Looking back, was it really that bad? Sure it was different and at times slow...

Looking back, was it really that bad? Sure it was different and at times slow, but it had a unique system and method of telling a story. The Room itself was one of the best and scariest storytelling designs in a Silent Hill game

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I'm about to start my playthrough of 2 which will eventually lead to me playing 4 after 3. I can't wait to play it for myself. It really seems unique and the monster designs get to me more than any other in the series.

Attached: D57FofbXkAUIf6-.jpg (1200x675, 159K)

off topic question but do people play horror games like they watch horror movies? to be scared and on edge?

It was extremely clunky. It was scary and creepy and had a neat story sure but eventually you start to realise you just hate the mechanics of the game more than anything else and stop.

the lore and story is fucking great. henry is good protagonist for game like this because hes not the center of the story.

I do, yeah. That's most of the point, but it's also because they offer a unique setting that you don't normally see in other genres. Horror is a lot more effective through games than movies since you're the one making the decisions.

sh4 has a lot of drakengard vibe to it. it's so bad it's bad kinda thing.

adrenaline from tension, dopamine from release.

>but it started as something different then got reworked into SH
I liked it, would buy a remaster.

I heard that's false. It was actually all Konami. Konami wanted to push the cult idea. Team Silent just wanted more SH 2.

It was the only SH game that had scary gameplay design with the apartment and enemies that would just endlessly pursue you.

I do, but horror games aren't scary usually because they don't employ design that leads to fear. SH4 is one of the few games that manages this.

That really ain't what Silent Hill is about tho.

Silent Hill games are barely even horror games, I'd say they are more "depression games". They don't actually scare you in the traditional sense or even attempt to "scare" you, rather the atmosphere and gameplay gives you a dull sickly feeling in your stomach that makes you uneasy and on edge. It's really cathartic but it's a unique feeling no other game series evokes.

what's the name of the game in the pic?

nothing is scary about SH
the monsters and story are generic. atmosphere isn't actually a scary trait by itself.

No it wasn't bad. It was still very good. And all the first playthrough frustration goes away when you realize few things:

>1) Unequip weapons from Eileen if you wish her to follow you very closely, the bitch is bloodthirsty and will attempt to hunt down and kill every monster or Walter whenever she sees anything moving that isn't you.
>2) Medallions don't just shield you from headache, they reflect the damage back to ghosts and it also makes your weapons hurt ghosts more. So save your medallions for designated Ghost hunting.
>3) Eileen cannot die. You can heal all of her damage with 2 candles just before you enter the SuperIntendent's Room in the final area.
>4) Arguably the best weapon in the game (shovel) can be found by going on the top floor with one of the elevators.

Also the most obvious, never use health kits when your room is still healing you. Save those when things get harder.

The room sections of SH4 are absolutely fantastic but the basic gameplay is boring and frustrating. It's a good game but you revisit so many areas and there are so many stressful unkillable enemies

>no pitch black darkness
>burping nurses, dogs sound like cheetahs, monkey gum men
>walter laughing like a retard before attacking
>second half missed the opportunity to turn the previously visited areas into their messed up otherworld versions
>escort mission ruins the sense of solitude, probably added because RE4 had a retarded escort mission as well

it's mediocre, the room parts of the game were interesting

shit gets rusty: all doors are locked

>monkey gum men
They sound like monkeys because Walter took an uzi to a large pet store.

Probably one of those Tony Hawk games.

>t. retard

Perfect description