Do you have a GOTY for every year of your lifetime?
Do you have a GOTY for every year of your lifetime?
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Zoomer with shit taste
he's 31 user
Sorry it's hard to use
>just using words you learned here without even understanding them
what a basic bitch
I'm not a beta loser faggot who knows release years
Can you point out some shit parts of that taste? These lists aren't easy to compile and I genuinely may have missed something. In fact I accidentally put Shadow Warrior 2013 there instead of Papers Please which I like much more.
Just make one row and how ever many columns you need and just say what year you were born. Easier.
>virgin wikipedia achkshually vs chad apathetic ignoramus
I can respect that
>been playing kids toy for 30+ years
Grow the fuck up, manchild
>1997:CV SotN
>1998:LoZ OoT
>2000:Deus Ex
>2003:Star Wars Kotor
>2004:Star Wars Kotor 2
>2006:LoZ TP
>2007:AA T&T
>2009:Batman AA
>2011:Rayman Origins
>2013:LoZ ALBW
Quite a few honorable mentions too like Hitman BM, and Bloodborne for example
All of the other ones are good choices except the Metal Gear ones. Ughh... At least MGS1 isn't there.
MGS1 is actually my number 2 game overall only reason it isn't on there is because OoT exists
Well, I hate every part of it and think that it has only negatively impacted the industry.
That's how I feel about Half Life
Well I don't really disagree with all of that. Half-Life might have perfected storytelling without cutscenes but that gave room for ingame first-person cutscenes that cannot be skipped due to the nature of their implementation. Other game developers failed to understand that the absolute uncompromising seamlessness was the point in Half-Life and can't understand that other games are allowed to have skippable cutscenes even when it's first person interactive.
I made a few ajustments.
Did you accidentally leave half of Hitman 2 in 2018?
oh shit, I forgot it's 2019
post-2000 kids can post
>not Kotor
terrible bait, or terrible taste zoomers
please leave
OP here. I have actually never consumed any Star Wars media that deals with "Thousands of years in the past except everything is identical because fuck you stop thinking". The old republic era to me feels like some kind of fanfiction that thinks that it could create a better galaxy of their own with blackjack and hookers. Sure they might be fine games, but I can't bring myself to get invested because of the theme.
no, they are equally both GoTY so i put half and half.
Simply didnt have much to add on OP's GoTY post 2000, so i left it.
meh, really didnt play Kotor at all.
Sorry bud, but until you post your """GoTY list""" , you're the zoomer here.
No. I usually play games years after release anyway so GOTY doesn't mean that much.
coping zoomer
Thanks for conceding. now fuck off.
>halo 2 not on the list
get the fuck out you lying trash
jesus every time you say your safe space word, it really makes me cringe.
My list has multiple games I didn't play until years later. I didn't play SimCity or Keen until 1993 and I didn't play New Vegas until 2014. And I finished TIE Fighter for the first time last year.
r8 so far
My first and last console was the PS2, dear consoletard.
Yes, it's Hyper Dyne Side Arms every single fucking year from 1986 to now.
Rather weeby don't you think? That's not really a criticism though. I'd say that resizing the art so the title is the main feature of the item would be better though. Nevermind the rest of the box art.
>ff 7, 8, 9 and 10 all released within a 4 year span
Blows my mind every time I see it. Voice acting and graphix were a mistake.
Wikipedia has a decent "19XX in video gaming" series of articles. I used that to remind myself what was released in which year.
sorry I just wanted to join in your chant. Those are the lyrics, right? Cope zoomer cope?
have sex
get stoned with black pot in your glass house, kettle
Good idea for a thread, enough for me to feel bad for not contributing due to laziness.
I knew it would be too much to ask from most people. I honestly can't figure out what motivated me to make the initial list to begin with.
You along with OP are the example of basic bitches that only play one plataform/genre while having a big as fuck bias towards western/japanese games.
Both of you can eat a bag full of dicks and choke in the process.
my game of the year is for each year is sort of invalid because in most cases it's the only game i played from that year. nice inclusion of the often overlooked x wing alliance tho.
