So does this mean I'm permabanned in overwatch comp...

So does this mean I'm permabanned in overwatch comp? It's been way more than three seasons and I don't see this ban being lifted anytime soon. I think I've been banned for a year now.

Attached: overwatch.png (278x452, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck did you even do to get banned in a blizzard game? spamming NIGGER 50 games in a row?

I just kept abandoning games. Pretty sure that was the reason.

why would you do that? and how many games did you left? if it was private reason, why not play quickplay instead?

also im pretty sure the ban is permanent, either buy a new one, or if its already 1 year ago, ask support if you can maybe get a unban

Don't worry OP. You haven't lost anything.

well, you should be banned then

You retard, this doesn't mean you're banned for 3 seasons, it means that since you've been banned in 3 different seasons so they rightfully permabanned your retarded ass

I kept abandoning because the games were unbearably bad. Don't remember how many I abandoned though.

You will get banned in Overwatch for playing the wrong hero. You will also get banned if you don't play like your team wants you to (and with playing I mean they blame you for their mistakes)

>actual destructive gameplay instead of nono words
oh so you actually deserve it then
>playing overwatch
>playing overwatch competitively when there's literally no incentive to do so since there's no chance in hell you're good enough to go pro

>reading comprehension
Yes they are saying that "because we banned you 3 times, we flagged you as a bad person. You can never play again."

>abandoning ranked games
Didn't read the rules did you lad? Leaving games is a reportable offense in ranked, to prevent any potential comeback wins from turning into losses instead.

Good, fuck you.

>Yes they are saying that "because we banned you 3 times, we flagged you as a bad person. You can never play again."

Yeah oops I did read it wrong sorry I'm retarded.

Good go jump in a hole.

All good man try out Apex Legends it's like Overwatch but everyone's either brown or the one white dude who gasses browns. Every ability comes prenerfed but it's still a fun time.

So what games have you guys been banned or otherwise punished in? How long? What did you do?

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Why not just play quick play i swear people like you purposely do shit like this so you can find something to complain about fucking idiot


i dont agree with other anons that you deserve a ban for just leaving matches for any game, but you had better have a good fucking reason for leaving enough to be banned over 3 seasons

I'm banned from the Pathfinder: Kingmaker Discussion board (permanently) for a racist slur.

>OP: This game sucks I'd never spend money on it
>"The developers won't fuck you for negging their game lmao go back to fortnite you negger"

You've behaved very badly and not been a good sport.You should have played quick match if rank mode bothered you so much or not at all.You at least owe it to your team to finish the match with them even if your teams not doing great.

Perhaps if you email blizzard and tell them you wont do it again they might let you back on.But you would have to be sincere about it.I suspect you want to play again so id say give that a try dont bother if your just gonna do the same again though.

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there's nothing fucking wrong with leaving games stop being asshurt

Yeah I've heard of that one but I don't really like battle royale games.

Now you can play the Chad Morhau

I got banned from Yea Forums for 3 days for posting a thread whose OP was a picture of scallops with the greentext
>upgraded ability has a longer cooldown

money stolen


in teamgames there is
Just Imagine the same in real life
you play soccer/football with your friends and everytime enemy team scores a point you are like "okay i give up" and just go home, after a while nobody wants to play with you, which is the same as getting banned

if you want to leave, play quickplay where a new guy instantly replaces you

He probably asked a Hanzo/Widowmaker to switch hero

I was permanently banned fro LoL for repeatedly leaving games and just spending 20 mins plus walking around the fountain telling the enemies where my teammates were. I would also constantly tell my teammates they were faggots and niggers, all of this was in ranked gold IV lp so it's not even like the games were serious anyways. I still want my $1500 usd that I spent on that account back.

can't really remember the last game i had an account ban, but i know it was definitely not fair. probably one of those evony clones

it was probably one, two games of a hundred or so of all MP games i've played. never been avaC banned.either

There is in ranked actually, hence you're permabanned retard

Good. You deserve it then.

Bye felicia

That wasn't the OP dipshit.

banned from halo 3 filesharing for sharing modded lesbian porn

I was banned from posting on Yea Forums for 3 days after participating in a Klonoa thread. I posted a picture of a female Klonoa with huge knockers. She was fully clothed so I thought the ban was bullshit.

What did you do? Swap characters?

Nah you actually deserve it. They should have revoked access to the game for you completely. Rage quitters are literal subhumans.

was never once banned in a game
which is weird considering im pretty "toxic" sometimes like telling people to kill themselfand so on
told atleast 100 people in LoL to get cancer
told in wow many people in whisper they are subhumans and need to be gassed
told in gw2 that they are niggers

i never had a chat restriction either

in a fucking videogame without any repercusions irl, if you are in a real competition you cannot leave for being tired just to not disrespect the entire organization that prepared the match.

I was banned two seasons and never touched competitive never again, play tf2, fuck blizzard

Multiple times banned from Yea Forums for enraging pol spastics (not on pol by the way). Lmao.

That doesn't change the context of the post at all idiot

No games ever, but have been banned on Yea Forums, specifically Yea Forums for not loving Nintendo products. Nintendo mods don't like it here if you have the 'wrong' opinions, I guess.

Lol good luck with getting it back. Just out of curiosity, do you feel dumb as fuck?

Well if it's just a fucking videogame then you shouldn't care if you were banned :^)

calm down you low test bitch

I'm a trobjorn main

Assuming you're actually OP, why do you care you're permabanned when you clearly don't even want to play the game anyway.
Well since it's just a video game then it doesn't matter you can't play it.

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not really, my example was literally playground kids playing with each other
if you would do the same multiple times there, they wouldnt want to play with you too after a while

in 1vs1 games its okay because the only guy you can dissapoint is 1 enemy, while in teamgames, especially in OW, you shit on 11 people

I read the ban wrong and was curious that's all.

they did you a favor, only spergs play competitive

Got banned from Habbo Hotel way back then for trying to scam people. No one fell for it but I guess someone reported me because one day I tried to log in and it said I was banned until 2018 (over 10 years) or some shit.
At some point they changed that to permabanned though, I still can't access into that account.

Probably because you were shit and people just pity you.
It's different when you're good, shitting all over people and also "toxic", that's what really gets people spamming the report button.

No I just wish I could do it more. I realized during the tank meta as an adc main that nothing I did could ever improve my win rate with my level of skill, so the only way I could actually change how the game could end would be by making sure I lost. I felt far more satisfaction driving my teammates to despair and losing than fighting for 45 minutes and winning just because a tank on the enemy team fucked up. I wouldn't take back any of my actions but getting my money back would make me slightly interested in coming back to LoL.

I keep getting ban messages for various reasons but only after they have already expired

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-26 4chan - Banned.png (937x358, 106K)

for what possible reason would you do this? were you literally 5 years old at the time, because that's the only acceptable answer.

I'm banned from hundreds of gmod servers

>In a "real" competition you can't leave on a whim because it disrespects the entire organization that prepared the match
>In a video game, it's okay to leave on a whim because it doesn't matter if you disrespect all the players that prepared the match
Imagine actually posting this as an argument

I was 25 years old, it was the only way I could change how games ended because I didn't have enough skill to climb from gold on my own. If I was going to be hard stuck anyways I might as well drag my teammates down with me.

>suck so hard at competitive that you literally get banned from it


i think the main reason is because i only get "toxic" when people start it first
i just assume they wont report me because they are afraid they are getting banned too
i had people in gw2 whispering me that i was cheating, and i just told them to "kys nigger" or when someone insults me in wow when i was corpse ganking them (when i was bored i would go to low level zone like stranglethorn and i would kill max level people who would gank low level people, and since im a multiple gladiator, i would shit all over them since 90% are keyboard turning subhumans)

I got banned for life from all Blizzard games for telling them my IRL name is "Mike Rotch" ten years ago. I thought they were kidding about demanding my personal info.

