What went so fucking wrong?

What went so fucking wrong?

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Nothing? I got a good 30 hours of fun out of it for like $15. If you liked the first one this is just more of that. Orc killing simulator.

Exactly. It's literally the first game but better. Nothing really went wrong except for no Celerygrimballs in the post-game.

The original at least tried for some semblance of grounding in the mythos and feel of the setting, the sequel lost all soul and went for Max open world fluff and microtransactions out the ass. I played and enjoyed the first one except the weak final chapter and dlc, but I couldn't even get into the second one despite it's gameplay improvements. Just 100 times more cringe and shallow.

Also what they did to my nigga Helm Hammerhand is inexcusable

tfw no giantess nature spirit gf

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The complete versions (all dlc included) of the first and the sequel are currently on sale on the PS4 for 9.99 and 21.24 respectively, are they good enough for that price? i've been watching gameplay and the whole orc system seems fun to mess around.

Playing either of these games for the plot. Get the stick out of your ass retard. It's literally fan fiction.

Really should have separated orcs you're allied with into a different roster so they don't take up slots that could be enemies. Also, like the original, I'm not a fan of the fact most events are instanced. Cool that you can avoid missing events but it sort of takes away from the experience since you don't just stumble upon an orc captain performing an execution

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>microtransactions out the ass.
This was never an issue for anyone who actually played the game. Collecting orcs is literally the point of the game, so if retards want to buy their way out of gameplay, more power to them. And if it really tickled you, you could do daily/weekly events for the stupid currency to get orcs.

On the other hand, Gravewalker difficulty is really frustrating, in a bad way. I'm autistic so I always have to play on the highest difficulty, but Gravewalker is just so pointless tedious, giving every captain 3x the health and allowing any enemy to cut yours in half. Every battle turns into spamming A, and god help you if you enrage a ranged captain.

Making a casual game like this where you're supposed to be an unstoppable God harder seems like doing yourself a disservice.

Yeah worth it. I got like 50+ hours out of each game.

I never spent a single cent on microtransactions, particularly because there didn't seem to be anything interesting to spend autismbux on in the first place.

That's probably why I haven't reinstalled, in addition to being a badillion gigabytes.

Lore rape
And before you ask, yes I am autistic enough to continue screeching about it even now

Also, the Nemesis system was cool, but eventually you get tired of murdering/enslaving procedurally generated Orcs. Post game seemed like a collectathon for its own sake (at least in the first game)

they removed micro transactions

The combat is awfully dull, I don't need every game to have Dragon's Dogma tier combat but the attacks all feel weightless and just one button for literally every melee attack is awful
Modern witcher has the exact same problem but there the sword strikes still at least have some weighty feel

There is a mod for Witcher 2 that remaps all the available attack animations to correspond to your stick movement and attack press, so you have a lot of choice available in how you want to go about hitting your enemy
If they make this mod for Witcher 3, it'll be GOTYAY forever because it makes Witcher 2 immensly more fun

I dropped the game in chapter 4.

You can make you army with only humans and dot fucking orcs?

I want to be the middle earth hittler.

Nothing, I loved this game.
My only gripe is that new Orcs can spawn over the level gap so you're forced to brand them

That's my ideal for a hypothetical third game. No more instancing on events, all Orcs Captains are always in the world doing their thing in real time. Could lead to some crazy emergent stuff if multiple events overlapped with one another, let alone ones you engineer yourself.

I kinda liked that, gave you a reason to actually use the shame function. Plus it makes you roll the dice on possibly getting a super powered nemesis when they take the shaming the wrong way.

Not much other than the lore rape. If you aren't an literal autist, and can take it for what it is, it is immensly fun. I love the siege battles.