New Splinter Cell at E3 all but confirmed

>New Splinter Cell at E3 all but confirmed
>Chaos Theory director and Ironside most likely returning


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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Splinter_Cell:_Pandora_Tomorrow

>UPDATE: Seems this Ubi boss was trolling us all
>Ubisoft says surprise Splinter Cell reveal on Twitter was just a joke
>Ubisoft creative director claims he's working on Splinter Cell - then says it's just a joke
What the fuck is wrong with them?

I would suck a dick just to have a Master Chief-esk collection of all the Spy v Mercs throughout the series. Doesn't even have to be remastered, just ported

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Ubi employees enjoy trolling. Regardless, we know two things.

1: There was a Splinter Cell game in development after Blacklist. It was cancelled.

2: A Splinter Cell is in development. The Walmart Canada leak in early 2018 was the biggest confirmation. Non-English voice actors for Sam Fisher have dropped massive hints. Ironside came back to voice the character in Wildlands. It's on, but we don't know HOW on it is.

>1: There was a Splinter Cell game in development after Blacklist. It was cancelled.
I'd love to know more about this project.

> new SC by the creative director of The Division 2
Hope it's a joke indeed

Even if it was real it would suck like all modern splinter cells..The last good stealth game was a middle market french game about a goblin that spent half of his dialogue calling a bitch fat.

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>still made by Ubisoft

Blacklist is a masterpiece.

>He's behind me making that fucking face again. I don't even have to turn around to know it. God damn it. I hate that goddamned stupid face he makes. God fucking dammit.

I remember hearing the Chaos Theory guy was back to working on Far Cry.

Whatever happens, I just hope its a classic style Splinter Cell. I always hear how series need to ''evolve'' and ''innovate'' to stay relevant, but thats not always the goddamn case. Often times people just want more of the good thing, specially when theyve asking for it for more than half a decade at this point?
So I said, ''Whatever happens'', but what I really mean is give us classic SC with Ironside, or dont give us nothing at all. Retcon Blacklist, idgaf.

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maybe if you ignore the complete bastardization of the main character.

AAA games cost huge amounts of money to create. Ubisoft aren't in the business of making expensive flops.

It's not gonna be classic SC at all, did you see what they did to Ghost recon?

It WILL be open world, it WILL be easy AF, it WILL include microtransactions, season passes, deluxe digital shit edition, etc.

I can only hope they stick to SC gameplay
but they wont.

>spy vs merc
my NIGGA! shit was so cash, have easily 700+ on chaos theory alone for mp. splinter cell mp was one of those most unique things ive ever played in all 30 years of my life

Blacklist Sam is fine. He's more Sam-like than Conviction Sam.

I remember the "all but confirmed" posting from last year as well.
I'm not holding my breath.

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they're both bad
>dude 4th echelon is 1 more than 3rd echelon lmao

Real life is just as bad
>Space Force

>4th echelon is literally 3 dudes and a chick that travel around the world in a plane to stop terrorism and has the president on speed-dial


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Why does every good series go full anime and flush itself down the toilet?

>What is an anti-terrorism task force?

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It felt so good to have Sam bossed around by a female president and a female Grimm. The future is female. I can't wait for the new Splinter Cell to open with 4 hours of Sam Fisher gameplay, but then he breaks his hip climbing over a fence and you swap perspectives to his daughter, who is fighting alt-right terrorists at an abortion clinic. *inhales own farts deeply* The future is female.

>No new Prince of Persia

What a dumb complaint, 3rd Echelon was literally the same. There were other splinter cells but it was still a very small-scale, off-the-books operation, only the President and Secretary of Defense knew about it. That's the whole point of it.

Just give a Chaos Theory type game with more modern controls and amazing lighting.

Just be a return to form and embrace that its' a stealth series.

Pretty sure Ironside said he would have nothing more to do with Splinter Cell until either Ubisoft gets their head out of their asses (which is unlikely) or the IP passes to someone who wont further murder Sam's character.

Citation Needed
He literally just voiced Sam in Wildlands, and SC is arguably his biggest source of income at this point, just to talk into a microphone for a few hours

>Ironside most likely returning

I've never cared about this. Sperging out over voice actors is what retard fanboys do. Ironside just did a generic manly gruff voice. Nothing particularly amazing.

