$10 off everything!


Attached: EGS.png (1241x373, 121K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=try currency


Attached: inde2345x.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Oh it only took 6 months before they realised consumers decide if a shop is profitable or not
This is a step in the right direction to make egs a viable option
Not close to competing with steam yet, but it's a start

this gen is dead

Why would I pay for them?

Attached: Thanks Tim.png (696x493, 335K)

>uses console commands to remove the "14.99 and over" restriction
>gets 10 dollars for free by purchasing fortnite

Attached: 1557867441275m.jpg (1024x644, 77K)

>big sale encouraging mass buying by a customer
>still no shopping cart

>epic games store
>cant even download the games they're famous for
Why dont they give away the old unreal tournaments as incentive to use their platform?

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>Hades for $7
Fuck it. Time to give China my personal information.

Do you really think that there will be more than one game that you would want to buy? Which you don't have yet on Steam?

Why not buy from key sites for 80% off?

thanks sweeny for $60 off of everything on epic store
thanks tpb for the referal link

sales usually mean it can't hold up on its own user
if the sale entices you then the game has failed, that's why sales exist

>$10 off a bunch of indieshit and a handful of mediocre games
Wow what a great sale. I can't wait to read the reviews they have on their epic store and ask their epic game forums what the games are like.

Attached: roulette.jpg (1500x5368, 2.08M)

Seems like they are really deseperate for them consumers. Seems like just buying games doesnt work, eh Tim?

>sales exist because the game failed
>GTA 5 is on sale almost every other week

Attached: Skeleton_b3e642_5533050.jpg (450x450, 40K)

Nice cope


rolling, epic games store is trash because their selection is trash


>first major sale
>worse than steam's weekly monday sales

>yfw all games on sale will be either 14.99 or 59.99

nobody buys that shit, the game literally gives you 200k a day for logging in at random points, and the injectors are some of the most common hacks on the internet

>p-please use our store, we'll give you a $10 discount!
at least they finally get it. Still not using it, but maybe if they keep going this direction I might change that.

$10 off isn't worth chinese spyware

Why doesn't Steam do this?

Attached: Capture.jpg (1428x271, 64K)

GTA V came out 4 years ago

I think you're the only one ITT who cares about Steam user.

GTA5 didn’t get a sale until two years in, and even then, it was an incredibly small discount.

>borderlands 3 already $10 off

>every game is too cheap for it to apply or too expensive for it to hardly matter
what a steal

Attached: 1557855353582.gif (204x271, 469K)

that's freaking epic actually

I thought steam was the devil for offering sales, since they signified a lack of confidence in a game's sales.

Whatever happened to that?

They do

because Steam isn't financed by V-bucks and Yuan

give me a purse owner please

lots of people buy that shit

you can ask for a refund if the game get's a discount soon after you bought it at a higher price

Has Steam ever put a game on sale during the preorder?

Epic is getting desperate due to all the bad PR.

Entitled consumers not giving away their money at my 2 hour walking sim

some of the discounts aren't bad but fuck me I'm notta gonna give money to the swine

This is weird.
-50% for preorder

Attached: 4444.png (1514x520, 500K)

trick question. Steam doesn't put games on sale the devs and publishers do.


Attached: Capture.jpg (274x456, 21K)

Don't do it Artyom!

usually games in pre order have a 10% discount but I guess it depends on the pubblisher

>47 replies
gj fags, keep this advert bumped all day

lmao fucking chinks


no they don't

Im russian, so I dont buy games ofc


Is the Epic store even salvagable at this point? feels like its a matter of time before it fades into irrelevancy.

If you buy a game and it goes on sale within 2 weeks you can refund and buy it cheaper
Says so right in their refund policy.


Attached: 1521387835617.jpg (620x929, 82K)

World of Goo free
Is there a single person who doesn't own World of Goo yet?

So they are doing the same thing EA did with free games on Origin. Did not work out either.
They are not liberal enough and lack features.
And they also steal my data.
Steam allows Developer to sell their stuff on keystores like Humble or Fanatical(bought HITMAN Goty there for like 10 € yesterday). Steam is way more customer oriented and this is why they are so successful. Gog is also very nice.

They're probabily going to use E3 to boost their exclusives but as long as they're simply timed exclusives all that's going to do is pissing off the audience

Borderlands for $50 is pretty good desu

Etleast someone hot this time

Damn man are you using Pokedollars?

oh hell yeah

Attached: yeah basedgod.jpg (535x434, 66K)

I got Nox and Jade Empire for free on origin so at least they gave me decent stuff unlike Epic that only gives shitty indies

Let's see...

>TWD final season $5

more and more people are aware of the bad pr being on the epic store gives, so we might see it sooner than later.

They should really be funding new PC games rather than just buying exclusivity for games that were already going to be released

gimme that roll

>ubishit games pulled from sale right when this starts

Attached: 2ec.png (600x580, 572K)

I'm excited to see what Gaben will do for Summer Sale. During chinese new year he extended an instant 5 dollars off purchase price of $30 or more, what will Crazy Gaben do with the BIGGEREST Steam Sale?

>B-but steam needs some competition.

pretty sure Tencent mandates they only make free2play games so the only way they have to get new single player games is with the exclusivity deals

thats technically more risky and more time consuming, which is not what the epic store stands for. all of the moves made by epic so far is to get the most in the least amount of time. tim clearly doesnt want to think about his company in the long term. im thinking he wants to sell it after it gets a sizable market share.

Bloodborne when?

Attached: Capture.jpg (1174x796, 98K)

Tamamo please

until a new fad rolls around and people don't care about fornite anymore it won't happen.

Steam say it's fine to refund games for those reasons, they just don't do it automatically because of course some people are too dumb to ask for they money back

oh shit i just noticed, what the fuck?

I really wish

>ever paying for the digital jew

Rolling boss

Not if you play over 2 hours

>They should really be funding new PC games
Maybe they are. It takes long ass time to make games

Someone cute and funny please.




>it's real

Attached: QOHpQUF.png (1085x416, 37K)

>$10 off everything*
>But there is a $10 transaction fee applied to the price of every game because the 12% cut is too low for Epic to pay for these fees themselves

they have a problem with Uplay

Attached: how epic (2).png (759x569, 70K)

if you have an actual reason for the refund you can get it pretty easy assuming you don't have some absurd amount of time.

Probably some cool mini games to get cards you can sell or maybe Half Life 3.


depends on how the exclusivity deal with FROM was made

I doubt it, very few big developers are making PC exclusive games anymore

Never, literally only happening because Quntic Dream's new Chinese overlords NetEase demanded they go multiplat.

Attached: D2HoH2NUcAArHJH.jpg (1024x512, 100K)

You want know why they sell games in keystores? It's what marketing people call price discrimination. It's a strategy to get the maximum amount of revenue out of people by ideally making each individual customer pay the maximum amount he is willing to pay.
Steam users pay more. Poor people who actually check other websites get a slight discount. It's the same as selling a basic version of the game for $60 a deluxe version with minor cosmetic tweaks for $80. Same product - Different price.
It's not "pro-consumer"


Gimme a bitch that I can bloat their belly

Sony owns the Bloodborne IP so it's not going to happen

t. 3rd world shitholer
If you live in any civilized country you have plenty of payment options that don't cost anything extra.

snake eyes

rollan for a waifu

*whispers* never

>steam users pay more
Are you sure? Thanks to steam, I've never paid more than 20 bucks for a game, and infact anything over 15 dollars was a really long RPG.