They should just do what Heroes does and just put you in shitter queue when you leave games.

who fucking isnt

that's like saying you were banned from Yea Forums. everyone and their mother has been banned at some point. i've been perma banned for cp, even though the girl was at least 14

>You are banned: indefinitely
>your account was banned from competitive play during three or more seasons

Holy reading comprehension batman.

>Specifically choose ranked competitive mode
>Join in with 11 other people who also picked ranked mode
>Everyone is there because they want to play serious games against good competition
>You leave the game and ruin the experience for everyone else
>You waste everyones time and cost everyone on your team their precious ladder points

Nah, stay banned. It's people like you that made me quit Overwatch, so many quitters, throwers, and other garbage people in ranked that it became far too much of a waste of time to even attempt.

good fuck you for not respecting competitive gameplay you non virgin
you deserve to have your money wasted

tell me how many people were involved or interested in your last overwatch match in silver user

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>If I was going to be hard stuck anyways I might as well drag my teammates down with me.

congrats you're a nigger

if only they had a way to make an online game fun even when it's flooded with shitters

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you sound like a bad guy from some shitty shounen anime

>chad fortress
yeah maybe before Meet your Match
the game might as well be dead right now

At least 11 people. The more you do it the more people you annoy. Eventually, nobody is going to want to play with you. Which is why you were banned, you aspie.

>good fuck you for not respecting competitive gameplay

>competitive gameplay

do zoomers really take themselves and their vidya so seriously? this is fucking hilarious.

What's the alternative? TO not disconnect when I didn't get my role? To actually try to win when I refused to play meta champs? To not be angry at my teammates for being placed in game with me? You know the only difference between the enemy and your "teammates" is rng. I can't control who I get put on a team with, I can't influence how they play. I can't influence how the enemy plays either but I can influence myself. If you want to see change in the world you must first become that change, I wanted my teammates to lose therefore I had to lose.

sounds like this guy
>pretends he wants a game everyone can play
>demands instead a game everyone can win
>why are people acting like I'm the bad guy?

Attached: he doesn't want everyone to play, he wants everyone to win.png (925x907, 118K)

>I suck
>So I'm going to make all my team mates lose!

Attached: 1312915044363.jpg (559x598, 71K)

as long as you arent a top 500 top player nobody cares about your games anyway outside of you and the other 11 people involved in it

The only time I can remember was cheesing online achievements in Halo 3 free for all. Me, my brother and our friend were all doing 4-way split-screen and kept backing out of lobbies until we found each other and then went tried getting all those multi-kill achievements. I forget how long we got banned for but it wasn't permanent.
The hilarious thing was that we didn't have enough controllers and had to use guitar hero guitars and drums to be able to control everyone. Good times.

I heard valve is working on one last TF2 update and that TF3 is in the works.

Attached: valve 4chan leak.png (375x665, 318K)

Well I did love Naruto when I was a teen so I guess shitty anime villains rubbed off on me. Imposing your will is what makes you feel alive, my teammates were powerless to even try to alter my behavior and it felt amazing. Plus the enemy team would often thank me before reporting me so I had 5 teammates on my side if you think about it and only 4 people who hated me in any game.

maybe you should go back to your smash threads your retarded epic leaks are garbage

>casual fortress 2
I know you've got a whole folder of images to justify your autism but unironically some people like playing competitive ranked games not casual tf2

it's pretty obvious you don't want to play the game. people who can't dedicate themselves to at least 1 full game shouldn't even be playing. what are you an adult with a social life and things to do? lmao make plans for an overwatch game bro.
this is serious fucking business

>read thread
>expect some dumb shit like OP was shouting nigger nigger nigger all day in VOIP, you know, the kind of shit people actually get banned over these days
>blizzard bans you if you leave games filled with no talent shitters
>blizzard bans you if you don't play what other people want
How do people even play their garbage, talk about riding on the success of your past accomplishments. This company is a fucking joke, and I'm glad I never invested a single minute in any of their trash games.

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>team fortress 3
>valve in charge of ever making a game that has the number 3 in it
good fucking joke my dude

>RTS game
why would someone put complete bullshit in their """leak"""

this so much this!
we should I get banned in a game that requires teamplay if I keep leaving games on purpose? wtf money stolen!!!!111

I don't know how they could have made it any more clear.

just dont give them money again by rebuying the shit you hate you fucking retard

remember all the shit you hate about this garbage game and move on

also dont give blizzard a penny ever again

>What's the alternative?

find people that you can win with you dumb nigger.

fuck, even niggers know how to form gangs rob stores. you're dumber than niggers, jesus christ

>trusting testimonials from man banned

you only get banned from RANKED because in RANKED you DONT get replaced by someone if you LEAVE in a COMPETITIVE match
did you never play a competitive ranked mode before or are you just trolling?
also how is spouting bad words worse than disrupting the game of other 11 people

I don't need any other person. I am perfectly fine on my own.

This. See it as a blessing. Count your blessings.

On runescape, my brother called everyone noobs and got banned, then did the very same thing on my account. That's probably the best thing him or anyone else ever did for me.

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You can play unranked and leave with 0 consequences. If you specifically go out of your way to que for ranked then yes there's consequences to throwing games because the games are literally being ranked

>I think I've been banned for a year now

Idiots defending faggots who quit every game and screw over other team mates

If your that type of person, play fucking Quick Play. Thats what its there for

Before i quit playing ages ago i only played mystery heroes, as people sometimes actually had fun instead sticking to 1 character, or try harding and raging

>rts game
>nintendo switch
are you by any chance mentally challenged?

>it's pretty obvious you don't want to play the game.

i'm not even OP you dumb shit. i dont even play OW. but talking about respecting competitive gameplay is a bunch of wankery, especially with blizzard games and blizzard fans matchmaking.

fuck the whole competitive scene is just circle jerking wankery.

>actually I don't play this game and have no idea what I'm talking about but here's my opinion on it
ok retard very interesting

maybe you should get on your knees and suck my cock faggot

I loved playing on valve servers exactly because I could play mid match and leave whenever.
But instead of keeping quickplay they removed it to add the trash that was casual/competitive to try to get the overtrash audience.

uwu maybe I will

but there is quickplay in OW where you can love anytime you want since you will get replaced instantly by someone else

that shit doesnt work in competitive, it will be 5vs6 then

Well the problem here is that Overwatch has both ranked and casual modes but for some strange reason the casual players of the modern age can't actually figure out the difference. You've got a flood of people who literally don't care queueing up for ranked mode because they feel entitled to play it and not actually try, they join in and fuck around and believe full well that they have the right to do so. I enjoyed the game and moved my way up to the master/grandmaster ranks but even at the absolute highest pub game level of play it was impossible to escape these degenerates. Roughly 70% of my games involved someone who mained a character and wouldn't switch thus in many cases causing the team to play with essentially -1 players, someone who was tilted or jus wanted to troll and would throw on purpose, someone who would leave the game for whatever reason, or just downright the matchmaking system would put people in vastly different skill brackets together and make it impossible for one team to win or have fun.

The problem is made a serious issue because like what your image starts to touch on, Blizzard doesn't police ranked mode properly AND the matchmaking system has always been abysmal. Instead of cracking down on these casual players invading ranked mode Blizzard started backing them up and the whole game was thrown into chaos.

