Other urls found in this thread:
What were they thinking with that intro?
Why didn't they produce something glorious in the same vein as Demon's and DS1's intros?
I lost my souls to dipshit enemies and the environment more than to bosses.
because the game is soulless garbaggio
The game was salvaged from a troubled development cycle and contractual obligation to Namco
What the FUCK is with all the dark souls II threads lately
Because, unlike Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 2 is garbage.
Ah yes, I too watch MatthewMatosis.
Dark Souls II apologists trying to gain other Dark Souls II apologists for their echo chamber.
>filthy secondary darksoulsbabby thinks no one ever played Demon's Souls other than this one guy one youtube
Cope, retard.
Because Dark Souls made them really popular so they were capitalizing off of the "You Died Hard GameTM" schtick
ds2 is great
>And then since you lost your souls the game will level up without you and you'll essentially make the game impossible for yourself since you were obviously already bad at it.
>Just unlock the camera lmao
That's how it should be. Go play Sekiro if you want a boss rush game.
Is that what soul memory did? I thought it only affected pvp
>dude the bosses are SUPPOSED to be easy, it's all about the ENEMIES, DUH
say this in front of a mirror in the dark and he will appear
What a shame that anyone who likes Demon's Souls, maybe even more than the others, is now automatically assumed to be regurgitating the thoughts of single youtuber and brushed aside based on that. How juvenile.
>people liked how challenging Dark Souls was
>so how about we just make this one fucking obnoxious about it
bravo from
you have to light candles on copies of Demon's Souls, Rain World, and TIS-100 first
It's all about the WORLD, user. You don't get to just autopilot through levels to get that EBIN boss fight, bosses aren't the only ones that want you dead.
I still like Dark Souls 2 armor and weapon selection the best, desu. Right on par with BB in that regard. It's a shame DS3 barely bothered in that regard, it gives me almost no reason to replay it.
>a swarm of hard-hitting mobs in a room that you have to duck in and out to clear out 15 times before you can move on is supposed to be "the world" and not just FROM rushing the product out so they stuff a room with mobs because it pads out the gametime because otherwise you would blow through their heavily undertuned bosses
Yeah okay, dipshit. The only thing even remotely memorable for me in any way was having to take out two giants in the darkness, and even then that amounted to hiding in a room they couldn't get to me in and hitting them with arrows until they died. WOW, SO COMPELLING, OMFG THIS WORLD OM NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM WOOOOOOOOOOOOO
He made an idiot of himself when he refused to not use the lock-on in multi-enemy encounters.
Is this supposed to make him look bad? Not using the camera for specific fights in this series actually makes the fight easier.
What's a fun build for sotfs? I played 1 and 3, never tried 2 beyond the island area.
He said multi-enemy encounters in DS2 were bad while acting like you couldn't just not use the lock-on.
The most fun build for Dark Souls 2 is turning it off and playing Dark Souls 1 instead.
I spend alot of my pvp experience with powerstanced smelter hammers+dragon. The few times I did win were glorious and I kinda feeling nostalgic for it. Also did alot of cosplay invasions as Jugo and Royal Swordsman.
I've played through a lot, just play coop with a buddy and both of you make totally different builds. Dex v Str, Faith v Int, etc
It's impossible to have fun in sotfs but a hexer build can be neat in vanilla
Who are the 5%?
Faith+Dex is fun if you aim for enchantment rapier builds like in DS1.
Hexes are the most fun in general though, and lets you play a fairly good jack of all trades build with a touch of everything in the game.
Blunt damage is strong in this game. Both the mace and estoc can be gotten early and are ST. scaling and can easily carry you through the game.
that'd what DeS fags deserve, you bunch of obnoxious hipsters
I used Dex & Faith and absolutely raped everything with the heide spear and dragon slayers crescent axe. Just enough vitality to wear the drangleic armor then alternating endurance and adapt as dump stats.
People who never booted up the game.