No, because that's fucking stupid. There are games that have a discount for pre-ordering it, but that's the publisher/developer doing it, not Steam deciding this game that isn't theirs and isn't even out yet should be on sale. Steam doesn't even pick how high the discount is anymore becauase devs and publishers were complaning some of them were too high, which is why certain companies don't make their games go over 75%, or even 50%, off ever nowdays.

If anything this just shows how utterly incompetent Epic is at managing a store that they put on sale a game that's not out. Either that, or the publishers and/or Epic are legit desperate that their pre-order sales aren't as high as they wished, so they put it on sale to boost some numbers.

Yeah sure. A discount problem.

>News popup in Fortnite said they'd be giving people $10 to use
>Removed within minutes once they realized 99.99% of people would just use it on V-Bucks

Attached: came to laugh.jpg (600x600, 31K)


Every bank, credit card and even paypal have transaction fees associated with them. These are usually paid for by the seller but Epic put the fees on customers because the 12% cut is too low for Epic to pay for them. It's why despite developers getting a larger cut, games aren't even cheaper (and can even be more expensive) on Epics store.

>Allowing consumers to buy your product at the price they deem acceptable is not pro-consumer
It is the LITERAL definition of pro-consumer

If you checked a website like isthereanydeal you would have paid less or gotten the same deal earlier. Publishers know Steam audience is dumb and pays more so the good discounts go on keysites first.

>yfw it was all a ruse to get people to use Uplay instead of other stores



They're pretty much only having sales now in a vain attempt at even a sliver of good will. Watch their sales become Nintendo tier when they feel they can no longer be challenged.


>meanwhile russkies get 50% off almost everything

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The discount is great, but is there actually a good game on the store? Looks like mostly preorder and shit at about 14.xx €

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don't buy digital on console, are the nintendo deals much worse than sony or microsoft?

Oh shit...


>Steam users pay more.
Not where I lie, loads of these keystores don't have regional pricing, so the games end up being more expensive, just like how Epic doesn't support my currency and the games end up being neraly twice as expensive, or even more, than their Steam or GOG counterparts.

This time. This time i get Kat.

holy shit, i remember as a kid waiting for pokemon heart gold to go on sale and it stayed at full price for 5 fucking years

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But I do check the deals. If anything I get better prices on steam than most other sites. Look at Hollow Knight for instance. I'm sure it might be cheaper elsewhere, but it's also stupid expensive on consoles.

Garlyoking or whatever is name is must me making favouritisms

>Can't you get friends? Buy their.

Attached: 2ih485.jpg (200x227, 7K)

They literaly can't. Epic adds it's games manually, so doing that pushes back other games.

Attached: epic.png (614x813, 313K)

You don't understand how contracts or licensing works. They both were up so sony didn't have the exclusive rights anymore because they didn't reimburse.

wow, thank you Epic. Such an amazing deal for us gaymers

Attached: Capture.jpg (537x380, 28K)

>use massive stores of cash to buy exclusivity from developers
>this doesn't immediately crash the market for some reason
>chink overlord shareholders immediately see how deep in the red the EGS is
>Tim has to get back in the black before the end of the quarter and this is the only way to get attention when there isn't any indie trash to poach


Hades, unironically
Supergiant always delivers

>LITERALLY brings actual competition and lower prices to the market
>This is somehow bad
yikes glad i'm not a PC gamer

what would nanalan even do with that gaunlet?

I'll have a 67 with extra bacon, please.

This is how it works fellas
>huge sales and significant discounts
>incentivizes building a library on Epic store
>eventually you'll have enough games that you'll start using Epic as a main store
I'll never under any circumstance download it, but you have to understand that people like me who are concerned about privacy make up less than 1% of the market. Timmy 12 year old and Gigachad don't give a flying fuck, so within 5 years Epic will be steam-tier in terms of user numbers. Whether you like it or not, that's just the reality of the situation.

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>adding games and updates manually

Attached: 1542066671566.png (634x446, 41K)

isnt affected by the deal in my region, literally 0.2€ below the threshold

>the john wick game is conveniently 70 cents away from discount

I've never seen their bigger titles for less than €40

>All that nepshit
>No Alice
Shit rolls all around

That's just sad.

well that sucks

Why are you lying on the internet?
Epic ONLY adds a transaction fee IF the payment method you want to use is several times more expensive than a credit card or paypal.

Pic related. All the normal payment methods cost me the consumer 0%..
Paysafe card (which costs epic probably 8-9%) is passed on to the consumer as 6.75%

Attached: payment methods.jpg (887x1215, 57K)

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the only alice that matters is already at the top

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Well, you probably dont know about prices by regions, for example, mk11 in russian steam is 1200 rub(about $19), rage 2 is 2000 rub(about $30)
But its still pricey for us desu

50 get

>sale over
>lol nvm fixed it :)

>building a library on Epic store
I can count games on my one hand that are remotely good/interesting on Epic Store and majority of those aren't even out yet

06 please


>oh fuck its the other way around quick Sweeney to the salesmobile
Honestly not a bad step tbf


Attached: c.jpg (540x361, 63K)

Paysafe is MINIMUM 9.5% cost to Epic which means epic would take a loss if they didn't pass it on to consumers.

Attached: pricing.jpg (1099x554, 61K)


>we wirr gibe you 10$ for your data prease use us we gud
>t. Xi
Yea nah

>Huge sale
Fucking where, this sale is a dumpster fire

>sometimes after adding shit costing 200,000,000 to purchase they generously give you whole 200k
Wow, amazing. With giveways like that once a year it'll only take a thousand years!


>epic has shitty sales

rolling but I'm still laughing at your fat asses steamdrones LMFAO

>pirated Exodus
>never going to buy from their shit shop

Haha fuck you Epic.

Attached: 1359651743133.jpg (160x160, 6K)

>Timtim going back on saying they had no interest in doing sales
Alright, I'll install your launcher
For a 1 mil exclusive deal

Attached: screenshot-mangadex.org-2019.05.01-15-00-44.png (376x504, 128K)

Wow this list has a better selection than the epic games store and I don't even need to pay for it.

It'll probably be some shit waifu.


They've been going at this shit all wrong. Why pay devs when you could just pay the consumers directly. Gimme a million bucks and I promise I'll use epic games store exclusively for 1 year


I'd rather have an automatic refund than having to deal with Steam support.

>p-please buy from our store
How about no, I'll just keep pirating. Fuck the developers and publishers.

Attached: 1541167604083.png (633x874, 64K)

>Subnautica BZ down to 7$
Man, I wish the 10$ off would apply to that as well, then it would finally have the price it deserves.

Not that GOD is finished where do you guys pirate from if you don't want to torrent?

Let's go 87

Give lolipop


do not give your money to epic games

Attached: Screenshot_20190425-204355.png (1312x2560, 303K)

>mad steamfag pretending to be pirate

Better not be a trap

Poor paypiggie is coping. Kike Gabe can go fuck himself and you, along with the chinks can go with him, enjoy getting treated like dirt.

Attached: 1540627945853.png (976x658, 272K)

This happened with my minecraft account. I bought it back in 2011 and to this day, I get 10+ password reset requests a week.

Prears to be buying game on eric store.

Cops coming for ya
%%Exodus is shit%%

>10 bucks discount for all games over 15
>Hades coincidentally got a minimal discount so it's now at €14,86


This sale made me realize just how much mediocre shit they have on their store.