I know you're just ironically false flagging, but seriously kill yourself.

>just to talk into a microphone for a few hours
You have NO clue how voice acting works.


Ironside has no love of Sam. Voice acting in Splinter Cell is just a job to him. He literally initially took it just because he wanted to buy his wife a new car. He doesn't care about the character being "ruined".

Amon Tobin teasing another album

Yes he does because he got jewbisoft to change the script in several of the games to humanize Sam.

Then they said no we aren't doing that anymore we're just gonna be action game #382189340925367 which pissed him off because it threw away the previous character development of Sam.

>You have NO clue how voice acting works.
Enlighten me then
Because there's no way he's doing mocap based on how fat he's gotten

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Sounds like you have a bitch voice, bitchboi

>in several of the games

In only the first game he did that and that's because it was REALLY bad. He has never turned down a Splinter Cell job since. He did them all until Blacklist and he didn't walk from Blacklist because he was pissed with what they did to the character, they just never asked him to and he doesn't care that they didn't.

You act like he has this great reverie for the character when the reality is he doesn't care much. When a Splinter Cell fan once walked up to him to praise him for the character he didn't have a clue what he was talking about. To him it was just some forgotten job.

>Then they said no we aren't doing that anymore we're just gonna be action game #382189340925367 which pissed him off because it threw away the previous character development of Sam.
No he fucking didn't, he had cancer
He straight up says he never left the role:

Can't wait for an open world survival crafting battle royale with night vision

>New Splinter Cell at E3 all but confirmed
Are you fucking retarded?
It's not happening, Ubisoft openly stated not long ago it's not fucking happening and the tweets were a fucking joke aimed directly at the fact that it's not happening.

Dense cunt.

If Ubisoft are so hellbent on keeping this faster gameplay style, why not have you play as a younger agent with Sam in Lambert's role? Sam moving that quick doesn't make sense considering he's pushing his 60s and didn't move that fast before Conviction.

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He wasn’t in Blacklist because he was fighting cancer and Ubi had the decency to obey his wishes and not publicly reveal it as the reason he wasn’t cast.

don't take it so literally, but yeah one of the things i liked about splinter 1-3 and in particular chaos theory is that sam fisher isn't just a ninja, his movement has weight, and this factors into how you play, the character model is realistic which makes sense for the stealthing, takes a second for him to gain speed when moving instead of just darting from here to there like in the first game. but given how conviction plays it wouldn't have made sense for it to be like that.

nah, it's fuckn dumb mate. I'm surprised they didn't name their plane Air Force 2

A Splinter Cell game is currently in development. There's a reason the Canadian Walmart leak in 2018 had an entry for Splinter Cell, along with Rage 2, Borderlands 3, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, and so on.

Sam Fisher is a huge part of the appeal of Splinter Cell. You may as well ask why James Bond movies feature James Bond who occasionally gets old in between reboots and his body starts failing and shit and that's a major plot point in the movies.

just give me a remaster of chaos theory already

>A Splinter Cell game is currently in development.
No there isn't, there's been 4 Splinter Cell games over the last 5 years, but none of them have made it past pre-production and there isn't one currently in production. Every single Ubisoft team is tied up on other projects at the moment, you won't see another Splinter Cell game for another decade, if ever.


*half a decade

Sure thing kid

Are you the same user that leaked a bunch of shit a few months ago?

It needs to be close to CTs gameplay or no buy

You don't have to believe me, but tell me, who's making it? Ubisoft has finite number of studios and games don't magically appear out of the aether, so surely you can tell me who's making it

Keeping in mind the studio that was setup to make it hasn't and the director fucked off to head up Google Stadia.

Good chance, I doubt i'm the only disgruntled employee around though.

>No there isn't, there's been 4 Splinter Cell games over the last 5 years, but none of them have made it past pre-production and there isn't one currently in production.
Tells us more about these projects. What happened to the most recent one? Aka, the one mentioned in the Walmart leak?

Also, if you're a Ubisoft insider, tell us about the next Far Cry and shit.

