Is denuvo getting better or is the cracking scene dying? Why the fuck is this taking so long?

Is denuvo getting better or is the cracking scene dying? Why the fuck is this taking so long?

Attached: denuvio.png (532x247, 113K)

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Why don't you just fuckin buy it? If you want to play it so bad, isn't that proof that Bluebyte deserves the money?

respond fags

How old are you, kid? Like 14? Fuck.

>caring about cracking ubishit
If you make it bad enough, nobody will bother anymore. It's the ultimate copy protection.

Scene groups occasionally take bribes from AAA developers to delay cracks for big games.

I'm 25

>not pirate


But I think 1800 is a bit more niche than most other titles. Low interest = low effort.

>Is denuvo getting better
>rage 2 day one crack
just nobody care about anno

Because anyone that cares about Anno bought it because it was actually good.

I just wanna play bro

I'm still stuck on 2070 :(

Rage had the DRM free .exe leaked.

>waaah wahhh why is this game NO ONE cares about not getting cracked???
>wwaaaah waaaah why are crackers not wasting their time cracking this game NO ONE wants????
user now post that funny handball game pic!

I only pirate a few things here and there because I don't currently have a job.

Sure thing drone

K. So what do anons think of the patch that was released?

Being this fucking retarded.

>is denuvo getting better
It got better more than 900 days ago.

Attached: nine hundred sixteen.jpg (1141x240, 72K)

Wasn't a leak, was the bethesda launcher having the uncracked DRM version, but the steam version had denuvo

Because nobody cares about that garbage game

These kinds of games stay uncracked because no one really gives a shit. Big releases are what attracts the scene. Happened with every version of Denuvo

Whoa, you are really smart, user. I wonder why you never get invited to parties.

You're about as smart as me, I think. Let me demonstrate; Very clever use of passive aggressiveness. You are truly charming


>Bethesda paid denuvo a 8 month contract for $250000 just to release it without any sort of DRM
Sure fucking thing drone.


Anno 2070 took a long time to crack too and they didn't even manage to crack the whole thing to this day.

1800 is 3-tier. They won't have an easy time.

Shame for you pirates too because the game is legit.

It's lonely being the only amerimutt playing this game. What time do the europoors post again?

Now kys retard

Handball 16 was better anyway

>W-we released it w-without drm!!!
>You HAVE to believe us we are a AAA company!
>T-They didn't c-crack it! Its our word vs theirs!
As expected from a single digit IQ drone, go lick some more of your masters cum guzzling out of your ass.

>m-meme arrows
A true genius posts among us

this meme is plenty old and past being overused now, stale stale. are 2 or 3 replies worth enough to force it every time?
isnt it time to let it go?

>inb4 merely pretending

Pretty sure this and MK11 have always online shit.

It won't stop being funny until the game is cracked

It's a game only Germans play and Germans don't like breaking rules.

>the meme is old and overused
>and I never even wanted to play it!
Sour grapes.

If there's anything you should be sure of, it's Bethesda's incompetence at an administrative level. Users of the Bethesda client were getting refund orders intended for staff, for Christ sake

How can you live with yourself, you meme loving fuck


Fuck off /reddit/ spacing faggot

damn, denuvo employees running wild today.
Here's your DRM bro, say something nice about it

Attached: h2v4bk8b4fy21.png (579x42, 4K)

Make an original post for once you piece of shit.

Why are you pirating and playing games instead of getting a job? Do you not want one?



low IQ mexican, I bet.

Not enough attention to the game really. It will get cracked unless somebody paid off the group. They have to make their money too.

Do they update the denuvo being used for it every time there is a new version? If not than it could've easily been cracked by now if anyone gave a shit.

You first.

>Publisher: Ubisoft
Fucking retard

ironic. stale meme but makes me chuckle every time

Such a niche game that probably nobody bothered to even try...

denuvo cracks come first from chinese haxors. if the chinese want to play it, then it gets cracked quickly. otherwise it's been around 3 months or so. Yakuza 0 is a good example, it hit 100 days, while other games with the same protection were cracked within a week.

>best looking citybuilder developed by based german autists

its developed by bluebyte you absolute retard
ubisoft is just the publisher

Which makes it a Ubishit game, you stupid fucking retard. Go drink bleach.

Except Ubisoft didn't fucking develop it, so the name says nothing of the game's quality

>repeats "drone" multiple times in a row
NPC.exe is faulty shouldn't have downloaded this cracked one

>there are people this stupid posting on this site

Attached: grayons.png (558x614, 45K)

And how was my post inaccurate, mister meme arrows?

>Sekiro is an Activition game.

