Have we witnessed perfection?
Have we witnessed perfection?
No. Boobs too small
>monkey hears
Yeah, no.
you have no taste women with large ears are my fetish
Left soulless - right soul
Leave it alone you fucking autists.
It's fine.
Except for the monkey hears.
>pretty woman is soulless
>pretty woman after plastic surgery is soul
too bad she dies
everyone dies some day user
Aerith isn't asian so left is perfect.
Aeris in original FF VII - Advent - Crisis Core never had a long chin to begin with.
Her eyes are just a tad too big. Make them smaller and it would be fine
No, that'll come in June when we see Nomura's waifu, my waifu, and even if you don't know it yet; your waifu.
> Americanization of Aeris - perfect edition.
is a good thing.
can someone make me a gif of her just handing out the flower?
Pic not related, I assume.
She might not.
>glowing bug eyes
Was she in SOLDIER, too?
So, Aeris was actually the last descendant of some ancient race that used to fight Jenova's race? Is this right?
Jenova is a singular entity capable of spreading itself out and imitating other forms of life, like John Carpenter's The Thing. But otherwise that's correct. The Ancients were nearly wiped out by Jenova and by several of their kind splintering off and losing their connection to the planet, but they managed to seal Jenova in a crater for a few thousand years.