>You don't have to believe me, but tell me, who's making it?
The theory for a few years has been Ubisoft Toronto. Clint Hocking said a few years back that he isn't working on SC, but the project could have been rebooted since then. Hocking is the very obvious candidate to make a new Splinter Cell because he worked on the original and directed the most highly regarded entry in the series. Of course, Hocking also directed the Far Cry with the most cult appeal, so some question whether maybe he's making a new Far Cry.

Anyway, speaking of Far Cry, I'm curious about the German branch of Ubisoft that is working on Far Cry, apparently.

>Keeping in mind the studio that was setup to make it hasn't and the director fucked off to head up Google Stadia.
You mean Jade Raymond? She left Ubisoft 4 years ago and formed EA Motive. Made the singleplayer campaign for Battlefront II. Now she's at Stadia.

If there's no Splinter Cell in development, how do you explain the cryptic remarks from the Italian voice actor for Sam Fisher and stuff like that? Just Wildlands stuff?

>You don't have to believe me
Okay I won't

>Sam, your suits camouflage should help you stay hidden in the long grass, try it now

Give us fucking awesome gossip about the internals of Ubisoft, user. What are the three unannounced games Ubisoft are releasing between now and March 2020?
>Are you the same user that leaked a bunch of shit a few months ago?

I hate when "insiders" turn up, make some claims, and then fuck off.

if they did that it will flop because zoomers wont be able to get into it. stealth is a niche genre to begin with after all

>I'm an employee, here's some vague statements about my company that anyone can make up
>Give us some proof you work there

>>Give us some proof you work there
People aren't even asking for proof he works there. Just elaboration. Instead of saying, "There were 10 Splinter Cell games and they all got cancelled", tell us WHY they got cancelled. Tell us who was directing them. Tell us whether Ironside was involved. And if you worked for Ubisoft, it SHOULDN'T BE THAT FUCKING HARD TO EXPLAIN THE WALMART SPLINTER CELL LEAK. THAT SHOULD BE MOTHERFUCKING EMPLOYEE WATER COOLER GOSSIP 101 SHIT.

>What happened to the most recent one? Aka, the one mentioned in the Walmart leak?

It wasn't a full Splinter Cell game, it was going to be a teaser for a downloadable VR Spies vs Mercenaries spin off, PS4 exclusive, being developed by Ubisoft Montreal and Red Storm Entertainment who are currently making a number of VR titles for Ubisoft. It was shit canned.

In 2012 Ubisoft Toronto started pre-production on a new Splinter Cell game whilst Blacklist was being wrapped up using AnvilNext.

In 2014 the Blood Dragon team of Ubisoft Montreal was working on first person Splinter Cell.

End of 2016/early 2017 Ubisoft Paris got handed the remains of the 2012 Toronot project and started prototyping an open world Splinter Cell that would then be handed off to Ubisoft Shanghai and developed in tandem with Breakpoint.

Take Blacklists gameplay
Remove Mark and Execute (not even normies like this shit)
Add interrogations
Add a sound "radius" (visualized as a circle around Sam and another circle for ambient noise, for retards)
Add like two more light detection stages (darkness, low light, medium light, completely lit up)
Add Sam's signature wall-split maneuver
Add a launcher attachment with different LTL rounds
Add an EMP attachment for pistols

Now you have Chaos Theory for normies

>It wasn't a full Splinter Cell game, it was going to be a teaser for a downloadable VR Spies vs Mercenaries spin off, PS4 exclusive, being developed by Ubisoft Montreal and Red Storm Entertainment who are currently making a number of VR titles for Ubisoft. It was shit canned.
The Walmart Splinter Cell game was listed for Xbox One and PS4. That explanation doesn't entirely make sense. Why would they release a... teaser for a PS4 Splinter Cell VR game through Walmart?
>In 2014 the Blood Dragon team of Ubisoft Montreal was working on first person Splinter Cell.
That sounds curious. Splinter Cell was heavily inspired by Thief.
>End of 2016/early 2017 Ubisoft Paris got handed the remains of the 2012 Toronot project and started prototyping an open world Splinter Cell that would then be handed off to Ubisoft Shanghai and developed in tandem with Breakpoint.
And what happened to this project? I know Ubisoft Shanghai are making that pirate game, but they are the second most venerable Splinter Cell developer. They made Pandora Tomorrow, Double Agent 7th gen, and all the various PS2 ports and stuff. So... why was this project canned? Are you absolutely sure it was canned?