Half Life is the reason we have WASD and competent and easy to use modding.
Disliking MGS because you can't understand the store is pretty laughable. I can't see why anyone would blame the other parts of the game.
There's a difference between zealously defending one platform and never having had access to other platforms. I got a PS2 just for the 3d GTA games. And how can you genuinely confuse preference with bias? Some people just don't like literally all genres of games. I've had no interest in any sports game ever. Are you seriously implying that the absence of genre diversity somehow reflects unfair bias instead of the literal definition of individual tastes?
There are only two games I can immediately think of that were released in 1999. One is XWA and the other is System Shock 2 and even though I'm a Looking Glass fanboy I have to admit that XWA is a better made game and I enjoy playing it more.
Nope, many of my favorite games came out the same year.
It isn't since my birth but I remember doing this some time ago
WTF are talking about? Are you projecting or something because I mentioned nothing you said there about disliking MGS. I dislike MGS because it's pac-man dressed up in cringeworthy manga trash. Someone who has never left their basement and interacted with human beings attempted to portray western spy novel characters in hamfisted melodramatic manga style. The dialogue is 100% embarrassing Engrish and painful to listen to due to how unnatural it is. All of the parts that its fans praise are one-off gimmicks held up by no in-depth compelling mechanics whatsoever. There are fourth wall breaks that serve no purpose for gameplay or story and we're just supposed to praise the creators for being quirky for including them. There's a forcefully manufactured common perception that it's a stealth game even though it has unavoidable boss fights and the character gets caught in cutscenes outside the player's control. The definition of ludonarrative dissonance. Forcing dumb plot points by preventing the player from making correct decisions for the protagonist. The main attack of the game is a button-mash QTE and the binary ending is determined by another button-mash QTE during a cutscene. Metal Gear Solid is one of the worst games I've ever played and it's insulting that it came out the same year as Thief and became synonymous with stealth in the empty minds of the massive new PS1 console audience.
square shill
The whole point is a favorite game of a specific year. For example Thief 2 and Deus Ex came out the same year but even though I love Deus Ex, Thief 2 is better. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory came out the same year as Hitman Blood Money but I like Blood Money more.
you first
It's hard for me to pick favorites among favorites. However, I think I'd leave some years like 2016 vacant due to not playing something worthy released that year, yet.
I understand. I had a hard time trying to find a 1989 game I had played and the only game I found was Sim City.
Anyone born 1980-2019 is a zoomer.
1987: Double Dragon
1988: Super Mario Bros 3
1989: Duck Tales
1990: Smash TV
1991: The Simpsons
1992: Mortal Kombat
1993: Doom
1994: Earthworm Jim
1995: Twisted Metal
1996: Resident Evil
1997: Snowboard Kids
1998: Banjo Kazooie
1999: Driver
2000: Timesplitters
2001: Conker's Bad Fur Day
2002: Super Mario Sunshine
2003: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
2004: Fable
2005: Jade Empire
2006: Gears of War
2007: The Darkness
2008: Left 4 Dead
2009: Dragon Age Origins
2010: Alan Wake
2011: Deadspace 2
2012: Tell Tale's the Walking Dead
2013: Injustice
2014: Dragon Age Inquisition
2015: Life is Strange
2016: Gears of War 4
2017: Prey
2018: Red Dead Redemption 2
2019: Mortal Kombat 11
Because it's current year and they're still alive?
hard to choose for 2005 between splinter cell, destroy all humans and timesplitters future perfect. also between deus ex and crimson skies for 2000.
Are you also one of the people like me who never liked Doom2?
god dammit i keep getting the release dates wrong. replace systems shock 2 with mysteries of the sith for 98 and omit x wing alliance for system shock 2.
i barely played it through. i didn't have a problem with it in particular, but doom was theone i played through. i like it more for the multiplayer it spawned though i think than the base game, still play it on zdaemon.
Has it actually been "Duke Nukum" and not "Duke Nukem" this entire time
Yeah, some hack wrestling faggot tried to sue Apogee for the name Duke Nukem.