Didn't they say they were going to curate properly and not add so much trash? Whatever happened to that?

Regional pricing is fucking broken, I just bought Control and Sinking City for 12€

All you need to do is get a free VPN, register from Turkey and that's it
WWZ is 5€ aswell, Bloodlines 2 is 5€


Attached: 3456a77d.png (633x758, 16K)

>be from a 3rd world country
>everything is cheap as hell already
>the sale is still $10 off anything anyway for me even though everything is like half or a third of the price americans pay

Still I'm gonna have to pass on this, as much as I like the prices epic is going about their push into digital distribution all wrong, talking down to customers, buying up exclusives, pushing back the roadmap for their client/store, there's so much they could have done right to compete with steam but they chose to do a lot of things really wrong.

Also if anyone is curious BL3 is $35 for me with the sale, the regional pricing is all over the place, some games like ubisoft games don't get any regional pricing at all so they're a full $60. This is the only thing epic does better than steam in my situation.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1104x767, 157K)

>Epic: Fuck the consumer, it's for the devs!

Wow, the same prices that GMG and Fanatical have every day AND I get to support the balkanization of the PC games market? Thanks, Tim!

t. never used steam refunds

VPNcuck () here, the cheapest Borderlands 2 is $20 from Ukraine


can't refund from gmg

Shit like this is what epic needs to be doing to compete with steam, there's so much shit steam could be doing better that epic could do to make people want to use EGS over steam.

Reminder only Ubisoft is winning in this entire shitshow.

>PC gamers choose Ubisoft's own marketplace over Epic Game Store as sequel sells ten times more than original
Smart fuckers making people choose the lesser evil.


okay? they make the games so they deserve the money

> be from a 3rd world country
Heh ))0 People there dont buy games unless you're a cuck

Aight that's better.


ubi playing 4d chess

Because they don't do sales on games still in the preorder phase unless it's strictly a preorder discount, and those are sales put on the game from the start, not flash sales like this. This move won't be popular with these devs and publishers, honestly, giving back money from sales and all, unless the difference is explicitly coming from Epic's own pocket rather than the publishers/devs. This is good for the consumer, don't get me wrong, but I sincerely doubt this will be viable no matter how you slice it, either for the devs/publishers or Epic.

>sales for pre-orders
That's gonna be a yikes from me, incel.


All Epic games are 100 percent free, Tim has already paid.

Thats fucking smart
Get cash from epic to exclude steam as a distribution option (getting cash upfront) while basically knowing that epics shitty pr will force people to buy it on uplay

Price change is a reason for refunding your game on Steam. It's even in the FAQ

What games are there to buy on Epic then?

get the peepo back from russer

that's pretty sweet desu
doesn't epic ban people for using VPNs though?

guess I'm a cuck, especially since steam has 0 regional pricing for me

Attached: Capture.jpg (120x281, 8K)

Then pirate the game first, retard

>Chinks once again out in full force after the garbage sale is mocked

okay so what now steam drones?

this is OBJECTIVELY good
isn't this what all you whiners wanted? actualy COMPETITION?

speak up then. go on.

no ban since last month
so i guess not


Why wouldnt you? Even if you buy Anno on epic, you have to use Uplay anyway

Attached: 1416285047031.gif (250x250, 402K)

you can't get refunds from key sites

can get Bloodlines 2 for $5

Attached: wew.png (1166x457, 309K)


Steam release this year.

Calm down Xi.
Still not a competition since I can't get these games on Steam/GOG etc.

what the hell is TRY

Based Ruski

>we can only add few games every week
Even if it's a manual process, why the fuck does it take them so long to do so? Isn't GOG similar?

lmgtfy.com/?q=try currency

That picture makes me laugh every time

I want to by Hades because this hunk hasn't left my mind ever since I saw him. I will still wait for the Steam release though, not supporting this fucking slime.

That being said, how is Dionysus so perfect bros?

Attached: Dionysus.png (1081x1115, 743K)

With Steam the publishers need to approve of their stuff being put on sale right?
How did they convince people to even apply discounts to the preorder prices?

Connor stop using your hand for that. Use my mouth instead.

It's kind of funny that every game that could apply to this sale conveniently lowered their prices by 0.5% so they no longer apply. Multiple games have been pulled outright due to """problems""" which I'm sure will be fixed once the sale is over.

Waste of time, have sex.

What kind of bullshit explanation is that?

>no regional pricing
>bland games all over the place
Nah, I'm gonna pass.

>>no regional pricing
did you miss
you fucking nya-gger?

>hades is $7 on EGS for yanks
>brits pay £13.16 which is $17 because lol lets discount it the tiniest amount on that store to not have it hit the sale

Attached: 1492288653104 (2018_01_05 15_18_53 UTC).png (552x530, 286K)

>Epic does an undoubtedly good thing
>steam drones just seethe and cry and shitpost with rolls


>Epic does an undoubtedly good thing
>the same thing everyone else has been doing for years except Epic has nothing interesting to sell

Oh, so only steam is allowed to have sales? Is that what you're saying?



>call steam the devil for having sales, because sales promote "toxic pro-consumer practices"
>immediately backpedal when you need to garner good will

Let me guess, we're gonna get forums and reviews next, right? Despite Epic saying these things are bad and that consumers are evil?


Holy shit this is the best sale ever
>How do I get $10 off games in the Epic Games store?
You don’t have to do anything. During the sale, all games priced $14.99 and above are an additional $10 off, courtesy of Epic.

>I pre-purchased a game before the start of the Epic Mega Sale and that game hasn’t launched yet. Should I cancel my pre-purchase and then buy it again to take advantage of the $10 discount?
No, you don’t have to! Every player who pre-purchased an unreleased game in the Epic Games store prior to May 16th, 2019 for $14.99 and above will receive a $10 refund! You will receive your $10 refund automatically to the payment method you used in the next 7-12 days.

>What if I bought a game just before the Epic Mega Sale?
For all game purchases between May 2nd, 2019 and May 15th, 2019 we will refund you the difference in price between what you paid and what you would have paid during the Epic Mega Sale (inclusive of the $10 off from Epic). You will receive your refund automatically to the payment method you used in the next 7-12 days.

Go fuck yourself Steam for being anti consumer and don't refund the money you would have saved if you have just waited one day longer.

Instead of blaming Steam for being a monopoly and forcing other companies to buy exclusives so their store will be used, Steamcucks think it's ok to be an anti consumer monopoly like Steam and force smaller stores to never grow (name me one game you have bought outside of Steam... I wait. Oh right, you can't, because Steam had the monopoly on games, except maybe Overwatch or other AAA games, but that's it)

Can't wait for the steam sale to come out and be absolute fucking shit compared to this one.

totally not a shill

detroit will come on pc?

>good thing
Only if you're american.

Steam would never give you 10 dollars off EVERY game 15 dollars. Epic is doing something epic (get it?) for gamers here.

>Go fuck yourself Steam for being anti consumer and don't refund the money you would have saved if you have just waited one day longer

I've refunded games I bought and rebought them on sale. I even bought something on steam then refunded to activate a humble bundle key that was cheaper. I don't see why Epic has to go to all this trouble when people can just apply for ref-.. Oh.

>every game gets a minor discount so they're 14.99 or cheaper
>no longer eligible for sale
>Ubisoft games removed from sale conveniently


Oh wow, they finally figured out we dont give a fuck about devs and their cut. Guess ill get hades, pretty great deal for 7 bucks

Why is your economy so weak that 19 burgerwraps is pricey?