What the actual FUCK were they thinking with SOTFS
>dude let's just add a dragon to one of the early game areas
>dude stones blocking all your area options
>more ogres please
>just throw a couple pursuers around, they love that guy
Dunno, you just sound like an ass to me. I played DaS1 first when it released then looped back to DeS and intuitively liked it more and played it a shit ton. I didn't have a XYZ list reason why, I just enjoyed it more as an experience.
That's something you people seem to ignore, the realm of opinion and personal taste. Personally I find the world of DeS extremely atmospheric and interesting to explore over and over, and DaS's world less so. You might think the opposite.
>lol prepare to die xd
Demons, DS1, Bloodborne and Sekiro are mainline
Ds2 & 3 are spinoffs and NOT canon
>DRAGON rider
>DRAGON slayer
>we put... dragon... here...
>armor and weapon selection
>Right on par with BB in that regard
BB has the worst 'armor' selection though. By far.
>Right on par with BB
BB's armour is top tier aesthetics.
The DkS2 intro is actually really good, and DkS2 is underrated in general.
>THIS IS DARK SOULS achievement
That's when I knew this game was shit
Some are, but this is compared to the Souls games, and there isn't a lot of variety.
>you know what would improve every area?
>an obnoxious invader hardcoded to fuck you when you try to heal
>oh also plop some heide knights down and put a horse in the castle
>and lets make important items harder to find
>can't forget to fuck up the aggro ranges for some reason
Is the B-team literally retarded?
>actually rides wyrms
>doesn't slay the dragon outside his cathedral
They went too overboard with the prepare to die meme. Had they not made it so blatant, I would respect the game a little more. Some people probably didn't find it all that hard, so the meme kind of fell flat on its face.
Ok Harris
Cry more.
Oh dude try this Faith/Strength build I used recently, it's pretty great.
You start as a Cleric, get 28 Str, 6 Dex and 40 Faith then get yourself a Lightning Infused Gyrm Axe with Sunlight Blade.
>hey boss remember salamanders and falcons the literally broken enemies that everyone and their mom complained about
>yeah let's not fix them lmao
I've only played vanilla but I haven't played SOTFS and I have no desire to do so after seeing how obnoxious areas like Iron Keep are in videos of it.
The one outside of the cathedral is actually a drake, and probably an artificial one at that. Also the Old Dragonslayer was corrupted and hollow so he didn't have the sense to give a fuck.
Chad's like me who never die
it says in their soul description fucker
>Long ago, the Dragonriders mounted wyrms, and were feared on the battlefield for their unparalleled strength.
The drawbridge to the Dragonslayer was closed too, also the Heide Knights don't give a fuck if you kill the Dragonslayer but you sink Fatboy and suddenly they are up in arms.
I like playing das2, but it's just my least favorite souls game. Don't get how people hate on it so bad when it's still a decent game all around.
some Heide knights react if you approach Dragonslayer but only all of them get up when rider dies, it's weird
are we even sure Dragonslayer is even a person/Ornstein and not just his armor reanimated
The whole thing was made long before the final game by an external studio, hence why the Dragon Shrine is still used as Drangleic Castle.
Are you considering the two prior games that it was meant to improve upon? With that context it's hard not to feel gypped by the final product.
Is it impossible to just like a game? I like methodical approach to combat, the way losing/retrieving souls puts pressure on each encounter, the rpg elements combing with lots of equipment and spells to make different builds, etc.
Just because it shits on lore and backtracked on some of those things doesn't take away from the fact it still fits as the kind of game I like.
>It's all about the WORLD
Better than watching some emaciated hunchback anarcho-communist talk in circles about how shitty video games are good with a pile of pinko books piled on his coffee table in the background. Have you donated your life savings to help corrupt white kids into cutting their dicks off and scrambling their brains with chemicals yet?
Yeah, I figure since the Heide Knights have no country anymore what was left got inducted by Vendrick and been tasked with making certain the dragonslaying spook stays locked up.