You should totally open a lawsuit against Blizzard considering you paid money for that~

No I agree with you I just wanted to vent about valve's retarded decision to remove quickplay

I didn't make the leak I'm just passing it along.

Seriously? Can't you just make a new account?

>destructive behavior
>indefinitely banned from future participation
Why the fuck do you people play these awful multiplayer games? Oh because you're autistic

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Are you even doubting it? Smashniggers don't have enough polluting the catalog they need to make even more retarded theories in other games.

Why not? Thats fucking retarded.

i honestly can't remember,maybe some minecraft server when i was following the epic griefing trend

>multiplayer games are toxic
but arent the real autistic games the endless single player ones because autistic people usually cant get into social interaction?

only on Yea Forums will you find idiots crying cause online games won't let them play like the total sociopath they are in real life

Cheese Pizza needs a little pepperoni nipples

Stupid user

I only ever got a 3 day ban in LoL years ago for leaving games.

Think it this way: it's the price you payed for learning that multiplayer games are a scam. They can steal your money for any reason, they also can shut down the servers.

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because its a competitive mode where you play with people who want to play serious
if you want to leave the game whenever you want, theres a quickplay mode where you wont get punished for leaving since you will get instantly replaced

so yeah, he got rightfully banned from ranked because he choosed the wrong mode on purpose

i got perma banned on RS for telling my irl girlfriend (in PM) not to fall for people who say "wow jagex blocks your pass ******** you try" in a conversation where it was obvious I was explaining and deconstructing a scam, not actually scamming
They unbanned me after an appeal but they didn't unmute me
Fucking faggots

I don't think I'd win also I can still play quickplay.

You actually deserve that ban for wasting everyone's time.


why are all people who hate on multiplayer games posting with some anime avatar? are you guys autistic?

of course you don't play the game. you're just a filthy secondary. you'll never understand the royalty of being able to play a generic battle royale shooter.
now please go away

>banned from WOW for two days for being toxic years ago
Not anything else i remember, Probably should have been banned in a heap of other games for writing nigger in chat but it never happens

It's a video game, mate. Sounds to me more like crying pissbabies just can't handle the idea someone might not want to play with their scrubby asses and try to carry that weight to a win.

If you want actual competition in a video game go play a fighting game at some local meetups or buy your ass a ticket to EVO.

>anime poster
>is a retard


>already triggered a bunch of spergs

>1 game mode let's you leave whenever
>1 game mode specifically does not let you leave whenever
>consciously chose the latter
>omg why am I being punished for leaving
You're actually incurably retarded

Basado y rojopastillado

but thats why multiplayer games exists, they want to have the same feeling, but live where there is no competition or cant afford to go EVO
remember, not everyone lives in america
i also dont get how that is whining, they have different modes for different kind of people, if you go to the wrong mode on purpose multiple times just to piss people off, you get banned, thats the rules, its even said in the information when you click on it

>It's an underage Overwatch retard who can't even capitalize damage controls episode

only mature people play overwatch.

Quite easily

If someone looks at your profile and its got 1 main champ on it - banned
If you type anything at all in ranked - month chat ban
requesting less snipers on attack - ban
Leave a game with people blatantly throwing - you get banned and they don't

Is it worth playing this game again? I liked it during Season 1 then I became bored once there was a long wait between seasons

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not true
ive told multiple people in voice to kill themself, i main characters or tell people that they are niggers if they want me to switch

>Is it worth playing this game again?

I don't think because they started adding dumb shit like a giant hamster ball.

You must be a real piece of shit, based Blizzard.

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>If someone looks at your profile and its got 1 main champ on it - banned
>requesting less snipers on attack - ban
You realize youre contradicting yourself right? Is playing 1 only hero bannable, or is expecting someone to not play their hero choice bannable according to you?

The actual answer is that your first point is completely made up. Blizzard took the stance you can play whatever hero you want regardless and can't be banned for one tricking.

I was mass reported for throwing because people didn't like how I switched heroes after every death

>I kept abandoning because the games were unbearably bad.
The real question here isn't why you kept leaving, but why you kept joining, and why you're trying to join again.

If you already played it and liked it then yes it's worth playing.

>actual gorilla scientist on launch wasn't a problem but a hamster is

U r a moron

6 years. Diablo 2.

Furry is a bannable offense, check the rules. /Trash/, Yea Forums, and /vp/ are the only places where you're safe.

"Nigger" is a word of power that instantly lowers a wimps mental health score by 20 points with no saving throw

Not a game, but I got banned from 4kids forums for introducing the kids there to this guy back in 2009-2010.

Also F

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Just buy a new copy, OP. Just look at the cost as being a fine for poor sportsmanship, as they exist in other serious, recognized competitive sports.

Either that, or just play in pubs

kept getting banned in RS2 because I would say gook and then make fun of the admin for having a retard's idea of what racism and jokes are

Well youre a faggot so you shouldnt play comp

I'm permabanned from multiple SS13 servers for heavy furry ERP

>leaving during losing games
>causing team to lose worse
kek you got a ban you deserved

You’re a hero

>go against the rules and be a dipshit
>wtf why are they punishing me omg this is so unfair
I guess that's what happens when children try something more serious than what they're used to

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>Got banned from Habbo Hotel
There’s a program that literally unbans you. It’s from the time when /i/ still existed and everybody raided the fuck out of habbo for a few days. A time when being a Yea Forumstard meant something.

Nowadays it’s just /pol/tards, redditors, and newfags who think they’re too edgy for reddit but are functionally redditors

I’m mild mannered as fuck and even I get banned from Yea Forums one or two times a year for something or other somehow.


I got banned because my IP was used as a proxy exit node many times.

> Playing competitive
> Team lossing
> Abandon game to erase any chance to your team of win and ruining the game for everyone
> They ban me, why?

Fuck you

Do you live in a cafe?

I got my chat removed for a week for a joke in regional channel in Warframe, when i said that "i would call my Catchmoon the Match Coon but it would be extremely racist"

What's wrong?

I don't know, but this guy sure did.

This. I feel like almost everyone on RS2 is a bunch of sensitive faggots. Maybe I don't play on the right servers.

No. The times I got banned were usually months ago when I was studying overseas. Sometimes they're still active so I just restart router.

That was a few years ago though.

play quickplay moron dont waste peoples time in competitive.


Yea Forums
multiple times
many different lengths

mostly because I derail with really obscure and old shock images.
Always gives a tingle in my heart when I see someone saved and reposted something I showed the thread.

Only thing I can think of is getting muted for a week in Dota 2 a few years ago due to getting mass reported (not sure whether it was my teammates or the enemy team who did this)

>All those faggots ITT defending blizzard
Remember the times when you could join and leave a community server at any time without caring for arbitrary e-sports bullshit?

Nope, tried to when Diablo 3 came out.
>it's been three years, surely I can play the new D with a new account
>NOPE, banned again and threatened with legal action under the CFAA
Not even sure how they identified me, but they did.

I've only been banned for ponyposting

Well served, you double nigger.

Absolutely nothing wrong with leaving if your team is shit. If I play comp I expect to win, if it's obvious I won't win I'd rather lose now and get back to the queue

>B-but you could've turned it around
I played enough matches in multiplayer games to know when there is hope to win, and when there isn't.

Maybe you shouldn't be a little fag, op. Blizzard is shit for banning players that use offencive taunts but you're basically bitching about getting banned for hacking in a comp game

Everything is a bannable offense under Global Rule 3.

I got banned for ironically joining in the "gamers are entitled ungrateful fuckers" slapfest in the Diablo: Immortal threads.

Do people actually got banned for the "GAMURS RISE UP" crap?