Look at him go

Attached: 1549843929904.jpg (400x463, 26K)

This but unironically.

It's literally giving back to both consumers and developers.
Your move Gaben.

>Consumer has 8 different options to pay for game
>7 options are included in price and cost nothing extra
>Still chooses the 1 method that is 3 times as expensvie as any other method
>Gets the added cost passed on
How is this not fair?

>Steam had the monopoly on games
Steam doesn't control the distribution of games.
Publisher says 'this game costs X, this game can be distributed to these countries, this game will be on these days' and steam says 'ok'. Learn what a monopoly is.

>even dabbing on Steam sales

Based, absolutely based.
Steam imploding in front of my eyes is the best thing ever.

Attached: image.jpg (300x168, 11K)

I've literally bought games thanks to selling shit from TF2 or Dota 2 but go on.


>Ubisoft games removed from sale conveniently
I didn't even notice this. You literally can't buy ubisoft games on EGS right now because of this sale, that's pretty fucked up.

Steam also wouldn't pull this shady bullshit

Attached: thanks sales.png (519x323, 341K)


that's pretty fucking funny

$10 off BL3 preorder is pretty good, but then again I could probably get that on GMG anyway under normal circumstances.


Attached: Screenshot_20190516-161524.jpg (1080x1920, 777K)

Genuine curiousity, is Epic hated because of bad business practice or because everyone loves Steam so much?
I know nothing about it but I've been assuming people are just sucking Steam's dick

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Shill force has arrived

Can you imagine being still being a steam tranny and not joining the 40% in 2019?

No? you can have all of the sales you want
people are just pointing out how much of a hypocrite Tim is, but that's nothing new really, we've known this for 6 months now
also Epic's library is laughable, and the only game that's worth its discount is Bloodlines 2 and a steam key can already be found for $53 so not much of a difference

This is the kind of competition everyone wanted, Deals, Bundles, trials things that Steam doesn't do but wish it did.

What's the problem with this? You're getting a pre-sale sale. That's pretty good for gamers.

seeYou don't need to be a steam drone to see manipulative BS like this.

>early access
>updates cost money
What the fuck.

All of the EGS hatred only comes from trannies because Epic wouldn’t play ball with their axe-wound delusions

I was all for competition
Then Tim Sweeney decided he needed to be the savior if gaming and go full scumbag tactics. Because you know what an exclusivity deal on a title is?

A monopoly.

Until now Tim Sweeney had stated he was against ever doing sales like Steam did, so this is a kickback against him changing his tune again
Just like him going from being critical of Microsoft to killing off Linux support through the deals he makes and sucking their dick

US price is $7 because US price meets the sale price which would cause them to discount 10 shekels. Odd how the europe side got £2-3 quid off to JUST under the 10bucks off minimum, huh?

Geez the amount of dog eater shilling got a sudden increase itt.

Here. I would say half and half. You both have the Valvebots sucking Gabens cock all day long. And then you have the people who don't like chink company doing shady shit while stealing your personal info.

I hope your email is secured atleast.
Protip: use long and alien sentences as passwords instead of
the usual crap people suggest, like 133t
As example: woodenboxholdsironybetterthansand

Have You literally been under a fucking rock if you dont know why people hate epic? Seriously where the fuck where you for several months?

>in the near future you will have to pay for fucking updates for a game
>just like how zoomers got used to microtransations and pre-orders this will become a common thing
thanks China

When will steam trannies stop seething at the idea of competition?

If only they were this dumb
I fear they might announce more devs/studio acquisitions, like MS during the E3 2018

This is one of the best sales we've had in years you cucks.
Steam sales haven't been good for a long time and the upcoming summer sale will further drive home the point just how much better Epic is going to be.

Keep fucking coping.

keep shilling

In all honesty this VTMB2 price is sexy as fuck, but i don't want to install new laucnher just for one game.

Bloodborne being EGS exclusive would be my wet dream for me

Do you even get paid

Think console wars, PC users are so attached to Steam that they are just mad when they see Steam.
Basically Nintendo Is Steam and Playstation is Epic when they first entered console race.

Attached: image.jpg (900x1220, 173K)

Okay thanks, so basically Steam with a modern, Chinese, twist.

I've been seeing these threads as console war threads. I don't like Steam either and I assume I wouldn't like Epic so I've been avoiding them because I really couldn't care less since I pirate everything or support indies through methods besides Steam. I've seen the threads just haven't gone into them.

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Bad business practice plus an underwhelming client.
EGS launched without even having a search function, right now the store has no tags and no sorting either. Imagine using amazon or some other only store with no tags or sorting.
On top of all this epic's employees seem to think they can 'win' a store war by paying for exclusives instead of providing a good service which is a huge red flag, their goal isn't to provide you a good service, it's to win a dick waving contest.

Imagine settling for $10 when Tim is showing his hand again and showing he's willing to start paying you to use his store
Give me $25 back on my purchases and maybe I'll consider it, Sweeney


I get paid in enlightening the masses.

So Steam has the high quality stuff while Epic has all the zoomer trash?
Checks out

It's the currency of roaches, the Turkish Lira

works for me : - )

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The complaint is that the price was originally 17 dollars
Read more than 15 dollars which means the "15 or more gets 10 dollars off!" deal should apply
Don't want to be consumer friendly so drop the price to 14.99 before the sale so you can claim it's not above 15, then give it a 10% discount and call it a day

What a great and totally not scummy practice praise epic fuck valve and gabencocksuckers

the shilling online is where all the money is going. i've never seen 'people' shit on steam so consistently in favor of a client that does ALL THE SAME BAD SHIT but worse

Are you retarded?
You are not paying for any updates. The game devs are just advertising that there has been a major update. Same thing happens on Steam all the time.

>funding the chinese


Gaben BTFO

how do i change region if i have already paid in my own region?

You can't buy Ubi games cause of their integration with uplay, it's been an issue for a while. I doubt any of the developers get less money off those, the sale is probably mostly covered by Epic

Says my paypal address isn't valid for the US one to get hades for 7bucks instead of 17.

Is it actually hex based strategy? If so, why the fuck is there a hex based John Wick game?

Just bought Satisfactory and Hades

And three weeks ago I would have been avidly against ANOTHER game client. I'm ok with Steam, GOG, and i guess Epic now. I still refuse to use uplay or origin though.

>Hades 14.86€

Artyom no!

origin is unironically the best non-steam store now, it has a fairly big selection and EA premier basically lets you rent a bunch of games for a month for $15, I used to spend about half that to rent a single game for a weekend

>Steam sales haven't been good for a long time
I got Tales of Symphonia and 428 Shibuya Scramble super cheap last sale, they were heavily discounted
Why are you lying?

I would have bought hades if it was the same price as the US store has it listed as.

are you seriously asking if it's a hex based strategy solely because hex is in the title? are you actively TRYING to be the dumbest person in the thread?

Epic is actually based holy shit

protip bud, when someone here says good they mean "tailors to me specifically"

>I bought a game right before it went on sale. Can I get a refund and repurchase it at the sale price?
Yes. (weeb moot a shit so I cant post the steam store link, but you can just google it)

And we also have
Shitposting and shilling at it's finest because this is literally all that a normal steam sale would give you, EXCEPT they are still trying to jew so hard by changing prices just before the sale so most titles wouldn't fall under the 15 bucks or more deal.