Which is why they suddenly freak once the Dragonrider dies, their higher up got done in and someone might make a move for their prisoner, hence why they are so hostile before. And those old knights? Animated golems, repurposed from the Old Iron King's stash.
Sounds neat. What armor? Any more tips? Thanks bro.
>contrarian master
>calling anyone a hipster
I'm talking specifically about Dark Souls 2. You seem to be talking about the series as a whole. Dark Souls 2 has so many infuriating design choices that it's hard to complete a single playthrough without being disappointed at one time or another.
The game was a Bamco cashgrab
Armour? Well I personally went with Brigand Armor and the Chime Shield. The shield for the utility of having a chime at all times for buffing/healing and the clothes solely because they match.
There's also some armour in the last DLC which each piece grants you a little more time with Sunlight Blade, but even without them and the stats I put each cast lasts 70 seconds. By the way don't bother with Ring of Blades or Lightning Crutch ring, they barely add damage to the weapon.
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned yet in any thread the fact thathow in Sekiro there is a trapdoor on the top of a castle that leads to a tunnel to the starting area of the game that is multiple mountains away
Because it's ninja shit, nobody cares about how it works.
The load times between areas implies that Sekiro was trekking some distance before he arrives at the spot you spawn in.
Why do these people forget that the back of DaS1's box had PREPARE TO DIE. No, not the version with all the DLCs.
The game's shortcomings doesn't change the fact that, at its core, it plays like a souls game. All the things I liked about the first two are in there. Sure it has more shitty parts, but no game is perfect, including das and des.
Honestly, the only souls game I haven't finished 100% is das3, but I'm not sure why.
Was it only Bloodborne that got trailers more focused on the narrative?
In this thread we list things that make Dark Souls 2 the best Souls game. I'll start:
>Non-linear 1st half of the game allows you to go straight to the areas that contain the items for your build
>Drinking Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to drink while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regen is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise is relevant and armor provides notable but not OP damage reduction, giving a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits can't drink estus, spirits can only heal via spell usage. This makes fighting outnumbered without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks
>Can continue your playthrough after beating the last boss and can choose when to start NG+
>NG+ has new enemies/items/events and some remixed bosses
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allows for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocks an alternative moveset
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in DS3
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses and or gain items from NG+ without going through the game again
>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward
>Best build variety, effectively pull off any build you want
>Best online and covenants, best QoL in the series
>Most diverse environments, replayability, customization, weapons, armors, magic/miracles/hexes/pyros
like clockwork
Sotfs is the only game I've gotten genuinely mad at in like 8 years. Even 2 on release was better
Its just so cheap constantly.
>more enemies in enemy closets
>everything except blunt is shit
I like 2 on release because I could be a lightning god. The Faith nerf was the worst thing they did to the game.
>go from lighting after nerf to pyep
>throw suns at people
>they nerf that too
Hi Phil
Fuck you give me my miracles back
50 Faith, 56 Attunement, Lightning Infused Dragon Chime, Lightning Clutch Ring and as many Lightning Spears as you want. You can go do it right now.
It's just not the same.
Don't be a bitch, bitch.
Dark Souls is best best played on Switch.
cringe & bluepilled
>the fucking blue smelter demon hallway in brume tower
It is genuinely one of the most obnoxious stretches in any video game I've ever played.
not with that audio
>cave door at the top of a castle
I had a lot of fun duel wielding curved swords
Could a glass of water defeat the Smelter Demon?
I don't know man, it's like the best explanation for what happened.
Is that centurion?
I still play FH from time to time.
Oh hey is it the daily autistic DS2 hate thread started by that one guy?
>getting absolutely bodied by some twink britbong in iron keep
lmao garbaggio made me laugh for a full minute, enjoy this (You) on me bro
Yeah keep sharing this reddit shit.
*destroys your argument*
It was made before DaS II even had a damn cohesive plot, almost like they knew that the director would be fired and they'd have to randomly stitch together content that had been created.
