Sorry Banjoke but he's in
Neither are you. This isn't a smash thread, dumbass.
this isn't a smash thread retard
Literal who twitter threads should be room for instant perma ip ban
Wouldn’t be too surprised if something happens, seeing how spyro and crash have sold.
Oh fuck fuckc fuckc oh fuckc
Yeah, thank god that you ain't a 4channel mod
Fuck off Banjo is the only important character left to add to smash. He literally saved the N64
Fuck off faggot they are literal cancer and 99% shitty bait threads that turn into flamewars
And Minecraft is the biggest game of Gen Z. Cry harder Banjoke.
hard based
hard cringe
Battletoads shit, probably.
Reminder that
> Bubsy
> ToeJam and Earl
> Earthworm Jim
> Shaq-Fu
All got a revival before Banjo, nobody cares about your dead cereal box mascot.
>wanting current Rare to make these games
I want Snashfags to leave
I doubt it since, in November, they stated that they were not planning anything for Banjo, and Young Conker was... Not really well received.
Neck urself already ffs
>wanting NuRare anywhere near Banjo/Conker
Why? If Banjo gets in Smash then Microsoft will have to revive him
Are you fucking retarded? They invited him because he made fucking statues of the games, not because they're going to make games.
Says who?
Is Soccerguy gonna pull out a gun and force them to make it?
>Work with Rare to make some statues
>Get invited by Rare to watch the conference
Wow, it's almost like they're just in friendly work relations now.
Guys, I'd love a new Banjo game too, but stop seeing things that aren't there.
better than your shit skin of a shitskin
Just imagine wanting a new Banjo or Conker from Nu-rare
Because that’s never happening
Stupid fucking banjoke
I believe it when I see it. And even then I'll remain skeptical until it's released and it turns out htat is isn't just some shit with the name on it.
>90s animal mascot 3D platformer collect-a-thons
I didn't even particularly enjoy these games as a kid. Ugh.
People do this shit every single year before E3, fuck just last week people were freaking out about tweets from Grant which didn't even take that long to get shot down
>imagine being so desperate to see a new Banjo/Conker even if were made by nuRare
Nah, fuck off
Both franchises are dead, let them stay dead instead of wanting to get ruined even more by MS and nuRare
>Conker and Banjo make a return
>they also announce that they will be sharing some titles on the Switch like with Cuphead
>timed exclusives maybe with a few months in between XBone and Swith releases
>Rare Replay also announced for Switch
>Banjo in Smash caps it all off
>twitter screencap
>soeculation about nothing
nah, you can fuck off.
Sounds really gay and lamesauce
I sleep
>new conker
why would anyone want a new conker?
Games are too politically correct these days and the magic of toilet humor in video games has already worn out its welcome after conker's bad fur day first came out
>cereal box mascot
Ok but we got Incineroar
>current rare
Who says it has to be made by nu-rare? Battletoads and KI wasn't made nu rare