>this is the type of sperg who comes into these threads and complains about getting banned

context? i don't get it

This is the post that got me banned. See you all again in 3 days.

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Are you joking? They ban you for saying “gg”. The real question is why did you pretend to know what you’re talking about and try to pass it off as true anonymously. Pretty sure you have some social/mental disorders bro.

you can join and leave quick play at any time without caring for any arbitrary consequence. OP literally qued for the ONLY game mode you're not allowed to leave, and then left.

>They ban you for saying “gg”.
>if I repeat this enough times, it becomes true!

Teams in comp don't get backfills that's why people get banned for leaving.

>Dead By Daylight
Only game I’ve ever been banned from or cheated in. Launch was fun but soured fast since abilities were game changing, but horribly tedious to grind for. Survivors were Olympian mechanics who could perform surgery on themselves, and it reversed the role of survivor and killer. I used CE to get blood points, but I was inexperienced and got caught.

Kind of glad, the devs tried to force esports and my friends say it’s boring even after they fixed it.

>be op
>banned two times already for leaving ranked matches
>keeps leaving anyway
doing god's work m8

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They did. It didn’t stop people since it was so fucking stupid, so they implemented a filter. Type “gg” in Overwatch, you dense piece of shit. It’s like a padded room.

>playing overwatch in 2019
>can't even play it without screeching like an autist at everyone
what a fucking embarrassment

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GameFAQs for making TF2 jokes.

the filter is for "gg ez" not gg, and you still won't get banned for a filtered phrase
stop being a vindictive baby and just admit you called someone a nigger one too many times

I've only heard of gg ez. But I can see blizzard not wanting to hurt someone feelings when they say gg after they lost

lying fucking retard. I typed "gg" in overwatch literally 10 minutes ago. Everyone does it every match. Stop spewing bullshit you read on Yea Forums once that's blatant bait for retards like you

dude, blizz is so petty with their banning they'd give you the hammer for so match as picking a hero that ain't meta
cringe like this filtered away all the actual people from the game and all that's left are redditers (un)ironically posting crap like pic related for muh votes, and, get votes

Attached: ggripyikeswooshwelpcringe.gif (444x250, 3.01M)

Sorry, it’s “gg ez.” I haven’t played this dumb game in 2 years. Still proves my point that you’ll be banned for way less than spamming “NIGGER.”

>sorry I'm objectively wrong but that actually proves my point that I'm right
you're unbearably stupid. Don't speak to me ever again.

god i wish that were me

Fucking dellor man. He's going to die before he hits 40, either from cancer from smoking so much or his heart is just going to give out after a particularly bad apex game

it could be you

>Expect to be banned from OW any day now
>Never do
What are people even doing?

I’ve never been banned, and never said you’d be banned for saying gg ez. I said they implemented a filter for it to protect the egos of players - people had been reporting those who said it before the filter since they had such thin skin.

You’re delusional if you think Blizzard space isn’t a baby cage. Didn’t they ban the OK sign because it’s nazi code?

you said "they ban you for saying gg" you back pedaling faggot. Just leave with some dignity and stop embarrassing yourself.

>be me boot up some comp
>some faggot picks brig(fine with this)
>spams thanks all fucking game
>isn’t contributing shit to team
>leaves during the next round
>call him a bitch
>get actioned immediately

>So does this mean I'm permabanned in overwatch comp?



Here we see the logic of the most cancerous element of online comp team play gaming. Salty disgusting filthy little brats. Literally a tumorous parasite. Guys who quit because they're not winning or flame and go afk deserve lifelong bans.

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Good. they should neuter you too. You have bad genes.

No, I will. It’s “gg ez” not “gg,” you’re right. I’m keeping the same argument for gg ez.

Equating “gg ez” to “nigger” is alarming levels of sensitivity. How could you possibly be the same amount of offended from those? And the filter was made since players were upset and reporting others for saying gg ez since their feelings were hurt. Blizzard wanted to appease the butthurt crowd without mass banning players for nothing. Blizzard games, OW specifically, are filled with people who don’t want bruised egos.

Stop trying to dodge the argument.

He was probably just rage quitting, you don't get banned for leaving a comp match once or twice it has to be multiple times. Also quitting a game of comp play in overwatch esentially causes the team you are a part of to lose as overwatch isn't a game you can carry your team by yourself so much as you require a team to win. Good luck becoming pro without friends.

you are alarming levels of sensitivity

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I misremembered, it was gg ez. But players were reporting others for saying it, and players were getting banned for misconduct. Over gg ez. There was a riot forming so Blizzard implemented a filter to dodge the issue, and it worked since faggots like you are defending them on 4channel. Don’t pretend like the chat isn’t policed like it’s North Korea.

>Equating “gg ez” to “nigger” is alarming levels of sensitivity.
you don't get banned for gg ez. You get a silly little filtered phrase pop up like "its past my bed time" and thats it. People post is specifically to get the filtered phrase because everyone knows what it means. you're the one being a whiny little bitch about it like this is some infringement of your safe space.

> If I play comp I expect to win

This is some babby tier bait. You do know you can't win every comp game right? It seems like you value your time, but rather than try your best no matter the circumstance you're willing to just piss it all away and make everybody else as miserable as you are because you can't get what you want.

I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me.

>Stop trying to dodge the argument.
The argument is over, you stated things that were objectively false and they were corrected. gg ez.

Clearly they’re a masochist

You stalking me or something?

They they did before the filter. You guys have short memories. I don’t know how could act like that isn’t creating a safe space, removing other’s ability to play since such an entry level taunt hurt their feelings.

t. Zero bans, disagrees on principle

Deserved, it is pretty much completely impossible to win in Overwatch being down 1 player.

Being 5v6 is a huge disadvantage for a team.

You don’t want to talk about how they did ban people for gg ez before the filter.

Got banned in league of leagues about a month ago for 14 days for typing "kys" once to a 2/8 Katarina completely blaming me for our loss also he was duoing with a friend so they were actually double flaming me...yet no punishment to them for starting it but I get 14 day ban...thx Riot.

lmao you deserve it faggot retard. ban yourself from life while you're at it

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>playing ranked multiplayer games
That's a yikes from me dawg

Usually this scum is the worst player on the team as well, and just lacks the perception to realize it. If these idiots would just shut up and focus on their own play I could carry them to an underserved win in many cases.

>stating objectively false information
you're going to hurt yourself stretching that far

kill yourself

Did they say any of the nono feel bad words? If not, get fucked, they didn't do anything wrong.



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it's always they who are shit right, not at all you?
kek, faggots like you need to stop playing online vidya

They banned you for saying “gg ez,” not “gg,” you’re right. I misremembered. And now that’s my point. They banned you for saying “gg ez.”

>no they don’t, there’s a filter
They did before the filter. Then people got sick of Blizzard’s stupid strict policies and were forming a mob so they put in a filter to finesse the issue. And it worked, since you’re defending them.

What was your sr op?

>mfw throwing games on purpose

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>pay for thing
>no thingy
fraud is a felony, federal code obligates you to prosecute a felony arrest when you witness a felony. license agreements, purchase agreements and contracts do jot nullify federal law. have fun storming the castle

Thats might be 1st deserved ban in this bs game where you get banned for playing non-meta heroes and spamming voicelines. Well done, retard.

>called out for lying and spreading false info
>heh look at you defend blizzard
you're clinically retarded. I'm not responding to you anymore

Do you think that would still work?
Don't really care but I'm curious about what I had in that account.

You are blatantly ignoring that they banned people for saying gg ez before the filter.