It took a couple of years before GTA V went on sale. By then it's already made money.

Or even just actual unreal.

gta 5 isn't a game anymore, it's a storefront

The fact that they'll undercut their own sale is just hilarious. Even when submitting, Tim still has so much hate for his consumers

I think the real issue here is that in the US, the original price is still listed as 19.99 and the sale price is listed at 6.99.
I just bought Hades for 6.99 while eurobros are complaining that its nearly twice the cost for them

Why can I download the Source SDK off of steam but not the Unreal Editor from the Not so Epic Game Store both are free and Epic has no real reason to not advertise it.

Seethe, Chinese rat

>Historical Low: 3.73€
>Lowest Steam: 4.99€

The FBI sells guns to the Mexican cartels all the time, but now suddenly buying games from China is a problem?

>all these retards biting into the 10$ meme
I bet you were biting in Steam's chinese new year sale's 5$ meme too.
How pathetic one must be to actually take such small baits?

Wait a second are you implying steam sales are bad because someone could potentially get something for cheaper off of a CD Key store site?

Vast majority is steam cucks using the sunken cost fallacy to defend Valve

>it's not a crime if the goverment does it

Not gonna lie, this is reminding me of time before STEAM sales turned to absolute dog shit.

Yes. They aren't CD key resellers. They are legit sites that get their keys through legit channels.

I'm sorry bros! $5 for Bloodlines 2 ($10 for season pass) was just too good for me..
Forgive me, Gabe!!

Attached: bdl2.png (1088x361, 305K)

you can't get your keys through legit channels because you're not allowed to transfer your keys to another person in the first place.

Wait, epic has regional pricing?

>better sales
>better games
>better userbase
>better dev team
>better for devs
>eventually a better launcher
I'm waiting drones.

What is Valve doing now? Oh right. Just twiddling their thumbs with the gimmick VRshit.

yes but it's fucked

What's wrong with that? You expect stores to compete with steam without selling games for less than steam? Imagine a world where steam matched the lowest price, they would kill every other digital distributor with ease. I'm not saying steam shouldn't have good sales but the reality of the situation is that smaller stores have the advantage of undercutting steam.

The downside of buying games like that is that they're non-refundable, if a game doesn't work or you don't like it you're shit out of luck even if you played for less than 2 hours.

Well for once it's not a bad thing but it's also not going to be a regular thing because they're literally losing money on every single purchase
Now just stop buying exclusives and I'll consider.

>better games

Attached: nick-young-confused-face-300x256-nqlyaa.jpg (800x450, 18K)

>better sales
>better games
>better userbase
>better dev team
>better for devs
Are you talking about Steam, or GOG?

>better userbase
I don't want to play with chinks

They are not key resellers. They get keys from publishers to sell.

Yeah but a random russian store that imports physical copies and then resells them online is still a "legit site" that got their keys through "legit channels" those channels being the publishers that sold them the original physical copies.

ah yes, I was unaware that epic had great games like sekiro, DMC5, RE2, MHW or AC7

Still waiting. Any of you fucks think the coming summer sale will be this good? lmao

yeah but for some people its worse than steam

Bc we fucked SmileyFace idk why
But games are pricey bc average salary for month in my city about $470 so kinda thats why people like my never bought a game in their life

Yeah, that's right. Epic has World War Z. Steam has Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme.

I think we know what store has the better games.

I will be good because unlike Epic there's games I'm actually interested in

Are you too dumb to differentiate legit online stores registered in first world countries from shady Russian or Chinese key resellers?

>great games

They'll be forgotten in less than half a year while GOTY candidate Borderlands 3 will be timeless.


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Seeing as one is out of early access and one isn't it shouldn't even be that hard

>pretend to give you 10 bucks
>only work for 7 games
>half of them are pre-orders
Steamshills were right all along, it's shit

Attached: cdc.jpg (577x537, 65K)

>World War Z
>only sells 350.000 when literally who games like Mordhau and Rsk of Rain 2 manage to make 1 million
So...this...is the power... of the Epic store

>Regional pricing

So what is EGS missing now? Furfag ERP groups? Is that about it?

Well with this sale and its drop dead prices WWZ will pretty much overtake the combined sales of those two.

Keep seething.

check your DMs randy

>zombie games in 2000 + 19
yawn quality exclusive you got there, literally SNOY tier

I like to talk shit with my boys and I don't want to use discord when I can use the game client instead


user do explain what is the difference between

>Company A buys CD key from Publisher digitally, sells it digitally
>Company B buys CD key physically, sells it digitally
Both are buying games through official channels and then selling those keys on their own store. Just because Company B think its a better deal for them to buy physical and sell digital doesn't make them any less of an official store.

>This is solely on Epic's end

As is every other problem with gaming these days. At least they're honest about how fucking inept they are.

Company A is selling legit keys.
Company B is breaking the license agreement and therefore selling keys that the publisher can revoke at any time as has happened before.

Kid this meme is so old I'm not sure how it hasn't been corrupted on your HD

Yeah it's not like people in this thread aren't bitching over their pricing bullshit

Guys... I am the weakest of you all because i finally gave in.
Ashen and Phoenix Point half off. I couldn't resist.
Insult me, Yea Forums.


Excuse me mr user, but why the fuck do you assume that stores are NOT allowed to sell JUST the CD key.
Explain to me how any game store sold Fallout 76, because that game doesn't HAVE A DVD, all that you have in a box is a CD key used to download, so according to your logic GameStop is a shady russian reseller breaking licences.

There is no joy in insulting people that want to be insulted

Steamcucks BTFO

Ashen is fucking garbage and Phoenix Point isn't even out yet.

At least get Hades or something.
Christ. What awful fucking taste.

>>Still waiting. Any of you fucks think the coming summer sale will be this good? lmao
Yes? This sale is literally only a $10 off sale, unless you're buying indie shit $10 is nothing.

Have fun, friend. I might pick up 2 final seasons of TWD for $5 myself

Just because some stores try to pull double duty by selling both the key and the physical disc as separate products doesn't mean that all of them do it.

Final season is golden. You're in for a ride

>Go fuck yourself Steam for being anti consumer and don't refund the money you would have saved if you have just waited one day longer.
In their refund TOS they clearly state that you are free to refund to gain better deal

Ashen is bad.

Wew. I was this close to giving in. Thanks guys.
Well i guess Phoenix Point can wait.

They're not even trying to hide it

Because that's the conditions set by the publisher in the license agreement. Any store reselling keys they aren't supposed to is breaking the agreement.
Any keystore registered in Hong Kong or some other tax haven is pretty much guaranteed to be selling illegal keys.

You might be kneedeep in epic but we'll always have your back lad when it comes to sale autism.

Reminder that it's close to the end for epic's shit store.
This is their last push

The games are free off a torrent at any time.

>Hades for 7 clams
>China now knows I like loli hentai

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mostly because they're coming from other countries. Games cost different price in different countries, buying your games from a russian or chinese retailer and running them in the US violates almost every games terms of service.

Russian retailers selling games to foreign buyers violates the ToS on nearly every game, its not a legitimate retailer and your keys can be invalidated by the publisher

>Reminder that it's close to the end for Steam's shit store.
>This is their last push
>The games are free off a torrent at any time

They are paying devs to put their games on the their store, instead of improving the service, no buy for me.

Anyone else think this is a last ditch attempt to pad out the sales numbers for their exclusives in hopes of convincing other devs?

