The Japanese Mario Maker 2 site lists a lot of things the US one didn't show or explain
There's also a long video of Arino introducing SMM2
The Japanese Mario Maker 2 site lists a lot of things the US one didn't show or explain
There's also a long video of Arino introducing SMM2
Other urls found in this thread:
Arino is still alive?
And here I put four images they show together. they show the desert, snow, forest and castle theme in the four basic styles.
Pretty cool stuff.
A new GCCX episode literally aired like last week.
this nigga arino wearing his elementary school clothes
I'm gonna make so many comfy snow/ice levels. It was my #1 theme I wished for.
Man, I love SMB-style new sprites.
Still has hair at whatever age he is and I'm just a balding bitchboy.
>says this
>nothing new or not explained is actually shown
epic nintenbaby lies
NSMB sun doesn't look angry at all. It looks more like it's given up on life.
Night time snow levels are going to be max comfy. I hope that the extra gimmicks that night time brings can be toggled on or off though.
You need to laugh more
I have about 18 seasons of Game Center on my computer, what are the best episodes?
I love all of em but doki doki memorial, prince of persia and Clock tower
>I've played this, finally a game that I'm actually good at!
>3 parts
Are there any gamecenter cx episodes on YouTube?
just download a 100+gb torrent like i did
All the quiz games are good. Umihara Kawase episode is a classic too
Well I have easy access to YouTube from my tv you see.
wtf is wrong with SMB3's Goombrats
You want new subs?
Hey Yea Forums,I have a brainlet question.
How come certain words sound the same in different languages? Like when he says "Mario Maker" but then the rest of the sentence is in japanese.
Those retard goombas will haunt my nightmares
Because those are loan words? It's like asking why baguette and croissant spoken by an English speaker sound like French words.
Remember that Japs take English in highschool. Many of them know many English words and like to use them. On top of that some are loan words like another user mentioned. Those are usually modern words that they didn't need a word for until it was introduced by another culture and why change the word at that point.
I know I'm getting a bit off topic here but for another videogame example,at about 15:30 in the video Heihachi mentions the King of the Iron Fist Tournament and I think it's the only line he says in english.
Surely Japan has words for king or tournament right? Like if he used the word king in a totally seperate sentence would it be in english still or would he use a different version of it?
Yes, of course there's a japanese word for king and tournament, but sometimes they like to use english or other foreign languages to sound "cool" or just because they think it sounds good. In the particular case of Tekken, the tournament is international so it fits that the name is also in english.
>that Arino video
>Surely Japan has words for king or tournament right?
Well they do and they don't. "Kingu" and "Tornamento" are loan word that most people would know. There are words for these things in Japanese but they might have slightly different connotations. Like they have the words daiymo or tenno but those don't really mean King because remember Japan has never really had "kings" though obviously an emperor is similar which is tenno. For the most part though this likely a case of them thinking the English sounds cool more than anything else.
Hate to be the eternal pessimist but the sandstorm in New Super Mario Bros Wii was intermittent.
I hate nsmb music.
He's only 47, believe it or not. Not all Japs get that slo-mo aging gene.
I wouldn't jump to conclusions. The sandstorm could go on and off at various intervals, and I'm pretty sure that's how the wind in Lost Levels functioned, but I might be wrong.
Come on now. Don't be like that.
You should just stick to 'because English is cool'.
This is a different example, here he's using English precisely because he's talking to the entire world. It's a tournament open internationally, so he's using the international language to promote it.