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lot of crybabies in here, their parents should throw away their video games

I've been banned twice thanks too some fucko using my ip as a proxy.
The only other time I was banned was when I ''accidentally'' bot spammed the FFXIV general after it had been overrun by attention starved fags and trannies. Don't regret it one bit.

>Consistently leaving ranked matches
>Reading comprehension
This is good bait.

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You know that you lose much more SR by leaving, right?

got banned from Rocket League because I was in a casual 3v3 match and a teammate joined and decided to play for the other team when we were up 2-0. Eventually the other team managed to tie it 4-4 because it was a 4v2 but I scored in overtime. Typed "kys" in the chat and left.

>Spent $1500
>Gets banned
So you're retarded, and also you got banned.

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The only thing I said wrong was forgetting to put “ez” after in my first post. My second post I apologized and corrected it. But you are obsessed with that. You act like it makes everything else I said wrong, but it doesn’t. Blizzard DID ban players for saying that before the filter.

I don’t want to end on a “psssh, dumb kid. Heh, try next time,” I want to talk about how Blizzard is really constricting with their behavior policies. Stop discounting everything to “””win””” the discussion.

don't bother reasoning with bootlickers user. you'll never get anywhere

He's right though. If I'm playing Rocket League and the score is 7-0 with 1:20 to go, if my teammate doesn't FF I'm leaving the fucking game instead of wasting my time. There's no point in staying if the game is over, and if you lose 7-0 it's usually because at least one player shouldn't be the rank they are.

I must try

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Roblox, three days, one time the 3D modelers or whoever makes the hat made a joke 1-800 number on the back of a textbook hat that turned out to be a sex line, and the word of that spread like wildfire. I made a thread on the off-topic forums asking how to dial numbers that have letters in them, without directly referencing the fiasco

>can't handle being wrong
>starts calling anyone else a low test bitch
you're legit acting like a woman m8

I've been banned for posting beastiality on /r9k/ once, apparently it's against US Law or something?

That almost makes sense. But op is talking like he's bailing when it's 3-4. In rainbow six I'll have people bail after two flawless rounds going 2-0, then they die on the third. Like people cannot handle waiting forty seconds for the next round to start so they just play till they die.

I'm so happy my post still gets posted. Even VNN used it in a video. Hrio banned my mobile IP right after this as well which made it even better.

Americans are fucking retarded

This mindset is insane. It's a video game.

...for not fucking goats?

I like multiplayer games; hence why I play proper ones with private servers.

We're building the wall on the wrong side

None because I'm not a sperg.

There are 2 game modes. One penalizes leavers and one does not. OP specifically chose the one that penalizes leavers of his own free will and then left. Your mindset is insane when theres literally a casual game mode that allows you to leave whenever you want and you specifically consciously choose the other one

>leave - lose
>stay - get chance to win, get time to practice stress free because you'll lose anyways.

A video game OP, even though he is a massive faggot who deserve perma ban from all video games, can still play. Just not the 1 mode where leaving every game ruins the fun for everyone.

I got banned for RDM in a TTT server. It wasn’t even like a was trying to rdm, I was the T and the admin, the other T, ran in front of me.

Imagine getting your money stolen because you left a video game match lmao

I got banned three times and only in one of them I was actually banned what it was stated in the email. After the first ban I decided to be as non-communicative as possible so I wouldn't get banned, however since the system is automated and reports and unlimited people will abuse the system for anything, most of the reports I got happened when Hammond came out and I only played him. I know this because the moment I started flexing I didn't get reported anymore, despite onetricking not being a banneable offense.

The three times I asked what was it I did wrong to stop doing that since "toxic behaviour" can be anything the people sending the report wants, from insulting others to just playing badly. The first time I got told I was toxic and that was the reason for the ban, thread locked. Second time I asked for them to specify and they said they couldn't but that the ban was well deserved. Third time they pulled chatlogs with a couple of insults from months ago and said that was the reason.

It's moronic.

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Why would you use acronyms that are clearly context sensitive when there's absolutely no context at all to your post.

Imaging being a raging faggot like this faggot lmao.

>omg i keep getting stuck with noobs
>I lost every game because of you pathetic noobs
Perhaps you need to ask yourself why every game you join you managed to lose.

It's weird how it is always shitlords who claim they never did anything wrong who somehow get reported for the same thing game after game.

I got banned during the previous april fools with teams because a few pictures I posted had partial nipples showing when I was rallying chocolate

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I have 1400 hours in this game, 75% on one character only, and I've never even got a warning.

>they pulled chatlogs with a couple of insults from months ago and said that was the reason.
oh so you did actually do something wrong and are just pretending to be retarded.

>i didn't even do nothing i just tried to make the game less fun for other players
Based blizzard taking the effort to weed out even retards like you. Yes, it's small thing but it's also a bad thing even if it's ultimately insignificant. Just don't be a sperg, sperg.

Evidently not if the only way you could influence games was by throwing them, faggot

>oh so you did actually do something wrong and are just pretending to be retarded.
>get banned for something that isn't banneable
>mods search your profile for an excuse to keep the ban on

as I said, it was months ago. If it truly was banneable they should've banned my ass after that game was over.
besides, you can onetrick easily if it's a hero that's seen as useful by the community and not a fucking offtank like Hammond.

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Got perma banned in vanilla wow for having the guild name "Colored People on Ice"

These niggers banned me in beta for talking like its CSGO so im never buying their shit game

You happen to have more of said images?

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>I got banned for an unbannable offense so the mods had to bring up all these bannable offenses I committed

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Looks like you got what you deserved.

You're playing a game for kids.

I got punished in Dota 2 for disconnects and I got banned from Forumwarz because of some weird account transfer thing.

>say nigger in chat
>everyone laughs and moves on

>say nigger in chat
>permanently banned from playing the game
>permanently banned from posting on forums
>blue-haired twitter checkmark doxxes you, reveals all your personal info
>get banned from twitter
>get fired from job
>police show up at your door and arrest you
>get raped in prison for 5 years


If you get charged for homicide and then the jury finds out that you were in fact innocent they can't say "well but you did insult that stranger" and send you to jail with the exact same time you would've gotten if you were guilty of homicide. Even less so when you live in South America and everyone's screaming insults at eachother every single game because we're uncivilized monkeys who in most games aren't even able to communicate because of a language barrier (brazil/rest of south america since there aren't enough players in my country's own servers, apparently)

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>be me
>play league of legend aka riot's game aka the ones that started the entire toxicity thing
>call people braindead retards regularly
>never being banned
sucks to be you user

who the fuck even reads the chat in lol
never said those were mine, I got them from /owg/

>"every team I'm on is bad!"
All those teams had exactly one thing in common. Guess what it was.

>saying the n-word in current year

analogies in general are retarded but this one in particular takes the cake for dumbest fucking thing I've ever read

Perfect image of yourself in that post. It explains why you would use a shitty fallacy and think you have a good argument.

>you're wrong
>not going to explain why though

absolutely this

"OMG i'm stuck in gold because of my TEAMMATES, this is so unfair!!!1! my TEAMMATES are ALWAYS holding me back"

fuck off. if you were actually good you'd be able to carry your teammates.

decided to ask support if they'd unban me for the lols but apparently you can't appeal 6 months after it happened so no luck
oh well

to call you wrong implies you had a point. I'm just calling you a drooling fucking retard.


>say indisputably retarded thing
>not even remotely coherent
>wtf why won't anybody tale the time to spoonfeed me
fuck off retard, not even him btw

Banning should be illegal (it's theft) - no reason they shouldn't just create a separate matchmaking pool for 'offenders' though.

