Games for this feel

Games for this feel

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i dont know if theres anything on the market lovecraftian enough to be truly kafkaesque

>Oh no! Persecution complex simulator!
Do they exist?

Well I can think of games with complicated bureaucracy at least

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Spec Ops

>hey player, do this thing to progress the game

That's not kafkaesque, it's just stupid and pretentious

>You're a monster! You chose to continue playing this game, knowing you will kill a lot of people! You enjoy killing people don't you? But you couldn't drop the controller and return the game? Says a lot about you!

yeah i realised as soon as i posted it it doesnt really count

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Every Day The Same Dream
Stanley Parable

Stanley's Parable, it's a walking simulator though.

gta lost and damned

What games are Lynchian?

Meat touching


Don't they mean Kefkaesque?



Earthbound is, kind of.

>we live in a society

t. brainlet

oh you card

Just move to China for a weekend

Deadly Premonition

Animal Crossing
The Sims
Harvest Moon
basically any life sim game

Every time. The game constantly tries to separate Walker from the player.

Yep. DP is pretty much not-Twin Peaks: The Game.
Fucking love it.

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Hotline Miami

I don't think you know what Kafkaesque means

what does it mean

I remember trying to get into the game before seeing TP and thinking "eh" and dropping it after an hour
Came back after watching TP and damn I love DP

I think that is pretty Kafkaesque, but not in the way the creators intended.

>of, relating to, or suggestive of Franz Kafka or his writings
>especially : having a nightmarishly complex, bizarre, or illogical quality

>Animal Crossing

What games are niggerianz n shiet Yea Forums?

just AC, then

Similar thing happened to me. Try for an hour, realize it's broken or just fucked in some way, like the car suddenly going on its side just because a fly sneezed next to it.
Leave it for a few months, decide to try it again because I don't like not finishing games, fall in love with York. The game really is amazing in so many ways but it can be a struggle to get over the, at times, awkward gameplay.

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I don't think I understand you, user.


Deadly Premonition is a twin peaks ripoff but it sure the hell isnt Lynchian

>lots of people work in the same environment so everything is literally the same for everyone and literally the same every day


Aren't these games the polar oppositve of kafkaesque?

Walker is not the player.

playing life sim games is pretty kakfasque in itself


The best way I've heard it describe is when the world seems to have lost its logic but you keep struggling to make sense of it, to no avail.
If you take The Trial for example, it's a guy that's lost in bureaucracy, keeps trying to understand what he was even arrested for only to die never knowing.

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the whole point of the WP scene is to instill same paranoia walker suffers after killing those civilians. he truly believes it wasnt his fault and he didn't have a choice and these beliefs align with player beliefs 100% because you, the player, truly didn't have a choice in the matter. it is a tiny window in ptsd ruined head of a soldier. the game isnt meant to make you feel bad because killing civilians is bad but because walker is in pretty much the same mindstate at that part of the game, denying his responsibility on the event. appreciate what the game does instead of completely missing the point of it.

based skelly

Dark Seed 2, unironically.

But what games are Schopenhauerian?

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What are some Kojimaesque games?
There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that firmly believe games should be

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it's not like I'm buying my games anyway

games should be free.

Remember when the internet was running out?

Video games are inherently Schopenhauerian.

but new games cost 69€-74€ here


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EC is quite possibly the most reddit channel on youtube.

Splinter Cell

I've seen worse. They used to be decent when they focused on actual game design.

How many of you have even read anything by Kafka? Got any favorites of his works?

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That guy from final fantasy? I don't think he wrote anything.

The intro to KH2 unironically

bling blong

absolute howling

I'm sorry to say this user, but you have sense of humor cancer.

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based and kevinpilled

The idea is solid, but when you get loading screen tips firing cheap shots at you, it kind of ruins the effect.

Those philosopher comics are great every time.
Even taught me a thing or two about what beliefs go with what names and what they entail.

Flower, Sun and Rain

Haven't read too much of his work but you can't go wrong with The Trial, Metamorphosis and In the Penal Colony. I still have to get around and get some compilation of his other short stories.

Metal Gear Survive


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>but when you get loading screen tips firing cheap shots at you
It's a video game you massive pussy.
Jesus if the people so ass blasted realized that the emotions they felt is what the game was attempting to do they'd be praising it, but they're too stupid to understand it's not real, or Mass Effect.
The story was going to do the same thing regardless of what you did, your interpretation of it being molded so severely was intended by the game.

Being nonsensical trash.

I believe that's to further the idea that you are not Walker, to make you realize that Walker is an independent character, not a blank stand-in for the player. That's why the tips are just like "This is just a game". It forces you to separate yourself from Walker.
The typical game tries to make the player feel like the badass character while in Spec Ops the Line, you're more like the vestigial consciousness of Walker's broken mind.

>Never pay more than $20 for a video game

They're actually pretty shit sorry. they're basically all massive oversimplications of every philosophy

>Literally quoting a joke line
Amazing the extent stupid people will go to lock in their ideology

There is something here that I'm not gseeing but I don't know what it is

I wasn't offended by them, you moron, I was just disappointed that they'd really stoop that low. If they wanted to make me feel guilty about being a mass murderer, then passive agressive remarks on the goddamn loading screen are not the way to do it, because that's just embarrassing.

I get what they were trying to say, I just think they did an awful job, for many reasons. I never felt like I was witnessing the story of a war criminal with PTSD, told from his delusional point of view, I felt like I was playing a mediocre shooter that was trying to sell me some half-assed narration inbetween fights.

You might enjoy this as well if you're not familiar with it, it's a classic.
Just remember they're very simplified philosophies, specially since they're focused on telling a joke. You only get the general idea, nothing too specific.

>Play Animal Crossing
>Get attached to game and play regularly
>In the back of your mind while you play
>You think of all the time wasted
>The government and corporations getting more intrusive each day
>All of your friendships lost and gone
>All your loved ones disconnecting and dying

Yeah it's Kafkaesque

it's just subverting our expectations

>I wasn't offended by them, you moron, I was just disappointed that they'd really stoop that low.
This reads like someone in complete denial

>This reads like someone in complete denial
This reads like someone with a dick up their ass.

Being a fag is something that can be fixed, being a fucking moron is not

fucking owned

I don't get it.

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it's the same as her hair, wristbands and shoes

the meat is the same colour as her hair, shoes, and bracelet

Well, work hard and hopefully one day you can at least proudly call yourself a straight moron.

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I aspire to be this man

characteristic or reminiscent of the oppressive or nightmarish qualities of Franz Kafka's fictional world.
"a Kafkaesque bureaucratic office"

hmm, the best way i can explain it is... when something is, how you say, "kafkaesque", it is an intelligent way of saying epic sauce. to put it simply? awesomesauce to the power of OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!

The dmv is a hellish nightmare of signing shit and filling out forms and having documents you didnt know were required.

she's touching the meat

No touching the meat ma'am

Just get a job.
At least you'll get paid for your trouble.

What? The last time I went it was literally just telling them my SSN, my name, and my birth date. It took like 15 minutes and they snapped a picture and printed the ID then and there.

Metamorphisis is my favourite book of all time. Everyone should read it, it’s short as fuck (I read it in a single sitting as a 15 year old) and it’s subtexts are basically garunteed to resonate on some level with everybody.

I’ve always thought it would be perfect book for required school reading/study. Better than the shit I had to read anyway. But maybe it’s “message” is too bleak, since it’s really easy to connect it to mental health, and the story ends with his family being better off without him, and they’re glad when he finally dies.