>You don't have to believe me, but tell me, who's making it?
What if someone like Microsoft licensed it from them?

Not him but that's 200% retarded

Splinter Cell basically exists as a series to be an Xbox hardware showcase. If Microsoft were looking for old Xbox franchises to revive, Splinter Cell would be near the top of the list. If there is going to be a new Splinter Cell, MS are almost certainly going to be involved in some capacity. Timed exclusive, full exclusive, that kinda thing.

blacklist in proper ghost mode > everything else
Fuck the whole "okay so now... okay Sam, SAM WAIT! WAIT WAIT WAIT! oh fuck you can move from the carefully placed alcove now that the guard is gone" levels

And I do mean proper ghosting: no distraction, no knocking out guards, none of this shit. That is the hardest thing to and it's hardest in Blacklist since the game provides requirements for it

If Ubisoft aren't working on Splinter Cell, what ARE they working on currently?

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>wallhack is missing

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>If Ubisoft aren't working on Splinter Cell, what ARE they working on currently?

Ubisoft Paris: Breakpoint
Ubisoft Shanghai: Skull and Bones
Ubisoft Singapore, Skull and Bones.
Ubisoft Toronto: Far Cry 6
Ubisoft Berlin: Far Cry
Ubisoft Reflections: Breakpoint, Far Cry 6, Skull and Bones, doing vehicle physics and simulations.
Ubisoft Leamington, helping Reflections.
Ubisoft Montreal: Assassins Creed Kingdom
Ubisoft Bucharest: Kingdoms and Breakpoint
Ivory Tower: The Crew 2, trying to avoid being shut down
Ubisoft Belgrade: Wildlands DLC, Breakpoint DLC, The Crew 2 DLC
Ubisoft Montpellier: Beyond Good and Evil 2
Ubisoft Annecy: Division 2
Ubisoft Milan: Rabbids Kingdom 2
Ubisoft Barcelona: VR
Ubisoft Sofia: Additional support on Kingdoms
Massive: The Division 2
Ubisoft Kiev: Trials, PC port of Kingdoms
Ubisoft Odesa, helping Kiev.

Here's hoping they go back to the old slower style of gameplay instead of the casualized actionized gameplay that Conviction and Blacklist had. They should go back to their roots like the two new Hitman games did, those games prove that you can go back to how a series used to be instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator and people will still buy your game.

>No optional objectives for collectables
>No store quickmenu

Amon Tobin returning with the soundtrack would be amazing as well.

>Ubisoft Berlin: Far Cry
What do you mean by this? I've heard that Berlin are working on overhauling the netcode for Dunia and shit like that, which could imply a multiplayer Far Cry title.
>Ubisoft Toronto: Far Cry 6
When did Toronto start working on Far Cry 6? Was it before or after Far Cry 5? Also, Clint Hocking works at Toronto. Is Hocking directing Far Cry 6? Do you know anything about the game?

>Ubisoft Sofia: Additional support on Kingdoms
A lot of "insiders" were convinced that Sofia was making an AC game set in Rome. Was this ever true?

Watch Dogs 3 is missing from your list. We have confirmation it is in development. Montreal, I assume? Also, do you have any idea why Ubisoft Bucharest were clearly pushed to release AC3 Remastered in an unfinished state? They're releasing a patch today that finally fixes the fucked up faces, over a month after release.

I hope it won't be open world
>open maps
>sound gauge again
>analog walking speed again
>blacklist's gunplay
>no execute button
>no seeing behind walls

Ubisoft have 3 unannounced games releasing between now and March 2020.

Just Dance?
Maybe a new Rabbids game?



>Ubisoft Milan: Rabbids Kingdom 2
Switch exclusive? Or is this just Rabbids and no Mario?

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>the last good stealth game was Hitman 2018

Chaos Theory > old-gen DA > PT > the original > new-gen DA > Blacklist > Conviction

Anyone who disagrees with this order needs to be shot.

Bump for great justice.

I just want some cool couch co-op I can do with my little brother.

What is the best way to play old-gen DA? Dolphin?

Latest version of PCSX2 using GL renderer at native resolution, since software renderer doesn't handle faux-HDR effects properly.