Like they never mentioned accurate Exodus sales but with this sale, they can hopefully add a lot to it and maybe publicly announce that it sold like "500k units on EGS!!!". This goes for all their other flops as well.

Steam literally bought and shut down WON servers to force people to use Steam.

You cannot play Russian game in US on Steam. There was a huge uproar about that not long ago.

God damn the pre-order for Bloodlines 2 is cheap. Anything else I should get?
>sold out to le epic store
Look bros I gotta do what I gotta do

>sneeding retarded tranny can't even counter these simple facts
stupid epic shill

Like everything the epic fag store promises, they went back on it. "No sales" "No trash" "No more bribes"

>Any store reselling keys they aren't supposed to is breaking the agreement.
Ohhh so your clairvoyance allows you to know what deal any given publisher has made with any given store?
No seriously the issues from CD key stores ALL come from the fact that !!!!SOME!!!! stores try to rip out the CD key, sell that !!!!!!!!!AND!!!!!!!! then sell the physical copy as well.

Not many CD resellers try that nowadays as most games are bound to an online service like Steam/Uplay/Origin though a few do crop up every now and then, the vast majority are just buying bulk physical orders trashing the discs and then selling the keys online, which is 100% legal and allowed.
Stop trying to act like an expert on a subject that you clearly know jack shit about

I understand bro. Poorfags gotta poor. As long as you don't shitpost this board with le epic shilling then you're cool.

Honestly only Bloodlines 2 and Hades seems worth it. Not that I'm buying any of them of course.

CS 1.6, HL2 and all others still have servers, it lacks official game servers, but then again who cares? Back in the day official servers intention was for private server adoption period.

just read the ToS and user agreements for the games in question.
I guarantee you'll find a clause in there about buying them in your own country.

>honestly this cgi trailers seems worth it
ah you are brain damaged

Anyone else thinks this is their first global sale?
Steam has 3-4 of those every year

>Read ToS
Why? ToS only applies when you use the product. If you haven't used to product ToS doesn't apply in any shape or form.

I'm not saying what your doing is morally wrong or anything.
Just that the publishers could rightly invalidate your keys at any time.

Golden Week sale just a while ago was pretty good desu.

The one thing Epic is still craving for. Japanese devs.

I guess I just assumed you were buying cd keys so you could play the games.

If you're reselling them yourself than I guess its a whole different story. Pro-Tip, get physical copies with keys so you can sell the key and also sell the physical copy

>just read the ToS and user agreements for the games in question.
What does that have to do with the what the STORE is allowed to do with the CD key and disc they get?

Like holy shit you absolute mongoloid get it through your thick skull, most CD key stores are not selling "stolen" CD keys, they are selling brand new CD keys they got straight from the publisher because regional pricing lets them make a neat profit.

also there are 0 games worth getting on the store
save your mom and dad's money

Yes, as a buyer and user you're violating the ToS by purchasing your game from a foreign retailer and running the software in your own country.

The store is also violating an agreement and the publisher would stop selling them keys if they knew what was happening.

If you think there isn't any legal barrier to buying copy's of your game from countries where regional pricing means they're cheaper, you are the mongoloid.

If you could do that there would be whole game clients set up in countries where games are cheaper, selling keys all around the world. Those companies get shut down quickly because publishers eventually figure out whats going on.

nobody is telling you the keys are stolen.
they're region specific and the ToS allows the publisher to invalidate them if they're being used int he wrong region.

thats all we're telling you my man.

The sales seem neat but their catalog is a really hard sell
>Hades is cool but it's an early access roguelite that'll probably release on all stores once it's complete
>BL3 and Bloodlines 2 have got sales but pre-orders are always a no no from me
>where are all of Ubisoft's games?
>all the other games are meh
Maybe they should have waited for their E3 conference when there's even more games on their store? Or would that overlap too much with Valve's summer sale?

Seems a bit too early.

as a buying you do not have access to the ToS before you use the product, you are violating none of it.
as a seller you do not have access to the ToS before you use the product, you are violating none of it.
>If you think there isn't any legal barrier to buying copy's of your game from countries where regional pricing means they're cheaper, you are the mongoloid.
There might be in some bizzaro country, but as a rule of thumb there isn't, and even if there is. ToS has nothing to do with it.
>If you could do that there would be whole game clients set up in countries
Show me one example where it's not allowed to buy cheaper and sell higher, i fucking dare you.

Why wouldn't you want to torrent?

well holy shit, the first time I pirate a game just to try it and end up buying it
Hades for 7 buxxx

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That's cool, but
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

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Epic is kinda fucked on that front, just having paypal and credits cards isn't gonna cut it for japanese gamers so they're shit out of luck

Why are people so assblasted about Epic store? Quick rundown?

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>Yes, as a buyer and user you're violating the ToS
As a buyer I don't have to care at all about what the ToS says because it's something I agree to after buying a game and if I for some reason DID care enough then I could just use a VPN which is, again 100% legal.

>The store is also violating an agreement and the publisher would stop selling them keys if they knew what was happening.
Yeah sure that's why key resellers have been a thing for well over a decade now, EA and Activision just don't know that it's happening. Totally, thats a logical conclusion.

>If you think there isn't any legal barrier to buying copy's of your game from countries where regional pricing means they're cheaper, you are the mongoloid.
If you think there is a legal barrier to buying a game from aregion where the pricing is cheaper then you are a mongoloid.
Or do you perhaps think Airport Security is going to check your luggage then compare the price of every item in it to the average consumer price in whatever nation you are going to and then confiscate it all based on the fact that you had the audacity to buy cheaper from somewhere else?

Fuck sake user most airports have TAX FREE store, if the goverment does't give a shit about loopholes like that then they sure as shit don't care about you buying games cheaper online.

For the love of all that is holy stop digging that hole, you are just proving how little you know about anything even more with every post

>muh China
>extra launcher
Pretty much it

so is based ukraine the best currency? my VPN is slow as fuck so I'm not going through all the countries to look

>they're region specific and the ToS allows the publisher to invalidate them
And a consumer is allowed to bypass that entirely by using a VPN or something similar, ToS are not legally binding and if a consumer can get around it then they are by law allowed to do so.

lol preordering a cgi trailer (that was shitty) and from an incompetent company that has never made a good game
stop poisoning Yea Forums with your dumb shit

>Be Creating PC games since DOS times
>PC hits a rough patch
>Proclaim every PC gamers a pirate and stop selling games on PC
>Proclaim consoles supreme
>Fight against Microsoft store dominance
>Fight for Linux support
>Fuck that, make your own store and turn back on everything
>Call Steam monopoly for no fucking reason


...so what do I buy...?

>zoomers give you infinite money on a regular basis
>partially owned by the largest video game company ever
>a group of slavs still manages to beat you

Are you actually such a massive cuck, that you assume because EA and Steam are dicking you over by not allowed you to harness the power of a global market as something that they are doing because of laws?
What regional pricing is and how it's enforced is borderline illegal, the only reason it's around is because it's a private business on a private network so they are basically allowed to do whatever they want. (same rules that allow pubs to kick out rowdy clients) But it as sure a shit isn't against the law to circumvent it.

If you can't think of a single example where you aren't allowed to buy low in country A and sell high in country B, you need to grow up a bit more. I can think of at least four different things I could buy that would be illegal to sell for profit in another country, but I'm not going to spoon feed your dumb ass.