I have reported people for "abusive chat" when they write gg at the end of a match. Logged in and got the message of a report going through and getting the person banned, even worse this has happened quite a few times. Also I have been banned because I am a bastion player, very often I get to hear "report and avoid him" to me and yes I have been banned twice for one tricking Bastion.

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No, but if you get charged for homicide and are found not guilty and they can prove you committed another homicide, they can re-file charges and convict you. Fixed your shitty analogy for you.

>I have been banned twice for one tricking Bastion.
proof or you're lying

So kind of like what happened to OP. Fucking retard.

ITT all of V gets baited

>Banning should be illegal (it's theft)
>being this retarded

I got banned from halo 2 back in the day like a week because in the early days there was that flag glitch. Something that had to do with a guy sitting in the warthog passenger, then they’d get out and keep meleeing and standing still. If you tossed the flag to the passenger seat of the warthog, the player back where ever they were standing could pick up the flag and essentially teleport it. Shit was funny.

you dont actually own the game so there is no theft involved

>intentionally throwing the game is the same as saying a couple insults every 40 matches

not even exaggerating, I don't really use the chat and after I got a warning after the first match I just decided to mute every chat altogether

still got banned

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>alas for it was merely an act

Banning people in multiplayer games for abusing glitches is dumb.
Fix your game retards.

Good enough? I was close to my career high when I got the ban too.

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I got banned from a prop hunt server for ghosting even though my friend and I were on the same team. Fuck GMod, fuck all those children, and fuck all those brexit fucks that play it

he said he got banned for toxic behavior and cried that the toxic behavior occurred earlier than he expected

>Good enough?
not even remotely you fucking idiot lmfao. That's the vaguest shit ever that is not "getting banned for one tricking" which is not something you can be banned for. Like every retard who gets banned you play innocent and act like it was something else and conveniently leave out the fact you called your teammates faggots in chat

This is true. While obviously the players could just not abuse it, you'd expect people to not take advantage of maybe humorous exploits. I was once told you should never leave a tv outside cause it will be broken by kids. Yeah you could say the kids are to blame, they're kids and will do it eventually, and you could've made precautions

No, that's not good enough. It doesn't specify what you were banned for.

It says disruptive gameplay and not abusive chat and I also named that I was close to my career high when it happened. People were simply reporting me for playing bastion

Learn to read, nigger. It literally says "You are banned indefinitely".

>4kids forums
I bet a ton of people were posting "dude check out the better 4kids forums at Yea" on there

This, close the thread now.

I remember a thread months back where someone complained they were banned for criticizing the game and OP insisted he gave constructive criticism in the forums throughout the entire thread and that's the reason he was banned. Then someone actually found the post he was banned for and the "constructive criticism" was literal /pol/ tier whining about blacks and women and leftists. OP got BTFO so hard that day. This thread remind me of that.

And then he made his steam account private on steam after people found out I remember that

it says "disruptive game play" not "one tricking bastion" meaning you could have been throwing and I'm just supposed to take you at your word you're completely innocent and just a poor bastion who dindu nuffin I do not take your word

>he never played TTT

>career high

i fucking hate compfags so much jesus christ




still mad i cant stack 6 genji's and triple jump around the map in "non competitive" aka only mode that came out with the game

>Spend 1500€ while you keep doing things that get you banned.
Literally retarded

>Banned from several SS13 servers for various reasons
>Banned from plebbit for hurting feelings
> 1 week ban from Yea Forums for criticizing anime posters

yeah fucking retards how dare you play video games for fun

>Yea Forums
>anime posters
That is a thing? I had just sort of assumed they wasn't allowed.

>got permabanned from a tf2 group cause I flooded the chat with nominations

I'm surprised there isn't more of them desu.

just like when someone posts their 3-day ban message on Yea Forums and they insist the reply was on topic, then you search the post number on the archive and the post is a fucking brap post. Basically 99% of the time if someone complains about their ban, it was a well deserved ban.

I'm in masters and play against actual literal overwatch league players daily. There aren't enough GMs to have full gm games so during off hours (like 3am-9am) masters players are put into gm games to fill empty slots.

This may surprise you but some people actually like playing on ladders because they want to get good at the game and the only way to get good is to play against other good players.

I looked at the tickets and maybe this will make you understand why I'm so frustrated with this shit.

First time around I got silenced, so I said fair enough, and asked just what was it that I said that was what got me banned so I would stop saying it. They could not provide that information.

Second time around I got banned for "Comportamiento perjudicial en el juego" which I ASSUME translates to "toxic behavior" and not "throwing the game" or anything like that. I asked once again what was it I did wrong so I could stop doing it. They redirected me to the terms of service which as far as I know means they don't know why I was banned.

Third time around they said that even if I wasn't throwing (i e getting reported for one tricking), because of my previous bans they could not lift the ban. So basically "you should've known what was it you did wrong, tough luck"

When I started playing the game at launch I genuinely wanted to give Blizzard a chance and try to behave like they wanted, but if they repeatedly fail to even tell me why I was banned, then don't expect me to think it's for anything other than because the system is automated and they just don't give a shit. And if they don't give a shit, why should I?

lel not at all, wtf are you talking about? most streamers have zero charisma even


forgot pic

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So are you an autist or a psychopath/narcissist? Because you sure as fuck sound like one.

kinda neat i guess
can you get to masters in other games or are you only able to play mmo-esque characters within this game's meta?

asking because I had a friend who "mained" rein and bragged about the possibility of going pro, and im like nigga you sit there and hold right click for the team lmao

Then dont play video games. I know you don't anyway and you're from pleddit

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So the toxic dick got reported for being toxic yet again. And you wonder why they won't bother spending time looking into it?

Hey jannies stop going for the falseflag posting and get this guy

So you are both. Thanks.

Too bad you have to believe me because I'm on a smurf atm to let reports decay and can't show you that seasons page.

I got banned in Warcraft 3 once. It was a temporary suspension of a week.

I don't know why. I never talked in chat so it definitely wasn't related to behavior. Maybe their anti cheat system had a shitfit for some program I was running in the background.

>the reason behind this is for throwing games
hmm I wonder what they meant by this. clearly they're banning you unjustly for one tricking

I just wanted to know what was I did that was considered toxic behaviour. Couldn't they have told me so I didn't do it again, instead of telling me to fuck off and read the EULA?

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Step 1 would be to stop being an obnoxious know it all smart ass.

the community, at least in south america, considers one tricking throwing (despite it not being so by the devs own words) and the game masters have absolutely no way of checking if you actually did throw or not, their only base is on the reports and chatlogs. There's even a streamer that had to get whitelisted because everyone reported him for playing Symmetra and every single time he hadn't done anything wrong, only reason he DID get unbanned was because he had every single game uploaded and streamed, so leaving him banned would cause a big shitstorm.

Am I supposed to do the same too?

This kind of stuff is why I never buy games from companies that have a history of banning people. Fuck then. I have never been banned in a game, but I don't need to get banned to know it sucks.

>begging like a little bitch for the right to use the thing you already paid for
Are you weak like that in real life too, or only on the internet?

Você é uma vergonha para a nação, seu maricas.

just try winning, it works every time you shitter

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>can you get to masters in other games or are you only able to play mmo-esque characters within this game's meta?
I mean in general I'm autistically good at video games but I don't play any other ladder games so I'm not "masters" anywhere else. I just get tunnel visioned onto certain games and get stupidly good at them. I play projectile heroes (requires aim but different than hitscan) but Rein is a good example of a character that's almost 100% game sense and barely any mechanical skills. To reach that level of game sense is a feat in and of itself though. You can be "a natural" at mechanical skills like aiming and beat people semi-mindlessly where game sense characters like Rein require actually out-smarting your opponents and defeating them mentally. Rein unironically takes way longer to learn and get good with than a more mechanics focused hero. Aiming you get better by constantly practicing but Rein you almost have to study to get good at

Agreed. Imagine if every people in a fighting game that quit were banned, or if they stole you money for not following meta and tier lists.