Original Xbox had the best version of Double Agent. PS2 and Gamecube simplified the levels and guards, along with the graphics, and the Wii version was the GC + horrible motion controls.

Splinter Cell was never good. These games were depressing as hell even. So dark, so generic. Very mediocre games. The first game has to be the most saddest game I have ever played. It is such a product of its time. I struggled to get through it. Everything is so dark and drab. Just made me want to kill myself. I've never played any other games that put me in such a low mood like Splinter Cell games did.

All but confirmed is just Yea Forums-nese for not happening

can't they just port Pandora Tomorrow to modern OSes?
it's the only one I can't replay on PC

Sam Fisher is not James Bond

SC games are dark, slow, and atmospheric
like a true stealth game

Pandora Tomorrow works flawlessly on modern machines with fan patches.'s_Splinter_Cell:_Pandora_Tomorrow You literally just install the widescreen fix and it handles everything else on its own.

>Xbox emulation is still shit
I hate it

oh nice, do I just torrent a PC iso or is it being distributed anywhere?

It was never released digitally. You'll have to find a version that doesn't have Starforce or whatever it was they were using back then. Should be easy enough.

>responding to the most posted splinter cell pasta in history

Ubisoft isn't to blame for this senpai. Ironside was recently hit with cancer at the time, so he couldn't take on the role. Obviously neither he nor Ubisoft could announce that news, so they tiptoed around it by saying shit like 'he's passing on the torch', etc. When Ironside cleared up that he had cancer during the interview for the Wildlands DLC, pretty much everyone went 'oooohhhhh....' It was just an unfortunate situation for literally everyone, one that couldn't be circumvented. But otherwise, Blacklist really is quite excellent. Ghosting levels was stealthkino, and gameplay still contained that Conviction edge where you could let lose and play it as operatorkino. I still spin it up every few months and it certainly holds up from gameplay perspective.

implying I don't have a notepad doc with canned responses to all of these

What I don't fully understand is how a company with 12,000 employees can't figure out how to get 100 of those employees to make a Splinter Cell game.

>Splinter Cell was never good. These games were depressing as hell even. So dark, so generic. Very mediocre games. The first game has to be the most saddest game I have ever played. It is such a product of its time. I struggled to get through it. Everything is so dark and drab. Just made me want to kill myself. I've never played any other games that put me in such a low mood like Splinter Cell games did.

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Hey did you know that Sam Fisher is the splinter cell?

A splinter cell is an individual operative who is a cell onto himself. That way he cannot be directly linked to any controlling agency or nation, and is thus 100% deniable, and can carry out the most dangerous missions without risking the reputation of his employer.

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Is it possible Yea Forums that maybe, just maybe, he is right?

>Ironside came back to voice the character in Wildlands.
Yeah and the Splinter Cell crossover mission in Wildlands is literally the least stealthy mission in the entire game by a massive margin. There is no other mission that spawns multiple pre-aggroed attack helicopters that instantly respawn new ones upon being destroyed. If that's what Ubisoft thinks Splinter Cell is now, then Splinter Cell 7 is probably going to be a Bamham game where every time your melee combat kill combo reaches 30 it triggers 5 seconds of invisibility that is the full extent of the game's stealth.

Isn't Sam like 60+ years old by now?

Yeah, which is why Blacklist should have had him as the leader of 3rd Echelon after Lambert died and someone else should have been in the field.

Blacklist was good.

>Ironside returning
I don't even care if it's open world shit, I'd pay for Ironside to record an audiobook.

They should team up with F.E.A.R.

Assassins creed has everything that PoP has, also the franchise died THANKS TO FUCKING DISNEY

AC1 literally is PoP:Sands 2

Ubi leaker confirmed that Ubi aren't interested in Prince of Persia because they don't own the rights and therefore have to pay licensing fees.

Disney really bought the IP right?
I see the rat buying it and keeping as hostage because of fucking Alladin.

I wish they'd do Splinter Cell on PS4 with cooperative mode.

I'm pretty sure Prince of Persia belongs to Jordan Mechner. Ubisoft have some weird legal arrangement where they have the rights to make PoP games but they don't actually own PoP. It's been a while since I checked the specifics. Basically, Ubi didn't like the idea of not getting all the money.