Just pirate the game, its free and you don't run the risk of having your paid key deactivated.
If you have concerns over it just call up the publisher and ask them if your russian retailer is a legitimate distribution channel

pre orders, that's all they have

Hades, Hades, and Hades.

Everything else is a wash.

Detroit for $5

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*kills the epic store*

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>Steam has everything go on sale for 50-90% within a year
>Epic gives me ten dollars off as long as the price is above a threshold where that doesn't cover the majority of the cost


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>If you can't think of a single example where you aren't allowed to buy low in country A and sell high in country B, you need to grow up a bit more
Why go to such a roundabout method to insult yourself.

Also contact your local police department and tell them how your local car store is breaking the law by buying cheaper from overseas, then importing it and selling it to you for a higher price.

I can think of people who buy raw material from China, and sell said materials to others for a markup. They are called Distributors.

>this E3
>*blocks your path*

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Turns out fortnite kids don't have money for new games.

>old games
>old games
>old games
>new games only get like a ten buck discount
>meanwhile Bloodlines 2 is dirt cheap
>some games have barely been out for a month and they're already half off

even mentioning airport security as a legitimate comparison only makes you look extremely naive about this whole thing.
There are no police involved, or customs, or border patrol, or any of that if the publisher deactivates your key because its being used in a country it wasn't distributed to.

You aren't sneaking it past anybody, to activate the game you have to input your key and they check the hash online with the publisher. This argument is silly and you should just be aware that they have safeguards against buying your keys where they are sold the cheapest.

I don't give a shit what you do
Just don't whine to Yea Forums when your games stop working one day

>What regional pricing is and how it's enforced is borderline illegal
How so? A cinema ticket isn't worth the same in the United States than in Argentina nor Mexico.

Is it really a compliment that games that aren't even out yet are heavily discounted?

Every dude in the game is incredibly handsome. I'm not even gay and I have to admit they are attractive. Meanwhile there are only 2 hot chicks in the game, and Dusa winds up being best girl.

the epic store is a failiure
and this is a one-off thing
im not gonna waste my money on a service that is probably going to close down in a year

plus theres nothing worth getting in this pathetic store
shit games

Is RiME any good?

>cheaper games sooner rather than later
uhhhh yes?

>even mentioning airport security as a legitimate comparison only makes you look extremely naive about this whole thing.
M8 you are arguing that buying cheap from over the border to then use it yourself is ILLEGAL

If that was the case and it obviously isn't you colossal tard then it would be the job of places like airports to check that no bad boy person carries anything in their luggage that can't be bought for cheaper in the country where said airport is.

Witcher 3's pre-order price was $40 on Steam. It only changed to the standard $60 price once the game actually launched.

You can still buy them, just no guarantees when you will be able to play them. But please buy them.

Sergey Galyonkin

this right here
a lot of EGS fags are too young to remember it
epic is fair weather as fuck, no one likes a fair weather faggot

Leave EU players alone you filthy ivan !

Not really, it's easy tomb rider puzzle tier puzzler.

>buy a product that doesn't work please

This is also actually illegal in EU.

no I'm not
nobody is arguing that its illegal
I'm telling you the publisher can deactivate your key

No :)

Attached: 666.png (660x587, 344K)

True. Never forget what happened to GFWL

If you visit a cinema in the US you pay the US price
If you visit a cinema in the assend of nowhere you pay the equivalent in zimbabwe dollars

This is fine as you are paying the price in the region where you watch the movie

A comparison with games would be if you bought a DVD from Mexico and pop into your DVD player in the US and the DVD flat out doesn't play just because the publisher said so.
Again as places like Steam and Origin provide a service in that they allow you to download updates and so on, then they are allowed to restrict things like that, but it is a very very very borderline case

>nobody is arguing that its illegal

>If you think there isn't any legal barrier to buying copy's of your game from countries where regional pricing means they're cheaper, you are the mongoloid.
>If you think there isn't any legal barrier

Either your a different user in which case you don't truly grasp the negative IQ of the person I am talking with, or your the same guy in which case you are just going back on your word

no it isn't. Every other online store in the EU makes you pay extra depending on the payment and shipping method you choose.

desperate attempt to get some bucks from subhumans before closing up shop since nobody is buying or preordering anything from this shitty store

>sale seems cool
>it's all pre-order shit


>metro exodus that low
what? where?
>In fact, the Uplay edition sold ten times as many copies as the original Division -- none of which Ubisoft would have had to pay a merchant's cut for
let's face it everyone bought it with their uplay points giving it a 20% discount so they aren't earning that much more even with no cut

>tfw GOG was the only one that actually tried to compensate Yuropeans and now they can't afford to do it anymore

>John Wick and Epic/Fortnite

How is that such a popular partnership?

They literally sell a new John Wick skin for 2000 VBucks right now ($20!)

Well it is a legal barrier. Because you agree to the ToS and they have the legal right to deactivate your shit if you violate it.

you aren't committing crimes by buying cd keys from russia. The dev's also won't be violating any laws by deactivating your shit.

and by the way I'm not just spouting bs because I'm anonymous on the internet.

I spend $15 on a cd key for factorio years ago and the publisher deactivated the key while I was using it. I bought it from one of those key retailers in a foreign country. The factorio devs basically told me that I bought it through a illegitimate channel in the first place and that its unfortunate but they shut down all the keys related to that retailer.
I had no legal recourse against the retailer or the publisher. thats what I mean when I say legal barrier. Also I'd like to note that was pretty clear in the post you quoted, you just have bad reading comprehension.

>only the slavs are getting the full brunt of the benefits

How to trigger Yea Forums

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fuck you

>Well it is a legal barrier. Because you agree to the ToS
>legal barrier

user what the fuck are you on about?

Of course shipping costs differently dumb fuck, otherwise it had to be free. What you can't discriminate is how you choose to pay online. Not even the dumbfucks at Sony does that.

Why would anyone buy a Uplay game though steam anyway, you still need to launch Uplay if you want to play it

user, 2013 was 6 years ago

It means when they deactivate (essentially steal back after your bought it) your key they aren't violating any laws because you violated their ToS

its pretty simple user. at this point I don't give a shit whether or not you understand it.

I use FuCk69OfF101

theres an automatic vpn ban system so think again retards
its an account thing, not just the game removed
and they keep the money too lol
epic are scumbags

It's a bit like a mix between Ico and Journey, but not as good as that might sound.
The problem is that it's about as long and involved as Ico, but it constantly tries to pull your heartstrings and wow you while staying minimalistic like Journey. To me it made the game feel kind of shallow and try-hard. The ending twist is also something I kind of hated.

And neither are you if you use VPN to active said key, in which case they will never find out about it and legally speaking can't do anything about it either.

You got fucked because you got unlucky with a key and you were too stupid to take precations against getting fuccked, that doesn't change the fact that exceptions are not the rules and you know jack shit bout the subject, you just assume that if something happened to you then it must also have happened to everyone.
This is not the case and you I have been calling you a retard because you keep making this assumption

They got me hooked, i really dig the ubishit store with all their daily quests and little gimmicls.

You are cockhol

In my case, I can't literally think of any feature EGS is superior to Steam, the current "go-to" PC store. If you want to enter the online store amrket, I expect you will offer the consumer something better than whatever is dominating it to get a cut. That is not the case.