DS2 has very good point (gameplay changes, nice grafiks, weapons armors)
sometiime it has a very good design but the level layout is shit
its like they sayed
" hey mate the game needs to be done in 1 month !"
"but we need more time!"
"stitch together what you have and we say it's done!"
also the dlc of DS2 it the best it like DS1 level layout with DS2 gameplay
for me it saves DS2 for me also it has a cat in it
>blocking all your area options
>The path to Drangleic Castle
Nobody complained about falconers because they only showed up in the tall grass of Things Betwixt on NG+
I wanna fuck that cat
>the load times
nigga they're just load times. it LOADING shit. theres nothing else to it
Not sure that a 30 part series of autistic dissection of every line is destruction.
I think that's exactly what destruction is.
Guy gets raped so hard and justifiably that at the end he can only come back with, “wow it took you like 8 hours to finish rapping me”
ass status: shattered
I think it borders more on autism. I don't even like DaS2, btw, before you start assuming.
beat me to it
Except that there is no mountain connected to Earthen Peak, you deluded ds2fag.
Real talk, if someone made a 16-hour video dissecting the other guy's video, would you guys be praising the guy with the bigger video instead?
anybody playing with Dark magic
There is literally a mountain right behind Earthen Peak
It is very much autism, but I don't hold autism against somebody if they make something impressively autistic.
Did they as thoroughly shit on every single individual aspect of the other one?
Autistic, sure. Entertaining, definitely. That’s something I like about Mauler, he takes the time he needs to cover the topic rather than leaving you with his “hot take”. Harris is painfully guilty of being a contrarian for hipster points and having clickbait videos with ill informed opinions on subjects he knows almost nothing about. Anyone that points to H.bomber Queer as a legitimate defense for ds2 is retarded. Even die hard dark souls 2 fans know his video is shit. It barely covers any of the games positives in favor of pointing out flaws the game has and then telling the view that they are good actually good.
Off in the distance, you dumb fucker. It isn't physically connected to Earthen Peak.
Looks like shit.
Dark souls 3 babies need to fuck off.
>did you know that ds was haaaaard?
Dark Souls 2 haters trying to gain other Dark Souls 2 haters for their echo chamber
>actually, too many healing items is good, nobody likes to run out of healing!
Nobody likes to die either hbomberguy, but you sure don't want that mechanic taken out. All it takes to defend all the health items is "No death no bonfire runs" and even if that's not a good enough defense for the average runner, it's good enough for me who actually did that shit.
>Off int he distance
>Your model connection LITERALLY shows exactly where it is connected to the mountain without showing the actual windmill
Why are you people so retarded
babies crying that ds2 isn't even close to be bad
One autistic man who has been doing it for literal years.
that elevator gos up not sideways!
and it not the only spot that didnt fit together
just watch this
>What were they thinking with that intro?
It's a fan game. They never think about things.
Except that there's a lava mountain above the earthen peak in the game yet looking at earthen peak there's clearly no fucking mountain that earthen peak is physically built into. The boss room isn't even at the bottom or underground, it's at the fucking top of the windmill. You are so absolutely fucking disillusioned over this that it's fucking hilarious.
too many slow boring giant humanoid bosses to really enjoy the game.
what in the fuck were they thinking, that entire part is such a slog
Dude difficulty lmao
Dark Souls 2 is the most SOUL game
King Vendrick's downfall, Drangleic and it's lore, his Brother Aldia and the milfanitos
everything is so kino
while DS3 just tried to pander the average souls game with nostalgia and reused bosses, DS2 tried something original
the most DARK game, the most SOUL one
DeS and DS1 have much more soul.
>dude 2nd half of DaS1 is shit lmao
>when 2 and 3 are based on the 2nd half
Base and redpill
most obnoxious coming through
What are you talking about? DS2 is the game that literally shits souls all over you for beating any boss. You easily should be at SL 200 by the end of the dlcs. DS2 has objectively the most souls.