Only the fact that blizzdrones defend this, already proves they are the biggest s0yb0ys around.

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And that is why you keep getting banned.

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I like hearing people complain about my picks in comp. It matters so much to them to get out of silver or gold or whatever that you cause them actual stress. I know not to brag about how my Torb or Bastion carried the match, that would be toxic behavior.

You rage quitting in fighting games only gives you the loss. You doing this in a team game fucks over your entire time. Why should i be penalized for you being an asshole?

Absolutely BASED. Zoomers in their competitive vidya shit getting btfo.

The only place I've been banned is Yea Forums. For using no-no words. Land of the free btw.

>The retards at Blizzard decided to steal yet ANOTHER thing from valve, their muting system
>Instead of just muting and people from speaking entirely they decide to permanetly ban players from playing the game at all, in any serious competitive way
What kind of people are even running blizzard at this point?
Literal ingrate niggers that have been in a fight? Never been in a argument?
It truly is a reddit company

If you get banned in a video game, you deserved it.
No "buts", you acted like a nigger and you know it.

did someone save the soundcloud with the remix

That's why I play the superior game.

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No, there's nothing wrong with saying nigger and telling snowflakes to kill themself. That just makes you a target and people want to kill you more. It feels GREAT to kill shit-talkers.

There IS something wrong with leaving the game, since you're just wasting everyone's time. This is one of the few times I've seen a ban in a modern game that was limited entirely to something that was actually RELATED to the game. You're a fucking shitter and kept leaving games and ruining it for your allies. Enjoy the ban, faggot.

Guy seems pretty based. I'd leave too fuck those shitters. Overbabies are fucking pathetic lol
Trying to defend this laughable garbage

Rocket league is 5 minute matches. Some cunt goes afk flame in a ranked dota match and your stuck for 30 mins maybe more

This is actually so true. I'm a masters player but I made a smurf account recently and it got placed into gold originally because the placement algorithms don't work well on certain characters. It only took me 2 days to climb to diamond and then another 4 or 5 to get to masters but the brief time I spent in gold was the funniest most ridiculous thing I've ever experienced. People were sperging out about team comp and getting so mad at off meta picks when in reality we're in gold and I could carry the game on literally any character. Before the match even started they're screaming at me to change or else I'm "throwing" and I end up carrying the game with my eyes closed. Took a look at their profile after and they've been hard stuck gold for 6 seasons straight.

>>Instead of just muting and people from speaking entirely they decide to permanetly ban players from playing the game at all, in any serious competitive way
There's both. If its just for "toxicity" you're muted in game for however long its muted for, but OP got banned for throwing ranked games. entirely different

Based and yingpilled.

>join ranked matches
>don't like how things are going
>better leave
>repeatedly keep leaving every game and fucking my team over while i'm at it
>get banned
>wtf why i was banned

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There are far worse things on fighting games that can cause distress to another player:

>projectile spamming
>giant combo
>pick a counter atack grabbler character
>teabagging his corpse
>taunting when his health is low
>mix up combos spamming
>if the dude is good, playing in a irregular manner to piss him off
>beat him with a low tier character
>beat him using the same hit

And still NOT EVEN ONE of these things get you banned, not even in Mortal Kombat, the arguably more SJW fighting game around. Actually, this one is the game where you have the tools to piss off the other player the most.

Why are you able to play like an "asshole" in fighting games, but not in your blizzard team shooters? The answer is simple: We are not a bunch of fat disgusting sweaty faggots who live in a basement corevered in their own filth and hyperventilate and curse their mothers whenever something goes out of their way. We don't go crying for the devs to ban other players for hurting our fee-fees, and only casuals blame the others for his own fault.

You know what? Your shitty game should keep banning people for little bullshit, and that should be widespread as far as possible, so normal people who don't hyperventilate over a lost game avoid your crap, and soon your game can become the catedral of salt, more than it already is, where the players press the report button more than the shooting one. I have never bought Overwatch, and you know why? Because of threads like this, and people like you, who think I, MYSELF, MINHA PERSONA, have any kind of responsibility on how you feel. My friend, only the fact that one game is filled with crying babies like you already makes it unnaproachable, Blizzard actually listening to your crap is just the cherry on top of the cake.

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>my candy-colored fapbait game is too hard to take seriously because the market penetration is so high that it's rife with faggots that ruin the core gameloop
>it's a waste of time to even attempt to play the Lowest Common Denominator game seriously

things that should have been obvious before you forked out the 59.99 + tip at the GameShop register

That user was just trying to give OP a solution, since it seems like OP was being a little bitch and rage-quitting his 5 minute games. No need to be tough guy about it.

>playing the game
>vs leaving the game and forcing your team to autolose
>wtf why am i getting banned
you are either autistic or retarded. possibly both

Why doesn't ranked just slot in a new player if someone leaves? Why is their ranked matchmaking so fucking retarded?


I love how you keep saying "your team". Motherfucker you are rando's. Rando's ain't anyone's team. They're a collection of maybe good, maybe shit players spat out via some garbo matchmaking system. Fuck if anyone should have to put up with rando's if they suck.

I'm actually glad you got banned. Cool.

I got permabanned in lol for calling my fiddlesticks midlane a "low iq subhuman nigger who deserves to be raped along with his family" for griefing my diamond 3 promo game, motherfucker was acting all smug until i called him that then he started crying in allchat and called me a racist doucehbag.
im black

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>Defending matchmaking
>Want people to feel like theyre wasting time
Fuck is wrong with overbabbies

Do you know who I am or something?

>Why doesn't ranked just slot in a new player if someone leaves?
because then you'd get back filled into a game 30 minutes before defeat and you'd lose rank for a game you didn't even participate in

serves you right 4 being a fucking blizzardnigger until the end. Why the fuck would you ever purchase a "game license" by this fucking jewish mafia you nigger. Fucking degenarate cuck söyboy bitch.

Inb4 "rightwing drumpf nigger"
how a deepthroat bbc nigger dildo you godforsaken cunt faggot

then dont play teamgames if you dont like having a team?
fucking autistic retard

>gangstalkers are now in this thread

You give the leaver two losses for being a bitch, and you give people that are joining mid-game protection against a loss if they're that fucking much of a crybaby about rank in some TF2 ripoff shooter. And you make "queue for a ranked game in progress" an option.

Based nigger

>you give people that are joining mid-game protection against a loss
so what exactly is the point for them? they're joining a ranked game and their rank is frozen and unaffected? why would they even be playing a ranked game

Sorry bro, no one's gonna want to play with shitters going 0/20 K/D. You can cry about "muh teem" all you fucking want but no one should have to shoulder that weight. Fuck your garbage piss weak baby game with people that cry if someone doesn't force you to play what THEY want, I'll be over here laughing while I play actual competitive games where you can't saddle your loss on anyone but yourself, like fighters.

>get thrown into shit game that's down people and probably already on the way to a hard loss
>can't get a loss, but can potentially get a win if you pull these stupid fucks out of the fire

>You can cry about "muh teem" all you fucking want but no one should have to shoulder that weight
do you realize that the only instance where crying about muh team is justified is when a pieace of shit leaves? kys retard

you are completely worthless

I was just suspended for a week over abusive chat in arcade mode.

yeah, literally. your idea is fucking stupid

>playing overwatch in 2019

Yeah, some faggot that leaves games.