As a consumer, I like to support the devs when I like a game, but I also want a proper bang per buck and if supporting the product offers me better features (Workshop, an organized library, refunds, official updates and online play). EGS claims to be a lightweight, no bullshit store for the user and better option for the devs, yet what I see is a software that takes more RAM than steam, lacks basic features such as a shopping cart, automated refunds and is buying exclusivities left and right so the content of the store can't appear anywhere else, not itch.io nor GOG, and leaves transictions fees to the devs to deal with that are extremely fucked up in some countries.

I don't mind competition for online stores, just don't come to me with a shittier product that's worse in all regards to the one I have and expect me to buy it just because "it's better for the ones who made it". Their responsability is to make a worth buying product and properly promote it in order to make a living, not mine to give money for the sake of existing.

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So that's what it all boils down to?

20 posts of you being wrong about every subject known to man, just to move to goalposts to be wrong about something else and all we get out of it was
>well I got a CD key deactivated once that means it happens to everyone, CD resellers are all evil and everything related to them is illegal because ToS.

Ur a joke m8

Can I not buy Anno or something? What happened to the ubisoft games?

Well that's the greek spirit my dude. I do hope you straight guys get some eye candy too though. It wouldn't be fair otherwise.

No spine.

Why would Mediterraneans think up an African as one of their Gods?

>change country in my account settings
>can now buy games from other countries for almost nothing
I don´t know why this works without a VPN but I´ll take it.

Aphrodite is naked so I'm good, don't worry about me. I just wish she had better boons.

steam did this in during the lunar sale. It isn't original.

Where are the:
-mod support (workshop)
-Galleries, discussions
-Automated refunds
-Shopping cart
-Tags and sorting when browsing the store
-customizable library
-Adding games outside steam
-Launch options
-Social features such as groups, more than 1 person chatroms, etc
-Less RAM consumed than online stores with 5 times EGS features
-Cloud saving
-user reviews

And these are only from the top of my head. Don't give me the "they will add these features, look at the roadmap". Why the fuck are you offering me a phone from 10y ago and saying "don't worry, gimme a couple years and it will be as good as the current ones", fuck you, I want a decent service NOW. You're suppossed to be competing with steam, yet you're offering me nothing. I can pirate the games, and those who I can't can be found in other stores for the same price. Why, in all honesty, would I need to download EGS?

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uh, really? I don't remember that and that was only a while ago, the thing where they refund you if you bought it before the sale is definitely not original though

None of that is necessary.

Just checked the law. It is illegal in the EU to charge extra for credit card or bank transfer payments. Courts decided that this also applies to Paypal because Paypal just acts as an intermediary for credit card or bank transfers.
This does NOT apply to paysafecard since they can be bought with cash, so charging extra for Paysafecard is perfectly legal (as it should be).

Coming later like how 90% of their store is prepurchase or early access

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I've become numb to sales desu. Steam drowned me in so much of it that even their sales don't get me going anymore.

The Epic Games Store also isn't necessary

Neither are 90% of the features modern phones have.
Try to sell a brick Nokia from 15y ago, see how it goes.


Honestly fuck the roadmap, they will never stick to it and here's why: Every time they add a game to EGS it delays EVERYTHING, that's why they pushed the whole roadmap back by one month so imagine what happens when epic decides they want to add a bunch more games, every time it will delay the roadmap more and more.

guess my money isn't necessary for EGS either

During the sale if you spent $30 or more you get $5 off your whole cart.

Just pirate it, retard.

Most Steam games in my country (Argentina) are cheaper than that and not even on sale kek

>Don't give me the "they will add these features, look at the roadmap".
Do they really not have a shopping cart? IIRC it was supposed to be implemented two months ago, and wasn't there last month when I checked.

Ummm sweetie optimizing their process of adding games is also on the roadmap.


that's 6 months away

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lmao you cucks why do you even need a shopping cart?

their store isn't even that big at the moment to merit it

Many people buy and use brick phones in 2019.
And Nokia is still a good brand for brick phones.
What is your point?

Because I don't like to pay things one by one when I go to a supermarket or Amazon.
I look for everything I want, put it together and pay at one time.

It's a digital store, no really, how fucking HARD to add the feature of a shopping cart is.

Latest one I bought where Resident Evil 2 Remake on Greenman gaming.

>More than six months for a shopping cart
How do you not launch with one? It not incentivizes your consumer to buy more shit in a lump, not having one discourages purchasing a number of cheap games.

Nokia isn't buying phone apps, forcing app devs to not release their product outside and claiming their product is superior to smartphones.

>Get tempted to buy Phoenix Point
>Remember how the devs went on record saying that every kickstarter backer could pull out and they'd still be in the black
>Don't buy Phoenix Point
Never fucking ever will I use the epic fag store. If this game can't win me over at a discounted price, then nothing can.

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The more you know. Thanks senpai, was sure psc was under that too but I guess not.

I'll be holding off on that one until a hefty expansion comes after its release.

In the mean time I'm just burning the time away with some based as fuck X-Com Files.

>wow I want to buy 10 of these games in this awesome sale
>oh wait you mean I need to check out 10 times because a fucking store in 2019 doesn't have a basket? sheeeeeeeeit

Pretty sure online stores in the 2000s had baskets, why does epic need 6+ months to make one?

It's basically frozen synapse with a JW theme


fuck you sweeney

don't be entitled. it's just new
and oh wow it's just a few more clicks

deal with it

Dumb phones don't have apps silly.

time is money and you're out of time sweeney

And EGS doesn't have any features

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>I don't want to fight for my rights I want them to be given to me
Okay pussy.

Don't rag on nokia bricks you cunts. Those can outlast a nuclear winter.

So can cockroaches but I don't try to pretend I like them

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>stupid amerifat repeating things he has no experience in

You didn't get me by offering games "for free", what makes you think your pathetic discounts will work?

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Our export of manufactured goods (sans weapons I guess) is not very developed. We mostly export natural resources, and a major percent of our whole economy basically hinges on oil. Back when the oil prices plummeted so did the rouble. We were actually beginning to do okay for ourselves, even despite the 2008 worldwide crash. Shit sucks, man.

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>Recently shipped features: Arabic store tranlation
>Mid term (4-6 months): User reviews, wishlists, mod support
>Long term (>6 months)
>mfw getting a client translation for mudslimes is more important than basic client features for Sweeney
Holy fuck, what an absolute dumpster fire of a client.

Attached: tim sweeney.jpg (1200x800, 103K)

>Recently shipped features: Arabic store tranlation
they want the oil prince audience

Is it true that the store still doesn't even have a shopping cart?

What kind of excuse is that???
Don't they have hundreds of millions?? Hire more people!!!

>price tag is crossed out two times


Attached: doublejewry.png (407x526, 145K)

Please use our store we'll give you some free games
user no don't walk away we'll do free games EVERY MONTH

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I refuse

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>store search
Wait do they mean something else by that or are they actually referring to a search bar?? I know it has very few games but that should be standard. The fuck are they praising themselves about??

yep, EGS launched without a search function, it took a few months for them to add it

Is it normal for a game like metro to already be on sale?? Genuinely asking, i thought it would hold it's price for longer.

Yes, every game goes on sale after 1 month because there are so many games coming out these days.

Didn't Metro came out on february?It's been almost 3 months, good enough for a sale

I mean what do dumb guaylo need search for, just buy every game you stupid westerner.
Chyna namba wan

I was absolutely expecting a sale but not expecting it under 30-40 bucks.
20 seems rather low.

guess they pay the pubblisher to be able to make bigger sales

Exodus flopped. Of course it's going to go on sale this fast and this cheap.

>No it didn't.