but that's about all it has in common. Even TBC questing is drastically different as most elites are normal and most group quests are now able to be solo'd.
I'm not sure how being curious about a liar being a liar is being triggered but whatever my redditor friend.
because it's a weird form of street cred. the release of classic pretty much confirms in everyone's minds, including blizzard's, that the game has only gotten worse over time, so admitting that you started playing in any expansion other than the golden age can be seen as a mark against you in the cutthroat optics that is twitch and streaming culture.
it also gives them a sense of faux-authority since claiming to have played in vanilla means that you experienced the "true" game and thus what you say has inherently more value when it comes to talking about it since you know what it was really like. basically it's a combo of lip service and an attempt to draw on an appeal to authority. for streamfaggots you can throw in them just saying whatever the fuck for views.
They said vanilla could easily handle 80+ people at once, just that retail and in those 40v40 pally/dk etc there is just so much particle and aoe effects in comparison
>'West virginiaa,' round the cornaa,
it's slang for a woman that lives in the fucking mountains you zoomer buttlord
this may shock you but the song is not recent
honestly you can probably just sit in 0/31/20 until you have all your dungeon gear and then respec standard fury, assuming your willing to offtank in MC
Nice, guys. My character in the original beta was a Tauren warrior named Moosashi but that was the length and breadth of my experience.
Sounds like warrior is a plan. I'm pretty excited because while I haven't played much since MoP, I've only ever done casters.