Yea Forums
ahhh the life of shitposting, then again 30% of my bans were actual discussion but for some reason it was "off-topic" or because someone that day had a powertrip.

>am i permabanned???

Yes, stupid. Means you fucked yourself over after you continuously fucked other players over in a very specific gamemode designed to recruit pro-players for actual e-sports shit.

Quickplay exists to fuck around on without consequences (relatively anyways.)

This is for Comp mode, not quickplay.

You won't get banned for doing this in Quickplay, only Comp. It is made clear that Comp is not for fucking around in.

People like you deserve indefinite solitary confinement

Are you stalking me?

I'm actually surprised I didn't get perma'd in WoW vanilla. I spammed Ogrim with some stupid edgy 12 year old shit when I wanted to quit the game but I only got 3 days or something. I guess they knew I was hooked.

No, you present your retardation publicly.

>doing all those things to screw others around

>spending 1500 dollars in a shitty game, specially when you are "having fun wrong"

I also like to screw my teammates as well in games. Having fun is more important than winning.

>Playing Overcuck


no, indefinitely, not permanently.
if your behavior warranted such a measure, they might be one and the same for you, though.

i got temp banned in WoW for calling a shitty rogue who talks shit but can't back it up a faggot nicker
also got vac banned on a throwaway account for cheating in CS 1.6 in pubs and scrims

>people disagree
>rules disagree
>providers disagree
>"fuck you I am right"

> stop being asshurt
you come here to whine, who is the truly buttblasted one, chunky cheeks?

>playing blizzard bouncy payload
>being surprised when u get banned for mundane shit
post the hardest flame/spergouts you have

Attached: C3CK_3fXAAIy4bG.jpg (667x616, 130K)

I hate to be the one to inform you on this, but the way you talk to people on Yea Forums is NOT how you should ever talk in practically any other forum or game/chat.

Have you never used a site aside from Yea Forums before? Because this might shed a lot of light on your "bans for mundane shit".

Attached: lilkratos.jpg (789x634, 47K)

There are at least seven different things said in that pic that'd net you a ban in most games.

>>Being banned in a game you payed to play. Hahaha, how cuck can you be?

I got permanently banned from the GOG forums because I kept getting into heated political and social debates and got accused of White supremacism for saying that White nationalists are just looking out for their own people similar to the way Tibetan, Native American, and Black nationalists look out for their own. I then posted a joke about Australians in a thread about an Australian spider bite leading to amputation which included a joke about aboriginal Aussies.

The social justice mod sent me a private message that I did not get to read until a couple of days later telling me to delete the post or get banned from posting for a month. He then banned me and I got tired of posting on the forums so I told him to make it permanent and called him a faggot.

Also, I got temporarily banned from Yea Forums's traditional gaming (TG) board because someone thought my mention of a free website that gave out free PDFs for a variation of Dungeons and Dragons was "spam." I recently got temporarily banned from /g/ also on Yea Forums because I engaged in a discussion about PayPal blacklisting people for wrongthink and I mentioned how there are exceptions to certain organizations having to be inclusive such as certain religious groups. I was accused of going too off-topic and received a 24 hour ban.

As for being banned from actual games, that never happened mostly because I rarely play online multiplayer and when I do, I try not to talk to anyone. Also, I don't play MMORPGs.

>Have you never used a site aside from Yea Forums before? Because this might shed a lot of light on your "bans for mundane shit".

First off this has absolutely nothing to do with Yea Forums.
Second calling people names to vent your anger is very common to the point you'll see it about 1/2 games if you play above top 10% in most PvP games, I can understand you're probably someone who play games for fun and doesn't climb high but you have absolutely no clue how mundane the flame posted in above overwatch posts looks like to someone from EU servers
Also internet =/= real life

I can still play quickplay.

>Second calling people names to vent your anger is very common
In private chats, sure.
In public chats, you will generally get hit with a ban. It's common sense.

Then just do that.

Literal nigger behaviour

I am not defending the people who call each other's names, it is normal to have some sort of regulation over it, i'm just saying that it is very common and mundane to people who play a lot

what the actual fuck. do all rich people do this shit?

Evidently not.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I also got banned a few times from Gamefaqs because I talked about evidence that justified the fatal shooting of a teenage thug who assaulted someone. The mod responded and when I sent a message contesting the ban said "you re-read that and tell me it wasn't offensive" which was amusing since you cannot message that mod again because of the way the system is designed and because anything is offensive on the political forums. The other mods upheld the ban because "how dare you support the shooting of a kid waaahhh!" meanwhile comments that made fun of the murder of war veterans were left up.

Oh and I also used a term that had "tard" in it but it was not retard. Other insults thrown around were left up but apparently anything that has "-tard" in it triggers the shit out of the dumbass mods on Gamefaqs. It is one of the reasons why I am glad I don't use that forum.

>happens almost everygame
>it's not mundane

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>Be Battlemercy
>Be top dmg and kills on both teams
>Win game
>Get reported by mad as fuck metacucks even though we won and i carried them

>good game.

It does generally net you a ban. And you know that.

I've gotta ask user, why would you do this? Like, what did you get out of it, what was your goal?
Not even being coy, I do want to understand why people act this way. Is it something about making people angry, does it make you feel powerful or somehow superior? Was it just because you found it funny? I would ask why but humour is so subjective I don't think it'd be easy to explain.

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>being this sweaty about a videogame
Kill yourself, zoomer. You will never earn your living through ”pro gaming” no matter how hard you pretend to train.

I know OP never would have.

You have to be a fucking autist if you don’t see anything funny in pissing off cucks.

>reading comprehension

>zoomer zoomer zoomer zoomerzoomer
First day on the four chan heh buddy

If you ban someone you should tell them why they are banned. You wouldn't punish someone without telling them why they are being punished, it undermines the point of it. Even if the ban is not punishment, it should still be protocol to give the banned person a reason for why they are banned, if only to avoid any confusion on their part and misinformation about what constitutes a bannable offence.

Attached: tomo.png (1437x1048, 626K)

Had a guy threaten to report me for "griefing" in warframe during a survival mission because I was "stealing eximus kills" from him, when I was just playing the mission as usual.

He also called people faggots for not agreeing with him, so he likely isn't playing anymore for being dumb enough to type it out for mods to see on a log.

But what's funny about making people angry? Are you sure it's not a weird power thing? I can kind of understand that, it feels like you're somehow winning by forcing them to feel a certain way, even if it's childish it makes some sense.

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They’re cucks, they deserve to lose and feel like shit.

Nah, fuck em

but muh sun tzu art of war and cia/soviet psychological warfare

Your brain is melted by memes and it's obvious you're in fact a beta cuck IRL and that you're compensating by imagining you have profound impact on lives of strangers playing kiddy games.

How do you know they're cucks? Aren't you just justifying how you felt and acted after the fact?

Seriously though, don't you want to understand why you act in a certain way? Obviously we can't know everything about ourselves or how we feel and act. But you must've given it some thought at least.

Accessibility can mean different things. A control mode that lets a dude with one hand play the game to its fullest potential? Perfectly fine. A mode that makes the game easier on you just because you're fat and stupid? Not fine.

Why would making it easier for someone with one hand be ok but not for someone who's stupid? Do you think it's stupid people's fault that they're stupid? How can you live without wanting to kill?

>I have 1400 hours in this game, 75% on one character only, and I've never even got a warning.
Because you're a healslut.

i dont like overwatch but fuck you

never from a game actually
have gotten 3-days from Yea Forums and /vp/ a few times for posting furry though

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I think I got banned on Toontown Rewritten for greening, lol but other than that, can't remember any bans I got that weren't from 4chin