People say Anno is too niche for them to care about but that's not how the scene works when it works. These nerds didn't do it for the games but for the challenge. If there was a scene that was live, they'd be stumbling over each other to crack it just to be first. This means that Denuvo either is getting strong or that the scenes groups have lost their drive, and that's pretty much the same thing as saying the scene is dead. Sure, we still have very active groups who just smack their emulator on the newest Steam shit but the people with skills and passion seem to be lacking.

The cracking scene isnt dying whatsoever, its that they'd rather play chinese games than ubishit.

they need to get better tastes, its either popular AAA trash or fucking chink shit

It's always been like this. You'll get games like RE2 and RE7 where it comes out within a week and everyone will be like 'DENUVO IS DED!', but there are plenty of games that takes ages to crack like MHW and Tomb Raider

>These nerds didn't do it for the games but for the challenge
also 2070 took a while to crack and it wasnt/isn't even fully cracked to this day

nobody wants to play it
thats why

look at the top of that size!

>literally the most anticipated citybuilder in german speaking countries
>sold 4 times more than its predecessor
>probably the one of the best selling citybuilders out there
>finally getting huge recognition outside of germany for the first time
>completely cucked Tropico 6 release until the point that no one is even "lets playing" it on yt
>nobody wants to play it
sure thing

gee hans why don't you play your million other simulator games

Most scene groups have retired anyway. It's like 95% of p2p shit nowadays.

Just fuck off you imbecile and go vent your teenage rage on tumblr like the rest of you faggots.

Because nobody gives a fuck, same reason why trash like Quiet Man or Left Alive never got cracked. The last game that was worth jackshit and got properly cracked was RE2R and that was within 6 days back in January.

rage 2 didnt even take a day
cause bethesda is massively incompetent

Did they say anything of Anno1800 coming back to steam again in six months or so?

>18 or older
>still pirating games
That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg. That's a sign of financial failure.

not my fault the only way to get a decent job is to go into massive debt

Publisher is not at all the same thing as the developer, pablo.

there's no way i'm spending my money on something i can't demo for performance

Sounds like you live in a shit country, like the US.

The former causes the latter. I disagree with the idea that piracy will always be a thing. If things like Denuvo keep making it harder less and less people are going to go to the trouble.

I'll buy it in a year when it is back on steam, unless it is cracked first.

>has a shit computer cause he neglected to spend decent money on parts

once again not my fault

>>has a shit computer cause he neglected to spend decent money on parts
that's correct. i can't afford a good computer, so i can't afford games that run like shit either

great post

No on the contrary, you're 18 or older and still have no values? Giving money to anti-consummer companies like Ubisoft? It's expected from kids, not from adults to be financially irresponsible.

>18 or older
>uses yikes

>that's correct. i can't afford a good computer,
>so i can't afford games that run like shit either
if you have a shit computer you cant claims games "run like shit" you sound like thinkpad jockies whining that new OSes are bloated cause they dont fit comfortably on their 200 gig drives

Just buy it you absolute lowlife scum

the entire principal that keeps the scene alive are groups jockeying for street cred. Thinking that no one is taking credit for a day 1 crack while obviously Denuvo free .exes are going around is actual single digit iq shit

Because hardly anybody gives a shit about Anno as a game, it's the soundtracks people want and those are easy to rip or capture.

anyone can see the tradeoff between graphical complexity and rendering time. if the ratio is poor the game really does run like shit. and if your CPU is getting pegged when there's 32 players ingame in a bog standard FPS, the game runs like shit.

shit games dont get cracked.

no you are just too poor to bu9y a good computer
you are probably running an i3 paried with a 960 or some stupid shit like that

He admitted that you dolt. Even then, who cares if user can't afford better parts?

he is claiming games run like shit while having a shit computer


The adult thing to do would be to not play their games at all in that case, babby.

>mister meme arrows?
someone give me an estimate on how young this poster is


Attached: chadpirte.png (2518x1024, 320K)

>implying that arguing by using meme arrows isn't for the stupid
>implying that you and I aren't fags


Why? They still made it, won't pay for it but even then the game is out there I might wanna try it. If it's good maybe I'll be more enclined to buy their next one.
Brb, just installed cracked Rage 2. Gunna try it right now so I can "enjoy" their shit game (I assume, but I'm pretty sure it is) so I can form an opinion and reinforce my hate for those companies that don't even need my money.


Played the beta tests, the game is great and Bluebyte deserve money for it but I'm simply never buying any Ubisoft games.

No, it's just that a full-price game is worth a quarter of the average monthly salary because the EU is retarded and forces the same game prices on all EU countries despite them having vastly different economical situations.